- The Curse of the Senior Software Engineer
- Nat Friedman
- New Breakthrough Brings Matrix Multiplication Closer to Ideal
- Choosing startup life
- My list of challenging software projects some programmers should try
- Git as debugging tool
- How GitHub replaced SourceForge as the dominant code hosting platform
- Organizing multiple Git identities
- Learn Neovim The Practical Way
- The Only Video You Need to Get Started with Neovim
- Advice to Young People, The Lies I Tell Myself
- Learning to Learn
- Atropisomer
- math and computation by Avi Wigderson
- AI By Doing
- I asked 100 devs why they aren’t shipping faster. Here’s what I learned
- Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React
- Stop Acting Like You're Famous
- Manufacturing Bliss
- Measuring personal growth
- Biting Into The Mango: Doing Jhana Practice With Ayya Khema
- Introducing
: A New Approach to Command-Line Find & Replace, and Renaming - 大语言模型
- 硬地骇客 - 两个月 $12000 ARR 实践之路
- Always sprinting