2.10.1 (2020-07-16)
- bad path for marketplace (9e49a028)
- keep backward compatibility with GLPI 9.4 (dedde0b5)
- keep compatibility <ith GLPI 9.4 (b4335c54)
- marketplace compatibility (again) (1070cb6f)
- path for marketplace compatibility (1da588e1)
- unloaded JS library (a71d468e)
- category: fix SQL error (3470b61e)
- dropdownfield: compatibility with Tags plugin (c40177a8)
- filefield: documentt upload with GLPI 9.5 (9658946c)
- form: broken link to forms (1195d5bd)
- form: entity restrict problem (58a79101)
- form: incorrect font on add target link (4880b95f)
- form: version comparison for export / import (d9dff6cb)
- issue: load tinymce (820bd7ac)
- issue: possible SQL error (0688d13c)
- issue: self service is able to reopen a closed issue / ticket (f483ddbb)
- issue: ticket status when approval request is used (d9b46773)
- targetticket,targetcategory: category question not properly set on display (5fb8fd4b)
- targetticket,targetchange: avoid possible PHP warning (eb312921)
- targetticket,targetchange: covnert question ID into UUID for export of target settings (a17e4590)
- targetticket,targetchange: dynamic entity computation may fail (85b1e76b)
- targetticket,targetchange: missing update of question ID in targets (5ecb8283)
- targetticket,targetchange: specific tags not applicable (b2330387)
- targetticket,targetchange: unsaved question ID for tags from question, restore multiple choice (ae3188ab)
- textareafield: tinymce may be 0px height (3f1c262b)
- wizard: impersonation exists in GLPI 9.5 only (eb6f43e0)
- wizard: handle GLPI's impersonate feature (9cd0c8be)
2.10.0 (2020-06-23)
- category: entity restriction not applied (333fefe)
- dropdownfield: empty dropdown (324bd74)
- form: bad expression to acess form name (d7dda48)
- form: duplication exception (#1818) (c66e518)
- form: export versin number as string (475e190)
- form: php warning in import (db49e89)
- formanswer: view of textarea with rich text (c175396)
- import: more explicit error message (8bb3c3d)
- issue: cancel ticket with simplified service catalog (b46b64f)
- item_targetticket: bad relation expression for SQL (4565197)
- question: delete all conditions of a question being deleted (8ba3031)
- target_actor: bad key for users, groups or suppliers (6e05962)
- target_actor: make string localazable (bc4befe)
- target_actor: tell the ID of missing actor (81a6c01)
- targettichet,targetchange: question tags not updated on duplication (22f765d)
- bad redirection (3ba9748)
- other bad redirections (6869b64)
- glpiselectfield: support for new passive DC equipment (41e59c1)
2.10.0 (2020-06-23)
- bad redirection (3ba9748f)
- other bad redirections (6869b646)
- category: entity restriction not applied (333fefe0)
- dropdownfield: empty dropdown (324bd74f)
- form: bad expression to acess form name (d7dda48b)
- form: duplication exception (#1818) (c66e5187)
- form: export versin number as string (475e1902)
- form: php warning in import (db49e89a)
- formanswer: view of textarea with rich text (c1753960)
- import: more explicit error message (8bb3c3d7)
- issue: cancel ticket with simplified service catalog (b46b64f5)
- item_targetticket: bad relation expression for SQL (45651977)
- question: delete all conditions of a question being deleted (8ba30316)
- target_actor: bad key for users, groups or suppliers (6e059627)
- target_actor: make string localazable (bc4befed)
- target_actor: tell the ID of missing actor (81a6c01d)
- targettichet,targetchange: question tags not updated on duplication (22f765d8)
- glpiselectfield: support for new passive DC equipment (41e59c10)
2.10.0-rc.1 (2020-06-10)
- category: use short name (ddf3eff)
- central: list of forms displayed twice (718724e)
- condition: change again the way to hide questions and sections (d5f3a6d)
- condition: fix export (7db999d)
- condition: php warning if a wuestion does not exists (6006bad)
- condition: remove conditions when disabled (1068e97)
- conditionnable: consistency check for conditions (9c75f62)
- dropdownfield: check existence of itemtype in prerequisite (d26197f)
- dropdownfield: label for change categories and request categories (9b59e45)
- dropdownfield: SQL error : ambiguous column id (9366773)
- dropdownfield,glpiobjectfield: sub type not dosplayed (461fbe4)
- dropdownfield,glpiselectfield: empty value parameter not honored (12a02fe)
- dropdownfields: handle empty value for entities dropdown (edaa13b)
- exportable: implement missing method (9865058)
- exportable: implement missing method (990a1ad)
- exportable: implement missing method (249728d)
- form: bad rendering when printing from the service catalog (0efd014)
- form: bad rendering when printing from the service catalog (357c8c7)
- form: fix malformed sql (eec2a2e)
- form: hidden questions still consume 10 pixels height (948ddde)
- form: list of forms on homepage (6d8a318)
- form: multiple selection of validators (5901908)
- form: restore padding (f345c9f)
- form: unused class usage (de2d2aa)
- form: validators must show when more than 2 available (fb37c46)
- form,question: duplicate fail on form without section (4db8455)
- formanswer: display of status shall show a label (ea392e3)
- formanswer: display of status shall show a label (d3e5904)
- formanswer: save update on refused form (74b817d)
- formanswer: use of in static method (f6411d8)
- formanswer: word wrap on display long lines with long words (e1c40c7)
- glpiselectfield: appliance plugin name is plural (3a6968f)
- glpiselectfield: prevent use of the field with non existing itemtype (cfbdef9)
- glpiselectfield: restrict to items associatable to tickets (4377baf)
- glpiselectfield: update test (ed3f2f6)
- import: cannot factorize deleteObsoleteItems (b13c01a)
- import: don't handle immediately conditions on import (0d989b3)
- install: missing column reorder on upgrade (668ee2a)
- install: upgrade to 2.5.0 fails on categories (46f8aa7)
- issue: distinguish requester and author (ae8e9dc)
- issue: handle redirection to satisfaction survey from email (57d8074)
- issue: handle survey expiration (8810dad)
- issue: localization problem impacting picture (076a97e)
- issue: properly set validation data on ticket restore (0631ece)
- issue: show satisfaction for tickets on service catalog (7c17518)
- issue: SQL error (0bb3905)
- issue: support of ticket waiting for approval (f7cdcb1)
- issue: take ticket valdiation status into account (ac02f86)
- issue: warning with GLPI 9.5 (5899d27)
- locales: en_US coontained a foreign language (44d63fd)
- question: default value edition for dropdown types (9c9dc89)
- question: prevent double escaping of description (831985a)
- questionparameter: bad data for add item (f633b21)
- questionparameter: duplicate with GLPI 9.5 (ba2e9dd)
- radiosfield: bad rendering of buttons when printing (489251a)
- requesttypefield: update interface (679c4d9)
- section: don't allocate height on hidden section (aa01a1d)
- section: unsupported use of QueryExpression (8e40be8)
- section,question: ensure the modal window for edition is on screen (76b2aae)
- targetchange: value of checklist not rendered (965b10b)
- targetchange,targetticket: no order column for those types (adb70b3)
- targetticket: request type may be unset (b1a94f8)
- targetticket,targetchange: duplicate actors run twice (7ef3496)
- targetticket,targetchange: escape text fields of targets (6c0d775)
- targetticket,targetchange: make name mandatory browser side (2e81497)
- textarea: better file uplaods handling (488e2d5)
- textarea: image paste on multiple pages (3adcc20)
- textareafield: handle with constant the availability of #6939 for GLPI (cd8ca59)
- textareafield: remove workaround for textarea (45e3030)
- textareafield: visual glitches (91364c2)
- ticket: put new ticket to trash bin (b110ed3)
- timefield: assign a default value (d125c7c)
- class should not be accessed directly (7800c3b)
- class should not be accessed directly (23447b4)
- compatibility with GLPI 9.5 (1929cd3)
- import inconsistency and possible infinite loop (8939329)
- keep the user in the service catalog (f368b46)
- remove code left for debug (ecd0d85)
- condition: condition on visibility of a question (b8fcfcd)
- form: version check of file on import (b380b79)
- form,question: mandatory check in browser (3e98ca7)
- ad menu icon for GLPI 9.5 (0670e4f)
- backport of PR 1681 for 2.10 (7e79785)
- compatibiliy with glpi 9.5 (aaefdd2)
- compatibiliy with GLPI's marketplace (542bfb3)
- issue: group validator in issue (539604d)
- section: make section title required (e3ecf02)
- targetticket,targetchange: backport of conditions (15660bf)
- wizard: always show saved searches menu item (8117edf)
v2.10.0-beta.1 (2020-01-29)
- avoid caps in filenames (918a88da)
- build: invert order of versions in changelog (ff604eef)
- condition: export broken (9b7a6923)
- condition: permit update of conditionnable items without specifying conditions agaiin (dc183425)
- condition: use of constants (19d1e71d)
- filefield: php warning when editing the question (9d8eb554)
- filefield: show download links when field is read only (dc6905f8)
- form: my last form (validator) were not sorted (6c2b0be9)
- form: single quotes around a table name (04650950), closes #1606
- fotrm: some icons may be not displayed (69786c67)
- install: quote escaping when uprgading to 2.9.0 (678e5864)
- multiselectfield: visible JS (bb77c0e8)
- question: SQL errors when deleting a question (f3f4899e)
- question: inoperant buttons to move questions (3a191ebd)
- question: javascript code was displayed (a7be9314)
- question: space betwen icon and name (4019a4d2)
- question: update JS selectors for question edit (0969ad1b)
- question: update of parameters broken (14188596)
- radiosfield: better overlap prevention (fad550de)
- radiosfield: overlapped long labels (6528a167)
- robo: prevent exception when computong log with commit without body (e5aa246a)
- section: conditions not duplicated (78a3d9c5)
- selectfield: comparison with empty string (bcb929e3)
- targetchange: bad url when delete an actor (62e0de19), closes #1607
- targetticket,targetchange: inverted show / hide for urgenty settings (9be5e3aa)
- targetticket,targetchange: update constants for due date resolution in JS code (4ddb6e8f)
- textarea: workaround GLPI bug in 9.4.5 (8de43588), closes #1613
v2.9.1 (2020-01-13)
- useless escaping (812c76d3)
- condition: inability to add a rows to conditions (#1598) (bb1f2e4d)
- form: bad call to count validators (e6f4bc8e)
- form: purge message if answers exist (fa0c1dd0)
- form: show error if failure in import of a sub item (8dfab243)
- form: typo in var name (582d37c8)
- formanswer: print icon (2d871a38)
- formanswer: viewing answers causes a fatal error (5453a927)
- question: quote escaping when importing questions (bb0d6d25)
- target_actor,form_validator: use statement for exception class (ddbc5b23)
- targetticket: determine requester when answer is valdiated (19b8232a), closes #50
- targetticket,targetchange: loss of the target name when duplicating (897c564f)
- targetticket,targetchange: obsolete mandatory mark (1a29a666)
v2.9.0 (2019-12-17)
- compatibility with GLPI 9.5 (f818178d)
- duplicate menu entry (4075b1ec)
- duplicate menu entry (c4d47920)
- extended service catalog (8d5879bd)
- fa data prerequisite check (74c83bb5)
- loading resources for anonymous forms (58b71417), closes #1535
- local problem in menu (861a7363), closes #1516
- not loaded resource for anonymous form (bea27a1b), closes #1536
- unexpected redirection while editing a ticket as post-only + service catalog (63f3ceec)
- unexpected redirection while editing a ticket as post-only + service catalog (266d9d31)
- actorsfield: dropdown does not show all items (95a3a512)
- category: bad sub categories count (40f8071e)
- category: bad sub categories count (ef68bb60)
- category: translation support (495c8dc5)
- condition: misordered display on edit (2e33592c)
- dropdown: show ID in items (dc402d93)
- dropdownfield: root and limit miscomputations (9e8cc738)
- dropdownfield: unwanted single quote escaping when rendering target ticket (c149cd47)
- faq: errors in FAQ list (380e9ca5)
- field: width of textareas in fields settings (1e2c07b5)
- floatfield,integerfield,textfield: fix escaping in regex (ca0eb4ee)
- floatfield,integerfield,textfield: fix escaping in regex (4a122353)
- form: anonymous forms don't load JS (9d3ae4e0)
- form: deny access if form not enabled (5d4489d8)
- form: deny access if form not enabled (0290a979)
- form: don't access deleted forms (6169412d)
- form: duplicate question conditions (552fe398)
- form: import of form category with single quote (39f98da0)
- form: obey redirect setting after creation (314ff9cb)
- form: tile height shall not be fixed (bfb273fe)
- form: undefined var used (1b70a259)
- form: uninitialized var (542f6866)
- formanswer: always check for ticket validation (24faaf7b)
- formanswer: bad key for form ID (58dc3d39)
- formanswer: bad sql (b7a78b44)
- formanswer: bad sql (023a60e3)
- formanswer: better restrict list of formanswers (b918f211)
- formanswer: canViewItem with group (4c226003)
- formanswer: canViewItem with group (e770b08c)
- formanswer: missing icon for form valisation status (2f8b5338)
- formanswer: more permissive READ access to formanswers (e2eda19f)
- formanswer: restore lost method (dddf8300)
- instal: useless columns in schema of fresh install (8f54c952)
- install: database schema inconsistencies between instal and upgrade (46ac7ada)
- install: inconsistency between install and upgrade (3c8b0b28)
- install: loss of condition on upgrade (b9de3fd2)
- install: remove deletes answers when dropping is_deleted (3ed1515f), closes #1513
- install: reorder key changes on conditions table (701abeec)
- install: reorder key changes on conditions table (82838a2c)
- install: schema mismatch betwheen install and upgrade (fd99d933)
- install: upgrade to 2.7 misses range for select and textarea (61e49d6f)
- integerfield,floadfield: avoid integrity checks in parseAnswerValue (3cbaf611)
- issue: missing status for all statuses (41cdc487)
- issue: size of text content for issue (a72ce860)
- locales: drop unwanted file (a7429ebc)
- locales: plural problem (d3e06ae9)
- question: handle cascaded show/hide conditions (76718c14)
- question: locale issue cause tests to fail (51148a34)
- question_condition: better performance (0fc6aea5)
- question_condition: better performance (8a542580)
- qusetion: remove strict comparison (fe256826)
- selectfield: select field cannot support range (5138ac16)
- tagfield: show in saved answers the tag names (19a6c2b6)
- tags: bad tag filter when selecting tags for target ticket (299ba2c6)
- target: bad constants (78c12a81)
- target_actor,change_actor: fix duplciation (772fecdb)
- targetticket: fix tags handling (47db2d8b)
- targetticket: missing JS code, typo (072258f0)
- targetticket,targetchange: fix not rendered fields (fd25d4ef)
- targetticket,targetchange: remove HTML code tag (e7cabe7d)
- targetticket,targetchange: remove more code tags (a32b0565)
- targetticket,targetchange: return value of save() method (cbc22499)
- textfield,actorsfield: missing default value on edit (d9327ac1)
- wizard: fix inconsistencies in counters (ee0b9873)
- wizard: form categories may show when they are empty (37edabf4)
- wizard: inconsistency between helpesk and service catalog (a41bbe44)
- compatibility with GLPI 9.5 (135ec44f)
- form: auto select validator if only one avaialble (79ad2f9f)
- ldapfield: comparisons support (9c553237), closes #1454
- question: bring a question to 1st position (9ed109e7)
- question: use font awesome (bf7b2742)
- section: show conditions (0d416501)
- timefield: time field (e4a430e4)
v2.9.0-beta.1 (2019-10-02)
- bad class name (2535f4a4)
- fix refactor bugs, update unit tests (a0704def)
- security when loading a class (0e15eac0)
- category: bad conversion from raw SQL to quiery builder (9cbbfe78)
- dropdownfield: typo in method call (dd30b306)
- dropdownfield: various errors (2134e8e9)
- dropdownfield: wrong var in join (e4fdff39)
- dropdownfield: wrong var in where (cce35fa0)
- field: default value for most fields (f05f2de3)
- form: SQL errors when counting available forms (66a03378)
- form: anonymous forms don't load JS (0510cc71)
- form: bad classname (6ef88de9)
- form: bad method name (af42d419)
- form: broken add target form (c591a483)
- form: duplicated form needs a different name (404232b4)
- form: get form from question ID (2d28fe3d)
- form: have default values for color and icon (c2e360e9)
- form: import of form category with single quote (ba82bd1e)
- form: import of forms in non existing entity (00ae3b14)
- form: menu name to access form from assistance menu (abd9860b)
- form: requests for helpdesk home forms (983c9cac)
- form: validator setting broken (e431d5df)
- form_profile: broken restrictions settings (cd26e033)
- form_profile: undeclared vars (a6c07f37)
- formanswer: better restrict list of formanswers (3a0cc92e)
- formanswer: fix code refactor (70bc39dd)
- formanswer: more permissive READ access to formanswers (e4d4c24c)
- formanswer: use of undefined variables (363366f7)
- install: add new colomns for upgrade (9c5d50f2)
- install: bad associate rule default on upgrade (cd4007b3)
- install: default value for a column (5eae51c9)
- install: inconsistency between install and upgrade (78d4eb32)
- install: move upgrade to 2.9 (b9ad9a35)
- install: update matrix of version upgrade (bd9f74a3)
- install: upgrade to 2.7 misses range for select and textarea (c5ee7d18)
- install: wrong version to add item association feature in DB (3d1afa33)
- integerfield,floadfield: avoid integrity checks in parseAnswerValue (621f0368)
- issue: missing status for all statuses (8d97354d)
- linker: inverted arguments (05927924)
- question: handle cascaded show/hide conditions (de58991e)
- question: misplaced field (8d98ac80)
- question_condition: fix non static method (f7df70fa)
- selectfield: duplicate declaration of method (45d0e34a)
- selectfield: select field cannot support range (eca4175e)
- tags: bad tag filter when selecting tags for target ticket (7c3f451c)
- target: malformed query (4e01b385)
- target_actor: export / import issue (a88df902)
- targetchange,targetticket: PluginFormcreatorTarget itemtype removed (dedb4129)
- targetticket: associate item to ticket (001976fc)
- targetticket: fix tags handling (eca75f2f)
- targetticket: js error for associated element settings (3548783e)
- targetticket: missing method (5844fdd9)
- targetticket,targetchange: editing actors (87d7bc5d)
- targetticket,targetchange: errors while dropping raw queries (216265da)
- targetticket,targetchange: fix array index (5ab24606)
- targetticket,targetchange: fix display of actors (93597c04)
- targetticket,targetchange: fix misuse of constants (04e6df06)
- targetticket,targetchange: fix not rendered fields (7f67076f)
- targetticket,targetchange: fix(targetticket,targetchange): remove HTML code tag (9ef4fc31)
- targetticket,targetchange: return value of save() method (fa4f7854)
- targetticket,targetchange: set name of target (7b90ef4e)
- targetticket,targetchange: unable to select email questions for actors from questions (b466d341)
- textarea,text: question designer adjustments (84e6b959)
- textareafield: paste images reachs limit of field in DB (84e9c685)
- textfield: wrong method signature (96838072)
- wizard: form categories may show when they are empty (d3182ac4)
- wizard: inconsistency between helpesk and service catalog (9a00c270)
- wizard: various errors displaying forms in service catalog (309e7e49)
- dropdownfield: root and depth settings for all CommonTreeDropdown (2150e645)
- form: customizable icon from Fonte Awesome (8ba9c785)
- form: customize color of icon (3c340f3b)
- form: customize icon (7635f0e3)
- form: set background color of tile (d6e40a2b)
- ldapfield: comparisons support (1cb94ade), closes #1454
- target: remove target itemtype (41bc1257)
- targetticket: associate assets to tickets (c9e3d1e4)
- targetticket: ticket type (fa432f78)
- wizard: separate faqs and forms (a08541fc)
2.8.6 (2019-11-07)
- form: deny access if form not enabled (0290a97)
- form: don't access deleted forms (6169412)
- formanswer: bad sql (023a60e)
- loading resources for anonymous forms (58b7141), closes #1535
- formanswer: canViewItem with group (4c22600)
- unexpected redirection while editing a ticket as post-only + service catalog (63f3cee), closes #1557
- question_condition: better performance (0fc6aea)
- targetticket,targetchange: return value of save() method (cbc2249)
2.8.5 (2019-09-02)
- duplicate menu entry (4075b1e)
2.8.4 (2019-08-21)
- dropdownfield: restrict itemtypes assignables to ticket (98a76f2)
- dropdownfield: unwanted single quote escaping when rendering target ticket (c149cd4)
- form: anonymous forms don't load JS (9d3ae4e)
- form: duplicate question conditions (552fe39)
- form: import of form category with single quote (39f98da)
- formanswer: better restrict list of formanswers (b918f21)
- formanswer: more permissive READ access to formanswers (e2eda19)
- glpiobject: make items more easily searchable (0fd617b)
- instal: useless columns in schema of fresh install (8f54c95)
- install: database schema inconsistencies between instal and upgrade (46ac7ad)
- install: inconsistency between install and upgrade (3c8b0b2)
- install: move columns in somez tables (2cecff7)
- install: possible upgrade issue (d50c7f6)
- install: upgrade to 2.7 misses range for select and textarea (61e49d6)
- integerfield,floadfield: avoid integrity checks in parseAnswerValue (3cbaf61)
- issue: missing status for all statuses (41cdc48)
- locales: drop unwanted file (a7429eb)
- question: handle cascaded show/hide conditions (76718c1)
- selectfield: select field cannot support range (5138ac1)
- tagfield: show in saved answers the tag names (19a6c2b)
- tags: bad tag filter when selecting tags for target ticket (299ba2c)
- target_actor,change_actor: fix duplciation (772fecd)
- targetticket: fix tags handling (47db2d8)
- targetticket,targetchange: fix not rendered fields (fd25d4e)
- targetticket,targetchange: remove HTML code tag (e7cabe7)
- targetticket,targetchange: remove more code tags (a32b056)
- wizard: form categories may show when they are empty (37edabf)
- wizard: inconsistency between helpesk and service catalog (a41bbe4)
2.8.3 (2019-06-13)
- filefield: file upload mai fail (c69a5d0)
- form: import of forms in non existing entity (8446e47)
- form: missing log tab (3ee8400)
- form_validator: possible call to non existing method (7c85532)
- install: upgrade from 2.5.x to 2.8 alters target ticket name (f4a21e7)
- question_condition: unable to use some comparisons (fad48aa)
- targetticket: set default document category (a5dc10d)
- targetticket,targetchange: useless escaping (529c592)
- dropdown: show serial and inventory number when available (bb92244)
2.8.2 (2019-05-02)
- dropdownfield: upgraded fields from 2.5 may crash (8233b75)
- filefield: uploaded files lost (1cec1e0)
- form: redirect to formlist after filling a form (51fe9ae)
- issue: warnings with GLPI 9.3 (04791f4)
- question: quote escaping in import (ed4b021)
- serviceCatalog: fix left menu for some languages (f1bc390)
2.8.1 (2019-04-08)
- filefield: fix bad value in generated targets (d3aeb0d)
- form_validator: import valodators from JSON (b6ea017)
- glpiselect: show user firstname and lastname (575dbf8)
- issue: mis ordered columns in resync (cf9aea1)
- issue: resynchronization error (65cadb3)
- question_condition: inverted import condition (1299b77)
- wizard: inconsistencies in counters (ff95440)
2.8.0 (2019-03-06)
- checkboxesfield: handle case when one option is selcted (5cee1a5)
- dropdownfield: bad entity restriction (e9c27dd)
- dropdownfield: bad subtree handling for ITIL category (a62e764)
- form: fix anonymous file upload (a13ec8b)
- form: import of entity and category (2e3beea)
- formanswer: use of non-eistent field for count (fb30d55)
- glpiobject,dropdown: formanswer must display name, not the ID (db24ae9)
- install: remvoe rename of the plugin from upgtrade to 2.7 (6e03e21)
- install: rename of the plugin in 2.8, not 2.7 (e176d3c)
- issue: rebuild of issues table (eec8012)
- question,section: escaping bug on duplication (971339f)
- questionrange,questionregex: bad var names (978a116)
- section: escape questions to duplciate (9786afa)
- targetchange: add users from question of type actors (fcb357b)
- targetchange: category not assigned (7f840df)
- wizard: compatibility accross versions od font awesome (2462ca4)
- rename the plugin (2f5c27f), closes #1264
2.7.0 (2019-02-12)
- formanswer: avoid loop of purge permission check (93a7f84)
- compatibility with GLPI 9.4 (1225c02)
- filefield: add error message if file must have an upload (c800495)
- form: escape single quote when duplicating a form (9d735d8)
- form_profile: more resilient export / import (0303120)
- formanswer: abusive scaping on section name (0a74aba)
- formanswer: generation of full form template (8b99bd1)
- formaswer: remove is_deleted column (8f4111f)
- glpiselectfield: missing entries in entity select (746326c)
- issue: compatibility with search engine of GLPI 9.4 (65a48fe)
- target: escape single quotes (9f641e3)
- targetbase: rename of a target was ignored (4f0c7c8)
- targetchange: copy pasted import code (7f64792)
- targetticket: email field as source of actors (002778d)
- targetticket: single quote not escaped (dac1f25)
- targetticket,targetchange: escape single quotes (5d5f22b)
- wizard: invisible logout icon (4ab1299)
- default value of integer and float fields (3d90e6b)
- improve quote escaping (b8497fa)
- quote issue in javascript code (a91cc11)
- resolve several other quote escaping problems (7e306f5)
2.7.0-beta.3 (2019-01-16)
- compatibility with GLPI 9.4 (9b9922c)
2.7.0-beta.2 (2019-01-16)
- descriptionfield: show / hide did not work (04f1695)
- form: access rights checking (e05e20b)
- formanswer: empty list of answers (2478b2c)
- formanswer: missing right check (bdac689)
- install: create tables before filling them (#1234) (c08e299)
- install: update relation (09c0101)
- issue: fix filtered searches of issues (9bda871)
- targetTicket: generation of ticket (8355480)
- textfield: abuse escaping (167c43f)
- urgencyfield: default value (1849e61)
- targetticket: compatibility with GLPI 9.4 (6afe5fe)
2.7.0-beta.1 (2018-12-05)
- actor: fix broken select tag (9d38a45)
- actorfield: default value not correctly handled (a210e9a)
- actors: fix broken select tag (82509e8)
- actors: rendering for answers view, and use JSON in DB (3f0c9b7)
- checkboxesfield: single quote rendering (fecb8a8)
- core: clean doc name on create issue (095ce60)
- date: format dates for target generation (ed32016), closes #1050
- datetimefield: fix name of the type and validity check (accae14)
- dropdown: change to ticket category (22809ce)
- dropdownfield: restrict by entity when needed (a63c04f)
- field: prevent use of tag field if the plugin Tag is not available (453bc95)
- field: remove unused method (5a1bfe7)
- fields: fields not hidden correctly (0c75a69)
- filefield: check all files, not only one (3a26922)
- filefield: fix validity of the field when required (0a460dd)
- form: bad quote in FORM HTML tag (3883c1c)
- form: display and reload entered values (3f4342d)
- form: duplicate may fail (5c6607c)
- form: duplicate may fail (1251ea1)
- form: duplicate with quote (a3d9d0d)
- form: export broken due to typo (d1f93ce)
- form: php warning (d0a56e5)
- form: remove html entities in db (468ee6b)
- form: search engine and accented chars (0583a5f)
- form_answer: deprecated calls (f1ba71b)
- form_answer: refuse and accept form answers (8dec5d2)
- formanswer: fix call to saveForm (17bd8c5)
- formanswer: show/hide questions in various cases (87cc394)
- formanwer: various bugs (9649c52)
- install: ad specific values only for itilcategory (75a815a)
- install: avoid warnings (b171ef3)
- install: bad logic for upgrade steps (c324e1c)
- install: bad sql for upgrade (73b4515)
- install: check for composer autoload (c3c2612)
- install: delete tables when the plugin is being uninstalled (0741de1)
- install: harmonize upgrade methods (b1666b8)
- install: remove useless field (56a4b5f)
- install: typo for validator id upgrade (c9874da)
- install: upgrade problem in issues table" (32d940e)
- integer: fix validity checks (0584604)
- isntal: fix upgrade to 2.5.0 (3d6917c)
- issue: avoid truncate of comment (5e2d7e2)
- ldapfield: missing post value when field fails to populate (4969e64)
- question: limit assets dropdowns to my assets (3cf510a)
- question: move up/down broken (f65887f)
- QuestionCondition: inconsistency in selectors (ce7444f)
- questionparameter: if the parameter is missing in the db, use default values (3f10030)
- radios: fix trim value (fadaefe)
- tagfield: fatal error if comparison with a tag field when the tag plugin is not available (c7fcf8a)
- tagfield: fatal error if the plugin Tag is not available (94905b5)
- target: actors not inserted on tarrgets (220f4ae)
- target: content generation (993576d)
- target: deduplicate actors (d5d4e0c), closes #1089
- target: inconsistency in multiple file upload (4f4c24c)
- target: prevent imploding a non-array (b1b8560)
- targetbase: deduplication of group raises a warning (34a9a3e)
- targetbase: fix double quote renderiing in targets (5711ef0)
- targetchange: apply fix #267 to target changes (d186ef3)
- targetchange: changes does not supports rich text (653fd6a), closes #1139
- targetchange: changes don't support template (08236c7)
- targetchange: duplication leaves default actors (a227341)
- targetchange: duplication leaves default actors (dd9e8de)
- targetchange: entity from a question (e199085)
- targetchange: fix creation if relation between change and form answer (8d8810f)
- targetchange: harmonize column name and type with glpi change itemtype (1dd58b9)
- targetchange: rendering with rich text (a86f6da)
- targetchange: rich text does not exists for changes (bc8fffd)
- remove call to abusive encoding (49a1fb6)
- targetchange: time to resolve not populated when required (f087ad0)
- targetchange: title edition fails (f3701fb)
- targetticket: fix HTML (5cac2b8)
- targetticket: harmonize comumns name and type wih glpi ticket itemtype (9dc1da5)
- textarea: rendering without rich text mode (90fcf8c)
- textareafield: problem with backslashes rendering (43fdbe1)
- textareafield: render HTML when viewing an answer (8b79d01)
- ticket: redirect to service catalog when viewing ticket (0bb64c5)
- wizard: warnings (a4b9899), closes #1076
- core: add options to display ITIL Category question (f20acbf)
- core: add requester on validation form (d7b6dc8)
- core: add search option to get assign group / tech to ticket (cb2d9c1)
- core: add status label on list (83247c2)
- dropdown: choose a root ticket category for display (9a28a61)
- field: hostname field (72a643a)
- handle rich text mode for GLPI 9.4 (91cc6ce)
- file: multiple file upload for a single file field (30e4057)
- form: forbid change of access right if incompatible questions found (7c9733d)
- form_answer: add search option (ecaaa3f), closes #1220
- install: add force instal or upgrade modes (bfc83e8)
- install: Use InnoDB as DB table engine (0385c20)
- question: forbid use of some qustion types with public forms (ac557e3)
2.6.5 (2018-11-06)
- actorfield: compatibility with GLPI 9.3 (#1034) (3b2051f)
- actors: fix broken select tag (82509e8)
- actors: fix edit of an existing question of type actors (f1606af)
- actors: use first / last name in generataed tickets (1455708), closes #1016
- build: check consistency of manifest XML file (fb06543)
- checkboxedfield: single quote rendering (888b13f)
- date: format dates for target generation (10c70fc), closes #1050
- description: cannot apply hide/show condition on descriptions (8693a6a)
- filefield: SQL single quote escaping (e0b9bd6)
- form: access to form not properly checked (#1047) (1a40790)
- form: check access to form only by entity (c0973cb)
- form: duplicate may fail (a29f806)
- form: duplicate may fail (b9b2547)
- form: duplicate with quote (ec6460f)
- form: forbid purge of a form when there are answers (f84b353)
- form: import restrictions by profile was broken (34ae3bf), closes #722
- form_answer: allow view of form if the user has update entity right (7dad4cb)
- form_answer: fix compatibility with GLPI 9.4 (001a82f)
- form_answer: fix fatal error (c292981)
- form_profile: UUID was not generated (44f231b)
- glpiselect: compatibility with GLPI 9.3 (a9aea5a)
- install: bad logic for upgrade steps (c324e1c)
- issue: avoid truncate of comment (8a98b0d)
- issue: more consistent status display for status of issues (2802a78)
- issue: php warnings in service catalog (0754b5f)
- plugin: update compatibility (57c607f)
- question: description displayed in italic (e572b43)
- question: fix loss of description (4b39371)
- question_condition: fix creation of conditions (135d6c8)
- target: actors not inserted on tarrgets (18b5662)
- target: continue keyword in switch (576c891)
- target: loading of instance from DB (1d314de)
- target: unescaped quote (6afa05b)
- targetbase: fix double quote renderiing in targets (40811d8)
- targetchange: apply fix #267 to target changes (3eafa29)
- targetchange: changes does not supports rich text (8d7bad0), closes #1139
- targetchange: duplication leaves default actors (854191d)
- targetchange: entity from a question (40cc7eb)
- targetchange: fix creation if relation between change and form answer (8259899)
- compatibility with GLPI 9.4 (6dfaae9), closes #1022
- targetchange: rendering with rich text (e842b0f)
- targetchange: rich text does not exists for changes (e39028b)
- targetchange: time to resolve not populated when required (b1240d6)
- fix plugin manifest xml file (7608920)
- targetchange: title edition fails (32eb4db)
- targetticket: fix HTML (00f81fc)
- textarea: rendering without rich text mode (b41a9b2)
- textareafield: rendering for rich text (8735189)
- wizard: warnings (6a355f9), closes #1076
- core: add search option to get assign group / tech to ticket (5f1eb35)
2.6.4 (2018-08-13)
- actorfield: compatibility with GLPI 9.3 (#1034) (3b2051f)
- actors: fix edit of an existing question of type actors (f1606af)
- actors: use first / last name in generataed tickets (1455708), closes #1016
- description: cannot apply hide/show condition on descriptions (8693a6a)
- filefield: SQL single quote escaping (e0b9bd6)
- form: access to form not properly checked (#1047) (1a40790)
- form: check access to form only by entity (c0973cb)
- form: forbid purge of a form when there are answers (f84b353)
- form: import restrictions by profile was broken (34ae3bf), closes #722
- form_answer: allow view of form if the user has update entity right (7dad4cb)
- form_answer: fix compatibility with GLPI 9.4 (001a82f)
- form_answer: fix fatal error (c292981)
- form_profile: UUID was not generated (44f231b)
- compatibility with GLPI 9.4 (6dfaae9), closes #1022
- issue: more consistent status display for status of issues (2802a78)
- issue: php warnings in service catalog (0754b5f)
- plugin: update compatibility (57c607f)
- question: description displayed in italic (e572b43)
- question: fix loss of description (4b39371)
- question_condition: fix creation of conditions (135d6c8)
- target: continue keyword in switch (576c891)
- target: loading of instance from DB (1d314de)
- target: unescaped quote (6afa05b)
2.6.3 (2018-04-30)
- condition: escape quote in import (b10134e)
- condition: fix show hide issues (411b998)
- docs: fix bad domain for locales (47788ff)
- field: some fields output a duplicate HTML div (c4d1a4c)
- file: fix multiple file fields (a9798d2), closes #937
- locales: invalid domain (7be6ef1), closes #872
- question: filtering out tag question type broken (86b5a10)
- section: fix creation of section with abusive escape (6057cad), closes #940 #940
- section: single quote escaping issue (b298505), closes #940
- target: distinguish fields content (326315c)
- target ticket: backquote in ticket ticle (1296925), closes #951
- target ticket: observer groups from template added in assigned ones (f09e685)
- target ticket: quote escaping for ticket title (cd070ea)
- ticket: use default values to set actors of tickets (fa3f816), closes #629
- ui: compatibility issue with internet explorer 11 (fb2c711), closes #936
- ui: responsive design of service catalog (0f6e466)
2.6.2 (2018-02-12)
- condition: fix multiple condition process when a question is unanswered (6bce6e7)
- condition: questions conditions may lead to wring result in complex cases (42cb852), closes #880
- field: fix quote escaping for file field (0280acf), closes #832
- field: inability to save properties of a tag question (faf304b)
- form_answer: fix search option (1c8f38f), closes #602
- notification: pending validation email for groups (54c2a2e), closes #871
- question: fields hidden under condition not rendered in tickets (9d87dd7), closes #880
- target: answer rendering issues (6d73872), closes #877 #817
- target: remove abusive encoding in target names (a0dca23)
2.6.1 (2018-01-02)
- avoid duplicated form having the uuid of the source one (464757e)
- form duplication issue when source form contains access restriction (ec40d9f)
- misconceptions in duplication process (06c2430)
- locales: fix missing locales, update them (33cbe5e)
- rich description encoding in ticket (#775) (f739c54)
- answer: HTML entity decode for older textarea answers (3612c3c)
- condition: fix inconsistency when checking question conditions (a820e55), closes #829
- field: avoid html entitization of accented chars (a973f7b)
- form: duplicate target changes when duplicating form (7f78de9)
- form: fix escaping and logic issues in duplication (236effd)
- form: repair massive acions (7221644)
- form: update target settings depending on questions (7acbc11)
- form_answer: restrict display of form answers to requesters and valdators (8909e4e), closes #869
- install: detect version 2.6 without schema version, see #794 (decaafe)
- install: fix inconsistencies in install process" (99eb790)
- install: fresh 2.6.0 install inconsistent (903a13a)
- install: fresh installation does not saves current schema version (8eadd7d), closes #794
- install: inconsistency in fresh 2.6.0 install (e41a86d), closes #822
- install: restore lost JSON type creation (40afda3)
- install: run issues synchronization after install (2441d02)
- issue: bad search option (bc4bec8)
- issue: issue not updated to refused status (8b1e3b8)
- issue: wrong ticket disdplay (5e33407), closes #859
- locale: bad domain for some locales (1d9ff65)
- locales: add missing strings; update locales (792a6c2)
- locales: follow change of a localizable string from GLPI 9.1 (75a1057)
- locales: harmonize and fix locales (62076ed)
- question: fix duplicate code (779a5c3)
- question: fix escaping issues with regexes (c807936)
- question: fix typo breaking duplication (e7d2b0e)
- question: remove abusive encoding (f183091)
- rule: location affectation on ticket via business rule (06d6461), closes #795
- section: delete a section displays an error (1d1eb93)
- selectfield: workaround GLPI issue 3308 (d086006)
- target: do not mention the absence of an uploaded document in targets (f1ac36b)
- target: fix HTML issues in generated tickets (278c628)
- target: fix typo preventing requester groups being added to targets (ececfe3), closes #767
- target: fix warnings in timeline when no fiel uploaded (9c94128)
- target: rename a target overriden by a global var (f5b14a9)
- target-change: nug handling the comment field of a target change (5371da5)
- targetchange: fix reversed condition (e2288bf)
- targetticket: fix entity of generated ticket (1ea5325)
- targetticket: follow change in GLPI for due date (efa5fcb)
- targetticket,targetchange: ticket and change rendering without rich text mode (d723a47), closes #847
- ui: css (c907214)
- ui: dont force layout for service catalog (617e8f1)
- ui: pqselect enabled not loaded every time it is needed (#768) (22f3508)
- ui: tinymce may ot load (86893f4)
- ui: too long localized string (c83323d)
- wizard: bookmark was renamed into saved search i GLPI 9.2 (02c2877), closes #799
- fix CSS preventing access to entity selection in service catalog (simplified interface)
- fix error if plugin Tag not available but used in a form to display
- various JS fixes
- limit displayed columns on form answers tab of a form (#686)
- fix bulleted lists for IE
- fix bad display of a dropdown
- fix loss of input when validating requester's answers and form is incomplete
- fix ticket categories displayed in helpdesk when they should not
- fix rejected entity dropdown answer if choosing root entity
- fix newlines lost in textareas
- fix rich text rendering of a textarea
- fix broken multiselect field
- fix inconsistent foreign key in the schema and code
- fix move up / down questions
- association of a document to all generated tickets
- update slinky JS library
- many code cleanup and refactor
- simplify string escaping code
- give more power to form designers when using regex (#701)
- limit display of ticket categories by tree depth and type criteria
- location of tickets can be set from a question
- blank or nearly blank view of form when displaying it for print
- output name instead of ID for some fields when generating target tickets
- fix use of a non existent class Ticket_Supplier
- fix search options of form answers
- fix loss of forn answers in screen when reject then accept a form
- fix regression of not displayed tab for forms on helpdesk
- fix bulleted and numbered lists in generated ticket followup
- fix a bad SQL query
- many code cleanup
- simplify string escaping code in some places
- restore compatibility with PHP 5.4
- forms can target tickets and changes
- complex question conditions with multiple criterias
- set ticket category and urgency from a form's field
- show list of answers of a form
- print answers of a form
- single quotes upgrade issues
- LDAP field
- Fix compatibility issue with GLPI 0.90 and actors field
- Fix empty observer actor with the actors field
- Fix dropdown when typing an actor
- Fix actors field list may contain fields from other forms than the one being edited in destination gicket
- Add error message if actors field does not validate
- better performance in the service catalog when the database contains hundreds of thousands of tickets
- easy configuration of JSON document types for import feature
- form duplication
- upgrade from older versions
- encoding problems with non latin characters
- many other bugs
- character escaping issues
- customization of notifications
- validation from unauthorized validators
- disable useless history entries
- several bugs related to validation
- Service catalog for simplified interface
- JSON import / export between instances of GLPI (or backup)
- New field types : actor and urgency
- form categories support parent / child relationship
- new presentation of forms to requesters
- optional replacement of the simplified interface with a service catalog
- natural language search engine
- sort forms alphabetically or by popularity
- multiple issues with validators
- sql strict mode compatibility
- performance improvements
- order of dropdowns
- display forms without languages
- deletion of forms is now possible
- Integration with tag plugin
- more options for entity computing
- Fix destination formating
- Remove notification "form accepted" when no validation needed
- Fix a security issue : Forms could always be shown as public forms
- Fix Formcreator menu was displayed too times due to a bug in GLPI
- Improve public form display
- Refactor GLPI object list questions display to ignore GLPI limitations on authentification
- Add groups to validators
- Fix a blocking bug that hide the plugin menu from previous release
- Fix broken links to "My Forms".
- Fix Status search and display on form list.
- Fix "+" link on GLPI dropdown questions administration (wasn't update on type changes).
- Hide the "default value" field when no object is select (on GLPI object questions administration).
- Fix anonymous forms access (no CSS, no access to dropdowns and objects).
- Fix CSS display error on dropdowns.
- Fix "Due date calculated from the ticket" value dipslay.
- Fix HTML tags which were encoded in ticket desciption if Rich text editor is activated
- Fix a translation bug introduce in 0.90-1.2.5 that include the impossibility to save or update forms destinations.
- Fix validation link in notifications (now set with Configuration value instead of fixed value)
- Fix notification on ticket creation for destination with only one requester.
- Improve right management on menu.
- Fix form appear on home page even I select "no" in Direct access on homepage field.
- The validation link into formcreator's notification is now dynamic and take care of GLPI's URL defined in setup.
- Fix a bug introduced by GLPI 0.90 on vertical split view. It was impossible to scroll down for long forms.
- Forms categories are now optional.
- Add link between formanswer and generated tickets + Add document, notes and history tabs
- Add an IP address field type.
- Nombre de "Destinations" limitées
- Question de type LDAP impossible à créer
- Erreur de suppression d'une section
- Affichage des réponses des "Zone de texte" avec mise en forme dans la liste des réponse/validations de formulaires
- Problème d'affichage des champs "Affichage du champ"
- Problème d'affichage des listes déroulantes dans l'édition des questions
- Problème mise en forme texte enrichi dans ticket GLPI 0.85.4 et formcreator
- Сategories of forms feature
- Add compatibility with GLPI 0.90.x
- Fix due date selected value in form target configuration
- Fix severals issues on encoding, quotes and languages
- Fix multi-select field display for validators
- Fix a bug on ticket creation for form which don't need validation
- Send "Form validation accepted" notification only if form need to be validated
- Redirect to login if not logged (from notifaction link)
- Don't chek entity right on answer validation
- Optimize init of plugin and load js/css only when needed
- Fix validation of empty and not required number fields
- Add migration for special chars
- Add a new notification on form answered
- Add ChangeLog file
- Fix display form list in home page with the "simplified interface"
- Fix errors with special chars with PHP 5.3
- Change display of validators dropdown in form configuration in order to improve selection on large list of validators.
- Vérification du champs catégorie à la création d'un formulaire
- PHP Warning lors de l'ajout d'un formulaire
- Antislashes in answers are broken
- HTML descriptions no longer parsed
- Failed form validation add slashes in fields
- Add the possibility to select target ticket actors
- Add the ability to define the Due date
- Add validation comment as first ticket followup
- Add the ability to clone a form
- Add feature to disable email notification to requester enhancement feature
- Cannot add a question
- targetticket, lien vers le formulaire parent
- erreur js en administration d'une question
- fonction updateConditions : log dans php_error.log
- Affichage du champ non fonctionnel (et non sauvegardé)
- crash on glpi object
- Valideur du formulaire devient demandeur du ticket target
- link between questions only now work with radio button
- redirect (from notification) not working
- error missing _user_id_requester on ticket creation
- link for create forms (after breadcrumb) is available for non-admins users
- Validation sending (ajax get) : request uri too long
- Show field condition issue
- Forms list not displayed in central view
- List LDAP value --- Valeur liste LDAP
- PHP warnings (related to validation feature ?)
- Change links by buttons in formcreator configuration
- PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_CONSTANT_ENCAPSED_STRING in /var/www/glpi/plugins/formcreator/inc/targetticket.class.php on line 87
- administration, emplacement objet glpi
- Formulaire accepté : Accepté ne s'affiche pas
- item forms in global menu must be added at the end of it
- Add WYSIWYG editor for textarea fields feature
- Port Formcreator 0.84-2.1 to GLPI 0.85. See Formcreator 0.84 ChangeLog