diff --git a/src/cl_gui_textedit.clas.abap b/src/cl_gui_textedit.clas.abap index 1f7784a..b2102a7 100644 --- a/src/cl_gui_textedit.clas.abap +++ b/src/cl_gui_textedit.clas.abap @@ -1,8 +1,45 @@ CLASS cl_gui_textedit DEFINITION INHERITING FROM cl_gui_control PUBLIC. PUBLIC SECTION. CONSTANTS false TYPE i VALUE 0. + + METHODS constructor + IMPORTING + max_number_chars TYPE i OPTIONAL + parent TYPE REF TO cl_gui_container. + + METHODS set_toolbar_mode + IMPORTING + toolbar_mode TYPE i DEFAULT false. + + METHODS set_statusbar_mode + IMPORTING + statusbar_mode TYPE i DEFAULT false. + + METHODS get_textstream + IMPORTING + only_when_modified TYPE i DEFAULT false + EXPORTING + text TYPE string + is_modified TYPE i. + ENDCLASS. CLASS cl_gui_textedit IMPLEMENTATION. + METHOD constructor. + ASSERT 1 = 2. + ENDMETHOD. + + METHOD set_toolbar_mode. + ASSERT 1 = 2. + ENDMETHOD. + + METHOD set_statusbar_mode. + ASSERT 1 = 2. + ENDMETHOD. + + METHOD get_textstream. + ASSERT 1 = 2. + ENDMETHOD. + ENDCLASS. \ No newline at end of file