The Flow Wallet Working Group aims to enhance wallets on Flow through the development of standards and best practices, and has been established as part of Flow's commitment to a best-in-class, open, wallet ecosystem.
Surface the unique product possibilties for wallets on Flow thorugh a reference implementation and consumer product.
Produce guidelines and best practices for wallets on Flow.
Hightlight a Multi-VM wallet implementation, which support's both Cadence and FlowEVM on Flow.
Promote usage of secure-enclave for key management and signing.
Enable account recovery through backup and recovery mechanics that make use of Flow's account and key models.
Surface human-readable messaging and audited status of a transaction during transaction authorization by using FLIX.
Features | Status | Release Target | Comments |
FRW - Secure Encalve (Mobile) | PROGRESS | FRW v2.1 | Enables secure enclave support in Flow Reference Wallet |
FRW - Multi-Divice support | PROGRESS | FRW v2.1 | Enables multiple Flow Reference Wallet apps across different devices to manage the same Flow account |
FRW - Secure Enclave Crypto SDK | PROGRESS | FRW v2.1 | Produce an open source SDK which developers can use to perform crypto enclave using secure enclave |
FRW - FlowEVM | PLANNING | FRW v2.2 | Support FlowEVM within Flow Refernce Wallet. |
The working group meets monthly on the third Wednesday. Please check the calendar for the next meeting.
Minutes & Recordings from previous meetings will be made available here in github.