diff --git a/include/Config.h b/include/Config.h
index 913058d..43e7dc5 100644
--- a/include/Config.h
+++ b/include/Config.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ struct UserConfig
char openItemPrefix[32];
boolean openhabActive;
char mqttBrokerIp[16];
+ int mqttBrokerPort;
char mqttBrokerUser[64];
char mqttBrokerPassword[64];
char mqttBrokerMainTopic[32];
diff --git a/include/index_html.h b/include/index_html.h
index ee149f0..3bc861a 100644
--- a/include/index_html.h
+++ b/include/index_html.h
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ const char INDEX_HTML[] PROGMEM = R"=====(
publish all data to a specific mqtt broker and subscribing to the requested powersetting
- IP to mqtt broker:
+ IP/port to mqtt broker (e.g.
@@ -667,7 +667,7 @@ const char INDEX_HTML[] PROGMEM = R"=====(
$('#mqttActive').prop("checked", false);
$('#mqttSection').css('color', 'grey');
- $('#mqttIP').val(mqttData.mqttIp);
+ $('#mqttIP').val(mqttData.mqttIp+":"+mqttData.mqttPort);
@@ -804,7 +804,14 @@ const char INDEX_HTML[] PROGMEM = R"=====(
openhabActiveSend = 0;
- var mqttIpSend = $('#mqttIP').val();
+ var mqttIpPortString = $('#mqttIP').val().split(":");
+ var mqttIpSend = mqttIpPortString[0];
+ var mqttPortSend = "1883";
+ if(mqttIpPortString[1] != undefined && !isNaN(mqttIpPortString[1])) {
+ mqttPortSend = mqttIpPortString[1];
+ }
var mqttUserSend = $('#mqttUser').val();
var mqttPassSend = $('#mqttPassword').val();
var mqttMainTopicSend = $('#mqttMainTopic').val();
@@ -820,6 +827,7 @@ const char INDEX_HTML[] PROGMEM = R"=====(
data["openhabActiveSend"] = openhabActiveSend;
data["mqttIpSend"] = mqttIpSend;
+ data["mqttPortSend"] = mqttPortSend;
data["mqttUserSend"] = mqttUserSend;
data["mqttPassSend"] = mqttPassSend;
data["mqttMainTopicSend"] = mqttMainTopicSend;
@@ -834,7 +842,7 @@ const char INDEX_HTML[] PROGMEM = R"=====(
- console.log("push: " + name);
+ console.log("push: " + name + " - value: " + value);
// Combine the pairs into a single string and replace all %-encoded spaces to
@@ -851,9 +859,9 @@ const char INDEX_HTML[] PROGMEM = R"=====(
strResult = JSON.parse(xmlHttp.responseText);
console.log("got from server: " + strResult);
- console.log("got from server - strResult.dtuHostIp: " + strResult.openhabHostIp + " - cmp with: " + openhabHostIp);
+ console.log("got from server - strResult.dtuHostIp: " + strResult.openhabHostIp + " - cmp with: " + openhabHostIpSend);
- if (strResult.dtuHostIp == dtuHostIpSend && strResult.dtuSsid == dtuSsidSend && strResult.dtuPassword == dtuPasswordSend) {
+ if (strResult.openhabHostIp == openhabHostIpSend && strResult.mqttBrokerIp == mqttIpSend && strResult.mqttBrokerUser == mqttUserSend) {
console.log("check saved data - OK");
alert("bindings Settings change\n__________________________________\n\nYour settings were successfully changed.\n\nChanges will be applied.");
} else {
diff --git a/include/version.h b/include/version.h
index b22ea27..0b7be1f 100644
--- a/include/version.h
+++ b/include/version.h
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
#define VERSION "1.5.0"
-#define BUILDTIME "09.05.2024 - 23:08:36"
-#define BUILDTIMESTAMP "1715288916"
\ No newline at end of file
+#define BUILDTIME "18.05.2024 - 21:34:20"
+#define BUILDTIMESTAMP "1716060860"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/include/version.json b/include/version.json
index 8dd7cb2..26958e3 100644
--- a/include/version.json
+++ b/include/version.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"version": "1.5.0",
- "versiondate": "09.05.2024 - 23:08:36",
+ "versiondate": "18.05.2024 - 21:34:20",
"linksnapshot": "https://github.com/ohAnd/dtuGateway/releases/download/snapshot/dtuGateway_snapshot_1.5.0.bin",
"link": "https://github.com/ohAnd/dtuGateway//releases/latest/download/dtuGateway_release_1.5.0.bin"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Config.cpp b/src/Config.cpp
index 042acf3..e365629 100644
--- a/src/Config.cpp
+++ b/src/Config.cpp
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ void initializeEEPROM()
userConfig.openhabActive = 0;
strcpy(userConfig.mqttBrokerIp, "");
+ userConfig.mqttBrokerPort = 1883;
strcpy(userConfig.mqttBrokerUser, "dtuuser");
strcpy(userConfig.mqttBrokerPassword, "dtupass");
strcpy(userConfig.mqttBrokerMainTopic, "dtu1");
@@ -93,6 +94,8 @@ void printEEPROMdata()
Serial.print(F("mqtt host: \t\t"));
+ Serial.print(F("mqtt port: \t\t"));
+ Serial.println(userConfig.mqttBrokerPort);
Serial.print(F("mqtt user: \t\t"));
Serial.print(F("mqtt pass: \t\t"));
diff --git a/src/dtuGateway.ino b/src/dtuGateway.ino
index cae90b6..a277098 100644
--- a/src/dtuGateway.ino
+++ b/src/dtuGateway.ino
@@ -300,6 +300,7 @@ void handleInfojson()
JSON = JSON + "\"mqttConnection\": {";
JSON = JSON + "\"mqttActive\": " + userConfig.mqttActive + ",";
JSON = JSON + "\"mqttIp\": \"" + String(userConfig.mqttBrokerIp) + "\",";
+ JSON = JSON + "\"mqttPort\": " + String(userConfig.mqttBrokerPort) + ",";
JSON = JSON + "\"mqttUser\": \"" + String(userConfig.mqttBrokerUser) + "\",";
JSON = JSON + "\"mqttPass\": \"" + String(userConfig.mqttBrokerPassword) + "\",";
JSON = JSON + "\"mqttMainTopic\": \"" + String(userConfig.mqttBrokerMainTopic) + "\"";
@@ -404,14 +405,15 @@ void handleUpdateDtuSettings()
void handleUpdateBindingsSettings()
String openhabHostIpUser = server.arg("openhabHostIpSend"); // retrieve message from webserver
- String openhabPrefix = server.arg("openhabPrefixSend"); // retrieve message from webserver
- String openhabActive = server.arg("openhabActiveSend"); // retrieve message from webserver
+ String openhabPrefix = server.arg("openhabPrefixSend");
+ String openhabActive = server.arg("openhabActiveSend");
- String mqttIP = server.arg("mqttIpSend"); // retrieve message from webserver
- String mqttUser = server.arg("mqttUserSend"); // retrieve message from webserver
- String mqttPass = server.arg("mqttPassSend"); // retrieve message from webserver
- String mqttMainTopic = server.arg("mqttMainTopicSend"); // retrieve message from webserver
- String mqttActive = server.arg("mqttActiveSend"); // retrieve message from webserver
+ String mqttIP = server.arg("mqttIpSend");
+ String mqttPort = server.arg("mqttPortSend");
+ String mqttUser = server.arg("mqttUserSend");
+ String mqttPass = server.arg("mqttPassSend");
+ String mqttMainTopic = server.arg("mqttMainTopicSend");
+ String mqttActive = server.arg("mqttActiveSend");
openhabHostIpUser.toCharArray(userConfig.openhabHostIp, sizeof(userConfig.openhabHostIp));
openhabPrefix.toCharArray(userConfig.openItemPrefix, sizeof(userConfig.openItemPrefix));
@@ -422,6 +424,7 @@ void handleUpdateBindingsSettings()
userConfig.openhabActive = false;
mqttIP.toCharArray(userConfig.mqttBrokerIp, sizeof(userConfig.mqttBrokerIp));
+ userConfig.mqttBrokerPort = mqttPort.toInt();
mqttUser.toCharArray(userConfig.mqttBrokerUser, sizeof(userConfig.mqttBrokerUser));
mqttPass.toCharArray(userConfig.mqttBrokerPassword, sizeof(userConfig.mqttBrokerPassword));
mqttMainTopic.toCharArray(userConfig.mqttBrokerMainTopic, sizeof(userConfig.mqttBrokerMainTopic));
@@ -434,15 +437,19 @@ void handleUpdateBindingsSettings()
+ // reintialize mqtt with new settings
+ initMqttClient();
String JSON = "{";
JSON = JSON + "\"openhabActive\": " + userConfig.openhabActive + ",";
JSON = JSON + "\"openhabHostIp\": \"" + userConfig.openhabHostIp + "\",";
JSON = JSON + "\"openItemPrefix\": \"" + userConfig.openItemPrefix + "\",";
JSON = JSON + "\"mqttActive\": " + userConfig.mqttActive + ",";
JSON = JSON + "\"mqttBrokerIp\": \"" + userConfig.mqttBrokerIp + "\",";
+ JSON = JSON + "\"mqttBrokerPort\": " + String(userConfig.mqttBrokerPort) + ",";
JSON = JSON + "\"mqttBrokerUser\": \"" + userConfig.mqttBrokerUser + "\",";
JSON = JSON + "\"mqttBrokerPassword\": \"" + userConfig.mqttBrokerPassword + "\",";
- JSON = JSON + "\"mqttBrokerMainTopic\": \"" + userConfig.mqttBrokerMainTopic;
+ JSON = JSON + "\"mqttBrokerMainTopic\": \"" + userConfig.mqttBrokerMainTopic+ "\"";
JSON = JSON + "}";
server.send(200, "application/json", JSON);
@@ -867,8 +874,8 @@ boolean updateValueToOpenhab()
void initMqttClient()
- mqttClient.setServer(userConfig.mqttBrokerIp, 1883);
- Serial.print("\ninitialized MQTT client ... to broker: " + String(userConfig.mqttBrokerIp) + "\n");
+ mqttClient.setServer(userConfig.mqttBrokerIp, userConfig.mqttBrokerPort);
+ Serial.print("\ninitialized MQTT client ... to broker: " + String(userConfig.mqttBrokerIp) + ":" + String(userConfig.mqttBrokerPort) + "\n");
void reconnectMqttClient()