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An experimental wallet and library for Mimblewimble

This is a toy. Do not use in anything serious (yet).


  • post collides
  • issue event should print out info
  • ... then tell the wallet the transaction...
  • no need to send proof in issue tx
  • sign issue with Schnorr rG when valueH is known


Install Golang (instructions).

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:longsleep/golang-backports && \
sudo apt-get update && \
sudo apt-get install golang-go && \

echo "export GOPATH=~/go" >> ~/.bashrc && \
echo "export PATH=$PATH:~/go/bin" >> ~/.bashrc && \
. ~/.bashrc

Install tools.

sudo apt-get install autoconf libtool libgmp3-dev

Build and test

go install -ldflags "-linkmode external -extldflags -static" ./...

go test -v ./wallet ./ledger

Demo offline wallet

This demonstrates creation and validation of Mimblewimble transactions by the wallet.

Cleanup: delete wallet databases (careful! demo and tests only).

rm -rf ~/.mw*

Create user's master secret key in the wallet. This will also print out a mnemonic you can use to recover your key.

mw init

Send and receive

Issue coins to yourself in the wallet. Observe new Coinbase outputs in your wallet by mw info command.

mw issue 1
mw info

Send 1 coin to yourself. This will create a slate-send-<transaction uuid>.json file that the receiving party needs to fill in by mw receive command. Observe a new slate and the input that is now in Locked state in your wallet.

mw send 1
mw info

Receive 1 coin from yourself. This will create a slate-receive-<transaction uuid>.json file that needs to be returned to the sender who will turn it into a transaction by mw finalize command. Observe new Unconfirmed outputs, and a new response slate.

mw receive slate-send-8668319f-d8ae-4dda-be5b-e3fd1648565e.json
mw info

Finalize the transaction. This will create a tx-<transaction uuid>.json file that needs to be broadcast to the network to get validated. In this offline scenario we'll skip this part and tell the wallet the transaction has been confirmed.

mw finalize slate-receive-8668319f-d8ae-4dda-be5b-e3fd1648565e.json
mw info

Tell our wallet the transaction has been confirmed by the network. Observe new Confirmed outputs and a new transaction, as well as the input turned from Locked to Spent in your wallet.

mw confirm 8668319f-d8ae-4dda-be5b-e3fd1648565e
mw info

Send an invoice and pay it

You can request a payment by creating an invoice and passing it to the payer.

mw invoice 1

The payer can accept the invoice and pay it.

mw receive slate-send-4ef548ba-31bd-4d03-8954-9884cc907d15.json

Upon receipt of the response slate from the payer the payee will finalize to create a transaction, just like in the send-receive scenario with the difference that now it is the payee that finalizes, not the payer.

mw finalize slate-receive-4ef548ba-31bd-4d03-8954-9884cc907d15.json
mw confirm 4ef548ba-31bd-4d03-8954-9884cc907d15

Issue different assets

When an asset name is omitted the wallet issues tokens of the default asset: currency ¤. Tokens of any asset can be issued and tracked separately by giving their asset's name.

Issue 5 dollar stablecoins and 10 apple commodity tokens.

mw issue 5 $
mw issue 10 🍎
mw info

Similarly, assets of any type can be transferred. Issue 5 dollars to yourself; then send, receive, and finalize to transfer of these 5 dollars.

mw issue 5 $
mw info
mw send 5 $
mw receive slate-send-5d6cf41e-e3f6-474d-9a5c-314d9344012b.json
mw finalize slate-receive-5d6cf41e-e3f6-474d-9a5c-314d9344012b.json
mw confirm tx-5d6cf41e-e3f6-474d-9a5c-314d9344012b
mw info

Exchange assets

You can exchange tokens of one type of asset with another by creating a transaction that combines inputs and outputs of different assets. This exchange is atomic thus providing a delivery vs payment guarantee.

Sell 2 apples for $1 by creating a transaction where you're sending 2 apples and receiving 1 dollar.

mw send 2 🍎 1 $
mw receive slate-send-0b925dc8-2ef2-40d8-8c67-bd4eb804a532.json
mw finalize slate-receive-0b925dc8-2ef2-40d8-8c67-bd4eb804a532.json
mw confirm 0b925dc8-2ef2-40d8-8c67-bd4eb804a532
mw info

Validate transactions

You can validate any transaction serialized in Grin format.

mw validate tx-8668319f-d8ae-4dda-be5b-e3fd1648565e.json
mw validate 1_grin_repost.json

Demo consensus node and two online wallets

This demonstrates creation of Mimblewimble transactions by wallets of two users: Sender and Receiver connected to a consensus network of one Tendermint node which records outputs and validates transactions.

Consensus node

If running for the first time generate Tendermint keys.

mw tendermint init

Clean up: delete wallets and reset Tendermint ledger.

mw tendermint unsafe_reset_all && rm -rf ~/.mw*

Start Tendermint consensus node with a built-in Mimblewimble ABCI application.

mw node


Start Sender's wallet in another console to listen for transaction events from the consensus node.

mw init
mw listen

Open Sender's wallet in another console.

Issue 1 coin to yourself in the wallet. This will create issue-1.json transaction file that needs to be broadcast to the network to get validated and its Coinbase output recorded. Observe a new Coinbase output in Sender's wallet.

mw issue 1
mw info

Send this new Coinbase output to the consensus node.

mw broadcast issue-1.json

Now this output can be sent. This will create a slate-send-<transaction uuid>.json. Observe the Coinbase output turn from Confirmed to Locked state in the sender's wallet.

mw send 1
mw info


Open Receiver's wallet in another console.

If you're running it on the same host specify a separate wallet directory via --persist flag or MW_PERSIST env variable. Observe Receiver's wallet is empty.

export MW_PERSIST=~/.mw_r
mw init
mw info

Start Receiver's wallet in another console in listening mode.

export MW_PERSIST=~/.mw_r
mw listen

Receive an input from Sender's slate file saved in the same folder. In reality users send slates to each other.
This will create a slate-receive-<transaction uuid>.json. Observe a new Unconfirmed output in Receiver's wallet.

mw recieve slate-send-8668319f-d8ae-4dda-be5b-e3fd1648565e.json
mw info

Back to Sender to finalize

Return to Sender's wallet console.

Post the transaction: finalize to create a tx-<transaction uuid>.json and broadcast it to consensus network to get recorded in the ledger.

mw finalize slate-receive-8668319f-d8ae-4dda-be5b-e3fd1648565e.json
mw broadcast tx-8668319f-d8ae-4dda-be5b-e3fd1648565e.json
mw info

Observe both Sender's and Receiver's listening wallets get a transaction event and update their databases. See original Coinbase output turn to Spent in Sender's wallet, and the new output in the Receiver's turn from Unconfirmed to Confirmed.


You can query the consensus node for unspent outputs.

# all unspent outputs in the network's ledger 
curl '"output"'

# as the results in jsonRPC are base64 encoded, pipe them thru json parser and base64 decoder
curl '"output"' | jq -r .result.response.value | base64 -d | jq

# query for a specific output by its commit
curl '"output/09543892a4fd6a712850716ba31dc63f242978a606aaf7d995e8d5e7d0f021762f"' | jq -r .result.response.value | base64 -d | jq

Similarly, you can query for kernel excesses of all transactions recorded, and total tokens issued per asset.

curl '"kernel"' | jq -r .result.response.value | base64 -d | jq
curl '"asset"' | jq -r .result.response.value | base64 -d | jq

Ask the node to validate integrity of the world state: sum all unspent outputs and kernel excesses known to the network, and validate no coins have been minted out of air.

curl '"validate"'

Local test network

Create a consensus network of validating nodes in docker containers on a local host.

Crash Fault Tolerance

This demo will demonstrate tolerance to some nodes going offline. With the minimum of 4 nodes the network will continue to operate normally with 1 failed node: 3f+1=4.


Create a network called mytestnet of the minimum 4 nodes required for BFT consensus. To create more nodes, or a different network, pass arguments, ex.: ./ 31 0 test2.


In this script mw tendermint testnet generates node config files in mytestnet folder, then docker run commands create containers out of a standard Linux image with folders mapped to the generated configs and the folder where mw is installed, and run them with mw node.


The first user Sender creates his wallet on the host in the default ~/.mw folder and connects to node0 at the default address tcp://

Connect to the node to listen for events.

mw init
mw listen

Open another console and issue and send apple commodity tokens.

mw issue 10 apple
mw broadcast issue-10.json
mw send 1 apple


User Receiver creates his wallet in ~/.mw_r folder and connects to node2 at tcp:// Note the client port 26657 maps to host's 26659.

Connect to the node to listen for events.

export MW_PERSIST=~/.mw_r
export MW_ADDRESS=tcp://
mw init
mw listen

Open another console and receive the transfer.

export MW_PERSIST=~/.mw_r
export MW_ADDRESS=tcp://
mw receive slate-send-3e722a37-f6a3-46a1-8e7b-c67000ddc666.json 

Back to Sender to finalize

Sender finalizes and broadcasts the transaction.

mw finalize slate-receive-3e722a37-f6a3-46a1-8e7b-c67000ddc666.json
mw broadcast tx-3e722a37-f6a3-46a1-8e7b-c67000ddc666.json

Observe in the listening consoles a transfer event from node0 update Sender's wallet, and the Receiver's from the event received from node2.

Issue more tokens and observe issue events in both listening consoles: the network validates and propagates transactions.

mw issue 1 $ && mw broadcast issue-1.json

Fail a node

Now pause one container to reduce the consensus to 3 nodes and observe the events still propagate thru the network to the listening wallets.

docker pause node1
mw issue 1 $ && mw broadcast issue-1.json

Pause another container and observe the events no longer propagate as the number of failed nodes 2 exceed BFT threshold 3f+1 for 4 nodes.

docker pause node3
mw issue 1 orange && mw broadcast issue-1.json

Bring back at least one failed node and see the network recover and validate and propagate missed transactions.

docker unpause node3

Byzantine Fault Tolerance

We can run some nodes in a mode where they will be double spending inputs thus exhibiting byzantine behaviour. This demo will demonstrate tolerance to at least one such node with 4 nodes in the network.


Delete config files and wallets from the previous demo then create a network of 4 nodes out of which 1 will double spend.

sudo rm -rf mytestnet/ ~/.mw*
./ 4 1 


Issue and send apple commodity tokens.

mw issue 1 apple
mw broadcast issue-1.json
mw send 1 apple


Connect to the node2 to listen for events.

export MW_PERSIST=~/.mw_r
export MW_ADDRESS=tcp://
mw init
mw listen

Open another console and receive the transfer.

export MW_PERSIST=~/.mw_r
export MW_ADDRESS=tcp://
mw receive slate-send-3e722a37-f6a3-46a1-8e7b-c67000ddc666.json 

Back to Sender to finalize

Sender finalizes and broadcasts the transaction.

mw finalize slate-receive-3e722a37-f6a3-46a1-8e7b-c67000ddc666.json
mw broadcast tx-3e722a37-f6a3-46a1-8e7b-c67000ddc666.json

Observe in the listening console a transfer event from node2 update Receiver's wallet.

Attempt to double spend

Now cancel the transaction we posted: this is a local operation in Sender's wallet that will let us use the inputs we just spent again. Observe apple output turn to Confirmed and send this output again.

mw cancel 3e722a37-f6a3-46a1-8e7b-c67000ddc666
mw info 
mw send 1 apple

In Receiver's console accept the new slate.

mw receive slate-send-2ce5a045-2678-4f5d-bb0f-fa5f2139deed.json

Back in Sender's console post the new transaction.

mw finalize slate-receive-2ce5a045-2678-4f5d-bb0f-fa5f2139deed.json
mw post tx-2ce5a045-2678-4f5d-bb0f-fa5f2139deed.json

Sender broadcast to node0 which is the malicious one, so it accepted the double spending transaction. However, the other 3 nodes voted against it so you won't see the transaction event propagate and Receiver's wallet update.

More double spending nodes

Let's recreate the network with 2 double spending nodes.

sudo rm -rf mytestnet/ ~/.mw*
./ 4 2 

Repeat the above exercise of sending, canceling and sending again. Observe no events propagate: the consensus is split between 2 correct and 2 double spending nodes.

Recreate the network with 3 double spending nodes out of 4.

sudo rm -rf mytestnet/ ~/.mw*
./ 4 3

Repeat the above exercise but this time succeed in spending the input twice: the correct node is now in the minority.