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Widget Development [WIP]

Bert Pareyn edited this page Mar 12, 2014 · 20 revisions

The basics

What is a widget

A widget is a modular, reusable piece of functionality that can be added to the page. It consists of an HTML fragment, JavaScript, CSS, i18n bundles and a configuration file.

Why use widgets?

Widgets are reusable, modular pieces of functionality that serve a specific function on the page. You can have multiple instances of a widget (e.g. embedding video). They are specialized which often keeps them small and easier to maintain.

How to use a widget?

Widgets can be used in 2 different ways:

  • Building the page (e.g. show top and left hand navigation, display a content item, ...)
  • Supporting the context of the page (e.g. edit permissions of content, add members to a research group, change your profile picture, ...)

The widget framework

Widget structure



