Observation is naturally recursive. When one looks, one typically sees many items. Now what? Some of these need to be examined in greater detail. This is "action selection", narrowed to the task of "looking".
The practical example here is of the recursive examination of a directory tree. At each level in the tree, one obtains a listing of items in that tree; one may then descend, or not, deeper into that tree. How is this to be represented?
So, for example, performing ls
on /etc
and selecting for directories
only, once gets back
(StringValue "file:///etc/vim")
(StringValue "file:///etc/opt")
(StringValue "file:///etc/nvme")
(StringValue "file:///etc/ldap")
(StringValue "file:///etc/lvm"))
and so on. In the current design, these can only be examined if
converted to SensoryNode
. The conversion is easy; it can be done
by a Filter
that accepts sole StringValues as items, and rewrites
them with StringOf
. One gets
(SensoryNode "file:///etc/vim")
(SensoryNode "file:///etc/opt")
(SensoryNode "file:///etc/nvme")
(SensoryNode "file:///etc/ldap")
(SensoryNode "file:///etc/lvm"))
Next, one wishes to apply OpenLink
to each of these, so as to observe
what's in there. How should this be done? Some design and implementation
choices are pondered below.
The easy (but wrong) design decision is to implement OpenLink
that it automatically distributes over lists. Thus, one design choice
is to have
(OpenLink (Type 'FileSysStream)
(SensoryNode "file:///etc/vim")
(SensoryNode "file:///etc/opt")
(SensoryNode "file:///etc/nvme")
(SensoryNode "file:///etc/ldap")
(SensoryNode "file:///etc/lvm")))
to return
(FileSysStream) ; with internal state "file:///etc/vim"
(FileSysStream) ; having internal state "file:///etc/opt"
(FileSysStream) ; etc.
Thus, if we imagine a SensoryNode
to be an eyeball, and an open
sensory node to be an eye looking at a specific thing, then the above
has created a rather large number of eyeballs, and resursive descent
into the file system will create even more. Its a bit of a fork-bomb.
It should probably not be built in as an automatic list iterator inside
of the OpenLink
Fortunately, there already is a list iterator: the FilterLink
It makes the default assumption that it is given a sequence of items,
and that the filter is to be applied to each item (sequentaily).
In this project, the filters are almost always going to be RuleLink
because they provide a reasonable way of specifying rewriting.
s, when combined with a filter, have two parts. The input
pattern to a rule acts as a go/no-go decision maker: the rule is
applied, only if the pattern matches. Then, variables in the pattern
are grounded on the inputs, which are used in the rule's output
(rewrite) pattern.
For the problem proposed above, the acceptance pattern to the rue is easy:
(VariableNode "$item")
This will match anything at all. The output rewrite is then
(Open (Type 'FileSysStream)
(StringOf (Type 'SensoryNode) (Variable "$item")))
Assuming the items are StringValue
s (or Node
s), the StringOf
will mint a single SensoryNode
corresponding to that item. The
will then mint a FileSysStream
value. This produces the
desired result: a list of StringValue
s (holding directory names)
have been converted into a list of open streams.
If the input item is not a node or string, the StringOf
will throw an
exception. If the SensoryNode
is not a directory, or it is a path
that is not in the file system, or if it is an invalidly-formatted URL,
then OpenLink
will throw an exception.
We don't have an exception-handling architecture, yet. However,
exceptions do seem like the correct approach: the input pattern could
have performed validation on the input, but this just wastes CPU cycles
when the input is clean. Exceptions hide any manditory checking in
the C++ code implementing OpenLink
, where CPU overhead is minimized.
The Filter-Rule combination uses the Filter recognizer pattern to perform a simple go/no-go decision: either the recognizer pattern is matched, or it is not. What to do if additional decision-making is desired? Some design choices below.
Additional decision-making can be done directly in the rewrite pattern,
using the CondLink
, for example. Thus,
(Equal (Variable "$file-type") (Node "dir"))
(Open (Variable "$file-name")))
assumes that there were two variables provided by the input pattern:
the file name and the file type; if the type is a dir, then the
directory is opened, else a null pointer is generated. I think the
interprets null pointers as something to be ignored, and
just moves to the next item in the input. An alternative might be to
generate a VoidValue
, but this should probably be reserved for when
actual void values are really needed for something.
An alternative is to invent a new kind of rule, that has an explicit slot for a decision-maker. Currently, rules are of the form
<variable declarations>
<input-match pattern>
<output-rewrite pattern>)
The proposal is to define
<variable declarations>
<input-match pattern>
<evaluatable clause>
<output-rewrite pattern>)
where the <evaluatable clause>
is any Atom that is evaluatable, and
returns a TV that can ultimately be interpreted as true/false.
This does not seem to offer any advantage over the use of a CondLink
shown above, and is in some ways worse: the CondLink
can process a
sequence of conditionals, whereas the evaluatable clause delivers a
single yes/no decision.
One could arrange the evaluatable clause to return a boolean vector, which would then be combined with a vector of output rewrite patterns. But Atomese already has a collection of vector-processing Atoms, and creating some new, sideways interpretation here seems wrong.
Short reminder: the ExecuteThreadedLink
can take a sequence and run it
in multpile threads. This should be enough to dissipate an concerns
about serialization, sequencing and parallelism.
With the above out of the way, we can finally tackle recursion. How?
Given a stream anchored at an Atom-Key location, that stream can be
processed, and the results placed at that same Atom-Key location. Thus,
calling cog-execute!
once goes one level deep in the recursion.
Several design issues arise:
Instead of using a specific anchoring location, can there be some
that explicitly wires the output back into the input? The short answer seems to be "no". Contemplating the implementation of such a link seems to necessitate some hidden, private variant of an anchor, and it we're going to do that, then why bother with the complexity of hiding it? -
There does seem to be a need for a
of some kind, a way of flattening a list-of-lists, down to a single list. The need for this arises in the recursion step: a single item (e.g. the name of a directory) is turned into a list. A list of items becomes a list of lists. If the recursive filter is to be applied, this list of lists needs to be flattened. Are there other ways of doing this? Perhaps append? Maybe fold-list-nil? apply-append? -
once just takes one step in the processing. Atomese does not currently have any direct form of "do until done" structures, although this can be emulated using two techniques. There is a tail-call example in the main AtomSpace examples dir, and also a recursive pattern matching example. How to adaptt these to filter chains is not yet clear. -
Unix directory listings contain both
directories, and recursing on these will lead to infinite loops. How is this to be avoided? In the short-term, during bringup, by explicitly skipping them in the directory traversal. Long term, when a motor control architecture is sufficiently advanced, the controller itself should be able to avoid such obvious inf loops and unintended crawls. -
File permissions means that some files and directories will be unaccessible. This is handled by having the the
throw exceptions for these cases. A design strategy is needed for excpetion handling. For now, havingWriteLink
try and catch seems like an OK solution.