#Lesson 1 In-Class Exercises (We’re not expecting you to finish all of these activities! Pick the ones which are interesting and challenging to you, and feel free to work with the people around you.)
##Git and Github:
- If you find a bug in the Olin.js repo at any point, please make a pull request to fix it!
- On the whiteboards, map out your “mental model” of git -- what do you know and how does it fit together?
- Draw out how each of the commands you know works
- Find a git command you don’t know about, read the documentation, and add it to your diagram
- It’s common practice for a team of developers to have a standard git workflow -- come up with one as a group
- Find git documentation you like & can refer to in the future
- With a partner: cause & resolve a merge conflict
- using only a master branch between the two of you
- using branching/merging
- Pick a website, open the "Network" tab of the developer console, and identify what some of the requests are doing (this won’t be easy for all of the requests -- don’t worry if it’s not obvious what some of them do)
- Challenge: find requests which aren’t GET
- Write some simple JavaScript functions in https://jsfiddle.net/ (remember: ctrl+shift+j opens the developer console -- that’s where your console.logs will print). If you need function ideas, try the first couple of these problems: https://projecteuler.net/archives
- If you like learning from textbooks, this one is pretty good: http://eloquentjavascript.net/
- Practice debugging JavaScript (Please fork the jsfiddles before editing them!)
- Find some information about how JavaScript compares to and contrasts with a programming language you’re used to