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A JavaScript library and CLI tool for ERC execution and result checking.
The checker is part of the project o2r.


From npm

npm install erc-checker

From source

Install the current development version directly from GitHub:

npm install --save git+

Alternatively, the git repository may be cloned and packed into an npm package locally using the following console commands.

git clone
cd erc-checker
npm pack          

The npm pack command creates a tarball named erc-checker-x.y.z.tgz in the same directory. This resulting tarball is a fully functioning npm package. It may then be installed into any project with:

npm install /path/to/tarball/erc-checker-x.y.z.tgz`


The the menu on the left for documentation about usage as a CLI tool and as a JavaScript module.


Please open an issue on GitHub if you have any questions.


This software is developed by the members of the DFG-funded project Opening Reproducible Research. erc-checker is part of the reference implementations of a reproducibility service based on ERCs.

Opening Reproducible Research

To cite this software please use

Nüst, Daniel, 2018. Reproducibility Service for Executable Research Compendia: Technical Specifications and Reference Implementation. Zenodo. doi:10.5281/zenodo.2203844

For a complete list of publications, posters, presentations, and software projects from th2 o2r project please visit


CC-0 Button

The erc-checker documentation is licensed under Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal License, see file LICENSE. To the extent possible under law, the people who associated CC0 with this work have waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work. This work is published from: Germany.