diff --git a/src/GNUmakefile b/src/GNUmakefile
index 2b3515699b..48f06d1f68 100644
--- a/src/GNUmakefile
+++ b/src/GNUmakefile
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ ifeq ($(XLFMAC),y)
NWBINNAME = nwchem
+NWLIBNAME = libnwchem.so
# This should be the first target so that a simple make builds
@@ -29,7 +30,16 @@ endif
.PHONY: nwchem_config
-all $(BINDIR)/$(NWBINNAME) $(NWBINNAME): directories libraries
+all: nwchem
+nwchem: $(BINDIR)/$(NWBINNAME)
+ echo "Built $@"
+libnwchem: $(LIBDIR)/$(NWLIBNAME)
+ echo "Built $@"
+$(BINDIR)/$(NWBINNAME): directories libraries
@/bin/rm -f nwchem.o stubs.o
$(MAKE) nwchem.o stubs.o
@@ -40,7 +50,7 @@ ifdef SUMO
$(AR) rcv $(LIBDIR)/libnwchem-sumo.a $(LIBDIR)/objs/*.o
$(RANLIB) $(LIBDIR)/libnwchem-sumo.a
- /bin/rm -f nwchem.o stubs.o
+ @/bin/rm -f nwchem.o stubs.o
# This to link only and avoid tedious subdir makes
@@ -50,6 +60,20 @@ PFLAGS = -messages=first -leaks-at-exit=yes -follow-child-processes=yes \
-windows=no -cache-dir=/tmp/purify/cache -best-effort
#PURIFY = purify $(PFLAGS)
+$(LIBDIR)/$(NWLIBNAME): directories libraries
+ @/bin/rm -f libnwchem.o stubs.o
+ $(MAKE) libnwchem.o stubs.o
+ /bin/rm -f $(LIBDIR)/$(NWLIBNAME)
+ $(LINK.f) -shared -fPIC \
+ -o $(LIBDIR)/$(NWLIBNAME) libnwchem.o stubs.o \
+ -Wl,--allow-multiple-definition \
+ -Wl,--whole-archive -lnwctask -lnwcutil -Wl,--no-whole-archive \
+ -Wl,--start-group $(LIBS) -Wl,--end-group -Wl,--no-undefined
+ @/bin/rm -f libnwchem.o stubs.o
link nwchem_link:
@/bin/rm -f nwchem.o stubs.o
$(MAKE) nwchem.o stubs.o
@@ -61,7 +85,6 @@ ifdef SUMO
$(AR) rcv $(LIBDIR)/libnwchem-sumo.a $(LIBDIR)/objs/*.o
$(RANLIB) $(LIBDIR)/libnwchem-sumo.a
-# /bin/rm -f nwchem.o stubs.o
@@ -99,7 +122,7 @@ endif
# This dependency so that includes which are made by libraries rule
# are updated before nwchem is compiled
+libraries: $(SUBDIRS)
@for dir in $(SUBDIRS); do \
echo Making $@ in $$dir; \
$(MAKE) -C $$dir || exit 1 ; \
@@ -195,6 +218,7 @@ ifeq ($(NWCHEM_MODULES),)
$(MAKE) -C config -f make_nwchem_config NWCHEM_MODULES="$(NWCHEM_MODULES)"
+ touch $@
# This is a convenience target that will make the TAGS file for current
@@ -234,7 +258,7 @@ stripdepend:
.PHONY: source
- cat stubs.F nwchem.F > source
+ cat stubs.F nwchem.F libnwchem.F > source
for dir in $(SUBDIRS); do \
$(MAKE) -C $$dir $@ || exit 1 ; \
diff --git a/src/diana/dia_rdhdr.F b/src/diana/dia_rdhdr.F
index ed4f07306f..bfb11eb0f9 100644
--- a/src/diana/dia_rdhdr.F
+++ b/src/diana/dia_rdhdr.F
@@ -7,6 +7,8 @@ subroutine dia_rdhdr(sgmnam)
#include "dia_common.fh"
#include "mafdecls.fh"
+c throws dia_rdhdr.F: undefined reference to `ftell_' on
+c GNU Fortran (Ubuntu 4.9.1-16ubuntu6) 4.9.1
integer ftell
external ftell
diff --git a/src/libnwchem.F b/src/libnwchem.F
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6c06483b23
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libnwchem.F
@@ -0,0 +1,771 @@
+ subroutine nwchem_init(mem)
+ implicit none
+#include "errquit.fh"
+#include "mafdecls.fh"
+#include "global.fh"
+#include "rtdb.fh"
+#include "tcgmsg.fh"
+#include "msgids.fh"
+#include "util/cfileprefix.fh"
+ integer mem
+#include "pstat.fh"
+ integer total
+#include "util.fh"
+#include "inp.fh"
+#include "bgj_common.fh"
+#include "stdio.fh"
+ integer rtdb
+ integer stack
+ integer heap
+ integer global
+ logical status
+ logical overify, ohardfail
+#ifdef CRAY_T3D
+ integer oldact, fsigctl
+c $Id$
+c ======================================================================================================
+C> \mainpage Northwest Computational Chemistry Package (NWChem) 6.8
+C> NWChem is an open-source computational chemistry package distributed under the terms of
+C> the Educational Community License (ECL) 2.0
+C> This software and its documentation were developed at the EMSL at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory,
+C> a multiprogram national laboratory, operated for the U.S. Department of Energy by Battelle under
+C> Contract Number DE-AC05-76RL01830. Support for this work was provided by the Department of Energy
+C> Office of Biological and Environmental Research, Office of Basic Energy Science, and the Office of
+C> Advanced Scientific Computing.
+C> Licensed under the Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+C> not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the
+C> License at http://www.osedu.org/licenses/ECL-2.0.
+C> Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the
+C> either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+C> permissions and limitations under the License.
+C> Further information, including user documentation and forums, may be found at
+C> http://www.nwchem-sw.org/. Alternatively,
+C> the paper
+C> * M. Valiev, E.J. Bylaska, N. Govind, K. Kowalski, T.P. Straatsma, H.J.J. Van Dam,
+C> D. Wang, J. Nieplocha, E. Apra, T.L. Windus, W.A. de Jong (2010)
+C> "NWChem: A comprehensive and scalable open-source solution for large scale molecular simulations"
+C> Computer Physics Communications, 181, 1477–1489, DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2010.04.018
+C> provides details on the codes capabilities.
+C> Copyright (c) 1994-2015 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Battelle Memorial Institute
+C> Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL)
+C> Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
+C> Richland, WA 99352
+c ======================================================================================================
+ character*120 mem_line
+ character*(nw_max_path_len) rtdb_name
+ double precision start_wall, start_cpu
+ integer ppnout
+ logical offload_master
+ Character*1 Total_Src, Heap_Src, Stack_Src, Global_Src
+ integer f, n
+ external offload_master
+ logical input_parse
+ external input_parse
+#if defined(USE_OPENMP)
+ integer omp_get_max_threads
+ external omp_get_max_threads
+ file_prefix = 'yarr'
+ scratch_dir = './scratch'
+ permanent_dir = './perm'
+ rtdb_name = './perm/yarr.db'
+c Create parallel processes and initialize IPC layer
+ call pbeginf()
+c MXINIT is needed by PeIGS and PFFT to initialize
+c the communication fabric they use.
+ call mxinit
+c Initialize timers so they are relative to job start
+ start_wall = util_wallsec()
+ start_cpu = util_cpusec()
+c Create and parse memory directive
+C The user input model has well-defined categories of memory,
+C each of which has a specific size. How we use these limits
+C depends on the platform we are running on.
+c call input_mem_size(stack, heap, global, overify, ohardfail)
+c -> replaced by calls to memory_input and broadcast.
+c Has to be TCGMSG broadcast since GA is not yet initialized
+ overify = .false.
+ ohardfail = .false.
+ if (nodeid() .eq. 0) then
+c If there were a reliable way to pass strings to fortran.
+c call push_inp_string(mem(1:inp_strlen(mem)))
+ write (mem_line, "(A13,I0)") "memory total ", mem
+ call push_inp_string(mem_line)
+ call memory_input(-1, .false., stack, heap,
+ $ global, total, overify, ohardfail)
+c Total_Src = 'N'
+c Heap_Src = 'N'
+c Stack_Src = 'N'
+c Global_Src = 'N'
+c call Memory_defaults( total, Total_Src, heap, Heap_Src,
+c $ stack, Stack_Src, global, Global_Src)
+ endif
+ call brdcst(Msg_HeapMem, heap, mitob(1), 0)
+ call brdcst(Msg_StkMem, stack, mitob(1), 0)
+ call brdcst(Msg_GblMem, global, mitob(1), 0)
+ call brdcst(Msg_StkMem,overify, mitob(1), 0)
+c Initialize local memory allocator & global array tools
+ call ga_initialize_ltd(ma_sizeof(mt_dbl,global,mt_byte))
+ if ( ga_uses_ma() ) then
+ if (.not.ma_init(mt_dbl, stack, heap+global))
+ & call errquit('nwchemlib.F: ma_init failed (ga_uses_ma=T)',
+ & 911,MA_ERR)
+ else
+ if (.not.ma_init(mt_dbl,stack,heap))
+ & call errquit('nwchemlib.F: ma_init failed (ga_uses_ma=F)',
+ & 911,MA_ERR)
+ endif
+! Touch OpenMP here so that any runtime initialization happens up-front.
+! This ensures that any printout that the OpenMP runtime generates,
+! such as affinity information, appears at the top of the output file.
+! Otherwise, it might not appear until e.g. the CCSD module, at which
+! point it will pollute the output file in an undesirable way.
+! Do not move this in front of GA/MPI/TCGMSG initialization, since the
+! OpenMP runtime may inherit affinity information from MPI that is only
+! determined during MPI initialization.
+! Format definition is outside of preprocessor protection to ensure the
+! label is not accidentally reused, since that will not be caught by
+! testing that does not enable OpenMP.
+ 99 format(2x,'NWChem w/ OpenMP: maximum threads = ',i2)
+#if defined(USE_OPENMP)
+ !$omp parallel
+ !$omp master
+ if (ga_nodeid().eq.0) write(luout,99) omp_get_max_threads()
+ !$omp end master
+ !$omp end parallel
+ call rtdb_init()
+* More for amusement then efficiency force all MA allocated entities
+* to be aligned at the beginning of a 128 byte cache line
+! if (.not. ma_set_numalign(7))
+! $ call errquit('nwchemlib.F: ma_set_numalign failed',911, MA_ERR)
+c aligned to 64byte record
+ if (.not. ma_set_numalign(6))
+ $ call errquit('nwchem.F: ma_set_numalign failed',911, MA_ERR)
+***** call nxtval_ga_initialize()
+c Trap SIGFPE after GA to override handler
+***** call ieeetrap()
+#if defined(DECOSF) || defined(LINUXALPHA)
+ call dec_fpe ! To avoid underflow problems on Alpha in Texas
+#ifdef CRAY_T3D
+* This as a temporary fix for SIGFPE in Texas that does not seem
+* to affect the final results
+ oldact = fsigctl('IGNORE','SIGFPE',0)
+#ifdef LINUX
+c uncommenting this line turns on sigfpe trapping under linux
+! call linux_trapfpe()
+#if defined(MACX)
+c uncommenting this line turns on sigfpe trapping under Mac OSX
+! call macx_trapfpe()
+c Hard fail is good for development but means that we cannot
+c respond to allocation problems. Disable by default.
+ status = ma_set_auto_verify(overify)
+ status = ma_set_hard_fail(ohardfail)
+ status = ma_set_error_print(ohardfail)
+c Initialize pstat
+ if (.not. pstat_init(20, 1, ' ')) call errquit
+ $ ('nwchem: pstat_init failed', 0, UNKNOWN_ERR)
+c Now are ready to summarize the environment
+ call nwchem_banner("push_inp_cstring", rtdb_name, .true., .false.)
+c Actually open the database and store the file prefix
+c Note that only process 0 has the database name ... that is OK.
+ if (.not. rtdb_open(rtdb_name, 'unknown', rtdb))
+ $ call errquit('start: rtdb_open empty failed ', 0,
+C initialize nxtask
+ call nxtask_init(rtdb)
+c!!! BGJ
+ bgj_rtdb = rtdb
+c!!! BGJ
+ call util_set_rtdb_state(rtdb,.true.,.false.,.false.)
+ call util_file_info_rtdb(rtdb) ! Save file info for restart
+ call movecs_ecce_print_on()
+ call geom_hnd_parallel(.true.)
+ call perfm_start()
+ call util_getppn(ppnout)
+ if(ppnout.eq.0) call errquit('util_getppn failed ',0,UERR)
+ if(ga_nodeid().eq.0)write(luout,*) ga_nodeid(),' ppn ',ppnout
+ if(offload_master()) then
+ if(ga_nodeid().lt.ppnout)
+ w write(luout,*) ga_nodeid(),' offload_master '
+ call util_mic_set_affinity()
+ endif
+ call ga_sync()
+ end
+c Choose the form of the destructor!
+ subroutine nwchem_dtor(rtdb, start_wall, start_cpu)
+ implicit none
+#include "errquit.fh"
+#include "mafdecls.fh"
+#include "global.fh"
+#include "rtdb.fh"
+#include "tcgmsg.fh"
+#include "pstat.fh"
+#include "util.fh"
+#include "inp.fh"
+#include "bgj_common.fh"
+#include "stdio.fh"
+ integer rtdb
+ double precision start_wall, start_cpu
+ double precision total_wall, total_cpu
+#ifdef PSCALE
+ integer io_code
+ integer*4 io_code
+c Close the RTDB
+ call util_print_rtdb_load(rtdb,' ') ! High level print
+ if (util_print('rtdbvalues', print_debug)) then
+ if (.not. rtdb_print(rtdb, .true.))
+ $ call errquit('control: rtdb_print failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
+ else if (util_print('rtdb', print_high)) then
+ if (.not. rtdb_print(rtdb, .false.))
+ $ call errquit('control: rtdb_print failed', 0, RTDB_ERR)
+ endif
+ if (.not. rtdb_close(rtdb, 'keep'))
+ $ call errquit('nwchem: rtdb_close failed', rtdb, RTDB_ERR)
+ if (util_print('rtdb', print_high) .or.
+ $ util_print('rtdbvalues', print_high)) then
+ call rtdb_print_usage ! Called after closing so memory leaks apparent
+ endif
+c Close any temp. input.
+ call pop_inp_string()
+c Tidy up pstat
+ if (.not. pstat_terminate()) call errquit
+ $ ('nwchem: pstat_terminate failed', 0, UNKNOWN_ERR)
+**** call nxtval_ga_terminate()
+c Print memory and other info
+ call ga_sync()
+ if (ga_nodeid() .eq. 0) then
+ if (util_print('ga summary', print_default))
+ $ call ga_summarize(0)
+ if (util_print('ga stats', print_default)) then
+ call ga_print_stats()
+ write(LuOut,*)
+ endif
+ if (util_print('ma summary', print_default))
+ $ call ma_summarize_allocated_blocks()
+ if (util_print('ma stats', print_high)) then
+ call ma_print_stats(.true.)
+ else if (util_print('ma stats', print_default)) then
+ call ma_print_stats(.false.)
+ endif
+ if (util_print('version', print_debug))
+ $ call util_version
+ if (util_print('citation', print_none))
+ & call util_cite()
+ endif
+ call perfm_end()
+ total_wall = util_wallsec() - start_wall
+ total_cpu = util_cpusec() - start_cpu
+ if (ga_nodeid() .eq. 0) then
+ if (util_print('total time', print_none)) then
+ write(LuOut,1,iostat=io_code) total_cpu, total_wall
+ 1 format(/' Total times cpu:',f11.1,'s wall:',f11.1,'s')
+ if(io_code.ne.0.and.
+ A util_print('total time', print_high)) then
+ write(luout,*) ' iostat ',io_code
+ endif
+ call util_flush(LuOut)
+ endif
+ endif
+ call ecce_print1('all tasks cpu time',mt_dbl,total_cpu,1)
+ call ecce_print1('all tasks wall time',mt_dbl,total_wall,1)
+ call ga_sync()
+c Tidy up the global memory
+ call ga_terminate()
+c Tidy up the parallel environment
+ call pend()
+c Close the ECCE' output file if there is one
+ call ecce_print_file_close()
+ end
+c Done
+ subroutine nwchem_banner(input_filename, rtdb_name,
+ @ ostartup, ocontinue)
+ implicit none
+#include "global.fh"
+#include "inp.fh"
+#include "mafdecls.fh"
+#include "util.fh"
+#include "stdio.fh"
+c Print a banner at the top of the output to identify the origin
+c of the code along with hostname, no. of processors, date, ...
+ character*(*) input_filename, rtdb_name
+ logical ostartup
+ logical ocontinue
+ double precision dbletomb
+ character*80 hostname, compiled, batchid
+ character*(nw_max_path_len) executable, srcdir, file_prefix
+ character*(nw_max_path_len) branch, nwchem_rev, ga_rev
+ character*26 date
+#if defined(CRAY)
+ integer ilen,ierror
+ integer heap, stack, global, global_b, total, nproc
+ logical status
+ integer istatus,setvbuf3f
+ external setvbuf3f
+ logical util_scalapack_info
+ external util_scalapack_info
+ character*3 cstatus, fstatus
+ character*10 cstart
+ Character*40 GStatus
+ istatus=setvbuf3f(luout, 0, 4096)
+ istatus=setvbuf3f(0, 0, 4096)
+ if (ga_nodeid() .ne.0) goto 10101
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,
+ $ ' ',
+ $ 40, .true.)
+ write(LuOut,*)
+ write(LuOut,*)
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,
+ $ 'Northwest Computational Chemistry Package (NWChem) 6.8',
+ $ 40, .true.)
+ write(LuOut,*)
+ write(LuOut,*)
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,
+ $ 'Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory',
+ $ 40, .false.)
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,
+ $ 'Pacific Northwest National Laboratory',
+ $ 40, .false.)
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,'Richland, WA 99352',
+ $ 40, .false.)
+ write(LuOut,*)
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,'Copyright (c) 1994-2015',
+ $ 40, .false.)
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,
+ $ 'Pacific Northwest National Laboratory',
+ $ 40, .false.)
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,'Battelle Memorial Institute',
+ $ 40, .false.)
+ write(LuOut,*)
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,
+ $'NWChem is an open-source computational chemistry package'
+ $ , 40, .false.)
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,
+ $'distributed under the terms of the'
+ $ , 40, .false.)
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,
+ $'Educational Community License (ECL) 2.0'
+ $ , 40, .false.)
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,
+ $'A copy of the license is included with this distribution'
+ $ , 40, .false.)
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,
+ $'in the LICENSE.TXT file'
+ $ , 40, .false.)
+ write(LuOut,*)
+ call util_legal()
+ call util_getarg(0,executable)
+ call util_hostname(hostname)
+ call util_date(date)
+ nproc = ga_nnodes()
+ if (ostartup) then
+ cstart = 'startup'
+ else
+ if (ocontinue) then
+ cstart = 'continue'
+ else
+ cstart = 'restart'
+ endif
+ endif
+ call util_file_prefix(' ',file_prefix)
+ compiled =
+ call util_nwchem_srcdir(srcdir)
+ srcdir = srcdir(1:max(1,inp_strlen(srcdir)-4))
+ branch =
+ call util_nwchem_version(nwchem_rev)
+ call util_ga_version(ga_rev)
+C See if we can get the batch system id. We understand NQS and
+C LoadLeveler at present
+ BatchID = ' '
+ Call Util_GetEnv('QSUB_REQID', batchid)
+ If ( Inp_StrLen(batchid) .eq. 0 ) then
+ Call Util_GetEnv('LOADL_JOB_NAME', batchid)
+ If ( inp_strlen(batchid) .eq. 0 ) then
+ call util_getenv('LSB_JOBID', batchid)
+ endif
+ EndIf
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut, 'Job information', 17, .true.)
+ write(LuOut,2)
+ $ hostname(1:inp_strlen(hostname)),
+ $ executable(1:inp_strlen(executable)),
+ $ date(1:inp_strlen(date)),
+ $ compiled(1:inp_strlen(compiled)),
+ $ srcdir(1:inp_strlen(srcdir)),
+ & branch(1:inp_strlen(branch)),
+ & nwchem_rev(1:inp_strlen(nwchem_rev)),
+ & ga_rev(1:inp_strlen(ga_rev)),
+ S util_scalapack_info(),
+ $ input_filename(1:inp_strlen(input_filename)),
+ $ file_prefix(1:inp_strlen(file_prefix)),
+ $ rtdb_name(1:inp_strlen(rtdb_name)),
+ $ cstart(1:inp_strlen(cstart)),
+ $ nproc,
+ $ util_batch_job_time_remaining()
+C Print version information to ecce.out file
+ compiled(inp_strlen(compiled)+1:inp_strlen(compiled)+25) =
+ $ ' Version 6.8'
+ call ecce_print_version(compiled(1:inp_strlen(compiled)))
+ If ( Inp_StrLen(BatchID) .gt. 0) then
+ Write(LuOut,22) BatchID(:Inp_StrLen(BatchID))
+ Else
+ Write(LuOut,'(//)')
+ EndIf
+ 2 format(/
+ $ ' hostname = ', a/
+ $ ' program = ', a/
+ $ ' date = ', a/
+ $ ' compiled = ', a/
+ $ ' source = ', a/
+ $ ' nwchem branch = ', a/
+ $ ' nwchem revision = ', a/
+ $ ' ga revision = ', a/
+ $ ' use scalapack = ', l1/
+ $ ' input = ', a/
+ $ ' prefix = ', a/
+ $ ' data base = ', a/
+ $ ' status = ', a/
+ $ ' nproc = ', i8/,
+ $ ' time left = ', i6,'s')
+ 22 format(
+ $ ' batch job id = ', a/)
+c Determine, without altering, setting of memory verification
+c and hardfail.
+ status = ma_set_auto_verify(.true.)
+ if (status) then
+ cstatus = 'yes'
+ else
+ cstatus = 'no '
+ endif
+ status = ma_set_auto_verify(status)
+ status = ma_set_hard_fail(.true.)
+ if (status) then
+ fstatus = 'yes'
+ else
+ fstatus = 'no '
+ endif
+ status = ma_set_hard_fail(status)
+C Memory size information. Note: Subtleties of MA & friends
+C will likely result in actual heap and stack sizes _slightly_
+C larger than requested at initialization, and other slight
+C "inconsistencies". It has to do with the overhead associated
+C with an allocation.
+ heap = ma_inquire_heap(MT_Dbl)
+ stack = ma_inquire_stack(MT_Dbl)
+C If GA cannot determine a limit on the available memory, it
+C will return a negative number, which MA_SizeOf does not
+C appreciate. This should not happen in NWChem, but we might
+C as well play it safe.
+ global_b = ga_memory_avail()
+ If ( Global_B .ge. 0) then
+ global = MA_SizeOf(MT_Byte, global_b, MT_Dbl)
+ Else
+ global = 0
+ EndIf
+ Total = Heap + Stack
+ If ( .NOT. GA_Uses_MA() ) Total = Total + Global
+ If ( GA_Uses_MA() ) then
+ GStatus = '(within heap+stack)'
+ Else
+ GStatus = '(distinct from heap & stack)'
+ EndIf
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut, 'Memory information', 19, .true.)
+*old: write(LuOut,3) heap, stack, global, GStatus, total, cstatus,
+*old: $ fstatus
+*old: 3 format(/
+*old: $ ' heap = ', i10,' doubles'/
+*old: $ ' stack = ', i10,' doubles'/
+*old: $ ' global = ', i10,' doubles ', A/
+*old: $ ' total = ', i10,' doubles'/
+*old: $ ' verify = ', a3/
+*old: $ ' hardfail = ', a3//)
+ dbletomb = 8.0d00/(1024.0d00*1024.0d00)
+ write(LuOut,3)
+ & heap,((dble(heap)*dbletomb)),
+ & stack,((dble(stack)*dbletomb)),
+ & global,((dble(global)*dbletomb)),
+ & GStatus(1:inp_strlen(gstatus)),
+ & total,((dble(total)*dbletomb)),
+ & cstatus,
+ & fstatus
+ 3 format(/
+ $ ' heap = ', i10,' doubles',' = ',f8.1,' Mbytes',/,
+ $ ' stack = ', i10,' doubles',' = ',f8.1,' Mbytes',/,
+ $ ' global = ', i10,' doubles',' = ',f8.1,' Mbytes',
+ & ' ',A,/,
+ $ ' total = ', i10,' doubles',' = ',f8.1,' Mbytes',/,
+ $ ' verify = ', a3,/,
+ $ ' hardfail = ', a3,//)
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,
+ & 'Directory information', 20, .true.)
+ write(LuOut,*)
+c Below here back to parallel execution
+10101 call util_file_print_dirs()
+ if(ga_nodeid().eq.0) write(LuOut,*)
+ end
+ subroutine nw_print_restart_info(rtdb)
+ implicit none
+#include "global.fh"
+#include "errquit.fh"
+#include "inp.fh"
+#include "mafdecls.fh"
+#include "rtdb.fh"
+#include "stdio.fh"
+#include "util.fh"
+ integer rtdb
+c Summarize the status of a restart calculation
+ logical mode, task_qmmm, ignore, lstatus
+ character*30 operation, status
+ character*32 theory
+ if (ga_nodeid() .eq. 0) then
+ mode = rtdb_parallel(.false.)
+ if (.not.rtdb_get(rtdb,'task:QMMM',mt_log,1,task_qmmm))
+ & task_qmmm = .false.
+ if (.not. rtdb_cget(rtdb, 'task:operation', 1, operation))
+ $ operation = ' '
+ if(.not.rtdb_cget(rtdb,'task:theory',1,theory))
+ $ theory = ' '
+ if (.not. rtdb_get(rtdb, 'task:ignore', mt_log, 1, ignore))
+ $ ignore = .false.
+ if (rtdb_get(rtdb, 'task:status', mt_log, 1, lstatus)) then
+ if (lstatus) then
+ status = 'ok'
+ else
+ status = 'fail'
+ endif
+ else
+ status = 'unknown'
+ endif
+ if (theory.ne.' ' .or. operation.ne.' ' .or. task_qmmm) then
+ call util_print_centered(LuOut,'Previous task information',
+ $ 22, .true.)
+ write(LuOut,1) theory, operation, status, task_qmmm, ignore
+ 1 format(/,
+ $ ' Theory = ', a,/,
+ $ ' Operation = ', a,/,
+ $ ' Status = ', a,/,
+ $ ' Qmmm = ', l1,/,
+ $ ' Ignore = ', l1,/)
+ endif
+ call geom_print_known_geoms(rtdb)
+ call bas_print_known_bases(rtdb)
+ call util_flush(LuOut)
+ mode = rtdb_parallel(mode)
+ endif
+ call ga_sync()
+ end
+ subroutine call_all()
+ implicit none
+ external input_parse
+ external task,task_input,tce_input,util_print_rtdb_load
+ external geom_input,bsse_input,bas_input
+ external cosmo_input,intgrl_input,scf_input,mp2_input
+ external drdy_input,stepper_input,mepgs_input,tropt_input
+ external driver_input,dft_input,occup_input,pre_input,md_input
+ external argos_input,esp_input,et_input,ana_input
+ external dia_input,gradients_input,ccsd_input,oniom_input
+ external mcscf_input,bq_input,cons_input,dplot_input
+ external prop_input,speech_input,nwpw_input,smd_input,rism_input
+ external qmmm_input,ccca_input,rel_input,nbo_input,vscf_input
+ external raman_input,dntmc_input,freq_vib_input,hess_input
+ external tddft_input,mymd_input,mymc_input,string_input,input_time
+ external input_set,input_unset,input_title,input_qcharge
+ external input_charge
+ call input_parse()
+ call task_input()
+ call task()
+ call util_print_rtdb_load()
+ call tce_input()
+ call geom_input()
+ call bsse_input()
+ call bas_input()
+ call cosmo_input()
+ call intgrl_input()
+ call scf_input()
+ call mp2_input()
+ call drdy_input()
+ call stepper_input()
+ call mepgs_input()
+ call tropt_input()
+ call driver_input()
+ call dft_input()
+ call occup_input()
+ call pre_input()
+ call md_input()
+ call argos_input()
+ call esp_input()
+ call et_input()
+ call ana_input()
+ call dia_input()
+ call gradients_input()
+ call ccsd_input()
+ call oniom_input()
+ call mcscf_input()
+ call bq_input()
+ call cons_input()
+ call dplot_input()
+ call prop_input()
+ call speech_input()
+ call nwpw_input()
+ call smd_input()
+ call rism_input()
+ call qmmm_input()
+ call ccca_input()
+ call rel_input()
+ call nbo_input()
+ call vscf_input()
+ call raman_input()
+ call dntmc_input()
+ call freq_vib_input()
+ call hess_input()
+ call tddft_input()
+ call mymd_input()
+ call mymc_input()
+ call string_input()
+ call input_time()
+ call input_set()
+ call input_unset()
+ call input_title()
+ call input_qcharge()
+ call input_charge()
+ end
diff --git a/src/python/dbtest.py b/src/python/dbtest.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3f7a3403e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/dbtest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from nwchem import *
+# nwchem_init has to be called to set up tcgmsg
+db = nwchem_init(400)
diff --git a/src/python/nwchem.py b/src/python/nwchem.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b5a628673d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/nwchem.py
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+# Since each sub-task assumes it can read parameters from stdin,
+# we have to call them like so:
+# Load up the nwchem library.
+# db = nwchem_init(1500)
+# Set parameters and do a DFT run.
+# dft(db, "xc b3lyp")
+# nwtask(db, "energy")
+import atexit
+from nwproto import *
+from rtdb import *
+# NWChem Initialization.
+# Send it the total requested memory (in MB)
+# and receive an rtdb class object.
+def nwchem_init(mem=400 * 1<<20):
+ mem *= 1<<(20-3) # convert to # of 8-byte doubles
+ def to_strbuf_p(x): # Can't seem to pass strings, use generic names.
+ s = strbuf()
+ s[:] = x.ljust(len(s))
+ return byref(s)
+ zmem = c_int(mem)
+ db = nwlib.nwchem_init_(byref(zmem)) # calls pbegin, etc.
+ z = byref(c_int(0))
+ atexit.register(nwlib.nwchem_dtor_, byref(c_int(db)), z, z) # "swept and put in order."
+ return rtdb(db)
+# cast the function to run only on the head node.
+def single_op(f):
+ def run_single(*args):
+ if nwlib.ga_nodeid_() == 0:
+ nwlib.rtdb_parallel(0)
+ f(*args)
+ nwlib.rtdb_parallel(1)
+ return run_single
+# Abstract wrapper for an interface function.
+def nw_interface(fname):
+ try:
+ nwf = getattr(nwlib, fname+"_") # fortran name mangling
+ except AttributeError:
+ print "Symbol not found: %s_"%fname
+ return lambda x,y: None
+ int_fn(nwf, c_int_p) # declare the function to ctypes.
+ def fn(db, inp):
+ nwlib.push_inp_cstring(inp)
+ nwf(byref(db._n))
+ return single_op(fn)
+# Wrap all top-level functions.
+toplev = ["geom", "bsse", "bas",
+# "python",
+ "cosmo", "intgrl", "scf",
+ "mp2", "drdy", "stepper",
+ "mepgs", "tropt", "driver",
+# "string",
+ "dft", "occup",
+ "pre", "md", "argos",
+ "esp", "et", "ana", "dia",
+ "gradients", "ccsd", "oniom",
+ "mcscf", "bq",
+ "cons", "dplot", "prop",
+ "speech", "nwpw", "smd",
+ "rism", "qmmm", "ccca",
+ "rel", "nbo", "vscf",
+ "raman", "dntmc", "freq_vib",
+ "hess", "tddft", "mymd", "mymc" ]
+for fname in toplev:
+ globals()[fname] = nw_interface(fname+"_input")
+# Some need re-naming...
+# First is the name we shall call it by.
+top_cust = [ ("string_input", "string_input"),
+ ("time_input", "input_time"),
+ ("set_input", "input_set"),
+ ("unset_input", "input_unset"),
+ ("title_input", "input_title"),
+ ("qcharge", "input_qcharge"),
+ ("charge", "input_charge") ]
+for fname, alt_name in top_cust:
+ globals()[fname] = nw_interface(alt_name)
+# The awkward squad:
+# else if (inp_compare(.false.,test,'print')) then
+# call util_print_input(db,' ')
+# call util_print_rtdb_load(db,' ') ! High level print
+# else if (inp_compare(.false.,test,'noprint')) then
+# call util_print_input(db,' ')
+# tce -> tce(db, inp, 'tce')
+# uccsd -> tce(db, inp, 'uccsd')
+# etc.
+def do_tce(db, inp, *tp):
+ if 'tce' in tp: # sic
+ db['tce:model'] = 'ccsd'
+ for t in tp:
+ db['tce:module'] = tp
+ nwlib.push_inp_cstring(inp)
+ nwlib.tce_input_(byref(db._n))
+tce = single_op(do_tce) # wrap with single_op incantations
+def nwtask(db, task):
+ def read_task():
+ nwlib.push_inp_cstring("task " + task)
+ nwlib.task_input_(byref(db._n))
+ nwlib.util_print_rtdb_load_(byref(db._n), "", 0)
+ single_op(read_task)()
+ nwlib.task_(byref(db._n))
diff --git a/src/python/nwproto.py b/src/python/nwproto.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b86220db22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/nwproto.py
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# This file declares the top-level functions that can be called inside nwchem.
+# More are available inside nwlib, but these represent all those accessible
+# from the usual config file.
+import os
+from ctypes import *
+# Shorthand for setting function prototypes
+def decl_fn(a, *args):
+ a.argtypes = args[:-1]
+ a.restype = args[-1]
+def void_fn(a, *args):
+ decl_fn(a, *(args+(None,)))
+def int_fn(a, *args):
+ decl_fn(a, *(args+(c_int,)))
+def dbl_fn(a, *args):
+ decl_fn(a, *(args+(c_double,)))
+strbuf = c_char*120
+strbuf_p = POINTER(strbuf)
+c_int_p = POINTER(c_int)
+cwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+# The library.
+nwlib = cdll.LoadLibrary(os.path.join(cwd, "../../lib/LINUX64/libnwchem.so"))
+# Function type declaration
+int_fn(nwlib.push_inp_cstring, c_char_p)
+int_fn(nwlib.input_parse_, c_int_p) # just in case.
+int_fn(nwlib.nwchem_init_, c_int_p) # unfortunately, strings are over my head
+void_fn(nwlib.nwchem_dtor_, c_int_p, c_int_p, c_int_p)
+void_fn(nwlib.task_input_, c_int_p)
+void_fn(nwlib.task_, c_int_p)
+int_fn(nwlib.tce_input_, c_int) # handled specially by tce()
+void_fn(nwlib.util_print_rtdb_load_, c_int_p, c_char_p, c_int)
diff --git a/src/python/rtdb.py b/src/python/rtdb.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3a7aecebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/rtdb.py
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+from nwproto import *
+import numpy as np
+#import numpy.ctypeslib as nc
+from ctypes import *
+#int rtdb_parallel(const int mode)
+int_fn(nwlib.rtdb_parallel, c_int)
+int_fn(nwlib.rtdb_parallel, c_int)
+int_fn(nwlib.rtdb_open, c_char_p, c_char_p, c_int_p)
+int_fn(nwlib.rtdb_clone, c_int, c_char_p)
+int_fn(nwlib.rtdb_getfname, c_int, c_char_p)
+int_fn(nwlib.rtdb_close, c_int, c_char_p)
+int_fn(nwlib.rtdb_put, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_int, c_void_p)
+int_fn(nwlib.rtdb_get, c_int, c_char_p, c_int, c_int, c_void_p)
+int_fn(nwlib.rtdb_get_info, c_int, c_char_p, c_int_p, c_int_p, c_char*26)
+int_fn(nwlib.rtdb_first, c_int, c_int, c_char_p)
+int_fn(nwlib.rtdb_next, c_int, c_int, c_char_p)
+int_fn(nwlib.rtdb_print, c_int, c_int)
+int_fn(nwlib.rtdb_delete, c_int, c_char_p)
+# from tools/ma/macommon.h
+#ma_tp = {1000:c_char,
+# 1001:c_int,
+# 1002:c_longlong,
+# 1003:c_float,
+# 1004:c_double,
+# 1005:c_longdouble,
+# 1006:c_float*2, # complex
+# 1007:c_double*2, # complex
+# 1008:c_longdouble*2 } # complex
+ma_tp = {1000:np.char,
+ 1001:np.int32,
+ 1002:np.int64,
+ 1003:np.float32,
+ 1004:np.float64,
+ 1005:np.float128,
+ 1006:np.complex64,
+ 1007:np.complex128,
+ 1008:np.complex256,
+ 1009:np.char,
+ 1010:np.int,
+ 1011:np.bool,
+ 1012:np.float32,
+ 1013:np.float64,
+ 1014:np.complex64,
+ 1015:np.complex128,
+ 1016:np.int64 }
+#define MT_F_BYTE (MT_BASE + 9)
+#define MT_F_INT (MT_BASE + 10)
+#define MT_F_LOG (MT_BASE + 11)
+#define MT_F_REAL (MT_BASE + 12)
+#define MT_F_DBL (MT_BASE + 13)
+#define MT_F_SCPL (MT_BASE + 14)
+#define MT_F_DCPL (MT_BASE + 15)
+#define MT_C_LONGLONG (MT_BASE + 16)
+def lookup_ma_dtype(t):
+ #if t == np.char:
+ # return 1000
+ if t == np.int32:
+ return 1001
+ elif t == np.int64:
+ return 1002
+ elif t == np.float32:
+ return 1003
+ elif t == np.float64:
+ return 1004
+ elif t == np.float128:
+ return 1005
+ elif t == np.complex64:
+ return 1006
+ elif t == np.complex128:
+ return 1007
+ elif t == np.complex256:
+ return 1008
+ elif t == np.bool:
+ return 1011
+ raise KeyError
+class rtdb:
+# mode = 'new' Open only if it does not exist already
+# 'old', Open only if it does exist already
+# 'unknown' Create new or open existing (preserving contents)
+# 'empty' Create new or open existing (deleting contents)
+# 'scratch' Create new or open existing (deleting contents)
+# and automatically delete upon closing. Also, items
+# cached in memory are not written to disk.
+ def __init__(self, name, mode="unknown"):
+ self._n = None
+ self._fname = ""
+ self._opened = False
+ if type(name) == type(0):
+ self._n = c_int(name)
+ elif type(name) == type("string"):
+ p = c_int()
+ if nwlib.rtdb_open(name, mode, byref(p)) == 0:
+ raise RuntimeError, "Error opening RTDB."
+ self._n = p
+ self._opened = True
+ else:
+ raise RuntimeError, "usage: rtdb(name or id, mode)"
+ self._fname = name
+ def __del__(self):
+ if self._opened:
+ nwlib.rtdb_close(self._n, "keep")
+ # return the filename of the rtdb
+ def getfname(self):
+ # unsafe method
+ #fname = (c_char*1024)()
+ #nwlib.rtdb_getfname(self._n, fname)
+ #return fname.value
+ return self._fname
+ # Copy the database to a new file, to be named
+ # .suffix
+ def clone(self, suf):
+ if nwlib.rtdb_clone(self._n, suf) == 0:
+ raise RuntimeError, "Error cloning RTDB."
+ # store the string or array x in the rtdb at the given key
+ def put(self, key, x):
+ # If the key exists, coerce the type to the key's type.
+ try:
+ tp, _, _ = self.stat(key)
+ except KeyError:
+ tp = None
+ if type(x) == type("string"):
+ if tp != None or tp != 1000:
+ raise ValueError, "Can't overwrite a non-string with a string."
+ tp = 1000
+ n = len(x)
+ x = cast(create_string_buffer(x), c_void_p)
+ else:
+ if tp != None:
+ x = x.astype(ma_tp[tp])
+ else:
+ tp = lookup_ma_dtype(x.dtype)
+ n = np.prod(x.shape)
+ x = x.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p)
+ if nwlib.rtdb_put(self._n, key, tp, n, x) == 0:
+ raise KeyError
+ # returns ma_type, number, and the array
+ def get(self, key):
+ tp, n, date = self.stat(key)
+ if tp == 1000:
+ x = (c_char*(n+1))()
+ if nwlib.rtdb_get(self._n, key, tp, n, cast(x, c_void_p)) == 0:
+ raise KeyError
+ x = x.value
+ else:
+ #x = (ma_tp[tp]*n)()
+ x = np.zeros(n, dtype=ma_tp[tp])
+ if nwlib.rtdb_get(self._n, key, tp, n, x.ctypes.data_as(c_void_p)) == 0:
+ raise KeyError
+ return x
+ # stat of the object - returns ma_type, number, and date
+ def stat(self, key):
+ tp = c_int()
+ n = c_int()
+ date = (c_char*26)()
+ if nwlib.rtdb_get_info(self._n, key, byref(tp), byref(n), date) == 0:
+ raise KeyError
+ return tp.value, n.value, date.value
+ # val = True => print values and keys.
+ def ls(self, val=False):
+ nwlib.rtdb_print(self._n, int(val))
+ # make the rtdb act like a dictionary.
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ return self.get(key)
+ def __setitem__(self, key, val):
+ return self.put(key, val)
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ nwlib.rtdb_delete(self._n, key)
+ #def __getattribute__(self, name):
+ # if name in ("A", "B", "C"):
+ # return "Immutable value of %s" % name
+ # else:
+ # # This should trigger the default behavior for any other
+ # # attribute name.
+ # raise AttributeError()
+ #def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+ # if name in ("A", "B", "C"):
+ # raise AttributeError("%s is an immutable attribute.")
+ # else:
+ # dict.__getitem__(self,
+ #def __delattr__(self, name):
+ # return an iterator over my keys.
+ def iterkeys(self):
+ name = (c_char*1024)()
+ x = nwlib.rtdb_first(self._n, 1024, name)
+ while x:
+ yield name.value
+ x = nwlib.rtdb_next(self._n, 1024, name)
+ raise StopIteration
+ def __iter__(self):
+ return self.iterkeys()
+ def keys(self):
+ return [k for k in self.iterkeys()]
diff --git a/src/python/test.py b/src/python/test.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99db3761c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/test.py
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+import sys
+#from mpi4py import MPI
+from nwchem import *
+def main(argv):
+ #mpi_init(argv)
+ db = nwchem_init(1500)
+ inp = """geometry autosym
+ O 0.0 0.0 -0.02
+ H -0.74 0.0 -0.76
+ H 0.74 0.0 -0.76
+ #nwlib.push_inp_cstring(inp)
+ # This will not work next, since push_inp_cstring calls read_inp()
+ #nwlib.input_parse_(byref(c_int(db)))
+ geom(db, inp)
+ bas(db, """basis
+ H library cc-pvdz
+ O library cc-pvdz
+ driver(db, "driver; clear; end;")
+ scf(db, "scf; print low; end;")
+ nwtask(db, "scf optimize\n")
+ x = db['geometry:geometry:coords'].reshape((3,3))
+ y = db["task:energy"]
+ if nwlib.ga_nodeid_() == 0:
+ print x
+ print y
+def test_newgeom(db):
+ x = db["geometry:geometry:coords"]
+ x[3:] *= 1.01
+ db["geometry:geometry:coords"] = x
+ nwtask(db, "scf energy")
+ return db["scf:energy"]
+if __name__=="__main__":
+ main(sys.argv)
diff --git a/src/rtdb/hdbm/GNUmakefile b/src/rtdb/hdbm/GNUmakefile
index 85e87c0d63..f233d413c4 100644
--- a/src/rtdb/hdbm/GNUmakefile
+++ b/src/rtdb/hdbm/GNUmakefile
@@ -32,5 +32,8 @@ test: test.o hdbm.o
words: words.o hdbm.o
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $@ $^
+hdbm.so: hdbm.o
+ $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -shared -o $@ $^
test.o word.o hdbm.o: hdbm.h
diff --git a/src/rtdb/rtdb_seq.c b/src/rtdb/rtdb_seq.c
index 1ad25850d4..9a75dff866 100644
--- a/src/rtdb/rtdb_seq.c
+++ b/src/rtdb/rtdb_seq.c
@@ -1181,7 +1181,7 @@ int rtdb_seq_copy(const int handle, const char *suffix)
return 0;
+#error "non-hdbm rtdb_seq_copy not implemented"
return 1;
diff --git a/src/task/GNUmakefile b/src/task/GNUmakefile
index c79c7a1030..63a6ed3bfc 100644
--- a/src/task/GNUmakefile
+++ b/src/task/GNUmakefile
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
task_hessian.o task_dynamics.o task_thermo.o task_et.o\
task_save_state.o task.o task_input.o task_shell_input.o task_num_grad.o \
task_vscf.o task_property.o task_dntmc.o task_bsse.o \
- task_jefftce.o task_ncc.o task_rfcf.o
+ task_rfcf.o
USES_BLAS = task_num_grad.F task_bsse.F
diff --git a/src/util/GNUmakefile b/src/util/GNUmakefile
index d4b0d49d3f..a86d187d52 100644
--- a/src/util/GNUmakefile
+++ b/src/util/GNUmakefile
@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ endif
util_nwchemrc.o util_md.o util_md_c.o util_md_sockets.o\
dgewr.o atoi.o indint.o util_wall_remain.o \
ga_normf.o corr_mk_ref.o \
- nw_inp_from_file.o \
+ nw_inp_from_file.o push_inp_cstring.o \
bgj.o movecs_ecce.o\
get_density.o moeig_read.o\
util_file_copy.o \
diff --git a/src/util/nw_inp_from_file.F b/src/util/nw_inp_from_file.F
index 9e07e69bd8..dd66d6a299 100644
--- a/src/util/nw_inp_from_file.F
+++ b/src/util/nw_inp_from_file.F
@@ -84,5 +84,52 @@ logical function nw_inp_from_file(rtdb, filename)
100 call errquit(filename,0, INPUT_ERR)
+ end
+ subroutine pop_inp_string()
+* $Id: pop_inp_string.F 19707 2010-10-29 17:59:36Z d3y133 $
+ implicit none
+#include "errquit.fh"
+#include "inp.fh"
+#include "util.fh"
+#include "global.fh"
+ logical lopen
+ if (ga_nodeid() .eq. 0) then
+c call inp_restore_state() ! restore state of any inp unit
+ inquire(unit=4,opened=lopen)
+ if (lopen) then
+ close(4,err=102)
+ endif
+ endif
+ return
+ 102 call errquit('pop_inp_string: error closing file',0, INPUT_ERR)
+ end
+ logical function push_inp_string(string)
+ implicit none
+#include "errquit.fh"
+#include "global.fh"
+#include "inp.fh"
+#include "util.fh"
+#include "stdio.fh"
+ character*(*) string
+ call pop_inp_string()
+ if (ga_nodeid() .eq. 0) then
+ open(4,form='formatted',status='scratch',err=100)
+ write(4,'(a)',err=101) string
+ rewind(4,err=101)
+c call inp_save_state() ! save state of any inp unit
+ call inp_init(4,LuOut)
+ endif
+ push_inp_string = inp_read()
+ return
+ 100 call errquit('push_inp_string: error opening file',0, INPUT_ERR)
+ 101 call errquit('push_inp_string: error writing file',0, INPUT_ERR)
diff --git a/src/util/push_inp_cstring.c b/src/util/push_inp_cstring.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..620e84820a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/util/push_inp_cstring.c
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+ $Id: push_inp_cstring.c 19695 2013-03-08 16:51:02Z d3y133 $
+#include "ga.h"
+#ifdef CRAY_T3E
+#define FATR
+#include /* Required for Fortran-C string interface on Crays */
+#ifndef WIN32
+#include "typesf2c.h"
+#if defined(CRAY_T3E) || defined(WIN32)
+#define push_inp_string_ PUSH_INP_STRING
+#if defined(CRAY_T3E) || defined(USE_FCD) || defined(WIN32)
+extern Integer FATR push_inp_string_(_fcd inp);
+extern Integer FATR push_inp_string_(char *inp, int len);
+int push_inp_cstring(const char *input)
+ int status;
+#if defined(USE_FCD) || defined(CRAY_T3E) || defined(WIN32)
+ _fcd inp;
+ const char *inp = input;
+#if defined(CRAY_T3E)
+ inp = _cptofcd(input, strlen(input));
+ status = push_inp_string_(inp);
+#elif defined(WIN32)
+ inp.string = input;
+ inp.len = strlen(input);
+ status = push_inp_string_(inp);
+#elif defined(USE_FCD)
+#error Do something about _fcd
+ status = push_inp_string_(inp, strlen(inp));
+ return status;