Changes in features
- removed unused codes related to RF solver, JFNK, old DDC, Overland flow, excavation, BRNS, etc
- removed point output of some mechanics results into CSV
- added $TOTAL_STRESS_COUPLING in PCS to support total stress coupling approach for HM
- add $TIME_THETA in NUM
- use only CRS for sparse matrix (non-PETSc builds)
- support paralution linear solver (experimental)
- support output into a single CSV file with PETSc
- support subdomain deactivation with PETSc
- support $DEACTIVATE_MATRIX_FLOW in PCS for TH monolithic process
Bug fix
- fix MSVC builds. add /NODEFAULTLIB:libcmt to link ogs
- fix mechanics for partitioned coupling
- fix extrapolation of strain
- fix total strain. no need to include thermal strain
- fix TH_MONOLITHIC process
Changes in development
- move tests/gtests to ThirdParty
- add Eigen3 in ThirdParty
- support dynamic linking
- enabled static build in MSVC with MSVC_RUNTIME=static
- removed unused CMake options
- Appveyor deploys artifacts to GitHub (only tag)
- reactivated M/TM/HM benchmarks on travis
- support benchmarking with OGS#PETSc on travis
- added builds with clang on travis
- minimum petsc version 3.5
Changes in features
- changed GCC optimization flag from -O3 to -O2 -march=native
- support Lis configuration via command line arguments
- print current time for log
- support limiting memory usage via MAXMEM_GB environmental variable (only on Linux)
- support CSV output
- use csvdiff in benchmarking
Changes in development
- now reuires c++11
- support ccache
- fix builds with MSVC
- add LIS_DIR cmake option
- use trusty in travis
- use Appveyor
- run benchmarks on travis
Bug fix
- fix a parsing error if a comment comes after the number of deactivated subdomains in PCS
- abort if a linear solver fail
- print elasped time instead of CPU time
- bugfix in TECPLOT output for polylines
- bugfix in face integration for applying ST
Changes in features
- New porosity model 13 dependent on volumetric strain and unjacketed volumetric strain (Blöcher 2013) by Antoine Jacquey
- New porosity model 14 dependent on volumetric strain and unjacketed volumetric strain and temperature (case 18 + thermal dependency) by Antoine Jacquey
- New Youngs modulus model 3 for drained model by Antoine Jacquey
- New viscosity model 22 from Ramey et al (1974)
- New viscosity model 30 having exponential dependency (from Fabien Magri)
- New viscosity model 31 from Fabien Magri
- New adaptive time stepping method PID (still experimental)
- Support arbitrary expression in FUNCTION using exprtk (
- Support DIRECT in IC with PETc
- Support PETSc v3.5
- Reactivate Ctr-C break (from Marc)
Changes in the codes
- License headers added
- Removed unused codes for current modeling , e.g. GUI, GEM, PQC
Bug fix
- fixed a bug in TECPLOT output for POINT with PETSc. Don't output for ghost nodes.
- fixed errors in deformation with fracture elements
- fixed a bug in setting 3rd BC with PETSc
- support DEFORMATION processes with PETSc
- check line ending of infput files (i.e. Windows or Unix)
- support deactivated domains with Lis and PARDISO
- detect a partitioned mesh file including the partition number
Bug fix
- fix PVTU output that alias of node value names were not used
- fix bugs around quadratic prism elements
- add -Wno-unused-local-typedefs
- remove -Woverloaded-virtual
Bug fix
- get PETSc version in cmake
- support TH_MONOLITHIC process with PETSc nonlinear solve and field split
- delete unused directores: Qt, UTL
- delete unused processes: PTC_FLOW
Bug fix
- avoid having very small time step size due to crtiical time
- correct convergence rate in picard
- suport BENCHMARK_DIR and BENCHMARK_REF_FIR options in cmake
- activate compression of LEQS with Lis
- support longlong with MKL
Bug fix
- fix possible memory access error in CElem::MarkingAll
- merge EoS and stress dependent permeability from trunk
- support $TIME_INTERPOLATION also in BC
- merges works from Fabien's project
- support INITIAL and ELEMENT distribution types
- improve speed to construct JDS matrix
- add PETREL data type to output
Bug fix
- fix a bug that STEPS setting in OUT files does not work when multiple #OUTPUT are given
- fix a bug that biot was not multiplied in a strain coupling term
- support PETSc for liquid flow and heat transport
- support PVTU output
- change NGPoints for TET from 15 to 5. this saves memory quite lot
- output 13 digits of point coordinates in VTK with PETSc
- add CSV data output type
- support 3rd BC type: $TRANSFER_COEFFICIENT
- support $CONSTRAIN in BC
- support coupling iteration based adaptive time stepping
- add time step number to solution file names
- add keyword $LEQS_OUTPUT to PCS
- fix a bug with restart. Initial last_active_time shoud be start_time
- use (non-) symmetric weighted matching for Pardiso
- add OGS_ONLY_TH cmake option to optimize memory for TH simulations
- add new Density models 20,21 (p-T-c dependent) and Viscocity models 20, 21 from FEFLOW
- add MFP output to PVD
- add the new keyword $MAT_ID to BC files