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Releases: opendatasoft/ods-widgets

ODS-Widgets 1.4.6

05 Jun 18:33
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  • uriEncode and uriComponentEncode: two new filters to help building links directly in the template.
    They respectively apply the javascript functions encodeURI and encodeURIComponent to the filtered string.
  • odsFacets and odsTable: the two widgets now support selection of fields for a specific language.
  • odsGeoNavigation: it nows displays more familiar country shapes instead of exhaustive one.
  • odsGeoNavigation: add a new ascendingFilter parameter that activate the
    "Display all datasets that include current selection" by default


  • odsPicto: the colorByName attribute has been replaced by colorByAttribute. It now applies the given colors
    to svg element using their id.

ODS-Widgets 1.4.5

06 May 14:12
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  • odsPicto: A new colorByName parameter can be used, to apply different colors to different areas of a SVG file
    based on their name attribute. The parameter can be changed on the fly, to allow for dynamic coloring.
  • odsResultEnumerator: The max parameter can now be changed on the fly.
  • odsResults: The odsResultsMax parameter can now be changed on the fly.


  • odsMap: A number of texts in the Search box where not properly translated
  • odsMap: The field used to display results when using the Search box is now the field used as the tooltip title
    (if configured), as intended
  • odsMediaGallery: Fixed broken image when using TIFF (now displaying a placeholder since most browsers don't support it)
  • odsVegaLite: Fixed potential infinite loop when working with dynamic data

ODS-Widgets 1.4.4

26 Mar 08:39
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  • odsChartQuery: all parameters are now dynamic, meaning that if they are set to a variable, and the variable
    changes, the chart will refresh accordingly.

ODS-Widgets 1.4.3

27 Feb 16:36
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  • A new fromjson filter, to parse a text containing JSON and obtain the object

ODS-Widgets 1.4.2

17 Feb 14:18
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  • odsCrossTable: Fixed an issue with the width of each cells after applying a filter on the data
  • odsGeoNavigation: Fixed multiple similar API calls when using another filter on the same context
  • odsMap: Support Jawg as a provider for the geocoding search on the map itself (requires jawgGeocodingAPIKey in
    your ODSWidgetsConfig), default is Mapbox as previously

ODS-Widgets 1.4.1

23 Jan 09:34
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  • odsColorGradient: new widget that can be used to build a set of colors from the results of an aggregation
  • odsLegend: together with odsColorGradient, can be used to build a dynamic map legend
  • odsGeoNavigation: a new filter, specifically for geographic-based metadata such as "Geographic coverage"
  • odsMostPopularDatasets: new orderBy parameter, can be used to display the most popular datasets based on their
    popularity score (popularity) instead of the default based on the number of downloads (downloads)
  • math filter: new pow function to compute power


05 Jun 13:20
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Release 1.4.0


14 May 06:43
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Release 1.3.8


06 May 16:57
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Release 1.3.7


18 Apr 10:23
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Release 1.3.6