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56b18f6 · May 9, 2024

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This is the VSCode plugin for EO. It provides semantic highlighting, parsing error checking and EO file icon for your .eo files.

To install it, launch VS Code Quick Open (Ctrl+P), paste the following command, and press enter:

ext install eolang.eo

You can also install it from its page at Visual Studio Marketplace.


Theis extension is written in TypeScript, was developed with Node 16 and has two main parts: the client and the server. Inside server/src yo can find all the code related to the server side. All the code for the client side is located at client/src.

The code parser is generated with ANTLR4 using the latest version of the EO grammar located in this link.

Publishing the extension is done with Rultor (see .rultor.yml).

How to Contribute

Read the code documentation which can be found here.

Clone the repository. Install node modules with:

$ npm install

Download grammar file and generate ANTLR4 parser automatically with:

$ npm run fetch-and-build-grammar

Make changes on a new branch. You can run an instance of VSCode with the extension running by hitting F5 in the code editor. After modifications, test your code with:

$ npm run unit-test
$ npm run end-to-end-test

If you have modified any of the code documentation, generate new documentation files with:

$ npm run generate-docs

Create a pull request. To avoid frustration, run:

$ npm run linter
$ npm run compile

before commiting.