Workflow to calculate the callability of a matched tumour sample, where callability is defined as the percentage of genomic regions where a normal and a tumor bam coverage is greater than a threshold(s).
java -jar cromwell.jar run callability.wdl --inputs inputs.json
Parameter | Value | Description |
normalBam |
File | Normal bam input file. |
normalBamIndex |
File | Normal bam index input file. |
tumorBam |
File | Tumor bam input file. |
tumorBamIndex |
File | Tumor bam index input file. |
normalMinCoverage |
Int | Normal must have at least this coverage to be considered callable. |
tumorMinCoverage |
Int | Tumor must have at least this coverage to be considered callable. |
intervalFile |
String | The interval file of regions to calculate callability on. |
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
Parameter | Value | Default | Description |
calculateCallability.threads |
Int | 4 | The number of threads to run mosdepth with. |
calculateCallability.outputFileNamePrefix |
String? | None | Output files will be prefixed with this. |
calculateCallability.outputFileName |
String | "callability_metrics.json" | Output callability metrics file name. |
calculateCallability.jobMemory |
Int | 8 | Memory allocated to job (in GB). |
calculateCallability.cores |
Int | 1 | The number of cores to allocate to the job. |
calculateCallability.timeout |
Int | 12 | Maximum amount of time (in hours) the task can run for. |
calculateCallability.modules |
String | "mosdepth/0.2.9 bedtools/2.27 python/3.7" | Environment module name and version to load (space separated) before command execution. |
Output | Type | Description | Labels |
callabilityMetrics |
File | Json file with pass, fail and callability percent (# of pass bases / # total bases) | vidarr_label: callabilityMetrics |
This section lists command(s) run by callability workflow
- Running callability
Use mosdepth to merge neighboring regions, bedtools to get an intersection of the normal and tumor bam coverage by region, and then use awk to count the regions passing a coverage threshold:
#export variables with mosdepth uses to add a fourth column to a new bed, merging neighboring regions if CALLABLE or LOW_COVERAGE
mosdepth -t ~{threads} -n --quantize 0:~{normalMinCoverage - 1}: normal ~{normalBam}
mosdepth -t ~{threads} -n --quantize 0:~{tumorMinCoverage - 1}: tumor ~{tumorBam}
zcat normal.quantized.bed.gz | awk '$4 == "CALLABLE"' | bedtools intersect -a stdin -b ~{intervalFile} > normal.callable
zcat tumor.quantized.bed.gz | awk '$4 == "CALLABLE"' | bedtools intersect -a stdin -b ~{intervalFile} > tumor.callable
PASS="$(bedtools intersect -a normal.callable -b tumor.callable -wao | awk '{sum+=$9} END{print sum}')"
TOTAL="$(zcat -f ~{intervalFile} | awk -F'\t' 'BEGIN{SUM=0}{SUM+=$3-$2} END{print SUM}')"
python3 <<CODE
import json
total_count = int(float("${TOTAL}"))
pass_count = int(float("${PASS}"))
fail_count = total_count - pass_count
if pass_count == 0 and fail_count == 0:
callability = 0
callability = pass_count / (pass_count + fail_count)
metrics = {
"pass": pass_count,
"fail": fail_count,
"callability": round(callability, 6),
"normal_min_coverage": ~{normalMinCoverage},
"tumor_min_coverage": ~{tumorMinCoverage}
with open('~{outputFileNamePrefix}~{outputFileName}', 'w') as json_file:
json.dump(metrics, json_file)
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