Releases: nutanix/terraform-provider-nutanix
1.8.0-beta-2 (Jan 20, 2023)
New Feature:
Feat/1.8.0-beta.2 Release with Nutanix Database Service based resource and datasources [#533] (#533)
New Resources:
- nutanix_ndb_profile
- nutanix_ndb_sla
- nutanix_ndb_database_scale
- nutanix_ndb_database_restore
- nutanix_ndb_database_snapshot
- nutanix_ndb_register_database
- nutanix_ndb_clone
- nutanix_ndb_log_catchups
- nutanix_ndb_authorize_dbservers
- nutanix_ndb_software_version_profile
- nutanix_ndb_linked_databases
New Data Sources:
- nutanix_ndb_snapshot
- nutanix_ndb_snapshots
- nutanix_ndb_time_machine
- nutanix_ndb_time_machines
- nutanix_ndb_tms_capability
- nutanix_ndb_clone
- nutanix_ndb_clones
Implemented enhancements:
1.8.0-beta.1 (Oct 12, 2022)
New Feature:
Feat/1.8.0-beta.1 Release with Nutanix Database Service based resources and datasources [#501] (#501)
New Data Sources :
- nutanix_ndb_cluster
- nutanix_ndb_clusters
- nutanix_ndb_database
- nutanix_ndb_databases
- nutanix_ndb_profile
- nutanix_ndb_profiles
- nutanix_ndb_sla
- nutanix_ndb_slas
New Resources :
- nutanix_ndb_database
New Feature
Added a resource for user groups. #477
New Resource :
- nutanix_user_groups
Merged pull request
- Feature user groups #477 (abhimutant)
- Fix checksum issue in image resource #481 (bhatipradeep)
- Fix image resource issues #480 (bhatipradeep)
- Add field to set time zone for cluster created using foundation #484 (bhatipradeep)
- fixed the issue and added testcase for sysprep custom key values guest customisation #478 (abhimutant)
- Changes in karbon cluster documentation for storage config #479 (abhimutant)
- Enable tests for protection rules based datasources and resources #366 (bhatipradeep)
- Add uuid to address_groups data source #472 (mcguppy)
Fixed bugs
- Terraform provider crashes when using guest_customization_sysprep_custom_key_values #441
- Nutanix terraform- Karbon clusters, the storage_class_config is not been displayed. #417
- Checksum is not considered while uploading image from local using nutanix_image resource. #469
- Not able to update image_type of PC image #454
- Image gets deleted from PC if nutanix_image update errors out #453
Closed issues
- Support for User Groups #475
- Resizing disk identified in plan, but not actually done during apply #463
- uuid of address_groups are not available #461
- ntx provider have ENTITY_READ_ERROR when try to recreate a VM deleted manually #451
- Allow project definiation by name and not just ID #406
- Upload images to Foundation VM from a remote server using nutanix_foundation_image resource #455
- Change catagories from list to dictionary for more straightforward use #407
- VM creation fails when boot_type = LEGACY #304
- Add attributes to set timezone during cluster creation using image_nodes #449
- Enable multi-pc tests #448
New Feature:
Add Datasource and Resource for Flow Networking [#473] (#473)
New Data Sources :
- nutanix_floating_ip
- nutanix_floating_ips
- nutanix_pbr
- nutanix_pbrs
- nutanix_static_routes
- nutanix_vpc
- nutanix_vpcs
New Resources :
- nutanix_floating_ip
- nutanix_pbr
- nutanix_static_routes
- nutanix_vpc
Merged pull requests:
- VPC Feature #457 (abhimutant)
- Policy Based Routing Feature #464 (abhimutant)
- Floating IP Feature #466 (abhimutant)
- Static Routes Feature [#468] (#468) abhimutant)
- Examples and testcases related to Networking Features [#470] (#470) (abhimutant)
Implemented enhancements:
- Support of External and Overlay Subnets #460
Merged pull requests:
- Update Acceptance tests workflow to run specific provider tests #437 (bhatipradeep)
- Foundation unit tests and existing test fixes #433 (bhatipradeep)
- Foundation Acceptance tests and minor fixes #436 (bhatipradeep)
- Foundation Central unit tests and acceptance tests #439 (abhimutant)
- Optimize Image upload to avoid buffering. Add cluster related fields in image upload resource & data source for PC #432 (bhatipradeep)
- fixing karbon docs at registry #434 (abhimutant)
- Example for using config downloaded from to image nodes #444 (bhatipradeep)
- Add example to pull secrets from hashicorp vault to use them in node imaging #431 (bhatipradeep)
Fixed Bugs:
New Feature
- Added data sources and resources for Nutanix Foundation Central. #420
New Data Sources:
- nutanix_foundation_central_api_keys
- nutanix_foundation_central_list_api_keys
- nutanix_foundation_central_imaged_nodes_list
- nutanix_foundation_central_imaged_clusters_list
- nutanix_foundation_central_cluster_details
- nutanix_foundation_central_imaged_node_details
New Resources:
- nutanix_foundation_central_image_cluster
- nutanix_foundation_central_api_keys
New Modules :
- aos-based-node-imaging/node-serials-filter
- manual-mode-imaging
Merged Pull Requests
- Feat/m foundation central imaging by @abhimutant in #422
For the 1.5.0-beta.2 release of the provider it will have N-1 compatibility with the Nutanix Foundation Central. This release was tested against Foundation Central versions v1.3 and v1.2 .
NOTE: Foundation Central integration in this release is still in beta phase.
Full Changelog: v1.5.0-beta...v1.5.0-beta.2
New Feature:
Add resources and data sources for Nutanix Foundation #413
New Data Sources :
- nutanix_foundation_nos_packages
- nutanix_foundation_hypervisor_isos
- nutanix_foundation_discover_nodes
- nutanix_foundation_node_network_details
New Resources :
- nutanix_foundation_image_nodes
- nutanix_foundation_ipmi_config
- nutanix_foundation_image
New Modules :
- aos-based-node-imaging/node-serials-filter
- discover-nodes-network-details/node-serials-filter
- manual-mode-imaging
Merged pull requests:
- Feature: Foundation datasources, resources, modules & documentation #410 (bhatipradeep) (abhimutant)
For the 1.5.0-beta release of the provider it will have N-1 compatibility with the Nutanix Foundation. This release was tested against Foundation versions v5.2 and v5.1.1
NOTE: Foundation integration in this release is still in beta phase.
Fixed Bugs
- Network Security Rules: ip subnet is passed as an empty object in the API to create network security which causes API to get failed #399
Merged pull requests:
- Network Security Rules: ip subnet is passed as an empty object in the API to create network security which causes API to get failed #348(siddharth-kulshrestha)
- Datasources for service groups along with test cases #353
- Set default value of disk_list.device_properties.device_type to DISK #157
- Add num_queues parameter for virtual machine NICs #324
- Add support for linking service and address groups to network security rules #345
Fixed Bugs:
- Karbon 2.4 Cluster creation failing #373
- Use correct API endpoint for category queries #348
- Terraform crashed while creating VM in Nutanix #205
- nutanix_recovery_plan "Duplicate network mapping" #386
- Support defining categories_mapping for a VM #321
- Add a complete example of parameter nutanix_guest_tools #299
Merged Pull Requests:
- Use correct API endpoint for category queries #348(embik)
- Set default value of disk_list.device_properties.device_type to DISK #157 (maxaudron)
- Added singular and plural datasources for service groups with test cases #363 (siddharth-kulshrestha)
- Add acceptance tests #355 (bhatipradeep)
- Change default node pool names for karbon cluster creation #381 (bhatipradeep)
- bug fix for issue-205 #380 (abhimutant)
- Task/m 324 check #385 (abhimutant)
- Security rules with service group and address groups #384 (siddharth-kulshrestha)
- Fix bug where networkmappings are incorrectly referenced in recovery plan #392 (yannickstruyf3)