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Collection of scripts to provide system information and controls as icons or textual display. Aimed at Tint2, possible to apply in other panels. Also check the psuinfo project.

Same as psuinfo, these scripts were originally developed within the tint2-executors project, and a number of people contributed to it:

  • edskeye is the author of all icons, and also a tester from the very beginning;
  • natemaia improved the t2ec --volume command (later I applied similar solution in several other scripts);
  • johanmalm provided the idea and a code snippet to attach jgmenu;
  • PackRat, Head_on_a_Stick, sevenday4 have always good ideas.

Many thanks to you all!

t2ec --script [argument] [argument]


t2ec --volume - to draw the volume icon + current volume level

t2ec --volume -N - to print "Vol: 20%" instead of the icon

t2ec --volume [up] | [down] | [toggle] | [level] - to use as mouse event commands

Together with the psuinfo package, all the most useful scripts are now unified and given similar syntax:

scripts in action


Please install the t2ec package (AUR).

For psuinfo commands install the psuinfo package (AUR).

Commands to display information

[-N] replaces icons with text:

t2ec --desktop [-N]

t2ec --bbswitch [-N]

t2ec --volume [-N]

t2ec --brightness [-N]

t2ec --lbrightness [-N] (for ligh optional package)

t2ec --battery [-l] | [-N] ([-l] for icon + level, [-N] for "Bri: " + level

t2ec --wifi [-N] | [-M'custom name']

t2ec --update -C[pacaur | trizen | yay] [-N] | [-M<custom_name] read more

t2ec --weather [-I<items>] [-A<api_key>] [-C<city_id>] [-U<units>] [-L<lang>] read more

Commands to assign to mouse events:

t2ec --desktop [next] | [prev] | [<number>]

t2ec --volume [up] | [down] | [toggle] | [<level>]

t2ec --paswitch (assign to the volume icon click event to switch audio output with jgmenu)

t2ec --brightness [up] | [down] | [<level>]

t2ec --lbrightness [up] | [down] | [<level>] (for 'light-git' optional package)

t2ec --update -U<terminal>[:aur_helper]

t2ec --update -O displays n(O)tifiction with the last saved updates list

t2ec --weather -D[<city_id>]

Remember to uncheck 'Show icon' in executor if textual display selected!


t2ec --command menu - assigned to a mouse event (preferrably left/right click) allows to attach context menus to executors.

You need the jgmenu package (optional dependency) installed and initialized (jgmenu init).

Two of the commands have predefined menus: t2ec --update menu and t2ec --desktop menu will display:

predefined menus

Other commands launched with the menu argument will use a sample template. All templates are being created in the ~/.t2ecol hidden folder as soon, as you run the command for the first time. You may customize templates to your taste. To restore defaults, just remove the modified template.

Check the jgmenu reference document to learn more.

Helper command:

t2ec --zbox [bri] | [vol] - displays Zenity box to set volume | brightness level. Depends on 'zenity' and 'rof-git' optional packages.

Sample usage in Tint2:

sample executor

t2ec --update command

This command may need some further clarification. To benefit from all its features, you should install the jgmenu optional package, and assign t2ec --update menu to the left click event:

t2ec --update

Also the "Continous output" field is necessary. For graphical output (e.g. t2ec --update -Ctrizen) please set execp_continuous = 2. For textual output (e.g. t2ec --update -Ctrizen -N set execp_continuous = 1.

t2ec --update menu

You need to edit the ~/.t2ecol/ template, as your AUR helper and terminal are defined here. Default yay and termite may, or may not work for you.


trap "rm -f ${config_file} ${menu_file}" EXIT

cat <<'EOF' >${config_file}
stay_alive          = 0
tint2_look          = 1
menu_width          = 40
menu_border         = 1
item_height         = 20
font                = Sans 10
icon_size           = 0
color_norm_fg       = #eeeeee 100
color_sel_fg        = #eeeeee 100

cat <<'EOF' >${menu_file}
Check updates,t2ec --Cyay
Show pending,t2ec --update -O
Update,t2ec --update -Utermite:yay

jgmenu --config-file=${config_file} --csv-file=${menu_file}

t2ec --weather

This script retrieves and displays weather data from © 2012 — 2018 OpenWeatherMap, Inc.

t2ec --weather


Icon display:

t2ec --weather

"Show icons" and "Cache icons" checked. Continous output = 2.

Textual display:

t2ec --weather -N | -M"My own text here" (or just -M for no name)

"Show icons" unchecked. Continous output = 1.

Details notification:

t2ec --weather -D[<city_id>]

Assign the command above to a mouse click event. Optional <city_id> you only need if the executor displays data for another city than specified in the config file (see below).


At the first use, the script creates the ~/.t2ecol/weatherrc config file. You need to edit at least 2 values.

items = ct
api_key = your_api_key_kere
city_id = 2643743
units = metric
#lang = en
#img_path = /home/user/my_custom_icons/

# You may translate your output below:
_weather = Weather in
_wind = Wind
_cloudiness = Cloudiness
_pressure = Pressure
_humidity = Humidity
_sunrise = Sunrise
_sunset = Sunset
  1. Obtain an API key at, enter it in the api_key field;
  2. find your city ID at, enter in the city_id field.
  3. You may also replace default metric units with imperial, if you need to.

The items field defines data components to be shown:

[c]ity name, [s]hort description, [d]escription, [t]emperature, [p]ressure, [h]umidity, [w]ind

The script uses the system $LANG variable by default. In case it didn't work for you, or you just wanted another language, uncomment the #lang = en line, and replace English with your own lang code (2 chars).

If default icons by @edskeye don't go well with your desktop layout, you may uncomment the #img_path = /home/user/my_custom_icons/ line and enter a path to own icons. Originals you'll find in /usr/share/t2ec/ow*-svg.

This small script does not really provide internalization. However, you may translate the display into your language by editing fields which names start from _, e.g.:

_weather = Pogoda w

for "Weather in" in Polish.

Sunrise/sunset in the panel:

Since v1.3 it's possible to display sunrise and sunset in the panel. Use the [S] in the command, e.g.:

t2ec --weather -IcstS

It makes sense to edit ~/.t2ecol/weatherrc and replace Sunrise and Sunset with appropriate glyphs. The symbols below come from the icomoon font.

t2ec --weather

Overriding weatherrc settings:

If you need to see data for more than one location, you may override default ~/.t2ec/weatherrc config setting:

t2ec --weather [-I<items>] [-A<api_key>] [-C<city_id>] [-U<metric>|<imperial>] [-L<lang>]

If you specified <city_id> in the main command, to see relevant data in the details notification you also need to do so:

t2ec --weather -D<city_id>


  • v1.3-2 Bug in t2ec --weather command hopefully fixed: unwanted accidental ~/wget-log* files are now being sent to /dev/null.

  • v1.3-1 [S]unrise/sunset panel item added; temperature units formatting altered.

  • v1.2-1 The t2ec --paswitch command added. It creates jgmenu to switch PulseAudio output.

  • v1.1-3 Fix to vulnerability causing ValueError on numeric field names in openwathermap JSON.

  • v1.1-2 Error handling for locale.getdefaultlocale() TypeError in the script.

  • v1.1-1 Initial release as a separate project.