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--- a/.stylelintrc.yml
+++ b/.stylelintrc.yml
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ rules:
   #   - https://github.com/stylelint/stylelint-config-recommended/blob/main/index.js
   # possible errors (these are all on by default)
+  declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties: null
   no-descending-specificity: null
   # limit language features
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 facebook_id: 1820980378150914
   email: birds
-  twitter: oddbird
+  mastodon:
+    user: oddbird
+    server: front-end.social
   github: oddbird
   - url: /work/
@@ -26,5 +28,5 @@ nav:
   - https://www.oddbird.net/
   - mailto:birds@oddbird.net
-  - https://twitter.com/oddbird
+  - https://front-end.social/@OddBird
   - https://github.com/oddbird
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 {%- set footer_title = "Let's chat about your web project" -%}
 {%- set footer_content -%}
   Fill out the form,
-  [schedule a call](https://calendly.com/oddbird/discovery),
-  send us an [email](mailto:birds@oddbird.net),
-  or find us on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/oddbird) or [GitHub](https://github.com/oddbird)
+  [schedule a call](https://calendly.com/oddbird/discovery), or
+  send us an [email](mailto:birds@oddbird.net).
+  {{ contact.social(site.social, 'OddBird', false, rel='me') | safe }}
 {%- endset -%}
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@@ -136,16 +136,12 @@ params:
             ) }}
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-          {% if not compact %}
-            {% if not event.is_future %}
-              {{ links(event) }}
-            {% elif event.data.discount %}
-              <p class="event-discount">
-                Use discount code
-                <code>{{ event.data.discount.code }}</code>
-                to get <strong>{{ event.data.discount.amount }} off</strong>
-              </p>
-            {% endif %}
+          {% if not event.is_future %}
+            {{ '' if compact else links(event) }}
+          {% elif event.data.note %}
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@@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ sub: Founded in 2008 by three odd siblings
 permalink: about/index.html
 bird: oddbird
-  twitter: oddbird
+  mastodon:
+    user: oddbird
+    server: front-end.social
   github: oddbird
   email: birds
 summary: |
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+title: FastAPI Path Operations for Django Developers
+author: ed
+date: 2023-10-19
+  - Article
+  - Python
+  - Django
+  - FastAPI
+  src: blog/2023/fast.jpg
+summary: |
+  FastAPI path operations are the equivalent of Django views. In this article we
+  explore the differences, advantages, and gotchas of using them from the
+  perspective of a Django developer.
+If you've heard about [FastAPI], a modern and fast web framework for building
+APIs with Python, you might be wondering how it compares to Django, the most
+popular and mature web framework for Python. In this series, I will answer this
+question by comparing various aspects and features of Django and FastAPI, based
+on our recent experience converting an internal project from Django to FastAPI.
+[FastAPI]: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/
+1. FastAPI Path Operations for Django Developers (this article)
+2. [SQLAlchemy for Django Developers]
+3. Testing a FastAPI Application (coming soon)
+4. How To Use FastAPI Dependency Injection Everywhere (coming soon)
+[SQLAlchemy for Django Developers]: /2023/10/23/sqlalchemy-for-django-developers/
+## Why is FastAPI Worth Considering?
+I discovered Django when I wanted to explore web frameworks outside the ASP.NET
+and Windows ecosystem. I was impressed by its "batteries included" approach that
+provides everything you need to build a web application, from the database layer
+to the user interface. I also appreciate its "don't repeat yourself" philosophy
+that encourages developers to write less code and focus on the business logic.
+For over a decade, Django has been my go-to framework for building web apps that
+are secure, performant, and a pleasure to work with.
+In recent years, I have experienced two big shifts in the way I develop web
+applications. First, I expect development tools to do more for me when it comes
+to authoring software. Modern IDEs and code editors have really spoiled me with
+convenient features like go-to-definition, auto-completion, and one-click
+refactoring. This also means I expect languages and frameworks themselves to
+encourage best practices and help me write better code. Static type checking,
+automatic code formatting, and dependency injection are some of the features
+that I have a hard time living without.
+Because Django pre-dates Python's type checking system and it (rightly) wants to
+remain as backwards compatible as possible, all efforts to leverage static type
+checking and deeper text editor integration have been bolted-on, experimental,
+and incomplete. The main player in this space seems to be [django-stubs], which
+provides type hints for Django as a separate package. After using it for a
+while, my conclusion is that Django was not designed with types in mind, and
+efforts to add them are mostly futile. The time and effort of adding and
+maintaining type hints for a Django app is not worth the limited benefits.
+[django-stubs]: https://github.com/typeddjango/django-stubs
+The second shift has to do with the proliferation of single-page applications
+and the need for cohesion and consistency across the API and frontend layers.
+Cohesion means that the API should provide a clear and logical way to access and
+manipulate the data and services that the backend offers. Consistency means that
+the API should follow common standards and conventions for data types, formats,
+errors, validations, and documentation.
+Developing APIs with Django means you're probably using the excellent [Django
+REST Framework] (DRF for short). This package is a shining example of how Django
+gives you complete and robust functionality with very little code (shout out to
+you, `ViewSet`). However, it suffers from the same problems as Django itself: it
+was not designed with types in mind or to share information about endpoints and
+serializers with consumers of its APIs. We tried to bridge this gap with
+[drf-spectacular], which produces [OpenAPI] schemas from DRF views and
+serializers. Its main limitation is that it relies on developers to manually
+annotate their application with additional information, and there's no guarantee
+that your schema will be up-to-date with your code. For this reason I wouldn't
+consider it a definitive solution.
+[Django REST Framework]: https://www.django-rest-framework.org/
+[drf-spectacular]: https://github.com/tfranzel/drf-spectacular
+[OpenAPI]: https://swagger.io/specification/
+In the middle of all this, I kept hearing about FastAPI and how it was not only
+fast, but also leveraged Python's type system to provide a better developer
+experience *and* automatic documentation and schemas for API consumers. After
+following its excellent [tutorial], I asked the team to consider it for
+[OddBooks], our collaborative writing tool. An exploratory branch was created
+and after reviewing the resulting code, we decided to go ahead and officially
+switch to FastAPI for this project.
+[tutorial]: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/
+[OddBooks]: https://oddbooks.app
+## Django Views
+In OddBooks we have a `Version` model that encapsulates the idea of a snapshot
+of a document at a given point in time. Here's a simplified Django model:
+class Version(models.Model):
+    document = models.ForeignKey(Document, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+    created_at = models.DateTimeField(auto_now_add=True)
+    title = models.CharField(max_length=255)
+    text = models.TextField()
+And the corresponding DRF serializer and view set that only allows editing the
+document and text during creation, not updates:
+class VersionSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
+    class Meta:
+        model = Version
+        fields = ["id", "document", "created_at", "title", "text"]
+        read_only_fields = ["id", "document", "created_at", "text"]
+class VersionCreateSerializer(VersionSerializer):
+    class Meta(VersionSerializer.Meta):
+        read_only_fields = ["id", "created_at"]
+class VersionViewSet(viewsets.ModelViewSet):
+    queryset = Version.objects.all()
+    serializer_class = VersionSerializer
+    def get_serializer_class(self):
+        if self.action == "create":
+            return VersionCreateSerializer
+        return super().get_serializer_class()
+Notice a few things:
+- We don't get auto-complete or static type checking for the serializer fields.
+  We are on our own to fill out `fields` and `read_only_fields`. There's also no
+  way to know the types of the fields without looking at the model definition
+  directly.
+- We get no documentation or schemas for the API endpoints. We have to manually
+  write them and keep them up-to-date with the code.
+## FastAPI Path Operations
+Here's an equivalent version written as FastAPI path operations (the equivalent
+of Django views):
+from pydantic import BaseModel
+from fastapi import FastAPI
+class VersionUpdate(BaseModel):
+    title: str
+class VersionCreate(BaseModel):
+    document: int
+    title: str
+    text: str
+class VersionRead(BaseModel):
+    id: int
+    document: int
+    created_at: datetime
+    text: str
+app = FastAPI()
+@app.get("/versions", response_model=list[VersionRead])
+def list_versions():
+    return get_versions_from_db()
+@app.post("/versions", response_model=VersionRead, status_code=201)
+def create_version(version: VersionCreate):
+    return write_version_to_db(**version.dict())
+@app.put("/versions/{version_id}", response_model=VersionRead)
+def update_version(version_id: int, version: VersionUpdate):
+    version = get_version_from_db(id=version_id)
+    version.title = version.title
+    version.save()
+    return version
+@app.get("/versions/{version_id}", response_model=VersionRead)
+def get_version(version_id: int):
+    return get_version_from_db(id=version_id)
+@app.delete("/versions/{version_id}", status_code=204)
+def delete_version(version_id: int):
+    delete_version_from_db(id=version_id)
+*Note: I'm hiding the actual database read and write operations behind
+`get_versions_from_db` and similar functions. How you [connect to your database]
+is a separate topic and I want to focus on writing and consuming API endpoints
+[connect to your database]: /2023/10/23/sqlalchemy-for-django-developers/
+In contrast with the Django version, we get:
+- Auto-complete and static type checking for the model fields thanks to
+  [Pydantic]. Need to see what fields are available on a version instance? Just
+  type `version.` and your editor will show you the available fields and their
+  types.
+- [Automatic documentation] and [OpenAPI schema] for the API endpoints. This is
+  cohesive and consistent enough to be used to autogenerate frontend type
+  definitions and [API clients]. We are actually doing this in OddBooks and it
+  has done away with a handful of unit / integration tests and consistently
+  warns the frontend team when the API has changed.
+- Runtime validation of the request body and URL parameters by using type hints.
+  FastAPI will ensure that something like `def update_version(id: int, version:
+  VersionUpdate):` will only accept a JSON body with a `title` field and an
+  integer URL parameter.
+- Automatic serialization of the response body by using the `response_model`
+  parameter. FastAPI will ensure that the response body is a JSON object with
+  the expected fields and types. The path operation itself can return anything
+  that can be converted to JSON, including Pydantic models, dictionaries, lists,
+  and primitives.
+[Pydantic]: https://docs.pydantic.dev/latest/
+[Automatic documentation]: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/path-params/#documentation
+[OpenAPI schema]: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/first-steps/#check-the-openapijson
+[API clients]: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/generate-clients/
+## Advice for Django Developers
+You will notice that the FastAPI version is considerably more verbose than the
+Django version. This is where Django's "batteries included" approach really
+shines. However, I would argue that the verbosity is worth it for the benefits
+listed above, and by also nudging developers to be explicit in the input and
+output types of each individual endpoint, instead of relying on the hooks
+provided by DRF to serialize and deserialize data in different ways. You might
+even say we have traded one set of "batteries" for another.
+FastAPI itself doesn't have concepts of models or serializers. Instead, it
+relies on [Pydantic] models to validate data. These models are not meant to be
+used as representations of database tables, but rather as representations of the
+data that is sent and received by the API, so they are closer to DRF
+I spent a non-trivial amount of time trying to make FastAPI behave like Django
+by trying to minimize the amount of Pydantic models. If Django only needs one or
+two serializers for all CRUD operations, why can't FastAPI do the same? I
+started going down the rabbit hole of adding custom methods and properties,
+using inheritance, and in general introducing a lot of complexity to get that
+DRY magic back. I eventually realized that I was fighting against the framework
+instead of embracing it, and that I was better off writing small, focused
+Pydantic models for each endpoint.
+## Conclusion
+So, is FastAPI worth considering? I would say yes, especially if you're
+developing an API that needs to be consumed by a frontend application. The
+benefits of static type checking, automatic documentation, and automatic schema
+generation are too good to pass up. If you're developing a traditional,
+multi-page application then the benefits are less clear and you might be better
+off sticking with Django because while FastAPI offers Jinja2 support for
+[templating] and easily serves [static files] as well, it lacks a [built-in ORM]
+and [admin interface].
+[templating]: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/advanced/templates/
+[static files]: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/tutorial/static-files/
+[built-in ORM]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/topics/db/queries/
+[admin interface]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/ref/contrib/admin/
diff --git a/content/blog/2023/sqlalchemy-for-django-developers.md b/content/blog/2023/sqlalchemy-for-django-developers.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d47c7314b
--- /dev/null
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+title: SQLAlchemy for Django Developers
+author: ed
+date: 2023-10-23
+  - Article
+  - Python
+  - Django
+  - FastAPI
+  - SQLAlchemy
+  src: blog/2023/library.jpg
+summary: |
+  SQLAlchemy is a Python library for interacting with relational databases. It
+  is a popular alternative to Django's ORM used by frameworks such as FastAPI.
+  In this article we will help curious Django developers write their first
+  queries with SQLAlchemy, and highlight key differences.
+If you've heard about [FastAPI], a modern and fast web framework for building
+APIs with Python, you might be wondering how it compares to Django, the most
+popular and mature web framework for Python. In this series, I will answer this
+question by comparing various aspects and features of Django and FastAPI, based
+on our recent experience converting an internal project from Django to FastAPI.
+[FastAPI]: https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/
+1. [FastAPI Path Operations for Django Developers]
+2. SQLAlchemy for Django Developers (this article)
+3. Testing a FastAPI Application (coming soon)
+4. How To Use FastAPI Dependency Injection Everywhere (coming soon)
+[FastAPI Path Operations for Django Developers]: /2023/10/19/fastapi-path-operations-for-django-developers/
+## About SQLAlchemy
+Both Django's [ORM] (Object Relational Mapper) and [SQLAlchemy] are libraries
+for interacting with relational databases. Django's ORM is tightly coupled with
+the Django framework, while SQLAlchemy is a standalone library that can be used
+with any Python application. I heard about it many years ago, but never had the
+need to use it because Django's ORM was good enough for me (to the point that I
+know surprisingly little SQL). But when I started using FastAPI, SQLAlchemy was
+the recommended library for interacting with the database. Let's follow
+SQLAlchemy's [Quick Start] guide to create a simple database while learning
+about the differences between SQLAlchemy and Django's ORM.
+[ORM]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/topics/db/queries/
+[SQLAlchemy]: https://www.sqlalchemy.org/
+[Quick Start]: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/orm/quickstart.html
+## Model Definition: Surprisingly Similar
+The first thing I noticed when I started using SQLAlchemy was how similar it is
+to Django's ORM when it comes to defining models as classes that represent
+database tables. Here is an example of a `User` model in Django:
+from django.db import models
+class User(models.Model):
+    name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
+    fullname = models.TextField()
+And here is the same model in SQLAlchemy:
+from sqlalchemy import String
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column, DeclarativeBase
+class User(DeclarativeBase):
+     __tablename__ = "user_account"
+     id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
+     name: Mapped[str] = mapped_column(String(30))
+     fullname: Mapped[Optional[str]]
+*Note: this [declarative style] for model definition is relatively new,
+superseding the old `declarative_base` function in SQLAlchemy 2.0. You might
+still encounter the old style in some codebases.*
+[declarative style]: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/orm/mapping_styles.html#orm-declarative-mapping
+These two models are similar in that once they get information out of the
+database, table columns are accessible as attributes of the model instances such
+as `user.name` and `user.fullname`. In the same way, modifying the attributes of
+a model instance like `user.name = "Jane"` will modify the corresponding
+database record when the object is "saved" (which is done differently in
+SQLAlchemy as we will see later).
+In contrast, these models differ in that SQLAlchemy relies more heavily on type
+hints to define the model. In my opinion this results in a more natural and
+robust developer experience. For example, the `fullname` field only requires the
+`Mapped[Optional[str]]` annotation to be mapped to a nullable text column.
+Fields that require further customization that can't be expressed in a type
+hint, like setting a character limit or marking a column as primary key, can use
+the [`mapped_column`] function as seen in the `id` and `name` fields. In all
+cases, by using the [`Mapped`] annotation type checkers have everything they
+need to correctly type the model attributes.
+[`mapped_column`]: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/orm/mapping_api.html#sqlalchemy.orm.mapped_column
+[`Mapped`]: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/orm/internals.html#sqlalchemy.orm.Mapped
+SQLAlchemy also supports defining models with the
+[imperative syntax], which is less similar to Django's ORM. I personally prefer
+the declarative syntax and find it more readable and intuitive.
+[imperative syntax]: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/orm/mapping_styles.html#orm-imperative-mapping
+## Engines and Sessions Instead of Managers
+In Django, every model comes with a manager exposed as the `objects` attribute.
+This means that as long as you get a reference to the model class, you can
+access the manager and perform queries. For example, for the `User` model, you
+can get all users with `User.objects.all()`.
+In SQLAlchemy, you need to create an [engine] and [session] first before you can
+perform any queries. You can think of the engine as a factory that provides us
+with database connections, and sessions map roughly to these individual
+[engine]: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/core/connections.html#sqlalchemy.engine.Engine
+[session]: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/tutorial/dbapi_transactions.html#tutorial-executing-orm-session
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
+engine = create_engine("sqlite:///db.sqlite3")
+with Session(engine) as session:
+    users = session.execute("SELECT * FROM users").all()
+*Notice we are using raw SQL here instead of the ORM. We will get to the ORM in
+the next section.*
+You don't need to use a context manager to create a session, but it is
+recommended so that the session is automatically closed when you are done with
+it. This can get annoying when you are writing FastAPI path operations because
+the code for each operation will be inside a context manager. Luckily, you can
+create a FastAPI dependency that `yield`s the session from the context manager
+and use it by declaring it as an argument in your path operation.
+from fastapi import Depends, FastAPI
+from sqlalchemy import create_engine
+from sqlalchemy.orm import Session, sessionmaker
+engine = create_engine("sqlite:///db.sqlite3")
+SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine)
+app = FastAPI()
+def get_session() -> Session:
+    with SessionLocal() as session:
+        yield session
+@app.get("/users", response_model=...)
+def get_users(session: Session = Depends(get_session)):
+    return session.execute("SELECT * FROM users").all()
+## Query with Class Attributes Instead of Keyword Arguments
+In Django, you can query a model with keyword arguments. For example, if you
+want to get a single user with the name "John", you can do
+`User.objects.get(name="John")`. In SQLAlchemy, you need to use class attributes
+from sqlalchemy import select
+john = session.scalars(select(User).where(User.name == "John")).one()
+The `where` method is chained to the `select` function and achieves the same as
+the `filter` and `get` methods in Django. However, instead of keyword arguments,
+we use an actual comparison of the `name` attribute with the string `"John"`.
+This caught me off guard at first but I've come to appreciate it because I get
+help from my text editor when building queries instead of trying to guess the
+names of keyword arguments.
+More complex queries are also different. Django encourages you to use a double
+underscore syntax for more specific lookups. For example, to get all users with
+IDs 1, 2, or 3, you use `User.objects.filter(id__in=[1, 2, 3])`. SQLAlchemy
+achieves this by exposing custom methods as part of the class attributes:
+users = session.scalars(select(User).where(User.id.in_([1, 2, 3]))).all()
+*The trailing underscore in `in_()` is needed because `in` is a reserved word in
+Python, not because of anything specific to SQLAlchemy.*
+There's a whole host of interesting methods you can use with model attributes as
+explained in the [`ColumnElement` documentation].
+[`ColumnElement` documentation]:
+    https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/core/sqlelement.html#sqlalchemy.sql.expression.ColumnElement
+The `select` function accepts entire model classes or individual columns as
+arguments. For example, to get only the `name` column, you can do
+Finally, notice that we call `one()` or `all()` instead of using separate
+`get()` and `filter()` methods. This is because the `scalars` method returns a
+[ScalarResult] that allows us to chose how to get the results.
+[ScalarResult]: https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/20/core/connections.html#sqlalchemy.engine.ScalarResult
+## Commit Sessions Instead of Saving Model Instances
+In Django, given a model instance `user`, you can save it to the database with
+`user.save()`. In SQLAlchemy, you need to commit the session instead:
+This actually makes it easier to bundle together multiple "saves", even if they
+are for different models, into a single transaction. You can do this by adding
+multiple objects to the session and then committing the session.
+user1 = User(...)
+user2 = User(...)
+address1 = Address(...)
+session.add_all([user1, user2, address1])
+In Django terms, the session is like a transaction that you can commit to when
+you're ready, and the notion of saving individual model instances by calling one
+of their methods is not present.
+## Relations Require More Work
+Let's add an `Address` and let each user have multiple addresses. In Django, you
+can do this with a `ForeignKey`:
+# No changes required to the User model
+class Address(models.Model):
+    user = models.ForeignKey(User, on_delete=models.CASCADE)
+    email_address = models.TextField()
+In SQLAlchemy, you need to define the relationship explicitly:
+from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey, String
+from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, Mapped, mapped_column, DeclarativeBase
+class User(DeclarativeBase):
+    # Previous attributes omitted for brevity
+    addresses: Mapped[list["Address"]] = relationship(
+        back_populates="user", cascade="all, delete-orphan"
+    )
+class Address(DeclarativeBase):
+    __tablename__ = "address"
+    id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
+    email_address: Mapped[str]
+    user_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(ForeignKey("user_account.id"))
+    user: Mapped["User"] = relationship(back_populates="addresses")
+Notice you need to define both the `user_id` column and the `user` relationship
+in the `Address` model, something that Django does automatically. Additionally,
+you also need to define the "other side" of the relationship as
+Once your models are in place you can query the `Address` model and join it with
+the `User` model:
+from sqlalchemy import select
+stmt = (
+    select(Address)
+    .join(Address.user)
+    .where(User.name == "sandy")
+sandy_addresses = session.scalars(stmt).all()
+There is no double underscore syntax like in Django, and no "related managers"
+that allow you to get related objects from a given model instance. Instead we
+need to use a `join` to bring in the `User` model and then filter on the `name`
+One clear advantage of SQLAlchemy is that you can instantiate models and relate
+them before they are saved, and then commit them all at once:
+spongebob = User(
+    name="spongebob",
+    fullname="SpongeBob SquarePants",
+    addresses=[Address(email_address="spongebob@sqlalchemy.org")],
+sandy = User(
+    name="sandy",
+    fullname="Sandy Cheeks",
+    addresses=[
+        Address(email_address="sandy@sqlalchemy.org"),
+        Address(email_address="sandy@squirrelpower.org"),
+    ],
+patrick = User(name="patrick", fullname="Patrick Star")
+session.add_all([spongebob, sandy, patrick])
+In Django you would need to save all the users first, then save the addresses
+with the `user` attribute set to the corresponding user. Here we can nest them
+naturally and SQLAlchemy will take care of the rest.
+## Migrations Are Not Built-In
+Django comes with a built-in [migration system] that allows you to create and
+apply migrations with a single command. This is definitely one of the most
+important features of Django and I was surprised to find out that SQLAlchemy
+does not have a built-in alternative. Instead, they maintain a separate package
+called [Alembic] to manage migrations (which have their name changed to
+[migration system]: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.2/topics/migrations/
+[Alembic]: https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/
+We won't go into details here, but the basic substitutions are:
+- `./manage.py makemigrations` becomes `alembic revision --autogenerate`
+- `./manage.py migrate` becomes `alembic upgrade head`
+- `./manage.py migrate app <migration number>` becomes `alembic upgrade
+  <revision hash>` if going forward, or `alembic downgrade <revision hash>` if
+  going back
+SQLAlchemy and Alembic don't have the concept of "apps" as standalone elements
+with their own models and migrations. Instead, they use a single
+`alembic/versions` directory that contains all the revisions for all tables, and
+autogenerating revisions will scan the entire database for changes.
+To date I don't know how to manage migrations in databases that have models
+defined by third-party packages. This is in contrast with Django where
+third-parties usually ship their own migration history to manage their tables
+independently from user-defined models.
+## Conclusion
+SQLAlchemy is a powerful library. We have only scratched the surface of what it
+can do. I think it's as powerful as Django's ORM, but it's definitely not as
+streamlined and putting the pieces together requires time. There also seems to
+be a lot of old, pre-2.0 information out there that can be confusing. All in
+all, I think it's a library worth learning and keeping in your tool belt,
+especially if you are using FastAPI.
diff --git a/content/blog/elsewhere/interview/video/learn-with-jason-cqs.md b/content/blog/elsewhere/interview/video/learn-with-jason-cqs.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..605521fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/elsewhere/interview/video/learn-with-jason-cqs.md
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+title: Demystifying CSS Container Queries
+venue: Learn With Jason
+url: https://www.learnwithjason.dev/demystifying-css-container-queries
+date: 2023-10-16
+author: miriam
+  src: blog/2023/learn-with-jason.jpg
+  - CSS
+  - Container Queries
+summary: |
+  CSS Container Queries
+  promise even more powerful styling approaches,
+  but… what the heck are they?
+  How do they actually work?
+  Miriam joined Jason
+  to teach and explore Container Queries
+  in live code.
+  - iframe: https://www.youtube.com/embed/KVFU0pOIJLI
+  - iframe: https://www.youtube.com/embed/eTTdl5CZDlo
+{% import "embed.macros.njk" as embed %}
+{{ embed.figure(data=media) }}
diff --git a/content/blog/wingingit/winging-it-03.md b/content/blog/wingingit/winging-it-03.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..60eef40af
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/blog/wingingit/winging-it-03.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+title: Intuitive Web Design with OOUX
+episode: 3
+  - OOUX
+  - Design
+  - sondra
+  - james
+  - davidh
+date: 2023-10-24
+length: 32 mins
+  src: winging-it/winging-it-3.jpg
+  - iframe: https://www.youtube.com/embed/wk5tFSqYVzs
+summary: |
+  During our conversation we look at 3 examples of unintuitive web design, and
+  learn how to create websites and apps that are more intuitive using
+  object-oriented user experience (OOUX) design strategies.
+{% import "embed.macros.njk" as embed %}
+{% import "utility.macros.njk" as utility %}
+{{ embed.figure(
+  data=media
+) }}
+{{ utility.main_action(
+  'Subscribe to Channel »',
+  subscribe_url
+) }}
+## What we cover:
+- What is OOUX
+- Practical examples for discovering objects
+- Types of objects including broken, shapeshifter, and isolated objects
+- Object maps
+- OOUX Certification
+## Links:
+- [Denver Zoo](https://denverzoo.org/)
+- [OOUX Certification (affiliate link)](http://partners.ooux.com/348125/17189)
+- [Slides](https://xd.adobe.com/view/59a38984-ff8c-4ae6-b09f-2cbf31f235fc-0cf0/)
+- [OddBird on Mastodon](https://front-end.social/@OddBird)
diff --git a/content/contact/index.njk b/content/contact/index.njk
index 2a0e12f26..04434772a 100644
--- a/content/contact/index.njk
+++ b/content/contact/index.njk
@@ -2,8 +2,11 @@
 title: Contact
 sub: Let's get to know each other
 banner: Contact OddBird
+bird: oddbird
-  twitter: oddbird
+  mastodon:
+    user: oddbird
+    server: front-end.social
   github: oddbird
   email: birds
 summary: |
diff --git a/content/index.njk b/content/index.njk
index 931750230..38a6222dd 100644
--- a/content/index.njk
+++ b/content/index.njk
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ resilient design systems, and **well-tested code.**
 - Branding & Logo Design
 - User Research & Concepting
 - UI/UX Design (*OOUX*)
-- Python & Django on the backend
+- Python on the backend (*Django, FastAPI*)
 - CSS & Sass on the frontend
 - JavaScript (*Svelte, Vue, React, Node, etc.*)
 - Design Systems & Component Libraries
diff --git a/content/quickstart.md b/content/quickstart.md
index 3d0a37a67..8c6379cc6 100644
--- a/content/quickstart.md
+++ b/content/quickstart.md
@@ -345,3 +345,138 @@ and sends invoices to clients on the same schedule.
 [harvest]: https://www.getharvest.com/
 [accounts]: mailto:accounts@oddbird.net
+## Success Criteria:
+This guide will help you understand
+the expectations for your role at OddBird.
+The criteria are divided into three groups:
+Work Quality, Communication, and Learning & Growth.
+Each group has three levels of performance:
+Underperform, Meet Expectations, and Exceed Expectations.
+You can use this guide to assess your own performance,
+identify your strengths and areas for improvement,
+and set your goals and action plans.
+### Work Quality
+#### Underperform
+- Lack initiative and wait for direction or assignments
+  on high priority work
+- Produce low-quality or incomplete work
+  that requires excessive rework
+  or refactoring from others
+- Use outdated or inappropriate tools, technologies, or methodologies
+- Avoid or give up on challenges
+- Do not create plans for big assignments,
+  or dissect them into smaller tasks
+#### Meet Expectations
+- Take initiative on high priority work
+  by chipping away at it
+- Deliver complete and high-quality work,
+  and act on feedback from others
+- Approach challenges
+  by creating plans for big assignments,
+  and dissecting them into smaller tasks
+#### Exceed Expectations
+- Take ownership of features and infrastructure
+- Lead internal review processes
+  and deliver high-quality, actionable feedback to others
+- Make requests for input early in process
+  to tackle challenging work
+- Take initiative and lead others
+  in creating plans for big assignments,
+  and dissecting them into smaller tasks
+### Communication
+#### Underperform
+- Rarely communicate
+  or do so in an untimely manner
+- Miss large parts of or entire meetings without notice
+- Do not document the breakdown of upcoming work
+  or the status of in-progress work,
+  and do not reflect on your contributions, accomplishments,
+  or lessons from challenges (self-retro)
+- Do not ask for help or guidance when blocked,
+  and avoid participating and learning
+  from review and discussions
+- Show disinterest or indifference when planning new work
+#### Meet Expectations
+- Communicate frequently
+  and in a timely manner
+- Attend most meetings
+  and notify others in advance
+  when you will be late or cannot attend
+- Post a breakdown of your daily assignments
+  documenting completed work,
+  the status of in-progress work,
+  and upcoming tasks
+- Document your contributions,
+  accomplishments,
+  and lessons from challenges (self-retro)
+- Reach out with questions when blocked
+  and engage with review and planning
+  by asking follow-up questions
+#### Exceed Expectations
+- Communicate with trust in advance
+  and request engagement from others
+- Lead meetings and discussions
+  about internal and external projects
+- Follow up during and after reviews and discussions
+  with questions that help confirm understanding
+- Generate internal documents,
+  blog posts,
+  and other valuable content
+  based on your contributions
+  (especially accomplishments and challenges)
+### Learning & Growth
+#### Underperform
+- Do not participate or learn from review and discussions,
+  and asks few or no questions
+- Resist and reject change and feedback,
+  and do not adjust to the changing needs
+  and expectations of projects
+- Lack initiative and collaboration skills,
+  and don't support the team's goals and objectives
+- Refuse to follow established team processes
+#### Meet Expectations
+- Engage with review and discussions
+  by asking more questions
+- Reach out with questions when blocked
+- Act on feedback as an opportunity to learn and improve,
+  and remain flexible and adaptable to change
+- Challenge the team processes
+  and look for ways to improve them
+#### Exceed Expectations
+- Demonstrate curiosity and pursue challenges
+  that help you and the team grow
+- Learn new skills, technologies, or methodologies
+  that can improve your performance
+  and the quality of your work
+- Help others adapt
+  to the changing needs and expectations of the project
+- Demonstrate leadership,
+  initiative,
+  and collaboration skills,
+  and contribute to the team's goals and objectives
+- Adjust the team processes,
+  listening to feedback
+  and guiding the team through the changes
diff --git a/content/services/development.md b/content/services/development.md
index 935b45a9d..15deede9f 100644
--- a/content/services/development.md
+++ b/content/services/development.md
@@ -17,7 +17,8 @@ summary: |
   We provide expertise across a range of technologies, including
-  **Python/Django**, accessible **HTML**, **CSS/Sass**,
+  **Python** with **Django** & **FastAPI**,
+  accessible **HTML**, **CSS/Sass**,
   **JavaScript** with **React** & **Vue**, **Node**, and more.
@@ -147,7 +148,7 @@ performance and architecture.
 ### Languages & Tools
-- **Python** with **Django** (*core contributor*)
+- **Python** with **FastAPI** or **Django** (*core contributor*)
 - **HTML/CSS** with **Sass** (*core contributor*)
 - **JavaScript** with **Vue**, **React**, or **Svelte**
 - Node
diff --git a/content/talks.njk b/content/talks.njk
index eaca93d0c..c0d8ab5c0 100644
--- a/content/talks.njk
+++ b/content/talks.njk
@@ -1,25 +1,22 @@
 title: Talks & Workshops
-sub: Bring us to your conference or browse past talks
-  src: talks/miriam.jpg
-  alt: Miriam Suzanne speaking at a conference
-  position: left center
+sub: Bring us to your event or browse past talks
-  text: Hire us for conference talks »
+  text: Hire us to give a talk or workshop »
   url: /contact/
 summary: |
-  **We provide award-winning conference talks & workshops**
+  **We provide award-winning talks & workshops**
+  for companies or conferences,
   to help you create resilient web applications
   and design systems --
   improving team process, communication,
   site performance, and accessibility.
-  Missed a conference?
   Dive into the posts below
   for the latest videos & slides,
-  and upcoming conference dates.
+  and upcoming conference or workshop dates.
+{% import 'utility.macros.njk' as utility %}
 {% import 'quotes.macros.njk' as quotes %}
 {% import 'layout.macros.njk' as layout %}
 {% import 'talks.macros.njk' as talks %}
@@ -30,6 +27,30 @@ summary: |
   slugs=['spot-on', 'popular-tutorial']
 ) }}
+{% set fw = collections._talk | findPage('data.feature', 'workshop') %}
+{% if fw %}
+  {{ layout.title('Featured Workshop') }}
+  <article {{ post.aria_label(item) }} class="feature-workshop">
+    {{ post.hero(fw.data.image, 'post') }}
+    <header class="training-header">
+      {{ post.banner(fw) }}
+      {{ post.subtitle(fw.data.sub) }}
+      {{ post.byline(fw, collections) }}
+    </header>
+    <div class="training-detail">
+      {{ fw.data.summary | md | safe }}
+      {% if fw.data.action %}
+        {{ utility.main_action(
+          fw.data.action.text,
+          url=fw.data.action.url
+        ) }}
+      {% endif %}
+    </div>
+  </article>
+{% endif %}
 {{ talks.section(
   title='Upcoming Events',
   events=collections.all | getPublic | getEvents | getFuture,
@@ -37,7 +58,7 @@ summary: |
 ) }}
-{{ layout.title('Talks & Workshops') }}
+{{ layout.title('All Talks & Workshops') }}
 {% call layout.grid('training') %}
   {% for item in collections._talk | getPublic | eventSort | reverse %}
     <article {{ post.aria_label(item) }} class="training-item">
diff --git a/content/workshops/advanced-css.md b/content/workshops/advanced-css.md
index e2b87e766..787e1701e 100644
--- a/content/workshops/advanced-css.md
+++ b/content/workshops/advanced-css.md
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 title: Advanced CSS Workshop
 banner: Advanced CSS for Modern Applications
-sub: with practical use-cases, tooling, and pitfalls
+sub: A workshop with practical use-cases, tooling, and pitfalls
 author: miriam
 date: 2019-04-18
diff --git a/content/workshops/cascading-styles-deep.md b/content/workshops/cascading-styles-deep.md
index 3271df358..46cd22707 100644
--- a/content/workshops/cascading-styles-deep.md
+++ b/content/workshops/cascading-styles-deep.md
@@ -1,10 +1,15 @@
-title: Cascading Styles
-sub: A CSS Deep Dive
+title: Cascading Style Systems
+sub: A workshop on resilient & maintainable CSS
+feature: workshop
 author: miriam
 date: 2023-01-09
+  text: Hire us to give a workshop »
+  url: /contact/
-  src: talks/mia-back.jpg
+  src: talks/mia-smashing-de.jpg
+  position: top
   alt: |
     Mia from behind,
     standing at a laptop -
@@ -17,71 +22,166 @@ tags:
   - Cascade Layers
   - Container Queries
   - CSS Scope
-  - Color
+  - CSS Nesting
+  - venue: Smashing Workshops
+    date: 2024-02-26
+    adr: Online
+    url: https://smashingconf.com/online-workshops/workshops/modern-css-miriam-suzanne/
+    note: >
+      Tickets [on sale now](https://smashingconf.com/online-workshops/workshops/modern-css-miriam-suzanne/)!
   - venue: Smashing Workshops
     date: 2023-09-06
     adr: Freiburg, Germany
     url: https://smashingconf.com/freiburg-2023/workshops/miriam-suzanne/
 summary: |
-  It’s a great time to revisit
-  everything you thought you knew about CSS.
-  Join Miriam for a deep dive
-  into what makes the language work,
-  and how we can harness its power
-  to develop resilient and delightful experiences
-  that hold up across browsers, languages, and device interfaces.
+  New CSS features are shipping at an unprecedented rate --
+  cascade layers, container queries, the `:has()` selector,
+  subgrid, nesting, and so much more.
+  **It’s a good time to step back and understand
+  how these tools fit together in a declarative system --
+  a resilient cascade of styles**.
+  This workshop is available
+  to companies as well as conferences.
-A lot has changed in the nearly 30 years since CSS was first proposed,
-and new features are shipping at an unprecedented rate --
-cascade layers, container queries,
-the ':has()' selector, wide-gamut colors,
-subgrid, and so much more.
-Meanwhile, we're still getting used to
-custom properties and basic grids!
-Taken one at a time, the list can feel overwhelming,
-but these features all fit together to form a highly systemic language
-based on a radical foundation: _the cascade of styles_.
-Together, we’ll explore:
-## Selectors & the Cascade
-We’ll look at selectors,
-their specificity,
-nesting, and of course custom properties.
-- cascade origins and importance
-- cascade layers
-- specificity and source-order
-- :is(), :where(), and :has()
-- nesting & scope
-- preference & support queries
-- custom properties
-- naming & organizing conventions
-- progressive enhancement
-## Layout & Typography
-From modern CSS layout to functions,
-from aspect ratios to media & container queries.
-- display, flow, and context
-- writing modes
-- logical properties
-- flexbox, grid, and subgrid
-- comparison functions
-- aspect-ratios
-- scroll-snapping
-- media & container queries
-## CSS Colors
-Lastly, new color spaces & formats, accent-color and much more!
-- accent-color
-- color-scheme
-- new color spaces & formats
-- gradient color spaces
-- color-mix()
+It’s an exciting time, but the list can also feel overwhelming.
+Do I really need grids if I already know flexbox?
+What problem do layers actually solve?
+Should I rewrite my styles with each feature release,
+or stick with the tools that I know?
+If you ever feel lost in the CSS weeds,
+wrestling with the cascade,
+or you just want to improve your workflow
+with modern, efficient, and maintainable stylesheets,
+then this workshop is for you!
+We'll approach the language as a cohesive system,
+learn new features along the way,
+and then put it all in practice
+with a resilient approach to CSS architecture.
+Join Miriam for a deep dive
+into what makes the language work,
+and how we can harness its power
+to **develop resilient and delightful experiences**
+that hold up across browsers, languages, and device interfaces.
+## What Will Attendees Learn In This Workshop?
+- Building maintainable CSS systems with progressive enhancement
+- The entire cascade, why it exists,
+  and what all is involved (much more than specificity!)
+- Managing style conflicts with cascade layers, scope, and nesting
+- Modern selectors like `:is()`, `:where()`, and `:has()`
+- Value resolution and validation, beyond cascading and inheritance
+- Using custom properties to build adaptive systems
+- The advantages of logical vs physical dimensions
+- The layout flow with intrinsic and extrinsic sizing
+- Size comparison functions like min(), max(), and clamp()
+- When to use flexbox vs grid for layout and alignment
+- Fast and dynamic layouts using subgrid and container queries
+## Who Is This For?
+This workshop is intended for designers & developers
+with at least a basic understanding in HTML and CSS.
+You don’t need to be an expert to keep up,
+but even the experts are likely to learn something new.
+## Schedule
+The workshop is taught in five sessions, each with two parts:
+### 1. Resilient Styles: a Declarative Cascade
+#### First, Do No Harm
+CSS is fundamentally different
+from other languages or design tools,
+built around a radical vision
+for contextual style and user-control.
+We’ll dig into the practical implications of that vision,
+and how the ‘grain’ of the language
+can guide us to more performant and resilient styles.
+#### Cascading & Inheritance
+A deep-dive into the algorithms
+that take us from simple property/value declarations
+to a fully-styled web application.
+Along the way, we’ll explore new features like nesting,
+cascade layers, scope, and the `:has()` selector.
+### 2. Dynamic Systems: Custom Properties & Value Resolution
+#### Custom Properties Reveal the Matrix
+CSS custom properties (aka “variables”)
+expose the internals of CSS value resolution and error recovery.
+What does it even mean for properties
+to become ‘invalid at computed value time’?
+And how can we use these CSS internals to our advantage,
+developing more robust and dynamic style systems?
+#### CSS Variables in Practice
+Practical use-cases,
+and interactive exercises related to CSS variables and functions.
+### 3. Intrinsic Layouts: Distributing Space
+#### Flowing & Flexing
+Unlike the printed page,
+web content and context can be unpredictable.
+CSS provides tools to manage that uncertainty,
+aligning & distributing objects on the page.
+We’ll talk about normal flow,
+intrinsic and extrinsic sizing,
+logical properties,
+box sizing & alignment,
+and the flexible box model.
+#### Flex & Alignment in Practice
+Practical use-cases,
+and interactive exercises related to distributing space.
+### 4. Intrinsic Layouts: Defining Structure
+#### Defining Structure
+Sometimes we also need to impose external structure
+to create consistent and reliable layouts,
+even with unpredictable content.
+This is a full session dedicated to grid & subgrid,
+the multiple ‘stages of squishiness’,
+and container queries.
+#### Grids & Containers in Practice
+Practical use-cases,
+and interactive exercises related to defining layouts.
+### 5. Resilient Styles: Organizing Conventions
+#### Cascade Aligned Programming
+There are many conventions for organizing CSS,
+but the best systems all share underlying principles
+based on CSS itself.
+What would it mean to use _the cascade_ itself
+as our guide for writing maintainable CSS?
+#### Modern and Resilient
+CSS is designed to adapt to context --
+failing silently, and enhancing progressively.
+We have tools to manage that context and support everyone,
+without giving up on the latest features.
+The details may vary from project to project,
+but we’ll look at practical strategies
+for building an expressive and robust CSS system
+that works for you.
diff --git a/content/workshops/django-end-to-end-testing.md b/content/workshops/django-end-to-end-testing.md
index 17031eaad..b05d8c6aa 100644
--- a/content/workshops/django-end-to-end-testing.md
+++ b/content/workshops/django-end-to-end-testing.md
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 title: Effective End-to-End Testing for Django
+sub: A hands-on workshop using pytest and Playwright
 date: 2022-10-16
 author: ed
diff --git a/content/workshops/resilient-systems.md b/content/workshops/resilient-systems.md
index ee2f26fc7..5b6cc76af 100644
--- a/content/workshops/resilient-systems.md
+++ b/content/workshops/resilient-systems.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 title: Resilient Web Systems
-sub: Inspiration & practical steps to take full advantage of the web
+sub: A workshop with practical steps to take full advantage of the web
 author: miriam
 card: feature
 date: 2020-01-01
diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index fea726c24..b053d0953 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -58,30 +58,30 @@
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+    "eslint-plugin-jest": "^27.4.3",
     "eslint-plugin-simple-import-sort": "^10.0.0",
     "fs-extra": "^11.1.1",
     "jest": "^29.7.0",
@@ -99,14 +99,14 @@
     "postcss": "^8.4.31",
     "prettier": "^3.0.3",
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+    "rollup": "^4.1.4",
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-"get-intrinsic@npm:^1.0.2, get-intrinsic@npm:^1.1.1, get-intrinsic@npm:^1.1.3, get-intrinsic@npm:^1.2.0, get-intrinsic@npm:^1.2.1":
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     terser: bin/terser
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+  checksum: ee95981c54ebd381e0b7f5872c646e7a05543e53960f8e0c2f240863c368989d43a3ca80b7e9f691683c92ba199eb4b91d61785fef0b9ca4a887eb55866001f4
   languageName: node
   linkType: hard
@@ -12338,6 +12379,13 @@ __metadata:
   languageName: node
   linkType: hard
+  version: 5.25.3
+  resolution: "undici-types@npm:5.25.3"
+  checksum: ec9d2cc36520cbd9fbe3b3b6c682a87fe5be214699e1f57d1e3d9a2cb5be422e62735f06e0067dc325fd3dd7404c697e4d479f9147dc8a804e049e29f357f2ff
+  languageName: node
+  linkType: hard
   version: 2.0.0
   resolution: "unicode-canonical-property-names-ecmascript@npm:2.0.0"
@@ -12730,16 +12778,16 @@ __metadata:
   languageName: node
   linkType: hard
-  version: 1.1.11
-  resolution: "which-typed-array@npm:1.1.11"
+"which-typed-array@npm:^1.1.11, which-typed-array@npm:^1.1.13":
+  version: 1.1.13
+  resolution: "which-typed-array@npm:1.1.13"
     available-typed-arrays: ^1.0.5
-    call-bind: ^1.0.2
+    call-bind: ^1.0.4
     for-each: ^0.3.3
     gopd: ^1.0.1
     has-tostringtag: ^1.0.0
-  checksum: 711ffc8ef891ca6597b19539075ec3e08bb9b4c2ca1f78887e3c07a977ab91ac1421940505a197758fb5939aa9524976d0a5bbcac34d07ed6faa75cedbb17206
+  checksum: 3828a0d5d72c800e369d447e54c7620742a4cc0c9baf1b5e8c17e9b6ff90d8d861a3a6dd4800f1953dbf80e5e5cec954a289e5b4a223e3bee4aeb1f8c5f33309
   languageName: node
   linkType: hard