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Energy Web Foundation

Origin 24/7 SDK - Transfer module


Transfer module is responsible for accepting input (the generation event), issuing certificate for such generation, and then calling series of validators to verify if the certificate issuance is valid to be transferred to the buyer.

For example:

  1. There are two sites using application: seller and buyer
  2. Seller owns generation device, and wants to sell energy to the buyer (by transferring certificate)
  3. Application receives information, that generation happened. It passes this information to origin-247-transfer module.
  4. origin-247-transfer module asks application for sites for the transfer. If such sites are found, certificate is issued for the seller.
  5. If sites are equal validation and transfer are skipped. Otherwise origin-247-transfer after ensuring that certificate has been issued asks application to verify the trade (there are various methods to do that)
  6. Application informs origin-247-transfer that trade is valid.
  7. origin-247-transfer transfers certificate from seller to buyer.


  • Nest.js application (origin-247-transfer is Nest.js module)
  • TypeORM configured


  1. Setup certificate module - this module is used by transfer module.

  2. Install @energyweb/origin-247-transfer

  3. Add EnergyTransferRequestEntity to your TypeORM.forRoot entities.

  4. Run migrations on startup:

    // package.json
        "scripts": {
            "typeorm:run:transfer": "node_modules/typeorm/cli.js migration:run --config node_modules/@energyweb/origin-247-transfer/dist/js/ormconfig.js"
  5. Import transfer module to the root of your application:

import { TransferModule } from '@energyweb/origin-247-transfer';

    imports: [
            validateCommands: [
                /** More on that later in README */
export class RootModule {}


Please make sure you are familiar with NestJS CQRS module.

All required files are exported from @energyweb/origin-247-transfer;

  1. Send event to CQRS event bus:
class MyService {
    constructor(private eventBus: EventBus) {}

    public sendEvent() {
        // Note, that this payload more-or-less will be later on used
        // during validation or sites query
            new GenerationReadingStoredEvent({
                generatorId: 'myGeneratorId', // id of your generation device
                fromTime: new Date(), // generation time window start
                toTime: new Date(), // generation time window end
                transferDate: new Date(), // transfer date that will be saved for any usage
                energyValue: '1642', // energy value in any unit you like
                metadata: null // See @energyweb/origin-247-certificate for more info on that
  1. Implement query handler for retrieving transfer sites IGetTransferSitesQueryHandler (remember, it has to be added to some module's providers):
class SitesQueryHandler implements IGetTransferSitesQueryHandler {
    async execute({ generatorId }: GetTransferSitesQuery) {
        // You can return `null` here. If null is returned
        // then transfer is aborted
        return {
            // Blockchain addresses of site participating in trade
            buyerAddress: '0xeF99b2A55E6D070bA2D12f79b368148BF7d6Fc10',
            sellerAddress: '0x212fb883109dC887a605B09078E219Db75e5AAc7'
  1. (optional) Implement validators. If no validators are given, transfer is considered valid. Each validator is a Command, and requires CommandHandler. Validators can be either symmetric or asymmetric. Symmetric validator returns validation result immediately after being called (sync or async), while asymmetric validator returns pending status. You can call UpdateTransferValidationCommand manually later on, if you are able to verify the transfer. Available validation statuses are: Valid, Invalid and Pending. Error is used internally, but can be useful for application as well.
/** Commands are called with energy transfer request attributes */

// export interface EnergyTransferRequestPublicAttrs {
//  id: number;
//  generatorId: string;
//  sellerAddress: string;
//  buyerAddress: string;
//  volume: string;
//  transferDate: Date;
// }

export class SymmetricValidationCommand {
    constructor(public payload: EnergyTransferRequestPublicAttrs) {}

export class AsymmetricValidationCommand {
    constructor(public payload: EnergyTransferRequestPublicAttrs) {}
/** Command handlers for commands defined above */

export class Command1Handler implements IValidateTransferCommandHandler {
    async execute() {
        return { validationResult: TransferValidationStatus.Valid };

export class Command2Handler implements IValidateTransferCommandHandler {
    constructor(private commandBus: CommandBus) {}

    async execute(command: AsymmetricValidationCommand) {
        /** It updates status asymmetrically after 5s */
        setTimeout(() => {
                new UpdateTransferValidationCommand({
                    status: TransferValidationStatus.Valid,
                    // Validators are identified by their class name
        }, 5000);

        return { validationResult: TransferValidationStatus.Pending };
  1. Register your command handlers in module of your application, and add validator commands to TransferModule.register options:
    validateCommands: [SymmetricValidationCommand, AsymmetricValidationCommand]
  1. Add typeorm:run:transfer to package.json, and run it which runs module migrations:
"typeorm:run:transfer": "node_modules/typeorm/cli.js migration:run --config node_modules/@energyweb/origin-247-transfer/dist/js/ormconfig.js",
  1. Call GenerationReadingStoredEvent created in step 1. that triggers whole transfer process. You may also want to consult test setup files in this repository, that although complex, may give a hint in case of any problems.

Additional resources

Testing applications with TransferModule

TransferModuleForUnitTest is exported, that uses CertificateForUnitTestsModule (247-sdk) and in-memory repositories to simplify testing, so no configuration for CertificateModule is necessary (like blockchain or redis configuration), and no database setup.


origin-247-transfer module makes use of caching, for some purposes. Official NestJS technique is used for that. By default it uses in-memory cache, but for production use it is best to actually use persistent store for that, otherwise some ETRs may hang on PersistanceAwaiting state.

To use Redis as cache storage for this module, configure REDIS_URL variable, and install "cache-manager-ioredis": "2.1.0" as dependency in your application. If those two things are present Redis will be used automatically as storage.

Questions and Support

For questions and support please use Energy Web's Discord channel

Or reach out to us via email: [email protected]


The Energy Web Decentralized Operating System is a blockchain-based, multi-layer digital infrastructure.

The purpose of EW-DOS is to develop and deploy an open and decentralized digital operating system for the energy sector in support of a low-carbon, customer-centric energy future.

We develop blockchain technology, full-stack applications and middleware packages that facilitate participation of Distributed Energy Resources on the grid and create open market places for transparent and efficient renewable energy trading.

  • To learn about more about the EW-DOS tech stack, see our documentation.

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