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149 lines (111 loc) · 9.48 KB

🆙 Go-Up.nvim

"Go up" is what you used to have to say when vim wouldn't scroll up past line 1. Now you don't have to.

⬆️ Video Demo

This plugin adds virtual lines above line 1 of your buffers, allowing you to scroll upwards beyond line 1.


Motivation 1: Consistency

Vim allows you to scroll downward until the last line of your file is at the top of your window, and it allows you to scroll upward until the first line of your file is at the... TOP of your window!? Wait a minute, that doesn't seem right. This plugin fixes that behavior and causes scrolling up and down to behave the same, giving you a more consistent experience.

Motivation 2: Searching

Many people like to have a mapping set such that vim centers the screen after jumping to each search match. This is useful because as you press nnn... you don't need to move your eyes around the screen. Each new match is showing up right in the middle.

That's great, except when your match occurs in the first few lines of the file, vim is unable to center the screen on that line!

This plugin fixes that behavior and allows vim to center the screen by scrolling beyond where it would normally have scrolled. That way, every time you center-after-search, the match will be right in the middle of the window.

Motivation 3: Moving Things Down

Sometimes you just have a tall monitor and you're working on a 10-line file. It's great having a tall monitor for instances when you want to look at a large amount of context, but it's annoying that this 10-line file is crammed up at the top of the screen. This plugin fixes that behavior by allowing you to simply scroll until the content is positioned where you want it on the screen.

This kind of issue comes up often in webpage design. Back in the early days, most websites were just left-justified, leaving a large amount of blank space on the right hand side of the screen. Nowadays, many websites center their content and leave the blank space on both sides, rather than all on the right.

👆 How to Install

Lazy.nvim config:

    opts = {}, -- specify options here
    config = function(_, opts)
        local goUp = require('go-up')

⤴️ Available Functions

Go-Up provides the following functions that you can use.

Function Description User Command
require('go‑up').setup() Sets up the plugin. N/A
require('go‑up').centerScreen() Centers the current line in the middle of the window. Equivalent to the default function of zz. N/A
require('go‑up').redraw() Redraws the virtual lines for the current buffer. Works by clearing all the extmarks in the Go-Up namespace, then re-initializing them. :GoUpRedraw
require('go‑up').alignTop() If there are virtual lines at the top of the window, scrolls down until there aren't. :GoUpAlignTop
require('go‑up').alignBottom() If there are virtual lines at the bottom of the window, scrolls up until there aren't. :GoUpAlignBottom
require('go‑up').align() Calls either alignTop or alignBottom, whichever is more appropriate. :GoUpAlign

🔝 Customization

Default Options

    -- affect the behavior of zz
    mapZZ = true,
    -- respect splitkeep setting
    respectSplitkeep = false,
    -- respect scrolloff setting
    respectScrolloff = false,
    -- respect smoothscroll setting
    respectSmoothscroll = false,
    -- limit number of virtual lines. See options table
    goUpLimit = nil,
    -- number of offset lines to use when aligning
    alignOffsetLines = { top = 0, bottom = 0 },

Options Table

Option Data Type Default Description
mapZZ boolean true Go-Up remaps zz by default. Set mapZZ to false to prevent this.
respectScrolloff boolean false Go-Up works best when scrolloff is set to 0[ref], so it does that by default. Set respectScrolloff to true to prevent Go-Up from modifying scrolloff.
respectSplitkeep boolean false Go-Up works best when splitkeep is set to 'topline'[ref], so it does that by default. Set respectSplitkeep to true to prevent Go-Up from modifying splitkeep.
respectSmoothscroll boolean false Go-Up works best when smoothscroll is enabled[ref], so it enables this by default. Set respectSmoothscroll to true to prevent Go-Up from modifying smoothscroll.
goUpLimit nil or number or 'center' nil By default, Go-Up will allow you to scroll up until line 1 of your buffer hits the bottom of your window. This can be limited to a number of lines, or set to 'center' to only allow scrolling until line 1 is centered in the window. number 0 The Go-Up align functions will scroll until this many of the virtual lines are still in view. Some other plugins may insert virtual lines to display various GUI elements[ref], causing the align functions to misalign. This option can help overcome the resulting incompatibility by modifying the align behavior.
alignOffsetLines.bottom number 0 See

📈 Other Tips

I like to center the screen with Space, so I use this mapping:

-- Use space to center the screen
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'v' }, '<space>', function()
end, { desc = 'center the screen' })

I also like to align the screen with Ctrl-Space:

-- Use <C-space> to align
vim.keymap.set({ 'n', 'v' }, '<C-Space>', function()
end, { desc = 'align the screen' })

🔼 License, Contributing, etc.


I am very open to feedback and criticism.

☝ Special Thanks

Bronze Tier Sponsors

⏫ Donating

To say thanks, sponsor me on GitHub or use @Kyle-Kovacs on Venmo. Your donation is appreciated!