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File metadata and controls

305 lines (249 loc) · 9.38 KB


Provides easy integration of the Aloha Editor into your Django app as well as several additional Aloha plugins.


pip install django-aloha-edit



Using the Model Field

from aloha.fields import HTMLField

class MyModel(models.Model):
    content = HTMLField()

This will allow you to sanitize the output while automatically using the Aloha Widget

These settings will allow customization of the sanitizer

ALLOWED_TAGS = ['a', 'abbr', ]
ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES = {'a': ['href', 'rel', 'target', 'title',], }
ALLOWED_STYLES = ['float','text-align','width','height',]
ALLOWED_CLASSES = ['error', 'success', 'warning', 'info',


from aloha.widgets import AlohaWidget

class MyForm(forms.Form):
    content = forms.CharField(widget=AlohaWidget)

Be sure to include the form media in your template somewhere and the end of the head area

{{ }}

Note: Specifying the widget is not necessary if you are using the HTMLField

Additional Media Dependencies

Aloha uses jQuery and require.js. Both should be loaded before the form media in any template you use the widget. You must use the provided Aloha fork of jQuery or it will not work. Unfortunately they don't provide later versions.

<script src="{{STATIC_URL}}aloha/lib/vendor/jquery-1.7.2.js"></script>
<script src="{{STATIC_URL}}aloha/lib/require.js"></script>
// this makes require.js and jquery work together
if ( typeof define === "function" && define.amd && define.amd.jQuery ) {
    define( "jquery", [], function () { return jQuery; } );

Django settings file

Make sure to add 'aloha' to the list of installed apps. This will allow django to find the static files when it runs collectstatic.


Extra Plugins

Video Embed

This plugin provides video embedding capabilities. It currently supports both blip and youtube, but other services can easily be added. This plugin provides both a content handler (so you can copy/paste links) as well as UI elements in the Aloha bar to manipulate and add video embeds.

For youtube videos, the embed include a special div that will reduce load on usage. You must include /static/js/youtube.js on both the edit page as well as the page that shows the content. This provides a jQuery function to activate the click functionality so the actual video will load when a user clicks it. Make sure to call this on page load of any page you are presenting your HTML content.

e.g.) $(function() {$(body).activateYoutube();});


It is important that you provide proper styling to this. {{STATIC_URL}}/bootstrap/less/video.less has been included for your use in the case that you use Bootstrap to style; though it can easily be used in any LessCSS project as well provided the .embed-responsive mixin is included.

Bootstrap UI

This plugin provides manipulation of several Bootstrap elements including collapse (called spoiler here) and thumbnails. Make sure you include the appropriate css and javascript for those parts of bootstrap or they will not work.


Make sure to load the plugins in either the aloha config file or the script load specification. Use 'user/videoembed', 'user/bootstrapui'

You must also add the UI elements to the UI configuration. Below is a sample config:

Aloha = window.Aloha || {};
Aloha.settings = {
     sidebar : {
             disabled : true
     plugins : {
             load : [ 'common/ui', 'common/commands', 'common/format', 'common/list',
                             'common/align', 'common/table', 'common/image', 'common/undo',
                             'common/abbr', 'common/link', 'common/contenthandler',
                             'common/paste', 'common/block', 'common/characterpicker',
                             'user/videoembed', 'user/bootstrapui' ],
     contentHandler : {
             insertHtml : [ 'word', 'blockelement', 'generic', 'sanitize',
                             'videoembed', ],
             initEditable : [ 'sanitize' ],
             getContents : [ 'blockelement', 'basic', 'removebr', 'videoembed',
                             'spoiler', 'sanitize', ],
             sanitize : 'relaxed', // relaxed, restricted, basic,
             allows : {
                     elements : [ 'a', 'abbr', 'acronym', 'b', 'blockquote', 'br', 'cite',
                                     'code', 'dd', 'del', 'div', 'dl', 'dt', 'em', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4',
                                     'h5', 'i', 'iframe', 'img', 'ins', 'li', 'ol', 'p', 'pre', 'q',
                                     'small', 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'table', 'td', 'th', 'tr', 'u',
                                     'ul' ],

                     attributes : {
                             'a' : [ 'href', 'rel', 'target', 'title', 'data-toggle', 'class' ],
                             'blockquote' : [ 'cite' ],
                             'q' : [ 'cite' ],
                             'img' : [ 'src', 'alt', 'title', 'style' ],
                             'iframe' : [ 'src', 'width', 'height', 'frameborder',
                                             'allowfullscreen' ],
                             'div' : [ 'class', 'id', 'style', 'data-id', 'data-params' ],
                             'span' : [ 'class' ],
                             'p' : [ 'style' ],
                             'table' : [ 'class' ],
                             'td' : [ 'colspan' ],
                             'th' : [ 'colspan' ],
                             'ul' : [ 'class' ],
                             'li' : [ 'class' ],
                             'i' : [ 'class' ],
                             'span' : [ 'class' ],

                     protocols : {
                             'a' : {
                                     'href' : [ 'ftp', 'http', 'https', 'mailto', '__relative__' ]
                             }, // Sanitize.RELATIVE
                             'blockquote' : {
                                     'cite' : [ 'http', 'https', '__relative__' ]
                             'q' : {
                                     'cite' : [ 'http', 'https', '__relative__' ]
                             'img' : {
                                     'src' : [ 'http', 'https', 'data', '__relative__' ]
                             'iframe' : {
                                     'src' : [ 'http', 'https', '__relative__' ]
     toolbar : {
             tabs : [
                                     label : 'tab.format.label',
                                     showOn : {
                                             scope : 'Aloha.continuoustext'
                                     components : [
                                                     [ 'bold', 'strong', 'italic', 'emphasis', '\n',
                                                                     'subscript', 'superscript', 'strikethrough',
                                                                     'quote', ],
                                                     [ 'formatLink', 'formatAbbr', 'formatNumeratedHeaders',
                                                                     'toggleDragDrop', '\n', 'formatSpoilers',
                                                                     'formatThumbnail', 'addVideo', '\n',
                                                                     'toggleMetaView', 'wailang',
                                                                     'toggleFormatlessPaste', ],
                                                     [ 'alignLeft', 'alignCenter', 'alignRight',
                                                                     'alignJustify', '\n', 'orderedList',
                                                                     'unorderedList', 'indentList', 'outdentList' ],
                                                     [ 'formatBlock' ] ]
                                     label : "tab.insert.label",
                                     showOn : {
                                             scope : 'Aloha.continuoustext'
                                     components : [ [ "createTable", "characterPicker", "insertLink",
                                                     "insertImage", "insertAbbr", "insertToc",
                                                     "insertHorizontalRule", "insertTag", 'insertSpoilers',
                                                     'insertVideo', 'insertThumbnail', ] ]
                                     label : "tab.img.label",
                                     showOn : {
                                             scope : 'image'
                                     components : [
                                                     [ "imageSource", "\n", "imageTitle" ],
                                                     [ "imageResizeWidth", "\n", "imageResizeHeight" ],
                                                     [ "imageAlignLeft", "imageAlignRight", "imageAlignNone",
                                                                     "\n", "imageCropButton", "imageCnrReset",
                                                                     "imageCnrRatio", ], [ "imageBrowser" ],
                                                     [ "wrapThumbnail", ] ]
                                     label : "Thumbnail",
                                     showOn : {
                                             scope : 'Aloha.Block.ThumbnailBlock'
                                     components : [
                                                     [ "thumbnailSrc", "thumbnailCaption", "thumbnailRemove", ],
                                                     [ "\n", "thumbnailAlignLeft", "thumbnailAlignRight",
                                                                     "thumbnailAlignNone" ] ]
                             }, {
                                     label : "Spoiler",
                                     showOn : {
                                             scope : 'Aloha.Block.SpoilerBlock'
                                     components : [ [ "spoilerTitle", "spoilerRemove", ], ]
                             }, {
                                     label : "Video",
                                     showOn : {
                                             scope : 'Aloha.Block.VideoBlock'
                                     components : [ [ "videoSrc", ], ]
                             }, {
                                     label : "YouTube",
                                     showOn : {
                                             scope : 'Aloha.Block.YoutubeBlock'
                                     components : [ [ "videoId", "videoParams", "videoRemove" ], ]
                             }, ]
     bundles : {
             // Path for custom bundle relative from require.js path
             user : '../../js/aloha-plugins'

Using Font Awesome Icons for the added plugins

Make sure to include the following CSS to make the icons display properly.

.@{fa-css-prefix} {
  font-family: FontAwesome !important;

.aloha .ui-icon {
  &.@{fa-css-prefix} {
    background-image: none !important;

Python 3 compatibility

Python 3 is supported using six. However, you must use the py3k fork of bleach as it is a dependency and bleach is not py3k compat by default.

About Aloha Editor

The Aloha Editor is a WYSIWYG that uses the HTML5 content-editable attribute of the browswer for the best editing experience.