##Environment Preparation
###Install Redis
yum install -y redis
###Install MySQL
yum install -y mysql-server
###create work directory
export HOME=/home/work
export WORKSPACE=$HOME/open-falcon
mkdir -p $WORKSPACE
###Initialize the MySQL table structure
# All components of open-falcon can start without the root account. It is recommended that common accounts be used for installation to increase security. Here we use a common account work to install and deploy all components.
# However, the root account is required when yum is used to install some dependent lib databases.
export HOME=/home/work
export WORKSPACE=$HOME/open-falcon
mkdir -p $WORKSPACE
git clone https://github.com/open-falcon/scripts.git
cd ./scripts/
mysql -h localhost -u root -p < db_schema/graph-db-schema.sql
mysql -h localhost -u root -p < db_schema/dashboard-db-schema.sql
mysql -h localhost -u root -p < db_schema/portal-db-schema.sql
mysql -h localhost -u root -p < db_schema/links-db-schema.sql
mysql -h localhost -u root -p < db_schema/uic-db-schema.sql
##Download compiled component
We have compiled relevant component into binary version to make it easier to use. The binaries can only run on 64 bit Linux
Domestic users please click here to quickly download the compiled binary version.
mkdir ./tmp
wget $DOWNLOAD -O open-falcon-latest.tar.gz
tar -zxf open-falcon-latest.tar.gz -C ./tmp/
for x in `find ./tmp/ -name "*.tar.gz"`; do
app=`echo $x|cut -d '-' -f2`;
mkdir -p $app;
tar -zxf $x -C $app;
rm -rf ./tmp && rm -f open-falcon-latest.tar.gz