Releases: nozzlegear/ShopifySharp
Releases · nozzlegear/ShopifySharp
What's Changed
- Add missing properties to FulfillmentOrder by @alexcarson440 in #858
- Added square brackets to the location_ids json property name for AssignedFulfillmentOrderFilter by @grantmorgandls in #860
- FulfillmentRequestService - Corrected api request field name by @eldhosekp in #885
- Added the missing ShopifyReturn object to the ShopifyRefund object by @MicahBredenhorst in #879
- Added PermitsSkuSharing property to FulfillmentServiceEntity by @grantmorgandls in #864
- Updated fulfillment docs by @yashukaushik01 in #863
- Added support for Fulfillment Order Cancellation Request by @lucasabond in #838
- Add missing properties to order cancel options by @HeldyHeileng in #883
- Fix for PriceRule not respecting BOGO type rules + new gate scopes by @zxed in #841
- Fix PriceRule property names by @CrimsonOrion in #888
New Contributors
- @alexcarson440 made their first contribution in #859
- @grantmorgandls made their first contribution in #860
- @eldhosekp made their first contribution in #885
- @MicahBredenhorst made their first contribution in #879
- @yashukaushik01 made their first contribution in #863
- @lucasabond made their first contribution in #838
- @HeldyHeileng made their first contribution in #883
- @zxed made their first contribution in #841
- @CrimsonOrion made their first contribution in #888
Full Changelog: 6.0.1...6.1.0
What's Changed
- Target Shopify API version 2023-01 by @clement911 in #848
- Add ListForFulfillmentAsync method to FulfillmentService by @thomotron in #826
- Support for partners API by @clement911 in #836
- Fixed test for FulfillmentService by @clement911 in #849
- Removed deprecated members. by @clement911 in #850
New Contributors
- @thomotron made their first contribution in #826
Full Changelog: 5.19.1...6.0.1
What's Changed
- Add info about API version 2022-07 to by @alexhauser in #827
- Fix CheckoutService.UpdateAsync requests by @zeeshanbhati in #831
- Make private GraphService methods protected async instead by @nozzlegear
New Contributors
- @alexhauser made their first contribution in #827
Full Changelog: 5.19.0...5.19.1
What's Changed
- Update to API version 2022-07 by @nozzlegear in #801
- Replace Fulfillment APIs with 2022-07's combined new FulfillmentOrder and Fulfillment APIs.
Full Changelog: 5.18.12...5.19.0
What's Changed
- Fulfillment order move object by @judah4 in #810
- Bump newtonsoft.json from 13.0.1 to 13.0.2 in /ShopifySharp by @dependabot in #815
- New method AuthorizationService.RefreshAccessToken by @clement911 in #822
New Contributors
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #815
Full Changelog: 5.18.11...5.18.12
What's Changed
- Avoid using JObject.Parse because it doesn't preserve timezones by @clement911 in #808
Full Changelog: 5.18.9...5.18.10
What's Changed
- Fix for Charge.test serialization by @clement911 in #806
Full Changelog: 5.18.8...5.18.9
What's Changed
- Fixed an issue with invalid dates by @clement911 in #805
Full Changelog: 5.18.7...5.18.8
What's Changed
- Fix for date deserialization when JSON contains dates lower than DateTime.MinValue by @clement911 in #804
Full Changelog: 5.18.6...5.18.7