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Some architectures have multiple services. Sometime we need communicate between these services. There a few option for communication. One of them is Webhooks. By using webhooks, when an action occurs, we can send a http request to another service to inform about this action.

Hookman project aims to manage your webhooks easily by using API, UI or Library from your application.




Action is using for grouping hooks. All events should have an action. When an action triggered, all events that specified this actions are sent to own receivers. Action has only one field Name.


Sender is using for grouping hook senders. An event can have a sender or not. If the sender is specified, when an action triggered, all events with specified sender are sent to own receivers. If the sender is not specified, then all events that specified this actions are sent to own receivers. Sender has two field Name and Token. Token is an auto-generated field, it should be used when creating a hook.


Receiver is for grouping hook receivers. All events should have a receiver. When an action triggered, all events with this action are sent to this receiver. Receiver has Name, Url, Path, Headers and QueryStrings fields. When sending a hook, this fields using for specifying Http Request. Url, Path, Headers and QueryStrings fields are bindable using hook's Data field.


Event is for specifying each hook request. An event has Sender, Receiver, Action, Path, Headers, QueryStrings, Body and RetryCount fields. When sending a hook, this fields using for specifying Http Request. Path, Headers, QueryStrings and Body fields are bindable using hook's Data field.


Hook is for each Http Request. A hook has Sender, Event, Action, RequestUrl, RequestHeaders, RequestBody, ResponseCode, ResponseHeaders, ResponseBody, Status and Message fields. To create new hook, you should specify sender's token, action's name or event's id properties. When hook is sent using HttpRequest, Other request parameters will be filled by this process.



Contains request/response/model domain classes to by use other packages.


Contains repository and entity domain classes to use by other packages.

Used Packages:

  • OK.Hookman.Core


Responsible to access Microsoft Sql Server database to create/read/update/delete operations

Used Packages:

  • OK.Hookman.Core
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
  • Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer


Responsible to manage Actions, Senders, Receivers, Events, Hooks CRUD operations and send HttpRequests in background using HostedServices.

Used Packages:

  • OK.Hookman.Persistence.Core
  • FluentValidation
  • AutoMapper
  • Newtonsoft.Json


Responsible to host Dashboard, Actions, Senders, Receivers, Events, Hooks management endpoints.

Used Packages:

  • OK.Hookman.Service
  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc


Responsible to manage Actions, Senders, Receivers, Events, Hooks via api endpoints. This package connects OK.Hookman.API internally.

Used Packages:

  • OK.Hookman.Core
  • Refit


Responsible to provide an admin panel using OK.Hookman.API. Using this panel, users can manage Actions, Senders, Receivers, Events, Hooks and show Dashboard to see analytic charts. This is a netstandard package that provide output files in /static/out folder using Static Files package.

Used Packages:

  • Microsoft.AspNetCore.StaticFiles
  • Microsoft.Extensions.FileProviders
  • Angular 8
  • Bootstrap 4


Implementing Persistence

  • Add the package
dotnet add package OK.Hookman.Persistence.SqlServer
  • Configure in Startup file
// Using
using OK.Hookman.Persistence.SqlServer;

// ConfigureServices
services.AddHookmanPersistenceWithSqlServer(cfg =>
    cfg.ConnectionString = "MSSQL_CONNECTION_STRING";

// Configure

Implementing Service

To use this package, you should add Persistence package before.

  • Add the package
dotnet add package OK.Hookman.Service
  • Configure in Startup file
// Using
using OK.Hookman.Service;

// ConfigureServices

Implementing API

To use this package, you should add Persistence and Service packages before.

  • Add the package
dotnet add package OK.Hookman.API
  • Configure in Startup file
// Using
using OK.Hookman.API;

// ConfigureServices
services.AddHookmanAPI(cfg =>
    cfg.ApiPath = "PATH_TO_HOST_HOOKMAN_API";

// Configure

Implementing Client

To use this package, you should host the API package on same or different projects before.

  • Add the package
dotnet add package OK.Hookman.Client
  • Configure in Startup file
// Using
using OK.Hookman.Client;

// ConfigureServices
services.AddHookmanClient(cfg =>

Implementing UI

To use this package, you should host the API package on same or different projects before.

  • Add the package
dotnet add package OK.Hookman.UI
  • Configure in Startup file
// Using
using OK.Hookman.UI;

// ConfigureServices
services.AddHookmanUI(cfg =>

// Configure 


There three ways to use this project. The options are using Service, API and UI.

Service package

When you use OK.Hookman.Service package, the library is connect to database directly and process your requests.

// Declare service using dependency injection
private readonly IHookService _hookService;

public YourApp(IHookService hookService)
    _hookService = hookService;

// Use in your block
await _hookService.CreateHookAsync(new HookCreateRequest()
    SenderToken = "SENDER_TOKEN",
    ActionName = "SOME_ACTION",
    Data = "{ \"id\": 5 }"

API package

When you use API package with OK.Hookman.Client package or own REST client, the library is connect to database directly and process your requests.

// Declare service using dependency injection
private readonly IHookServiceClient _hookServiceClient;

public YourApp(IHookServiceClientFactory hookServiceFactory)
    _hookService = hookServiceFactory.CreateClient();

// Use in your block
await _hookService.CreateHookAsync(new HookCreateRequest()
    SenderToken = "SENDER_TOKEN",
    ActionName = "SOME_ACTION",
    Data = "{ \"id\": 5 }"

UI package

When you use UI package, OK.Hookman.UI sends requests to the OK.Hookman.API. You should implement both OK.Hookman.API and OK.Hookman.UI package in same or different hosts.

You can see the UI project's screenshots below


Dashboard Actions Create Action Senders Create Sender Receivers Create Receiver Events Create Event 1 Create Event 2 Hooks Create Hook 1 Create Hook 2 Hook Details 1 Hook Details 2

Next Features

The features below are in next versions of this project.

  • Unit Tests
  • Authentication
  • PostgreSql Persistence
  • Audit Logs
  • More Charts