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141 lines (110 loc) · 6.05 KB

File metadata and controls

141 lines (110 loc) · 6.05 KB

Overview for Developers

Project Structure

Modules with [<AutoOpen>] does not require open to use.

  • build/ ... build scripts
    • BindingUpdater.fs ... a utility to update bindings in lib/Bindings/
    • build.fs ... the main build script
  • lib/ ... target-agnostic part of the tool (will be separated to a different repo in near future)
    • Bindings/ ... bindings to JS libraries (typescript, browser-or-node)
    • Extensions.fs ... [<AutoOpen>] extensions for standard library and JS libraries
    • DataTypes/ ... common data structures and algorithm
      • Text.fs ... efficient rope with O(1) concat & O(n) stringify
      • Trie.fs ... trie based on immutable map
      • Graph.fs ... graph based on immutable map & graph algorithms
    • Common.fs ... global interfaces
    • Syntax.fs ... AST for parsed TypeScAript code
    • Naming.fs ... naming helpers
    • JsHelper.fs ... helper functions for JavaScript-related things e.g. NPM packages and ES6 module names.
    • TypeScriptHelper.fs ... helper functions for using TypeScript Compiler API
    • Typer.fs ... functions for resolving and manipulating AST
    • Parser.fs ... functions for converting TS syntax tree to our AST
  • src/ ... target-dependent part of the tool
    • Bindings/ ... bindings to JS libraries (yargs)
    • Extensions.fs ... [<AutoOpen>] extensions for standard library and JS libraries
    • Common.fs ... [<AutoOpen>] global command line options, types, and modules
    • Target.fs ... generic definitions for each targets (ITarget<_>)
    • Targets/ ... targets should be placed into here
      • ParserTest.fs ... debug target to test parser and typer
      • {Target}/ ... target-specific codes
        • Common.fs ... command line options for the target
        • {Target}Helper.fs ... helper functions to generate code for the target language
        • Writer.fs ... functions for generating the code from AST
        • Target.fs ... ITarget<_> instance for the target
    • Main.fs ... entry point
  • test/
    • jsoo/ ... test for the js_of_ocaml target
    • res/ ... test for the ReScript target
  • dist/
    • js/ ... output directory for NPM packaging
    • jsoo/ ... output directory for OPAM packaging
    • jsoo/ ... output directory for NPM packaging of the stdlib for ReScript
  • output/ ... temporary output directory for automated testing, etc


  • .NET SDK 6.0

    • Fable is required to build this tool.
    • Run dotnet tool restore in the root directory of this repo to install it.
  • OCaml 4.08 or higher

    • js_of_ocaml should be installed to your opam switch.
    • gen_js_api >= 1.0.9 should also be installed to your opam switch.
    • Run opam install . --deps-only to install all the dependencies.
  • Node 14.0 or higher

  • ReScript 11.0.1 or higher

    • Installed by yarn.

Updating TypeScript SDK

  • Run yarn update --latest typescript
  • Run ./fake UpdateBindings to update the Fable binding (lib/Bindings/TypeScript.fs)
  • Run ./fake build and fix type errors


./fake watch to live update dist/js/ts2ocaml.js.

It will be bundled by Webpack with the development mode.


./fake build performs the followings:

  • yarn install to populate node_modules
  • dotnet restore ts2ocaml.sln to install required F# libraries
  • Compile F# source files into JS source files (through Fable)
  • Bundle the JS files into dist/js/ts2ocaml.js (through Webpack)

The resulting dist/js/ts2ocaml.js is then ready to run through node.


./fake test builds the tool and then performs the followings:

Test the tool for js_of_ocaml target

  • Generate bindings for the following packages:
    • TypeScript standard libraries (node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.*.d.ts)
    • typescript with the full preset (involving a lot of inheritance)
    • react with the full preset (depending on both full packages and safe packages)
      • scheduler/tracing (safe)
      • csstype (full)
      • prop-types (safe)
    • react-modal with the full preset (depending on a full package)
    • yargs with the safe preset (depending on a safe package)
      • yargs-parser (safe)
  • The bindings will be placed into output/test_jsoo/
  • Copy the bindings to test/jsoo/src/
  • Perform dune build in test/jsoo/

Test the tool for ReScript target

  • Generate bindings for the following packages:
    • TypeScript standard libraries (node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.*.d.ts)
    • typescript with the full preset (involving a lot of inheritance)
    • react with the full preset (depending on both full packages and safe packages)
      • scheduler/tracing (safe)
      • csstype (full)
      • prop-types (safe)
    • react-modal with the full preset (depending on a full package)
    • yargs with the safe preset (depending on a safe package)
      • yargs-parser (safe)
  • The bindings will be placed into output/test_res/
  • Copy the bindings to test/res/src/generated/
  • Perform yarn build in test/res/

Tests for other targets will be added here


./fake publish builds the tool, runs the tests, and then performs the followings:

Prepare for publishing the standard library for js_of_ocaml target to the jsoo-stdlib branch

  • Copy ts2ocaml_*.mli from output/test_jsoo/ to dist/jsoo/src/
  • Copy ts2ocaml_*.ml from test/jsoo/_build/default/src/ to dist/jsoo/src/
  • Set the correct version in dist/jsoo/dune-project
  • Perform dune build in dist/jsoo/ to generate .opam file and check if it compiles

GitHub Action publish.yml is configured to push the dist/jsoo directory to the jsoo-stdlib branch.

Prepare for publishing the tool to NPM

  • Set the correct version in package.json

GitHub Action publish.yml is configured to publish ts2ocaml to NPM.