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File metadata and controls

42 lines (23 loc) · 2.89 KB

This program is designed to make sideloading a little easier and allow for you to save your 2FA password to make things quicker. Just to be clear: My program is a joke compared to Cydia Impactor and it's not mean as an attack on Saurik or anything like that. I just made it for lazy people like myself, I respect the work of real programmers like the tweak dev's and Saurik immensely. This is written in Autoit and the source code is available on github, PLEASE SEE the .au3 file for the SOURCE!

Heads up, this version is a stripped down version of 2.51, use 2.51 if you don't use 2FA.

To run...

  1. Download Loaderv2.6FA.exe from

  1. Drop the Loaderv2.6FA.exe into your cydia impactor folder

  2. Put your IPA's into the Cydia Impactor folder OR create a folder Called "IPA Files" inside the Cydia folder and put your IPA's in there and just launch the program. This program only supports up to 6 IPA's.

  3. Launch Loaderv2.6FA.exe, if it's your first time you will be prompted to enter your Apple ID which will be encrypted and written to a .ini file!

NOTE: If Loader ever gets stuck/freezes: Right click on the tray icon on the bottom right and stop its execution.

  1. There will be a list of all your IPA's listed, Enter your 2FA password for each IPA beneath each IPA, Use the Checkbox to select which IPA's you want to install.
    If CydiaImpactor gets stuck on 'VerifyingApplication', then a timer is triggered for 10seconds, then another 10 seconds, and then the next IPA will be installed.


I ENCOURAGE YOU TO Compile the Script yourself! go to and download their program then just right click the script to compile it! The code is VERY simple so it’s obvious that it doesn’t even connect to the internet. Also change the $Salt value by changing Global $sSalt = @ComputerName & @DocumentsCommonDir to Global $sSalt = "Whateveryouwant" if you want to have your own internal value for the CryptKey in the compiled exe! Sidenote: To make the 'Salt' value more secure, it's based off of your ComputerName and TheDocumentsCommonDir, this means that the software is NOT mobile, and cannot be 'tossed' onto a USB. If you want to do that you need to compile it yourself and define the $sSalt value to something static aka "123456789whatever" Second Sidenote: The program is not written for it to be UNHACKABLE, Keep your settings file safe and don't run it on a public computer if that worries you, or delete the settings file after you run it.

Essentially what the program does is:

  1. Asked for username and password or pulls from .ini file if existing

  2. Launch Impactor if it's not open already

  3. Click the the "Install Package" option from CydiaImpactor menus

  4. Type the IPA name that the user chose or dragged onto exe into CydiaImpactor then hit ok

  5. Type username into CydiaImpactor then hit ok

  6. Type password into CydiaImpactor then hit ok