Coding challenge. Inspired by
- Code at least 1 hour in a day
- Push all your work to your GitHub repo
- Do not push Homeworks or work that doesn't belong to you. (After all, that's just for your development - do not lie to yourself)
- Fork this repository to your own GitHub account and add a link for this repository to Google Sheet, where you registered
- Choose what you want to accomplish in 33 Days
- Start working
- Add the time of your first commit to the column labeled
Time of the first commit (must be on March 19)
in Google Sheet. - Push the work on YOUR remote repository forked from this one
- DO NOT CREATE ANY PULL REQUESTS to this repository.
- After each day, fill
with what you have done and what you have learned - If you have any problems, feel free to create a new issue in this repository or to reach us via Gmail.