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Protocol/Service Multiplexer Proxy Filter Driver for BTHUSB


The BthPS3PSM.sys kernel-mode filter driver performs patching the PSM values in the incoming L2CAP (USB bulk pipe) packets before they reach the bthusb.sys function driver.

The driver is meant to be loaded as a lower filter for GUID_DEVCLASS_BLUETOOTH class devices which run under the USB enumerator. This effectively targets a wide rage of inherently compatible Bluetooth host radio devices attached via USB (common nano dongles, integrated cards, ...) eliminating the necessity of crafting a custom *.inf including explicit hardware IDs.

Although it's currently not supported by Windows to run multiple Bluetooth host radios at the same time, the driver has been designed with multiple radios in mind and can handle this case, should it ever be pushed to production by Microsoft. The driver aborts initialization if it's attached to a device stack not running under the supported USB enumerator.


The PS3 peripherals lack a standard-compliant SDP record and try to directly establish the two L2CAP channels HID Control (PSM 0x11) and HID Interrupt/Data (PSM 0x13) with the Bluetooth host radio, a procedure which is not allowed in the Windows Bluetooth DDIs. The Microsoft provided bthport.sys driver holds authority over all system PSMs and - in vanilla operation - immediately denies connection attempts for those with status ConnectionRefusedPsmNotSupported = 0x0002. A way around this limitation is patching the internal function involved in matching against these PSM values, although it's highly recommended to avoid this approach to not put kernel integrity and stability at risk.


To accomplish its goal, the filter driver intercepts IRP_MJ_INTERNAL_DEVICE_CONTROL requests traveling down from BTHUSB.SYS towards the USB subsystem, looks for IOCTL_INTERNAL_USB_SUBMIT_URB I/O code and attaches a completion routine in case the URB_FUNCTION_BULK_OR_INTERRUPT_TRANSFER function was requested, matching the Bulk In Endpoint (where L2CAP traffic is to be expected). The completion routine identifies requests of type L2CAP_Connection_Request, checks the buffer against containing values of PSM_HID_CONTROL or PSM_HID_INTERRUPT and overwrites them to the values the BthPS3.sys profile driver listens on. This modification happens before bthport.sys!BthIsSystemPSM is called, therefore shipping around the necessity of modifying/hooking this function.


This method can cause unintended side-effects for other devices attempting to directly connect via the "forbidden PSMs", therefore the driver exposes a simple API allowing the profile driver (and elevated user-land processes) to temporarily disable its patching capabilities, effectively restoring standard-compliant operation of the entire Bluetooth stack without the need of unloading the filter or power-cycling the host radio.