For example, if we want to use Tajawal font on our app, we have to follow these steps
1- download font family from google fonts
2- copy font family files to assets/font
3- in pubspec.yaml
file declare new font family below font
- family: Tajawal-Bold
- asset: assets/fonts/Tajawal-Bold.ttf
- family: Tajawal-Medium
- asset: assets/fonts/Tajawal-Medium.ttf
- family: Tajawal
- asset: assets/fonts/Tajawal-Regular.ttf
you can detect the correct name of font family
in mac os from font information
4- create TajawalFontsFamily
class to declare the font family in dart
class TajawalFontsFamily {
static const String bold = 'Tajawal-Bold';
static const String medium = 'Tajawal-Medium';
static const String regular = 'Tajawal';
We can extract the text themes with the help of a UI/UX designer and declare them in dart.
for example, this code is the Rasel app text theme
class RaselTextTheme extends TextTheme {
TextStyle get displayLarge => const TextStyle(
fontSize: 18,
fontFamily: TajawalFontsFamily.bold,
TextStyle get headlineLarge => const TextStyle(
fontSize: 16,
fontFamily: TajawalFontsFamily.bold,
TextStyle get headlineMedium => const TextStyle(
fontSize: 16,
fontFamily: TajawalFontsFamily.medium,
TextStyle get headlineSmall => const TextStyle(
fontSize: 16,
fontFamily: TajawalFontsFamily.regular,
TextStyle get bodyLarge => const TextStyle(
fontSize: 14,
fontFamily: TajawalFontsFamily.bold,
TextStyle get bodyMedium => const TextStyle(
fontSize: 14,
fontFamily: TajawalFontsFamily.medium,
TextStyle? get bodySmall => const TextStyle(
fontSize: 14,
fontFamily: TajawalFontsFamily.regular,
TextStyle get titleLarge => const TextStyle(
fontSize: 12,
fontFamily: TajawalFontsFamily.bold,
TextStyle get titleMedium => const TextStyle(
fontSize: 12,
fontFamily: TajawalFontsFamily.medium,
TextStyle get titleSmall => const TextStyle(
fontSize: 12,
fontFamily: TajawalFontsFamily.regular,
TextStyle get labelLarge => const TextStyle(
fontSize: 10,
fontFamily: TajawalFontsFamily.bold,
just replace the content of core/resources/bond_text_theme.dart
file with the code above
and it's recommended to rename the file to rasel_text_theme.dart
or wherever your app name is.
without a text theme, we need to declare your text style in a boring way like this
textAlign: TextAlign.left,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
maxLines: 1,
style: TextStyle(
fontSize: 16,
fontFamily: TajawalFontsFamily.bold,
this code is hard to write, read, or to refactoring
With text theme ✌️:
textAlign: TextAlign.left,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
maxLines: 1,
style: context.textTheme.headlineLarge,
We still missing the text color and other text style properties 👎
We can simply create ColoredTextStyle
extension inside the core/resources/bond_text_theme.dart
extension ColoredTextStyle on TextStyle {
TextStyle get accentColor => copyWith(color: MyTheme.accentColor);
How to use:
textAlign: TextAlign.left,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
maxLines: 1,
style: context.textTheme.headlineLarge?.accentColor,
We can also add any other text style property to TextStyle
extension like decoration or letter Spacing .. etc
extension DecorationTextStyle on TextStyle {
TextStyle get lineThrough => copyWith(decoration: TextDecoration.lineThrough);
TextStyle get overline => copyWith(color: TextDecoration overline);
and use it with color extension or any other text style extension:
textAlign: TextAlign.left,
overflow: TextOverflow.ellipsis,
maxLines: 1,
style: context.textTheme.headlineLarge?.accentColor