diff --git a/src/popup/index.js b/src/popup/index.js
index f96a74d..d47e06f 100644
--- a/src/popup/index.js
+++ b/src/popup/index.js
@@ -28,11 +28,33 @@ import Swal from 'sweetalert2';
import ServiceWorkerBridge from '../service-worker-bridge';
function loadPage(worker, options = { forceForbiddenDomains: false }) {
- let position;
+ const startLoading = () => {
+ const headingElement = $('.heading'); // Select the heading div
+ const headingPosition = headingElement.position(); // Get its position
+ const headingHeight = headingElement.outerHeight(); // Get its height
+ const headingWidth = headingElement.outerWidth(); // Get its width
+ const loadingElement = $('#loading'); // Select the loading element
+ const loadingHeight = loadingElement.outerHeight(); // Get the loading element's height
+ const loadingWidth = loadingElement.outerWidth(); // Get the loading element's width
+ // Calculate the top position to center the loading vertically within the heading
+ const topPosition = headingPosition.top + (headingHeight / 2) - (loadingHeight / 2);
+ // Position the loading element to the right of the heading div with a margin
+ const leftPosition = headingPosition.left + headingWidth - loadingWidth;
+ // Apply the calculated positions to the loading element
+ loadingElement.css({
+ display: 'block',
+ position: 'absolute', // Ensure the loading element is positioned absolutely
+ top: `${topPosition}px`,
+ left: `${leftPosition}px`,
+ });
+ };
const startLoadingHR = () => new Promise((resolve) => {
const a = $('a#hot-reload-button');
- position = a.position();
+ const position = a.position();
display: 'block',
top: position.top - 5,
@@ -43,7 +65,7 @@ function loadPage(worker, options = { forceForbiddenDomains: false }) {
const startLoadingRS = () => new Promise((resolve) => {
const a = $('a#restart-button');
- position = a.position();
+ const position = a.position();
display: 'block',
top: position.top - 5,
@@ -54,6 +76,7 @@ function loadPage(worker, options = { forceForbiddenDomains: false }) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
const stopLoading = (error) => {
+ $('#logo').css('visibility', 'visible');
$('#loading').css('display', 'none');
if (!error) return;
const alertInfo = () => {
@@ -263,807 +286,811 @@ function loadPage(worker, options = { forceForbiddenDomains: false }) {
// reset jQuery event handlers
- worker.serverConnector.asNuxeo(options)
- .then((nuxeo) => worker.connectLocator
- .asRegistration()
- .then((input) => {
- const { location, credentials } = input;
- const connectUrl = new URL(location);
- const connectCredentials = credentials;
- return { connectUrl, connectCredentials, ...input };
- })
- // process the page, should split this in multiple functions
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
- .then(({ connectUrl, connectCredentials, cookiesGranted }) => {
- // bind the fields with the js worker
- const pendingPromises = [];
- pendingPromises.push(
- worker.developmentMode.isEnabled().then((isEnabled) => {
- // Assuming isEnabled is already determined
- const shouldBeReadOnly = !isEnabled;
- // Toggle class for read-only styling
- $('.server-main #options').toggleClass(
- 'read-only-form',
- shouldBeReadOnly
- );
- // Disable all inputs, textareas, selects, and buttons
- $('.server-main #options')
- .find('input, textarea, select, button')
- .prop('disabled', shouldBeReadOnly);
- // Additionally, make inputs and textareas readonly if needed
- $('.server-main #options')
- .find('input, textarea')
- .prop('readonly', shouldBeReadOnly);
- // set values
- $('#connect-url-input').val(connectUrl);
- // toggle the buttons displaying
- $('.server-main #options #buttons').toggle(isEnabled);
- if (!isEnabled) return;
- $('#save').click(() => {
- const savingPromises = [];
- // connect URL
- savingPromises.push(
- Promise.resolve($('#connect-url-input'))
- .then(
- (inputField) => (
- $('#connect-url').hide(),
- { field: inputField, value: inputField.val() }
+ Promise.resolve()
+ .then(() => startLoading())
+ .then(worker.serverConnector.asNuxeo(options)
+ .then((nuxeo) => worker.connectLocator
+ .asRegistration()
+ .then((input) => {
+ const { location, credentials } = input;
+ const connectUrl = new URL(location);
+ const connectCredentials = credentials;
+ return { connectUrl, connectCredentials, ...input };
+ })
+ // process the page, should split this in multiple functions
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+ .then(({ connectUrl, connectCredentials, cookiesGranted }) => {
+ // bind the fields with the js worker
+ const pendingPromises = [];
+ pendingPromises.push(
+ worker.developmentMode.isEnabled().then((isEnabled) => {
+ // Assuming isEnabled is already determined
+ const shouldBeReadOnly = !isEnabled;
+ // Toggle class for read-only styling
+ $('.server-main #options').toggleClass(
+ 'read-only-form',
+ shouldBeReadOnly
+ );
+ // Disable all inputs, textareas, selects, and buttons
+ $('.server-main #options')
+ .find('input, textarea, select, button')
+ .prop('disabled', shouldBeReadOnly);
+ // Additionally, make inputs and textareas readonly if needed
+ $('.server-main #options')
+ .find('input, textarea')
+ .prop('readonly', shouldBeReadOnly);
+ // set values
+ $('#connect-url-input').val(connectUrl);
+ // toggle the buttons displaying
+ $('.server-main #options #buttons').toggle(isEnabled);
+ if (!isEnabled) return;
+ $('#save').click(() => {
+ const savingPromises = [];
+ // connect URL
+ savingPromises.push(
+ Promise.resolve($('#connect-url-input'))
+ .then(
+ (inputField) => (
+ $('#connect-url').hide(),
+ { field: inputField, value: inputField.val() }
+ )
- )
- .then(({ field, value }) => {
- const registration =
+ .then(({ field, value }) => {
+ const registration =
value.length !== 0
? worker.connectLocator.asRegistration(value)
: worker.connectLocator.asRegistration();
- return registration.then(
- ({ location }) => (field.val(location), new URL(location))
- );
- })
- );
+ return registration.then(
+ ({ location }) => (field.val(location), new URL(location))
+ );
+ })
+ );
- // studio package name
- savingPromises.push(
- Promise.resolve($('#studio-package-name-input'))
- .then((selectBox) => (selectBox.length === 0 ? undefined : selectBox.val()))
- .then((name) => {
- if (!name) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return worker.serverConnector
- .registerDevelopedStudioProject(name)
- .then(() => name);
- })
- );
+ // studio package name
+ savingPromises.push(
+ Promise.resolve($('#studio-package-name-input'))
+ .then((selectBox) => (selectBox.length === 0 ? undefined : selectBox.val()))
+ .then((name) => {
+ if (!name) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return worker.serverConnector
+ .registerDevelopedStudioProject(name)
+ .then(() => name);
+ })
+ );
- // highlight
- savingPromises.push(
- worker.browserStore
- .set({ highlight: $('#highlight-input').prop('checked') })
- .then((store) => store.highlight)
- );
+ // highlight
+ savingPromises.push(
+ worker.browserStore
+ .set({ highlight: $('#highlight-input').prop('checked') })
+ .then((store) => store.highlight)
+ );
- Promise.all(savingPromises).then(() => worker.componentInventory.reload());
- });
+ Promise.all(savingPromises).then(() => worker.componentInventory.reload());
+ });
- $('#reset').click(() => {
- Swal.fire({
- title: 'Reset Options',
- text: 'Click Reset to reset all options to default settings.',
- showCancelButton: true,
- confirmButtonText: 'Reset',
- cancelButtonText: 'Cancel'
- }).then((result) => {
- if (!result.isConfirmed) return;
- worker.componentInventory.reset();
+ $('#reset').click(() => {
+ Swal.fire({
+ title: 'Reset Options',
+ text: 'Click Reset to reset all options to default settings.',
+ showCancelButton: true,
+ confirmButtonText: 'Reset',
+ cancelButtonText: 'Cancel'
+ }).then((result) => {
+ if (!result.isConfirmed) return;
+ worker.componentInventory.reset();
+ });
- });
- // Grant cookies permissions to connect if needed
- // Define a variable in memory to keep track of the permission state
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
- let newCookiesGranted = cookiesGranted;
- const onCookiesGranted = (granted) => {
- const style = ``;
- $('#grant').html(style);
- newCookiesGranted = granted;
- };
- onCookiesGranted(cookiesGranted);
- $('#grant').click(() => {
- const permissions = {
- origins: [`${connectUrl.origin}/*`],
- permissions: ['cookies']
+ // Grant cookies permissions to connect if needed
+ // Define a variable in memory to keep track of the permission state
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+ let newCookiesGranted = cookiesGranted;
+ const onCookiesGranted = (granted) => {
+ const style = ``;
+ $('#grant').html(style);
+ newCookiesGranted = granted;
- chrome.permissions
- .contains(permissions)
- .then((isGranted) => (isGranted
- ? chrome.permissions.remove(permissions)
- : chrome.permissions.request(permissions)))
- .then(() => chrome.permissions.contains(permissions))
- .then((granted) => onCookiesGranted(granted))
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error(
- 'Error handling permissions',
- permissions,
- error
- );
- // Handle the error appropriately in your extension
- // For example, you might want to inform the user that the permissions cannot be modified
- });
- });
- })
- );
+ onCookiesGranted(cookiesGranted);
+ $('#grant').click(() => {
+ const permissions = {
+ origins: [`${connectUrl.origin}/*`],
+ permissions: ['cookies']
+ };
+ chrome.permissions
+ .contains(permissions)
+ .then((isGranted) => (isGranted
+ ? chrome.permissions.remove(permissions)
+ : chrome.permissions.request(permissions)))
+ .then(() => chrome.permissions.contains(permissions))
+ .then((granted) => onCookiesGranted(granted))
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.error(
+ 'Error handling permissions',
+ permissions,
+ error
+ );
+ // Handle the error appropriately in your extension
+ // For example, you might want to inform the user that the permissions cannot be modified
+ });
+ });
+ })
+ );
- // process the page
- const browserVendor = worker.buildInfo.browserVendor();
- if (browserVendor === 'Firefox') {
- adjustStorageButtons();
- }
+ // process the page
+ const browserVendor = worker.buildInfo.browserVendor();
+ if (browserVendor === 'Firefox') {
+ adjustStorageButtons();
+ }
- // For chrome browser, the designer live preview is enable
- // for version upper 72
- if (browserVendor === 'Chrome') {
- const version = parseInt(
- /(Firefox|Chrome)\/(?[0-9\.]*)/g
- .exec(navigator.userAgent)
- .groups.version.split('.')[0]
- );
- if (version < 72) {
- $('#designer-livepreview').hide();
- $('#designer-livepreview-need-update').show();
+ // For chrome browser, the designer live preview is enable
+ // for version upper 72
+ if (browserVendor === 'Chrome') {
+ const version = parseInt(
+ /(Firefox|Chrome)\/(?[0-9\.]*)/g
+ .exec(navigator.userAgent)
+ .groups.version.split('.')[0]
+ );
+ if (version < 72) {
+ $('#designer-livepreview').hide();
+ $('#designer-livepreview-need-update').show();
+ }
- }
- $('#nxql-clear').click(() => {
- $('#nxql-docid').val('');
- });
+ $('#nxql-clear').click(() => {
+ $('#nxql-docid').val('');
+ });
- $('#logo').click(() => {
- $('#connect-url').toggle();
- });
+ $('#logo').click(() => {
+ $('#connect-url').toggle();
+ });
- // being resolved in promise for handles, better be bound in a dedicated class I think
- let onUI;
- let repository = 'default';
- let serverRuntimeInfo;
- let serverUrl;
+ // being resolved in promise for handles, better be bound in a dedicated class I think
+ let onUI;
+ let repository = 'default';
+ let serverRuntimeInfo;
+ let serverUrl;
- const regexes = {};
- regexes.uuid =
+ const regexes = {};
+ regexes.uuid =
- regexes.repo = /[A-Za-z_\.0-9-]+/;
- regexes.path = /\/[A-Za-z\.0-9_\- \/%~:?#'"]+/;
+ regexes.repo = /[A-Za-z_\.0-9-]+/;
+ regexes.path = /\/[A-Za-z\.0-9_\- \/%~:?#'"]+/;
- regexes.jsf = {};
- regexes.jsf.nxpath = new RegExp(
- `(?:nxpath/(?${regexes.repo.source})(?${regexes.path.source}))`
- );
- regexes.jsf.nxdoc = new RegExp(
- `(?:nxdoc/(?${regexes.repo.source})/(?${regexes.uuid.source}))`
- );
- regexes.jsf.doc = new RegExp(
- `/(${regexes.jsf.nxpath.source}|${regexes.jsf.nxdoc.source})`
- );
+ regexes.jsf = {};
+ regexes.jsf.nxpath = new RegExp(
+ `(?:nxpath/(?${regexes.repo.source})(?${regexes.path.source}))`
+ );
+ regexes.jsf.nxdoc = new RegExp(
+ `(?:nxdoc/(?${regexes.repo.source})/(?${regexes.uuid.source}))`
+ );
+ regexes.jsf.doc = new RegExp(
+ `/(${regexes.jsf.nxpath.source}|${regexes.jsf.nxdoc.source})`
+ );
- regexes.ui = {};
- regexes.ui.home = new RegExp('(?:home$)');
- regexes.ui.browse = new RegExp('(?:browse(?/.+?(?=\\?|$)))');
- regexes.ui.docid = new RegExp(
- `(?:doc/(?${regexes.uuid.source}))`
- );
- regexes.ui.doc = new RegExp(
- `/(?:repo/(?${regexes.repo.source})|)ui/#!/(?:${regexes.ui.browse.source}|${regexes.ui.docid.source}|${regexes.ui.home.source})`
- );
+ regexes.ui = {};
+ regexes.ui.home = new RegExp('(?:home$)');
+ regexes.ui.browse = new RegExp('(?:browse(?/.+?(?=\\?|$)))');
+ regexes.ui.docid = new RegExp(
+ `(?:doc/(?${regexes.uuid.source}))`
+ );
+ regexes.ui.doc = new RegExp(
+ `/(?:repo/(?${regexes.repo.source})|)ui/#!/(?:${regexes.ui.browse.source}|${regexes.ui.docid.source}|${regexes.ui.home.source})`
+ );
- function doGetJson(path) {
- worker.browserStore.get({ highlight: true }).then((res) => {
- if (res.highlight) {
- worker.documentBrowser
- .jsonOf(repository, path)
- .then(openJsonWindow);
- } else {
- const jsonPath = `api/v1/repo/${repository}/${path}?enrichers.document=acls,permissions&properties=*`;
- worker.tabNavigationHandler.loadNewExtensionTab(jsonPath, true);
- }
- });
- }
+ function doGetJson(path) {
+ worker.browserStore.get({ highlight: true }).then((res) => {
+ if (res.highlight) {
+ worker.documentBrowser
+ .jsonOf(repository, path)
+ .then(openJsonWindow);
+ } else {
+ const jsonPath = `api/v1/repo/${repository}/${path}?enrichers.document=acls,permissions&properties=*`;
+ worker.tabNavigationHandler.loadNewExtensionTab(jsonPath, true);
+ }
+ });
+ }
- function getJsonFromPath(input) {
- doGetJson(`path/${decodeURIComponent(input)}`);
- }
+ function getJsonFromPath(input) {
+ doGetJson(`path/${decodeURIComponent(input)}`);
+ }
- function getJsonFromGuid(input) {
- doGetJson(`id/${input}`);
- }
+ function getJsonFromGuid(input) {
+ doGetJson(`id/${input}`);
+ }
- function hideActionsAndToggles(messageId = 'no-admin-rights') {
- $('.buttons').css('display', 'none');
- $('.toggles').css('display', 'none');
- $(`#messages > #${messageId}`).css('display', 'block');
- }
+ function hideActionsAndToggles(messageId = 'no-admin-rights') {
+ $('.buttons').css('display', 'none');
+ $('.toggles').css('display', 'none');
+ $(`#messages > #${messageId}`).css('display', 'block');
+ }
- if (!nuxeo.user.isAdministrator) {
- hideActionsAndToggles();
- }
+ if (!nuxeo.user.isAdministrator) {
+ hideActionsAndToggles();
+ }
- pendingPromises.push(
- worker.browserStore
- .get({ highlight: true })
- .then(({ highlight: isChecked }) => $('#highlight-input').prop('checked', isChecked))
- );
- pendingPromises.push(checkDependencyMismatch());
- pendingPromises.push(
- Promise.resolve($('#studio-package-name-input'))
- .then((selectBox) => (selectBox.length === 0 ? undefined : selectBox))
- .then((selectBox) => {
- if (!selectBox) {
- return worker.serverConnector
- .asConnectRegistration()
- .then((registration) => {
- const { package: studioPackage } = registration;
- if (!studioPackage) return registration;
- return { ...registration, package: studioPackage.name };
- });
- }
- return Promise.all([
- worker.serverConnector
- .asConnectRegistration(),
- worker.serverConnector
- .asDevelopedStudioProjects()
- .then((projects) => {
+ pendingPromises.push(
+ worker.browserStore
+ .get({ highlight: true })
+ .then(({ highlight: isChecked }) => $('#highlight-input').prop('checked', isChecked))
+ );
+ pendingPromises.push(checkDependencyMismatch());
+ pendingPromises.push(
+ Promise.resolve($('#studio-package-name-input'))
+ .then((selectBox) => (selectBox.length === 0 ? undefined : selectBox))
+ .then((selectBox) => {
+ if (!selectBox) {
+ return worker.serverConnector
+ .asConnectRegistration()
+ .then((registration) => {
+ const { package: studioPackage } = registration;
+ if (!studioPackage) return registration;
+ return { ...registration, package: studioPackage.name };
+ });
+ }
+ return Promise.all([
+ worker.serverConnector
+ .asConnectRegistration(),
+ worker.serverConnector
+ .asDevelopedStudioProjects()
+ .then((projects) => {
// Remove any existing options
- while (selectBox[0].firstChild) {
- selectBox[0].removeChild(selectBox[0].firstChild);
- }
- // Add an option for each studio package
- let registeredPackageFound = null;
- projects.forEach((project) => {
- const option = document.createElement('option');
- option.value = project.packageName;
- option.text = project.packageName;
- if (project.isRegistered) {
- option.selected = true;
- registeredPackageFound = project.packageName;
+ while (selectBox[0].firstChild) {
+ selectBox[0].removeChild(selectBox[0].firstChild);
- selectBox[0].appendChild(option);
- });
- // Return whether an enabled package was found
- return { ...projects, package: registeredPackageFound };
- })])
- .then(([registration, projects]) => ({ ...registration, ...projects }));
- })
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
- .then((registration) => {
- const {
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow, no-unused-vars
- serverUrl: serverLocation,
- connectUrl: connectLocation,
- connectSubscription,
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
- developmentMode,
- package: registeredPackage
- } = registration;
- if (connectSubscription && connectSubscription.errorMessage) {
- const alertText = `
+ // Add an option for each studio package
+ let registeredPackageFound = null;
+ projects.forEach((project) => {
+ const option = document.createElement('option');
+ option.value = project.packageName;
+ option.text = project.packageName;
+ if (project.isRegistered) {
+ option.selected = true;
+ registeredPackageFound = project.packageName;
+ }
+ selectBox[0].appendChild(option);
+ });
+ // Return whether an enabled package was found
+ return { ...projects, package: registeredPackageFound };
+ })])
+ .then(([registration, projects]) => ({ ...registration, ...projects }));
+ })
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow
+ .then((registration) => {
+ const {
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-shadow, no-unused-vars
+ serverUrl: serverLocation,
+ connectUrl: connectLocation,
+ connectSubscription,
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+ developmentMode,
+ package: registeredPackage
+ } = registration;
+ if (connectSubscription && connectSubscription.errorMessage) {
+ const alertText = `
Cannot retrieve your server registration from \`${connectUrl}\`...
Most probably your CLID is invalid or missing !
(see console logs for mor details)`;
- Swal.fire({
- title: 'Warning',
- html: alertText,
- icon: 'warning'
- });
- }
- if (registeredPackage) {
- studioPackageFound(new URL(connectLocation), registeredPackage);
- } else {
- noStudioPackageFound();
- }
- })
- );
- pendingPromises.push(
- worker.serverConnector
- .executeOperation('Traces.ToggleRecording', { readOnly: true })
- // eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences
- .then((json) => json.value)
- .then((value) => Boolean(value))
- .then((isEnabled) => {
- $('#traces-button').toggleClass('enabled', isEnabled);
- })
- );
- pendingPromises.push(
- worker.serverConnector.asRuntimeInfo().then((runtimeInfo) => {
- if (!runtimeInfo.nuxeo.connected) {
- return Promise.resolve();
- }
- const nuxeoServerVersion = NuxeoServerVersion.create(
- runtimeInfo.nuxeo.serverVersion.version
- );
- const lts2019 = NuxeoServerVersion.create('10.10');
- serverRuntimeInfo = runtimeInfo;
- serverUrl = runtimeInfo.serverUrl.replace(/\/$/, '');
- const serverString = DOMPurify.sanitize(serverUrl);
- const promises = [
- Promise.resolve(
- $('#platform-version').text(
- ` ${runtimeInfo.nuxeo.serverVersion.version}`
- )
- ),
- nuxeoServerVersion.lt(lts2019)
- ? worker.browserStore
- .set({ highlight: true })
- .then(() => adjustStorageButtons())
- : Promise.resolve(),
- Promise.resolve($('div.server-name-url').text(serverString)),
- Promise.resolve(
- registerLink(
- '#automation-doc',
- serverUrl.concat('/site/automation/doc/')
- )
- ),
- Promise.resolve(runtimeInfo.installedAddons).then((addons) => {
- if (!addons.includes('nuxeo-web-ui')) {
- $('#designer-livepreview').hide();
+ Swal.fire({
+ title: 'Warning',
+ html: alertText,
+ icon: 'warning'
+ });
+ }
+ if (registeredPackage) {
+ studioPackageFound(new URL(connectLocation), registeredPackage);
+ } else {
+ noStudioPackageFound();
- const playgroundUrl = addons.includes('nuxeo-api-playground')
- ? `${serverUrl}/playground/#/${serverUrl}`
- : `http://nuxeo.github.io/api-playground/#/${serverUrl}`;
- return registerLink('#api-playground', playgroundUrl);
- ];
+ );
- return Promise.all(promises);
- })
- );
+ pendingPromises.push(
+ worker.serverConnector
+ .executeOperation('Traces.ToggleRecording', { readOnly: true })
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-sequences
+ .then((json) => json.value)
+ .then((value) => Boolean(value))
+ .then((isEnabled) => {
+ $('#traces-button').toggleClass('enabled', isEnabled);
+ })
+ );
- pendingPromises.push(
- worker.tabNavigationHandler
- .asTabParams(undefined, true)
- .then(({ url }) => {
- const jsfMatchs = regexes.jsf.doc.exec(url);
- const uiMatchs = regexes.ui.doc.exec(url);
- function exportCurrentLink(docPathOrId) {
- $('#export-current').css('display', 'block');
- $('#export-current').click(() => {
- if (docPathOrId.startsWith('/')) {
- getJsonFromPath(docPathOrId);
- } else {
- getJsonFromGuid(docPathOrId);
- }
- });
+ pendingPromises.push(
+ worker.serverConnector.asRuntimeInfo().then((runtimeInfo) => {
+ if (!runtimeInfo.nuxeo.connected) {
+ return Promise.resolve();
+ const nuxeoServerVersion = NuxeoServerVersion.create(
+ runtimeInfo.nuxeo.serverVersion.version
+ );
+ const lts2019 = NuxeoServerVersion.create('10.10');
+ serverRuntimeInfo = runtimeInfo;
+ serverUrl = runtimeInfo.serverUrl.replace(/\/$/, '');
+ const serverString = DOMPurify.sanitize(serverUrl);
+ const promises = [
+ Promise.resolve(
+ $('#platform-version').text(
+ ` ${runtimeInfo.nuxeo.serverVersion.version}`
+ )
+ ),
+ nuxeoServerVersion.lt(lts2019)
+ ? worker.browserStore
+ .set({ highlight: true })
+ .then(() => adjustStorageButtons())
+ : Promise.resolve(),
+ Promise.resolve($('div.server-name-url').text(serverString)),
+ Promise.resolve(
+ registerLink(
+ '#automation-doc',
+ serverUrl.concat('/site/automation/doc/')
+ )
+ ),
+ Promise.resolve(runtimeInfo.installedAddons).then((addons) => {
+ if (!addons.includes('nuxeo-web-ui')) {
+ $('#designer-livepreview').hide();
+ }
+ const playgroundUrl = addons.includes('nuxeo-api-playground')
+ ? `${serverUrl}/playground/#/${serverUrl}`
+ : `http://nuxeo.github.io/api-playground/#/${serverUrl}`;
+ return registerLink('#api-playground', playgroundUrl);
+ })
+ ];
+ return Promise.all(promises);
+ })
+ );
+ pendingPromises.push(
+ worker.tabNavigationHandler
+ .asTabParams(undefined, true)
+ .then(({ url }) => {
+ const jsfMatchs = regexes.jsf.doc.exec(url);
+ const uiMatchs = regexes.ui.doc.exec(url);
+ function exportCurrentLink(docPathOrId) {
+ $('#export-current').css('display', 'block');
+ $('#export-current').click(() => {
+ if (docPathOrId.startsWith('/')) {
+ getJsonFromPath(docPathOrId);
+ } else {
+ getJsonFromGuid(docPathOrId);
+ }
+ });
+ }
- if (jsfMatchs || uiMatchs) {
- onUI = uiMatchs;
- const groups = (jsfMatchs || uiMatchs).groups;
- repository =
+ if (jsfMatchs || uiMatchs) {
+ onUI = uiMatchs;
+ const groups = (jsfMatchs || uiMatchs).groups;
+ repository =
groups.repoPath || groups.repoId || groups.repo || 'default';
- if (groups.path || groups.docid) {
- exportCurrentLink(groups.path || groups.docid);
+ if (groups.path || groups.docid) {
+ exportCurrentLink(groups.path || groups.docid);
+ }
- }
- return url;
- })
- );
+ return url;
+ })
+ );
- registerLink('#nuxeo-status', 'https://status.nuxeo.com/');
- registerLink('#explorer', 'https://explorer.nuxeo.com');
- registerLink('#nxql', 'https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/nxql/');
- registerLink(
- '#el-scripting',
- 'https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/understand-expression-and-scripting-languages-used-in-nuxeo/'
- );
- registerLink(
- '#mvel',
- 'https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/use-of-mvel-in-automation-chains/'
- );
- registerLink(
- '#workflow-variables',
- 'https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/variables-available-in-the-automation-context/'
- );
- registerLink(
- '#escalation-rules',
- 'https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/escalation-service/'
- );
- registerLink(
- '#nuxeo-elements',
- 'https://www.webcomponents.org/author/nuxeo'
- );
- registerLink(
- '#nuxeo-layouts',
- 'http://showcase.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/layoutDemo/'
- );
- registerLink(
- '#style-guide',
- 'http://showcase.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/styleGuide/'
- );
+ registerLink('#nuxeo-status', 'https://status.nuxeo.com/');
+ registerLink('#explorer', 'https://explorer.nuxeo.com');
+ registerLink('#nxql', 'https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/nxql/');
+ registerLink(
+ '#el-scripting',
+ 'https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/understand-expression-and-scripting-languages-used-in-nuxeo/'
+ );
+ registerLink(
+ '#mvel',
+ 'https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/use-of-mvel-in-automation-chains/'
+ );
+ registerLink(
+ '#workflow-variables',
+ 'https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/variables-available-in-the-automation-context/'
+ );
+ registerLink(
+ '#escalation-rules',
+ 'https://doc.nuxeo.com/nxdoc/escalation-service/'
+ );
+ registerLink(
+ '#nuxeo-elements',
+ 'https://www.webcomponents.org/author/nuxeo'
+ );
+ registerLink(
+ '#nuxeo-layouts',
+ 'http://showcase.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/layoutDemo/'
+ );
+ registerLink(
+ '#style-guide',
+ 'http://showcase.nuxeo.com/nuxeo/styleGuide/'
+ );
- function showSearchResults(icon, title, path, uid, vMajor, vMinor) {
- const iconLink = serverUrl.concat(icon);
- const iconTag = document.createElement('td');
- const image = document.createElement('img');
- const titleTag = document.createElement('td');
- const jsonTag = document.createElement('td');
- const jsonIcon = $('.json-icon-large').clone();
- const pathTag = document.createElement('td');
- const searchResult = document.createElement('tr');
- const searchResultPath = document.createElement('tr');
- iconTag.setAttribute('colspan', '1');
- iconTag.className = 'icon';
- image.className = 'doc-icon';
- image.setAttribute('src', `${iconLink}`);
- image.setAttribute('alt', 'icon');
- iconTag.appendChild(image);
- titleTag.setAttribute('colspan', '18');
- titleTag.setAttribute('title', 'Open document in another tab');
- titleTag.className = 'doc-title';
- titleTag.id = `${uid}`;
- if (
- typeof vMajor !== 'undefined' &&
+ function showSearchResults(icon, title, path, uid, vMajor, vMinor) {
+ const iconLink = serverUrl.concat(icon);
+ const iconTag = document.createElement('td');
+ const image = document.createElement('img');
+ const titleTag = document.createElement('td');
+ const jsonTag = document.createElement('td');
+ const jsonIcon = $('.json-icon-large').clone();
+ const pathTag = document.createElement('td');
+ const searchResult = document.createElement('tr');
+ const searchResultPath = document.createElement('tr');
+ iconTag.setAttribute('colspan', '1');
+ iconTag.className = 'icon';
+ image.className = 'doc-icon';
+ image.setAttribute('src', `${iconLink}`);
+ image.setAttribute('alt', 'icon');
+ iconTag.appendChild(image);
+ titleTag.setAttribute('colspan', '18');
+ titleTag.setAttribute('title', 'Open document in another tab');
+ titleTag.className = 'doc-title';
+ titleTag.id = `${uid}`;
+ if (
+ typeof vMajor !== 'undefined' &&
typeof vMinor !== 'undefined' &&
(vMajor !== 0 || vMinor !== 0)
- ) {
- titleTag.textContent = `${title} `;
- const span = document.createElement('span');
- span.className = 'version';
- span.textContent = `v${vMajor}.${vMinor}`;
- titleTag.appendChild(span);
- } else {
- titleTag.textContent = `${title}`;
+ ) {
+ titleTag.textContent = `${title} `;
+ const span = document.createElement('span');
+ span.className = 'version';
+ span.textContent = `v${vMajor}.${vMinor}`;
+ titleTag.appendChild(span);
+ } else {
+ titleTag.textContent = `${title}`;
+ }
+ jsonTag.setAttribute('colspan', '1');
+ jsonTag.className = 'icon';
+ jsonIcon.removeClass('json-icon-large');
+ jsonIcon.addClass('json-icon');
+ jsonIcon.attr('id', `${uid}`);
+ $('title', jsonIcon).text('View document JSON');
+ jsonTag.appendChild(jsonIcon[0]);
+ pathTag.setAttribute('colspan', '20');
+ pathTag.className = 'doc-path';
+ pathTag.textContent = `${path}`;
+ searchResult.className = 'search-result';
+ searchResult.appendChild(iconTag);
+ searchResult.appendChild(titleTag);
+ searchResult.appendChild(jsonTag);
+ searchResultPath.appendChild(pathTag);
+ $('tbody').append(searchResult);
+ $('tbody').append(searchResultPath);
- jsonTag.setAttribute('colspan', '1');
- jsonTag.className = 'icon';
- jsonIcon.removeClass('json-icon-large');
- jsonIcon.addClass('json-icon');
- jsonIcon.attr('id', `${uid}`);
- $('title', jsonIcon).text('View document JSON');
- jsonTag.appendChild(jsonIcon[0]);
- pathTag.setAttribute('colspan', '20');
- pathTag.className = 'doc-path';
- pathTag.textContent = `${path}`;
- searchResult.className = 'search-result';
- searchResult.appendChild(iconTag);
- searchResult.appendChild(titleTag);
- searchResult.appendChild(jsonTag);
- searchResultPath.appendChild(pathTag);
- $('tbody').append(searchResult);
- $('tbody').append(searchResultPath);
- }
- function docSearch(nxqlQuery, input) {
- return worker.serverConnector
- .query({ query: nxqlQuery, sortBy: 'dc:modified' })
- .then((res) => {
- if (res.entries.length > 0) {
- $('.no-result').css('display', 'none');
- $('body').css('overflow-y', 'auto');
- const thead = document.createElement('thead');
- const tr = document.createElement('tr');
- const th = document.createElement('th');
- const tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
- th.setAttribute('colspan', '20');
- th.textContent = 'Search Results:';
- tr.appendChild(th);
- thead.appendChild(tr);
- $('#search-results').append(thead);
- $('#search-results').append(tbody);
- $('table').css('margin-top', '20px');
- res.entries.forEach((doc) => {
- $('html').outerHeight($('html').height());
- const icon = doc.properties['common:icon'];
- const title = doc.properties['dc:title'];
- const re = /^(.*[\/])/;
- const path = re.exec(doc.path)[1];
- const uid = doc.uid;
- const vMajor = doc.properties['uid:major_version'];
- const vMinor = doc.properties['uid:minor_version'];
- showSearchResults(icon, title, path, uid, vMajor, vMinor);
- });
- $('.doc-title').click((event) => {
- const docPath = onUI
- ? `ui/#!/doc/${event.currentTarget.id}`
- : `nxdoc/default/${event.currentTarget.id}/view_documents`;
- worker.tabNavigationHandler.loadNewExtensionTab(docPath, true);
- });
- $('.json-icon').click((event) => {
- event.preventDefault();
- getJsonFromGuid(event.currentTarget.id);
- });
- } else {
- const searchTerm = DOMPurify.sanitize(input);
- $('.no-result span').text(searchTerm);
- $('.no-result').css('display', 'block');
- }
- $('#loading-gif').css('display', 'none');
- $('#search').css('text-indent', '5px');
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error(error);
- error.response.json().then((json) => {
- worker.desktopNotifier.notify(
- 'error',
- json.code,
- json.message,
- '../images/access_denied.png'
- );
+ function docSearch(nxqlQuery, input) {
+ return worker.serverConnector
+ .query({ query: nxqlQuery, sortBy: 'dc:modified' })
+ .then((res) => {
+ if (res.entries.length > 0) {
+ $('.no-result').css('display', 'none');
+ $('body').css('overflow-y', 'auto');
+ const thead = document.createElement('thead');
+ const tr = document.createElement('tr');
+ const th = document.createElement('th');
+ const tbody = document.createElement('tbody');
+ th.setAttribute('colspan', '20');
+ th.textContent = 'Search Results:';
+ tr.appendChild(th);
+ thead.appendChild(tr);
+ $('#search-results').append(thead);
+ $('#search-results').append(tbody);
+ $('table').css('margin-top', '20px');
+ res.entries.forEach((doc) => {
+ $('html').outerHeight($('html').height());
+ const icon = doc.properties['common:icon'];
+ const title = doc.properties['dc:title'];
+ const re = /^(.*[\/])/;
+ const path = re.exec(doc.path)[1];
+ const uid = doc.uid;
+ const vMajor = doc.properties['uid:major_version'];
+ const vMinor = doc.properties['uid:minor_version'];
+ showSearchResults(icon, title, path, uid, vMajor, vMinor);
+ });
+ $('.doc-title').click((event) => {
+ const docPath = onUI
+ ? `ui/#!/doc/${event.currentTarget.id}`
+ : `nxdoc/default/${event.currentTarget.id}/view_documents`;
+ worker.tabNavigationHandler.loadNewExtensionTab(docPath, true);
+ });
+ $('.json-icon').click((event) => {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ getJsonFromGuid(event.currentTarget.id);
+ });
+ } else {
+ const searchTerm = DOMPurify.sanitize(input);
+ $('.no-result span').text(searchTerm);
+ $('.no-result').css('display', 'block');
+ }
$('#loading-gif').css('display', 'none');
$('#search').css('text-indent', '5px');
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.error(error);
+ error.response.json().then((json) => {
+ worker.desktopNotifier.notify(
+ 'error',
+ json.code,
+ json.message,
+ '../images/access_denied.png'
+ );
+ $('#loading-gif').css('display', 'none');
+ $('#search').css('text-indent', '5px');
+ });
- });
- }
+ }
- let openJsonWindow = (jsonObject) => {
- const jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonObject, undefined, 2);
- return worker.jsonHighlighter
- .input(DOMPurify.sanitize(jsonString))
- .then(() => worker.tabNavigationHandler.loadNewExtensionTab('json/index.html'));
- };
+ let openJsonWindow = (jsonObject) => {
+ const jsonString = JSON.stringify(jsonObject, undefined, 2);
+ return worker.jsonHighlighter
+ .input(DOMPurify.sanitize(jsonString))
+ .then(() => worker.tabNavigationHandler.loadNewExtensionTab('json/index.html'));
+ };
- $('#restart-button').on('click', () => {
- // Function to show confirmation dialog
- const confirmRestart = () => Swal.fire({
- title: 'Warning!',
- text: `You have administrator privileges but the server is not in development mode.
+ $('#restart-button').on('click', () => {
+ // Function to show confirmation dialog
+ const confirmRestart = () => Swal.fire({
+ title: 'Warning!',
+ text: `You have administrator privileges but the server is not in development mode.
Are you sure you want to restart the server now ?`,
- showCancelButton: true,
- confirmButtonText: 'Restart',
- cancelButtonText: 'Cancel'
- });
+ showCancelButton: true,
+ confirmButtonText: 'Restart',
+ cancelButtonText: 'Cancel'
+ });
- // Main perform function
- const performRestart = () => {
- startLoadingRS()
- .then(() => worker.serverConnector.restart())
- .then(() => worker.tabNavigationHandler.reloadServerTab())
- .then(() => window.close());
- };
+ // Main perform function
+ const performRestart = () => {
+ startLoadingRS()
+ .then(() => worker.serverConnector.restart())
+ .then(() => worker.tabNavigationHandler.reloadServerTab())
+ .then(() => window.close());
+ };
- // Decision logic for restart
- if (!serverRuntimeInfo.connectRegistration.developmentMode) {
- confirmRestart().then((result) => {
- if (result.isConfirmed) {
- performRestart();
- }
- });
- } else {
- performRestart();
- }
- });
+ // Decision logic for restart
+ if (!serverRuntimeInfo.connectRegistration.developmentMode) {
+ confirmRestart().then((result) => {
+ if (result.isConfirmed) {
+ performRestart();
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ performRestart();
+ }
+ });
- const navigateLink = (event) => {
- event.preventDefault();
- const linkHref = $(event.currentTarget).attr('href');
+ const navigateLink = (event) => {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ const linkHref = $(event.currentTarget).attr('href');
- return fetch(chrome.runtime.getURL(linkHref))
- .then((response) => {
- if (!response.ok) {
- throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
- }
- return response.text();
- })
- .then((html) => {
- $('body').html(html);
- // If the loaded page has its own scripts, you might need to reinitialize them here
- })
- .catch((error) => {
- console.error('Error loading page:', error);
- });
- };
- $('#reindex-es-button').on('click', navigateLink);
- // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow-callback
- $(document).on('click', '#back', function (event) {
- navigateLink(event).then(() => loadPage(worker));
- });
+ return fetch(chrome.runtime.getURL(linkHref))
+ .then((response) => {
+ if (!response.ok) {
+ throw new Error('Network response was not ok');
+ }
+ return response.text();
+ })
+ .then((html) => {
+ $('body').html(html);
+ // If the loaded page has its own scripts, you might need to reinitialize them here
+ })
+ .catch((error) => {
+ console.error('Error loading page:', error);
+ });
+ };
+ $('#reindex-es-button').on('click', navigateLink);
+ // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-arrow-callback
+ $(document).on('click', '#back', function (event) {
+ navigateLink(event).then(() => loadPage(worker));
+ });
- // Handle click events for the radio buttons
- $(document).on('click', '#reindex-repo, #reindex-nxql', function () {
- // Toggle 'active' class for the clicked button
- $(this).toggleClass('active');
+ // Handle click events for the radio buttons
+ $(document).on('click', '#reindex-repo, #reindex-nxql', function () {
+ // Toggle 'active' class for the clicked button
+ $(this).toggleClass('active');
- // If the other button is active, remove its 'active' class
- if (
- $(this).is('#reindex-repo') &&
+ // If the other button is active, remove its 'active' class
+ if (
+ $(this).is('#reindex-repo') &&
- ) {
- $('#reindex-nxql').removeClass('active');
- } else if (
- $(this).is('#reindex-nxql') &&
+ ) {
+ $('#reindex-nxql').removeClass('active');
+ } else if (
+ $(this).is('#reindex-nxql') &&
- ) {
- $('#reindex-repo').removeClass('active');
- }
- // Show or hide the form based on which button is active
- if ($('#reindex-repo').hasClass('active')) {
- $('#reindex-form').css('display', 'none');
- } else {
- $('#reindex-form').css('display', 'block');
- }
- });
+ ) {
+ $('#reindex-repo').removeClass('active');
+ }
- // Handle click event for the 'reindex' button
- $(document).on('click', '#reindex', () => {
- const reindex = () => {
+ // Show or hide the form based on which button is active
if ($('#reindex-repo').hasClass('active')) {
- worker.repositoryIndexer.reindex();
+ $('#reindex-form').css('display', 'none');
} else {
- $('#reindex-form').show();
- const input = $('#reindex-input').val();
- $('#reindex-input').val('');
- worker.repositoryIndexer.reindex(input);
+ $('#reindex-form').css('display', 'block');
- window.close();
- };
- if (serverRuntimeInfo.connectRegistration.developmentMode) {
- reindex();
- } else {
- Swal.fire({
- title: 'Warning!',
- text: 'You are not in development development mode, are you sure you want to re-index the server?',
- showCancelButton: true,
- confirmButtonText: 'Re-index',
- cancelButtonText: 'Cancel'
- }).then((result) => {
- if (!result.isConfirmed) {
- return;
+ });
+ // Handle click event for the 'reindex' button
+ $(document).on('click', '#reindex', () => {
+ const reindex = () => {
+ if ($('#reindex-repo').hasClass('active')) {
+ worker.repositoryIndexer.reindex();
+ } else {
+ $('#reindex-form').show();
+ const input = $('#reindex-input').val();
+ $('#reindex-input').val('');
+ worker.repositoryIndexer.reindex(input);
+ window.close();
+ };
+ if (serverRuntimeInfo.connectRegistration.developmentMode) {
- });
- }
- });
+ } else {
+ Swal.fire({
+ title: 'Warning!',
+ text: 'You are not in development development mode, are you sure you want to re-index the server?',
+ showCancelButton: true,
+ confirmButtonText: 'Re-index',
+ cancelButtonText: 'Cancel'
+ }).then((result) => {
+ if (!result.isConfirmed) {
+ return;
+ }
+ reindex();
+ });
+ }
+ });
- $('#nxql-docid').keydown((e) => {
- if (e.which === 13) {
- e.preventDefault();
- $('#reindex-nxql-doc').click();
- }
- });
+ $('#nxql-docid').keydown((e) => {
+ if (e.which === 13) {
+ e.preventDefault();
+ $('#reindex-nxql-doc').click();
+ }
+ });
- $('#traces-button').click(() => worker.serverConnector
- .executeOperation('Traces.ToggleRecording', { readOnly: false })
- .then((response) => response.value)
- .then((value) => Boolean(value))
- .then((isEnabled) => {
- $('#traces-button').toggleClass('enabled', isEnabled);
- })
- .catch((cause) => {
- console.error("Can't toggle automation traces", cause);
- return worker.serverConnector
- .executeOperation('Traces.ToggleRecording', { readOnly: true })
- .then((response) => response.value)
- .then((value) => Boolean(value))
- .catch(() => false);
- }));
- $('#search').keydown((event) => {
- $('#loading-gif').css({ display: 'inline' });
- $('#search').css('text-indent', '23px');
- if (event.keyCode === 13) {
- // prevent submit on enter
- event.preventDefault();
- }
- });
+ $('#traces-button').click(() => worker.serverConnector
+ .executeOperation('Traces.ToggleRecording', { readOnly: false })
+ .then((response) => response.value)
+ .then((value) => Boolean(value))
+ .then((isEnabled) => {
+ $('#traces-button').toggleClass('enabled', isEnabled);
+ })
+ .catch((cause) => {
+ console.error("Can't toggle automation traces", cause);
+ return worker.serverConnector
+ .executeOperation('Traces.ToggleRecording', { readOnly: true })
+ .then((response) => response.value)
+ .then((value) => Boolean(value))
+ .catch(() => false);
+ }));
+ $('#search').keydown((event) => {
+ $('#loading-gif').css({ display: 'inline' });
+ $('#search').css('text-indent', '23px');
+ if (event.keyCode === 13) {
+ // prevent submit on enter
+ event.preventDefault();
+ }
+ });
- $('#search').keyup(
- debounce(() => {
- $('#search-results').empty();
- const pathPattern = /^\//;
- const input = $('#search').val();
- if (input === '') {
- $('.no-result').css('display', 'none');
+ $('#search').keyup(
+ debounce(() => {
- $('#loading-gif').css('display', 'none');
- $('#search').css('text-indent', '5px');
- $('body').css('overflow-y', 'hidden');
- $('html').css('height', 'auto');
- } else if (pathPattern.test(input)) {
- getJsonFromPath(input);
- $('#loading-gif').css('display', 'none');
- $('#search').css('text-indent', '5px');
- } else if (regexes.uuid.test(input)) {
- const match = regexes.uuid.exec(input);
- const uuid = match.groups.uuid || match.groups.uuidAny;
- getJsonFromGuid(uuid);
- $('#loading-gif').css('display', 'none');
- $('#search').css('text-indent', '5px');
- } else if (
- input.toUpperCase().indexOf('SELECT ') !== -1 &&
+ const pathPattern = /^\//;
+ const input = $('#search').val();
+ if (input === '') {
+ $('.no-result').css('display', 'none');
+ $('#search-results').empty();
+ $('#loading-gif').css('display', 'none');
+ $('#search').css('text-indent', '5px');
+ $('body').css('overflow-y', 'hidden');
+ $('html').css('height', 'auto');
+ } else if (pathPattern.test(input)) {
+ getJsonFromPath(input);
+ $('#loading-gif').css('display', 'none');
+ $('#search').css('text-indent', '5px');
+ } else if (regexes.uuid.test(input)) {
+ const match = regexes.uuid.exec(input);
+ const uuid = match.groups.uuid || match.groups.uuidAny;
+ getJsonFromGuid(uuid);
+ $('#loading-gif').css('display', 'none');
+ $('#search').css('text-indent', '5px');
+ } else if (
+ input.toUpperCase().indexOf('SELECT ') !== -1 &&
input.toUpperCase().indexOf(' FROM ') !== -1
- ) {
- const query = input.replace(/'/g, '"');
- docSearch(query, input);
- $('#loading-gif').css('display', 'none');
- $('#search').css('text-indent', '5px');
- } else {
- let searchTerm = input;
- if (searchTerm.indexOf('_') > -1) {
- searchTerm = searchTerm.replace(/_/g, '&UNDERSCORE');
- }
- if (searchTerm.indexOf('\\') > -1) {
- searchTerm = searchTerm.replace('\\', '&BACKSLASH');
- }
- if (searchTerm.indexOf('"') > -1) {
- searchTerm = searchTerm.replace('"', '\\"');
- }
- if (searchTerm.indexOf("'") > -1) {
- searchTerm = searchTerm.replace("'", "\\'");
+ ) {
+ const query = input.replace(/'/g, '"');
+ docSearch(query, input);
+ $('#loading-gif').css('display', 'none');
+ $('#search').css('text-indent', '5px');
+ } else {
+ let searchTerm = input;
+ if (searchTerm.indexOf('_') > -1) {
+ searchTerm = searchTerm.replace(/_/g, '&UNDERSCORE');
+ }
+ if (searchTerm.indexOf('\\') > -1) {
+ searchTerm = searchTerm.replace('\\', '&BACKSLASH');
+ }
+ if (searchTerm.indexOf('"') > -1) {
+ searchTerm = searchTerm.replace('"', '\\"');
+ }
+ if (searchTerm.indexOf("'") > -1) {
+ searchTerm = searchTerm.replace("'", "\\'");
+ }
+ const jsonQuery = `SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:fulltext = "${searchTerm}"`;
+ docSearch(jsonQuery, input);
+ $('#loading-gif').css('display', 'none');
+ $('#search').css('text-indent', '5px');
- const jsonQuery = `SELECT * FROM Document WHERE ecm:fulltext = "${searchTerm}"`;
- docSearch(jsonQuery, input);
- $('#loading-gif').css('display', 'none');
- $('#search').css('text-indent', '5px');
- }
- }, 1000)
- );
+ }, 1000)
+ );
- function konamiCanada(cb) {
- let input = '';
- const key = '38384040373937396665';
- document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
- input += `${e.keyCode}`;
- if (input === key) {
- cb();
- return;
- }
- if (!key.indexOf(input)) return;
- input = `${e.keyCode}`;
- });
- }
+ function konamiCanada(cb) {
+ let input = '';
+ const key = '38384040373937396665';
+ document.addEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
+ input += `${e.keyCode}`;
+ if (input === key) {
+ cb();
+ return;
+ }
+ if (!key.indexOf(input)) return;
+ input = `${e.keyCode}`;
+ });
+ }
- function canada() {
- $('#logo').css('background-image', 'url("../images/icon.png")');
- $('a.button:hover').css('background', '#910B0B');
- $('#search-term').css('color', '#FE0000');
- $('body').css('color', '#FE0000');
- $('body').css('background-color', '#fff');
- $('.server-name').css('color', '#FE0000');
- $('a.button').css('background', '#FE0000');
- $('.useful-links').css('color', '#FE0000');
- $('.useful-link').css('color', '#FE0000');
- $('.nav-link').css('color', '#FE0000');
- $('#search').attr(
- 'placeholder',
- 'Sorry, please enter a search term, eh?'
- );
- $('::-webkit-input-placeholder').css('color', '#FE0000');
- $('#about').text('About');
- }
+ function canada() {
+ $('#logo').css('background-image', 'url("../images/icon.png")');
+ $('a.button:hover').css('background', '#910B0B');
+ $('#search-term').css('color', '#FE0000');
+ $('body').css('color', '#FE0000');
+ $('body').css('background-color', '#fff');
+ $('.server-name').css('color', '#FE0000');
+ $('a.button').css('background', '#FE0000');
+ $('.useful-links').css('color', '#FE0000');
+ $('.useful-link').css('color', '#FE0000');
+ $('.nav-link').css('color', '#FE0000');
+ $('#search').attr(
+ 'placeholder',
+ 'Sorry, please enter a search term, eh?'
+ );
+ $('::-webkit-input-placeholder').css('color', '#FE0000');
+ $('#about').text('About');
+ }
- function k() {
- $('#k').css('display', 'block');
- setInterval(() => {
- const imgUrl = $('#k').css('background-image');
- console.log(imgUrl.indexOf('1_'));
- if (imgUrl.indexOf('1_') === -1) {
- $('#k').css('background-image', 'url("../images/1_.png")');
- } else {
- $('#k').css('background-image', 'url("../images/1.png")');
- }
- }, 200);
- setTimeout(() => {
- $('#k').animate({ left: '-150%' }, 500);
+ function k() {
+ $('#k').css('display', 'block');
+ setInterval(() => {
+ const imgUrl = $('#k').css('background-image');
+ console.log(imgUrl.indexOf('1_'));
+ if (imgUrl.indexOf('1_') === -1) {
+ $('#k').css('background-image', 'url("../images/1_.png")');
+ } else {
+ $('#k').css('background-image', 'url("../images/1.png")');
+ }
+ }, 200);
setTimeout(() => {
- canada();
- }, 500);
- }, 2500);
- }
+ $('#k').animate({ left: '-150%' }, 500);
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ canada();
+ }, 500);
+ }, 2500);
+ }
- konamiCanada(() => {
- k();
- console.log('O Canada!');
- });
- return Promise.all(pendingPromises).then(() => worker);
- }))
+ konamiCanada(() => {
+ k();
+ console.log('O Canada!');
+ });
+ return Promise.all(pendingPromises)
+ .then(() => worker)
+ .finally(() => stopLoading());
+ })))
.catch((cause) => stopLoading(cause));