The code in this directory can be used to form "grammatical classes", based on "grammatical similarity". This file explains what these are, and how the general process of clustering works.
Although the below keeps talking about words and word-classes, the
actual code is (almost) entirely generic, and can merge (cluster)
anything. There are only a handful of places where its not generic;
these are slowly being cleaned up. The generic merge is possible
because what to merge, and where to put the merger results, are
defined by the LLOBJ
object, passed as an argument to the assorted
functions and methods.
When a pair of words are judged to be grammatically similar, they can be combined to create a "grammatical class", containing both the words, and behaving as their "average". Similarly, a word can be compared to an existing grammatical class, to see if it belongs to that class.
Words are represented as vectors. There are at least three completely different kinds of word-vector representations being used:
Vector components are given by pair-MI to other words. The pair-MI was obtained by pair counting. This is mostly NOT used in this directory; this was obtained in erlier processing stages. Word pairs with high pair-MI are words that commonly occur together.
Vector components are given by frequency of word-disjunct pairs. The word-disjunct pair counts were obtained by MST parsing, in an earlier stage.
Vector components are given by grammatical-MI, summing over disjuncts. The grammatical-MI between a pair of words indicates how grammatically similar they are. The grammatical-MI is distributed roughly as a Gaussian; thus, these vectors belong to a Gaussian Orthogonal Ensemble (GOE). The dot-product of two GOE vectors is an even stronger indicator of grammatical similarity.
Although words are represented as vectors, the merge operations are highly non-linear. This is because disjuncts are composed of "half-words" (connectors), and when words are merged into a class, the connectors must be merged as well ("detailed balance"), resulting in a very non-linear transformation on the vectors.
The code in this directory implements several different comparison and merge strategies:
For comparison:
- Cosine similarity
- Grammatical-MI similarity
- Ranked-MI similarity
- GOE similarity
The first three work with word-disjunct vectors; the GOE similarity works with word-word vectors, where the vector components are given by the grammatical-MI similarity.
GOE similarity works best for merging; it measures not only the local syntactic environment for two words, but also how similar they are in relation to other (3rd party) words. It resembles a layer "one deeper", than the original vectors from which it is built. The downside is that GOE similarity is expensive to compute.
Ranked-MI works second-best for merging; it has the best properties of MI but also includes the word frequency as part of the similarity score. Otherwise, MI works great, as long as one merges high-frequency word pairs first. Cosine similarity works poorly, based on experimental results. This is no surprise: cosine distance is a Casimir invariant for Euclidean space, but probability space is not Euclidean! Its a simplex!
For merging:
- Orthogonal decomposition into parallel & perpendicular components.
- Union and overlap of basis elements.
- In-group cliques with majority voting.
- Binary optimization (integer programming).
Orthogonal decomposition, and union, overlap merging were explored
experimentally in detail; see the 'Diary Part One' and 'Part Two'.
They worked OK, but not great, and the code that implements them has
been moved to the attic
directory (its obsolete and not used any
more.) They are still explained below, as understanding these helps
with the understanding of general principles.
The current merge algo forms in-groups or 'private clubs' of closely
related words, and uses a majority voting scheme to determine which
disjuncts are admitted into the club. The code for this can be found in
. This algo seems to work well, and is being explored
There is a vague idea that some kind of binary optimization merge
algorithm might be "even better", especially if it is well-founded on
principles of information theory. At this time, it remains a bit of a
daydream, and maybe a mirage. See gram-optim.scm
for more.
Prior to the start of the merge, the collection of word-disjunct pairs corresponds precisely to what was observed in the training corpus. When word-classes are formed, they inevitably broaden the allowed use of words beyond what was observed in the text.
That is, when word a
and word b
are merged to form class c
, there
will be, in general, disjuncts d
and e
such that the pair (a,d)
observed, and (b,e)
was observed, but not (a,e)
and not (b,d)
. If
the merge result contains both (c,d)
and (c,e)
, then effectively the
grammatical usage of a
and b
has been broadened into a bigger context.
The entire goal of merging is to perform this broadening, but not too much of it. One wishes to extrapolate from the particular to the general, but not so much that one loses the ability to discriminate between important particulars. Exactly how this can be done best is the grand mystery, the grand question, quest of the code here.
As noted above, something called 'union and overlap' merging was already explored, and found wanting. An 'in-group, private club' algo seems to work quite well, and is the primary merge algo implemented here, in this directory. The generic information-theoretic foundations of merging remain opaque and unknown (but I'm trying to figure them out.)
A grammatical class is represented as
WordNode "wordy" ; The word itself.
WordClassNode "noun" ; The grammatical class of the word.
Word classes have a designated grammatical behavior, using Sections,
behaving just like the pseudo-connectors on single words. Thus, either
a WordNode
or a WordClassNode
can appear in a Connector
link, as
shown below.
WordClassNode "noun"
WordClassNode "verb" ; or possibly a WordNode
ConnectorDir "+"
The TV on the MemberLink
holds a count value; that count equals the
total number of section-counts that were transferred from the word, to
the word-class, when the word was merged into the class. The sum over
all of these counts (on the MemberLink
s) should exactly equal the sum
over the counts on all Section
s for that WordClassNode
. Thus, it can
be used to determine what fraction the word contributed to the class.
Since merge strategies are generally non-linear, this value is at best
a crude indicator, rather than a way of reconstructing the components.
or matrix of word-disjunct pairs appears in the AtomSpace in
the form of
WordNode "foo"
WordNode "bar"
ConnectorDir "+"
which can be shortened to (foo, bar+ & ...)
or even further to a pair
. Further below, the concept of Shape
introduced; Shapes are built from ConnectorSeq
by substituting a
variable for a Connector
. That is, disjuncts may also be Shapes, but
this detail can be safely ignored for the remainder of the text below.
Associated to each Section is a count, stored as a CountTruthValue
on the Section
. Abstractly, this is written as
Holding the word constant, the row vector
It is assumed that grammatical classes are stepping stones to word meaning; that meaning and grammatical class are at least partly correlated. It is assumed that words can have multiple meanings, and thus can belong to multiple grammatical classes. It is assumed that the sum total number of observations of a word is a linear combination of the different ways that the word was used in the text sample. Thus, the task is to decompose the observed counts on a single word, and assign them to one of several different grammatical classes.
The above implies that each word should be viewed as a vector; the disjuncts form the basis of the vector space, and the count of observations of different disjuncts indicating the direction of the vector. It is the linearity of the observations that implies that such a vector-based linear approach is correct.
The number of grammatical classes that a word might belong to can vary from a few to a few dozen; in addition, there will be some unknown amount of "noise": incorrect sections due to incorrect parses.
It is assumed that when a word belongs to several grammatical classes, the sets of disjuncts defining those classes are not necessarily disjoint; there may be significant overlap. That is, different grammatical classes are not orthogonal, in general.
The goal of obtaining grammatical classes is to enable grammatical parsing of sentences. It is hoped/beleived that such parsing will be more accurate than MST parsing. Thus, after determining grammatical classes, a second round of parsing becomes possible. This second round can then provide the foundation for discerning entities, and the properties of entities (e.g. that dogs have tails, legs, eyes; that IBM is a specific, named corporation) In this second round, there will be correlations across sentences. In this second round, there will again be similarities, but this time, the similarities will not be grammatical, but similarities in properties (e.g. that dogs, cats and squirrels have tails, legs, eyes.).
As noted earlier, there are multiple kinds of vectors appearing in this code base. The two primary ones in this directory is the word-disjunct vector (where the vector basis consists of disjuncts, and the vector coordinates are the frequency counts of word-disjunct pairs) and the GOE vector (where the basis consists of other words, and the coordinates are the grammatical-MI to those words.)
In the word-disjunct case, the term "vector" is misleading, and does not convey the correct idea. The word "vector" suggests a vector space with rotational symmetry and basis independence. This is very much NOT the case: the word-disjunct space has NO rotational symmetry at all, and is strongly basis-dependent. The concept of a "matroid" moves in the right direction, but still does not quite capture the idea. The word-disjunct "vectors" live in a probability space: that is, the coordinates are probabilities; the sum of the probabilities must equal one. The word-disjunct "vectors" are actually just points on the face of a very high-dimensional simplex.
A different problem is that the basis elements of the word-disjunct vectors are not actually "independent" of one-another. The basis elements are disjuncts, which are composed of "half-words" (connectors).
Singling out any one connector, one can ask what other disjuncts have that connector on it, and then ask what words have those disjuncts. This give a different "vector": it is the "shape" of the connector, and these vectors are called "Shapes". Again, these shapes are probability vectors. Since they are constructed from the word-disjunct "vectors", the are not independent of them. The construction is very highly non-linear in the space of disjuncts, as it tangles in all other disjuncts having that connector, and all other words having that disjunct. Yet, this construction must necessarily preserve the grand-total counts; it is linear in a certain "covering space" of fragmentary connectors. This idea is called "detailed balance", in analogy to the concept of detailed balance in chemistry and thermodynamics. The total number of connectors, the total number of words and the total number of disjuncts are all preserved.
It is tempting to think of "shapes" as being kind-of-like "moieties" in chemistry, but the analogy is misleading and fails at multiple levels. The only commonality is that detailed balance remains: no matter how one splits and rearranges a collection of molecules, the total number of atoms remains unchanged. So also here: the observation counts on connectors are preserved, no matter how they are re-arranged for form vector spaces.
The correct notion of a grammatical class is not so much as a collection of words, but rather as a collection of word-senses. Consider the word "saw": it can be the past tense of the verb "to see", or it can be the cutting tool, a noun. Thus, the word "saw" should belong to at least two different grammatical classes. The actual word-sense is "hidden", only the actual word is observed. The "hidden" word-sense can be partly (or mostly) discerned by looking at how the word was used: nouns are used differently than verbs. The different usage is reflected in the collection of sections ("disjuncts") that are associated with the word-sense.
Thus, prior to classification/categorization, the vector associated to the word "saw" is the (linear) sum for a noun-vector (the cutting tool) and two different verb-vectors (observing; cutting). The next few paragraphs describe how the cosine-distance (or mutual information, or another kind of distance metric) can be used to distinguish between these different forms, how to factor the vector of observation counts into distinct classes.
There are several different means of comparing similarity between two words. A traditional one is cosine distance: if the cosine of two word-vectors is greater than a threshold, they should be merged.
The cosine distance between the two words
Where, as usual,
A fundamental problem with cosine distance is that it is built on an assumption of the rotational invariance of Euclidean space. However, the "vectors" here are not actually vectors, they are points in a probability space that has no rotational symmetry. Acknowledging this leads to the contemplation of probabilistic distance functions.
A better judge of similarity is the information-theoretic divergence
between the vectors (the Kullback-Lielber divergence). If
so that
An experimental examination of cosine vs. various different Jaccard and overlap distances vs. MI can be found in the 'Diary Part Three'.
Note that this MI is symmetric:
The grammatical-MI is roughly distributed as a Gaussian (both for
English and Chinese, see Diary Part Three and Part Five). Thus, the
This allows the definition and use of GOE vectors. Let
so that
is the standard deviation of the distribution of grammatical-MI. Define the normal Gaussian distribution as
This allows the unit word-vector
The GOE Similarity between two words
Experimentally, it appears that words with
There are several ways in which two words might be merged into a
word-class, or a word added to a word-class. All of these involve
the transfer of counts from individual word-vectors to the word-class
vector. One generic style of merging uses concepts from Euclidean
geometry, and involves taking parallel and perpendicular components
of vectors. This is implemented in gram-projective.scm
(in the attic
directory. It has been moved to the attic because it is not used any
more.) Another style suggests that information-theoretic techniques are
primal, and a merge strategy based on MI/entropy maximization is best.
A general idea for this is sketched in the gram-optim.scm
file, but
remains vague, unformed, unimplemented: it is just a sketch.
The merge code that is in current use can be found in gram-majority.scm
It forms "in-groups" (or "clubs" or "cliques": exclusive groups whose
members share common traits.) The in-groups are formed by nominating a
set of similar words (per the similarity metric) and then determining
the membership of specific disjuncts by majority voting (so that the
majority of the club members have that disjunct in common.) This algorithm
is not based on information theory principles, but is relatively easy to
implement, and seems to work well.
Given a word (a word-disjunct vector)
for each 'basis element' (disjunct)
Merging is performed so that 'detailed balance' is preserved. That means
that, in forming the new class
for each disjunct
Note that this second equation is not so much an equation, as it is a
directive to transfer the counts from
As a practical matter, to avoid exploding the size of the dataset, all
matrix entries for which
The different merge algos differ in how they decompose the vector
The above describes detailed balance for merging words, while holding the set of disjuncts constant. In fact, the merge algos also create new disjuncts, and destroy old ones. Detailed balance must be preserved here, as well.
A given disjunct has the general form:
WordNode "a"
ConnectorDir "+"
which can be written in short-hand as (a+ & ...)
. Suppose one wishes
to merge the words a
and b
into a wordclass g
. If these appear
in a disjunct (ConnectorSeq), they must be merged as well. For example,
(a+ & f+ & h-)
together with (b+ & f+ & h-)
are merged to create
(g+ & f+ & h-)
Counts on these three must remain balanced, as well. Thus, if disjunct
The generic process of merging raises some issues that must be dealt with (or ignored, or explained away) These are:
As portions of word vectors are merged into classes, other portions remain unassigned, ready for later merge decisions. These remaining portions may get small, and risk becoming 'dust' that need to be swept up. Some of the merge algos deal with this by automatically merging all disjuncts with counts below a given threshold, thus avoiding the creation of dust.
There is a hysteresis effect: when
When merge decisions are based on the grammatical-MI, then it is feasible to recompute, after each merge, the MI between all of the words that were affected by the merge. This is not practical for the GOE-similarity, and so batching is required: the top GOE-similar words can be merged; but then there must be a full-stop, and the GOE similarities must be recomputed across the board. It's currently unclear if this can be somehow optimized.
The replacement of
The distribution of disjuncts on words is necessarily Zipfian. That is, the word-disjunct vectors could be called "Zipf vectors", in that the vector coefficients follow a Zipfian distribution. There are many reasons why this is so, and multiple effects feed into this.
It seems plausible to treat extremely-low frequency observations as a kind of noise, but which might also contain some signal. Thus, during merge, all of a Zipfian tail should be merged in. If its noise, it will tend to cancel during merge; if its signal, it will tend to be additive.
That is, during merge, low-frequency observation counts should be
merged in their entirety, rather than split in parts, with one part
remaining unmerged. For example, if a word is to be merged into a
word-class, and disjunct
More generally, the correct way to treat these tails remains rather mysterious. Despite the fact that each individual count is small, almost all of the grand-total count is in the tail: the tail itself is bigger than the body itself. Although it feels like "noise", it appears to also contain a lot of "signal", and disentangling this signal from the noise remains profoundly confusing.
A few of the simplest merge strategies are described below. They give a general sense of what is being done, and provide a language and terminology for the more complex merge algos.
In this merge strategy, a vector
Start by taking
Note the following properties of this algo:
The combined vector
$g_{new}$ has exactly the same support as$g_{old}$ . That is, any disjuncts in$w$ that are not in$g_{old}$ are already orthogonal. This may be undesirable, as it prevents the broadening of the support of$g$ , i.e. the learning of new, but compatible grammatical usage. See discussion of "broadening" at above. -
The process is not quite linear, as the final
$s$ is not actually parallel to$g_{old}$ .
Here, one decomposes
Note that the support of
The above describe what to do to extend an existing grammatical class
with a new candidate word. It does not describe how to form the
initial grammatical class, out of the merger of N words. Several
strategies are possible. Given words
- Simple sum: let
$g=u+v+w+\ldots$ . That's it; nothing more. - Overlap and union merge, described below.
- Democratic voting: merge those basis elements shared by a majority.
Democratic voting appears to work the best, so much so that the other
methods have been removed from the code-base (and moved to the attic
directory, when possible.) They are still explained, so as to orient the
A formal (i.e. mathematically dense) description of overlap merging is given here. One wishes to compute the intersection of basis elements (the intersection of "disjuncts" via "sections") of the two words, and then sum the counts only on this intersected set. Let
$\{e_a\}$ = set of basis elements in$v_a$ with non-zero coefficients -
$\{e_b\}$ = set of basis elements in$v_b$ with non-zero coefficients -
$\{e_{overlap}\} = \{e_a\} \cap \{e_b\}$ where$\cap$ is set-intersection. -
$\pi_{overlap}$ = unit on diagonal for each$e \in \{e_{overlap}\}$ This is the projection matrix onto the subspace$\{e_{overlap}\}$ -
$v_a^\pi = \pi_{overlap} \cdot v_a$ is the projection of$v_a$ onto$\{e_{overlap}\}$ . -
$v_b^\pi = \pi_{overlap} \cdot v_b$ is the projection of$v_b$ onto$\{e_{overlap}\}$ . -
$v_{cluster} = v_a^\pi + v_b^\pi$ -
$v_a^{new} = v_a - v_a^\pi$ -
$v_b^{new} = v_b - v_b^\pi$
The idea here is that the vector subspace
Union merging can be described using almost the same formulas, except that one takes
The above merge methods are implemented in the accumulate-count
and assign-to-cluster
functions. The first does the math for
one basis element, the second loops over the basis elts in a vector.
The first takes, as an argument, a fractional weight which is used when the disjunct isn't shared between both words. Setting the weight to zero gives overlap merging; setting it to one gives union merging. Setting it to fractional values provides a merge that is intermediate between the two: an overlap, plus a bit more, viz some of the union. This is sometimes called "fuzzy merging" in other places.
That is, the merger is given by the vector
Better merge results can be obtained by merging two or more vectors
at the same time. See gram-majority.scm
for details.
Words appear not only as vectors, but also in the connectors that form a disjunct. When words are merged into a class, care must be taken to handle the connectors as well.
A given disjunct has the general form:
WordNode "a"
ConnectorDir "+"
If a word a
is merged into a class c
, the above connector sequence
(disjunct) must be replaced by
WordClassNode "c"
ConnectorDir "+"
wherever it appears. This makes the merging algorithm 'non-linear', in that the number of disjuncts is not constant: the number of basis elements are changing, the dimension of the space is changing. The basis elements themselves mutate. The overall process does remain linear in that detailed balance must still be maintained; failure to maintain detailed balance would prevent the ability to interpret the entire process in terms of probabilities.
The term 'detailed balance' is meant to invoke the same idea from chemistry. During a chemical reaction, the total number of atoms remains the same, even as the total number of molecules is changing.
There are a number of analogies that can be made to chemistry: a
is a list of the chemical bonds bonds that can be
formed. Thus, a pair
As a practical matter for tracking the merge of connectors, the
concept of a Shape
is introduced, together with the concept of
a CrossSection
. This is described in detail in shape-project.scm
A quick example. Given a Section
WordNode "foo"
WordNode "bar"
ConnectorDir "+"
WordNode "nim"
ConnectorDir "-"
one can define two CrossSection
s and two Shape
s, one for each of the
s. One of them is
WordNode "bar"
WordNode "foo"
VariableNode "$x"
ConnectorDir "+"
WordNode "nim"
ConnectorDir "-"
The other one is analogous, replacing 'nim' by the variable. The original
can be uniquely and unambiguously reconstructed by plugging the
word 'bar' in for the variable, and moving the head of the shape to the
head of the Section
. Thus, the CrossSection
s are just Section
rotated around, to place each of the words in the Connector
s into the
head position. This rotation of the Connector
s into head position
makes it easier to apply the assorted vector-space concepts described
above, to maintain detailed balance, to compute word-similarity and
in general, to track what needs to be merged with what.
Note that a word vector with CrossSection
s in it really is a different
vector than one without it; thus, including CrossSection
s really does
alter the similarity between word-vectors. The similarities between
word-vectors with CrossSection
s on them does appear to be more
accurate than those without, but this has not been firmly established
experimentally, nor is there any theoretical foundation for supporting
Given a set of Section
s, the set of CrossSection
s and Shape
can be uniquely and unambiguously determined. The counts on the
s are exactly equal to the counts on the corresponding
Performing this connector merge is easiest if "shapes" are used,
(see shape-project.scm
for details) and if the inner loop is
the loop over the words to be merged, for a fixed basis element.
Earlier code reversed the inner and outer loops (see the code in the
directory) and doing it the other way creates a number of
difficult issues for connector merging.
A quick sketch of which files implement what.
-- Contains the main entry pointin-group-mi-cluster
.- xxx -- same but for GOE
-- Compute grammatical MI similarities between words.similarity.scm
-- Generic similarity tools.
Copyright (c) 2017, 2018, 2019, 2022 Linas Vepstas