diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 549d5ba5b..aea5beacc 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -19,3 +19,9 @@ project.properties
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/build.gradle b/opensrp-chw-hf/build.gradle
index 96c3c8051..2c55c02de 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/build.gradle
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/build.gradle
@@ -15,9 +15,43 @@ buildscript {
+def githubProperties = new Properties()
+if (rootProject.file("github.properties").exists()) {
+ githubProperties.load(new FileInputStream(rootProject.file("github.properties")))
+allprojects {
+ repositories {
+ maven { url 'https://maven.google.com' }
+ maven {
+ name = "GitHubPackages"
+ url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/Digital-Square-Tanzania/opensrp-client-chw-core")
+ credentials {
+ username = githubProperties['gpr.usr'] ?: System.getenv("GPR_USER")
+ password = githubProperties['gpr.key'] ?: System.getenv("GPR_API_KEY")
+ }
+ }
+ maven {
+ name = "GitHubPackages"
+ url = uri("https://maven.pkg.github.com/Digital-Square-Tanzania/opensrp-client-chw-ld")
+ credentials {
+ username = githubProperties['gpr.usr'] ?: System.getenv("GPR_USER")
+ password = githubProperties['gpr.key'] ?: System.getenv("GPR_API_KEY")
+ }
+ }
+ }
android {
useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'
- compileSdkVersion 28
+ compileSdkVersion 32
buildToolsVersion androidBuildToolsVersion
compileOptions {
@@ -27,15 +61,16 @@ android {
defaultConfig {
applicationId "org.smartregister.chw.hf"
- minSdkVersion 18
- targetSdkVersion 28
+ minSdkVersion 21
+ targetSdkVersion 32
versionCode 11
versionName "1.2.13"
testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
multiDexEnabled true
buildConfigField "String", 'opensrp_url', '"https://boresha-afya.smartregister.org/opensrp/"'
- buildConfigField "String", 'opensrp_url_debug', '"https://boresha-afya-stage.smartregister.org/opensrp/"'
- // buildConfigField "String", 'opensrp_url_debug', '"https://ba-unified-stage.smartregister.org/opensrp/"'
+ buildConfigField "String", 'opensrp_url_debug', '""'
+// buildConfigField "String", 'opensrp_url_debug', '"https://boresha-afya-stage.smartregister.org/opensrp/"'
+ // buildConfigField "String", 'opensrp_url_debug', '"https://ba-unified-stage.smartregister.org/opensrp/"'
buildConfigField "boolean", 'SUPPORT_QR', 'true'
buildConfigField "int", "DATABASE_VERSION", '12'
buildConfigField "int", "DATA_SYNC_DURATION_MINUTES", '15'
@@ -50,6 +85,22 @@ android {
includeCompileClasspath = true
+ if (project.rootProject.file("local.properties").exists()) {
+ Properties properties = new Properties()
+ properties.load(project.rootProject.file("local.properties").newDataInputStream())
+ if (properties != null &&
+ properties.containsKey("mapbox.sdk.token")) {
+ buildConfigField "String", "MAPBOX_SDK_ACCESS_TOKEN", properties["mapbox.sdk.token"]
+ } else {
+ println("Mapbox key config variables is not set in your local.properties")
+ buildConfigField "String", "MAPBOX_SDK_ACCESS_TOKEN", "\"sample_key\""
+ }
+ } else {
+ println("local.properties does not exist")
+ buildConfigField "String", "MAPBOX_SDK_ACCESS_TOKEN", "\"sample_key\""
+ }
android.defaultConfig.javaCompileOptions.annotationProcessorOptions.includeCompileClasspath = true
@@ -64,17 +115,20 @@ android {
buildConfigField "int", "OPENMRS_UNIQUE_ID_BATCH_SIZE", '100'
buildConfigField "int", "OPENMRS_UNIQUE_ID_SOURCE", '2'
buildConfigField "boolean", "TIME_CHECK", "true"
- buildConfigField "int", "DATA_SYNC_DURATION_MINUTES", '15'
+ buildConfigField "int", "DATA_SYNC_DURATION_MINUTES", '30'
buildConfigField "int", "VACCINE_SYNC_PROCESSING_MINUTES", '30'
buildConfigField "int", "IMAGE_UPLOAD_MINUTES", '180'
buildConfigField "int", "PULL_UNIQUE_IDS_MINUTES", '180'
- buildConfigField "int", "REPORT_INDICATOR_GENERATION_MINUTES", '15'
+ buildConfigField "int", "REPORT_INDICATOR_GENERATION_MINUTES", '150'
buildConfigField "int", "HOME_VISIT_MINUTES", '60'
buildConfigField "int", "STOCK_USAGE_REPORT_MINUTES", '1440'
buildConfigField "boolean", 'SUPPORT_REPORT', 'false'
- buildConfigField "String[]", "ALLOWED_LOCATION_LEVELS", '{"Ward" , "Council", "Facility", "MOH Jhpiego Facility Name", "Health Facility", "Village", "Village Sublocations"}'
- buildConfigField "String[]", "LOCATION_HIERACHY", '{"Country","Region","District","Ward" ,"Council", "Facility", "MOH Jhpiego Facility Name", "Health Facility", "Village", "Village Sublocations"}'
+ buildConfigField "String[]", "ALLOWED_LOCATION_LEVELS", '{"Ward" , "Council", "Facility", "Village"}'
+ buildConfigField "String[]", "LOCATION_HIERACHY", '{"Country","Zone","Region","District","Council","Ward", "Facility","Village"}'
buildConfigField "String", 'DEFAULT_LOCATION', '"Facility"'
+ buildConfigField "boolean", "BUILD_FOR_BORESHA_AFYA_SOUTH", "true"
+ buildConfigField "boolean", "BUILD_FOR_PMTCT_CASE_BASED_MANAGEMENT", "true"
+ buildConfigField "boolean", "ENABLED_MALARIA_MODULE", "false"
buildConfigField "String[]", 'FACILITY_LEVEL', '{"MOH Jhpiego Facility Name", "Health Facility", "Facility"}'
@@ -83,17 +137,20 @@ android {
buildConfigField "int", "OPENMRS_UNIQUE_ID_BATCH_SIZE", '15'
buildConfigField "int", "OPENMRS_UNIQUE_ID_SOURCE", '2'
buildConfigField "boolean", "TIME_CHECK", "false"
- buildConfigField "int", "DATA_SYNC_DURATION_MINUTES", '15'
+ buildConfigField "int", "DATA_SYNC_DURATION_MINUTES", '30'
buildConfigField "int", "VACCINE_SYNC_PROCESSING_MINUTES", '30'
buildConfigField "int", "IMAGE_UPLOAD_MINUTES", '15'
buildConfigField "int", "PULL_UNIQUE_IDS_MINUTES", '15'
- buildConfigField "int", "REPORT_INDICATOR_GENERATION_MINUTES", '15'
+ buildConfigField "int", "REPORT_INDICATOR_GENERATION_MINUTES", '150'
buildConfigField "int", "HOME_VISIT_MINUTES", '60'
buildConfigField "int", "STOCK_USAGE_REPORT_MINUTES", '1440'
buildConfigField "boolean", 'SUPPORT_REPORT', 'false'
- buildConfigField "String[]", "ALLOWED_LOCATION_LEVELS", '{"Ward" , "Council", "Facility", "MOH Jhpiego Facility Name", "Health Facility", "Village", "Village Sublocations"}'
- buildConfigField "String[]", "LOCATION_HIERACHY", '{"Country","Region","District","Ward" ,"Council", "Facility", "MOH Jhpiego Facility Name", "Health Facility", "Village", "Village Sublocations"}'
+ buildConfigField "String[]", "ALLOWED_LOCATION_LEVELS", '{"Ward" , "Council", "Facility", "Village"}'
+ buildConfigField "String[]", "LOCATION_HIERACHY", '{"Country","Zone","Region","District","Council","Ward", "Facility","Village"}'
buildConfigField "String", 'DEFAULT_LOCATION', '"Facility"'
+ buildConfigField "boolean", "BUILD_FOR_BORESHA_AFYA_SOUTH", "true"
+ buildConfigField "boolean", "BUILD_FOR_PMTCT_CASE_BASED_MANAGEMENT", "false"
+ buildConfigField "boolean", "ENABLED_MALARIA_MODULE", "true"
buildConfigField "String[]", 'FACILITY_LEVEL', '{"MOH Jhpiego Facility Name", "Health Facility", "Facility"}'
testCoverageEnabled true
@@ -138,16 +195,95 @@ android {
+ flavorDimensions 'baseDimension'
+ productFlavors {
+ nacp {
+ applicationId "org.smartregister.chw.moh.hf"
+ minSdkVersion 21
+ targetSdkVersion 31
+ versionCode 21
+ versionName "1.1.13"
+ testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
+ multiDexEnabled true
+ buildConfigField "String", 'opensrp_url', '"https://ucs.nacp.go.tz/opensrp/"'
+// buildConfigField "String", 'opensrp_url_debug', '""'
+ buildConfigField "String", 'opensrp_url_debug', '""'
+ buildConfigField "boolean", 'SUPPORT_QR', 'true'
+ buildConfigField "int", "DATABASE_VERSION", '17'
+ buildConfigField "int", "DATA_SYNC_DURATION_MINUTES", '15'
+ buildConfigField "long", "MAX_SERVER_TIME_DIFFERENCE", "1800000l"
+ buildConfigField "boolean", "TIME_CHECK", "false"
+ buildConfigField "String", "SYNC_TYPE", '"teamId"'
+ buildConfigField "int", "MAX_SYNC_RETRIES", '3'
+ buildConfigField "long", "BUILD_TIMESTAMP", System.currentTimeMillis() + "L"
+ buildConfigField "boolean", "IS_SYNC_SETTINGS", "false"
+ javaCompileOptions {
+ annotationProcessorOptions {
+ includeCompileClasspath = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ba {
+ applicationId "org.smartregister.chw.hf"
+ minSdkVersion 21
+ targetSdkVersion 28
+ versionCode 11
+ versionName "1.2.13"
+ testInstrumentationRunner "androidx.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"
+ multiDexEnabled true
+ buildConfigField "String", 'opensrp_url', '"https://boresha-afya.smartregister.org/opensrp/"'
+ buildConfigField "String", 'opensrp_url_debug', '"https://boresha-afya-stage.smartregister.org/opensrp/"'
+ // buildConfigField "String", 'opensrp_url_debug', '"https://ba-unified-stage.smartregister.org/opensrp/"'
+ buildConfigField "boolean", 'SUPPORT_QR', 'true'
+ buildConfigField "int", "DATABASE_VERSION", '12'
+ buildConfigField "int", "DATA_SYNC_DURATION_MINUTES", '15'
+ buildConfigField "long", "MAX_SERVER_TIME_DIFFERENCE", "1800000l"
+ buildConfigField "boolean", "TIME_CHECK", "false"
+ buildConfigField "String", "SYNC_TYPE", '"teamId"'
+ buildConfigField "int", "MAX_SYNC_RETRIES", '3'
+ buildConfigField "long", "BUILD_TIMESTAMP", System.currentTimeMillis() + "L"
+ buildConfigField "boolean", "IS_SYNC_SETTINGS", "false"
+ javaCompileOptions {
+ annotationProcessorOptions {
+ includeCompileClasspath = true
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
lintOptions {
checkReleaseBuilds false
abortOnError false
+ dataBinding {
+ enabled = true
+ }
+ bundle {
+ language {
+ // Specifies that the app bundle should not support
+ // configuration APKs for language resources. These
+ // resources are instead packaged with each base and
+ // dynamic feature APK.
+ enableSplit = false
+ }
+ }
+def flavors = android.productFlavors.collect { flavor -> flavor.name }
+if (!flavors) flavors.add('')
+def testDependencies = []
+flavors.each { productFlavorName ->
+ testDependencies.add("test${productFlavorName.capitalize()}DebugUnitTest")
+ testDependencies.add("create${productFlavorName.capitalize()}DebugCoverageReport")
dependencies {
implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
- implementation('org.smartregister:opensrp-client-chw-core:1.5.27-SNAPSHOT@aar') {
+ implementation('org.smartregister:opensrp-client-chw-core:') {
// implementation(project(":opensrp-chw-core")) {
transitive = true
exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'appcompat-v7'
@@ -155,24 +291,38 @@ dependencies {
exclude group: 'androidx.appcompat', module: 'appcompat'
exclude group: 'androidx.constraintlayout', module: 'constraintlayout'
exclude group: 'com.google.guava', module: 'guava'
- exclude group: 'com.rengwuxian.materialedittext', module: 'library'
+ exclude group: 'org.smartregister', module: 'opensrp-client-materialedittext'
+ exclude group: 'org.smartregister', module: 'opensrp-client-chw-ld'
+ implementation('org.smartregister:opensrp-client-chw-ld:1.0.31-NACP-SNAPSHOT@aar') {
+ transitive = true
+ exclude group: 'org.smartregister', module: 'opensrp-client-core'
+ exclude group: 'org.smartregister', module: 'opensrp-client-native-form'
+ exclude group: 'org.smartregister', module: 'opensrp-client-configurable-views'
+ exclude group: 'com.android.support', module: 'appcompat-v7'
+ exclude group: 'id.zelory', module: 'compressor'
+ }
//Do not upgrade to 1.1.0 due to compatibility issues
+ implementation 'com.github.rey5137:material:1.2.5'
implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.0.2'
implementation 'com.google.android.material:material:1.0.0'
implementation 'androidx.legacy:legacy-support-v4:1.0.0'
//Do not upgrade to 1.1.0 due to compatibility issues
- implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.0.2'
- implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:1.1.3'
+ implementation 'androidx.recyclerview:recyclerview:1.1.0'
+ implementation 'androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout:2.1.3'
implementation 'com.android.support:multidex:1.0.3'
//Do not upgrade to 24.jre-1 due to compatibility issues
implementation 'com.google.guava:guava:20.0'
+ implementation 'androidx.webkit:webkit:1.4.0'
+ implementation 'com.whiteelephant:monthandyearpicker:1.3.0'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.ext:junit:1.1.1'
androidTestImplementation 'androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.2.0'
androidTestImplementation 'org.mockito:mockito-android:3.0.0'
- implementation 'com.github.lecho:hellocharts-android:v1.5.8'
+ implementation 'com.github.lecho:hellocharts-library:1.5.8@aar'
testImplementation 'junit:junit:4.13'
testImplementation 'org.mockito:mockito-core:3.1.0'
@@ -187,7 +337,9 @@ tasks.withType(Test) {
jacoco.includeNoLocationClasses = true
-task jacocoTestReport(type: JacocoReport, dependsOn: ['testDebugUnitTest', 'createDebugCoverageReport']) {
+task jacocoTestReport(type: JacocoReport, dependsOn: ['testDebugUnitTest', 'createDebugCoverageReport',
+ 'testBaDebugUnitTest', 'createBaDebugCoverageReport',
+ 'testNacpDebugUnitTest', 'createNacpDebugCoverageReport']) {
reports {
xml.enabled = true
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
index 40972a876..43f587432 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
@@ -3,53 +3,200 @@
+ tools:replace="android:theme, android:icon">
+ android:windowSoftInputMode="stateAlwaysHidden|adjustResize"/>
@@ -127,6 +325,18 @@
android:theme="@style/HFTheme.NoActionBar" />
@@ -163,15 +371,140 @@
@@ -203,30 +524,44 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/anc-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/anc-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2facf500
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/anc-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,4511 @@
+ - key: "2a-10-14"
+ description: "Gestation age less than 12 weeks for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.gest_age as INT) < 12 AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2b-10-14"
+ description: "Gestation age greater than or equals to 12 weeks for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.gest_age as INT) >= 12 AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2c-10-14"
+ description: "Followup visits for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.visit_number > 1 OR is_transfer_in IS NOT NULL)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2d-10-14"
+ description: "Followup visits for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number >= 4
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2e-10-14"
+ description: "Clients Who Tested HB Levels on First Visit 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND eaf.hb_level IS NOT NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4b-10-14"
+ description: "Pregnant Clients 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4d-10-14"
+ description: "Clients with HB Level less than 8.5 for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 8.5
+ AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4e-10-14"
+ description: "Clients with BP greater than or equalts to 140/90 mm/hg for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.systolic AS INTEGER) > 140
+ AND CAST(eaf.diastolic AS INTEGER) > 90
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4g-10-14"
+ description: "Clients with glucose in urine for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.glucose_in_urine = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4h-10-14"
+ description: "Clients with protein in urine for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.protein_in_urine = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4i-10-14"
+ description: "Clients tested syphilis for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.syphilis <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4j-10-14"
+ description: "Clients tested syphilis for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.syphilis = 'positive')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4l-10-14"
+ description: "Partners tested syphilis for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5a-10-14"
+ description: "Known on ART Clients for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5c-10-14"
+ description: "Clients Tested for HIV on first visit for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5d-10-14"
+ description: "Clients Tested for HIV on first visit and found positive for 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5e-10-14"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliokutwa na VVU (positive) kipimo cha kwanza walio chini ya umri wa miaka 25"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5g-10-14"
+ description: "Couple testing for clients who are 10 - 14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.couple_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2a-15-19"
+ description: "Gestation age less than 12 weeks for 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.gest_age as INT) < 12 AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2b-15-19"
+ description: "Gestation age greater than or equals to 12 weeks for 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.gest_age as INT) >= 12
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2c-15-19"
+ description: "Followup visits for 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.visit_number > 1 OR is_transfer_in IS NOT NULL)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2d-15-19"
+ description: "Followup visits for 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number >= 4
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2e-15-19"
+ description: "Clients Who Tested HB Levels on First Visit For 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND eaf.hb_level IS NOT NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4a-15-19"
+ description: "Pregnant Clients with four or more pregnancies 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history LIKE '%pregnant_more_than_four%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4b-15-19"
+ description: "Pregnant Clients 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4d-15-19"
+ description: "Clients with HB Level less than 8.5 for 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 8.5
+ AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4e-15-19"
+ description: "Clients with BP greater than or equalts to 140/90 mm/hg for 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.systolic AS INTEGER) > 140
+ AND CAST(eaf.diastolic AS INTEGER) > 90
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4g-15-19"
+ description: "Clients with glucose in urine for 10 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.glucose_in_urine = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4h-15-19"
+ description: "Clients with protein in urine for 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.protein_in_urine = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4i-15-19"
+ description: "Clients tested syphilis for 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.syphilis <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4j-15-19"
+ description: "Clients tested syphilis for 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.syphilis = 'positive')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4l-15-19"
+ description: "Partners tested syphilis for 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5a-15-19"
+ description: "Known on ART Clients for 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5c-15-19"
+ description: "Clients Tested for HIV on first visit for 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5d-15-19"
+ description: "Clients Tested for HIV on first visit and found positive for 15 - 19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5e-15-19"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliokutwa na VVU (positive) kipimo cha kwanza walio chini ya umri wa miaka 25"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2a-20-24"
+ description: "Gestation age less than 12 weeks for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.gest_age as INT) < 12 AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2b-20-24"
+ description: "Gestation age greater than or equals to 12 weeks for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.gest_age as INT) >= 12 AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2c-20-24"
+ description: "Followup visits for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.visit_number > 1 OR is_transfer_in IS NOT NULL)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2d-20-24"
+ description: "Followup visits for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number >= 4
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2e-20-24"
+ description: "Clients Who Tested HB Levels on First Visit for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND eaf.hb_level IS NOT NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4a-20-24"
+ description: "Pregnant Clients with four or more pregnancies 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history LIKE '%pregnant_more_than_four%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4d-20-24"
+ description: "Clients with HB Level less than 8.5 for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 8.5
+ AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4e-20-24"
+ description: "Clients with BP greater than or equalts to 140/90 mm/hg for 20 - 25 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.systolic AS INTEGER) > 140
+ AND CAST(eaf.diastolic AS INTEGER) > 90
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4g-20-24"
+ description: "Clients with glucose in urine for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.glucose_in_urine = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4h-20-24"
+ description: "Clients with protein in urine for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.protein_in_urine = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4i-20-24"
+ description: "Clients tested syphilis for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.syphilis <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4j-20-24"
+ description: "Clients tested syphilis for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.syphilis = 'positive')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4l-20-24"
+ description: "Partners tested syphilis for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5a-20-24"
+ description: "Known on ART Clients for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5c-20-24"
+ description: "Clients Tested for HIV on first visit for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5d-20-24"
+ description: "Clients Tested for HIV on first visit and found positive for 20 - 24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5e-20-24"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliokutwa na VVU (positive) kipimo cha kwanza walio chini ya umri wa miaka 25"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2a-25-29"
+ description: "Gestation age less than 12 weeks for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.gest_age as INT) < 12 AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2b-25-29"
+ description: "Gestation age greater than or equals to 12 weeks for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.gest_age as INT) >= 12 AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+29 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2c-25-29"
+ description: "Followup visits for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.visit_number > 1 OR is_transfer_in IS NOT NULL)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2d-25-29"
+ description: "Followup visits for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number >= 4
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2e-25-29"
+ description: "Clients Who Tested HB Levels on First Visit for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND eaf.hb_level IS NOT NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4a-25-29"
+ description: "Pregnant Clients with four or more pregnancies 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history LIKE '%pregnant_more_than_four%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4d-25-29"
+ description: "Clients with HB Level less than 8.5 for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 8.5
+ AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4e-25-29"
+ description: "Clients with BP greater than or equalts to 140/90 mm/hg for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.systolic AS INTEGER) > 140
+ AND CAST(eaf.diastolic AS INTEGER) > 90
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4g-25-29"
+ description: "Clients with glucose in urine for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.glucose_in_urine = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4h-25-29"
+ description: "Clients with protein in urine for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.protein_in_urine = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4i-25-29"
+ description: "Clients tested syphilis for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.syphilis <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4j-25-29"
+ description: "Clients tested syphilis for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.syphilis = 'positive')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4l-25-29"
+ description: "Partners tested syphilis for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5a-25-29"
+ description: "Known on ART Clients for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5c-25-29"
+ description: "Clients Tested for HIV on first visit for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5d-25-29"
+ description: "Clients Tested for HIV on first visit and found positive for 25 - 29 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2a-30-34"
+ description: "Gestation age less than 12 weeks for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.gest_age as INT) < 12 AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2b-30-34"
+ description: "Gestation age greater than or equals to 12 weeks for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.gest_age as INT) >= 12 AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2c-30-34"
+ description: "Followup visits for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.visit_number > 1 OR is_transfer_in IS NOT NULL)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2d-30-34"
+ description: "Followup visits for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number >= 4
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2e-30-34"
+ description: "Clients Who Tested HB Levels on First Visit for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND eaf.hb_level IS NOT NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4a-30-34"
+ description: "Pregnant Clients with four or more pregnancies 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history LIKE '%pregnant_more_than_four%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4d-30-34"
+ description: "Clients with HB Level less than 8.5 for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 8.5
+ AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4e-30-34"
+ description: "Clients with BP greater than or equalts to 140/90 mm/hg for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.systolic AS INTEGER) > 140
+ AND CAST(eaf.diastolic AS INTEGER) > 90
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4g-30-34"
+ description: "Clients with glucose in urine for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.glucose_in_urine = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4h-30-34"
+ description: "Clients with protein in urine for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.protein_in_urine = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4i-30-34"
+ description: "Clients tested syphilis for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.syphilis <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4j-30-34"
+ description: "Clients tested syphilis for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.syphilis = 'positive')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4l-30-34"
+ description: "Partners tested syphilis for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5a-30-34"
+ description: "Known on ART Clients for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5c-30-34"
+ description: "Clients Tested for HIV on first visit for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5d-30-34"
+ description: "Clients Tested for HIV on first visit and found positive for 30 - 34 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2a-35+"
+ description: "Gestation age less than 12 weeks for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.gest_age as INT) < 12 AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2b-35+"
+ description: "Gestation age greater than or equals to 12 weeks for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.gest_age as INT) >= 12 AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2c-35+"
+ description: "Followup visits for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.visit_number > 1 OR is_transfer_in IS NOT NULL)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2d-35+"
+ description: "Followup visits for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number >= 4
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "2e-35+"
+ description: "Clients Who Tested HB Levels on First Visit for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND is_transfer_in IS NULL
+ AND eaf.hb_level IS NOT NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4a-35+"
+ description: "Pregnant Clients with four or more pregnancies 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history LIKE '%pregnant_more_than_four%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4c-35+"
+ description: "Pregnant Clients 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history LIKE '%first_pregnancy_at_or_above_thirty_five%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4d-35+"
+ description: "Clients with HB Level less than 8.5 for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 8.5
+ AND eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4e-35+"
+ description: "Clients with BP greater than or equalts to 140/90 mm/hg for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(eaf.systolic AS INTEGER) > 140
+ AND CAST(eaf.diastolic AS INTEGER) > 90
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4g-35+"
+ description: "Clients with glucose in urine for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.glucose_in_urine = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4h-35+"
+ description: "Clients with protein in urine for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.protein_in_urine = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4i-35+"
+ description: "Clients tested syphilis for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.syphilis <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4j-35+"
+ description: "Clients tested syphilis for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.syphilis = 'positive')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4l-35+"
+ description: "Partners tested syphilis for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5a-35+"
+ description: "Known on ART Clients for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.visit_number = 1
+ AND medical_surgical_history LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5c-35+"
+ description: "Clients Tested for HIV on first visit for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5d-35+"
+ description: "Clients Tested for HIV on first visit and found positive for 35+ year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND medical_surgical_history NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "3-10-14"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopata Chanjo ya TT2+"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt2%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt3%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt4%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt5%')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "3-15-19"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopata Chanjo ya TT2+"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt2%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt3%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt4%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt5%')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "3-20-24"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopata Chanjo ya TT2+"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt2%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt3%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt4%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt5%')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "3-25-29"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopata Chanjo ya TT2+"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt2%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt3%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt4%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt5%')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "3-30-34"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopata Chanjo ya TT2+"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt2%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt3%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt4%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt5%')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "3-35+"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopata Chanjo ya TT2+"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt2%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt3%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt4%' OR ear.tt_vaccination_type LIKE '%tt5%')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4f-10-14"
+ description: "Kifua Kikuu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.tb_status = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4f-15-19"
+ description: "Kifua Kikuu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.tb_status = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4f-20-24"
+ description: "Kifua Kikuu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.tb_status = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4f-25-29"
+ description: "Kifua Kikuu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.tb_status = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4f-30-34"
+ description: "Kifua Kikuu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.tb_status = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4f-35+"
+ description: "Kifua Kikuu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.tb_status = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4k-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.syphilis_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4k-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.syphilis_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4k-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.syphilis_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4k-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.syphilis_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4k-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.syphilis_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4k-35+"
+ description: "Waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.syphilis_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4m-10-14"
+ description: "Wenza/Waume Waliogundulika na maambukizi ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4m-15-19"
+ description: "Wenza/Waume Waliogundulika na maambukizi ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4m-20-24"
+ description: "Wenza/Waume Waliogundulika na maambukizi ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4m-25-29"
+ description: "Wenza/Waume Waliogundulika na maambukizi ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4m-30-34"
+ description: "Wenza/Waume Waliogundulika na maambukizi ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4m-35+"
+ description: "Wenza/Waume Waliogundulika na maambukizi ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4n-10-14"
+ description: "Wenza/waume waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4n-15-19"
+ description: "Wenza/waume waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4n-20-24"
+ description: "Wenza/waume waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4n-25-29"
+ description: "Wenza/waume waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4n-30-34"
+ description: "Wenza/waume waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4n-35+"
+ description: "Wenza/waume waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_syphilis_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4o-10-14"
+ description: "Wajawazito Waliopatikana na magonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.other_stds = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4o-15-19"
+ description: "Wajawazito Waliopatikana na magonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.other_stds = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4o-20-24"
+ description: "Wajawazito Waliopatikana na magonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.other_stds = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4o-25-29"
+ description: "Wajawazito Waliopatikana na magonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.other_stds = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4o-30-34"
+ description: "Wajawazito Waliopatikana na magonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.other_stds = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4o-35+"
+ description: "Wajawazito Waliopatikana na magonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.other_stds = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4q-10-14"
+ description: "Wenza/Waume waliopatikana na mgonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_other_stds = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4q-15-19"
+ description: "Wenza/Waume waliopatikana na mgonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_other_stds = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4q-20-24"
+ description: "Wenza/Waume waliopatikana na mgonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_other_stds = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4q-25-29"
+ description: "Wenza/Waume waliopatikana na mgonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_other_stds = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4q-30-34"
+ description: "Wenza/Waume waliopatikana na mgonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_other_stds = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4q-35+"
+ description: "Wenza/Waume waliopatikana na mgonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_other_stds = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4p-10-14"
+ description: "Wajawazito Waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.other_stds_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4p-15-19"
+ description: "Wajawazito Waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.other_stds_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4p-20-24"
+ description: "Wajawazito Waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.other_stds_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4p-25-29"
+ description: "Wajawazito Waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.other_stds_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4p-30-34"
+ description: "Wajawazito Waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.other_stds_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4p-35+"
+ description: "Wajawazito Waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.other_stds_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4r-10-14"
+ description: "Wenzi/Waume waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_other_stds_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4r-15-19"
+ description: "Wenzi/Waume waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_other_stds_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4r-20-24"
+ description: "Wenzi/Waume waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_other_stds_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4r-25-29"
+ description: "Wenzi/Waume waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_other_stds_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4r-30-34"
+ description: "Wenzi/Waume waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_other_stds_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "4r-35+"
+ description: "Wenzi/Waume waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya ngono yasiyo kaswende"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_other_stds_treatment = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5b-10-14"
+ description: "Wajawazito wote Waliopata Ushauri nasaha kabla ya Kupima VVU kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_counselling_before_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5b-15-19"
+ description: "Wajawazito wote Waliopata Ushauri nasaha kabla ya Kupima VVU kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_counselling_before_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5b-20-24"
+ description: "Wajawazito wote Waliopata Ushauri nasaha kabla ya Kupima VVU kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_counselling_before_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5b-25-29"
+ description: "Wajawazito wote Waliopata Ushauri nasaha kabla ya Kupima VVU kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_counselling_before_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5b-30-34"
+ description: "Wajawazito wote Waliopata Ushauri nasaha kabla ya Kupima VVU kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_counselling_before_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5b-35+"
+ description: "Wajawazito wote Waliopata Ushauri nasaha kabla ya Kupima VVU kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_counselling_before_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5f-10-14"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopata ushauri 0 baada ya kupima"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_counselling_after_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5f-15-19"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopata ushauri 0 baada ya kupima"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_counselling_after_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5f-20-24"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopata ushauri 0 baada ya kupima"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_counselling_after_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5f-25-29"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopata ushauri 0 baada ya kupima"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_counselling_after_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5f-30-34"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopata ushauri 0 baada ya kupima"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_counselling_after_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5f-35+"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopata ushauri 0 baada ya kupima"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_counselling_after_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5g-10-14"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopimwa VVU na wenza wao (Couple) kwa pamoja katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.couple_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5g-15-19"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopimwa VVU na wenza wao (Couple) kwa pamoja katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.couple_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5g-20-24"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopimwa VVU na wenza wao (Couple) kwa pamoja katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.couple_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5g-25-29"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopimwa VVU na wenza wao (Couple) kwa pamoja katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.couple_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5g-30-34"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopimwa VVU na wenza wao (Couple) kwa pamoja katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.couple_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5g-35+"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopimwa VVU na wenza wao (Couple) kwa pamoja katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.couple_testing = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5h-10-14"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopima VVU kipimo cha pili"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5h-15-19"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopima VVU kipimo cha pili"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5h-20-24"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopima VVU kipimo cha pili"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5h-25-29"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopima VVU kipimo cha pili"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5h-30-34"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopima VVU kipimo cha pili"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5h-35+"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopima VVU kipimo cha pili"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5i-10-14"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliokutwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5i-15-19"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliokutwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5i-20-24"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliokutwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5i-25-29"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliokutwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5i-30-34"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliokutwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5i-35+"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliokutwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5j-10-14"
+ description: "Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha kwanza Kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5j-15-19"
+ description: "Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha kwanza Kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5j-20-24"
+ description: "Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha kwanza Kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5j-25-29"
+ description: "Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha kwanza Kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5j-30-34"
+ description: "Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha kwanza Kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5j-35+"
+ description: "Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha kwanza Kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5k-10-14"
+ description: "Wenza waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha kwanza katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5k-15-19"
+ description: "Wenza waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha kwanza katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5k-20-24"
+ description: "Wenza waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha kwanza katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5k-25-29"
+ description: "Wenza waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha kwanza katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5k-30-34"
+ description: "Wenza waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha kwanza katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5k-35+"
+ description: "Wenza waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha kwanza katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5l-10-14"
+ description: "Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha 0 pili Kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5l-15-19"
+ description: "Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha 0 pili Kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5l-20-24"
+ description: "Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha 0 pili Kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5l-25-29"
+ description: "Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha 0 pili Kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5l-30-34"
+ description: "Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha 0 pili Kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5l-35+"
+ description: "Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha 0 pili Kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5m-10-14"
+ description: "Wenza waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5m-15-19"
+ description: "Wenza waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5m-20-24"
+ description: "Wenza waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5m-25-29"
+ description: "Wenza waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5m-30-34"
+ description: "Wenza waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5m-35+"
+ description: "Wenza waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili katika kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.partner_hiv_test_at_32 = 'true'
+ AND eaf.partner_hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5n-10-14"
+ description: "Wajawazito na wenza waliopata majibu tofauti(discordant) baada ya kupima VVU kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT visit_date, hiv, entity_id FROM ec_anc_followup where hiv IS NOT NULL AND hiv <> 'test_not_conducted') eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv IS NOT NULL AND ear.hiv <> ear.partner_hiv
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5n-15-19"
+ description: "Wajawazito na wenza waliopata majibu tofauti(discordant) baada ya kupima VVU kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT visit_date, hiv, entity_id FROM ec_anc_followup where hiv IS NOT NULL AND hiv <> 'test_not_conducted') eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv IS NOT NULL AND ear.hiv <> ear.partner_hiv
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5n-20-24"
+ description: "Wajawazito na wenza waliopata majibu tofauti(discordant) baada ya kupima VVU kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT visit_date, hiv, entity_id FROM ec_anc_followup where hiv IS NOT NULL AND hiv <> 'test_not_conducted') eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv IS NOT NULL AND ear.hiv <> ear.partner_hiv
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5n-25-29"
+ description: "Wajawazito na wenza waliopata majibu tofauti(discordant) baada ya kupima VVU kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT visit_date, hiv, entity_id FROM ec_anc_followup where hiv IS NOT NULL AND hiv <> 'test_not_conducted') eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv IS NOT NULL AND ear.hiv <> ear.partner_hiv
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5n-30-34"
+ description: "Wajawazito na wenza waliopata majibu tofauti(discordant) baada ya kupima VVU kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT visit_date, hiv, entity_id FROM ec_anc_followup where hiv IS NOT NULL AND hiv <> 'test_not_conducted') eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv IS NOT NULL AND ear.hiv <> ear.partner_hiv
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5n-35+"
+ description: "Wajawazito na wenza waliopata majibu tofauti(discordant) baada ya kupima VVU kliniki ya wajawazito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT visit_date, hiv, entity_id FROM ec_anc_followup where hiv IS NOT NULL AND hiv <> 'test_not_conducted') eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv IS NOT NULL AND ear.hiv <> ear.partner_hiv
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5o-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopata ushauri juu ya ulishaji wa mtoto"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.given_counselling LIKE '%chk_child_feeding%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5o-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopata ushauri juu ya ulishaji wa mtoto"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.given_counselling LIKE '%chk_child_feeding%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5o-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopata ushauri juu ya ulishaji wa mtoto"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.given_counselling LIKE '%chk_child_feeding%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5o-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopata ushauri juu ya ulishaji wa mtoto"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.given_counselling LIKE '%chk_child_feeding%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5o-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopata ushauri juu ya ulishaji wa mtoto"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.given_counselling LIKE '%chk_child_feeding%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5o-35+"
+ description: "Waliopata ushauri juu ya ulishaji wa mtoto"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.given_counselling LIKE '%chk_child_feeding%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5p-10-14"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopima VVU kipimo cha kwanza walio chini ya umri wa miaka 25"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5p-15-19"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopima VVU kipimo cha kwanza walio chini ya umri wa miaka 25"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "5p-20-24"
+ description: "Wajawazito waliopima VVU kipimo cha kwanza walio chini ya umri wa miaka 25"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on ear.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.hiv_test_number = 1
+ AND eaf.hiv <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6a-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopewa LLIN"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.llin_provision = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6a-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopewa LLIN"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.llin_provision = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6a-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopewa LLIN"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.llin_provision = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6a-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopewa LLIN"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.llin_provision = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6a-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopewa LLIN"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.llin_provision = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6a-35+"
+ description: "Waliopewa LLIN"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.llin_provision = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6b-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopimwa Malaria kutumia mRDT/BS"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.mRDT_for_malaria <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6b-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopimwa Malaria kutumia mRDT/BS"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.mRDT_for_malaria <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6b-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopimwa Malaria kutumia mRDT/BS"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.mRDT_for_malaria <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6b-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopimwa Malaria kutumia mRDT/BS"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.mRDT_for_malaria <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6b-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopimwa Malaria kutumia mRDT/BS"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.mRDT_for_malaria <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6b-35+"
+ description: "Waliopimwa Malaria kutumia mRDT/BS"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.mRDT_for_malaria <> 'test_not_conducted'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6c-10-14"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Malaria positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.mRDT_for_malaria = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6c-15-19"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Malaria positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.mRDT_for_malaria = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6c-20-24"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Malaria positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.mRDT_for_malaria = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6c-25-29"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Malaria positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.mRDT_for_malaria = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6c-30-34"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Malaria positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.mRDT_for_malaria = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6c-35+"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Malaria positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.mRDT_for_malaria = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6d-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT2"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt2'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6d-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT2"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt2'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6d-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT2"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt2'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6d-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT2"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt2'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6d-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT2"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt2'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6d-35+"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT2"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt2'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6e-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT3"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt3'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6e-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT3"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt3'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6e-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT3"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt3'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6e-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT3"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt3'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6e-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT3"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt3'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6e-35+"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT3"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt3'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6f-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT4"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt4'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6f-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT4"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt4'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6f-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT4"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt4'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6f-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT4"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt4'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6f-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT4"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt4'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "6f-35+"
+ description: "Waliopewa IPT4"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.malaria_preventive_therapy = 'ipt4'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "7-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopewa Iron/Folic Acid (I,F,IFA) vidonge vya kutosha mpaka hudhurio linalofuata"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.iron_folate_supplements LIKE '%FeFo%' OR eaf.iron_folate_supplements LIKE '%folic%')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "7-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopewa Iron/Folic Acid (I,F,IFA) vidonge vya kutosha mpaka hudhurio linalofuata"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.iron_folate_supplements LIKE '%FeFo%' OR eaf.iron_folate_supplements LIKE '%folic%')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "7-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopewa Iron/Folic Acid (I,F,IFA) vidonge vya kutosha mpaka hudhurio linalofuata"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.iron_folate_supplements LIKE '%FeFo%' OR eaf.iron_folate_supplements LIKE '%folic%')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "7-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopewa Iron/Folic Acid (I,F,IFA) vidonge vya kutosha mpaka hudhurio linalofuata"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.iron_folate_supplements LIKE '%FeFo%' OR eaf.iron_folate_supplements LIKE '%folic%')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "7-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopewa Iron/Folic Acid (I,F,IFA) vidonge vya kutosha mpaka hudhurio linalofuata"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.iron_folate_supplements LIKE '%FeFo%' OR eaf.iron_folate_supplements LIKE '%folic%')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "7-35+"
+ description: "Waliopewa Iron/Folic Acid (I,F,IFA) vidonge vya kutosha mpaka hudhurio linalofuata"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE (eaf.iron_folate_supplements LIKE '%FeFo%' OR eaf.iron_folate_supplements LIKE '%folic%')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "8-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopewa Dawa za minyoo(Mebendazole/Albendazole)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.deworming <> 'medication_not_given'
+ AND eaf.deworming IS NOT NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "8-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopewa Dawa za minyoo(Mebendazole/Albendazole)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.deworming <> 'medication_not_given'
+ AND eaf.deworming IS NOT NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "8-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopewa Dawa za minyoo(Mebendazole/Albendazole)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.deworming <> 'medication_not_given'
+ AND eaf.deworming IS NOT NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "8-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopewa Dawa za minyoo(Mebendazole/Albendazole)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.deworming <> 'medication_not_given'
+ AND eaf.deworming IS NOT NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "8-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopewa Dawa za minyoo(Mebendazole/Albendazole)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.deworming <> 'medication_not_given'
+ AND eaf.deworming IS NOT NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "8-35+"
+ description: "Waliopewa Dawa za minyoo(Mebendazole/Albendazole)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.deworming <> 'medication_not_given'
+ AND eaf.deworming IS NOT NULL
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "9-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopewa ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.given_counselling LIKE '%chk_condom_use%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "9-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopewa ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.given_counselling LIKE '%chk_condom_use%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "9-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopewa ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.given_counselling LIKE '%chk_condom_use%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "9-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopewa ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.given_counselling LIKE '%chk_condom_use%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "9-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopewa ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.given_counselling LIKE '%chk_condom_use%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "9-35+"
+ description: "Waliopewa ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ WHERE eaf.given_counselling LIKE '%chk_condom_use%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "10-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopewa Rufaa wakati wa ujauzito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on fm.base_entity_id = t.for
+ WHERE date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 9, 2)) >
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(ear.confirmation_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "10-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopewa Rufaa wakati wa ujauzito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on fm.base_entity_id = t.for
+ WHERE date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 9, 2)) >
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(ear.confirmation_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "10-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopewa Rufaa wakati wa ujauzito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on fm.base_entity_id = t.for
+ WHERE date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 9, 2)) >
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(ear.confirmation_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "10-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopewa Rufaa wakati wa ujauzito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on fm.base_entity_id = t.for
+ WHERE date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 9, 2)) >
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(ear.confirmation_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "10-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopewa Rufaa wakati wa ujauzito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on fm.base_entity_id = t.for
+ WHERE date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 9, 2)) >
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(ear.confirmation_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "10-35+"
+ description: "Waliopewa Rufaa wakati wa ujauzito"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on fm.base_entity_id = t.for
+ WHERE date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.server_version / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 9, 2)) >
+ date(substr(ear.confirmation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ear.confirmation_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(ear.confirmation_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "11-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopewa Rufaa kwenda CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_registration epr on fm.base_entity_id = epr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epr.ctc_number IS NOT NULL
+ AND ear.known_on_art NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "11-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopewa Rufaa kwenda CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_registration epr on fm.base_entity_id = epr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epr.ctc_number IS NOT NULL
+ AND ear.known_on_art NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "11-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopewa Rufaa kwenda CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_registration epr on fm.base_entity_id = epr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epr.ctc_number IS NOT NULL
+ AND ear.known_on_art NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "11-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopewa Rufaa kwenda CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_registration epr on fm.base_entity_id = epr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epr.ctc_number IS NOT NULL
+ AND ear.known_on_art NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "11-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopewa Rufaa kwenda CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_registration epr on fm.base_entity_id = epr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epr.ctc_number IS NOT NULL
+ AND ear.known_on_art NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "11-35+"
+ description: "Waliopewa Rufaa kwenda CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ear.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_anc_register ear
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ear.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on fm.base_entity_id = eaf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_registration epr on fm.base_entity_id = epr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epr.ctc_number IS NOT NULL
+ AND ear.known_on_art NOT LIKE '%known_on_art%'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(eaf.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/cbhs-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/cbhs-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1350da7e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/cbhs-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,1145 @@
+ - key: "cbhs-1a-jumla-me"
+ description: "Number of Male clients enrolled to HIV services until last month"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 9, 2)) <
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-1a-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Number of Female clients enrolled to HIV services until last month"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 9, 2)) <
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-1b-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total Male continuing with care this month"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'continuing_with_services'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-1b-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total Female continuing with care this month"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'continuing_with_services'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total new male clients registered this month"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total new female clients registered this month"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-1-me"
+ description: "Total new male clients less than one year old registered this month"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+1 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-1-ke"
+ description: "Total new female clients less than one year old registered this month"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+1 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-1-5-me"
+ description: "Total new male clients registered this month for 1-5 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+1 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+6 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-1-5-ke"
+ description: "Total new female clients registered this month for 1-5 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+1 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+6 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-6-9-me"
+ description: "Total new male clients registered this month for 6-9 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+6 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-6-9-ke"
+ description: "Total new female clients registered this month for 6-9 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+6 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-10-14-me"
+ description: "Total new male clients registered this month for 10-14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-10-14-ke"
+ description: "Total new female clients registered this month for 10-14 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-15-19-me"
+ description: "Total new male clients registered this month for 15-19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-15-19-ke"
+ description: "Total new female clients registered this month for 15-19 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-20-24-me"
+ description: "Total new male clients registered this month for 20-24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-20-24-ke"
+ description: "Total new female clients registered this month for 20-24 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-25-49-me"
+ description: "Total new male clients registered this month for 25-49 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-25-49-ke"
+ description: "Total new female clients registered this month for 25-49 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-50-59-me"
+ description: "Total new male clients registered this month for 50-59 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+60 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-50-59-ke"
+ description: "Total new female clients registered this month for 50-59 year olds"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+60 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-60-me"
+ description: "Total new male clients registered this month above 60 years"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+60 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2a-60-ke"
+ description: "Total new female clients registered this month above 60 years"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'new_client' or ecr.registration_or_followup_status is null)
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+60 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-1-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total male with HIV infections"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'hiv_aids'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-1-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total female with HIV infections"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'hiv_aids'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-2-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total male with Tuberculosis"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'tuberculosis'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-2-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total male with Tuberculosis"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'tuberculosis'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-3-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total homosexuals"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'homosexual'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-4-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total Sex workers"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'sex_worker_woman'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-5-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total male infants born with HIV infections"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'hiv_infected_child'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-5-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total female infants born with HIV infections"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'hiv_infected_child'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-6-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total HIV untested male infants"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'untested_hiv_infected_child'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-6-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total HIV untested female infants"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'untested_hiv_infected_child'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-7-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total male children abused"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'abused_child'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-7-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total Female children abused"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'abused_child'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-8-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total Male gender violence"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'gender_violence'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-8-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total Female gender violence"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'gender_violence'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-9-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total Male drug addicts"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'drug_abuse'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-9-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total Female drug addicts"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'drug_abuse'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-10-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total pregnant women"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'pregnant_mother'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2b-11-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total breast feeding mothers"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecr.reasons_for_registration = 'breastfeeding_mother'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2c-2-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total male infected with HIV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (
+ (ecr.client_hiv_status_during_registration = 'positive'
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1,
+ 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6,
+ 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')))
+ OR (ecf.client_hiv_status_after_testing = 'positive'
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1,
+ 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6,
+ 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2c-2-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total female infected with HIV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (
+ (ecr.client_hiv_status_during_registration = 'positive'
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1,
+ 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6,
+ 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')))
+ OR (ecf.client_hiv_status_after_testing = 'positive'
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1,
+ 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6,
+ 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2c-3-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total male not infected with HIV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (
+ (ecr.client_hiv_status_during_registration = 'negative'
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1,
+ 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6,
+ 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')))
+ OR (ecf.client_hiv_status_after_testing = 'negative'
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1,
+ 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6,
+ 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2c-3-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total female not infected with HIV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (
+ (ecr.client_hiv_status_during_registration = 'negative'
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1,
+ 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6,
+ 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')))
+ OR (ecf.client_hiv_status_after_testing = 'negative'
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1,
+ 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6,
+ 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2c-4-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total male unknown HIV status"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (
+ (ecr.client_hiv_status_during_registration = 'unknown'
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1,
+ 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6,
+ 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')))
+ OR (ecf.client_hiv_status_after_testing = 'unknown'
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1,
+ 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6,
+ 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2c-4-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total female unknown HIV status"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (
+ (ecr.client_hiv_status_during_registration = 'unknown'
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1,
+ 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.hiv_registration_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6,
+ 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')))
+ OR (ecf.client_hiv_status_after_testing = 'unknown'
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1,
+ 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6,
+ 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-1-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total male given HIV counselling and testing"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%hiv_counselling_and_testing%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-1-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total female given HIV counselling and testing"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%hiv_counselling_and_testing%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-2-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total male given ARV medication"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%arv_services%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-2-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total female given ARV medication"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%arv_services%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-3-jumla-me"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%hiv_prevention_services_from_mother_to_infant%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-3-jumla-ke"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%hiv_prevention_services_from_mother_to_infant%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-4-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total male given Collaborative HIV and TB Health services"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%collaborative_community_services_for_tb_and_hiv%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-4-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total female given Collaborative HIV and TB Health services"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%collaborative_community_services_for_tb_and_hiv%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-5-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total male given services to reduce the spread of STDs"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%prevention_of_the_spread_of_stds_service%' AND fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-5-jumla-ke"
+ description: "Total female given services to reduce the spread of STDs"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%prevention_of_the_spread_of_stds_service%' AND fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-6-jumla-me"
+ description: "Total male given special group services"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%for_special_group_services%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-6-jumla-ke"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%for_special_group_services%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-7-jumla-me"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%prevention_of_gender_based_violence_and_child_abuse_services%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-7-jumla-ke"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%prevention_of_gender_based_violence_and_child_abuse_services%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-8-jumla-me"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%psychological_services%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-8-jumla-ke"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%psychological_services%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-9-jumla-me"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%information_about_fgm%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-9-jumla-ke"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%information_about_fgm%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-10-jumla-me"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%family_planning_and_condom_distribution_services%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-10-jumla-ke"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%family_planning_and_condom_distribution_services%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-11-jumla-me"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%distribution_of_self_test_kits%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-2d-11-jumla-ke"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ecf.hiv_services_provided LIKE '%distribution_of_self_test_kits%'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-5-jumla"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ ecf.registration_or_followup_status <> 'client_continues_with_clinic_from_elsewhere' AND ecf.registration_or_followup_status <> 'new_client' AND ecf.registration_or_followup_status <> 'continuing_with_services'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-5-deseased"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'deceased'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-5-continue-with-clinic-from-elsewhere"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'client_continues_with_clinic_from_elsewhere'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-5-moved"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'client_has_moved'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-5-absconded"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'client_has_absconded'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-5-completed_and_qualified_from_the_services"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ INNER JOIN ec_cbhs_followup ecf on ecf.entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = ecr.base_entity_id
+ ecf.registration_or_followup_status = 'completed_and_qualified_from_the_services'
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-6-kisheria"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_followup ecf
+ WHERE instr(ecf.referrals_issued_to_other_services ,'legal_services') AND
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-6-vikundi"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_followup ecf
+ WHERE instr(ecf.referrals_issued_to_other_services ,'support_groups') AND
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-6-huduma-zingine"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_followup ecf
+ WHERE instr(ecf.referrals_issued_to_other_services ,'other_referrals') AND
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-7-kisheria"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_followup ecf
+ WHERE instr(ecf.referrals_to_other_services_completed ,'legal_services') AND
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-7-vikundi"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_followup ecf
+ WHERE instr(ecf.referrals_to_other_services_completed ,'support_groups') AND
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-7-huduma-zingine"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_followup ecf
+ WHERE instr(ecf.referrals_to_other_services_completed ,'other_referrals') AND
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecf.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "cbhs-8-jumla"
+ description: ""
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ecr.provider_id) as count
+ FROM ec_cbhs_register ecr
+ WHERE date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ecr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/community-ltfu-summary.yml b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/community-ltfu-summary.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab3e04964
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/community-ltfu-summary.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,3704 @@
+ # - Male under 2 years
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-ctc"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 wasiofika kliniki ya CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'CTC' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-prep"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 wasiofika kliniki ya PrEP"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'Prep' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-pmtct"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 wasiofika kliniki ya PMTCT"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PMTCT' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-tb"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 wasiofika kliniki ya wenye TB "
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'TB' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-wajidunga"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 wasiofika kliniki ya wanaojidunga"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PWID' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-arv-yes"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 wanaotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'yes' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-arv-no"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 wasiotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'no' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-a1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 wanaohudhuria kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services' and
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-b1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 waliopatikana na wako tayari kurudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_ready_to_return' and
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-c1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 waliopatikana na wamerudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on t.for = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_and_has_returned_to_clinic'
+ AND t.business_status = 'Complete' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-d1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 waliohamia kituo kingine bila taarifa"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_moved_to_another_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-e1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 waliohama makazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_relocated' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-f1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 waliopatikana lakini hayuko tayari kurudi kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_does_not_want_to_return' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-g1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 ambao wamefariki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'deceased' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-h1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 ambao hawajapatikana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_not_found' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-a2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 ambao walisahau"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_has_forgotten' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-b2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 ambao walikuwa wagonjwa sana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_ill' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-c2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 ambao walishindwa kujiweka wazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_failed_to_disclose_his_status' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-d2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 ambao walikosa nauli"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_did_not_have_fare' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-e2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 ambao umbali au usafiri mgumu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_lives_far_away_from_the_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-f2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 ambao wamepata nafuu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_feels_well' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-g2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 ambao hawakupata ruhusa kazini"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_busy_at_work' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-h2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 ambao walisafiri"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_traveled' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-i2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 ambao wanatumia tiba mbadala"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_uses_alternative_medicine' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-j2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 ambao wameona huduma haziridhishi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'poor_services_at_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-me-k2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume chini ya miaka 2 wenye sababu nyinginezo"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'other' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # Female under 2 years
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-ctc"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 wasiofika kliniki ya CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'CTC' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-prep"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 wasiofika kliniki ya PrEP"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'Prep' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-pmtct"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 wasiofika kliniki ya PMTCT"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PMTCT' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-tb"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 wasiofika kliniki ya wenye TB "
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'TB' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now') AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-wajidunga"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 wasiofika kliniki ya wanaojidunga"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PWID' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now') AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-arv-yes"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 wanaotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'yes' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-arv-no"
+ description: "Wateja wanwake chini ya miaka 2 wasiotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'no' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-a1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 wanaohudhuria kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services' and
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-b1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 waliopatikana na wako tayari kurudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_ready_to_return' and
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-c1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 waliopatikana na wamerudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on t.for = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_and_has_returned_to_clinic'
+ AND t.business_status = 'Complete' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-d1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 waliohamia kituo kingine bila taarifa"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_moved_to_another_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-e1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 waliohama makazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_relocated' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-f1"
+ description: "Wateja wanwake chini ya miaka 2 waliopatikana lakini hayuko tayari kurudi kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_does_not_want_to_return' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-g1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 ambao wamefariki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'deceased' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-h1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 ambao hawajapatikana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_not_found' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-a2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 ambao walisahau"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_has_forgotten' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-b2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 ambao walikuwa wagonjwa sana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_ill' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-c2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 ambao walishindwa kujiweka wazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_failed_to_disclose_his_status' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-d2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 ambao walikosa nauli"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_did_not_have_fare' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-e2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 ambao umbali au usafiri mgumu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_lives_far_away_from_the_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-f2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 ambao wamepata nafuu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_feels_well' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-g2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 ambao hawakupata ruhusa kazini"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_busy_at_work' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-h2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 ambao walisafiri"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_traveled' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-i2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 ambao wanatumia tiba mbadala"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_uses_alternative_medicine' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-j2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 ambao wameona huduma haziridhishi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'poor_services_at_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-less-2-ke-k2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake chini ya miaka 2 wenye sababu nyinginezo"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'other' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # Male above 2 years and below 15 years
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-ctc"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wasiofika kliniki ya CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'CTC' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-prep"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wasiofika kliniki ya PrEP"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'Prep' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-pmtct"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wasiofika wasiofika kliniki ya PMTCT"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PMTCT' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-tb"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wasiofika kliniki ya wenye TB "
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'TB' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-wajidunga"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wasiofika kliniki ya wanaojidunga"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PWID' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-arv-yes"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wanaotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'yes' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-arv-no"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wasiotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'no' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-a1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wanaohudhuria kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services' and
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-b1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 waliopatikana na wako tayari kurudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_ready_to_return' and
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-c1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 waliopatikana na wamerudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on t.for = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_and_has_returned_to_clinic'
+ AND t.business_status = 'Complete' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-d1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 waliohamia kituo kingine bila taarifa"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_moved_to_another_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-e1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 waliohama makazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_relocated' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-f1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 waliopatikana lakini hayuko tayari kurudi kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_does_not_want_to_return' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-g1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao wamefariki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'deceased' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-h1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao hawajapatikana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_not_found' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-a2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao walisahau"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_has_forgotten' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-b2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao walikuwa wagonjwa sana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_ill' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-c2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao walishindwa kujiweka wazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_failed_to_disclose_his_status' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-d2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao walikosa nauli"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_did_not_have_fare' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-e2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao umbali au usafiri mgumu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_lives_far_away_from_the_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-f2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao wamepata nafuu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_feels_well' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-g2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao hawakupata ruhusa kazini"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_busy_at_work' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-h2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao walisafiri"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_traveled' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-i2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao wanatumia tiba mbadala"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_uses_alternative_medicine' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-j2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao wameona huduma haziridhishi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'poor_services_at_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-me-k2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wenye sababu nyinginezo"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'other' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # Female above 2 years and below 15 years
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-ctc"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wasiofika kliniki ya CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'CTC' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-prep"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wasiofika kliniki ya PrEP"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'Prep' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-pmtct"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wasiofika wasiofika kliniki ya PMTCT"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PMTCT' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-tb"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wasiofika kliniki ya wenye TB "
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'TB' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-wajidunga"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wasiofika kliniki ya wanaojidunga"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PWID' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-arv-yes"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wanaotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'yes' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-arv-no"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wasiotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'no' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-a1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wanaohudhuria kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services' and
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-b1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 waliopatikana na wako tayari kurudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_ready_to_return' and
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-c1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 waliopatikana na wamerudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on t.for = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_and_has_returned_to_clinic'
+ AND t.business_status = 'Complete' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-d1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 waliohamia kituo kingine bila taarifa"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_moved_to_another_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-e1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 waliohama makazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_relocated' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-f1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 waliopatikana lakini hayuko tayari kurudi kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_does_not_want_to_return' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-g1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao wamefariki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'deceased' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-h1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao hawajapatikana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_not_found' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-a2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao walisahau"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_has_forgotten' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-b2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao walikuwa wagonjwa sana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_ill' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-c2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao walishindwa kujiweka wazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_failed_to_disclose_his_status' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-d2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao walikosa nauli"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_did_not_have_fare' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-e2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao umbali au usafiri mgumu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_lives_far_away_from_the_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-f2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao wamepata nafuu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_feels_well' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-g2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao hawakupata ruhusa kazini"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_busy_at_work' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-h2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao walisafiri"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_traveled' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-i2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao wanatumia tiba mbadala"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_uses_alternative_medicine' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-j2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 ambao wameona huduma haziridhishi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'poor_services_at_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-2-14-ke-k2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 2 na chini ya miaka 15 wenye sababu nyinginezo"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'other' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+2 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # Male above 15 years and below 24 years
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-ctc"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 wasiofika kliniki ya CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'CTC' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-prep"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 wasiofika kliniki ya PrEP"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'Prep' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-pmtct"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 wasiofika wasiofika kliniki ya PMTCT"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PMTCT' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-tb"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 wasiofika kliniki ya wenye TB "
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'TB' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-wajidunga"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 wasiofika kliniki ya wanaojidunga"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PWID' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-arv-yes"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 wanaotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'yes' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-arv-no"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 wasiotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'no' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-a1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 wanaohudhuria kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services' and
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-b1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 waliopatikana na wako tayari kurudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_ready_to_return' and
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-c1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 waliopatikana na wamerudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on t.for = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_and_has_returned_to_clinic'
+ AND t.business_status = 'Complete' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-d1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 waliohamia kituo kingine bila taarifa"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_moved_to_another_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-e1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 waliohama makazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_relocated' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-f1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 waliopatikana lakini hayuko tayari kurudi kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_does_not_want_to_return' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-g1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 ambao wamefariki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'deceased' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-h1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 ambao hawajapatikana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_not_found' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-a2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 ambao walisahau"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_has_forgotten' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-b2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 ambao walikuwa wagonjwa sana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_ill' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-c2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 ambao walishindwa kujiweka wazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_failed_to_disclose_his_status' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-d2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 ambao walikosa nauli"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_did_not_have_fare' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-e2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 ambao umbali au usafiri mgumu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_lives_far_away_from_the_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-f2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 ambao wamepata nafuu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_feels_well' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-g2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 ambao hawakupata ruhusa kazini"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_busy_at_work' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-h2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 ambao walisafiri"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_traveled' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-i2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 ambao wanatumia tiba mbadala"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_uses_alternative_medicine' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-j2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 ambao wameona huduma haziridhishi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'poor_services_at_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-me-k2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 24 wenye sababu nyinginezo"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'other' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # Female above 15 years and below 24 years
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-ctc"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 wasiofika kliniki ya CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'CTC' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-prep"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 wasiofika kliniki ya PrEP"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'Prep' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-pmtct"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 wasiofika wasiofika kliniki ya PMTCT"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PMTCT' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-tb"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 wasiofika kliniki ya wenye TB "
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'TB' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-wajidunga"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 wasiofika kliniki ya wanaojidunga"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PWID' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-arv-yes"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 wanaotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'yes' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-arv-no"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 wasiotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'no' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-a1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 wanaohudhuria kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services' and
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-b1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 waliopatikana na wako tayari kurudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_ready_to_return' and
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-c1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 waliopatikana na wamerudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on t.for = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_and_has_returned_to_clinic'
+ AND t.business_status = 'Complete' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-d1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 waliohamia kituo kingine bila taarifa"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_moved_to_another_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-e1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 waliohama makazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_relocated' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-f1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 waliopatikana lakini hayuko tayari kurudi kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_does_not_want_to_return' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-g1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 ambao wamefariki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'deceased' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-h1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 ambao hawajapatikana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_not_found' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-a2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 ambao walisahau"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_has_forgotten' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-b2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 ambao walikuwa wagonjwa sana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_ill' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-c2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 ambao walishindwa kujiweka wazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_failed_to_disclose_his_status' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-d2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 ambao walikosa nauli"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_did_not_have_fare' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-e2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 ambao umbali au usafiri mgumu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_lives_far_away_from_the_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-f2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 ambao wamepata nafuu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_feels_well' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-g2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 ambao hawakupata ruhusa kazini"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_busy_at_work' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-h2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 ambao walisafiri"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_traveled' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-i2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 ambao wanatumia tiba mbadala"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_uses_alternative_medicine' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-j2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 ambao wameona huduma haziridhishi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'poor_services_at_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-15-24-ke-k2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 15 na chini ya miaka 25 wenye sababu nyinginezo"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'other' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # Male above 25 years and below 49 years
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-ctc"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'CTC' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-prep"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya PrEP"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'Prep' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-pmtct"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wasiofika wasiofika kliniki ya PMTCT"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PMTCT' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-tb"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya wenye TB "
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'TB' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-wajidunga"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya wanaojidunga"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PWID' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-arv-yes"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wanaotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'yes' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-arv-no"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wasiotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'no' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-a1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 49 wanaohudhuria kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services' and
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-b1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 waliopatikana na wako tayari kurudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_ready_to_return' and
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-c1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 waliopatikana na wamerudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on t.for = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_and_has_returned_to_clinic'
+ AND t.business_status = 'Complete' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-d1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 waliohamia kituo kingine bila taarifa"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_moved_to_another_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-e1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 waliohama makazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_relocated' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-f1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 waliopatikana lakini hayuko tayari kurudi kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_does_not_want_to_return' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-g1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao wamefariki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'deceased' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-h1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao hawajapatikana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_not_found' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-a2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao walisahau"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_has_forgotten' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-b2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao walikuwa wagonjwa sana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_ill' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-c2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao walishindwa kujiweka wazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_failed_to_disclose_his_status' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-d2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao walikosa nauli"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_did_not_have_fare' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-e2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao umbali au usafiri mgumu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_lives_far_away_from_the_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-f2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao wamepata nafuu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_feels_well' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-g2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao hawakupata ruhusa kazini"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_busy_at_work' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-h2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao walisafiri"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_traveled' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-i2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao wanatumia tiba mbadala"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_uses_alternative_medicine' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-j2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao wameona huduma haziridhishi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'poor_services_at_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-me-k2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wenye sababu nyinginezo"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'other' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # Female above 25 years and below 49 years
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-ctc"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'CTC' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-prep"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya PrEP"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'Prep' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-pmtct"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wasiofika wasiofika kliniki ya PMTCT"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PMTCT' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-tb"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya wenye TB "
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'TB' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-wajidunga"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya wanaojidunga"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PWID' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-arv-yes"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wanaotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'yes' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-arv-no"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wasiotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'no' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-a1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 49 wanaohudhuria kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services' and
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-b1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 waliopatikana na wako tayari kurudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_ready_to_return' and
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-c1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 waliopatikana na wamerudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on t.for = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_and_has_returned_to_clinic'
+ AND t.business_status = 'Complete' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-d1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 waliohamia kituo kingine bila taarifa"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_moved_to_another_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-e1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 waliohama makazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_relocated' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-f1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 waliopatikana lakini hayuko tayari kurudi kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_does_not_want_to_return' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-g1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao wamefariki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'deceased' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-h1"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao hawajapatikana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_not_found' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-a2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao walisahau"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_has_forgotten' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-b2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao walikuwa wagonjwa sana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_ill' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-c2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao walishindwa kujiweka wazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_failed_to_disclose_his_status' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-d2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao walikosa nauli"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_did_not_have_fare' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-e2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao umbali au usafiri mgumu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_lives_far_away_from_the_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-f2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao wamepata nafuu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_feels_well' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-g2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao hawakupata ruhusa kazini"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_busy_at_work' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-h2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao walisafiri"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_traveled' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-i2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao wanatumia tiba mbadala"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_uses_alternative_medicine' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-j2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 ambao wameona huduma haziridhishi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'poor_services_at_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-25-49-ke-k2"
+ description: "Wateja wanawake juu ya miaka 25 na chini ya miaka 50 wenye sababu nyinginezo"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'other' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # Male above 50 years
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-ctc"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'CTC' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-prep"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'Prep' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-pmtct"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 wasiofika wasiofika kliniki ya PMTCT"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PMTCT' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-tb"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya wenye TB "
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'TB' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-wajidunga"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya wanaojidunga"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PWID' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-arv-yes"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 wanaotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'yes' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-arv-no"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 wasiotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'no' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-a1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 wanaohudhuria kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services' and
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-b1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 waliopatikana na wako tayari kurudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_ready_to_return' and
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-c1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 waliopatikana na wamerudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on t.for = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_and_has_returned_to_clinic'
+ AND t.business_status = 'Complete' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-d1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 waliohamia kituo kingine bila taarifa"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_moved_to_another_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-e1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 waliohama makazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_relocated' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-f1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 waliopatikana lakini hayuko tayari kurudi kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_does_not_want_to_return' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-g1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 ambao wamefariki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'deceased' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-h1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 ambao hawajapatikana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_not_found' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-a2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 ambao walisahau"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_has_forgotten' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-b2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 ambao walikuwa wagonjwa sana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_ill' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-c2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 ambao walishindwa kujiweka wazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_failed_to_disclose_his_status' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-d2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 ambao walikosa nauli"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_did_not_have_fare' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-e2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 ambao umbali au usafiri mgumu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_lives_far_away_from_the_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-f2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 ambao wamepata nafuu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_feels_well' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-g2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 ambao hawakupata ruhusa kazini"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_busy_at_work' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-h2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 ambao walisafiri"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_traveled' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-i2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 ambao wanatumia tiba mbadala"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_uses_alternative_medicine' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-j2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ys miaka 50 ambao wameona huduma haziridhishi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'poor_services_at_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-me-k2"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 wenye sababu nyinginezo"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'other' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Male' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # Female above 50 years
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-ctc"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya CTC"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'CTC' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-prep"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya PrEP"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'Prep' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-pmtct"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 wasiofika wasiofika kliniki ya PMTCT"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PMTCT' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-tb"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya wenye TB "
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'TB' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-wajidunga"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 wasiofika kliniki ya wanaojidunga"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.problem = 'PWID' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-arv-yes"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 wanaotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'yes' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-arv-no"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 wasiotumia ARV na hawajafika kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT er.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_referral er
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = er.entity_id
+ er.chw_referral_service = 'LTFU' AND
+ er.on_art = 'no' AND
+ er.referral_type = 'facility_to_community_referral' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(er.referral_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-a1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 wanaohudhuria kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services' and
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-b1"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 waliopatikana na wako tayari kurudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_ready_to_return' and
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-c1"
+ description: "Wateja wanaume juu ya miaka 50 waliopatikana na wamerudi kliniki baada ya ufuatiliaji"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on t.for = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_found_and_has_returned_to_clinic'
+ AND t.business_status = 'Complete' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-d1"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 waliohamia kituo kingine bila taarifa"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_moved_to_another_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-e1"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 waliohama makazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_has_relocated' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-f1"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 waliopatikana lakini hayuko tayari kurudi kliniki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_does_not_want_to_return' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-g1"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 ambao wamefariki"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'deceased' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-h1"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 ambao hawajapatikana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.followup_status = 'client_not_found' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-a2"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 ambao walisahau"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_has_forgotten' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-b2"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 ambao walikuwa wagonjwa sana"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_ill' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-c2"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 ambao walishindwa kujiweka wazi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_failed_to_disclose_his_status' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-d2"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 ambao walikosa nauli"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_did_not_have_fare' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-e2"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 ambao umbali au usafiri mgumu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_lives_far_away_from_the_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-f2"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 ambao wamepata nafuu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_feels_well' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-g2"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 ambao hawakupata ruhusa kazini"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_was_busy_at_work' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-h2"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 ambao walisafiri"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_traveled' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-i2"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 ambao wanatumia tiba mbadala"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'client_uses_alternative_medicine' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-j2"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ys miaka 50 ambao wameona huduma haziridhishi"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'poor_services_at_health_facility' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ltfu-50-ke-k2"
+ description: "Wateja wanamke juu ya miaka 50 wenye sababu nyinginezo"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT elf.entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ltfu_feedback elf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = elf.entity_id
+ elf.reasons_for_missed_appointment = 'other' AND
+ fm.gender = 'Female' AND
+ (date(fm.dob, '+50 years') <= date('now')) AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elf.feedback_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/indicator-definitions.yml b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/indicator-definitions.yml
index 55002de67..607b645b6 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/indicator-definitions.yml
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/indicator-definitions.yml
@@ -1,1416 +1,1416 @@
- - key: "newpreg_mama_visit"
- description: "newpreg_mama_visit_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'ANC Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND (substr(e.eventDate, 1, 4) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND (substr(e.eventDate, 6, 2) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND (v.visit_type = 'ANC Home Visit')
- AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
- - key: "oldpreg_mama_visit"
- description: "oldpreg_mama_visit_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'ANC Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND (date (e.eventDate) < date('now','start of month'))
- AND v.visit_type = 'ANC Home Visit'
- AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
- - key: "total_preg_visit"
- description: "total_preg_visit_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT(v.base_entity_id)) as count
- FROM visits v
- WHERE v.visit_type = 'ANC Home Visit'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
- - key: "pnc_visit"
- description: "pnc_visit_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT(v.base_entity_id)) as count
- FROM visits v
- WHERE v.visit_type = 'PNC Home Visit'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
- - key: "total_F_visited"
- description: "total_F_visited_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT(v.base_entity_id)) as count
- FROM visits v
- WHERE ( v.visit_type = 'PNC Home Visit' OR v.visit_type = 'ANC Home Visit')
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
- - key: "less1m_visit"
- description: "less1m_visit_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT SUM(count) as count
- SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM ec_child c
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = c.mother_entity_id
- WHERE v.visit_type = 'PNC Home Visit'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND ( date(c.dob, '+1 month') > date ('now'))
- SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM ec_child c
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = c.base_entity_id
- WHERE( date(c.dob, '+1 month') > date ('now'))
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND v.visit_type = 'Child Home Visit'
- AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- )"
- - key: "1m1yr_visit"
- description: "reporting_1m1yr_visit_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM ec_child c
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = c.base_entity_id
- WHERE( date(c.dob, '+1 month') <= date ('now'))
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND( date(c.dob, '+1 year') > date ('now'))
- AND v.visit_type = 'Child Home Visit'
- AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
- - key: "1yr5yr_visit"
- description: "reporting_1yr5yr_visit_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM ec_child c
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = c.base_entity_id
- WHERE( date(c.dob, '+1 year') <= date ('now'))
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND( date(c.dob, '+5 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND v.visit_type = 'Child Home Visit'
- AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
- - key: "total_U5_visit"
- description: "total_U5_visit_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(1) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_child c on c.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Child Registration' OR e.eventType = 'PNC Child Registration')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND (c.is_closed = '0')"
- - key: "hh_visited"
- description: "hh_visited_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT SUM(count)
- FROM (
- SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND (substr(e.eventDate, 1, 4) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND (substr(e.eventDate, 6, 2) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND e.baseEntityId NOT IN(
- SELECT DISTINCT fm.relational_id
- FROM ec_family_member fm
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = fm.base_entity_id
- WHERE ( v.visit_type = 'PNC Home Visit' OR v.visit_type = 'ANC Home Visit' OR v.visit_type = 'FP Follow up Visit Resupply'
- OR v.visit_type = 'FP Follow-up Visit Side-effects' OR v.visit_type = 'FP Follow up visit Counselling' OR v.visit_type = 'Child Home Visit')
- AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- )
- SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT fm.relational_id) as count
- FROM visits v
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE ( v.visit_type = 'PNC Home Visit' OR v.visit_type = 'ANC Home Visit' OR v.visit_type = 'FP Follow up Visit Resupply'
- OR v.visit_type = 'FP Follow-up Visit Side-effects' OR v.visit_type = 'FP Follow up visit Counselling' OR v.visit_type = 'Child Home Visit')
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- )"
- - key: "F_referral_hf"
- description: "F_referral_hf_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- WHERE (e.eventType = 'ANC Referral' OR e.eventType = 'PNC Referral' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral' OR e.eventType = 'Malaria Referral')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))"
- - key: "less1m_referral_hf"
- description: "less1m_referral_hf_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT SUM(count) as count
- SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM ec_child c
- INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = c.base_entity_id
- WHERE( date(c.dob, '+1 month') > date ('now'))
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND e.eventType = 'Sick Child Referral'
- SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_child c on c.mother_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'PNC Referral'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(c.dob, '+1 month') > date ('now'))
- AND e.eventType = 'PNC Referral')"
- - key: "1m1yr_referral_hf"
- description: "reporting_1m1yr_referral_hf_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM ec_child c
- INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = c.base_entity_id
- WHERE( date(c.dob, '+1 month') <= date ('now'))
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND( date(c.dob, '+1 year') > date ('now'))
- AND e.eventType = 'Sick Child Referral'"
- - key: "1yr5yr_referral_hf"
- description: "reporting_1yr5yr_referral_hf_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM ec_child c
- INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = c.base_entity_id
- WHERE( date(c.dob, '+1 year') <= date ('now'))
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND( date(c.dob, '+5 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND e.eventType = 'Sick Child Referral'"
- - key: "total_referral"
- description: "total_referral_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- WHERE (e.eventType = 'ANC Referral' OR e.eventType = 'PNC Referral' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral' OR e.eventType = 'Malaria Referral' OR e.eventType = 'Sick Child Referral')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))"
- - key: "no_healthedu_meet"
- description: "no_healthedu_meet_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- WHERE (e.eventType = ' Health Education Meeting')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND (substr(e.eventDate, 1, 4) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND (substr(e.eventDate, 6, 2) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
- - key: "no_ppl_attend_meet"
- description: "no_ppl_attend_meet_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- WHERE (e.eventType = ' Health Education Meeting')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND (substr(e.eventDate, 1, 4) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
- AND (substr(e.eventDate, 6, 2) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
- - key: "F_death_home"
- description: "F_death_home_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
- - key: "no_maternal_death"
- description: "no_maternal_death_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
- - key: "less1m_death_home"
- description: "less1m_death_home_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
- - key: "total_less1m_deaths"
- description: "total_less1m_deaths_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
- - key: "1m1yr_death_home"
- description: "reporting_1m1yr_death_home_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
- - key: "total_1m1yr_deaths"
- description: "total_1m1yr_deaths_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
- - key: "1yr5yr_death_home"
- description: "reporting_1yr5yr_death_home_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
- - key: "total_1yr5yr_deaths"
- description: "total_1yr5yr_deaths_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
- - key: "birth_home"
- description: "birth_home_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT pg.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome pg
- INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = pg.base_entity_id
- WHERE pg.delivery_place = 'At home'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))"
- - key: "birth_home_healer"
- description: "birth_home_healer_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT pg.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome pg
- INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = pg.base_entity_id
- WHERE pg.delivery_place = 'At home'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND pg.delivery_home = 'She gave birth at home with the help of a traditional midwife'"
- - key: "birth_way_hf"
- description: "birth_way_hf_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT pg.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome pg
- INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = pg.base_entity_id
- WHERE pg.delivery_place = 'On the way to the health facility'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))"
- - key: "total_birth_home"
- description: "total_birth_home_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT pg.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome pg
- INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = pg.base_entity_id
- WHERE ( pg.delivery_place = 'At home' OR pg.delivery_place = 'On the way to the health facility')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))"
- - key: "10y14y_new_clients"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_new_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "10y14y_new_men_clients"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_new_men_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "10y14y_return_clients"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_return_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "10y14y_return_men_clients"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_return_men_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "10y14y_total_clients"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_total_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))"
- - key: "15y19y_new_clients"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_new_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "15y19y_new_men_clients"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_new_men_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "15y19y_return_clients"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_return_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "15y19y_return_men_clients"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_return_men_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "15y19y_total_clients"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_total_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))"
- - key: "20y24y_new_clients"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_new_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "20y24y_new_men_clients"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_new_men_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "20y24y_return_clients"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_return_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "20y24y_return_men_clients"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_return_men_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "20y24y_total_clients"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_total_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))"
- - key: "25_new_clients"
- description: "reporting_25_new_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "25_new_men_clients"
- description: "reporting_25_new_men_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "25_return_clients"
- description: "reporting_25_return_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "25_return_men_clients"
- description: "reporting_25_return_men_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "25_total_clients"
- description: "reporting_25_total_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))"
- - key: "total_new_clients"
- description: "total_new_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "total_new_men_clients"
- description: "total_new_men_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "total_return_clients"
- description: "total_return_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "total_return_men_clients"
- description: "total_return_men_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "total_total_clients"
- description: "total_total_clients_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10))) "
- - key: "10y14y_pop"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_pop_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP'"
- - key: "10y14y_coc"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_coc_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC'"
- - key: "10y14y_emc"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_emc_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive'"
- - key: "10y14y_total_pills"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_total_pills_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP')"
- - key: "15y19y_pop"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_pop_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP'"
- - key: "15y19y_coc"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_coc_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC'"
- - key: "15y19y_emc"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_emc_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive'"
- - key: "15y19y_total_pills"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_total_pills_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP')"
- - key: "20y24y_pop"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_pop_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP'"
- - key: "20y24y_coc"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_coc_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC'"
- - key: "20y24y_emc"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_emc_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive'"
- - key: "20y24y_total_pills"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_total_pills_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP')"
- - key: "25_pop"
- description: "reporting_25_pop_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP'"
- - key: "25_coc"
- description: "reporting_25_coc_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC'"
- - key: "25_emc"
- description: "reporting_25_emc_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive'"
- - key: "25_total_pills"
- description: "reporting_25_total_pills_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP')"
- - key: "total_pop"
- description: "total_pop_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP'"
- - key: "total_coc"
- description: "total_coc_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC'"
- - key: "total_emc"
- description: "total_emc_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive'"
- - key: "total_total_pills"
- description: "total_total_pills_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP')"
- - key: "10y14y_F_mcondom"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_F_mcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "10y14y_men_F_mcondom"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_men_F_mcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "10y14y_F_fcondom"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_F_fcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "10y14y_men_F_fcondom"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_men_F_fcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "10y14y_total_condoms"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_total_condoms_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom' )"
- - key: "15y19y_F_mcondom"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_F_mcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "15y19y_men_F_mcondom"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_men_F_mcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND (fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
- AND (fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "15y19y_F_fcondom"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_F_fcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "15y19y_men_F_fcondom"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_men_F_fcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND (fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
- AND (fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "15y19y_total_condoms"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_total_condoms_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom' )"
- - key: "20y24y_F_mcondom"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_F_mcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND (fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
- AND (fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "20y24y_men_F_mcondom"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_men_F_mcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "20y24y_F_fcondom"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_F_fcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "20y24y_men_F_fcondom"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_men_F_fcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "20y24y_total_condoms"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_total_condoms_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom' )"
- - key: "25_F_mcondom"
- description: "reporting_25_F_mcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "25_men_F_mcondom"
- description: "reporting_25_men_F_mcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "25_F_fcondom"
- description: "reporting_25_F_fcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "25_men_F_fcondom"
- description: "reporting_25_men_F_fcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "25_total_condoms"
- description: "reporting_25_total_condoms_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')"
- - key: "total_F_mcondom"
- description: "total_F_mcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "total_men_F_mcondom"
- description: "total_men_F_mcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "total_F_fcondom"
- description: "total_F_fcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "total_men_F_fcondom"
- description: "total_men_F_fcondom_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "total_total_condoms"
- description: "total_total_condoms_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')"
- - key: "10y14y_beads"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_beads_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Standard day method'"
- - key: "15y19y_beads"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_beads_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Standard day method'"
- - key: "20y24y_beads"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_beads_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Standard day method'"
- - key: "25_beads"
- description: "reporting_25_beads_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Standard day method'"
- - key: "total_beads"
- description: "total_beads_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Standard day method'"
- - key: "10y14y_cousel_ANC"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_cousel_ANC_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During ANC'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))"
- - key: "15y19y_cousel_ANC"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_cousel_ANC_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During ANC'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))"
- - key: "20y24y_cousel_ANC"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_cousel_ANC_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During ANC'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))"
- - key: "25_cousel_ANC"
- description: "reporting_25_cousel_ANC_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During ANC'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))"
- - key: "total_cousel_ANC"
- description: "total_cousel_ANC_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During ANC'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))"
- - key: "10y14y_cousel_delivery"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_cousel_delivery_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During labour and delivery'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))"
- - key: "15y19y_cousel_delivery"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_cousel_delivery_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During labour and delivery'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))"
- - key: "20y24y_cousel_delivery"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_cousel_delivery_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During labour and delivery'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))"
- - key: "25_cousel_delivery"
- description: "reporting_25_cousel_delivery_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During labour and delivery'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))"
- - key: "total_cousel_delivery"
- description: "total_cousel_delivery_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During labour and delivery'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))"
- - key: "10y14y_cousel_PNC"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_cousel_PNC_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During PNC'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))"
- - key: "15y19y_cousel_PNC"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_cousel_PNC_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During PNC'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))"
- - key: "20y24y_cousel_PNC"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_cousel_PNC_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During PNC'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))"
- - key: "25_cousel_PNC"
- description: "reporting_25_cousel_PNC_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During PNC'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))"
- - key: "total_cousel_PNC"
- description: "total_cousel_PNC_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
- FROM visit_details vd
- INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
- WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During PNC'
- AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))"
- - key: "10y14y_referral"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_referral_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "10y14y_men_referral"
- description: "reporting_10y14y_men_referral_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "15y19y_referral"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_referral_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "15y19y_men_referral"
- description: "reporting_15y19y_men_referral_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "20y24y_referral"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_referral_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "20y24y_men_referral"
- description: "reporting_20y24y_men_referral_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "25_referral"
- description: "reporting_25_referral_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
- - key: "25_men_referral"
- description: "reporting_25_men_referral_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
- AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
- - key: "total_fp_referral"
- description: "total_fp_referral_label"
- indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
- FROM event e
- INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
- WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
- AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
- AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "newpreg_mama_visit"
+# description: "newpreg_mama_visit_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'ANC Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND (substr(e.eventDate, 1, 4) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND (substr(e.eventDate, 6, 2) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND (v.visit_type = 'ANC Home Visit')
+# AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
+# - key: "oldpreg_mama_visit"
+# description: "oldpreg_mama_visit_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'ANC Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND (date (e.eventDate) < date('now','start of month'))
+# AND v.visit_type = 'ANC Home Visit'
+# AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
+# - key: "total_preg_visit"
+# description: "total_preg_visit_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT(v.base_entity_id)) as count
+# FROM visits v
+# WHERE v.visit_type = 'ANC Home Visit'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
+# - key: "pnc_visit"
+# description: "pnc_visit_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT(v.base_entity_id)) as count
+# FROM visits v
+# WHERE v.visit_type = 'PNC Home Visit'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
+# - key: "total_F_visited"
+# description: "total_F_visited_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT(v.base_entity_id)) as count
+# FROM visits v
+# WHERE ( v.visit_type = 'PNC Home Visit' OR v.visit_type = 'ANC Home Visit')
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
+# - key: "less1m_visit"
+# description: "less1m_visit_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT SUM(count) as count
+# FROM(
+# SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM ec_child c
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = c.mother_entity_id
+# WHERE v.visit_type = 'PNC Home Visit'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND ( date(c.dob, '+1 month') > date ('now'))
+# SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM ec_child c
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = c.base_entity_id
+# WHERE( date(c.dob, '+1 month') > date ('now'))
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND v.visit_type = 'Child Home Visit'
+# AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# )"
+# - key: "1m1yr_visit"
+# description: "reporting_1m1yr_visit_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM ec_child c
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = c.base_entity_id
+# WHERE( date(c.dob, '+1 month') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND( date(c.dob, '+1 year') > date ('now'))
+# AND v.visit_type = 'Child Home Visit'
+# AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
+# - key: "1yr5yr_visit"
+# description: "reporting_1yr5yr_visit_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM ec_child c
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = c.base_entity_id
+# WHERE( date(c.dob, '+1 year') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND( date(c.dob, '+5 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND v.visit_type = 'Child Home Visit'
+# AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
+# - key: "total_U5_visit"
+# description: "total_U5_visit_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(1) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_child c on c.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Child Registration' OR e.eventType = 'PNC Child Registration')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND (c.is_closed = '0')"
+# - key: "hh_visited"
+# description: "hh_visited_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT SUM(count)
+# FROM (
+# SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND (substr(e.eventDate, 1, 4) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND (substr(e.eventDate, 6, 2) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND e.baseEntityId NOT IN(
+# SELECT DISTINCT fm.relational_id
+# FROM ec_family_member fm
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.base_entity_id = fm.base_entity_id
+# WHERE ( v.visit_type = 'PNC Home Visit' OR v.visit_type = 'ANC Home Visit' OR v.visit_type = 'FP Follow up Visit Resupply'
+# OR v.visit_type = 'FP Follow-up Visit Side-effects' OR v.visit_type = 'FP Follow up visit Counselling' OR v.visit_type = 'Child Home Visit')
+# AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# )
+# SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT fm.relational_id) as count
+# FROM visits v
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE ( v.visit_type = 'PNC Home Visit' OR v.visit_type = 'ANC Home Visit' OR v.visit_type = 'FP Follow up Visit Resupply'
+# OR v.visit_type = 'FP Follow-up Visit Side-effects' OR v.visit_type = 'FP Follow up visit Counselling' OR v.visit_type = 'Child Home Visit')
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( strftime('%Y',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND ( strftime('%m',(datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime'))) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# )"
+# - key: "F_referral_hf"
+# description: "F_referral_hf_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# WHERE (e.eventType = 'ANC Referral' OR e.eventType = 'PNC Referral' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral' OR e.eventType = 'Malaria Referral')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))"
+# - key: "less1m_referral_hf"
+# description: "less1m_referral_hf_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT SUM(count) as count
+# FROM(
+# SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM ec_child c
+# INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = c.base_entity_id
+# WHERE( date(c.dob, '+1 month') > date ('now'))
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND e.eventType = 'Sick Child Referral'
+# SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_child c on c.mother_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'PNC Referral'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(c.dob, '+1 month') > date ('now'))
+# AND e.eventType = 'PNC Referral')"
+# - key: "1m1yr_referral_hf"
+# description: "reporting_1m1yr_referral_hf_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM ec_child c
+# INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = c.base_entity_id
+# WHERE( date(c.dob, '+1 month') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND( date(c.dob, '+1 year') > date ('now'))
+# AND e.eventType = 'Sick Child Referral'"
+# - key: "1yr5yr_referral_hf"
+# description: "reporting_1yr5yr_referral_hf_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT c.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM ec_child c
+# INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = c.base_entity_id
+# WHERE( date(c.dob, '+1 year') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND( date(c.dob, '+5 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND e.eventType = 'Sick Child Referral'"
+# - key: "total_referral"
+# description: "total_referral_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# WHERE (e.eventType = 'ANC Referral' OR e.eventType = 'PNC Referral' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral' OR e.eventType = 'Malaria Referral' OR e.eventType = 'Sick Child Referral')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))"
+# - key: "no_healthedu_meet"
+# description: "no_healthedu_meet_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# WHERE (e.eventType = ' Health Education Meeting')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND (substr(e.eventDate, 1, 4) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND (substr(e.eventDate, 6, 2) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
+# - key: "no_ppl_attend_meet"
+# description: "no_ppl_attend_meet_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# WHERE (e.eventType = ' Health Education Meeting')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND (substr(e.eventDate, 1, 4) == strftime('%Y',date('now'), 'localtime'))
+# AND (substr(e.eventDate, 6, 2) == strftime('%m',date('now'), 'localtime'))"
+# - key: "F_death_home"
+# description: "F_death_home_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
+# - key: "no_maternal_death"
+# description: "no_maternal_death_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
+# - key: "less1m_death_home"
+# description: "less1m_death_home_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
+# - key: "total_less1m_deaths"
+# description: "total_less1m_deaths_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
+# - key: "1m1yr_death_home"
+# description: "reporting_1m1yr_death_home_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
+# - key: "total_1m1yr_deaths"
+# description: "total_1m1yr_deaths_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
+# - key: "1yr5yr_death_home"
+# description: "reporting_1yr5yr_death_home_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
+# - key: "total_1yr5yr_deaths"
+# description: "total_1yr5yr_deaths_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (0) as count FROM ec_child WHERE is_closed is 2"
+# - key: "birth_home"
+# description: "birth_home_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT pg.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome pg
+# INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = pg.base_entity_id
+# WHERE pg.delivery_place = 'At home'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))"
+# - key: "birth_home_healer"
+# description: "birth_home_healer_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT pg.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome pg
+# INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = pg.base_entity_id
+# WHERE pg.delivery_place = 'At home'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND pg.delivery_home = 'She gave birth at home with the help of a traditional midwife'"
+# - key: "birth_way_hf"
+# description: "birth_way_hf_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT pg.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome pg
+# INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = pg.base_entity_id
+# WHERE pg.delivery_place = 'On the way to the health facility'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))"
+# - key: "total_birth_home"
+# description: "total_birth_home_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT pg.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome pg
+# INNER JOIN event e on e.baseEntityId = pg.base_entity_id
+# WHERE ( pg.delivery_place = 'At home' OR pg.delivery_place = 'On the way to the health facility')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))"
+# - key: "10y14y_new_clients"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_new_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "10y14y_new_men_clients"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_new_men_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "10y14y_return_clients"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_return_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "10y14y_return_men_clients"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_return_men_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "10y14y_total_clients"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_total_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "15y19y_new_clients"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_new_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "15y19y_new_men_clients"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_new_men_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "15y19y_return_clients"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_return_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "15y19y_return_men_clients"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_return_men_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "15y19y_total_clients"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_total_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "20y24y_new_clients"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_new_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "20y24y_new_men_clients"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_new_men_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "20y24y_return_clients"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_return_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "20y24y_return_men_clients"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_return_men_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "20y24y_total_clients"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_total_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "25_new_clients"
+# description: "reporting_25_new_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "25_new_men_clients"
+# description: "reporting_25_new_men_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "25_return_clients"
+# description: "reporting_25_return_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "25_return_men_clients"
+# description: "reporting_25_return_men_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "25_total_clients"
+# description: "reporting_25_total_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "total_new_clients"
+# description: "total_new_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "total_new_men_clients"
+# description: "total_new_men_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'no')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "total_return_clients"
+# description: "total_return_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "total_return_men_clients"
+# description: "total_return_men_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( fp.using_method = 'yes')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "total_total_clients"
+# description: "total_total_clients_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10))) "
+# - key: "10y14y_pop"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_pop_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP'"
+# - key: "10y14y_coc"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_coc_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC'"
+# - key: "10y14y_emc"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_emc_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive'"
+# - key: "10y14y_total_pills"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_total_pills_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP')"
+# - key: "15y19y_pop"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_pop_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP'"
+# - key: "15y19y_coc"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_coc_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC'"
+# - key: "15y19y_emc"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_emc_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive'"
+# - key: "15y19y_total_pills"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_total_pills_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP')"
+# - key: "20y24y_pop"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_pop_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP'"
+# - key: "20y24y_coc"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_coc_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC'"
+# - key: "20y24y_emc"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_emc_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive'"
+# - key: "20y24y_total_pills"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_total_pills_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP')"
+# - key: "25_pop"
+# description: "reporting_25_pop_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP'"
+# - key: "25_coc"
+# description: "reporting_25_coc_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC'"
+# - key: "25_emc"
+# description: "reporting_25_emc_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive'"
+# - key: "25_total_pills"
+# description: "reporting_25_total_pills_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP')"
+# - key: "total_pop"
+# description: "total_pop_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP'"
+# - key: "total_coc"
+# description: "total_coc_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC'"
+# - key: "total_emc"
+# description: "total_emc_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive'"
+# - key: "total_total_pills"
+# description: "total_total_pills_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Emergency contraceptive' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'COC' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'POP')"
+# - key: "10y14y_F_mcondom"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_F_mcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "10y14y_men_F_mcondom"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_men_F_mcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "10y14y_F_fcondom"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_F_fcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "10y14y_men_F_fcondom"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_men_F_fcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "10y14y_total_condoms"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_total_condoms_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom' )"
+# - key: "15y19y_F_mcondom"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_F_mcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "15y19y_men_F_mcondom"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_men_F_mcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND (fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
+# AND (fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "15y19y_F_fcondom"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_F_fcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "15y19y_men_F_fcondom"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_men_F_fcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND (fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
+# AND (fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "15y19y_total_condoms"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_total_condoms_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom' )"
+# - key: "20y24y_F_mcondom"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_F_mcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND (fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
+# AND (fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "20y24y_men_F_mcondom"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_men_F_mcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "20y24y_F_fcondom"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_F_fcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "20y24y_men_F_fcondom"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_men_F_fcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "20y24y_total_condoms"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_total_condoms_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom' )"
+# - key: "25_F_mcondom"
+# description: "reporting_25_F_mcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "25_men_F_mcondom"
+# description: "reporting_25_men_F_mcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "25_F_fcondom"
+# description: "reporting_25_F_fcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "25_men_F_fcondom"
+# description: "reporting_25_men_F_fcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "25_total_condoms"
+# description: "reporting_25_total_condoms_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')"
+# - key: "total_F_mcondom"
+# description: "total_F_mcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "total_men_F_mcondom"
+# description: "total_men_F_mcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "total_F_fcondom"
+# description: "total_F_fcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "total_men_F_fcondom"
+# description: "total_men_F_fcondom_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom')
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "total_total_condoms"
+# description: "total_total_condoms_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Female condom' OR fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Male condom')"
+# - key: "10y14y_beads"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_beads_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Standard day method'"
+# - key: "15y19y_beads"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_beads_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Standard day method'"
+# - key: "20y24y_beads"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_beads_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Standard day method'"
+# - key: "25_beads"
+# description: "reporting_25_beads_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Standard day method'"
+# - key: "total_beads"
+# description: "total_beads_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_planning fp on fp.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE ( e.eventType = 'Family Planning Registration' OR e.eventType = 'Family Planning Change Method')
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND fp.fp_method_accepted = 'Standard day method'"
+# - key: "10y14y_cousel_ANC"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_cousel_ANC_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During ANC'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "15y19y_cousel_ANC"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_cousel_ANC_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During ANC'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "20y24y_cousel_ANC"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_cousel_ANC_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During ANC'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "25_cousel_ANC"
+# description: "reporting_25_cousel_ANC_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During ANC'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "total_cousel_ANC"
+# description: "total_cousel_ANC_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During ANC'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "10y14y_cousel_delivery"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_cousel_delivery_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During labour and delivery'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "15y19y_cousel_delivery"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_cousel_delivery_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During labour and delivery'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "20y24y_cousel_delivery"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_cousel_delivery_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During labour and delivery'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "25_cousel_delivery"
+# description: "reporting_25_cousel_delivery_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During labour and delivery'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "total_cousel_delivery"
+# description: "total_cousel_delivery_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During labour and delivery'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "10y14y_cousel_PNC"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_cousel_PNC_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During PNC'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "15y19y_cousel_PNC"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_cousel_PNC_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During PNC'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "20y24y_cousel_PNC"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_cousel_PNC_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During PNC'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "25_cousel_PNC"
+# description: "reporting_25_cousel_PNC_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During PNC'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "total_cousel_PNC"
+# description: "total_cousel_PNC_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count (DISTINCT v.base_entity_id) as count
+# FROM visit_details vd
+# INNER JOIN visits v on v.visit_id = vd.visit_id
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = v.base_entity_id
+# WHERE vd.human_readable_details = 'During PNC'
+# AND ('%s' = strftime('%Y-%m-%d',datetime(v.visit_date/1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))"
+# - key: "10y14y_referral"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_referral_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "10y14y_men_referral"
+# description: "reporting_10y14y_men_referral_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+14 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "15y19y_referral"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_referral_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "15y19y_men_referral"
+# description: "reporting_15y19y_men_referral_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+19 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "20y24y_referral"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_referral_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "20y24y_men_referral"
+# description: "reporting_20y24y_men_referral_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+24 years') >= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "25_referral"
+# description: "reporting_25_referral_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Female')"
+# - key: "25_men_referral"
+# description: "reporting_25_men_referral_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date ('now'))
+# AND ( fm.gender = 'Male')"
+# - key: "total_fp_referral"
+# description: "total_fp_referral_label"
+# indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT e.baseEntityId) as count
+# FROM event e
+# INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = e.baseEntityId
+# WHERE e.eventType = 'Family Planning Referral'
+# AND ('%s' = (substr(e.eventDate, 1,10)))
+# AND ( date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date ('now'))"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/kvp-monthly-report.yml b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/kvp-monthly-report.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..741e318b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/kvp-monthly-report.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,36246 @@
+ - key: "kvp-1-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services='enrolled_and_on_arv' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='known_positive'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services='enrolled_and_on_arv' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='known_positive'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services='enrolled_and_on_arv' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='known_positive'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services='enrolled_and_on_arv' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='known_positive'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services='enrolled_and_on_arv' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='known_positive'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services='enrolled_and_on_arv' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='known_positive'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services='enrolled_and_on_arv' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='known_positive'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services='enrolled_and_on_arv' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='known_positive'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services='enrolled_and_on_arv' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='known_positive'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services='enrolled_and_on_arv' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='known_positive'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE ((ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-1-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE client_status = 'new_visit'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-2-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_structural_services ekss ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_other_services ekos ON efm.base_entity_id = ekos.entity_id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status IS NOT NULL OR ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials IS NOT NULL OR ekss.gbv_screening IS NOT NULL OR ekos.other_services_referrals_provided)
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-3-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekss.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_structural_services ekss
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekss.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekss.gbv_screening = 'case_reported' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'referred' OR ekss.gbv_screening = 'received_post_gbv_care')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekss.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-4-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.sti_screening = 'positive' OR ekbms.sti_screening = 'negative')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-5-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_b_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-6-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'negative' OR ekbms.hep_c_testing = 'positive_and_referred')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-7-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_assessment='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-8-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(ekr.id) as count FROM ec_kvp_register ekr
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_qualified='yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ekr.last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-9-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status = 'initiated' AND visit_type = 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-10-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-11-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya) Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_drug_offered = 'tdf_ftc' AND visit_type != 'new_client'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-14-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-15-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion) wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epf.entity_id) as count FROM ec_prep_followup epf
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE prep_status='discontinued_quit' AND reasons_stopping_prep='hiv_positive'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-16-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.family_planning_service IS NOT NULL
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-a-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND (ekbms.hiv_status='positive' OR ekbms.hiv_status='negative'))
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-b-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.hiv_status='positive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-c-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services !='not_applicable')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-17-d-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Wapya walioanzishiwa ART Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.client_status = 'new_visit' AND ekbms.ctc_services ='enrolled_and_on_arv')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-18-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE (ekbms.tb_screening = 'presumptive' OR ekbms.tb_screening = 'not_presumptive')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-19-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_female_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-20-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(ekbms.number_of_male_condoms_issued) as number_female_condom FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-21-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT sum(ekbs.iec_sbcc_materials) as number_iec_sbcc_materials FROM ec_kvp_behavioral_services ekbs
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbs.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbs.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-22-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ekbms.entity_id) as count FROM ec_kvp_bio_medical_services ekbms
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ekbms.entity_id
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON efm.base_entity_id = ekr.id
+WHERE ekbms.mat_provided = 'yes'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+date(substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ekbms.kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-12->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE epf.prep_status = 'initiated'
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+date(substr(prep_initiation_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(prep_initiation_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-15-19-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-20-24-agyw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='agyw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-<10-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-10-14-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-15-19-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-20-24-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-25-29-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-30-34-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-35-39-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-40-44-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-45-49-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13->50-pwid-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-<10-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-10-14-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-15-19-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-20-24-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-25-29-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-30-34-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-35-39-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-40-44-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-45-49-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13->50-pwid-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwid'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-<10-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-10-14-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-15-19-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-20-24-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-25-29-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-30-34-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-35-39-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-40-44-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-45-49-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13->50-pwud-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-<10-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-10-14-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-15-19-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-20-24-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-25-29-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-30-34-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-35-39-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-40-44-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-45-49-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13->50-pwud-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='pwud'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-<10-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-10-14-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-15-19-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-20-24-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-25-29-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-30-34-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-35-39-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-40-44-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-45-49-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13->50-mobile_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-<10-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-10-14-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-15-19-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-20-24-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-25-29-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-30-34-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-35-39-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-40-44-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-45-49-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13->50-mobile_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='mobile_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-<10-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13->50-serodiscordant_couple-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-<10-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-10-14-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-15-19-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-20-24-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-25-29-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-30-34-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-35-39-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-40-44-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-45-49-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13->50-serodiscordant_couple-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='serodiscordant_couple'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-<10-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13->50-other_vulnerable_population-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-<10-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-10-14-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-15-19-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-20-24-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-25-29-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-30-34-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-35-39-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-40-44-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-45-49-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13->50-other_vulnerable_population-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='other_vulnerable_population'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-<10-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-10-14-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-15-19-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-20-24-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-25-29-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-30-34-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-35-39-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-40-44-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-45-49-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13->50-msm-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='msm'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Male')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-<10-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri <10"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))<10
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-10-14-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-15-19-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-20-24-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-25-29-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-30-34-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-35-39-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-40-44-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13-45-49-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "kvp-13->50-fsw-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6 Umri >50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epr.id) as count FROM ec_prep_register epr
+INNER JOIN ec_kvp_register ekr ON ekr.id = epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_prep_followup epf ON epf.entity_id= epr.id
+INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epr.id
+WHERE (epf.prep_status = 'initiated' OR epf.prep_status ='re_start')
+AND ekr.client_group ='fsw'
+AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+AND (efm.gender='Female')
+AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+date(substr(kvp_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(kvp_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/ld-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/ld-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..961389113
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/ld-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,5750 @@
+ - key: "ld-2a-10-14"
+ description: "Waliojifungua katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'at_a_health_facility'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2a-15-19"
+ description: "Waliojifungua katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'at_a_health_facility'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2a-20-24"
+ description: "Waliojifungua katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'at_a_health_facility'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2a-25-29"
+ description: "Waliojifungua katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'at_a_health_facility'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2a-30-34"
+ description: "Waliojifungua katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'at_a_health_facility'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2a-35+"
+ description: "Waliojifungua katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'at_a_health_facility'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2b-10-14"
+ description: "Waliojifungua kabla ya kufika kituoni(BBA)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'bba'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2b-15-19"
+ description: "Waliojifungua kabla ya kufika kituoni(BBA)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'bba'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2b-20-24"
+ description: "Waliojifungua kabla ya kufika kituoni(BBA)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'bba'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2b-25-29"
+ description: "Waliojifungua kabla ya kufika kituoni(BBA)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'bba'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2b-30-34"
+ description: "Waliojifungua kabla ya kufika kituoni(BBA)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'bba'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2b-35+"
+ description: "Waliojifungua kabla ya kufika kituoni(BBA)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'bba'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2c-10-14"
+ description: "Waliozalishwa na wakunga wa jadi(TBA)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'tba'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2c-15-19"
+ description: "Waliozalishwa na wakunga wa jadi(TBA)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'tba'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2c-20-24"
+ description: "Waliozalishwa na wakunga wa jadi(TBA)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'tba'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2c-25-29"
+ description: "Waliozalishwa na wakunga wa jadi(TBA)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'tba'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2c-30-34"
+ description: "Waliozalishwa na wakunga wa jadi(TBA)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'tba'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2c-35+"
+ description: "Waliozalishwa na wakunga wa jadi(TBA)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'tba'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2d-10-14"
+ description: "Waliojifungua nyumbani (H) bila msaada wa TBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'at_home'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2d-15-19"
+ description: "Waliojifungua nyumbani (H) bila msaada wa TBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'at_home'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2d-20-24"
+ description: "Waliojifungua nyumbani (H) bila msaada wa TBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'at_home'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2d-25-29"
+ description: "Waliojifungua nyumbani (H) bila msaada wa TBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'at_home'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2d-30-34"
+ description: "Waliojifungua nyumbani (H) bila msaada wa TBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'at_home'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2d-35+"
+ description: "Waliojifungua nyumbani (H) bila msaada wa TBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.delivery_place = 'at_home'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2e-10-14"
+ description: "Waliozalishwa na watoa huduma wenye ujuzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND elpc.delivery_place = 'at_a_health_facility'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2e-15-19"
+ description: "Waliozalishwa na watoa huduma wenye ujuzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND elpc.delivery_place = 'at_a_health_facility'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2e-20-24"
+ description: "Waliozalishwa na watoa huduma wenye ujuzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND elpc.delivery_place = 'at_a_health_facility'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2e-25-29"
+ description: "Waliozalishwa na watoa huduma wenye ujuzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND elpc.delivery_place = 'at_a_health_facility'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2e-30-34"
+ description: "Waliozalishwa na watoa huduma wenye ujuzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND elpc.delivery_place = 'at_a_health_facility'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-2e-35+"
+ description: "Waliozalishwa na watoa huduma wenye ujuzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND elpc.delivery_place = 'at_a_health_facility'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-3a-10-14"
+ description: "Waliojifungua baada ya saa 12 toka uchungu kuanza"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.labour_duration/(1000*60*60) > 12
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-3a-15-19"
+ description: "Waliojifungua baada ya saa 12 toka uchungu kuanza"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.labour_duration/(1000*60*60) > 12
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-3a-20-24"
+ description: "Waliojifungua baada ya saa 12 toka uchungu kuanza"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.labour_duration/(1000*60*60) > 12
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-3a-25-29"
+ description: "Waliojifungua baada ya saa 12 toka uchungu kuanza"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.labour_duration/(1000*60*60) > 12
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-3a-30-34"
+ description: "Waliojifungua baada ya saa 12 toka uchungu kuanza"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.labour_duration/(1000*60*60) > 12
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-3a-35+"
+ description: "Waliojifungua baada ya saa 12 toka uchungu kuanza"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.labour_duration/(1000*60*60) > 12
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4a-10-14"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Kawaida (SVD)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'spontaneous_vaginal_delivery'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4a-15-19"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Kawaida (SVD)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'spontaneous_vaginal_delivery'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4a-20-24"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Kawaida (SVD)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'spontaneous_vaginal_delivery'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4a-25-29"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Kawaida (SVD)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'spontaneous_vaginal_delivery'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4a-30-34"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Kawaida (SVD)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'spontaneous_vaginal_delivery'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4a-35+"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Kawaida (SVD)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'spontaneous_vaginal_delivery'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4b-10-14"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Vacuum (VM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'vacuum_extraction'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4b-15-19"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Vacuum (VM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'vacuum_extraction'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4b-20-24"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Vacuum (VM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'vacuum_extraction'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4b-25-29"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Vacuum (VM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'vacuum_extraction'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4b-30-34"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Vacuum (VM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'vacuum_extraction'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4b-35+"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Vacuum (VM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'vacuum_extraction'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4c-10-14"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Breech delivery (BR)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'breech_delivery'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4c-15-19"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Breech delivery (BR)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'breech_delivery'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4c-20-24"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Breech delivery (BR)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'breech_delivery'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4c-25-29"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Breech delivery (BR)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'breech_delivery'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4c-30-34"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Breech delivery (BR)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'breech_delivery'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4c-35+"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Breech delivery (BR)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'breech_delivery'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4d-10-14"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Caesarian Section (CS)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'cesarean'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4d-15-19"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Caesarian Section (CS)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'cesarean'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4d-20-24"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Caesarian Section (CS)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'cesarean'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4d-25-29"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Caesarian Section (CS)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'cesarean'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4d-30-34"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Caesarian Section (CS)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'cesarean'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-4d-35+"
+ description: "Waliojifungua Caesarian Section (CS)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.mode_of_delivery = 'cesarean'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5a-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua APH"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_aph%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5a-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua APH"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_aph%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5a-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua APH"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_aph%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5a-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua APH"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_aph%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5a-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua APH"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_aph%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5a-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua APH"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_aph%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5b-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Pre-mature Rupture of Membrane (PROM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_prom%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5b-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Pre-mature Rupture of Membrane (PROM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_prom%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5b-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Pre-mature Rupture of Membrane (PROM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_prom%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5b-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Pre-mature Rupture of Membrane (PROM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_prom%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5b-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Pre-mature Rupture of Membrane (PROM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_prom%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5b-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Pre-mature Rupture of Membrane (PROM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_prom%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5c-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua High BP"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_high_bp%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5c-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua High BP"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_high_bp%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5c-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua High BP"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_high_bp%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5c-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua High BP"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_high_bp%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5c-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua High BP"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_high_bp%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5c-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua High BP"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_high_bp%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5d-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Pre-eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_pre_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5d-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Pre-eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_pre_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5d-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Pre-eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_pre_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5d-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Pre-eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_pre_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5d-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Pre-eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_pre_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5d-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Pre-eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_pre_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5e-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5e-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5e-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5e-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5e-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5e-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5f-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Anaemia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_anaemia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5f-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Anaemia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_anaemia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5f-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Anaemia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_anaemia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5f-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Anaemia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_anaemia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5f-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Anaemia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_anaemia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5f-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Anaemia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_anaemia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5g-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Malaria"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_malaria%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5g-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Malaria"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_malaria%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5g-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Malaria"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_malaria%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5g-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Malaria"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_malaria%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5g-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Malaria"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_malaria%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5g-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Malaria"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_malaria%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5h-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua HIV + Stage III au IV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_hiv_stage_3_or_4%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5h-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua HIV + Stage III au IV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_hiv_stage_3_or_4%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5h-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua HIV + Stage III au IV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_hiv_stage_3_or_4%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5h-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua HIV + Stage III au IV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_hiv_stage_3_or_4%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5h-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua HIV + Stage III au IV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_hiv_stage_3_or_4%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5h-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua HIV + Stage III au IV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_hiv_stage_3_or_4%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5i-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Waliokekektwa (FGM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_fgm%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5i-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Waliokekektwa (FGM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_fgm%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5i-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Waliokekektwa (FGM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_fgm%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5i-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Waliokekektwa (FGM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_fgm%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5i-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Waliokekektwa (FGM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_fgm%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-5i-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua Waliokekektwa (FGM)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_before_delivery LIKE '%chk_fgm%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6a-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua PPH"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_pph%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6a-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua PPH"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_pph%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6a-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua PPH"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_pph%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6a-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua PPH"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_pph%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6a-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua PPH"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_pph%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6a-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua PPH"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_pph%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6b-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Pre eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_pre_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6b-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Pre eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_pre_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6b-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Pre eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_pre_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6b-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Pre eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_pre_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6b-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Pre eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_pre_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6b-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Pre eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_pre_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6c-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6c-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6c-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6c-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6c-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6c-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Eclampsia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_eclampsia%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6d-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Obstructed Labour"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_obstructed_labour%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6d-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Obstructed Labour"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_obstructed_labour%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6d-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Obstructed Labour"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_obstructed_labour%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6d-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Obstructed Labour"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_obstructed_labour%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6d-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Obstructed Labour"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_obstructed_labour%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6d-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Obstructed Labour"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_obstructed_labour%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6e-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Retained placenta"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_retained_placenta%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6e-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Retained placenta"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_retained_placenta%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6e-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Retained placenta"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_retained_placenta%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6e-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Retained placenta"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_retained_placenta%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6e-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Retained placenta"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_retained_placenta%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6e-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Retained placenta"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_retained_placenta%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6f-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Third degree tear"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_3_degree_tear%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6f-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Third degree tear"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_3_degree_tear%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6f-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Third degree tear"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_3_degree_tear%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6f-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Third degree tear"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_3_degree_tear%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6f-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Third degree tear"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_3_degree_tear%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6f-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Third degree tear"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_3_degree_tear%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6g-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Ruptured uterus"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_ruptured_uterus%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6g-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Ruptured uterus"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_ruptured_uterus%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6g-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Ruptured uterus"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_ruptured_uterus%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6g-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Ruptured uterus"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_ruptured_uterus%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6g-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Ruptured uterus"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_ruptured_uterus%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6g-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Ruptured uterus"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_ruptured_uterus%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6h-10-14"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Uambukizo/Sepsis"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_sepsis%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6h-15-19"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Uambukizo/Sepsis"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_sepsis%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6h-20-24"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Uambukizo/Sepsis"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_sepsis%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6h-25-29"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Uambukizo/Sepsis"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_sepsis%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6h-30-34"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Uambukizo/Sepsis"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_sepsis%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-6h-35+"
+ description: "Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua Uambukizo/Sepsis"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery LIKE '%chk_sepsis%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7a-10-14"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Antibiotic"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.administered_antibiotics = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7a-15-19"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Antibiotic"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.administered_antibiotics = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7a-20-24"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Antibiotic"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.administered_antibiotics = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7a-25-29"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Antibiotic"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.administered_antibiotics = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7a-30-34"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Antibiotic"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.administered_antibiotics = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7a-35+"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Antibiotic"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.administered_antibiotics = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7b-10-14"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Uterotonic"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic IS NOT NULL AND elpam.uterotonic <> 'none'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7b-15-19"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Uterotonic"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic IS NOT NULL AND elpam.uterotonic <> 'none'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7b-20-24"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Uterotonic"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic IS NOT NULL AND elpam.uterotonic <> 'none'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7b-25-29"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Uterotonic"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic IS NOT NULL AND elpam.uterotonic <> 'none'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7b-30-34"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Uterotonic"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic IS NOT NULL AND elpam.uterotonic <> 'none'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7b-35+"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Uterotonic"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic IS NOT NULL AND elpam.uterotonic <> 'none'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7c-10-14"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Magnesium Sulphate"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.administered_magnesium_sulphate = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7c-15-19"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Magnesium Sulphate"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.administered_magnesium_sulphate = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7c-20-24"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Magnesium Sulphate"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.administered_magnesium_sulphate = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7c-25-29"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Magnesium Sulphate"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.administered_magnesium_sulphate = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7c-30-34"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Magnesium Sulphate"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.administered_magnesium_sulphate = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7c-35+"
+ description: "EmOC Amepewa Magnesium Sulphate"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.administered_magnesium_sulphate = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7d-10-14"
+ description: "EmOC Ameondolewa kwa mkono kondo la nyuma"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.placenta_removed_by_hand = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7d-15-19"
+ description: "EmOC Ameondolewa kwa mkono kondo la nyuma"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.placenta_removed_by_hand = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7d-20-24"
+ description: "EmOC Ameondolewa kwa mkono kondo la nyuma"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.placenta_removed_by_hand = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7d-25-29"
+ description: "EmOC Ameondolewa kwa mkono kondo la nyuma"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.placenta_removed_by_hand = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7d-30-34"
+ description: "EmOC Ameondolewa kwa mkono kondo la nyuma"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.placenta_removed_by_hand = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7d-35+"
+ description: "EmOC Ameondolewa kwa mkono kondo la nyuma"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.placenta_removed_by_hand = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7e-10-14"
+ description: "EmOC Amefanyiwa MVA/D&C"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.conducted_mva = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7f-10-14"
+ description: "EmOC Ameongezewa damu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.provided_blood_transfusion = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8a-10-14"
+ description: "Wanawake waliosaidiwa kutoiewa kondo la nyuma kwa kuvutwa kitovu pole pole"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.method_used_to_remove_the_placenta = 'control_cord_traction'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8b-10-14"
+ description: "Wanawake waliosaidiwa kwa kukandwa kandwa nyumba ya uzazi."
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterus_massage_after_delivery = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8c-10-14"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Oxytocin baada ya kujifungua (10 IU)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%oxytocin%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8d-10-14"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Egometrine baada ya kujifungua (0.5mg)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%ergometrine%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8e-10-14"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Misoprostol baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%misoprostol%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10a-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10b-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa hai Uzito<2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10c-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) >= 2.5
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10d-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'msb'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10e-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'fsb'
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10f-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.risk_category IS NOT NULL
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10g-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliopewa dawa za ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10h-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Watoto wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.apgar_score_at_5_minutes AS FLOAT) < 7
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11a-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11b-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa hai Uzito<2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11c-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) >= 2.5
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11d-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'msb'
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11e-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'fsb'
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11f-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.risk_category IS NOT NULL
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11g-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliopewa dawa za ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11h-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.apgar_score_at_5_minutes AS FLOAT) < 7
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-12a-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto Waliosaidiwa kupumua - Suction "
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'suction_only'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-12b-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- stimulation "
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'stimulation'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-12c-10-14"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- bag and mask"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'suction_and_bag_mask'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-13a-10-14"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto walionyonyeshwa ndani ya saa moja baada ya kuzaliwa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.early_bf_1hr = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-14a-10-14"
+ description: "Wazazi waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.status = 'died'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-7e-15-19"
+ description: "EmOC Amefanyiwa MVA/D&C"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.conducted_mva = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7f-15-19"
+ description: "EmOC Ameongezewa damu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.provided_blood_transfusion = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8a-15-19"
+ description: "Wanawake waliosaidiwa kutoiewa kondo la nyuma kwa kuvutwa kitovu pole pole"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.method_used_to_remove_the_placenta = 'control_cord_traction'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8b-15-19"
+ description: "Wanawake waliosaidiwa kwa kukandwa kandwa nyumba ya uzazi."
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterus_massage_after_delivery = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8c-15-19"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Oxytocin baada ya kujifungua (10 IU)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%oxytocin%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8d-15-19"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Egometrine baada ya kujifungua (0.5mg)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%ergometrine%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8e-15-19"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Misoprostol baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%misoprostol%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10a-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10b-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa hai Uzito<2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10c-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) >= 2.5
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10d-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'msb'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10e-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'fsb'
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10f-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.risk_category IS NOT NULL
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10g-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliopewa dawa za ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-10h-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Watoto wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.apgar_score_at_5_minutes AS FLOAT) < 7
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11a-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11b-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa hai Uzito<2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11c-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) >= 2.5
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11d-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'msb'
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11e-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'fsb'
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11f-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.risk_category IS NOT NULL
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11g-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliopewa dawa za ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11h-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.apgar_score_at_5_minutes AS FLOAT) < 7
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-12a-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto Waliosaidiwa kupumua - Suction "
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'suction_only'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-12b-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- stimulation "
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'stimulation'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-12c-15-19"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- bag and mask"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'suction_and_bag_mask'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-13a-15-19"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto walionyonyeshwa ndani ya saa moja baada ya kuzaliwa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.early_bf_1hr = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-14a-15-19"
+ description: "Wazazi waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.status = 'died'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-7e-20-24"
+ description: "EmOC Amefanyiwa MVA/D&C"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.conducted_mva = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7f-20-24"
+ description: "EmOC Ameongezewa damu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.provided_blood_transfusion = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8a-20-24"
+ description: "Wanawake waliosaidiwa kutoiewa kondo la nyuma kwa kuvutwa kitovu pole pole"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.method_used_to_remove_the_placenta = 'control_cord_traction'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8b-20-24"
+ description: "Wanawake waliosaidiwa kwa kukandwa kandwa nyumba ya uzazi."
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterus_massage_after_delivery = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8c-20-24"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Oxytocin baada ya kujifungua (10 IU)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%oxytocin%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8d-20-24"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Egometrine baada ya kujifungua (0.5mg)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%ergometrine%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8e-20-24"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Misoprostol baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%misoprostol%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10a-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10b-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa hai Uzito<2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10c-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) >= 2.5
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10d-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'msb'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10e-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'fsb'
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10f-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.risk_category IS NOT NULL
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10g-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliopewa dawa za ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10h-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Watoto wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.apgar_score_at_5_minutes AS FLOAT) < 7
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11a-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11b-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa hai Uzito<2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11c-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) >= 2.5
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11d-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'msb'
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11e-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'fsb'
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11f-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.risk_category IS NOT NULL
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11g-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliopewa dawa za ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11h-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.apgar_score_at_5_minutes AS FLOAT) < 7
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-12a-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto Waliosaidiwa kupumua - Suction "
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'suction_only'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-12b-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- stimulation "
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'stimulation'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-12c-20-24"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- bag and mask"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'suction_and_bag_mask'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-13a-20-24"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto walionyonyeshwa ndani ya saa moja baada ya kuzaliwa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.early_bf_1hr = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-14a-20-24"
+ description: "Wazazi waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.status = 'died'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-7e-25-29"
+ description: "EmOC Amefanyiwa MVA/D&C"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.conducted_mva = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7f-25-29"
+ description: "EmOC Ameongezewa damu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.provided_blood_transfusion = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8a-25-29"
+ description: "Wanawake waliosaidiwa kutoiewa kondo la nyuma kwa kuvutwa kitovu pole pole"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.method_used_to_remove_the_placenta = 'control_cord_traction'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8b-25-29"
+ description: "Wanawake waliosaidiwa kwa kukandwa kandwa nyumba ya uzazi."
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterus_massage_after_delivery = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8c-25-29"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Oxytocin baada ya kujifungua (10 IU)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%oxytocin%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8d-25-29"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Egometrine baada ya kujifungua (0.5mg)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%ergometrine%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8e-25-29"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Misoprostol baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%misoprostol%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10a-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10b-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa hai Uzito<2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10c-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) >= 2.5
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10d-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'msb'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10e-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'fsb'
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10f-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.risk_category IS NOT NULL
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10g-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliopewa dawa za ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10h-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Watoto wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.apgar_score_at_5_minutes AS FLOAT) < 7
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11a-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11b-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa hai Uzito<2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11c-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) >= 2.5
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11d-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'msb'
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11e-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'fsb'
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11f-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.risk_category IS NOT NULL
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11g-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliopewa dawa za ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11h-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.apgar_score_at_5_minutes AS FLOAT) < 7
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-12a-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto Waliosaidiwa kupumua - Suction "
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'suction_only'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-12b-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- stimulation "
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'stimulation'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-12c-25-29"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- bag and mask"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'suction_and_bag_mask'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-13a-25-29"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto walionyonyeshwa ndani ya saa moja baada ya kuzaliwa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.early_bf_1hr = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-14a-25-29"
+ description: "Wazazi waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.status = 'died'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-7e-30-34"
+ description: "EmOC Amefanyiwa MVA/D&C"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.conducted_mva = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7f-30-34"
+ description: "EmOC Ameongezewa damu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.provided_blood_transfusion = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8a-30-34"
+ description: "Wanawake waliosaidiwa kutoiewa kondo la nyuma kwa kuvutwa kitovu pole pole"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.method_used_to_remove_the_placenta = 'control_cord_traction'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8b-30-34"
+ description: "Wanawake waliosaidiwa kwa kukandwa kandwa nyumba ya uzazi."
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterus_massage_after_delivery = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8c-30-34"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Oxytocin baada ya kujifungua (10 IU)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%oxytocin%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8d-30-34"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Egometrine baada ya kujifungua (0.5mg)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%ergometrine%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8e-30-34"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Misoprostol baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%misoprostol%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10a-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10b-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa hai Uzito<2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10c-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) >= 2.5
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10d-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'msb'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10e-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'fsb'
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10f-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.risk_category IS NOT NULL
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10g-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliopewa dawa za ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10h-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Watoto wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.apgar_score_at_5_minutes AS FLOAT) < 7
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11a-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11b-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa hai Uzito<2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11c-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) >= 2.5
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11d-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'msb'
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11e-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'fsb'
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11f-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.risk_category IS NOT NULL
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11g-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliopewa dawa za ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11h-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.apgar_score_at_5_minutes AS FLOAT) < 7
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-12a-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto Waliosaidiwa kupumua - Suction "
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'suction_only'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-12b-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- stimulation "
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'stimulation'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-12c-30-34"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- bag and mask"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'suction_and_bag_mask'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-13a-30-34"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto walionyonyeshwa ndani ya saa moja baada ya kuzaliwa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.early_bf_1hr = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-14a-30-34"
+ description: "Wazazi waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.status = 'died'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-7e-35+"
+ description: "EmOC Amefanyiwa MVA/D&C"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.conducted_mva = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-7f-35+"
+ description: "EmOC Ameongezewa damu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.provided_blood_transfusion = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8a-35+"
+ description: "Wanawake waliosaidiwa kutoiewa kondo la nyuma kwa kuvutwa kitovu pole pole"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.method_used_to_remove_the_placenta = 'control_cord_traction'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8b-35+"
+ description: "Wanawake waliosaidiwa kwa kukandwa kandwa nyumba ya uzazi."
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterus_massage_after_delivery = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8c-35+"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Oxytocin baada ya kujifungua (10 IU)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%oxytocin%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8d-35+"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Egometrine baada ya kujifungua (0.5mg)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%ergometrine%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-8e-35+"
+ description: "Wanawake waliopata Misoprostol baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpam.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_placenta_and_membrane elpam
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpam.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpam.uterotonic LIKE '%misoprostol%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpam.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10a-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10b-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa hai Uzito<2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10c-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) >= 2.5
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10d-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'msb'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10e-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'fsb'
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10f-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.risk_category IS NOT NULL
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10g-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja Waliopewa dawa za ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-10h-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Watoto wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.apgar_score_at_5_minutes AS FLOAT) < 7
+ AND elpc.number_of_children_born = 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11a-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11b-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa hai Uzito<2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11c-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.weight AS FLOAT) >= 2.5
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11d-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'msb'
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11e-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.still_birth_choice = 'fsb'
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11f-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.risk_category IS NOT NULL
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date((substr(elpc.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elpc.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-11g-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha Waliopewa dawa za ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-11h-35+"
+ description: "Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(elinbc.apgar_score_at_5_minutes AS FLOAT) < 7
+ AND CAST(elpc.number_of_children_born AS FLOAT) > 1
+ AND elinbc.newborn_status ='alive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-12a-35+"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto Waliosaidiwa kupumua - Suction "
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'suction_only'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-12b-35+"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- stimulation "
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'stimulation'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-12c-35+"
+ description: "Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua, Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- bag and mask"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.resuscitation = 'suction_and_bag_mask'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-13a-35+"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto walionyonyeshwa ndani ya saa moja baada ya kuzaliwa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.early_bf_1hr = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-14a-35+"
+ description: "Wazazi waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.status = 'died'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9a-10-14"
+ description: "Jumla waliopimwa VVU ANC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.anc_hiv_status <> 'unknown'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elc.admission_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elc.admission_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9b-10-14"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Positive kutoka ANC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.anc_hiv_status = 'positive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elc.admission_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elc.admission_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9c-10-14"
+ description: "Jumla waliopimwa VVU wakati na baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elgec.hiv IS NOT NULL OR epf.hiv = 'positive' OR epf.hiv = 'negative')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9d-10-14"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Positive wakati na baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON elc.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elc.hiv = 'positive' OR epf.hiv = 'positive')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9e-10-14"
+ description: "Waliochagua kunyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.early_bf_1hr = 'yes'
+ AND elc.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9f-10-14"
+ description: "Waliochagua ulishaji wa maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.reason_for_not_breast_feeding_within_one_hour LIKE '%replacement_feeding%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9g-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopewa ARV Prophylaxis (tail) wakati wa kuruhusiwa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9a-15-19"
+ description: "Jumla waliopimwa VVU ANC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.anc_hiv_status <> 'unknown'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elc.admission_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elc.admission_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9b-15-19"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Positive kutoka ANC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.anc_hiv_status = 'positive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elc.admission_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elc.admission_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9c-15-19"
+ description: "Jumla waliopimwa VVU wakati na baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elgec.hiv IS NOT NULL OR epf.hiv = 'positive' OR epf.hiv = 'negative')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9d-15-19"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Positive wakati na baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON elc.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elc.hiv = 'positive' OR epf.hiv = 'positive')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9e-15-19"
+ description: "Waliochagua kunyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.early_bf_1hr = 'yes'
+ AND elc.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9f-15-19"
+ description: "Waliochagua ulishaji wa maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.reason_for_not_breast_feeding_within_one_hour LIKE '%replacement_feeding%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9g-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopewa ARV Prophylaxis (tail) wakati wa kuruhusiwa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9a-20-24"
+ description: "Jumla waliopimwa VVU ANC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.anc_hiv_status <> 'unknown'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elc.admission_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elc.admission_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9b-20-24"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Positive kutoka ANC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.anc_hiv_status = 'positive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elc.admission_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elc.admission_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9c-20-24"
+ description: "Jumla waliopimwa VVU wakati na baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elgec.hiv IS NOT NULL OR epf.hiv = 'positive' OR epf.hiv = 'negative')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9d-20-24"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Positive wakati na baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON elc.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elc.hiv = 'positive' OR epf.hiv = 'positive')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9e-20-24"
+ description: "Waliochagua kunyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.early_bf_1hr = 'yes'
+ AND elc.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9f-20-24"
+ description: "Waliochagua ulishaji wa maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.reason_for_not_breast_feeding_within_one_hour LIKE '%replacement_feeding%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9g-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopewa ARV Prophylaxis (tail) wakati wa kuruhusiwa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9a-25-29"
+ description: "Jumla waliopimwa VVU ANC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.anc_hiv_status <> 'unknown'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elc.admission_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elc.admission_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9b-25-29"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Positive kutoka ANC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.anc_hiv_status = 'positive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elc.admission_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elc.admission_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9c-25-29"
+ description: "Jumla waliopimwa VVU wakati na baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elgec.hiv IS NOT NULL OR epf.hiv = 'positive' OR epf.hiv = 'negative')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9d-25-29"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Positive wakati na baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON elc.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elc.hiv = 'positive' OR epf.hiv = 'positive')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9e-25-29"
+ description: "Waliochagua kunyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.early_bf_1hr = 'yes'
+ AND elc.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9f-25-29"
+ description: "Waliochagua ulishaji wa maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.reason_for_not_breast_feeding_within_one_hour LIKE '%replacement_feeding%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9g-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopewa ARV Prophylaxis (tail) wakati wa kuruhusiwa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9a-30-34"
+ description: "Jumla waliopimwa VVU ANC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.anc_hiv_status <> 'unknown'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elc.admission_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elc.admission_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9b-30-34"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Positive kutoka ANC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.anc_hiv_status = 'positive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elc.admission_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elc.admission_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9c-30-34"
+ description: "Jumla waliopimwa VVU wakati na baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elgec.hiv IS NOT NULL OR epf.hiv = 'positive' OR epf.hiv = 'negative')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9d-30-34"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Positive wakati na baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON elc.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elc.hiv = 'positive' OR epf.hiv = 'positive')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9e-30-34"
+ description: "Waliochagua kunyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.early_bf_1hr = 'yes'
+ AND elc.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9f-30-34"
+ description: "Waliochagua ulishaji wa maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.reason_for_not_breast_feeding_within_one_hour LIKE '%replacement_feeding%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9g-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopewa ARV Prophylaxis (tail) wakati wa kuruhusiwa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9a-35+"
+ description: "Jumla waliopimwa VVU ANC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.anc_hiv_status <> 'unknown'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elc.admission_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elc.admission_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9b-35+"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Positive kutoka ANC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elc.anc_hiv_status = 'positive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(elc.admission_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(elc.admission_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9c-35+"
+ description: "Jumla waliopimwa VVU wakati na baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elgec.hiv IS NOT NULL OR epf.hiv = 'positive' OR epf.hiv = 'negative')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9d-35+"
+ description: "Waliogundulika Positive wakati na baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON elc.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elc.hiv = 'positive' OR epf.hiv = 'positive')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9e-35+"
+ description: "Waliochagua kunyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.early_bf_1hr = 'yes'
+ AND elc.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9f-35+"
+ description: "Waliochagua ulishaji wa maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elinbc.reason_for_not_breast_feeding_within_one_hour LIKE '%replacement_feeding%'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9g-35+"
+ description: "Waliopewa ARV Prophylaxis (tail) wakati wa kuruhusiwa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elinbc.provided_azt_nvp_syrup = 'yes' OR elinbc.provided_other_combinations = 'yes' OR
+ elinbc.provided_nvp_syrup = 'yes')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15a-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopewa ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_counselling_after_delivery = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15b-10-14"
+ description: "Wateja waliofunga kizazi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'tubal_litigation'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15c-10-14"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa kitanzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'intrauterine_device'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15d-10-14"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa vipandikizi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'implants'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15e-10-14"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa vipandikizi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'progestogen_only_pills'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15a-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopewa ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_counselling_after_delivery = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15b-15-19"
+ description: "Wateja waliofunga kizazi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'tubal_litigation'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15c-15-19"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa kitanzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'intrauterine_device'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15d-15-19"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa vipandikizi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'implants'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15e-15-19"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa vipandikizi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'progestogen_only_pills'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15a-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopewa ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_counselling_after_delivery = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15b-20-24"
+ description: "Wateja waliofunga kizazi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'tubal_litigation'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15c-20-24"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa kitanzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'intrauterine_device'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15d-20-24"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa vipandikizi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'implants'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15e-20-24"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa vipandikizi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'progestogen_only_pills'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15a-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopewa ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_counselling_after_delivery = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15b-25-29"
+ description: "Wateja waliofunga kizazi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'tubal_litigation'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15c-25-29"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa kitanzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'intrauterine_device'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15d-25-29"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa vipandikizi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'implants'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15e-25-29"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa vipandikizi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'progestogen_only_pills'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15a-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopewa ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_counselling_after_delivery = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15b-30-34"
+ description: "Wateja waliofunga kizazi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'tubal_litigation'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15c-30-34"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa kitanzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'intrauterine_device'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15d-30-34"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa vipandikizi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'implants'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15e-30-34"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa vipandikizi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'progestogen_only_pills'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15a-35+"
+ description: "Waliopewa ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_counselling_after_delivery = 'yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15b-35+"
+ description: "Wateja waliofunga kizazi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'tubal_litigation'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15c-35+"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa kitanzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'intrauterine_device'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15d-35+"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa vipandikizi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'implants'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-15e-35+"
+ description: "Wateja waliowekewa vipandikizi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elpc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE elpc.family_planning_methods_selected = 'progestogen_only_pills'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-16a-10-14-ME"
+ description: "Watoto Wachanga Waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ec.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ec.dod IS NOT NULL
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice IS NULL
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-16a-10-14-KE"
+ description: "Watoto Wachanga Waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ec.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ec.dod IS NOT NULL
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice IS NULL
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-16a-15-19-ME"
+ description: "Watoto Wachanga Waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ec.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ec.dod IS NOT NULL
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice IS NULL
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-16a-15-19-KE"
+ description: "Watoto Wachanga Waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ec.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ec.dod IS NOT NULL
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice IS NULL
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-16a-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Watoto Wachanga Waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ec.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ec.dod IS NOT NULL
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice IS NULL
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-16a-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Watoto Wachanga Waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ec.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ec.dod IS NOT NULL
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice IS NULL
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-16a-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Watoto Wachanga Waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ec.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ec.dod IS NOT NULL
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice IS NULL
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-16a-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Watoto Wachanga Waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ec.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ec.dod IS NOT NULL
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice IS NULL
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-16a-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Watoto Wachanga Waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ec.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ec.dod IS NOT NULL
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice IS NULL
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-16a-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Watoto Wachanga Waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ec.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ec.dod IS NOT NULL
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice IS NULL
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-16a-35+-ME"
+ description: "Watoto Wachanga Waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ec.gender = 'Male'
+ AND ec.dod IS NOT NULL
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice IS NULL
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-16a-35+-KE"
+ description: "Watoto Wachanga Waliofariki"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_postpartum_care elpc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elpc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_immediate_new_born_care elinbc ON ec.base_entity_id = elinbc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ec.gender = 'Female'
+ AND ec.dod IS NOT NULL
+ AND elinbc.still_birth_choice IS NULL
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elpc.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-13b-10-14"
+ description: "Idadi ya wamama waliopewa rufaa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN task t on elc.base_entity_id = t.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t.focus = 'Labour And Delivery Emergency'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-13b-15-19"
+ description: "Idadi ya wamama waliopewa rufaa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN task t on elc.base_entity_id = t.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t.focus = 'Labour And Delivery Emergency'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-13b-20-24"
+ description: "Idadi ya wamama waliopewa rufaa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN task t on elc.base_entity_id = t.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t.focus = 'Labour And Delivery Emergency'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-13b-25-29"
+ description: "Idadi ya wamama waliopewa rufaa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN task t on elc.base_entity_id = t.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t.focus = 'Labour And Delivery Emergency'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-13b-30-34"
+ description: "Idadi ya wamama waliopewa rufaa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN task t on elc.base_entity_id = t.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t.focus = 'Labour And Delivery Emergency'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-13b-35+"
+ description: "Idadi ya wamama waliopewa rufaa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_confirmation elc
+ INNER JOIN task t on elc.base_entity_id = t.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t.focus = 'Labour And Delivery Emergency'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-13c-10-14"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliopewa rufaa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on ec.base_entity_id = t.for
+ WHERE t.focus = 'Labour And Delivery Child Emergency'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-13c-15-19"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliopewa rufaa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on ec.base_entity_id = t.for
+ WHERE t.focus = 'Labour And Delivery Child Emergency'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-13c-20-24"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliopewa rufaa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on ec.base_entity_id = t.for
+ WHERE t.focus = 'Labour And Delivery Child Emergency'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-13c-25-29"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliopewa rufaa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on ec.base_entity_id = t.for
+ WHERE t.focus = 'Labour And Delivery Child Emergency'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-13c-30-34"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliopewa rufaa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on ec.base_entity_id = t.for
+ WHERE t.focus = 'Labour And Delivery Child Emergency'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-13c-35+"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliopewa rufaa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN task t on ec.base_entity_id = t.for
+ WHERE t.focus = 'Labour And Delivery Child Emergency'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(t.authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' ||
+ '01') =
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'))"
+ - key: "ld-9h-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopata rufaa kwenda kliniki ya huduma na matibabu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON elc.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elgec.hiv = 'positive')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9h-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopata rufaa kwenda kliniki ya huduma na matibabu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON elc.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elgec.hiv = 'positive')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9h-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopata rufaa kwenda kliniki ya huduma na matibabu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON elc.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elgec.hiv = 'positive')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9h-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopata rufaa kwenda kliniki ya huduma na matibabu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON elc.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elgec.hiv = 'positive')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9h-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopata rufaa kwenda kliniki ya huduma na matibabu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON elc.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elgec.hiv = 'positive')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "ld-9h-35+"
+ description: "Waliopata rufaa kwenda kliniki ya huduma na matibabu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT elgec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_ld_general_examination_consultation elgec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_ld_confirmation elc ON elc.base_entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = elgec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (elgec.hiv = 'positive')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(elgec.visit_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/mother_champion-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/mother_champion-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ad2aad27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/mother_champion-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+ - key: "b-1"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa PMTCT waliounganishwa kwenye kikundi/vikundi vya IGA and Ushauri Nasaha"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT emcf.entity_id) as count
+ from ec_mother_champion_followup emcf
+ WHERE linked_to_psychosocial_group = 'yes'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "b-2"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wapya wa PMTCT waliofuatiliwa na mama vinara na kuanza kutumia dawa"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT emcf.entity_id) as count
+ from ec_mother_champion_followup emcf
+ WHERE visit_number = 0
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "b-3"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa PMTCT waliopotea kwenye matumizi ya dawa (LTF) na kurudishwa/kufuatiliwa na mama vinara"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epcf.entity_id) as count
+ from ec_pmtct_community_feedback epcf
+ WHERE date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "b-4"
+ description: "Idadi ya vipindi alivyofundisha mama kinara/vinara kwa wateja wa PMTCT"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT id) as count
+ from ec_sbcc es
+ WHERE date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(es.sbcc_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(es.sbcc_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "b-5"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa PMTCT walioelimishwa na mama kinara/vinara"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(participants_number) as count
+ from ec_sbcc es
+ WHERE date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(es.sbcc_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(es.sbcc_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "b-7"
+ description: "Idadi ya wenza waliofuatiliwa/kuletwa kituoni kupima na kujua hali za afya zao kwa mara ya kwanza"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT eapcf.entity_id) as count
+ from ec_anc_partner_community_feedback eapcf
+ INNER JOIN ec_anc_followup eaf on eaf.entity_id = eapcf.entity_id
+ WHERE (partner_hiv IS NOT NULL AND partner_hiv <> 'test_not_conducted')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(last_interacted_with / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/pmtct-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/pmtct-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..725c1d4b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/pmtct-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,796 @@
+ - key: "B3a"
+ description: "pmtct_pnc_clients_with_age_10-14"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (is_transfer_in_client IS NULL OR is_transfer_in_client = 'no')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "B3b"
+ description: "pmtct_pnc_clients_with_age_15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (is_transfer_in_client IS NULL OR is_transfer_in_client = 'no')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "B3c"
+ description: "pmtct_pnc_clients_with_age_20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (is_transfer_in_client IS NULL OR is_transfer_in_client = 'no')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "B3d"
+ description: "pmtct_pnc_clients_with_age_25+"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (is_transfer_in_client IS NULL OR is_transfer_in_client = 'no')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "C3a"
+ description: "pmtct_pnc_clients_who_are_new_on_art"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (is_transfer_in_client IS NULL OR is_transfer_in_client = 'no')
+ AND known_on_art = 'no'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "C3b"
+ description: "pmtct_pnc_clients_who_are_known_on_art"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (is_transfer_in_client IS NULL OR is_transfer_in_client = 'no')
+ AND known_on_art = 'yes'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "D3"
+ description: "pmtct_transfer_in_client_TI"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE is_transfer_in_client = 'yes'
+ AND known_on_art = 'yes'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "E3"
+ description: "pmtct_transfer_out_clients_TO"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT t2.base_entity_id,
+ substr(t2.grouped_followp_status, 0,
+ instr(t2.grouped_followp_status, ',')) as followup_status
+ from (
+ SELECT T1.base_entity_id,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(T1.followup_status, ',') grouped_followp_status
+ FROM (SELECT ec_pmtct_registration.base_entity_id, ec_pmtct_followup.followup_status, visit_number
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_followup
+ on ec_pmtct_registration.base_entity_id = ec_pmtct_followup.entity_id
+ ORDER BY visit_number DESC) as T1
+ group by T1.base_entity_id
+ ) as t2) as t3 on t3.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t3.followup_status = 'transfer_out'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "G3"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_continuing_with_services"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_followup epf on epmtc.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services'
+ AND epf.visit_number <> '0'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "H3"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_with_three_consecutive_missed_appointments"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epmtc.base_entity_id NOT IN (SELECT DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id as base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_followup epf on epmtc.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE (epf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services' OR
+ epf.followup_status = 'transfer_out')
+ AND epf.visit_number <> '0'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'),
+ '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "I3"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_that_died"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_followup epf on epmtc.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "J3"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_that_exited_to_ctc"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epmtc.is_closed = '1'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "A12"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_registered_month(0)_12_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (is_transfer_in_client IS NULL OR is_transfer_in_client = 'no')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "A24"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_registered_month(0)_24_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (is_transfer_in_client IS NULL OR is_transfer_in_client = 'no')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "B12"
+ description: "pmtct_transfer_in_client_TI_since_month(0)_12_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE is_transfer_in_client = 'yes'
+ AND known_on_art = 'yes'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "B24"
+ description: "pmtct_transfer_in_client_TI_since_month(0)_24_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE is_transfer_in_client = 'yes'
+ AND known_on_art = 'yes'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "C12"
+ description: "pmtct_transfer_out_clients_since_month(0)_12_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT t2.base_entity_id,
+ substr(t2.grouped_followp_status, 0,
+ instr(t2.grouped_followp_status, ',')) as followup_status
+ from (
+ SELECT T1.base_entity_id,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(T1.followup_status, ',') grouped_followp_status
+ FROM (SELECT ec_pmtct_registration.base_entity_id, ec_pmtct_followup.followup_status, visit_number
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_followup
+ on ec_pmtct_registration.base_entity_id = ec_pmtct_followup.entity_id
+ ORDER BY visit_number DESC) as T1
+ group by T1.base_entity_id
+ ) as t2) as t3 on t3.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t3.followup_status = 'transfer_out'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "C24"
+ description: "pmtct_transfer_out_clients_since_month(0)_24_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT t2.base_entity_id,
+ substr(t2.grouped_followp_status, 0,
+ instr(t2.grouped_followp_status, ',')) as followup_status
+ from (
+ SELECT T1.base_entity_id,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(T1.followup_status, ',') grouped_followp_status
+ FROM (SELECT ec_pmtct_registration.base_entity_id, ec_pmtct_followup.followup_status, visit_number
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_followup
+ on ec_pmtct_registration.base_entity_id = ec_pmtct_followup.entity_id
+ ORDER BY visit_number DESC) as T1
+ group by T1.base_entity_id
+ ) as t2) as t3 on t3.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t3.followup_status = 'transfer_out'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "E12"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_continuing_with_services_with_visits_M10_or_M11_or_M12"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_followup epf on epmtc.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services'
+ AND (date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01') OR
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-2 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01') OR
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-3 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "E24"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_continuing_with_services_with_visits_M24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_followup epf on epmtc.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services'
+ AND (date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-1 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "F12"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_with_hvl_test_in_the_last_6_months"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_followup epf on epmtc.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-6 months') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')
+ AND epf.hvl_sample_id IS NOT NULL
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "G12"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_with_hvl_test_in_the_last_6_months_with_results_less_than_50_per_ul"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_followup epf on epmtc.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_hvl_results ephr on epf.base_entity_id = ephr.hvl_pmtct_followup_form_submission_id
+ WHERE epf.followup_status = 'continuing_with_services'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-6 months') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')
+ AND epf.hvl_sample_id IS NOT NULL
+ AND CAST(hvl_result as INT) <= 50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "H12"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_who_are_ltf"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT t2.base_entity_id,
+ substr(t2.grouped_followp_status, 0,
+ instr(t2.grouped_followp_status, ',')) as followup_status
+ from (
+ SELECT T1.base_entity_id,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(T1.followup_status, ',') grouped_followp_status
+ FROM (SELECT ec_pmtct_registration.base_entity_id, ec_pmtct_registration.followup_status, visit_number
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_followup
+ on ec_pmtct_registration.base_entity_id = ec_pmtct_followup.entity_id
+ ORDER BY visit_number DESC) as T1
+ group by T1.base_entity_id
+ ) as t2) as t3 on t3.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t3.followup_status = 'lost_to_followup'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "F24"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_who_are_ltf_24_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT t2.base_entity_id,
+ substr(t2.grouped_followp_status, 0,
+ instr(t2.grouped_followp_status, ',')) as followup_status
+ from (
+ SELECT T1.base_entity_id,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(T1.followup_status, ',') grouped_followp_status
+ FROM (SELECT ec_pmtct_registration.base_entity_id, ec_pmtct_registration.followup_status, visit_number
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_followup
+ on ec_pmtct_registration.base_entity_id = ec_pmtct_followup.entity_id
+ ORDER BY visit_number DESC) as T1
+ group by T1.base_entity_id
+ ) as t2) as t3 on t3.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t3.followup_status = 'lost_to_followup'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "I12"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_who_are_diseased_since_month(0)_12_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "G24"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_who_are_diseased_since_month(0)_24_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_followup epf on epmtc.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "J12"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_that_exited_to_ctc_since_month(0)_12_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epmtc.is_closed = '1'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "H24"
+ description: "pmtct_clients_that_exited_to_ctc_since_month(0)_24_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epmtc.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epmtc.is_closed = '1'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "L12"
+ description: "children_born_by_pmtctc_mothers_since_moonth(0)_12_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei eh on fm.base_entity_id = eh.mother_entity_id
+ WHERE date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "J24"
+ description: "children_born_by_pmtctc_mothers_since_moonth(0)_24_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei eh on fm.base_entity_id = eh.mother_entity_id
+ WHERE date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "M12"
+ description: "children_who_are_ltfs_since_month(0)_12_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT t3.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT t2.base_entity_id, t2.mother_entity_id,
+ substr(t2.grouped_followp_status, 0,
+ instr(t2.grouped_followp_status, ',')) as followup_status
+ from (
+ SELECT T1.base_entity_id, T1.mother_entity_id,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(T1.followup_status, ',') grouped_followp_status
+ FROM (SELECT ec_hei.base_entity_id, followup_status, mother_entity_id
+ FROM ec_hei
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup
+ on ec_hei.base_entity_id = ec_hei_followup.entity_id
+ ORDER BY visit_number DESC) as T1
+ group by T1.base_entity_id, T1.mother_entity_id
+ ) as t2) as t3 on t3.mother_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t3.followup_status = 'lost_to_followup'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "Q24"
+ description: "children_who_are_ltfs_since_month(0)_24_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT t3.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT t2.base_entity_id, t2.mother_entity_id,
+ substr(t2.grouped_followp_status, 0,
+ instr(t2.grouped_followp_status, ',')) as followup_status
+ from (
+ SELECT T1.base_entity_id, T1.mother_entity_id,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(T1.followup_status, ',') grouped_followp_status
+ FROM (SELECT ec_hei.base_entity_id, followup_status, mother_entity_id
+ FROM ec_hei
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup
+ on ec_hei.base_entity_id = ec_hei_followup.entity_id
+ ORDER BY visit_number DESC) as T1
+ group by T1.base_entity_id, T1.mother_entity_id
+ ) as t2) as t3 on t3.mother_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t3.followup_status = 'lost_to_followup'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "K24"
+ description: "children_who_transfered_out_since_month(0)_24_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT t3.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT t2.base_entity_id, t2.mother_entity_id,
+ substr(t2.grouped_followp_status, 0,
+ instr(t2.grouped_followp_status, ',')) as followup_status
+ from (
+ SELECT T1.base_entity_id, T1.mother_entity_id,
+ GROUP_CONCAT(T1.followup_status, ',') grouped_followp_status
+ FROM (SELECT ec_hei.base_entity_id, ec_hei_followup.followup_status, mother_entity_id
+ FROM ec_hei
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup
+ on ec_hei.base_entity_id = ec_hei_followup.entity_id
+ ORDER BY visit_number DESC) as T1
+ group by T1.base_entity_id, T1.mother_entity_id
+ ) as t2) as t3 on t3.mother_entity_id = epmtc.base_entity_id
+ WHERE t3.followup_status = 'transfer_out'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "N12"
+ description: "children_who_are_ltfs_since_month(0)_12_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei eh on epmtc.base_entity_id = eh.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ fm.dod IS NOT NULL AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "P24"
+ description: "children_who_are_ltfs_since_month(0)_24_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei eh on epmtc.base_entity_id = eh.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ fm.dod IS NOT NULL AND
+ date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "O12"
+ description: "children_who_started_prophylaxis"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei eh on epmtc.base_entity_id = eh.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on ehf.entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (ehf.prophylaxis_arv_for_high_and_low_risk_given IS NOT NULL OR
+ ehf.prophylaxis_arv_for_high_risk_given IS NOT NULL)
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "P12"
+ description: "children_who_started_ctx_within_2_months"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei eh on epmtc.base_entity_id = eh.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on ehf.entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm on efm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ehf.prescribed_ctx = 'yes'
+ AND date(efm.dob, '+2 months') >=
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "Q12a"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_within_2_months"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei eh on epmtc.base_entity_id = eh.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on ehf.entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm on efm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ehf.sample_id IS NOT NULL
+ AND date(efm.dob, '+2 months') >=
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "Q12b"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_and_found_positive_within_2_months"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei eh on epmtc.base_entity_id = eh.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on ehf.entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_hiv_results ehhr on ehhr.hei_followup_form_submission_id = ehf.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm on efm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ehf.sample_id IS NOT NULL
+ AND date(efm.dob, '+2 months') >=
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')
+ AND ehhr.hiv_test_result = 'positive'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-12 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "M24"
+ description: "children_who_tested_negative_after_confimation_test_24_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei eh on epmtc.base_entity_id = eh.mother_entity_id
+ WHERE eh.hiv_status = 'negative'
+ AND eh.is_closed = '1'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "N24"
+ description: "children_who_tested_negative_but_have_not_completed_hei_24_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei eh on epmtc.base_entity_id = eh.mother_entity_id
+ WHERE eh.hiv_status = 'negative'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "O24"
+ description: "children_who_were_found_positive_24_months_report"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pmtct_registration epmtc
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei eh on epmtc.base_entity_id = eh.mother_entity_id
+ WHERE eh.hiv_status = 'positive'
+ AND eh.is_closed = '1'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-24 months') =
+ date(substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epmtc.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "A"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_birth"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE eh.risk_category = 'high'
+ AND ehf.test_at_age = 'At Birth'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "B"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_less_than_2_months"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ ehf.test_at_age IS NOT NULL
+ AND date(substr(fm.dob, 1, 4) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 6, 2) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 9, 2), '+3 months') >
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "C"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_2_months_to_12_months"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ ehf.test_at_age IS NOT NULL
+ AND date(substr(fm.dob, 1, 4) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 6, 2) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 9, 2), '+3 months') <
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(fm.dob, 1, 4) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 6, 2) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 9, 2), '+12 months') >=
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "D"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_13_months_and_greater"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ ehf.test_at_age IS NOT NULL
+ AND date(substr(fm.dob, 1, 4) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 6, 2) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 9, 2), '+12 months') <
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "A1"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_birth_and_found_positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_hiv_results ehhr on ehf.base_entity_id = ehhr.hei_followup_form_submission_id
+ WHERE eh.risk_category = 'high'
+ AND ehf.test_at_age = 'At Birth'
+ AND ehhr.hiv_test_result = 'positive'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "B1"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_less_than_2_months_and_found_positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_hiv_results ehhr on ehf.base_entity_id = ehhr.hei_followup_form_submission_id
+ ehf.test_at_age IS NOT NULL
+ AND ehhr.hiv_test_result = 'positive'
+ AND date(substr(fm.dob, 1, 4) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 6, 2) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 9, 2), '+3 months') >
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "C1"
+ description: "children_who_were_first_tested_for_hiv_at_2_months_to_12_months_and_found_positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_hiv_results ehhr on ehf.base_entity_id = ehhr.hei_followup_form_submission_id
+ ehf.test_at_age IS NOT NULL
+ AND ehhr.hiv_test_result = 'positive'
+ AND date(substr(fm.dob, 1, 4) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 6, 2) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 9, 2), '+3 months') <
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(fm.dob, 1, 4) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 6, 2) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 9, 2), '+12 months') >=
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "D1"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_13_months_and_greater_and_found_positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_hiv_results ehhr on ehf.base_entity_id = ehhr.hei_followup_form_submission_id
+ ehf.test_at_age IS NOT NULL
+ AND ehhr.hiv_test_result = 'positive'
+ AND date(substr(fm.dob, 1, 4) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 6, 2) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 9, 2), '+12 months') <
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "E1"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_13_months_and_greater_and_found_positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_hiv_results ehhr on ehf.base_entity_id = ehhr.hei_followup_form_submission_id
+ LEFT JOIN ec_hiv_register ehr on ehr.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ehf.test_at_age IS NOT NULL
+ AND ehhr.hiv_test_result = 'positive'
+ AND (ehr.ctc_number IS NOT NULL OR ehr.ctc_number != '' OR ehhr.ctc_number IS NOT NULL OR ehhr.ctc_number != '')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "F"
+ description: "children_who_were_given_proprophylactic_therapy"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE (ehf.prophylaxis_arv_for_high_risk_given IS NOT NULL OR
+ ehf.prophylaxis_arv_for_high_and_low_risk_given IS NOT NULL)
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "G"
+ description: "children_who_were_given_ctx_therapy"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on ehf.entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm on efm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ehf.prescribed_ctx = 'yes'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "H"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_9_months_to_12_months"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_hiv_results ehhr on ehf.base_entity_id = ehhr.hei_followup_form_submission_id
+ WHERE ehf.test_at_age IS NOT NULL
+ AND date(substr(fm.dob, 1, 4) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 6, 2) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 9, 2), '+9 months') <=
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(fm.dob, 1, 4) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 6, 2) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 9, 2), '+13 months') >
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "I"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_15_months"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_hiv_results ehhr on ehf.base_entity_id = ehhr.hei_followup_form_submission_id
+ WHERE ehf.test_at_age = '15 Months'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "J"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_18_months"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_hiv_results ehhr on ehf.base_entity_id = ehhr.hei_followup_form_submission_id
+ WHERE ehf.test_at_age = '18 Months'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "H1"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_9_months_to_12_months"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_hiv_results ehhr on ehf.base_entity_id = ehhr.hei_followup_form_submission_id
+ WHERE ehf.test_at_age IS NOT NULL
+ AND ehhr.hiv_test_result = 'positive'
+ AND date(substr(fm.dob, 1, 4) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 6, 2) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 9, 2), '+9 months') <=
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(fm.dob, 1, 4) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 6, 2) || '-' || substr(fm.dob, 9, 2), '+13 months') >
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "I1"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_15_months"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_hiv_results ehhr on ehf.base_entity_id = ehhr.hei_followup_form_submission_id
+ WHERE ehf.test_at_age = '15 Months'
+ AND ehhr.hiv_test_result = 'positive'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "J1"
+ description: "children_who_were_tested_for_hiv_at_18_months"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_hiv_results ehhr on ehf.base_entity_id = ehhr.hei_followup_form_submission_id
+ WHERE ehf.test_at_age = '18 Months'
+ AND ehhr.hiv_test_result = 'positive'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "K"
+ description: "children_found_positive_and_linked_to_ctc"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT eh.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hei eh
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on eh.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = eh.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_hiv_results ehhr on ehf.base_entity_id = ehhr.hei_followup_form_submission_id
+ ehhr.hiv_test_result = 'positive'
+ AND ehhr.ctc_number IS NOT NULL
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/pnc-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/pnc-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cd16e15ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/pnc-reporting-indicator-definitions.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,2785 @@
+ - key: "pnc-1a-10-14"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria Ndani ya saa 48"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-1a-15-19"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria Ndani ya saa 48"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-1a-20-24"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria Ndani ya saa 48"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-1a-25-29"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria Ndani ya saa 48"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-1a-30-34"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria Ndani ya saa 48"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-1a-35+"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria Ndani ya saa 48"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-1b-10-14"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria kati ya siku ya 3-7"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+7 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-1b-15-19"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria kati ya siku ya 3-7"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+7 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-1b-20-24"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria kati ya siku ya 3-7"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+7 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-1b-25-29"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria kati ya siku ya 3-7"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+7 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-1b-30-34"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria kati ya siku ya 3-7"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+7 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-1b-35+"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria kati ya siku ya 3-7"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+7 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-2a-10-14"
+ description: "Waliomaliza mahudhurio yote ( saa 48, siku 3-7, siku 8-28, siku 29-42)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM (
+ (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T1
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T2 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T3 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+42 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T4 using (base_entity_id)
+ )"
+ - key: "pnc-2a-15-19"
+ description: "Waliomaliza mahudhurio yote ( saa 48, siku 3-7, siku 8-28, siku 29-42)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM (
+ (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T1
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T2 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T3 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+42 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T4 using (base_entity_id)
+ )"
+ - key: "pnc-2a-20-24"
+ description: "Waliomaliza mahudhurio yote ( saa 48, siku 3-7, siku 8-28, siku 29-42)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM (
+ (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T1
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T2 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T3 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+42 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T4 using (base_entity_id)
+ )"
+ - key: "pnc-2a-25-29"
+ description: "Waliomaliza mahudhurio yote ( saa 48, siku 3-7, siku 8-28, siku 29-42)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM (
+ (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T1
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T2 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T3 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+42 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T4 using (base_entity_id)
+ )"
+ - key: "pnc-2a-30-34"
+ description: "Waliomaliza mahudhurio yote ( saa 48, siku 3-7, siku 8-28, siku 29-42)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM (
+ (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T1
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T2 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T3 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+42 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T4 using (base_entity_id)
+ )"
+ - key: "pnc-2a-35+"
+ description: "Waliomaliza mahudhurio yote ( saa 48, siku 3-7, siku 8-28, siku 29-42)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM (
+ (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T1
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T2 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ ) T3 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf ON epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+42 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T4 using (base_entity_id)
+ )"
+ - key: "pnc-3-10-14"
+ description: "Wenye upungufu mkubwa wa damu (Hb < 8.5 g/dl)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 8.5
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-3-15-19"
+ description: "Wenye upungufu mkubwa wa damu (Hb < 8.5 g/dl)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 8.5
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-3-20-24"
+ description: "Wenye upungufu mkubwa wa damu (Hb < 8.5 g/dl)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 8.5
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-3-25-29"
+ description: "Wenye upungufu mkubwa wa damu (Hb < 8.5 g/dl)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 8.5
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-3-30-34"
+ description: "Wenye upungufu mkubwa wa damu (Hb < 8.5 g/dl)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 8.5
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-3-35+"
+ description: "Wenye upungufu mkubwa wa damu (Hb < 8.5 g/dl)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 8.5
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-4-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopata matatizo ya akili baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE (epf.puerperal_psychosis = 'yes' OR epf.mental_illness_symptom = 'yes')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-4-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopata matatizo ya akili baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE (epf.puerperal_psychosis = 'yes' OR epf.mental_illness_symptom = 'yes')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-4-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopata matatizo ya akili baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE (epf.puerperal_psychosis = 'yes' OR epf.mental_illness_symptom = 'yes')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-4-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopata matatizo ya akili baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE (epf.puerperal_psychosis = 'yes' OR epf.mental_illness_symptom = 'yes')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-4-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopata matatizo ya akili baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE (epf.puerperal_psychosis = 'yes' OR epf.mental_illness_symptom = 'yes')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-4-35+"
+ description: "Waliopata matatizo ya akili baada ya kujifungua"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE (epf.puerperal_psychosis = 'yes' OR epf.mental_illness_symptom = 'yes')
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-5-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopata Vit. A"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.vitamin_a = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-5-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopata Vit. A"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.vitamin_a = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-5-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopata Vit. A"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.vitamin_a = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-5-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopata Vit. A"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.vitamin_a = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-5-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopata Vit. A"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.vitamin_a = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-5-35+"
+ description: "Waliopata Vit. A"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.vitamin_a = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-6-10-14"
+ description: "Wenye msamba ulioambukizwa/Ulioachia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.perineum_infection = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-6-15-19"
+ description: "Wenye msamba ulioambukizwa/Ulioachia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.perineum_infection = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-6-20-24"
+ description: "Wenye msamba ulioambukizwa/Ulioachia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.perineum_infection = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-6-25-29"
+ description: "Wenye msamba ulioambukizwa/Ulioachia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.perineum_infection = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-6-30-34"
+ description: "Wenye msamba ulioambukizwa/Ulioachia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.perineum_infection = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-6-35+"
+ description: "Wenye msamba ulioambukizwa/Ulioachia"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.perineum_infection = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-7-10-14"
+ description: "Wenye fistula"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.fistula = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-7-15-19"
+ description: "Wenye fistula"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.fistula = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-7-20-24"
+ description: "Wenye fistula"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.fistula = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-7-25-29"
+ description: "Wenye fistula"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.fistula = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-7-30-34"
+ description: "Wenye fistula"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.fistula = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-7-35+"
+ description: "Wenye fistula"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.fistula = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8a-10-14"
+ description: "BBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'Birth before Arrival (BBA)'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8a-15-19"
+ description: "BBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'Birth before Arrival (BBA)'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8a-20-24"
+ description: "BBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'Birth before Arrival (BBA)'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8a-25-29"
+ description: "BBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'Birth before Arrival (BBA)'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8a-30-34"
+ description: "BBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'Birth before Arrival (BBA)'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8a-35+"
+ description: "BBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'Birth before Arrival (BBA)'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8b-10-14"
+ description: "TBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'Traditional birth attendant'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8b-15-19"
+ description: "TBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'Traditional birth attendant'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8b-20-24"
+ description: "TBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'Traditional birth attendant'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8b-25-29"
+ description: "TBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'Traditional birth attendant'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8b-30-34"
+ description: "TBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'Traditional birth attendant'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8b-35+"
+ description: "TBA"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'Traditional birth attendant'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8c-10-14"
+ description: "Idadi ya waliojifungulia nyumbani"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8c-15-19"
+ description: "Idadi ya waliojifungulia nyumbani"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8c-20-24"
+ description: "Idadi ya waliojifungulia nyumbani"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8c-25-29"
+ description: "Idadi ya waliojifungulia nyumbani"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8c-30-34"
+ description: "Idadi ya waliojifungulia nyumbani"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-8c-35+"
+ description: "Idadi ya waliojifungulia nyumbani"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9a-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopata ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.education_counselling_given = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9a-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopata ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.education_counselling_given = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9a-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopata ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.education_counselling_given = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9a-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopata ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.education_counselling_given = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9a-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopata ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.education_counselling_given = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9a-35+"
+ description: "Waliopata ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.education_counselling_given = 'yes'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9b-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopata kondomu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_condom'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9b-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopata kondomu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_condom'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9b-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopata kondomu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_condom'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9b-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopata kondomu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_condom'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9b-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopata kondomu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_condom'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9b-35+"
+ description: "Waliopata kondomu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_condom'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9c-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopata vidonge (POP)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_pills'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9c-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopata vidonge (POP)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_pills'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9c-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopata vidonge (POP)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_pills'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9c-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopata vidonge (POP)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_pills'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9c-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopata vidonge (POP)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_pills'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9c-35+"
+ description: "Waliopata vidonge (POP)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_pills'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9d1-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopata vipandikizi (Implants)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_implants'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9d1-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopata vipandikizi (Implants)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_implants'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9d1-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopata vipandikizi (Implants)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_implants'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9d1-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopata vipandikizi (Implants)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_implants'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9d1-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopata vipandikizi (Implants)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_implants'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9d1-35+"
+ description: "Waliopata vipandikizi (Implants)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_implants'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9d2-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopata vipandikizi ( Jadelle)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_jadelle'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9d2-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopata vipandikizi ( Jadelle)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_jadelle'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9d2-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopata vipandikizi ( Jadelle)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_jadelle'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9d2-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopata vipandikizi ( Jadelle)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_jadelle'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9d2-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopata vipandikizi ( Jadelle)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_jadelle'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9d2-35+"
+ description: "Waliopata vipandikizi ( Jadelle)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_jadelle'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9e-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopata kitanzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_iucd'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9e-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopata kitanzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_iucd'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9e-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopata kitanzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_iucd'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9e-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopata kitanzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_iucd'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9e-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopata kitanzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_iucd'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9e-35+"
+ description: "Waliopata kitanzi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_iucd'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9f-10-14"
+ description: "Kufunga uzazi (BTL)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_tubal_ligation'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9f-15-19"
+ description: "Kufunga uzazi (BTL)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_tubal_ligation'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9f-20-24"
+ description: "Kufunga uzazi (BTL)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_tubal_ligation'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9f-25-29"
+ description: "Kufunga uzazi (BTL)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_tubal_ligation'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9f-30-34"
+ description: "Kufunga uzazi (BTL)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_tubal_ligation'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9f-35+"
+ description: "Kufunga uzazi (BTL)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_tubal_ligation'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9g-10-14"
+ description: "Rufaa kupata njia ya uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_referred_fp_services'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9g-15-19"
+ description: "Rufaa kupata njia ya uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_referred_fp_services'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9g-20-24"
+ description: "Rufaa kupata njia ya uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_referred_fp_services'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9g-25-29"
+ description: "Rufaa kupata njia ya uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_referred_fp_services'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9g-30-34"
+ description: "Rufaa kupata njia ya uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_referred_fp_services'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-9g-35+"
+ description: "Rufaa kupata njia ya uzazi wa mpango"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on fm.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epf.method_provided = 'chk_referred_fp_services'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10a-10-14"
+ description: "Waliokuja postnatal wakiwa positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_registration epr on epo.base_entity_id = epr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ((date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2)) >
+ date(substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 1, 2))) OR (epo.hiv_status_question = 'positive'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10a-15-19"
+ description: "Waliokuja postnatal wakiwa positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_registration epr on epo.base_entity_id = epr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ((date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2)) >
+ date(substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 1, 2))) OR (epo.hiv_status_question = 'positive'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10a-20-24"
+ description: "Waliokuja postnatal wakiwa positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_registration epr on epo.base_entity_id = epr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ((date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2)) >
+ date(substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 1, 2))) OR (epo.hiv_status_question = 'positive'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10a-25-29"
+ description: "Waliokuja postnatal wakiwa positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_registration epr on epo.base_entity_id = epr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ((date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2)) >
+ date(substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 1, 2))) OR (epo.hiv_status_question = 'positive'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10a-30-34"
+ description: "Waliokuja postnatal wakiwa positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_registration epr on epo.base_entity_id = epr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ((date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2)) >
+ date(substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 1, 2))) OR (epo.hiv_status_question = 'positive'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10a-35+"
+ description: "Waliokuja postnatal wakiwa positive"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pmtct_registration epr on epo.base_entity_id = epr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE ((date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2)) >
+ date(substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epr.pmtct_register_date, 1, 2))) OR (epo.hiv_status_question = 'positive'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10b-10-14"
+ description: "Waliopima VVU wakati wa postnatal (ndani ya siku 42 tangu ya kujifungua)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10b-15-19"
+ description: "Waliopima VVU wakati wa postnatal (ndani ya siku 42 tangu ya kujifungua)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10b-20-24"
+ description: "Waliopima VVU wakati wa postnatal (ndani ya siku 42 tangu ya kujifungua)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10b-25-29"
+ description: "Waliopima VVU wakati wa postnatal (ndani ya siku 42 tangu ya kujifungua)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10b-30-34"
+ description: "Waliopima VVU wakati wa postnatal (ndani ya siku 42 tangu ya kujifungua)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10b-35+"
+ description: "Waliopima VVU wakati wa postnatal (ndani ya siku 42 tangu ya kujifungua)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10c-10-14"
+ description: "Waliogundulika wana VVU wakati wa postnatal (ndani ya siku 42 tangu ya kujifungua)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10c-15-19"
+ description: "Waliogundulika wana VVU wakati wa postnatal (ndani ya siku 42 tangu ya kujifungua)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10c-20-24"
+ description: "Waliogundulika wana VVU wakati wa postnatal (ndani ya siku 42 tangu ya kujifungua)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10c-25-29"
+ description: "Waliogundulika wana VVU wakati wa postnatal (ndani ya siku 42 tangu ya kujifungua)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10c-30-34"
+ description: "Waliogundulika wana VVU wakati wa postnatal (ndani ya siku 42 tangu ya kujifungua)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10c-35+"
+ description: "Waliogundulika wana VVU wakati wa postnatal (ndani ya siku 42 tangu ya kujifungua)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10d-10-14"
+ description: "Wenye VVU waliochagua kunyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND epcf.feeding_options = 'ebf'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10d-15-19"
+ description: "Wenye VVU waliochagua kunyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND epcf.feeding_options = 'ebf'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10d-20-24"
+ description: "Wenye VVU waliochagua kunyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND epcf.feeding_options = 'ebf'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10d-25-29"
+ description: "Wenye VVU waliochagua kunyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND epcf.feeding_options = 'ebf'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10d-30-34"
+ description: "Wenye VVU waliochagua kunyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND epcf.feeding_options = 'ebf'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10d-35+"
+ description: "Wenye VVU waliochagua kunyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND epcf.feeding_options = 'ebf'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10e-10-14"
+ description: "Wenye VVU waliochagua kunywesha maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND epcf.feeding_options = 'rf'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+10 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10e-15-19"
+ description: "Wenye VVU waliochagua kunywesha maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND epcf.feeding_options = 'rf'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+15 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10e-20-24"
+ description: "Wenye VVU waliochagua kunywesha maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND epcf.feeding_options = 'rf'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10e-25-29"
+ description: "Wenye VVU waliochagua kunywesha maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND epcf.feeding_options = 'rf'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10e-30-34"
+ description: "Wenye VVU waliochagua kunywesha maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND epcf.feeding_options = 'rf'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-10e-35+"
+ description: "Wenye VVU waliochagua kunywesha maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member fm on fm.base_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.hiv = 'positive'
+ AND epcf.feeding_options = 'rf'
+ AND (date(fm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-11a-ME"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria Ndani ya saa 48"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-11a-KE"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria Ndani ya saa 48"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-11b-ME"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria kati ya siku ya 3-7"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+7 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-11b-KE"
+ description: "Waliohudhuria kati ya siku ya 3-7"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+7 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-11c-ME"
+ description: "Waliomaliza mahudhurio yote ( saa 48, siku 3- 7, siku 8-28, siku 29-42)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM (
+ (SELECT DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'),
+ '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T1
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'),
+ '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T2 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'),
+ '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T3 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '42 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'),
+ '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T4 using (base_entity_id)
+ )"
+ - key: "pnc-11c-KE"
+ description: "Waliomaliza mahudhurio yote ( saa 48, siku 3- 7, siku 8-28, siku 29-42)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM (
+ (SELECT DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epf.visit_number = 0
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+48 hours') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'),
+ '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T1
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+3 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'),
+ '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T2 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+8 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') >
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'),
+ '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T3 using (base_entity_id)
+ INNER JOIN (SELECT DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id
+ FROM ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_child ec on ec.mother_entity_id = epo.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '+29 days') <=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epo.delivery_date, 1, 2), '42 days') >=
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 1, 2))
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'),
+ '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' ||
+ substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')) T4 using (base_entity_id)
+ )"
+ - key: "pnc-12a-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliopewa BCG"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ WHERE (epcf.child_bcg_vaccination = 'yes')
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-12a-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliopewa BCG"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ WHERE (epcf.child_bcg_vaccination = 'yes')
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-12b-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliopewa OPV 0"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.child_opv0_vaccination = 'yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-12b-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliopewa OPV 0"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.child_opv0_vaccination = 'yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-12c-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliozaliwa na uzito wa < 2.5kg wakapatiwa KMC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epcf.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND epcf.kangaroo_enrollment = 'yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-12c-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliozaliwa na uzito wa < 2.5kg wakapatiwa KMC"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epcf.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND epcf.kangaroo_enrollment = 'yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-12d-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliozaliwa nyumbani chini ya 2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epcf.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-12d-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliozaliwa nyumbani chini ya 2.5kg"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epcf.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-12e-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliozaliwa nyumbani walioanzishiwa huduma ya kangaroo (KMC)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epcf.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND epcf.kangaroo_enrollment = 'yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-12e-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto waliozaliwa nyumbani walioanzishiwa huduma ya kangaroo (KMC)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epcf.weight AS FLOAT) < 2.5
+ AND epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND epcf.kangaroo_enrollment = 'yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-12f-ME"
+ description: "Wenye upungufu mkubwa wa damu (Hb < 10 g/dl au viganja vyeupe sana)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epcf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 10
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-12f-KE"
+ description: "Wenye upungufu mkubwa wa damu (Hb < 10 g/dl au viganja vyeupe sana)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE CAST(epcf.hb_level AS FLOAT) < 10
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-13a-ME"
+ description: "Watoto wenye uambukizo mkali (septicaemia)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.septicaemia = 'yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-13a-KE"
+ description: "Watoto wenye uambukizo mkali (septicaemia)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.septicaemia = 'yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-13b-ME"
+ description: "Watoto wenye uambukizo kwenye kitovu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.umbilical_cord LIKE '%chk_infection%'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-13b-KE"
+ description: "Watoto wenye uambukizo kwenye kitovu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.umbilical_cord LIKE '%chk_infection%'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-13c-ME"
+ description: "Watoto wenye uambukizo kwenye ngozi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.skin_infection = 'yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-13c-KE"
+ description: "Watoto wenye uambukizo kwenye ngozi"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.skin_infection = 'yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-13d-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto wenye jaundice"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.jaundice = 'yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-13d-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya watoto wenye jaundice"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_followup epf on epf.entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = epf.entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.jaundice = 'yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-14-ME"
+ description: "Vifo vya watoto wachanga waliozaliwa nyumbani (perinatal); neonatal"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(T1.count) as count
+ FROM (
+ SELECT 'from_ld' as source, count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND (preg_outcome = 'born_alive_died')
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')
+ SELECT 'from_pregnancy_outcome' as source, count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROm ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND preg_outcome = 'born_alive_died'
+ AND sex_of_the_deceased_child = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')
+ ) as T1"
+ - key: "pnc-14-KE"
+ description: "Vifo vya watoto wachanga waliozaliwa nyumbani (perinatal); neonatal"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT SUM(T1.count) as count
+ FROM (
+ SELECT 'from_ld' as source, count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_pregnancy_outcome epo on epo.base_entity_id = ec.mother_entity_id
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND (preg_outcome = 'born_alive_died')
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')
+ SELECT 'from_pregnancy_outcome' as source, count(DISTINCT epo.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROm ec_pregnancy_outcome epo
+ WHERE epo.delivery_place = 'At home'
+ AND preg_outcome = 'born_alive_died'
+ AND sex_of_the_deceased_child = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(epo.delivery_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epo.delivery_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')
+ ) as T1"
+ - key: "pnc-15-ME"
+ description: "Waliopewa dawa ya ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on ehf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (ehf.prophylaxis_arv_for_high_and_low_risk_given = 'true' OR ehf.prophylaxis_arv_for_high_risk_given = 'true')
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-15-KE"
+ description: "Waliopewa dawa ya ARV"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hei_followup ehf on ehf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE (ehf.prophylaxis_arv_for_high_and_low_risk_given = 'true' OR ehf.prophylaxis_arv_for_high_risk_given = 'true')
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-16a-ME"
+ description: "Watoto wachanga wanaonyonya maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.feeding_options = 'ebf'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epcf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epcf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-16a-KE"
+ description: "Watoto wachanga wanaonyonya maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.feeding_options = 'ebf'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epcf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epcf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-16b-ME"
+ description: "Watoto wachanga wanaonyweshwa maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.feeding_options = 'rf'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epcf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epcf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-16b-KE"
+ description: "Watoto wachanga wanaonyweshwa maziwa mbadala (RF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.feeding_options = 'rf'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epcf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epcf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-16c-ME"
+ description: "Watoto wachanga wanaonyweshwa maziwa ya mama na kupatiwa chakula kingine (MF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.feeding_options = 'mf'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epcf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epcf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "pnc-16c-KE"
+ description: "Watoto wachanga wanaonyweshwa maziwa ya mama na kupatiwa chakula kingine (MF)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT ec.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_child ec
+ INNER JOIN ec_pnc_child_followup epcf on epcf.entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ec.base_entity_id
+ WHERE epcf.feeding_options = 'mf'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01'), '-0 months') =
+ date(substr(epcf.followup_visit_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(epcf.followup_visit_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/self-testing-monthly-report.yml b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/self-testing-monthly-report.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e5bdc49b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/config/self-testing-monthly-report.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,6582 @@
+ - key: "hivst-8-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8->50-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i->50-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii->50-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iv-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iv-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iv-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iv-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iv-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iv-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iv-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iv->50-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi->50-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9->50-ME"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU zaidi ya 50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i->50-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii->50-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iv-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iv-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iv-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iv-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iv-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iv-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iv-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iv->50-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi->50-ME"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8->50-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopata majibu chanya (Reactive) baada ya kujipima VVU Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-i->50-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-ii->50-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iii-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iii-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iii-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iii-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iii-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iii-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iii-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-iii->50-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-v-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Vijana rika la balehe 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='agyw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-v-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Vijana Rika La Balehe Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='agyw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-8-vi->50-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE hivst_result='reactive'
+ AND kit_for='client'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehr.result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehr.result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9->50-KE"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Binafsi) waliopewa rufaa kwenda kituo/Eneo la upimaji wa maambukizi ya VVU zaidi ya 50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-i->50-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-ii->50-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wafungwa Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iii-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iii-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iii-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iii-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iii-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iii-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iii-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-iii->50-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-v-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Vijana Rika La Balehe Umri(KE) 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='agyw')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-v-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Vijana Rika La Balehe Umri(KE) 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='agyw')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-9-vi->50-KE"
+ description: "Rufaa kwa Makundi Mengine Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM task
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = task.for
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE focus='Conventional HIV Test'
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||'-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(authored_on / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||'-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-18-19-ME"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-20-24-ME"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-25-29-ME"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-30-34-ME"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-35-39-ME"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-40-44-ME"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-45-49-ME"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3->50-ME"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i->50-ME"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii->50-ME"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iv-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iv-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iv-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iv-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iv-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iv-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iv-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iv->50-ME"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='msm')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi->50-ME"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Male')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-18-19-KE"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-20-24-KE"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-25-29-KE"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-30-34-KE"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-35-39-KE"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-40-44-KE"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-45-49-KE"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3->50-KE"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-i->50-KE"
+ description: "Wajidunga dawa za kulevya Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='pwid')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-ii->50-KE"
+ description: "Wafungwa Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='prisoners')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iii-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iii-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iii-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iii-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iii-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iii-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iii-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-iii->50-KE"
+ description: "Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='fsw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-v-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Vijana Rika La Balehe Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='agyw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-v-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Vijana Rika La Balehe Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='agyw')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 15-19"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+18 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 20-24"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+20 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 25-29"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+25 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 30-34"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+30 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 35-39"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+35 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 40-44"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+40 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri 45-49"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+45 years') <= date('now'))
+ AND (date(efm.dob, '+50 years') > date('now'))
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-3-vi->50-KE"
+ description: "Makundi Mengine Umri >=50"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ON efm.base_entity_id = ec_hivst_register.base_entity_id
+ WHERE self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND (client_group='others')
+ AND (efm.gender='Female')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-2-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-2->50-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 50 kuendelea"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-2-i->50-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii->50-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iii and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iii and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iii and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iii and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iii and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni fsw"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv->50-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-2-v->50-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi->50-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kiume waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ #Question 7
+ # // 7 and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-18-19-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-20-24-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-25-29-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-30-34-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-35-39-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-7-40-44-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-7-45-49-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-7->50-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 50 kuendelea"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-18-19-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-20-24-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-25-29-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-30-34-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-35-39-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-40-44-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-45-49-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-7-i->50-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-18-19-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-20-24-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-25-29-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-30-34-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-35-39-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-40-44-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-45-49-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii->50-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iii and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-iii-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='fsw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iii and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-iii-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='fsw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iii and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-iii-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='fsw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iii and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-iii-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='fsw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iii and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-iii-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='fsw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-18-19-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-20-24-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-25-29-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-30-34-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-35-39-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-40-44-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-45-49-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv->50-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-18-19-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-20-24-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-25-29-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-30-34-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-35-39-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-40-44-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-45-49-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-7-v->50-ME"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-18-19-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-20-24-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-25-29-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-30-34-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-35-39-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-40-44-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-45-49-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi->50-ME"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Male'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # wanawake Qns 2 and 7
+ #start with question 2
+ # // 2 and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-2-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2 and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-2->50-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 50 kuendelea"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_followup ehf
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-2-i-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-i and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-2-i->50-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='pwid'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-ii and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-2-ii->50-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='prisoners'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iii and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iii and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iii and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iii and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iii and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iii and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iii and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iii and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-2-iii->50-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='fsw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-iv and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-iv->50-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='msm'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-2-v-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-v and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-2-v->50-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='agyw'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ # // 2-vi and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-2-vi->50-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_register ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id = ehr.base_entity_id
+ WHERE client_group='others'
+ AND condoms_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(ehf.collection_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(ehf.collection_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ #Question 7
+ # // 7 and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-18-19-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-20-24-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-25-29-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-30-34-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-35-39-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-7-40-44-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-7-45-49-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7 and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-7->50-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 50 kuendelea"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-18-19-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-20-24-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-25-29-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-30-34-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-35-39-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-40-44-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-7-i-45-49-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-i and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-7-i->50-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni wajidunga madawa ya kulevya"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='pwid'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-18-19-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-20-24-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-25-29-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-30-34-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-35-39-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-40-44-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii-45-49-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-ii and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-7-ii->50-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni wafungwa wa mahabusu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='prisoners'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iii and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-iii-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='fsw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iii and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-iii-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='fsw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iii and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-iii-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='fsw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iii and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-iii-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='fsw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iii and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-iii-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='fsw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iii and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-7-iii-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='fsw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iii and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-7-iii-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='fsw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iii and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-7-iii->50-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni fsw (wanawake wanaojiuza)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='fsw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-18-19-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-20-24-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-25-29-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-30-34-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-35-39-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-40-44-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv-45-49-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-iv and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-iv->50-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni msm (male sex with male)"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='msm'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-18-19-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-20-24-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-25-29-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-30-34-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-35-39-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-40-44-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-7-v-45-49-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-v and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-7-v->50-KE"
+ description: "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliopewa condom kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni vijana rila la balehe"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='agyw'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 15-19
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-18-19-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 15 - 19 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 15<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=19
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 20-24
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-20-24-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 20 - 24 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 20<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=24
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 25-29
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-25-29-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 25 - 29 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 25<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=29
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 30-34
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-30-34-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 30 - 34 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 30<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=34
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 35-39
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-35-39-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 35 - 39 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 35<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=39
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 40-44
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-40-44-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 40 - 44 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 40<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=44
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age 45-49
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi-45-49-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka 45 - 49 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND 45<=(date('Now')-date(efm.dob)) AND (date('Now')-date(efm.dob))<=49
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ # // 7-vi and age ->50
+ - key: "hivst-7-vi->50-KE"
+ description: "waliojipima wenyewe na kurudisha majibu kwa umri wa miaka ->50 na ni makundi ya others"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(DISTINCT efm.base_entity_id) as count
+ FROM ec_hivst_results ehr
+ INNER JOIN ec_family_member efm ON efm.base_entity_id = ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_followup ehf ON ehf.entity_id=ehr.entity_id
+ INNER JOIN ec_hivst_register ehreg ON ehreg.base_entity_id=ehf.entity_id
+ WHERE ehr.hivst_result!='client_did_not_disclose'
+ AND ehr.kit_for='client'
+ AND ehf.self_test_kit_given='yes'
+ AND ehreg.client_group='others'
+ AND efm.gender = 'Female'
+ AND (date('now')-date(efm.dob))>=50
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' ||
+ substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(ehr.collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) ||
+ '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-4-a"
+ description: "Jumla ya vitendanishi vya kujipima VVU vilivyosambazwa (Washirika wa Ngono, Rafiki Rika)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results
+ WHERE (kit_for='peer_friend' OR kit_for='sexual_partner')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-5-a"
+ description: "Jumla ya vitendanishi vya kujipima VVU vilivyosambazwa (Binafsi, Washrika wa Ngono, Rafiki rika)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results
+ WHERE (kit_for='client' OR kit_for='peer_friend' OR kit_for='sexual_partner')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-6-a"
+ description: "Jumla ya wateja (Washrika wa ngono, Rafiki rika) waliotumia vitendanishi vya kujipima VVU na kurudisha majibu"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results
+ WHERE (kit_for='peer_friend' OR kit_for='sexual_partner' )
+ AND (hivst_result !='not_returned')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-4-b"
+ description: "B- Jumla ya vitendanishi vya kujipima VVU vilivyosambazwa (Washirika wa Ngono, Rafiki Rika)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results
+ WHERE (kit_for='peer_friend' OR kit_for='sexual_partner')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-5-b"
+ description: "B- Jumla ya vitendanishi vya kujipima VVU vilivyosambazwa (Binafsi, Washrika wa Ngono, Rafiki rika)"
+ indicatorQuery: " SELECT count(base_entity_id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results
+ WHERE (kit_for='client' OR kit_for='peer_friend' OR kit_for='sexual_partner')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 1, 4) ||
+ '-' || substr(strftime('%Y-%m-%d', datetime(collection_date / 1000, 'unixepoch', 'localtime')), 6, 2) || '-' || '01')"
+ - key: "hivst-6-b"
+ description: "B- Jumla ya wateja (Washrika wa ngono, Rafiki rika) waliotumia vitendanishi vya kujipima VVU na kurudisha majibu"
+ indicatorQuery: "SELECT count(id) as count FROM ec_hivst_results
+ WHERE kit_for!='client'
+ AND (hivst_result !='not_returned')
+ AND date((substr('%s', 1, 4) || '-' || substr('%s', 6, 2) || '-' || '01')) =
+ date(substr(result_date, 7, 4) || '-' || substr(result_date, 4, 2) || '-' || '01')"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/ec_client_classification.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/ec_client_classification.json
index 3c39f4c53..7a712db3d 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/ec_client_classification.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/ec_client_classification.json
@@ -93,6 +93,13 @@
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "PNC Child Followup",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_child"
+ ]
+ },
"field": "eventType",
"field_value": "Visit not done",
@@ -115,21 +122,60 @@
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Pregnancy Confirmation",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_anc_register",
+ "ec_anc_log",
+ "ec_anc_pregnancy_lookup"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "ANC Followup Client Registration",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_anc_register",
+ "ec_anc_log",
+ "ec_anc_followup",
+ "ec_anc_birth_emergency_plan",
+ "ec_anc_pregnancy_lookup"
+ ]
+ },
"field": "eventType",
"field_value": "ANC Registration",
"creates_case": [
+ "ec_anc_pregnancy_lookup",
"field": "eventType",
- "field_value": "ANC Home Visit",
+ "field_value": "ANC First Facility Visit",
"creates_case": [
+ "ec_anc_register",
+ "ec_anc_followup",
+ "ec_anc_birth_emergency_plan"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "ANC Close Followup Visits",
+ "closes_case": [
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "ANC Recurring Facility Visit",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_anc_register",
+ "ec_anc_followup",
+ "ec_anc_birth_emergency_plan"
+ ]
+ },
"field": "eventType",
"field_value": "Malaria Confirmation",
@@ -155,7 +201,8 @@
"field": "eventType",
"field_value": "Pregnancy Outcome",
"closes_case": [
- "ec_anc_register"
+ "ec_anc_register",
+ "ec_ld_confirmation"
@@ -218,7 +265,8 @@
"field": "eventType",
"field_value": "Referral Registration",
"creates_case": [
- "ec_referral"
+ "ec_referral",
+ "ec_hts_register"
@@ -248,6 +296,675 @@
"creates_case": [
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Hiv Registration",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hiv_register"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Hiv Registration",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hts_register"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Tb Registration",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_tb_register"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "TB Case Closure",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_tb_register"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "HIV Outcome",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hiv_register",
+ "ec_hiv_outcome",
+ "ec_hts_register"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Update CTC Number",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hiv_register"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "TB Outcome",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_tb_register",
+ "ec_tb_outcome"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "HIV Community Followup",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hiv_community_followup"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "TB Community Followup",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_tb_community_followup"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "HIV Community Followup Feedback",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hiv_community_feedback"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "TB Community Followup Feedback",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_tb_community_feedback"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Close Hiv Feedback",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hiv_community_feedback"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Close Tb Feedback",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_tb_community_feedback"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Hiv Index Contact Registration",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hiv_index_hf",
+ "ec_hiv_index"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "HIV Index Contact Testing Followup",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hiv_index_hf",
+ "ec_hiv_index"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "HIV Index Contact CHW Followup",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hiv_index_chw_followup"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "HIV Index Contact Community Followup Referral",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hiv_index_hf",
+ "ec_hiv_index"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "PMTCT Registration",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_pmtct_registration",
+ "ec_hiv_register"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "PMTCT TI Registration",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_pmtct_registration",
+ "ec_pmtct_followup"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "PMTCT Post PNC Registration",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_pmtct_registration",
+ "ec_hiv_register"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "PMTCT Follow-up Visit",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_pmtct_followup",
+ "ec_pmtct_registration"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Mark PMTCT Client As LTF",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_pmtct_followup"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "PMTCT HVL Results",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_pmtct_hvl_results"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "PMTCT Close Visits",
+ "closes_case": [
+ "ec_pmtct_registration"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "PMTCT CD4 Test Results",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_pmtct_cd4_results"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "PMTCT EAC Visit",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_pmtct_eac_visit"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Pregnancy Unconfirmed",
+ "closes_case": [
+ "ec_anc_register"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Partner Registration",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_anc_register"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Partner Testing",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_anc_register",
+ "ec_anc_followup"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Update HIV Index Contact Testing Followup",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hiv_index_hf",
+ "ec_hiv_index"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "PMTCT Community Followup Feedback",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_pmtct_community_feedback"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Close PMTCT Feedback",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_pmtct_community_feedback"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "HEI Registration",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hei"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "HEI Number Registration",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hei"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "HEI Followup",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hei_followup",
+ "ec_hei"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Mark HEI Client As LTF",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hei_followup"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "HEI HIV Test Results",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hei_hiv_results",
+ "ec_hei"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "HEI Positive Infant",
+ "closes_case": [
+ "ec_hei"
+ ],
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hiv_register",
+ "ec_hei_followup"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "HEI Negative Infant",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_hei_followup"
+ ],
+ "closes_case": [
+ "ec_hei"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "PNC No Mother Registration",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_no_mother_pnc",
+ "ec_child"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "PNC VISIT",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_pregnancy_outcome",
+ "ec_pnc_followup"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "PNC Child Followup",
+ "creates_case": [
+ "ec_pnc_child_followup"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "Close PNC Visits",
+ "closes_case": [
+ "ec_pregnancy_outcome"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "field": "eventType",
+ "field_value": "LD Registration",
+ "creates_case": [
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+ ]
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+ },
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+ {
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+ ]
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+ {
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+ ]
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+ {
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+ ]
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+ {
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+ ]
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+ ]
+ },
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+ ]
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+ {
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+ ]
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+ ]
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+ ]
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+ ]
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+ ]
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+ {
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+ "ec_prep_register"
+ ]
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+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cityVillage",
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+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Jina la eneo",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina la eneo au mji"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "landmark",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "landmark",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Alama/Maelezo ya eneo la nyumba",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka alama/maelezo ya eneo."
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Chagua eneo la WAJA"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "Taarifa za mteja",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "unique_id",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "hint": "Kitambulisho cha Kituoni",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka kitambulisho halali"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka kitambulisho cha KIPEKEE"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
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+ "hint": "Jina la Ukoo",
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+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Ukoo"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Jina la Kwanza",
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+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Kwanza"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
+ },
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+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Jina la Kati",
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+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Kati"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa (DOB)",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "duration": {
+ "label": "Umri"
+ },
+ "min_date": "today-120y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya kuzaliwa (DOB)"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "age_calculated",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdateApprox",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "",
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+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
+ "text": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa haijulikani",
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+ "value": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "age",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Umri",
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Must be a rounded number"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "3",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid age"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Lazima iwe namba kamili"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawa au zaidi ya 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "120",
+ "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawa au chini ya 120"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka umri"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Jinsi",
+ "values": [
+ "Me",
+ "Ke"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jinsi"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "marital_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "marital_status",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Hali ya Ndoa ya Mteja?",
+ "values": [
+ "Hajaoa/Kuolewa",
+ "Ameoa/Kuolewa",
+ "Ameachwa",
+ "Mjane/Mgane",
+ "Kuishi pamoja bila ndoa"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Single": "Single",
+ "Married": "Married",
+ "Divorced": "Divorced",
+ "Widowed": "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation": "Cohabitation"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya simu ya mteja",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe jumla ya tarakimu 10 kwa urefu"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "id_avail",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "id_avail",
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+ "label": "Je, una kitambulisho chochote kati ya vifuatavyo?",
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+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_national_id",
+ "text": "Kitambulisho cha Taifa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_national_id"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_voters_id",
+ "text": "Kitambulisho cha usajili wa mpiga kura",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_voters_id"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_drivers_license",
+ "text": "Leseni ya udereva",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_drivers_license"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_passport_number",
+ "text": "kitambulisho cha kusafiria (Passport)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_passport_number"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "National_ID",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "########-#####-#####-##",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345678912",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha taifa k.m 12345678-91234-56789-12",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "23",
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+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^\\d{8}-\\d{5}-\\d{5}-\\d{2}$",
+ "err": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha kitaifa inapaswa kuwa ya umbizo (XXXXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_national_id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "voter_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Voter_Registration_Number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "T-####-####-###-#",
+ "mask_hint": "123456789123",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha mpiga kura k.m T-1234-5678-912-3",
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+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
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+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^T-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{3}-\\d{1}$",
+ "err": "Namba ya kitambulosho cha mpiga kura inapaswa kuwa ya umbizo (T-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-X)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_voters_id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "driver_license",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Driver_License_Number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##########",
+ "mask_hint": "1234567891",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya leseni ya udereva k.m 1234567891",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^([0-9]{10})",
+ "err": "Namba ya leseni ya udereva inapaswa kuwa ya umbizo (XXXXXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_drivers_license"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "passport_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Passport",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "TAE-###-###",
+ "mask_hint": "123456",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Passport namba e.g TAE-123-456",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "11",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^TAE-\\d{3}-\\d{3}$",
+ "err": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha kusafiria inapaswa ijazwe hivi (TAE-XXX-XXX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_passport_number"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Mtoa huduma ya bima ya afya",
+ "values": [
+ "Mfuko wa Afya ya Jamii (CHF)/(iCHF)",
+ "Mfuko wa Taifa wa Hifadhi ya Jamii - Manufaa ya Bima ya Afya ya Jamii (SHIB)",
+ "Mfuko wa Taifa wa Bima ya Afya (NHIF)",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
+ "AAR Huduma ya Afya",
+ "Bima ya afya Strategies",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Britam Tanzania",
+ "Bima ya afya Jubilee",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Resolutions",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Reliance",
+ "Nyinginezo",
+ "Hakuna"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
+ "AAR Healthcare",
+ "Strategies Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance",
+ "Other",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)": "Community_Health_Fund",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)": "National_Social_Security_Fund",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)": "National_Health_Insurance_Fund",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)": "Tiba_kwa_Kadi",
+ "AAR Healthcare": "AAR_Healthcare",
+ "AAR Strategies Insurance": "Strategies_Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)": "BIMA_Mkononi",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania": "Britam_Insurance_Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance": "Jubilee_Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance": "Resolutions_Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance": "Reliance_Insurance",
+ "Other": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "None": "No_Health_Insurance"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza mtoa huduma wa bima"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Mtoa huduma mwingine wa bima ya afya",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha mtoa huduma wa bima"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya bima ya afya ya mteja",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya bima ya afya ya mteja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "wra",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mra",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "preg_1yr",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "preg_1yr",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Je, mwanamke amejifungua katika mwaka 1 uliopita?",
+ "values": [
+ "Ndio",
+ "Hapana"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua ikiwa mwanamke amejifungua katika mwaka 1 uliopita"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Ulemavu wa kimwili",
+ "values": [
+ "Ndio ",
+ "Hapana"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_disability",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_disability",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Aina ya ulemavu",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa kimwili",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spinal_cord_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Uti wa Mgongo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Majeraha ya Kichwa - Ulemavu wa Ubongo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brain_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vision_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Maono",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hearing_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Kusikia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hearing_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "learning_disabilities",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Utambuzi au Kujifunza",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "learning_disabilities"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "psychological_disorders",
+ "text": "Matatizo ya Kisaikolojia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "psychological_disorders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invisible_disabilities",
+ "text": "Ulemavu Usioonekana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invisible_disabilities"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua aina ya ulemavu wa kimwili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "has_primary_caregiver",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Has_Primary_Caregiver",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Je, una mlezi/msaidizi wa Tiba?",
+ "values": [
+ "Ndio",
+ "Hapana"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "primary_caregiver_name",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Primary_Caregiver_Name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Jina la mlezi",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali taja jina la mlezi."
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya simu ya mlezi mkuu",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe jumla ya tarakimu 10 kwa urefu"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07."
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "service_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kazi ya Mteja",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_self_employed",
+ "text": "Amejiajiri",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_self_employed"
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Ameajiriwa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_employed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_unemployed",
+ "text": "Hajaajiriwa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_unemployed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_farmer",
+ "text": "Mkulima",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_farmer"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_traditional_healer",
+ "text": "Mtoa huduma ya Tiba Asili",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_traditional_healer"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua angalau moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "leader",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Community_Leader",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Una nafasi yoyote ya uongozi katika jamii?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_religious",
+ "text": "Kiongozi wa dini",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Religious_Leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_traditional",
+ "text": "Kiongozi wa jadi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Traditional_leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_political",
+ "text": "Kiongozi wa kisiasa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Political_leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_influential",
+ "text": "Kiongozi mwenye ushawishi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Influential_Leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_other",
+ "text": "Nyingine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Not_a_Community_Leader"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua angalau moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "leader_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type_Name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Taja nafasi nyingine katika jamii",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha jukumu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:leader": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/all_clients_update_registration_info_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/all_clients_update_registration_info_form.json
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/all_clients_update_registration_info_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1301 @@
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+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Family Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ },
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+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Client details",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "unique_id",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "hint": "Kitambulisho cha Kituoni",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali Ingiza Kitambulisho"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali Ingiza Kitambulisho"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "surname",
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+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Ukoo"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ "hint": "Jina la Kwanza",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Kwanza"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
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+ }
+ },
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+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali Ingiza jina sahihi"
+ },
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali Ingiza Jina la Kati"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "duration": {
+ "label": "Umri"
+ },
+ "min_date": "today-120y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali Ingiza Tarehe ya kuzaliwa"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "age_calculated",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdateApprox",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
+ "text": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa haijulikani",
+ "text_size": "18px",
+ "value": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "age",
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Umri",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "3",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid age"
+ },
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Must be a rounded number"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "lazima iwe namba kamili"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "120",
+ "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawa au zaidi ya 120"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza umri"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Jinsi",
+ "values": [
+ "Me",
+ "Ke"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jinsi ya mteja"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "marital_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "marital_status",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Hali ya Ndoa",
+ "values": [
+ "Hajaoa/Hajaolewa",
+ "Ameoa/Ameolewa",
+ "Ameachwa",
+ "Mjane/Mgane",
+ "Kuishi pamoja bila ndoa"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Single": "Single",
+ "Married": "Married",
+ "Divorced": "Divorced",
+ "Widowed": "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation": "Cohabitation"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya simu",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "namba lazima iwe na tarakimu 10"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Nambari lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "id_avail",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "id_avail",
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+ "label": "Je una vitambulisho kati ya hivi:",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_national_id",
+ "text": "Kitambulisho cha Taifa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_national_id"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_voters_id",
+ "text": "Kitambulisho cha Mpiga kura",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_voters_id"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_drivers_license",
+ "text": "Leseni ya udereva",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_drivers_license"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_passport_number",
+ "text": "kitambulisho cha kusafiria (Passport)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_passport_number"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "national_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "National_ID",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "########-#####-#####-##",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345678912",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha Taifa mfano: 12345678-91234-56789-12",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "23",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid national id"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^\\d{8}-\\d{5}-\\d{5}-\\d{2}$",
+ "err": "Namba ya Kitambulisho cha Taifa inapaswa iwe hivi (XXXXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XX)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_national_id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "voter_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Voter_Registration_Number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "T-####-####-###-#",
+ "mask_hint": "123456789123",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha mpiga kura mfano: T-1234-5678-912-3",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid voters registration"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^T-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{3}-\\d{1}$",
+ "err": "Namba ya mpiga kura inapaswa ijazwe hivi (T-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-X)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_voters_id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "driver_license",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Driver_License_Number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##########",
+ "mask_hint": "1234567891",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya Leseni ya Udereva mfano: 1234567891",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid drivers license number"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^([0-9]{10})",
+ "err": "Namba ya leseni ya Udereva ijazwe hivi: (XXXXXXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_drivers_license"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "passport_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Passport",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "TAE-###-###",
+ "mask_hint": "123456",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Passport namba e.g TAE-123-456",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "11",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^TAE-\\d{3}-\\d{3}$",
+ "err": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha kusafiria inapaswa ijazwe hivi (TAE-XXX-XXX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_passport_number"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Mtoa huduma za Bima ya Afya",
+ "values": [
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)/(iCHF)",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
+ "AAR Huduma ya Afya",
+ "Bima ya afya Strategies",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Britam Tanzania",
+ "Bima ya afya Jubilee",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Resolutions",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Reliance",
+ "Nyingine",
+ "Hakuna"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
+ "AAR Healthcare",
+ "Strategies Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance",
+ "Other",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)": "Community_Health_Fund",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)": "National_Social_Security_Fund",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)": "National_Health_Insurance_Fund",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)": "Tiba_kwa_Kadi",
+ "AAR Healthcare": "AAR_Healthcare",
+ "AAR Strategies Insurance": "Strategies_Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)": "BIMA_Mkononi",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania": "Britam_Insurance_Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance": "Jubilee_Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance": "Resolutions_Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance": "Reliance_Insurance",
+ "Other": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "None": "No_Health_Insurance"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza mtoa huduma wa Bima za Afya"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider_other",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bima za Afya nyingine",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jina la mtoa huduma wa Bima ya Afya"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya bima ya afya ya mteja",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya bima ya afya ya mteja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "wra",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "preg_1yr",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "preg_1yr",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Je Mama huyu amejifungua ndani ya mwaka mmoja uliopita?",
+ "values": [
+ "Ndiyo",
+ "Hapana"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Je Mama huyu amejifungua ndani ya mwaka mmoja uliopita?"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Ulemavu wa Mwili",
+ "values": [
+ "Ndiyo",
+ "Hapana"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_disability",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_disability",
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+ "label": "Aina ya Ulemavu wa mwili",
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+ {
+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Kimwili",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spinal_cord_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Uti wa Mgongo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Akili",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brain_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vision_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Macho",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hearing_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu kwa kusikia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hearing_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "learning_disabilities",
+ "text": "Ulemavu katika utambuzi au kujifunza",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "learning_disabilities"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "psychological_disorders",
+ "text": "Matatizo ya Kisaikolojia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "psychological_disorders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invisible_disabilities",
+ "text": "Ulemavu usioonekana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invisible_disabilities"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua aina ya Ulemavu"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "has_primary_caregiver",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Je una msaidizi wa kimatatibu",
+ "values": [
+ "Ndiyo",
+ "Hapana"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Chagua mojawapo:"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "primary_caregiver_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Primary_Caregiver_Name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Jina la Msaidizi",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jina la Msaidizi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_phone_number",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya simu ya msaidizi",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07."
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "service_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "service_provider",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kazi ya Mteja",
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+ {
+ "key": "chk_self_employed",
+ "text": "Amejiajiri",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_self_employed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_employed",
+ "text": "Ameajiriwa",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_employed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_unemployed",
+ "text": "Hajaajiriwa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_unemployed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_farmer",
+ "text": "Mkulima",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_farmer"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_traditional_healer",
+ "text": "Mtoa huduma ya Tiba Asili",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_traditional_healer"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "leader",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Community_Leader",
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+ "label": "Je, ana uongozi wowote kwenye jamii?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_religious",
+ "text": "Kiongozi wa Dini",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Religious_Leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_traditional",
+ "text": "Kiongozi wa Jadi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Traditional_leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_political",
+ "text": "Kiongozi wa Kisiasa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Political_leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_influential",
+ "text": "Mtu mwenye ushawishi katika jamii",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Influential_Leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_other",
+ "text": "Nyingine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Not_a_Community_Leader"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "hint": "Uongozi mwingine kwenye jamii",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali taja uongozi mwingine"
+ },
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+ "step1:leader": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_for_registration",
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+ "calculation": {
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ {
+ "key": "hiv_aids",
+ "text": "Maambukizi ya VVU",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_aids"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tuberculosis",
+ "text": "Kifua Kikuu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tuberculosis"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "homosexual",
+ "text": "Wanaume wanaofanya mapenzi na wanaume",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "homosexual"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gender_violence",
+ "text": "Unyanyasaji wa Kijinsia",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender_violence"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "drug_abuse",
+ "text": "Matumizi mabaya ya dawa za kulevya",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_abuse"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "male_engagement",
+ "text": "Uwepo wa mwanaume husika",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_engagement"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Sababu ya usajili inahitajika"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_for_registration_female_15",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "key": "hiv_aids",
+ "text": "Maambukizi ya VVU",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_aids"
+ },
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+ "key": "tuberculosis",
+ "text": "Kifua kikuu",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tuberculosis"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex_worker_woman",
+ "text": "Mfanyabiashara ya ngono",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sex_worker_woman"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gender_violence",
+ "text": "Ukatili wa kijinsia",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender_violence"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "drug_abuse",
+ "text": "Matumizi mabaya ya dawa za kulevya",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_abuse"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pregnant_mother",
+ "text": "Mama mjamzito",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnant_mother"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "breastfeeding_mother",
+ "text": "Mama anayenyonyesha",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "breastfeeding_mother"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "err": "Sababu ya usajili inahitajika"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "hiv_aids",
+ "text": "Maambukizi ya VVU",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_aids"
+ },
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+ "key": "tuberculosis",
+ "text": "Kifua kikuu",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tuberculosis"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_infected_child",
+ "text": "Mtoto aliyezaliwa na mama mwenye VVU",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_infected_child"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "untested_hiv_infected_child",
+ "text": "Mtoto ambaye hajapimwa VVU",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "untested_hiv_infected_child"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abused_child",
+ "text": "Unyanyasaji wa mtoto",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abused_child"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gender_violence",
+ "text": "Unyanyasaji wa kijinsia",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender_violence"
+ },
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+ "text": "Matumizi mabaya ya dawa za kulevya",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_abuse"
+ }
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+ "err": "Sababu ya usajili inahitajika"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ {
+ "key": "hiv_aids",
+ "text": "Maambukizi ya VVU",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_aids"
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Kifua kikuu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tuberculosis"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_infected_child",
+ "text": "Mtoto aliyezaliwa na mama mwenye VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_infected_child"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "untested_hiv_infected_child",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "untested_hiv_infected_child"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abused_child",
+ "text": "Unyanyasaji wa mtoto",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abused_child"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gender_violence",
+ "text": "Ukatili wa kijinsia",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender_violence"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "drug_abuse",
+ "text": "Matumizi mabaya ya dawa za kulevya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_abuse"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "err": "Sababu ya usajili inahitajika"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_for_registration_female_10_to_15",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_for_registration_female_10_to_15",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Sababu za usajili",
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+ {
+ "key": "hiv_aids",
+ "text": "Maambukizi ya VVU",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_aids"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tuberculosis",
+ "text": "Kifua kikuu",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tuberculosis"
+ },
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+ "key": "hiv_infected_child",
+ "text": "Mtoto aliyezaliwa na mama mwenye VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_infected_child"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "untested_hiv_infected_child",
+ "text": "Mtoto ambaye hajapimwa VVU",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "untested_hiv_infected_child"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abused_child",
+ "text": "Unyanyasaji wa mtoto",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abused_child"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gender_violence",
+ "text": "Ukatili wa kijinsia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender_violence"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "drug_abuse",
+ "text": "Matumizi mabaya ya dawa za kulevya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_abuse"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pregnant_mother",
+ "text": "Mama mjamzito",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnant_mother"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "breastfeeding_mother",
+ "text": "Mama anayenyonyesha",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "breastfeeding_mother"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Sababu ya usajili inahitajika"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "count": "1",
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Ushauri",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "given_counselling",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "given_counselling",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Chagua Ushauri uliyotolewa kwa mteja kwenye tembeleo hili",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ]
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_sexual_relationship",
+ "text": "Uhusiano wa kimapenzi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_sexual_relationship"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_birth_emergency_plan",
+ "text": "Mpango wa kujifungua na wa dharura",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_birth_emergency_plan"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_danger_signs",
+ "text": "Dalili hatarishi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_danger_signs"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_discussion_std_hiv",
+ "text": "Majadiliano juu ya STI/RTI/VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_discussion_std_hiv"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_condom_use",
+ "text": "Maumizi ya kondomu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_condom_use"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_advice_gravid",
+ "text": "Ushauri juu ya usumbufu unaojitokeza wakati wa ujauzito",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_advice_gravid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_self_care",
+ "text": "Kujijali",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_self_care"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_healthy_eating",
+ "text": "Lishe bora",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_healthy_eating"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_physical_activity",
+ "text": "Shuguli za kimwili",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_physical_activity"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_use_folic_acid",
+ "text": "Matumizi ya Madini Chuma (Iron) Foliki Asidi kila siku",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_use_folic_acid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_counsel_llin",
+ "text": "Utoaji na ushauri juu ya matumizi ya chandarua (LLIN)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_counsel_llin"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_child_feeding",
+ "text": "Ulishaji wa mtoto",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_child_feeding"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "Ushauri haukutolewa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "counselling_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "counselling_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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index e0c9f624c..70c5c3716 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_danger_signs_outcome.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_danger_signs_outcome.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
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- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -54,7 +49,7 @@
"step1": {
- "title": "Dalili za hatari wakati wa ujauzito",
+ "title": "Dalili za Hatari (ANC)",
"fields": [
"key": "anc_danger_signs_visitdate",
@@ -92,12 +87,12 @@
"type": "hidden"
- "key": "anc_key_info",
+ "key": "anc_key_info_swahili",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "anc_key_info",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "anc_key_info_swahili",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Maelezo muhimu kwa kituo cha afya:\nSiku ya mwisho ya hedhi (LNMP): \nUmri wa mimba (GA): {gest_age}\nTarehe kwa kutarijia kujifungua (EDD): {edd}",
+ "text": "Taarifa muhimu kwa kituo cha afya: Kipindi cha mwisho cha kawaida cha hedhi: (LNMP) Umri wa ujauzito: {gest_age} EDD: {edd}",
"toaster_type": "info",
"calculation": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -111,76 +106,65 @@
"key": "danger_signs_present",
"type": "check_box",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160939AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
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"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Je, mama alikuwa na dalili yoyote ya hatari ",
+ "label": "Mwanamke huyo alikuwa na dalili gani hatarishi?",
"combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
"options": [
"key": "Fever",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "140238AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Homa",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Fever",
+ "text": "Homa"
"key": "Bleeding_vaginally",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "150802AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Damu kutoka ukeni",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Bleeding_vaginally",
+ "text": "Kutokwa na damu ukeni"
"key": "Severe_headache",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "139081AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Maumivu ya kichwa",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Severe_headache",
+ "text": "Maumivu makali ya kichwa"
"key": "Convulsions",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "164483AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Degedege",
- "value": false
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+ "text": "degedege"
"key": "Difficulty_breathing",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "142373AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Kushindwa kupumua",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Difficulty_breathing",
+ "text": "Kupumua kwa shida"
"key": "Severe_abdominal_pain",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "165271AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Maumivu makali ya tumbo",
- "value": false
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+ "text": "Maumivu makali ya tumbo"
"key": "Swelling_of_the_face_and/or_hands",
- "text": "Kuvimba uso na / au mikono",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Swelling_of_the_face_and",
+ "text": "Kuvimba kwa uso na/au mikono"
"key": "Discoloured_or_watery_liquid_vaginal_discharge_with_a_bad_smell",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "123395AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Kutoka uchafu / majimaji ukeni yenye harufu mbaya",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Discoloured_or_watery_liquid_vaginal_discharge_with_a_bad_smell",
+ "text": "Kutowa na majimaji yenye rangirangi na harufu mbaya ukeni"
"key": "No_movement_unusual_movement_for_a_child_in_the_womb",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "113377AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Kutocheza / kucheza kusiko kwa kawaida kwa mtoto aliye tumboni",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "No_movement_unusual_movement_for_a_child_in_the_womb",
+ "text": "Hakuna uchezaji/uchezaji usiyo wa kawaida wa mtoto tumboni"
"key": "Other",
- "text": "Nyingine",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Other",
+ "text": "Nyingine"
"key": "None",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "None",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "None",
+ "text": "Hakuna"
"exclusive": [
@@ -188,17 +172,17 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua ishara ya hatari"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua dalili hatarishi"
"key": "other_anc_danger_signs",
"type": "edit_text",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
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"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Dalili nyinginezo za hatari",
+ "hint": "Dalili hatarishi nyingine",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -208,37 +192,37 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza dalili nyinginezo za hatari"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza dalili hatarishi nyingine"
"key": "action_taken_anc_danger_signs",
"type": "native_radio",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164378AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "action_taken_anc_danger_signs",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Hatua zilizochukuliwa na kituo cha kutolea huduma",
+ "label": "Hatua zilizochukuliwa na Kituo cha Afya",
"options": [
"key": "No_action_taken",
"openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "No_action_taken",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Hakuna hatua zilizochukuliwa"
+ "text": "Hakuna hatua iliyochukuliwa"
"key": "Managed",
"openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Managed",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Amefukuza"
+ "text": "Zinasimamiwa"
"key": "Referred",
"openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Referred",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Amepewa rufaa"
+ "text": "Kutoa rufaa"
"v_required": {
@@ -252,21 +236,21 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "status_visit",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Hali ya mama / mtoto",
+ "label": "Hali ya mama/mtoto",
"options": [
"key": "Discharged",
"openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Discharged",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Amelazwa"
+ "text": "Wameruhusiwa kutoka hospitali"
"key": "Died",
"openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Died",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Amekufa"
+ "text": "Wamefariki"
"relevance": {
@@ -278,7 +262,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua hali ya mama / mtoto"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza hali ya mama/mtoto"
@@ -288,7 +272,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "managed_signs",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Kituo cha kutolea huduma kilimuhudumiaje mama?",
+ "hint": "Je, kituo cha afya kilisimamia vipi hali ya mama?",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -298,7 +282,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "false",
- "err": null
+ "err": "null"
@@ -308,12 +292,12 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "comment_anc_danger_signs",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Toa maoni",
+ "hint": "Maoni",
"v_required": {
"value": "false",
- "err": null
+ "err": "null"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_baseline_investigation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_baseline_investigation.json
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_baseline_investigation.json
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+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Baseline Investigation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Vipimo vya Awali",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "glucose_in_urine",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Sukari kwenye mkojo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "glucose_in_urine",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha sukari kwenye mkojo haijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_glucose_in_urine",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Angalia kiasi cha sukari katika damu ili kumuepusha Mteja na Ugonjwa wa kisukari wakati wa Ujauzito",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_glucose_in_urine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:glucose_in_urine": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutofanya kipimo cha sukari kwenye mkojo",
+ "values": [
+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:glucose_in_urine": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha sabau zingine za kutofanya kipimo cha sukari kwenye mkojo",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu"
+ },
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+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "protein_in_urine",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Protini kwenye mkojo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "protein_in_urine",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha protini kwenye mkojo haijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_protein_in_urine",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Tafadhali fuatilia shinikizo la damu kwa Mteja ili uweze kuepusha na hatari ya Kifafa cha mimba, bainisha dalili za UTI dhibiti viashiria vya Proteinuria kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_protein_in_urine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:protein_in_urine": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutofanya kipimo cha protini kwenye mkojo ",
+ "values": [
+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
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+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:protein_in_urine": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu zingine za kutofanya kipimo chs protini kwenye mkojo",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu "
+ },
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+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_group",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Kundi la damu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_group",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "A",
+ "B",
+ "AB",
+ "O",
+ "Kipimo cha kundi la damu haijafanyika"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "A",
+ "B",
+ "AB",
+ "O",
+ "test_not_conducted"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "A": "A",
+ "B": "B",
+ "AB": "AB",
+ "O": "O",
+ "test_not_conducted": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutofanya kipimo cha kundi la damu",
+ "values": [
+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja amekataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_are_out_of_stock": "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:blood_group": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu zingine za kutofanya kipimo cha kundi la damu",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rh_factor",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Rh",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rh_factor",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_rh_factor",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:rh_factor": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kipimo cha kiwango cha damu (Hb)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha kiwango cha damu (Hb) kimefanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha kiwango cha damu (Hb) hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Kiwango cha HB (g/dl)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiwango cha HB"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha HB lazima kiwe sawasawa na au zaidi ya 0 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha HB lazima kiwe sawasawa na au chini ya 20 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiwango cha HB"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya upungufu mkubwa wa damu kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(.,\"8.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya ukosefu wa damu kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutofanya kipimo cha kiwango cha HB ",
+ "values": [
+ "Cuvette Cartridges Hazipo Kituoni",
+ "Mashine ya Kupimwa wingi wa damu (Haemoque) haifanyi kazi",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja amekataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges": "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order": "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu zingine za kutofanya kipimo cha kiwango cha HB",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kipimo cha sukari kwenye damu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha sukari kwenye damu kimefanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha sukari kwenye damu hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Aina ya kipimo cha sukari kwenye damu kilichofanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "rbg",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha wingi wa sukari mwilini (rbg)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rbg",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gtt",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha kugundua jinsi sukari mwilini inavyoratibiwa (GTT)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gtt"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fbg",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha sukari (asubuhi) kabla ya kula chochote",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fbg"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:blood_for_glucose_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_for_glucose",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Sukari kwenye damu (mmol/L)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_for_glucose",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiwango cha sukari kwenye damu (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha sukari kwenye damu lazima iwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0 (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "45",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha sukari kwenye damu lazima iwe sawasawa au chini ya 45 (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiwango cha sukari kwenye damu (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_gestational_diabetes_mellitus",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya Gestational diabetes mellitus kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_gestational_diabetes_mellitus",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_hypoglycaemia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya hypoglycaemia kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_hypoglycaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_glucose_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_glucose_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutofanya kipimo cha sukari kwenye damu",
+ "values": [
+ "Vifaa vya kupimia vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_are_out_of_stock": "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:blood_for_glucose_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_blood_glucose_test_not_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_blood_glucose_test_not_conducted",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu zingine za kutofanya kipimo cha sukari kwenye damu",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu"
+ },
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+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_blood_glucose_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_qn",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Matokeo ya kipimo cha VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_qn",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha VVU hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutofanya kipimo cha VVU",
+ "values": [
+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupima",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv_qn": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu zingine za kutofanya kipimo cha VVU",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu"
+ },
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+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "register_pmtct",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Msajili Mteja kwenye PMTCT kwa ajili ya matunzo na ufuatiliaji",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "register_pmtct",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv_qn": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prescribe_arv",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie Mteja dawa za kufubaza virusi vya Ukimwi (ARV) kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribe_arv",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv_qn": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_counselling_before_testing",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja alipewa ushauri nasaha kabla ya kupima VVU?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_counselling_before_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_counselling_after_testing",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja alipewa ushauri nasaha baada ya kupima VVU?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_counselling_after_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "syphilis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Matokeo ya kipimo cha Kaswende",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "syphilis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha kaswende hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prescribe_anti_sy",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Muagizie mteja dawa za antibiotiki (Kiuavijasumu)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribe_anti_sy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu za kutofanya kipimo cha kaswende",
+ "values": [
+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikkuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu zingine za kutofanya kipimo cha kaswende",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "syphilis_treatment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, matibabu ya Kaswende yalitolewa?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "syphilis_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hepatitis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Matokeo ya kipimo cha homa ya ini",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hepatitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha homa ya ini hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prescribe_arv_hepb_at_above_twenty_eight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie Mteja dawa za kufubaza virusi vya Ukimwi (ARV) kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribe_arv_hepb_at_above_twenty_eight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "counsel_arv_hepb_below_twenty_eight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa ushauri kwa Mama mwenye ujauzito wa wiki 28 kuhusiana na matumizi ya dawa za kufubaza virusi vya Ukimwi (ARV)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "counsel_arv_hepb_below_twenty_eight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu za kutofanya kipimo cha homa ya ini",
+ "values": [
+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hepatitis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Sababu zingine za kutofanya kipimo cha homa ya ini",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu "
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_stds",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja anajulikana kuwa na magonjwa mengine ya ngono?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_stds",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_stds_treatment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, matibabu yalitolewa kwa magonjwa mengine ya ngono?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_stds_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:other_stds": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu kwa nini matibabu hayakutolewa",
+ "values": [
+ "Dawa zimeisha",
+ "Mteja amekataa kuchukua dawa",
+ "Anamzio na dawa (Allegy)",
+ "Nyingine"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:other_stds_treatment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu zingine za kutokutoa matibabu",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "date_anc_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "date_anc_hiv_test",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_number",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_at_32",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_at_32",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "baseline_investigation_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "baseline_investigation_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_malaria_investigation_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_malaria_investigation_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cef645f82
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_malaria_investigation_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Malaria Investigation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "llin_provided": false
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Malaria",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "client_on_malaria_medication",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_on_malaria_medication",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja anatumia dawa za Malaria?",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mRDT_for_malaria",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Majibu ya kipimo cha Malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mRDT_for_malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha Malaria hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:client_on_malaria_medication": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_mRDT",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie dawa za malaria na tibu kulingana na muongozo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_mRDT",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mRDT_for_malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kipimo cha malaria kutokufanyika",
+ "values": [
+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mRDT_for_malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Elezea sababu ya Kutokufanyika kwa kipimo cha Malaria",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt1",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Dawa za kinga za malaria",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ipt1",
+ "text": "IPT1",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "text": "Hajapewa dawa za Malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Chagua dawa kwa ajili ya kinga ya malaria"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_giving_malaria_medication",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_giving_malaria_medication",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutokupewa dawa za Malaria",
+ "values": [
+ "Bidhaa zimeisha",
+ "Mteja amekataa kuchukua dawa",
+ "Anamzio na dawa (Allegy)",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_malaria_medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_malaria_medication_not_given",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Elezea sababu ya mteja kutokupewa dawa za kujikinga na Malaria",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_giving_malaria_medication": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "llin_provision",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "llin_provision",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja alipewa LLINs (vyandarua vya muda mrefu)?",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_llin",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_llin",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya mteja kutokupewa chandarua cha muda mrefu (LLINs)",
+ "values": [
+ "Bidhaa zimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikataa",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_refused",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_refused": "the_client_refused",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:llin_provision": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_llin_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_llin_not_given",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Elezea sababu ya mteja kutokupewa chandarua cha muda mrefu (LLINs)",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_providing_llin": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_investigation_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_investigation_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7804b8d21
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history.json
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Medical and Surgical History",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Historia ya Matibabu na Upasuaji",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "medical_surgical_history",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medical_surgical_history",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Historia yoyote ya Matibabu na upasuaji ya Mgonjwa?",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "diabetes_mellitus",
+ "text": "Kisukari",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diabetes_mellitus"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sickle_cell_disease",
+ "text": "Ugonjwa wa Seli mundu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sickle_cell_disease"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "heart_diseases",
+ "text": "Magonjwa ya moyo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "heart_diseases"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "thyroid_diseases",
+ "text": "Magonjwa ya tezi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "thyroid_diseases"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_transfusion",
+ "text": "Kuongezewa damu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_transfusion"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_on_art",
+ "text": "Mteja yupo kwenye ART tayari",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_on_art"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "epilepsy",
+ "text": "Kifafa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "epilepsy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "previous_c_s",
+ "text": "Kujifungua kwa upasuaji",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "previous_c_s"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "myomectomy",
+ "text": "Myomectomy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "myomectomy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "third_degree_tear",
+ "text": "Kuchanika msamba hatua ya tatu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "third_degree_tear"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "repaired_fistula",
+ "text": "Fistula iliyotibiwa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "repaired_fistula"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_genital_mutilation",
+ "text": "Tohara kwa wanawake",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_genital_mutilation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "closely_spaced_pregnancy",
+ "text": "Mimba zilizokaribiana (chini ya miaka miwili)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "closely_spaced_pregnancy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pregnant_more_than_four",
+ "text": "Kuwa mjamzito mara nne au zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnant_more_than_four"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hx_hemorrhage",
+ "text": "Historia ya kutokwa damu nyingi baada ya kujifungua",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hx_hemorrhage"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "history_of_high_blood_pressure",
+ "text": "Historia ya shinikizo la damu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "history_of_high_blood_pressure"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "anaemia",
+ "text": "Ugonjwa wa upungufu wa damu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "anaemia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "difficult_delivery",
+ "text": "Kuzalishwa kwa kuvutwa na kifaa au kuongezewa njia (Vacuum, episiotomy)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "difficult_delivery"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hx_abortions",
+ "text": "Historia ya kuharibika kwa mimba",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hx_abortions"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Others (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_medical_surgical_history",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_medical_surgical_history",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other medical and surgical history",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the other medical surgical history"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:medical_surgical_history": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya CTC",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6})?",
+ "err": "Namba ya CTC inatakiwa kuwa (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya CTC ya mteja"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya CTC ya mteja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:medical_surgical_history": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "known_on_art"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gravida",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gravida",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "parity",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "parity",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_surv_children",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_surv_children",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gravida_read_only",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": "true",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya ujauzito (Gravida)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gravida_read_only",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "parity_read_only",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": "true",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya mimba zilizofikia wiki 24 au zaidi (Parity)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "parity_read_only",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_surv_children_read_only",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": "true",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya watoto walio hai",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_surv_children_read_only",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gravida_text",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya ujauzito (Gravida)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gravida_text",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza idadi ya ujauzito"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "35",
+ "err": "Idadi ya ujauzito lazima iwe sawa au chini ya 35"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "parity_text",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya mimba zilizofikia wiki 24 au zaidi (Parity)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "parity_text",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba halali"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:gravida_text)",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe chini ya idadi ya ujauzito"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_grand_multiparity",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa ushauri juu ya hatari ya kuchanika mfuko wa uzazi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_surv_children_text",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_surv_children_text",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya watoto walio hai",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_on_art",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_on_art",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medical_surgical_history_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medical_surgical_history_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_obstetric_examination.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_obstetric_examination.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3d7052173
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+ "encounter_type": "Obstetric Examination",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Uzazi",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Uzito (KG)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza uzito"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "Uzito lazima uwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 20 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "Uzito lazima uwe sawasawa au chini ya 300 (KG)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Urefu (CM)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "height",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza urefu"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "60",
+ "err": "Urefu lazima uwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 60 (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Urefu lazima uwe sawasawa au chini ya 200 (CM)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mshauri mteja kujifungua kwenye Kituo cha Afya kutokana na hatari kubwa ya kupata uchungu pingamizi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:height": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"145\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "bmi",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Kielezo cha Uzito wa Mwili (BMI)",
+ "read_only": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bmi",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza urefu"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza urefu"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_underweight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mshauri Mteja kuhusiana na hali yake ya uzito mdogo kulingana na muongozo kutoka Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_underweight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:bmi": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"18.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_overweight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mshauri Mteja kuhusiana na hali yake ya uzito mkubwa kulingana na muongozo kutoka Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_overweight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:bmi": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(.,\"29\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "systolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Systolic (Shinikizo la Damu)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "systolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza thamani ya systolic "
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Thamani ya systolic lazima iwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "320",
+ "err": "Thamani ya systolic lazima iwe sawasawa au chini ya 320"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diastolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Diastolic (Shinikizo la Damu)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diastolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza thamani ya diastolic"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Thamani ya diastolic lazima iwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Thamani ya diastolic lazima iwe sawasawa au chini ya 200"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:systolic)",
+ "err": "Thamani ya diastolic lazima iwe chini ya thamani ya systolic"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya Shinikizo la damu ya juu kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Bainisha sababu za Shinikizo la damu ya chini na udhibiti kulingana na muongozo kutoka Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pulse_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Kiwango cha Mapigo ya moyo (midundo kwa dakika moja)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pulse_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiwango cha mapigo ya moyo "
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha mapigo ya moyo lazima kiwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha mapigo ya moyo lazima kiwe sawasawa au chini ya 200 (bpm)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Bainisha sababu za Mapigo hafifu ya moyo na udhibiti kulingana na muongozo kutoka Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"60\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Bainisha sababu za Tachycardia na njia za udhibiti kulingana na muongozo kutoka Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"100\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "temperature",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Kiwango cha joto",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "temperature",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiwango cha joto"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha joto lazima kiwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 10"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha joto lazima kiwe sawasawa au chini ya 50"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mfanyie Mama vipimo kwa ajili ya kubainisha sababu ya Homa na dhibiti hali hii kulingana na mwongozo kutoka Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"37.8\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya Jotoridi la mwili la chini kuliko kawaida kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"36.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abdominal_scars",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, kuna kovu la upasuaji kwenye tumbo?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abdominal_scars",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndiyo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abdominal_scars",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja ashauriwe kujifungua Kituo cha Afya kwa sababu ya hatari ya kupasuka kwa mfuko wa uzazi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_abdominal_scars",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:abdominal_scars": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abdominal_movement_with_respiration",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, tumbo linasogea wakati wa kupumua?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abdominal_movement_with_respiration",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abdominal_movement_with_respiration",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:abdominal_movement_with_respiration": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abdominal_contour",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Umbo la Tumbo",
+ "label_info_title": "Umbo la Tumbo",
+ "label_info_text": "Chunguza umbo la tumbo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abdominal_contour",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "Limevimba",
+ "Umbo la kawaida"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "distended",
+ "normal_contour"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "distended": "distended",
+ "normal_contour": "normal_contour"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fundal_height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fundal_height",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Kimo cha mimba (CM)",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kimo cha mimba"
+ },
+ "v_min": {},
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Kimo cha mimba lazima kiwe sawa au chini ya 50 CM"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lie",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lie",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Mlalo wa mtoto tumboni",
+ "values": [
+ "Mlalo wa usawa",
+ "mlalo wa kiupande",
+ "Mlalo wa wima"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "transverse",
+ "oblique",
+ "longitudinal"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "transverse": "transverse",
+ "oblique": "oblique",
+ "longitudinal": "longitudinal"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_lie",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "presentation",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "presentation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Kitangulizi cha mtoto",
+ "values": [
+ "Makalio",
+ "Kichwa"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "breech",
+ "cephalic"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "breech": "breech",
+ "cephalic": "cephalic"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_presentation",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa hudama zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Hesabu kiwango cha mapigo ya moyo wa mtoto (bpm)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiawango cha mapigo ya moyo ya mtoto"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha mapigo ya moyo wa mtoto lazima kiwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha mapigo ya moyo wa mtoto lazima kiwe sawasawa au chini ya 300"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abnormal_vaginal_discharge",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kutokwa na uchafu usio wa kawaida ukeni",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abnormal_vaginal_discharge",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_vaginal_discharge",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Bainisha sababu za kutokwa na uchafu ukeni na dhibiti hali hii kulingana na Mouongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_vaginal_discharge",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:abnormal_vaginal_discharge": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_sores",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Vidonda sehemu ya ukeni",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_sores",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_vaginal_sores",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Chunguza sababu ya vidonda ukeni na tibu kulingana na muongozo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_vaginal_sores",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:vaginal_sores": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_swelling",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kuvimba sehemu ya ukeni",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_swelling",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_vaginal_swelling",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Chunguza sababu ya uvimbe ukeni na tibu kulingana na muongozo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_vaginal_swelling",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:vaginal_swelling": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "obstetric_examination_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "obstetric_examination_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_tb_screening.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_tb_screening.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a6b86243
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_fv_tb_screening.json
@@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "ANC TB Screening",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "global": {},
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Awali wa Kifua Kikuu",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "on_tb_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "on_tb_treatment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja huyu yupo katika Matibabu ya Kifua kikuu?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndiyo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_registration_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_registration_number",
+ "hint": "Namba ya Kliniki ya TB ya mteja",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:on_tb_treatment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya Kliniki ya TB"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_symptoms_screening",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Tafadhali chagua kama Mteja ana dalili zifuatazo za Kifua Kikuu?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_symptoms_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_cough",
+ "text": "Mteja anakohoa kwa wiki 2 na zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_cough"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_sputum",
+ "text": "Mteja anakohoa makohozi yaliyochanganyika na damu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_sputum"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_fevers",
+ "text": "Mteja amekuwa na Homa kwa zaidi ya wiki mbili",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_fevers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_weight_loss",
+ "text": "Mteja anapoteza Uzito",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_weight_loss"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_weight_loss_subsequent_visit",
+ "text": "Mteja amepungua uzito katika mfululizo mahudhulio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_weight_loss_subsequent_visit"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_excessive_sweating",
+ "text": "Mteja amekuwa akitoka na jasho jingi sana usiku kwa wiki mbili au zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_excessive_sweating"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mada"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:on_tb_treatment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "investigate_for_tb",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "investigate_for_tb",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Fanya uchunguzi wa Kifua kikuu",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha TB hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo:"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:tb_symptoms_screening": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_cough",
+ "chk_sputum",
+ "chk_fevers",
+ "chk_weight_loss",
+ "chk_weight_loss_subsequent_visit",
+ "chk_excessive_sweating"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the TB test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:investigate_for_tb": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting TB test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_other_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:investigate_for_tb": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tb_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpe rufaa mteja kwa ajili ya Matibabu ya Kifua kikuu",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:investigate_for_tb": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_tb_screening_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_screening_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_screening_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Vaccination",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Chanjo ya Pepopunda-Diphtheria",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "tt_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Mama amepatiwa chanjo ya Pepopunda-Diphtheria (Td)?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt1_vaccination_prompt",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa dozi ya kwanza ya pepopunda-diphtheria (Td1) na mpatie mteja tarehe ya marudio ya chanjo kulingana na muongozo wa chanjo",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:tt_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt_vaccination_type",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Chanjo ipi ya pepopunda-diphtheria (Td) iliyotolewa?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt_vaccination_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Td1",
+ "key": "tt1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt1"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt2",
+ "text": "Td2",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt2"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt3",
+ "text": "Td3",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt3"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt4",
+ "text": "Td4",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt4"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt5",
+ "text": "Td5",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt5"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja au zaidi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:tt_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt_vaccination_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt_vaccination_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_hv_counselling.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_hv_counselling.json
index d3245f8b9..e586668e5 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_hv_counselling.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_hv_counselling.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -53,133 +48,107 @@
"key": "counselling_given",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "counselling_given",
"type": "check_box",
"label": "Ushauri nasaa uliotolewa kwa mama na wanafamilia",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
- "exclusive": [
- "chk_none"
- ],
"options": [
"key": "chk_attended_anc_contacts",
- "text": "1. Kuhudhuria kliniki ya wajawazito mapema",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Kuhudhuria kliniki ya wajawazito mapema",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161013AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_attended_anc_contacts"
"key": "chk_anc_danger_signs",
- "text": "2. Dalili za hatari wakati wa ujauzito",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Dalili za hatari wakati wa ujauzito",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161050AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_anc_danger_signs"
"key": "chk_maternal_nutrition",
- "text": "3. Lishe kwa mama wakati wa ujauzito na kunyonyesha",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Lishe kwa mama wakati wa ujauzito na kunyonyesha",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_maternal_nutrition"
"key": "chk_personal_delivery",
- "text": "4. Mpango binafsi wa kujifungua",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Mpango binafsi wa kujifungua",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_personal_delivery"
"key": "chk_hiv_aids",
- "text": "5. Umuhimu wa kupata ushauri nasaha na kupima VVU",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Umuhimu wa kupata ushauri nasaha na kupima VVU",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_hiv_aids"
"key": "chk_pmtct_for_mother",
- "text": "6. Kuzuia mambukizi ya VVU kutoka kwa mama kwenda kwa mtoto",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Kuzuia mambukizi ya VVU kutoka kwa mama kwenda kwa mtoto",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160538AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pmtct_for_mother"
"key": "chk_preventing_malaria",
- "text": "7. Kuzuia malaria kwa wajawazito",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Kuzuia malaria kwa wajawazito",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164884AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_preventing_malaria"
"key": "chk_physical_changes",
- "text": "8. Mabadiliko ya kimwili kwa mama aliyejifungua",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Mabadiliko ya kimwili kwa mama aliyejifungua",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162093AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_physical_changes"
"key": "chk_pnc_danger_signs",
- "text": "10. Dalili za hatari mara baada ya kujifungua hadi arobaini ya uzazi",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Dalili za hatari mara baada ya kujifungua hadi arobaini ya uzazi",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161541AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pnc_danger_signs"
"key": "chk_care_of_infant",
- "text": "11. Huduma kwa mtoto mchanga mara baada ya kuzaliwa",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Huduma kwa mtoto mchanga mara baada ya kuzaliwa",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160413AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_care_of_infant"
"key": "chk_infant_danger_signs",
- "text": "14. Dalili za hatari kwa mtoto mchanga",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Dalili za hatari kwa mtoto mchanga",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161071AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_infant_danger_signs"
"key": "chk_hiv_exposed_infant",
- "text": "15. Ufuatiliaji wa mtoto aliyezaliwa na mama mwenye VVU",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Ufuatiliaji wa mtoto aliyezaliwa na mama mwenye VVU",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164818AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_hiv_exposed_infant"
"key": "chk_breastfeeding",
- "text": "16. Unyonyeshaji wa maziwa ya mama",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Unyonyeshaji wa maziwa ya mama",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_breastfeeding"
"key": "chk_exclusive_breast_feeding ",
- "text": "17. Njia ya uzazi wa mpango ya unyonyeshaji maziwa ya mama pekee kwa kipindi cha miezi sita baada ya kujifungua (LAM)",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Njia ya uzazi wa mpango ya unyonyeshaji maziwa ya mama pekee kwa kipindi cha miezi sita baada ya kujifungua (LAM)",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161096AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_exclusive_breast_feeding"
"key": "chk_family_planning",
- "text": "18. Uzazi wa mpango",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Uzazi wa mpango",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_family_planning"
"key": "chk_infection_prevention",
- "text": "24. Kuzuia maambukizi katika jamii",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_none",
- "text": "Hajatoa ushauri",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Kuzuia maambukizi katika jamii",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -65,91 +60,78 @@
"key": "chk_fever",
"text": "Homa",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_bleeding_vaginally",
"text": "Damu kutoka ukeni",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_server_headache",
"text": "Maumivu ya kichwa",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_blurred_vision",
"text": "Kutoona vizuri",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_convulsions",
"text": "Degedege/Mtukutiko wa mwili",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_difficulty_breathing",
"text": "Kushindwa kupumua",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_severe_abdominal_pain",
"text": "Maumivu makali ya tumbo",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_loss_consciousness",
"text": "Kupoteza fahamu",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_swelling",
"text": "Kuvimba uso na / au mikonos",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_early_labour",
"text": "Kupata uchungu mapema kabla ya miezi tisa",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_vaginal_discharge",
"text": "Kutoka uchafu / majimaji ukeni yenye harufu mbaya",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_unusual_movement",
"text": "Kutocheza / kucheza kusiko kwa kawaida kwa mtoto aliye tumboni",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "Hakuna",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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index 29e307012..aed34f8ce 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_hv_family_planning.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_hv_family_planning.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
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@@ -122,63 +117,54 @@
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@@ -210,49 +196,42 @@
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"text": "Matibabu mengine",
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@@ -218,21 +210,18 @@
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+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Historia ya Matibabu na Upasuaji",
+ "next": "step2",
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+ {
+ "key": "is_transfer_in",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Client registration type",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_transfer_in",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ {
+ "key": "true",
+ "text": "On Transit",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "true"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "false",
+ "text": "Continuing Client",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "false"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "pregnancy_confirmation_status",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnancy_confirmation_status",
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+ "value": "Confirmed"
+ },
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+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medical_surgical_history",
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+ "none"
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+ "key": "known_on_art",
+ "text": "Mtumiaji wa dawa za kufubaza maambukizi ya virusi vya Ukimwi (ART) kabla ya mimba hii",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "key": "sickle_cell_disease",
+ "text": "Ugonjwa wa Seli mundu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sickle_cell_disease"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "heart_diseases",
+ "text": "Magonjwa ya moyo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "heart_diseases"
+ },
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+ "key": "thyroid_diseases",
+ "text": "Magonjwa ya tezi",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "thyroid_diseases"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_transfusion",
+ "text": "Kuongezewa damu",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_transfusion"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "epilepsy",
+ "text": "Kifafa",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "epilepsy"
+ },
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+ "key": "previous_c_s",
+ "text": "Kujifungua kwa upasuaji",
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+ },
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+ "key": "myomectomy",
+ "text": "Myomectomy",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "myomectomy"
+ },
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+ "key": "third_degree_tear",
+ "text": "Kuchanika msamba hatua ya tatu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "third_degree_tear"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "repaired_fistula",
+ "text": "Fistula iliyotibiwa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "repaired_fistula"
+ },
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+ "key": "female_genital_mutilation",
+ "text": "Tohara kwa wanawake",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_genital_mutilation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "closely_spaced_pregnancy",
+ "text": "Mimba zilizokaribiana (chini ya miaka miwili)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "closely_spaced_pregnancy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pregnant_more_than_four",
+ "text": "Kuwa mjamzito mara nne au zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnant_more_than_four"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hx_hemorrhage",
+ "text": "Historia ya kutokwa damu nyingi baada ya kujifungua",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hx_hemorrhage"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "history_of_high_blood_pressure",
+ "text": "Historia ya shinikizo la damu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "history_of_high_blood_pressure"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "anaemia",
+ "text": "Ugonjwa wa upungufu wa damu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "anaemia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "difficult_delivery",
+ "text": "Kuzalishwa kwa kuvutwa na kifaa au kuongezewa njia (Vacuum, episiotomy)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "difficult_delivery"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hx_abortions",
+ "text": "Historia ya kuharibika kwa mimba",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hx_abortions"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua angalau moja"
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Namba ya Utambulisho CTC",
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+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6})?",
+ "err": "Namba ya CTC inatakiwa kuwa (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)"
+ },
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+ "value": "17",
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+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya CTC ya mteja"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya CTC ya mteja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:medical_surgical_history": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "known_on_art"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gravida",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya ujauzito (Gravida)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gravida",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza idadi ya ujauzito"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza idadi ya ujauzito"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "35",
+ "err": "Idadi ya ujauzito lazima iwe sawa au chini ya 35"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "parity",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya mimba zilizofikia wiki 24 au zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "parity",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba halali"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba halali"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:gravida)",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe chini ya idadi ya ujauzito"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_grand_multiparity",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa ushauri juu ya hatari ya kuchanika mfuko wa uzazi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_surv_children",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_surv_children",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya watoto walio hai",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza idadi ya watoto walio hai"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza idadi ya watoto walio hai"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_on_art",
+ "type": "hidden",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "Usajili wa mahudhurio ya kliniki ya uzazi",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "known_last_menstrual_period",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kwanza ya hedhi ya mara ya mwisho (LNMP)",
+ "label_info_title": "Tarehe ya kwanza ya hedhi ya mara ya mwisho (LNMP)",
+ "label_info_text": "Tarehe ya kwanza ya hedhi ya mara ya mwisho = siku ya kwanza ya kipindi cha mwisho cha hedhi. Ikiwa tarehe halisi haijulikani, lakini kipindi cha mwezi kinajulikana, tumia siku ya 5 kwa mwanzo wa mwezi, siku ya 15 katikati ya mwezi na siku ya 25 kwa mwisho wa mwezi.",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "min_date": "today-50w",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tarehe ya kwanza ya hedhi ya mara ya mwisho inahitajika kujazwa"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "last_menstrual_period",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age_note",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Umri wa Mimba kwa Wiki",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "edd",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "edd",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Tarehe anayotazamia Kujifungua",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Urefu (CM)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "height",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza urefu"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "60",
+ "err": "Urefu lazima uwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 60 (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Urefu lazima uwe sawasawa au chini ya 200 (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza urefu"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mshauri mteja kujifungua kwenye Kituo cha Afya kutokana na hatari kubwa ya kupata uchungu pingamizi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:height": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"145\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "has_the_client_received_ipt_doses_from_previous_facility",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client has received any IPT doses in the previous clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "has_the_client_received_ipt_doses_from_previous_facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:gest_age_note": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(.,\"13\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Please select the last IPT dose provided from the previous facility",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ipt1",
+ "text": "IPT1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt1"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ipt2",
+ "text": "IPT2",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt2"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ipt3",
+ "text": "IPT3",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt3"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ipt4",
+ "text": "IPT4",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt4"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:has_the_client_received_ipt_doses_from_previous_facility": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Majibu ya Virusi vya Ukimwi ya mteja kutoka katika kituo alichotoka",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Mteja hajapimwa maambukizi ya Virusi vya Ukimwi katika kituo alichotoka",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_test_at_32",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, hichi ni kipimo cha pili cha maambukizi ya virusi vya ukimwi?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_test_at_32",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya Utambulisho CTC",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6})?",
+ "err": "Namba ya CTC inatakiwa kuwa (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya CTC ya mteja"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya CTC ya mteja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:hiv": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_at_32",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_at_32",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abdominal_scars",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, kuna kovu la upasuaji kwenye tumbo?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abdominal_scars",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jbu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abdominal_scars",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja ashauriwe kujifungua Kituo cha Afya kwa sababu ya hatari ya kupasuka kwa mfuko wa uzazi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_abdominal_scars",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:abdominal_scars": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abdominal_movement_with_respiration",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, tumbo linasogea wakati wa kupumua?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abdominal_movement_with_respiration",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abdominal_movement_with_respiration",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:abdominal_movement_with_respiration": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abnormal_vaginal_discharge",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kutokwa na uchafu usio wa kawaida ukeni",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abnormal_vaginal_discharge",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_vaginal_discharge",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Bainisha sababu za kutokwa na uchafu ukeni na dhibiti hali hii kulingana na Mouongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_vaginal_discharge",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:abnormal_vaginal_discharge": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_sores",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Vidonda sehemu ya ukeni",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_sores",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_vaginal_sores",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Chunguza sababu ya vidonda ukeni na tibu kulingana na muongozo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_vaginal_sores",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:vaginal_sores": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_swelling",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kuvimba sehemu ya ukeni",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_swelling",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_vaginal_swelling",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Chunguza sababu ya uvimbe ukeni na tibu kulingana na muongozo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_vaginal_swelling",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:vaginal_swelling": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_partner_community_followup_referral.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_partner_community_followup_referral.json
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
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+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Rufaa ya Ufuatiliaji wa Mwenza wa Mama Mjamzito katika Ngazi ya Jamii",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "toast_refer_to_chw",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja atapewa rufaa kwa Mtoa huduma ngazi ya jamii kwa ajili ya ufuatiliaji",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Mteja atapewa rufaa kwenda kwa mtoa huduma ngazi ya jamii aliye kwenye kijiji chake kwa ajili ya ufuatiliaji. Ongeza taarifa zozote ambazo zinahitajika kwa ajili ya rufaa hii.",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chw_location",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chw_location",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Chagua Eneo la WAJA/Mama Kinara",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua eneo alipo mama kinara"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "anc_partner_followup_comment",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Maoni yako",
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+ "value": "false",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza maoni yako hapa"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "anc_partner_community_referral_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "is_problem": false,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_community_followup_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_partner_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_partner_registration.json
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_partner_registration.json
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Usajili wa Mwenza",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "partner_surname",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Jina la mwisho la mwenza",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la mwisho la mwenza"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la mwisho la mwenza"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_first_name",
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+ "hint": "Jina la Kwanza la mwenza",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Kwanza la mwenza"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Kwanza la mwenza"
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Jina la Kati la mwenza",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Kati la mwenza"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Kati la mwenza"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "hint": "Umri wa mwenza",
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+ "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 11"
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+ },
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+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza umri wa mwenza"
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ {
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+ "chk_other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
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+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+ },
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+ },
+ "global": {
+ "hiv_testing_done": false,
+ "syphilis_testing_done": false,
+ "hepatitis_testing_done": false,
+ "partner_hiv_status": "",
+ "partner_hiv_test_at_32_done": false
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Upimaji kwa Mwenza",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ }
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+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Anajulikana ana maambukizi",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
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+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ "key": "partner_syphilis",
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+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "prescribe_anti_sy",
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+ "text": "Mpe mwenza wa mama mjamzito dawa za Antibiotic kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
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+ "step1:partner_syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kipimo cha kaswende kutofanyika",
+ "values": [
+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
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+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
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+ "other"
+ ],
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+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
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+ "step1:partner_syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_partner_syphilis_test",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_partner_syphilis_test",
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+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu zingine za kutofanya kipimo cha kaswende",
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+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu"
+ },
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+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_partner_syphilis_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_syphilis_treatment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, matibabu ya Kaswende yalitolewa?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_syphilis_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
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+ "step1:partner_syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "partner_hepatitis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Matokeo ya kipimo cha homa ya Ini",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_hepatitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya ",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
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+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha homa ya ini haikufanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_partner_hepatitis",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie Mteja dawa za kufubaza virusi vya Ukimwi (ARV) kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_hepatitis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hepatitis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hepatitis_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kipimo cha homa ya ini kutofanyika",
+ "values": [
+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_hepatitis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hepatitis_test",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu zingine za kutofanya kipimo cha homa ya ini",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu"
+ },
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+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hepatitis_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_other_stds",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja anajulikana kuwa na magonjwa mengine ya ngono?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_other_stds",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_other_stds_treatment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, ARV zilitolewa kwa magonjwa mengine ya ngono?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_other_stds_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_other_stds": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu kwa nini matibabu hayakutolewa",
+ "values": [
+ "Dawa zimeisha",
+ "Mteja amekataa kuchukua dawa",
+ "Anamzio na dawa (Allegy)",
+ "Nyingine"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_other_stds_treatment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_other_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_other_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu zingine za kutokutoa matibabu",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_hiv_test_at_32",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_hiv_test_at_32",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_hiv_test_number",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_hiv_test_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_pregnancy_confirmation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_pregnancy_confirmation.json
new file mode 100644
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+ "count": "3",
+ "skip_blank_steps": true,
+ "encounter_type": "Pregnancy Confirmation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchambuzi wa wagonjwa au majeruhi",
+ "next": "step2",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "danger_signs",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Mtoa huduma wa Afya atafanya uchunguzi ili kubaini wateja wenye dalili za hatari",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "danger_signs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "bleeding_vag",
+ "text": "Kutokwa na damu ukeni",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bleeding_vag"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "headache_visual_disturbance",
+ "text": "Kichwa kuuma",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "headache_visual_disturbance"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severely_pale",
+ "text": "Kupauka sana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severely_pale"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dizziness",
+ "text": "Kizunguzungu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dizziness"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_vomiting",
+ "text": "Kutapika sana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_vomiting"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "convulsion",
+ "text": "Degedege",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "convulsion"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "looking_very_ill",
+ "text": "Kuwa mdhoofu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "looking_very_ill"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fever",
+ "text": "Homa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fever"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unconscious",
+ "text": "Kupoteza fahamu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unconscious"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_pain",
+ "text": "Maumivu makali",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_pain"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "text": "Kupumua kwa shida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_breathing_difficulty"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "in_labour",
+ "text": "Katika hali ya uchungu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "in_labour"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "imminent_labour",
+ "text": "Hali ya Uchungu inayokaribu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "imminent_labour"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "oedema_of_legs_and_sacrum",
+ "text": "Kuvimba kwa miguu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "oedema_of_legs_and_sacrum"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali Chagua dalili za hatari"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "task_id",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "task_id",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "danger_signs_present_toaster",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dalili ya Hatari! Mpatie rufaa aende katika wodi ya dharura",
+ "text_color": "#CF0800",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:danger_signs": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "bleeding_vag",
+ "headache_visual_disturbance",
+ "severely_pale",
+ "severe_vomiting",
+ "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "convulsion",
+ "looking_very_ill",
+ "fever",
+ "unconscious",
+ "severe_pain",
+ "in_labour",
+ "imminent_labour",
+ "oedema_of_legs_and_sacrum",
+ "dizziness"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "Kuhakikisha ujauzito",
+ "next": "step3",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_pregnancy_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_pregnancy_test",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Chagua aina ya kipimo cha Ujauzito kilichofanyika",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "fundal_palpation"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "fundal_palpation",
+ "text": "Fundal Palpation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fundal_palpation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "upt",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha Mkojo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "upt"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "uss",
+ "text": "Kumulika kwa Mashine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "uss"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua aina ya kipimo cha Ujauzito kilichofanyika"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "upt",
+ "type": "native_radio",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Tafadhali chagua majibu ya kipimo cha mkojo",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "key": "positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Hasi",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua majibu ya kipimo cha mkojo"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "uss",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "uss",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Tafadhali Chagua majibu ya Kumulika kwa mashine",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "present_gestation_sac",
+ "text": "Mfuko wa uzazi upo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "present_gestation_sac"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "absent_gestation_sac",
+ "text": "Mfuko wa uzazi haupo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "absent_gestation_sac"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali Chagua majibu ya Kumulika kwa mashine"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step3": {
+ "title": "Mwisho",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "known_last_menstrual_period",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kwanza ya hedhi ya mara ya mwisho (LNMP)",
+ "label_info_title": "Tarehe ya kwanza ya hedhi ya mara ya mwisho (LNMP)",
+ "label_info_text": "Tarehe ya kwanza ya hedhi ya mara ya mwisho = siku ya kwanza ya kipindi cha mwisho cha hedhi. Ikiwa tarehe halisi haijulikani, lakini kipindi cha mwezi kinajulikana, tumia siku ya 5 kwa mwanzo wa mwezi, siku ya 15 katikati ya mwezi na siku ya 25 kwa mwisho wa mwezi.",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "min_date": "today-50w",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tarehe ya kwanza ya hedhi ya mara ya mwisho inahitajika kujazwa"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "last_menstrual_period_unknown",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_menstrual_period_unknown",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "text",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "lmp_unknown",
+ "text": "Tarehe ya kwanza ya hedhi ya mara ya mwisho haijulikani",
+ "text_size": "18px",
+ "value": "false",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lmp_unknown"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fundal_height",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fundal_height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Kimo cha mimba (CM)",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kimo cha mimba"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kimo cha mimba"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "12",
+ "err": "Kimo cha mimba lazima kiwe sawa au zaidi ya 12 CM"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Kimo cha mimba lazima kiwe sawa au chini ya 50 CM"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "estimated_last_menstrual_period",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "estimated_last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "hint": "Makadirio ya hedhi ya mwisho ilionekana lini",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age_note",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Umri wa Mimba kwa Wiki",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "edd",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "edd",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Tarehe anayotazamia Kujifungua",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_pregnant",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja sio mjamzito. \nTafadhali muunganishe kwenye huduma za Uzazi wa Mpango",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Mteja sio mjamzito. Tafadhali muunganishe kwenye huduma za Uzazi wa Mpango",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "see_a_doctor",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie rufaa aende kufanyiwa uchunguzi wa Uzazi",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pregnancy_confirmation_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnancy_confirmation_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pregnancy_confirmation_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnancy_confirmation_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_pregnancy_outcome.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_pregnancy_outcome.json
index 1feab1a79..67835fb0e 100644
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"encounter_type": "Pregnancy Outcome",
"entity_id": "",
+ "global": {},
"metadata": {
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"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
@@ -17,11 +18,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -49,7 +45,7 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Matokeo ya ujauzito",
+ "title": "Matokeo ya Ujauzito",
"fields": [
"key": "relational_id",
@@ -58,11 +54,80 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "relational_id",
"type": "hidden"
+ {
+ "key": "mothers_condition",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mothers_condition",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Hali ya Mama ya ki Afya",
+ "label_text_style": "bold",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "alive",
+ "text": "Yupo Mzima",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "alive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "deceased",
+ "text": "Amefariki",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "deceased",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua kipengele cha hali ya Mama"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "date_of_death",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "date_of_death",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe mama kufariki ",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza tarehe ambayo mama kafariki"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mothers_condition": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"deceased\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "time_of_death",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "time_of_death",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Muda mama kufariki ",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza saa ambayo mama kafariki"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mothers_condition": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"deceased\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
"key": "preg_outcome",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161033AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "preg_outcome",
"type": "native_radio",
"label": "Matokeo ya ujauzito",
"label_text_style": "bold",
@@ -70,42 +135,37 @@
"options": [
"key": "born_alive",
- "text": "Mtoto amezaliwa hai",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Mtoto alizaliwa mzima",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "151849AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "born_alive",
"openmrs_entity_parent": ""
"key": "born_alive_died",
- "text": "Mtoto amezaliwa hai, lakini akafariki",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Mtoto alizaliwa hai, lakini akafariki baadaye",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164816AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "born_alive_died",
"openmrs_entity_parent": ""
"key": "still_born",
- "text": "Mtoto amezaliwa mfu",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Mtoto alizaliwa akiwa amekwisha fariki",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "125872AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "still_born",
"openmrs_entity_parent": ""
"key": "alive_with_problem",
- "text": "Mtoto amezaliwa hai, lakini ana shida (mf. ulemavu, kupumua kwa shida, nk.)",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Mtoto alizaliwa hai, lakini aamekutwa na matatizo (i.e: ulemavu, matatizo ya kupumua)",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161599AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "alive_with_problem",
"openmrs_entity_parent": ""
"key": "miscarriage",
- "text": "Mimba kuharibika",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Mimba iliharibika",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "miscarriage",
"openmrs_entity_parent": ""
@@ -114,18 +174,123 @@
"err": "Tafadhali chagua matokeo ya ujauzito"
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_child_with_problem",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii kulingana na muongozo uliopo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:preg_outcome": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"alive_with_problem\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex_of_the_deceased_child",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sex_of_the_deceased_child",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Jinsi ya mtoto aliyefariki",
+ "values": [
+ "Me",
+ "Ke",
+ "Jinsi Tata"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female",
+ "Ambiguous"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Male": "Male",
+ "Female": "Female",
+ "Ambiguous": "Ambiguous"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:preg_outcome": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"born_alive_died\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the sex"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_child_died",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_child_died",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu Zilizopelekea Mtoto Kufariki",
+ "values": [
+ "Birth Asphyxia",
+ "Neonatal Respiratory Distress",
+ "Prematurity",
+ "Early Neonatal Sepsis",
+ "Sababu nyinginezo"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "birth_asphyxia",
+ "neonatal_respiratory_distress",
+ "prematurity",
+ "early_neonatal_sepsis",
+ "others"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "birth_asphyxia": "birth_asphyxia",
+ "neonatal_respiratory_distress": "neonatal_respiratory_distress",
+ "prematurity": "prematurity",
+ "early_neonatal_sepsis": "early_neonatal_sepsis",
+ "others": "others"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:preg_outcome": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"born_alive_died\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reasons_for_child_death",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reasons_for_child_death",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Sababu nyingine zilizopelekea mtoto kufariki",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_child_died": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"others\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
"key": "miscarriage_date",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "165248AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "miscarriage_date",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kuharibika mimba",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya mimba kuharibika",
"expanded": false,
"max_date": "today",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe mwanamke ameharibika mimba."
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza tarehe ambayo Mimba ya Mama iliharibika/ilitoka"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -136,17 +301,35 @@
- "key": "delivery_date",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "key": "hiv_status_question",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Hali ya Mama ya maambukizi ya VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_status_question",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kujifungua",
- "expanded": false,
- "max_date": "today",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unknown",
+ "text": "Haijulikani",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unknown"
+ }
+ ],
"v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe mwanamke aliyejifungua"
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -157,28 +340,66 @@
- "key": "no_children",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "key": "risk_category",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Hali ya Hatari ya Mtoto mchanga kuaambukizwa VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "risk_category",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164894AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
- "type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Idadi ya watoto waliozaliwa hai",
- "values": [
- "1",
- "2+"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "1",
- "2+"
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "high",
+ "text": "Ipo Juu",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "high",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "low",
+ "text": "Ipo Chini",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "low",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
- "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_high_risk_results",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mfanyie Mtoto kipimo cha VVU mara baada ya kuzaliwa. Mpe mtoto kinga ya ARV kwa wiki 6, ikifuatiwa na monoprophylaxis kwa kipindi cha wiki 6 nyingine, endelea kumfuatilia mtoto kulinganga na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya.",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:risk_category": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"high\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya Mama ya kujifungua",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-42d",
+ "max_date": "today",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo moja"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya kujifungua ya Mama"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -188,31 +409,38 @@
+ {
+ "key": "no_children",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_children",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
"key": "delivery_place",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_place",
"openmrs_data_type": "select one",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Mahali alipojifungulia mama",
+ "hint": "Mahali ambapo Mama alijifungulia",
"values": [
- "Nyumbani",
- "Kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya",
- "Njiani kabla ya kufika kituoni",
- "Mahali pengine"
+ "Kwenye Kituo cha Afya",
+ "Amejifungua Njiani kabla ya kufika kwenye Kituo",
+ "Amejifungulia Nyumbani",
+ "Amejifungulia kwa Mkunga wa Jadi"
"keys": [
- "At home",
"At a health facility",
- "On the way to the health facility",
- "Other"
+ "Birth before Arrival (BBA)",
+ "At home",
+ "Traditional birth attendant"
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
- "On the way to the health facility": "1601AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "At a health facility": "At a health facility",
+ "Birth before Arrival (BBA)": "Birth before Arrival (BBA)",
+ "At home": "At home",
+ "Traditional birth attendant": "Traditional birth attendant"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
@@ -230,14 +458,14 @@
"key": "delivery_home",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_home",
"type": "native_radio",
- "label": "Je, nani amemsaidia kujifungulia nyumbani?",
+ "label": "Nani alimsaidia Mama kujifungua nyumbani?",
"label_text_style": "bold",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo moja"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -249,27 +477,24 @@
"options": [
"key": "gave_birth_alone",
- "text": "Amejifungulia nyumbani pekee yake/bila mtu",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Alijifungua nyumbani akiwa peke yake",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gave_birth_alone"
"key": "gave_birth_with_help",
- "text": "Amejifungulia nyumbani akisaidiwa na mtu wa familia/rafiki/jirani",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Alijifungua nyumbani akisaidiiwa na mwanafamilia/rafiki/jirani",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gave_birth_with_help"
"key": "midwife_help",
- "text": "Amejifungulia nyumbani akisaidiwa na mkunga wa jadi",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Alijifungua nyumbani akisaidiwa na mkunga wa jadi",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "125872AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "midwife_help"
@@ -277,14 +502,14 @@
"key": "delivery_hf",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "159771AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_hf",
"type": "native_radio",
- "label": "Amejifungua kwenye kituo cha kutolea huduma ya afya. Je, amesindikizwa na nani?",
+ "label": "Mama alijifungua katika kituo cha afya. Nani aliongozana na mama hadi kituo cha afya?",
"label_text_style": "bold",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo moja"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -296,57 +521,51 @@
"options": [
"key": "facility_family_member",
- "text": "Amejifungulia katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya, na amesindikizwa na mwanafamilia.",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Alisindikizwa na wanafamilia.",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "facility_family_member"
"key": "facility_midwife",
- "text": "Amejifungulia katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya, na amesindikizwa na mkunga wa jadi",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Alisindikizwa na Mkunga wa Jadi",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "facility_midwife"
"key": "alone",
- "text": "Amejifungulia katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya, na amekuja pekee yake",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Alikuja peke yake",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "alone"
"key": "other_pple",
- "text": "Amejifungulia katika kituo cha kutolea huduma ya afya, na amesindikizwa na watu wengine",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Alisindikizwa na watu wengine",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_pple"
"key": "other_chw",
- "text": "Amejifungulia katika kituo cha kutolea huduma ya afya, na amesindikizwa na CHW",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Alisindikizwa na Mtoa huduma ngazi ya Jamii",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_chw"
"key": "baby_label",
"type": "label",
- "text": "MALEZO YA MTOTO",
- "has_bg": true,
+ "text": "Taarifa za Mtoto",
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"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -357,317 +576,1046 @@
- "key": "temp_unique_id",
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"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "temp_unique_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fam_name",
"type": "hidden"
- "key": "unique_id",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
- "type": "barcode",
- "barcode_type": "qrcode",
- "hint": "Boresha Afya ID",
- "scanButtonText": "Chukua QR code",
- "v_numeric": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba halali"
- },
- "v_required": {
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- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba cha KIPEKEE"
- },
- "calculation": {
- "rules-engine": {
- "ex-rules": {
- "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_calculation.yml"
- }
- }
- },
- "relevance": {
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- "ex-rules": {
- "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_relevance.yml"
- }
- }
- }
- },
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- "key": "surname",
+ "key": "no_immediate_new_born",
+ "type": "repeating_group",
+ "reference_edit_text_hint": "Idadi ya Wototo waliozaliwa",
+ "repeating_group_label": "Taarifa za Mtoto #",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
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- "hint": "Jina la mwisho (ukoo)",
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- "v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina halali"
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- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la ukoo"
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+ "repeating_group_max": "4",
+ "expand_on_text_change": "true",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
"rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_relevance.yml"
- }
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- "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "label_info_text": "0 - 6: Sio ya Kawaida \n7 - 10: Kawaida",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
- "key": "same_as_fam_name",
- "text": "Surname sawa na jina la ukoo",
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"text_size": "18px",
- "value": "false"
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- "relevance": {
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- "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_relevance.yml"
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+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka agpar score"
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- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_referral_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_referral_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_referral_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ "birth_companion_identified": false,
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+ },
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+ "text": "Kimetambulika na Kuandaliwa",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prepared"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Bado Hakijatabmulika",
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+ }
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+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_emergency_plan_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "buttonText": "Select Health Facility",
+ "sort": true,
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+ "dialogTitle": "Health Facility",
+ "searchHint": "Type Health Facility Name",
+ "options": [
+ ],
+ "type": "multi_select_list",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the health facility"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:delivery_place": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"prepared\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Njia ya Usafiri Imetambuliwa",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prepared"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Njia ya Usafiri Haijatambuliwa",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_prepared"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_emergency_plan_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Hajatambulika na kuarifiwa",
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+ }
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+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_emergency_plan_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Bado Hazijaandaliwa",
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_emergency_plan_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prepared"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Bado hajaandaliwa",
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_emergency_plan_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_emergency_plan_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_consultation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_consultation.json
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Mashauriano ya ANC",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "examination_findings",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Matokeo ya Uchunguzi kwenye hudhurio la leo",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "examination_findings",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "puffy_face",
+ "text": "Uso umevimba",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "puffy_face"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pallor",
+ "text": "Kupauka (jicho, viganja, ncha ya ulimi, fizi)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pallor"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_examination_findings",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Tafadhali mpatie Mteja huduma ya dharura kuhusiana na hali hii ya upungufu wa damu na moyo/figo kushindwa kufanya kazi vizuri. Bainisha sababu na dhibiti hali hii kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya.",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:examination_findings": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "pallor",
+ "puffy_face"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age_consultation",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age_consultation",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "height",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza urefu"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "60",
+ "err": "Urefu lazima uwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 60 (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Urefu lazima uwe sawasawa au chini ya 200 (CM)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "height_calculated",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mshauri mteja kujifungua kwenye Kituo cha Afya kutokana na hatari kubwa ya kupata uchungu pingamizi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:height": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"145\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza uzito"
+ },
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+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "Uzito lazima uwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 20 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "Uzito lazima uwe sawasawa au chini ya 300 (KG)"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza urefu"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza urefu"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_underweight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mshauri Mteja kuhusiana na hali yake ya uzito mdogo kulingana na muongozo kutoka Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_underweight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:bmi": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"18.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_overweight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mshauri Mteja kuhusiana na hali yake ya uzito mkubwa kulingana na muongozo kutoka Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_overweight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:bmi": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(.,\"29\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fundal_height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kimo cha mimba"
+ },
+ "v_min": {},
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+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Kimo cha mimba lazima kiwe sawa au chini ya 50 CM"
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Hesabu kiwango cha mapigo ya moyo wa mtoto (bpm)",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiwango cha mapigo ya moyo wa mtoto"
+ },
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+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha mapigo ya moyo wa mtoto lazima kiwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0"
+ },
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+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha mapigo ya moyo wa mtoto lazima kiwe sawasawa au chini ya 300"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Mlalo wa mtoto",
+ "values": [
+ "Usawa",
+ "Kiupande",
+ "Wima"
+ ],
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+ "transverse",
+ "oblique",
+ "longitudinal"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_lie",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "presentation",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "presentation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Kitangulizi cha mtoto",
+ "values": [
+ "Makalio",
+ "Kichwa"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "breech",
+ "cephalic"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "breech": "breech",
+ "cephalic": "cephalic"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_presentation",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:presentation": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"breech\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "systolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Systolic (Shinikizo la Damu)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "systolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza thamani ya systolic"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Thamani ya systolic lazima iwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "320",
+ "err": "Thamani ya systolic lazima iwe sawasawa au chini ya 320"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diastolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Diastolic (Shinikizo la Damu)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diastolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza thamani ya diastoli"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Thamani ya diastolic lazima iwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Thamani ya diastolic lazima iwe sawasawa au chini ya 200"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:systolic)",
+ "err": "Thamani ya diastolic lazima iwe chini ya thamani ya systolic"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya Shinikizo la damu ya juu kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Bainisha sababu za Shinikizo la damu ya chini na udhibiti kulingana na muongozo kutoka Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pulse_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Kiwango cha Mapigo ya moyo (Midundo kwa dakika)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pulse_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kasi ya mapigo ya moyo"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha mpigo lazima kiwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha mpigo lazima kiwe sawasawa au chini ya 200 (bpm)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Bainisha sababu za Mapigo hafifu ya moyo na udhibiti kulingana na muongozo kutoka Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"60\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Bainisha sababu za Tachycardia na njia za udhibiti kulingana na muongozo kutoka Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"100\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "temperature",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Halijoto (\u2103)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "temperature",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza halijoto"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Halijoto lazima liwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 10"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Halijoto lazima liwe sawasawa au chini ya 50"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mfanyie Mama vipimo kwa ajili ya kubainisha sababu ya Homa na dhibiti hali hii kulingana na mwongozo kutoka Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"37.8\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya Jotoridi la mwili la chini kuliko kawaida kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"36.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "breast",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Matiti",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "breast",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "normal",
+ "text": "Kawaida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abnormal",
+ "text": "SIo kawaida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abnormal"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_breasts",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mfanyie Mama uchunguzi wa matiti ilikuweza kugundua kama ana 'Mastitis' au 'Breast lump'. Mpatie Antibiotic kama ana 'Mastitis' na dhibiti hali hii kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya. Mpe rufaa kwa huduma/matibabu zaidi kama ana 'Breast lump'",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_breasts",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:breast": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"abnormal\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lymph_node_under_arm",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Nodi ya limfu (kwenye kwapa)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lymph_node_under_arm",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "normal",
+ "text": "Kawaida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abnormal",
+ "text": "Sio kawaida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abnormal"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_lymph_under_the_arm",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Tafadhali mpe rufaa mteja kwa huduma/matibabu zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_lymph_under_the_arm",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:lymph_node_under_arm": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"abnormal\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lymph_node_cervical",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Nodi ya limfu (Kwenye Shingo)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lymph_node_cervical",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "normal",
+ "text": "Kawaida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abnormal",
+ "text": "Sio kawaida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abnormal"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_lymph_cervical",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Tafadhali mpe rufaa mteja kwa huduma/matibabu zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_lymph_cervical",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:lymph_node_cervical": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"abnormal\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "consultation_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "consultation_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_lab_test.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_lab_test.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..838e132d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_lab_test.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1232 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "ANC Lab Tests",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "ANC Vipimo Vya Maabara",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kipimo wa Kiwango cha damu (HB)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha kiwango cha damu (HB) kimefanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha kiwango cha damu (HB) hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Kiwango cha damu (HB) (g/dl)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiwango cha damu (HB)"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha damu (HB) lazima kiwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha damu (HB) lazima kiwe sawasawa au chini ya20 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka thamani"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya upungufu mkubwa wa damu kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(.,\"8.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya ukosefu wa damu kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutofanya kipimo cha kiwango cha HB ",
+ "values": [
+ "Cuvette Cartridges Hazipo Kituoni",
+ "Mashine ya Kupimwa wingi wa damu (Haemoque) haifanyi kazi",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja amekataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges": "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order": "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Sababu nyingine ya kutofanya kipimo cha kiwango cha damu (HB)",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kipimo cha sukari kwenye damu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha sukari kwenye damu kimefanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha sukari kwenye damu hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Aina ya kipimo cha sikari kwenye damu kilichofanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "rbg",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha wingi wa sukari mwilini (rbg)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rbg",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gtt",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha kugundua jinsi sukari mwilini inavyoratibiwa (GTT)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gtt"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fbg",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha sukari (asubuhi) kabla ya kula chochote",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fbg"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:blood_for_glucose_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_for_glucose",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "sukari kwenye damu (mmol/L)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_for_glucose",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sukari kwenye damu (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Sukari kwenye damu lazima iwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0 (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "45",
+ "err": "Sukari kwenye damu lazima iwe sawasawa au chini ya 45 (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sukari kwenye damu (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_gestational_diabetes_mellitus",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya Gestational diabetes mellitus kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_gestational_diabetes_mellitus",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_hypoglycaemia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya hypoglycaemia kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_hypoglycaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
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+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
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+ },
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+ "text": "Angalia kiasi cha sukari katika damu ili kumuepusha Mteja na Ugonjwa wa kisukari wakati wa Ujauzito",
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+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
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+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ }
+ }
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+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
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+ "text": "Tafadhali fuatilia shinikizo la damu kwa Mteja ili uweze kuepusha na hatari ya Kifafa cha mimba, bainisha dalili za UTI dhibiti viashiria vya Proteinuria kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
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+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
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+ "Vifaa vuya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine"
+ ],
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "A",
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+ },
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+ }
+ }
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+ "Mteja amekataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
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+ }
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+ }
+ }
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+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
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+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
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+ }
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+ "key": "register_pmtct",
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+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ },
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+ }
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+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
+ }
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutofanya kipimo cha kaswende",
+ "values": [
+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu zingine za kutofanya kipimo cha kaswende",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hepatitis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Matokeo ya kipimo cha homa ya ini",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hepatitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha homa ya ini hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prescribe_arv_hepb_at_above_twenty_eight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie Mteja dawa za kufubaza virusi vya Ukimwi (ARV) kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribe_arv_hepb_at_above_twenty_eight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "counsel_arv_hepb_below_twenty_eight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "To ushauri kwa Mama mwenye ujauzito wa wiki 28 kuhusiana na matumizi ya dawa za kufubaza virusi vya Ukimwi (ARV)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "counsel_arv_hepb_below_twenty_eight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutofanya kipimo cha homa ya ini",
+ "values": [
+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hepatitis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu zingine za kutofanya kipimo cha kaswende",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_at_32",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_at_32",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_number",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "date_anc_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "date_anc_hiv_test",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lab_test_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lab_test_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_malaria_investigation_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_malaria_investigation_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9b4d1cfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_malaria_investigation_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Malaria Investigation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Malaria",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "client_on_malaria_medication",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_on_malaria_medication",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja anatumia dawa za Malaria?",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_symptoms_screening",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Tafadhali chagua kama mteja ana mojawapo ya dalili zifuatazo za Malaria",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_symptoms_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "fever_and_chills",
+ "text": "Homa na baridi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "headache",
+ "text": "Maumivu ya kichwa",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "headache",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pallor",
+ "text": "Kupauka",
+ "opemrs_entity_id": "pallor",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diarrhea",
+ "text": "Kuhara",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diarrhea",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "nausea_and_vomiting",
+ "text": "Kichefuchefu na Kutapika",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "nausea_and_vomiting",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "joint_pains",
+ "text": "Maumivu ya Viungo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "joint_pains",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "body_ache",
+ "text": "Maumivu ya Mwili",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "body_ache",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "poor_appetite",
+ "text": "Hamu ya kula hafifu",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "poor_appetite",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "body_weakness",
+ "text": "Udhaifu wa Mwili",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "body_weakness",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "enlarged_spleen",
+ "text": "Wengu Uliopanuliwa",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enlarged_spleen",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "Hakuna kati ya zilizo hapo juu",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:client_on_malaria_medication": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mRDT_for_malaria",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Majibu ya kipimo cha Malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mRDT_for_malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha Malaria hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:malaria_symptoms_screening": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "fever_and_chills",
+ "headache",
+ "pallor",
+ "diarrhea",
+ "nausea_and_vomiting",
+ "joint_pains",
+ "body_ache",
+ "poor_appetite",
+ "body_weakness",
+ "enlarged_spleen"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_mRDT",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie dawa za malaria na tibu kulingana na muongozo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_mRDT",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mRDT_for_malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_further_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_mRDT",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mRDT_for_malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kipimo cha malaria kutokufanyika",
+ "values": [
+ "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mRDT_for_malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Elezea sababu ya Kutokufanyika kwa kipimo cha Malaria",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt1",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Dawa za kinga za malaria",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ipt1",
+ "text": "IPT1",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "text": "Hajapewa dawa za Malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Chagua dawa kwa ajili ya kinga ya malaria"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt2",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt2",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Dawa za kinga za malaria",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ipt2",
+ "text": "IPT2",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt2",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "text": "Hajapewa dawa za Malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Chagua dawa kwa ajili ya kinga ya malaria"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt3",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt3",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Dawa za kinga za malaria",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ipt3",
+ "text": "IPT3",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt3",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "text": "Hajapewa dawa za Malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Chagua dawa kwa ajili ya kinga ya malaria"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt4",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt4",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Dawa za kinga za malaria",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ipt4",
+ "text": "IPT4",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt4",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "text": "Hajapewa dawa za Malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Chagua dawa kwa ajili ya kinga ya malaria"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_giving_malaria_medication",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_giving_malaria_medication",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutokupewa dawa za Malaria",
+ "values": [
+ "Bidhaa zimeisha",
+ "Mteja amekataa kuchukua dawa",
+ "Anamzio na dawa (Allegy)",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_malaria_medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_malaria_medication_not_given",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Elezea sababu ya mteja kutokupewa dawa za kujikinga na Malaria",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_giving_malaria_medication": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "llin_provision",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "llin_provision",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja alipewa LLINs (vyandarua vya muda mrefu)?",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_llin",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_llin",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya mteja kutokupewa chandarua cha muda mrefu (LLINs)",
+ "values": [
+ "Bidhaa zimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikataa",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_refused",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_refused": "the_client_refused",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:llin_provision": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_llin_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_llin_not_given",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Elezea sababu ya mteja kutokupewa chandarua cha muda mrefu (LLINs)",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_providing_llin": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_investigation_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_investigation_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_pharmacy.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_pharmacy.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..796ca0e52
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_pharmacy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Medication and Supplements",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Dawa na Virutubisho",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "pharmacy",
+ "type": "label",
+ "text": "Mtoa huduma ampatie dawa ya prophylactic na virutubishi",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "iron_folate_supplements",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Vidonge vya Madini ya chuma",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "iron_folate_supplements",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "FeFo",
+ "key": "FeFo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "FeFo"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "folic",
+ "key": "Foliki Asidi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "folic"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Hajapewa dawa ya vidonge vya madini ya chuma",
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_giving_folic_acid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_giving_folic_acid",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu kwanini amepewa Foliki Asidi badala ya FEFO",
+ "values": [
+ "Bidhaa zimeisha",
+ "Selimundu",
+ "Nyingine (Taja)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "sickle_cell",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "sickle_cell": "sickle_cell",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:iron_folate_supplements": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"folic\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_giving_folic_acid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_giving_folic_acid",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Elezea sababu nyingine ya kupewa dawa za Foliki Asidi ",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_giving_folic_acid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_giving_iron_folate_supplements",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_giving_iron_folate_supplements",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutopewa vidonge vya madini ya chuma",
+ "values": [
+ "Bidhaa zimeisha",
+ "Mteja amekataa kuchukua dawa",
+ "Anamzio na dawa (Allegy)",
+ "Nyingine"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:iron_folate_supplements": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"medication_not_given\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_fefo_medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_fefo_medication_not_given",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Elezea sababu nyingine yakutokupewa dawa ya FEFO",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_giving_fefo_medication": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "deworming",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Dawa ya minyoo",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "deworming",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "mebendazole",
+ "albendazole",
+ "medication_not_given"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Mebendazole(500Mg)",
+ "key": "mebendazole",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mebendazole"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Albendazole(400Mg)",
+ "key": "albendazole",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "albendazole"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Hajapewa dawa ya minyoo",
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_pharmacy_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_giving_deworming_medication",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_giving_deworming_medication",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutopewa dawa ya minyoo",
+ "values": [
+ "Bidhaa zimeisha",
+ "Mteja amekataa kuchukua dawa",
+ "Anamzio na dawa (Allegy)",
+ "Nyingine"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:deworming": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "medication_not_given"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_deworming_medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_deworming_medication_not_given",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Sababu nyingine",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_giving_deworming_medication": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pharmacy_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pharmacy_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_pregnancy_status.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_pregnancy_status.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff2a9508d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_pregnancy_status.json
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Pregnancy Status",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Hali ya Ujauzito",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "pregnancy_status",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Hali ya mimba",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnancy_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "viable",
+ "text": "Bado ana ujauzito",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "viable"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spontaneous_abortion",
+ "text": "Mimba imeharibika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spontaneous_abortion"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "intrauterine_fetal_death",
+ "text": "Mtoto amefia tumboni",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "intrauterine_fetal_death"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reg_cpac",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Tafadhali mpatie mteja matibabu stahiki kutokana na kuharibika/ kutoka kwa mimba kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pregnancy_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"spontaneous_abortion\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "still_birth",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mshauri Mteja kuhusiana na njia za Uzazi wa Mpango na mpatie njia ambayo amechagua mwenyewe",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pregnancy_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"intrauterine_fetal_death\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pregnancy_status_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnancy_status_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_place",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_place",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Mahali ambapo Mama alijifungulia",
+ "values": [
+ "Kwenye Kituo cha Afya",
+ "Amejifungua Njiani kabla ya kufika kwenye Kituo",
+ "Amejifungulia Nyumbani",
+ "Amejifungulia kwa Mkunga wa Jadi"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "At a health facility",
+ "Birth before Arrival (BBA)",
+ "At home",
+ "Traditional birth attendant"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "At a health facility": "At a health facility",
+ "Birth before Arrival (BBA)": "Birth before Arrival (BBA)",
+ "At home": "At home",
+ "Traditional birth attendant": "Traditional birth attendant"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pregnancy_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"intrauterine_fetal_death\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya Mama kujifungua",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pregnancy_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"intrauterine_fetal_death\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua tarehe ya kujifungua"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "preg_outcome",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "preg_outcome",
+ "value": "still_born",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_pregnancy_status_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_triage.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_triage.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfaddb613
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/anc_rv_triage.json
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+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Triage",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchambuzi wa wagonjwa au majeruhi",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age",
+ "hint": "Umri wa Ujauzito kwa Wiki",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "editable": true,
+ "read_only": true
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "edd",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "edd",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_triage_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_triage_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rapid_examination",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Tathmini hali ya jumla ya mwanamke mara tu unapofika kwenye kliniki ya ujauzito",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rapid_examination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "facial_expression",
+ "text": "Muonekano wa sura (muonekano wa maumivu)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "facial_expression"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pallor",
+ "text": "Kupauka",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pallor"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sweating",
+ "text": "Kutokwa jasho",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sweating"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "shivering",
+ "text": "Kutetemeka",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "shivering"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "difficulty_in_breathing",
+ "text": "Kupumua kwa shida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "difficulty_in_breathing"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_rapid_examination",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_rapid_examination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Tafadhali mpatie Mteja msaada na uangalizi wa karibu na mpe rufaa kwa ajili ya matibabu ya dharura",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:rapid_examination": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "pallor",
+ "sweating",
+ "shivering",
+ "difficulty_in_breathing",
+ "facial_expression"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_to_clinic",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kwa nini ulikuja kliniki leo?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_to_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Nimezingatia ratiba ya mahudhurio",
+ "key": "routine_visit",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "routine_visit"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Mgonjwa/Wasiwasi",
+ "key": "sick_concerned",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sick_concerned"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_concern",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "text",
+ "hint": "Wasiwasi wako ni nini?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_concern",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_triage_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "danger_signs",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Uliza, angalia, na uhisi kama mwanamke ana:",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "danger_signs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "bleeding_vag",
+ "text": "Kutokwa na damu ukeni",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bleeding_vag"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "headache_visual_disturbance",
+ "text": "Maumivu ya kichwa na changamoto ya kuona",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "headache_visual_disturbance"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severely_pale",
+ "text": "Kupauka sana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severely_pale"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_vomiting",
+ "text": "Kutapika sana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_vomiting"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "convulsion",
+ "text": "Degedege",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "convulsion"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "looking_very_ill",
+ "text": "Kuonekana mgonjwa sana (mchovu, kusinzia), ",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "looking_very_ill"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fever",
+ "text": "Homa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fever"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unconscious",
+ "text": "Kupoteza fahamu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unconscious"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_pain",
+ "text": "Maumivu makali",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_pain"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "text": "Kupumua kwa shida sana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_breathing_difficulty"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "in_labour",
+ "text": "Kusikia uchungu wa kujifungua",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "in_labour"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "imminent_labour",
+ "text": "Kujifungua hivi karibuni",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "imminent_labour"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reduced_fetal_movement",
+ "text": "Kupungua au kutosikia mtoto akicheza",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reduced_fetal_movement"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sacrum_oedema",
+ "text": "Edema ya uso na sacrum",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sacrum_oedema"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Nyingine (Bainisha)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_emergency",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_emergency",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Toa huduma ya dharura kwa Mteja",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "toaster_info": "Mteja anaonyesha ishara moja au zaidi ya dharura na anahitaji huduma ya dharura",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:danger_signs": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "bleeding_vag",
+ "headache_visual_disturbance",
+ "severely_pale",
+ "severe_vomiting",
+ "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "convulsion",
+ "looking_very_ill",
+ "fever",
+ "unconscious",
+ "severe_pain",
+ "in_labour",
+ "imminent_labour",
+ "reduced_fetal_movement",
+ "sacrum_oedema"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_danger_signs",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_danger_signs",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Dalili za hatari nyingine",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha dalili za hatari nyingine"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:danger_signs": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_triage_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "triage_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "triage_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/cdp_condom_distribution_outside.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/cdp_condom_distribution_outside.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e7792fe5d
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/cdp_condom_distribution_outside.json
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "CDP Distribution Outside Facility",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Condom Distribution",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_condoms_available",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_brand",
+ "label": "Chagua chapa ya kondomu",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "public_sc",
+ "text": "Public sector condom",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "public_sc"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dume",
+ "text": "Dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dume"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "salama",
+ "text": "Salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "salama"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "familia",
+ "text": "Familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "familia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "others",
+ "text": "Nyingine",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua chapa ya kondomu"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "male_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condom_brand",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condom_brand",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_condom_brand",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Chapa nyingine",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka chapa nyingine ya kondomu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:condom_brand": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"others\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_public_sc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_public_sc",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume zilizotolewa (vipande)",
+ "v_numeric": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_public_sc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_public_sc",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya kondomu za kike zilizotolewa (vipande)",
+ "v_numeric": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_dume",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume zilizotolewa (vipande)",
+ "v_numeric": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_dume",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya kondomu za kike zilizotolewa (vipande)",
+ "v_numeric": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_salama",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume zilizotolewa (vipande)",
+ "v_numeric": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_salama",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya kondomu za kike zilizotolewa (vipande)",
+ "v_numeric": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_familia",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume zilizotolewa (vipande)",
+ "v_numeric": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_familia",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya kondomu za kike zilizotolewa (vipande)",
+ "v_numeric": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_other",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume zilizotolewa (vipande)",
+ "v_numeric": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba" },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_other",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": { "value": "true", "err": "Please enter the number" },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Please enter the number" },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condoms_offset",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Number of male condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": { "value": "true", "err": "Please enter the number" },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Please enter the number" },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condoms_offset",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": { "value": "true", "err": "Please enter the number" },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Please enter the number" },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "quantity_response",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "quantity_response",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Number of condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stock_event_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stock_event_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_restock_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_restock_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dc56c2264
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/cdp_condom_distribution_within.json
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+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "CDP Distribution Within Facility",
+ "entity_id": "",
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Condom Distribution",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "condom_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_type",
+ "label": "Chagua aina ya kondomu",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "male_condom",
+ "text": "Male",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condom"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_condom",
+ "text": "Female",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condom"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the condom type"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_condoms_available",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_brand",
+ "label": "Chagua chapa ya kondomu",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "public_sc",
+ "text": "Public sector condom",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "public_sc"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dume",
+ "text": "Dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dume"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "salama",
+ "text": "Salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "salama"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "familia",
+ "text": "Familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "familia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "others",
+ "text": "Others",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the condom brand"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "male_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condom_brand",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condom_brand",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_condom_brand",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other condom brand",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the other condom brand"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:condom_brand": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"others\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_public_sc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_public_sc",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Kondomu za kiume zilizosambazwa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_public_sc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_public_sc",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Kondomu za kike zilizosambazwa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_dume",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Kondomu za kiume zilizosambazwa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_dume",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Kondomu za kike zilizosambazwa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_salama",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Kondomu za kiume zilizosambazwa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_salama",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Kondomu za kike zilizosambazwa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_familia",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Kondomu za kiume zilizosambazwa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_familia",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Kondomu za kike zilizosambazwa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_other",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Kondomu za kiume zilizosambazwa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_other",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Kondomu za kike zilizosambazwa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condoms_offset",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Kondomu za kiume zilizosambazwa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condoms_offset",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Kondomu za kike zilizosambazwa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "quantity_response",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "quantity_response",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Number of condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stock_event_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stock_event_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_restock_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_restock_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_restock_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_restock_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Condom distribution date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-1m",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the distribution date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stock_event_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stock_event_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "point_of_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "point_of_service",
+ "label": "Chagua kituo cha huduma",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ctc",
+ "text": "kliniki ya tiba na matunzo(CTC)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rch_clinic",
+ "text": "kliniki ya mama na mtoto(RCH)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rch_clinic"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "opd",
+ "text": "idara ya wagonjwa wa nje(OPD)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opd"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_clinic",
+ "text": "Kliniki ya kifua kikuu(TB)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_clinic"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "outreach",
+ "text": "Ufatiliyaji(OUTREACH)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outreach"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Nyingine",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua kituo cha huduma"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_pos",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_pos",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Sehemu nyingine ya huduma",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza chapa nyingine ya kondomu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:point_of_service": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "distributing_person_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "distributing_person_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Jina la mtu aliyesambaza kondomu",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka jina" }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "distributing_person_position",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "distributing_person_position",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Cheo cha mtu anayesambaza ",
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka cheo" }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "distributing_person_phone",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "distributing_person_phone",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya simu ya mtu anayesambaza",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe jumla ya tarakimu 10 kwa urefu"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Nambari lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka nambari ya simu"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka cheo" }
+ },
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+ "key": "delivering_person_phone",
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya simu ya mtu anayetoa kondomu",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 "
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba ya simu" }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "receiving_person_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receiving_person_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Jina la mtu anayepokea kondomu",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
+ },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka jina" }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "receiving_person_position",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receiving_person_position",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Cheo cha mtu anayepokea kondomu",
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka cheo" }
+ },
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+ "key": "receiving_person_phone",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receiving_person_phone",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya simu ya mtu anayepokea kondomu",
+ "edit_type": "number",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 "
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": { "value": "true", "err": "Tafadhali weka namba ya simu" }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stock_event_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stock_event_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_receive_condom_msd_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_restock_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_restock_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_receive_condom_msd_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_enrollment.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_enrollment.json
index bd7e9a982..abe3d7a08 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_enrollment.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_enrollment.json
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -52,61 +47,40 @@
"step1": {
- "title": "Ongeza mtoto chini ya miaki 5",
+ "title": "Sajili Mtoto chini ya miaka 5",
"fields": [
- {
- "key": "sync_location_id",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "sync_location_id",
- "type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Chagua eneo la CHW",
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua eneo la CHW"
- }
- },
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- "key": "photo",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "",
- "type": "choose_image",
- "uploadButtonText": "Chukua picha ya muhusika"
- },
"key": "unique_id",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
"openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
- "type": "barcode",
- "barcode_type": "qrcode",
- "hint": "Boresha Afya ID",
- "scanButtonText": "Chukua QR code",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "hint": "Namba ya Utambulisho ya Kituoni",
"v_numeric": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba halali"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba ya utambulisho iliyo sahihi"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba ya kipekee"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba ya kipekee ya utambulisho"
"key": "surname",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Jina la mwisho (ukoo)",
+ "hint": "Jina la mwisho",
"edit_type": "name",
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina halali"
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina sahihi"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la ukoo"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la mwisho"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -119,7 +93,7 @@
"key": "same_as_fam_name",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_data_type": "text",
"type": "check_box",
@@ -130,7 +104,7 @@
"options": [
"key": "same_as_fam_name",
- "text": "Jina la ukoo ni sawa na jina la familia",
+ "text": "Jina la mwisho ni sawa na jina la familia",
"text_size": "18px",
"value": "false"
@@ -139,7 +113,7 @@
"key": "fam_name",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "label",
"hidden": "true"
@@ -150,7 +124,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person",
"openmrs_entity_id": "last_name",
"type": "hidden",
- "hint": "Jina la ukoo ni sawa na jina la famili",
+ "hint": "Surname as Family name",
"calculation": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -166,16 +140,16 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
"openmrs_data_type": "text",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Jina la kwanza",
+ "hint": "Jina la Kwanza",
"expanded": false,
"edit_type": "name",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la kwanza"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Kwanza"
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\s\\-]*",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina halali"
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\s\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina sahihi"
@@ -185,16 +159,16 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
"openmrs_data_type": "text",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Jina la kati",
+ "hint": "Jina la Kati",
"expanded": false,
"edit_type": "name",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la kati"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Kati"
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina halali"
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina sahihi"
@@ -206,7 +180,7 @@
"hint": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa",
"expanded": false,
"duration": {
- "label": "Age"
+ "label": "Umri"
"min_date": "today-5y",
"max_date": "today",
@@ -233,11 +207,18 @@
"options": [
"key": "dob_unknown",
- "text": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa haijulikani?",
+ "text": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa haijulikani",
"text_size": "18px",
"value": "false"
- ]
+ ],
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family-child-relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
"key": "age",
@@ -248,15 +229,15 @@
"hint": "Umri",
"v_numeric": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Nambari lazima ianze na 0 na lazima iwe jumla ya nambari 10 kwa urefu"
+ "err": "Namba lazima ianze na 0 na iwe na jumla ya tarakimu 10 kwa urefu"
"v_min": {
"value": "0",
- "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawa au mkubwa kuliko 0"
+ "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0"
"v_max": {
"value": "5",
- "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawa au chini ya 5"
+ "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawasawa au chini ya 5"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -276,29 +257,29 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "insurance_provider",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Bima ya afya unaotumia",
+ "hint": "Mtoa huduma ya bima ya afya",
"values": [
- "Bima ya afya ya jamii (CHF)",
- "Bima ya afya ya jamii ulioboreshwa (iCHF)",
- "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "Mfuko wa Afya ya Jamii (CHF)/(iCHF)",
+ "Mfuko wa Taifa wa Hifadhi ya Jamii - Manufaa ya Bima ya Afya ya Jamii (SHIB)",
+ "Mfuko wa Taifa wa Bima ya Afya (NHIF)",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
- "AAR Healthcare",
- "Strategies Insurance",
+ "Huduma ya afya AAR",
+ "Bima ya Strategies",
"Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
- "Britam Insurance Tanzania",
- "Jubilee Insurance",
- "Resolutions Insurance",
- "Reliance Insurance",
- "Bima ya afya nyingezo",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Britam",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Jubilee",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Resolutions",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Reliance",
+ "Nyingine",
"keys": [
"Community Health Fund (CHF)",
- "iCHF",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
- "AAR Healthcare",
- "Strategies Insurance",
+ "Huduma ya afya AAR",
+ "Bima ya Strategies",
"Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
"Britam Insurance Tanzania",
"Jubilee Insurance",
@@ -309,11 +290,11 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
"Community Health Fund (CHF)": "Community_Health_Fund",
- "iCHF": "iCHF",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)": "National_Social_Security_Fund",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)": "National_Health_Insurance_Fund",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)": "Tiba_kwa_Kadi",
- "AAR Healthcare": "AAR_Healthcare",
- "AAR Strategies Insurance": "Strategies_Insurance",
+ "Huduma ya afya AAR": "Huduma_ya_afya_AAR",
+ "Bima ya Strategies": "Bima_ya_Strategies",
"Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)": "BIMA_Mkononi",
"Britam Insurance Tanzania": "Britam_Insurance_Tanzania",
"Jubilee Insurance": "Jubilee_Insurance",
@@ -324,7 +305,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza bima"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza mtoa huduma ya bima ya afya"
@@ -333,10 +314,10 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Bima ya afya mwingine unaotumia",
+ "hint": "Mtoa huduma ya bima ya afya mwingine",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali taja bima"
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha mtoa huduma ya bima"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -352,10 +333,10 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Number",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya bima ya afya umaotumia",
+ "hint": "Namba ya bima ya afya ya mteja",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ongeza nambari ya bima ya afya"
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya bima ya afya ya mteja"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -389,9 +370,9 @@
"key": "disabilities",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162558AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Hali ya ulemavu",
+ "hint": "Ulemavu wa kimwili",
"values": [
@@ -401,8 +382,8 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
@@ -413,10 +394,62 @@
"key": "type_of_disability",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Aina ya ulemavu",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_disability",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Aina ya Ulemavu",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Kimwili na utembeaji",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spinal_cord_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa uti wa mgongo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Majeraha ya kichwa - ulemavu wa ubongo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brain_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vision_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Kuona",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hearing_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Kusikia ",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hearing_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "learning_disabilities",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Utambuzi au Kujifunza",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "learning_disabilities"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "psychological_disorders",
+ "text": "Matatizo ya Kisaikolojia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "psychological_disorders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invisible_disabilities",
+ "text": "Ulemavu usioonekana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invisible_disabilities"
+ }
+ ],
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -426,16 +459,16 @@
"v_required": {
"value": true,
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza aina ya ulemavu wa mwili"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua aina ya ulemavu wa kimwili"
"key": "birth_cert_available",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "165406AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birth_cert_available",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Cheti cha kuzaliwa",
+ "hint": "Je, Mtoto amesajiliwa au ana cheti cha kuzaliwa",
"values": [
@@ -445,17 +478,24 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family-child-relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
"key": "birth_regist_number",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162052AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birth_regist_number",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya cheti cha kuzaliwa",
+ "hint": "Namba ya cheti cha kuzaliwa cha mtoto",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -468,11 +508,11 @@
"key": "rhc_card",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164147AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rhc_card",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, mtoto ana RCH kadi namba moja/kitabu cha ukuaji wa mtoto?",
+ "hint": "Je, mtoto ana kadi ya RCH 1/kijitabu cha ukuaji wa mtoto?",
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
+ "Nidyo",
"keys": [
@@ -480,19 +520,19 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
"key": "nutrition_status",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "163301AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "nutrition_status",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Hali ya lishe ya mtoto",
+ "hint": "Hali ya lishe",
"values": [
- "Kijani",
+ "KIjani",
@@ -502,13 +542,13 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Green": "Green",
+ "Grey": "Grey",
+ "Red": "Red"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali toa hali ya lishe ya watoto"
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha hali ya lishe ya mtoto"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_deworming.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_deworming.json
index cb75ecc92..4d3afbced 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_deworming.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_deworming.json
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Dozi ya {0} ya dawa ya minyoo",
+ "title": "Deworming {0} dose",
"fields": [
"key": "deworming{0}_date",
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@
"type": "date_picker",
"image": "ic_form_deworming",
- "hint": "Dawa ya minyoo ya {0} lilifanyika lini?",
+ "hint": "Je, dawa ya minyoo {0} ilitolewa lini?",
"min_date": "today-120y",
"max_date": "today",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya dozi ya dawa ya minyoo"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya kupewa dawa ya minyoo"
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_malaria_prevention.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_malaria_prevention.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ec9871d6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_malaria_prevention.json
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Malaria Prevention",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "today": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Malaria Prevention",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "fam_llin_1m5yr",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Je, mtoto ana chandarua chenye dawa inayodumu kwa muda mrefu (LLIN)?",
+ "values": [
+ "Ndiyo ",
+ "Hapana"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo moja"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "llin_2days_1m5yr",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Je, mtoto alilala chini ya chandarua (LLIN) jana usiku?",
+ "values": [
+ "Ndiyo",
+ "Hapana"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:fam_llin_1m5yr": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"Yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "llin_condition_1m5yr",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Hali ya chandarua (LLIN)",
+ "values": [
+ "Nduzi",
+ "Mbaya"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Okay",
+ "Bad"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:fam_llin_1m5yr": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"Yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_nutrition_status.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_nutrition_status.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..41e31bffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_nutrition_status.json
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Home Visit - Nutrition Status",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Nutrition status",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "nutrition_status_1m5yr",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163301AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Hali ya lishe",
+ "values": [
+ "Kawaida",
+ "Wastani",
+ "Mbaya"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Normal",
+ "Moderate",
+ "Severe"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo moja"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_vaccine_card_received.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_vaccine_card_received.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d77ad963e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_vaccine_card_received.json
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Child vaccine card received",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "today": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Child vaccine card received",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "child_vaccine_card",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "164147AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "image": "form_received_card",
+ "hint": "Je, mtoto alipokea kadi yake ya chanjo?",
+ "values": [
+ "Ndiyo",
+ "Hapana"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_vitamin_a.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_vitamin_a.json
index 486e785d2..3908129cd 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_vitamin_a.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_hv_vitamin_a.json
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Dozi ya Vitamini A ya {0}",
+ "title": "Vitamin A {0} dose",
"fields": [
"key": "vitamin_a{0}_date",
@@ -56,12 +56,12 @@
"type": "date_picker",
"image": "ic_form_vitamin",
- "hint": "Dozi ya Vitamini A ya {0} ilifanyika lini?",
+ "hint": "Dozi ya Vitamini A {0} ilifanywa lini?",
"min_date": "today-120y",
"max_date": "today",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya dozi ya Vitamini A"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya kupewa dozi ya Vitamini A"
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_referral_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_referral_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9913f61db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_referral_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Sick Child Referral",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Sick child form",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "chw_referral_hf_child",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "is_problem": false,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "child_referral_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referral_problem_child",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163182AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Tatizo la kiafya / hali",
+ "label_text_style": "bold",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "Fast_breathing_and_difficulty_with_breathing",
+ "text": "Kupumua kwa haraka na kwa shida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "142373AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Umbilical_cord_navel_bleeding",
+ "text": "Kutokwa damu kwenye kitovu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "123844AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Excessive_crying",
+ "text": "Kulia kupita kiasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "140944AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Convulsions",
+ "text": "Degedege",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "113054AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Unable_to_breastfeed_or_swallow",
+ "text": "Kushindwa kukunyonya au kumeza",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "159861AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Neck_stiffness",
+ "text": "Kukaza kwa shingo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "112721AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Fever",
+ "text": "Homa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "140238AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Bloating",
+ "text": "Tumbo kujaa ",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "147132AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Redness_around_the_umbilical_cord_foul_smelling_discharge_from_the_umbilical_cord",
+ "text": "Kuwa na wekundu eneo la kitovu, kutokwa kwa majimaji yenye harufu mbaaya kutoka kwenye kitovu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "132407AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Bacterial_conjunctivitis",
+ "text": "Kuvimba kwa jicho inayosababishwa na bakteria",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "148026AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Severe_anaemia",
+ "text": "Kupungukiwa kwa damu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "162044AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Severe_abdominal_pain",
+ "text": "Maumivu makali ya tumbo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "165271AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Pale_or_jaundiced",
+ "text": "Kupauka au kuwa na rangi ya njano usoni",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "136443AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Cyanosis_blueness_of_lips",
+ "text": "Mdomo kuwa na rangi ya bluu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "143050AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Skin_rash_pustules",
+ "text": "Vipele kwenye ngozi /pustules",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Diarrhea",
+ "text": "Ulemavu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "142412AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Vomiting",
+ "text": "Kutapika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "122983AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Disabilities",
+ "text": "Ulemavu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "162558AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Premature_baby",
+ "text": "Mtoto",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "159908AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Care_of_HIV_exposed_infant",
+ "text": "Utunzaji wa mtoto aliyeambukizwa VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "164818AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Immunisation",
+ "text": "Kupata chanjo ya kinga",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Other_symptom",
+ "text": "Dalili nyingine",
+ "ignore": true,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha tatizo la kiafya"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referral_problem_child_other",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "163182AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Dalili nyingine",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "child_referral_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "service_before_child",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "164378AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Usimamizi uliyotolewa kabla ya kutoa rufaa ",
+ "label_text_style": "bold",
+ "is_problem": false,
+ "exclusive": [
+ "None"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ORS",
+ "text": "ORS",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Panadol",
+ "text": "Panadol",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "70116AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Other_treatment",
+ "text": "Matibabu mengine",
+ "ignore": true,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "None",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "164369AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Sehemu ya usimamizi wa kabla ya rufaa kutolewa inahitajika"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "service_before_child_other",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "164378AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Other treatment",
+ "is_problem": false,
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify other treatment"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "child_referral_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referral_date_child",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163181AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "is_problem": false,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "child_referral_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referral_time_child",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referral_time_child",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "is_problem": false,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "child_referral_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_sick_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_sick_form.json
index 41920fcc9..15fbda492 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_sick_form.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/child_sick_form.json
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
"step1": {
- "title": "Ufualitliaji wa mtoto mgonjwa",
+ "title": "Sick Child Follow-up",
"fields": [
"key": "date_sickchild",
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
"hint": "Uzito (kg)",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadahili ingiza uzito"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza uzito wa mtoto"
@@ -90,10 +90,10 @@
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "number",
- "hint": "Urefu/Kimo (sm)",
+ "hint": "Urefu (cm)",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza urefu"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza urefu wa mtoto"
@@ -102,7 +102,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "142412AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Mtoto anaharisha?",
+ "label": "Je, mtoto anaharisha?",
"options": [
"key": "Yes",
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali onesha ikiwa mtoto ana kuhara"
+ "err": "Tafadhali onyesha ikiwa mtoto anaharisha"
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Ameharisha kwa muda gani?",
+ "label": "Muda wa kuhara",
"options": [
"key": "Less_than_24_hours",
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Siku"
+ "text": "Siku kadhaa"
"relevance": {
@@ -165,33 +165,33 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Upungufu wa maji na chumvichumvi mwilini",
+ "label": "Hali ya kukosa maji mwilini",
"options": [
"key": "No_dehydration",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Hakuna upungufu"
+ "text": "Hakosi maji mwilini"
"key": "Some_dehydration",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Kuna kiasi cha upungufu"
+ "text": "Anakosa kiasi cha maji mwilini"
"key": "Severe_dehydration",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Kuna upungufu mkubwan"
+ "text": "Anakosa maji mengi sana mwilini"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua hali ya upungufu wa maji mwilini ya mtoto"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua hali ya mtoto kukosa maji mwilini"
@@ -200,13 +200,13 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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"options": [
"key": "Bloody_diarrhoea",
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+ "text": "Kuharisha damu",
"value": false
@@ -224,7 +224,7 @@
"key": "Other",
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+ "text": "Nyingine",
"value": false
@@ -255,28 +255,28 @@
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"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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"options": [
"key": "Blood_test",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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"key": "Stool_test",
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"openmrs_entity_id": "161451AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "text": "Kipimo cha kinyesi"
"key": "Other_investigation",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "text": "Uchunguzi mwingine"
"key": "None",
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua uchunguzi umeamuru"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua uchunguzi ulioamriwa"
@@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "name",
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"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -308,7 +308,7 @@
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@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "161577AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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"ex-rules": {
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
"v_required": {
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+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza matokeo ya uchunguzi "
@@ -338,10 +338,10 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "161602AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "name",
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"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza diagnosis"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza utambuzi"
@@ -350,19 +350,19 @@
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"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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"key": "IV_infusion_drip",
"openmrs_choice_id": "162651AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Maji kwa njia ya mshipa",
+ "text": "Dripu ya maji",
"value": false
@@ -374,7 +374,7 @@
"key": "Other_treatments",
- "text": "Matibabu mengineyo",
+ "text": "Matibabu mengine",
"value": false
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali onyesha matibabu uliyopewa"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ionyesha matibabu yaliyotolewa"
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
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"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "number",
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+ "hint": "Kiasi cha mchanganyiko wa ORS (ml)",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -416,7 +416,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiasi cha mchanganyiko wa ORS"
+ "err": "Tafahdali ingiza kiasi cha mchanganyiko wa ORS iliyotolewa"
@@ -426,7 +426,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "diarrhea_treat_rehydration",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "hint": "Dripu ya maji (mls)",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -436,7 +436,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza maji kwa njia ya mshipa"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiasi cha dripu za maji"
@@ -446,7 +446,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "diarrhea_treat_zinc",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "number",
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"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -456,7 +456,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiasi cha Zinki"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiasi cha Zinc iliyotolewa"
@@ -465,25 +465,25 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "160742AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "label": "Dawa zilizotolewa kwwenda nazo nyumbani",
"combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
"options": [
"key": "ORS_Packs",
- "text": "ORS (Pks)",
+ "text": "Pakiti za ORS",
"value": false
"key": "Zinc_pills",
- "text": "Zinki (vidonge)",
+ "text": "Zinc (vidonge)",
"value": false
"key": "Other_drugs",
- "text": "Dawa nyingineyo",
+ "text": "Dawa zingine",
"value": false
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua dawa zilizopelekwa nyumbani"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza dawa zilizotolewa kwenda nazo nyumbani"
@@ -506,10 +506,10 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Matibabu kutokana na utambuzi ambayo siyo kuharisha",
+ "hint": "Matibabu kutokana na utambuzi usiyo wa kuhara",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
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@@ -519,7 +519,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "number",
- "hint": "Muda wa kukaa DTC (dakika)",
+ "hint": "Muda uliyotumika kwenye DTC (mins)",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -529,7 +529,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza muda wa kukaa DTC (dakika)"
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@@ -545,7 +545,7 @@
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"openmrs_entity_id": "160433AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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"key": "Referred",
@@ -566,14 +566,14 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Amekufa"
+ "text": "Amefariki"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua matokeo kwenye uwezeshajiy"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua matokeo kwenye kituo"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_register.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_register.json
index f220cf052..ecf008a53 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_register.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_register.json
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
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- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -52,38 +47,21 @@
"step1": {
- "title": "Taarifa ya familia",
+ "title": "Family Details",
"fields": [
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- "hint": "Jina la familia (ukoo)",
- "edit_type": "name",
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- "value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la familia (ukoo)"
- },
- "v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina halali"
- }
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"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
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- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba halali"
+ "err": "Ingiza namba ya kitambulisho kwa usahihi"
@@ -92,10 +70,10 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_address",
"openmrs_entity_id": "cityVillage",
"type": "edit_text",
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+ "hint": "Jina la Eneo",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kijiji au jiji"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina eneo au mji"
@@ -104,28 +82,20 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_address",
"openmrs_entity_id": "landmark",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Alama ya eneo la makazi"
- },
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"key": "nearest_facility",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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"openmrs_data_type": "text",
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+ "hint": "Kituo cha afya kilichopo karibu",
"tree": [],
"v_required": {
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diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_remove_child.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_remove_child.json
index 47d0728d2..7151e72c5 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_remove_child.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_remove_child.json
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@
"step1": {
- "title": "Ondoa mtoto chini ya miaki 5",
+ "title": "Remove Child Under 5",
"fields": [
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"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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"openmrs_entity_id": "",
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@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
"key": "details",
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"openmrs_entity_id": "",
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@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "160417AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_data_type": "select one",
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- "Kifo",
+ "Amefariki",
- "Sababu nyingine"
+ "Nyinginezo"
"keys": [
@@ -114,10 +114,29 @@
+ {
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu nyinginezo"
+ },
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+ "step1:remove_reason": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"Other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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@@ -131,20 +150,20 @@
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"min_date": "",
"max_date": "today",
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- "err": "Ingiza tarehe ambayo mwanachama alihama"
+ "err": "Weka tarehe ambayo mwanachama alihama"
"constraints": [
"type": "date",
"ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(., step1:dob)",
- "err": "Tarehe ya kuhamishwa haiwezi kuwa kabla ya tarehe ya kuzaliwa"
+ "err": "Moved away date cannot be before date of birth"
"relevance": {
@@ -161,20 +180,20 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "text",
"type": "date_picker",
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"min_date": "",
"max_date": "today",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ingiza tarehe ya kifo"
+ "err": "Weka tarehe ya kifo"
"constraints": [
"type": "date",
"ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(., step1:dob)",
- "err": "Tarehe ya kifo haiwezi kutokea kabla ya tarehe ya kuzaliwa"
+ "err": "Date of death can't occur before date of birth"
"relevance": {
@@ -187,10 +206,10 @@
"key": "age_at_death",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
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"openmrs_entity_id": "",
- "label": "Umri wakati anafariki",
- "hint": "Umri wakati anafariki",
+ "label": "Age at death",
+ "hint": "Umri wakati wa kifo",
"type": "edit_text",
"read_only": "true",
"relevance": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_remove_family.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_remove_family.json
index 84b8a4047..a07872252 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_remove_family.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_remove_family.json
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@
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@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
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"text": "",
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
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@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
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- "Kaya imehama",
+ "Uhamisho",
"keys": [
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@
"hint": "Sababu nyingine",
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"value": "true",
- "err": "Ingiza sababu ya kufungwa"
+ "err": "Weka sababu ya kufungwa"
"relevance": {
"step1:closure_reason_fam": {
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_data_type": "select one",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Kaya imehama",
+ "hint": "Uhamisho wa kaya",
"values": [
"Ndani ya wilaya",
"Nje ya wilaya"
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ingiza sababu ya kufungwa"
+ "err": "Weka sababu ya kufungwa"
"relevance": {
"step1:closure_reason_fam": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_remove_member.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_remove_member.json
index a95ae4224..6d8bca038 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_remove_member.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_details_remove_member.json
@@ -52,12 +52,12 @@
"step1": {
- "title": "Ondoa mwanafamilia",
+ "title": "Remove Family Member",
"fields": [
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"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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"openmrs_entity_id": "",
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@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
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@@ -93,15 +93,15 @@
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+ "hint": "Sababu ya kumuondoa",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
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+ "err": "Chagua sababu ya kuondoa taarifa za wana familia"
"values": [
- "Sababu nyingine"
+ "Nyingine"
"keys": [
@@ -114,10 +114,29 @@
+ {
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+ "value": "true",
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+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"Other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
"key": "dob",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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@@ -131,20 +150,20 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "164133AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
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+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuahama",
"expanded": false,
"min_date": "",
"max_date": "today",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ingiza tarehe ambayo mwanachama alihama"
+ "err": "Ingiza tarehe ambayo mwanafamilia alihama"
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"type": "date",
"ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(., step1:dob)",
- "err": "Tarehe iliyohamishwa imetokea kabla ya tarehe ya kuzaliwa"
+ "err": "Date moved away occur before date of birth"
"relevance": {
@@ -161,20 +180,20 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "text",
"type": "date_picker",
- "label": "Tarehe ya kifo",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kifo",
+ "label": "Date of death",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya Kifo",
"expanded": false,
"min_date": "today-80y",
"max_date": "today",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ingiza tarehe ya kifo"
+ "err": "Ingiza tarehe ya Kifo ya mwanafamilia"
"constraints": [
"type": "date",
"ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(., step1:dob)",
- "err": "Tarehe ya kifo haiwezi kutokea kabla ya tarehe ya kuzaliwa"
+ "err": "Date of death can't occur before date of birth"
"relevance": {
@@ -188,10 +207,10 @@
"key": "age_at_death",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
- "label": "Umri wakati anafariki",
- "hint": "Umri wakati anafariki",
+ "label": "Age at death",
+ "hint": "Umri wa mwanafamilia wakati anafariki",
"type": "edit_text",
"read_only": "true",
"relevance": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_member_register.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_member_register.json
index 6b3b6b447..fb45e188a 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_member_register.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_member_register.json
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -52,61 +47,40 @@
"step1": {
- "title": "Ongeza Mwanachama wa Familia",
+ "title": "Sajili mwanafamilia",
"fields": [
- {
- "key": "sync_location_id",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "sync_location_id",
- "type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Chagua eneo la CHW",
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua eneo la CHW"
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "photo",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "",
- "type": "choose_image",
- "uploadButtonText": "Chukua picha ya muhusika"
- },
"key": "unique_id",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
"openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
- "type": "barcode",
- "barcode_type": "qrcode",
- "hint": "Boresha Afya ID",
- "scanButtonText": "Chukua QR code",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "hint": "Namba ya kitambulisho ya kituo",
"v_numeric": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba halali"
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka kitambulisho halali"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba ya kipekee"
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka kitambulisho cha KIPEKEE"
"key": "surname",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_name",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Jina la mwisho (ukoo)",
+ "hint": "Jina la Ukoo",
"edit_type": "name",
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina halali"
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la ukoo"
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Ukoo"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -119,7 +93,7 @@
"key": "same_as_fam_name",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_data_type": "text",
"type": "check_box",
@@ -130,7 +104,7 @@
"options": [
"key": "same_as_fam_name",
- "text": "Jina la ukoo ni sawa na jina la familia",
+ "text": "Jina la Ukoo sawa na jina la familia",
"text_size": "18px",
"value": "false"
@@ -139,7 +113,7 @@
"key": "fam_name",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "label",
"hidden": "true"
@@ -150,7 +124,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person",
"openmrs_entity_id": "last_name",
"type": "hidden",
- "hint": "Jina la ukoo ni sawa na jina la familia",
+ "hint": "Surname as Family name",
"calculation": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -165,15 +139,15 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person",
"openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Jina la kwanza",
+ "hint": "Jina la Kwanza",
"edit_type": "name",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la kwanza"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Kwanza"
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina halali"
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Kwanza"
@@ -182,15 +156,15 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person",
"openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Jina la kati",
+ "hint": "Jina la Kati",
"edit_type": "name",
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina halali"
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la kati"
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Kati"
@@ -199,16 +173,16 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person",
"openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa (DOB)",
"expanded": false,
"duration": {
- "label": "Age"
+ "label": "Umri"
"min_date": "today-120y",
"max_date": "today-5y",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya kuzaliwa"
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka tarehe ya kuzaliwa"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -221,7 +195,7 @@
"key": "age_calculated",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "hidden",
"calculation": {
@@ -242,11 +216,18 @@
"options": [
"key": "dob_unknown",
- "text": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa haijulikani?",
+ "text": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa Haijulikani",
"text_size": "18px",
"value": "false"
- ]
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
"key": "age",
@@ -255,13 +236,18 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "age",
"type": "edit_text",
"hint": "Umri",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "3",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Weka umri halali"
+ },
"v_numeric": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza umri"
+ "err": "Nambari lazima ianze na 0 na lazima iwe jumla ya tarakimu 10 kwa urefu"
"v_min": {
"value": "5",
- "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawa au mkubwa kuliko 5"
+ "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawa au zaidi ya 5"
"v_max": {
"value": "120",
@@ -276,7 +262,99 @@
"v_required": {
"value": true,
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza umri"
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka umri"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Jinsi",
+ "values": [
+ "Me",
+ "Ke"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jinsi"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "marital_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "marital_status",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Hali ya Ndoa ya Mteja?",
+ "values": [
+ "Hajaoa/Hajaolewa",
+ "Ameoa/Ameolewa",
+ "Ameachwa",
+ "Mjane/Mgane",
+ "Kuishi pamoja bila ndoa"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Single": "Single",
+ "Married": "Married",
+ "Divorced": "Divorced",
+ "Widowed": "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation": "Cohabitation"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya simu",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe jumla ya tarakimu 10 kwa urefu"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba nyingine ya simu",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe jumla ya tarakimu 10 kwa urefu"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07."
@@ -285,7 +363,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "id_avail",
"type": "check_box",
- "label": "Je, ana kitambulisho chochote kati ya hivi??",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Je, una kitambulisho chochote kati ya vifuatavyo?",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
"exclusive": [
@@ -295,35 +374,24 @@
"key": "chk_national_id",
"text": "Kitambulisho cha taifa",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_national_id"
"key": "chk_voters_id",
"text": "Kitambulisho cha mpiga kura",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_voters_id"
"key": "chk_drivers_license",
- "text": "Leseni ya dereva",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Leseni ya udereva",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_drivers_license"
- {
- "key": "chk_passport",
- "text": "Hati ya kusafiria",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_passport"
- },
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "Hakuna",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
@@ -342,8 +410,24 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "National_ID",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha taifa",
- "edit_type": "name",
+ "mask": "########-#####-#####-##",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345678912",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha taifa k.m 12345678-91234-56789-12",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "23",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba halali"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^\\d{8}-\\d{5}-\\d{5}-\\d{2}$",
+ "err": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha kitaifa inapaswa kuwa ya umbizo (XXXXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba halali"
+ },
"relevance": {
"step1:id_avail": {
"ex-checkbox": [
@@ -362,8 +446,24 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Voter_Registration_Number",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha mpiga kura",
- "edit_type": "name",
+ "mask": "T-####-####-###-#",
+ "mask_hint": "123456789123",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha mpiga kura k.m T-1234-5678-912-3",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba halali"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^T-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{3}-\\d{1}$",
+ "err": "Namba ya usajili wa mpiga kura inapaswa kuwa ya umbizo (T-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-X)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba halali"
+ },
"relevance": {
"step1:id_avail": {
"ex-checkbox": [
@@ -382,8 +482,24 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Driver_License_Number",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya leseni ya udereva",
- "edit_type": "name",
+ "mask": "##########",
+ "mask_hint": "1234567891",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya leseni ya udereva k.m 1234567891",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba halali"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^([0-9]{10})",
+ "err": "Namba ya leseni ya udereva inapaswa kuwa ya umbizo (XXXXXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba halali"
+ },
"relevance": {
"step1:id_avail": {
"ex-checkbox": [
@@ -396,67 +512,47 @@
- {
- "key": "passport",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "Passport_Number",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya hati ya kusafiria",
- "edit_type": "name",
- "relevance": {
- "step1:id_avail": {
- "ex-checkbox": [
- {
- "or": [
- "chk_passport"
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
"key": "insurance_provider",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Type",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Bima ya afya unaotumia",
+ "hint": "Mtoa huduma ya bima ya afya",
"values": [
- "Bima ya afya ya jamii (CHF)",
- "Bima ya afya ya jamii ulioboreshwa (iCHF)",
- "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "Mfuko wa Afya ya Jamii",
+ "Mfuko wa Taifa wa Hifadhi ya Jamii - Manufaa ya Bima ya Afya ya Jamii (SHIB)",
+ "Mfuko wa Taifa wa Bima ya Afya (NHIF)",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
- "AAR Healthcare",
- "Strategies Insurance",
+ "AAR Huduma ya Afya",
+ "Bima ya afya Strategies",
"Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
- "Britam Insurance Tanzania",
- "Jubilee Insurance",
- "Resolutions Insurance",
- "Reliance Insurance",
- "Bima ya afya nyingezo",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Britam Tanzania",
+ "Bima ya afya Jubilee",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Resolutions ",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Reliance",
+ "Nyinginezo",
"keys": [
"Community Health Fund (CHF)",
- "iCHF",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
"AAR Healthcare",
"Strategies Insurance",
"Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
- "Britam Insurance Tanzania",
- "Jubilee Insurance",
- "Resolutions Insurance",
- "Reliance Insurance",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Britam",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Jubilee",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Resolutions",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Reliance",
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
"Community Health Fund (CHF)": "Community_Health_Fund",
- "iCHF": "iCHF",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)": "National_Social_Security_Fund",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)": "National_Health_Insurance_Fund",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)": "Tiba_kwa_Kadi",
"AAR Healthcare": "AAR_Healthcare",
"AAR Strategies Insurance": "Strategies_Insurance",
@@ -470,7 +566,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza bima"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza mtoa huduma wa bima"
@@ -479,10 +575,10 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Bima ya afya mwingine unaotumia",
+ "hint": "Mtoa huduma mwingine wa bima ya afya",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza bima"
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha mtoa huduma wa bima"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -498,10 +594,10 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Number",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya bima ya afya umaotumia",
+ "hint": "Namba ya bima ya afya ya mteja",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba ya mfuko wa bima ya afya umaotumia"
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya bima ya afya ya mteja"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -511,30 +607,10 @@
- {
- "key": "sex",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
- "type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Jinsi",
- "values": [
- "Me",
- "Ke"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "Male",
- "Female"
- ],
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jinsi"
- }
- },
"key": "wra",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "hidden",
"calculation": {
@@ -548,7 +624,7 @@
"key": "mra",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "hidden",
"calculation": {
@@ -563,11 +639,11 @@
"key": "preg_1yr",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160692AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "preg_1yr",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, amejifungua ndani ya mwaka 1?",
+ "hint": "Je, mwanamke amejifungua katika mwaka 1 uliopita?",
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
+ "Ndio",
"keys": [
@@ -575,8 +651,8 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
@@ -594,11 +670,11 @@
"key": "disabilities",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162558AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Hali ya ulemavu",
+ "hint": "Ulemavu wa kimwili",
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
+ "Ndio",
"keys": [
@@ -606,8 +682,8 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
@@ -616,15 +692,64 @@
"key": "type_of_disability",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "162558AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Aina ya ulemavu",
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza aina ya ulemavu"
- },
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_disability",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Aina ya ulemavu",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa mwili",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spinal_cord_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Uti wa Mgongo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Majeraha ya Kichwa - Ulemavu wa Ubongo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brain_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vision_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Maono",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hearing_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Kusikia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hearing_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "learning_disabilities",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Utambuzi au Kujifunza",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "learning_disabilities"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "psychological_disorders",
+ "text": "Matatizo ya Kisaikolojia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "psychological_disorders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invisible_disabilities",
+ "text": "Ulemavu Usioonekana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invisible_disabilities"
+ }
+ ],
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -636,12 +761,12 @@
"key": "is_primary_caregiver",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_primary_caregiver",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Ni mlezi mkuu wa familia?",
+ "hint": "Je, ana mlezi mkuu?",
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
+ "Ndio",
"keys": [
@@ -653,150 +778,51 @@
"err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
- {
- "key": "phone_number",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "159635AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya simu",
- "v_numeric": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Nambari lazima iwe jumla ya nambari 10 kwa urefu"
- },
- "v_regex": {
- "value": "(0[0-9]{9})|\\s*",
- "err": "Nambari lazima iwe na nambari 10 na lazima ianze na 0."
- },
- "v_required": {
- "value": false,
- "err": "Tafadhali taja numbe ya simu"
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "other_phone_number",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "159635AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba za simu nyingine",
- "v_numeric": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Nambari lazima iwe jumla ya nambari 10 kwa urefu"
- },
- "v_regex": {
- "value": "(0[0-9]{9})|\\s*",
- "err": "Nambari lazima iwe na nambari 10 na lazima ianze na 0."
- }
- },
"key": "service_provider",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "type": "check_box",
- "label": "Aina ya kazi anayojishughulisha",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "service_provider",
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+ "label": "Kazi ya mwanafamilia",
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- "chk_none"
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- "text": "Mkulima",
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- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_cs",
- "text": "Mtumishi wa serikali",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162944AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_nurse",
- "text": "Muuguzi",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_teacher",
- "text": "Mwalimu",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162946AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_th",
- "text": "Waganga wa tiba asilia (THs)",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_chw",
- "text": "Wahudumu wa afya ngazi ya jamii–WAJA",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_tba",
- "text": "Wakunga wa jadi (TBAs)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_self_employed",
+ "text": "Amejiajiri",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_self_employed"
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- "text": "Wakusanyaji takwimu za afya katika jamii (cHIMS)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_employed",
+ "text": "Ameajiriwa",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "163334AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_employed"
- "key": "chk_cbd",
- "text": "Wasambazaji wa dawa na vifaa vya uzazi wa mpango katika jamii (CBD)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_unemployed",
+ "text": "Hajaajiriwa",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_unemployed"
- "key": "chk_hbc",
- "text": "Watoa huduma kwa wagonjwa majumbani (HBC)",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161359AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_cimmci",
- "text": "Watoa huduma za udhibiti wa magonjwa ya watoto kwa uwiano katika jamii (cIMCI)",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "163096AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_other",
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+ "key": "chk_farmer",
+ "text": "Mkulima",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_farmer"
- "key": "chk_none",
- "text": "Hakuna",
+ "key": "chk_traditional_healer",
+ "text": "Mtoa huduma ya Tiba Asili",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164369AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_traditional_healer"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua angalau moja"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
@@ -805,7 +831,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Community_Leader",
"type": "check_box",
- "label": "Una jukumu lolote la uongozi kwenye ngazi ya jamii?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Una nafasi yoyote ya uongozi katika jamii?",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
"exclusive": [
@@ -815,42 +842,36 @@
"key": "chk_religious",
"text": "Kiongozi wa dini",
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"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Religious_Leader"
"key": "chk_traditional",
- "text": "Kiongozi wa kimila",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Kiongozi wa jadi",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Traditional_leader"
"key": "chk_political",
"text": "Kiongozi wa kisiasa",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Political_leader"
"key": "chk_influential",
- "text": "Mtu mwenye ushawishi kwenye jamii",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Kiongozi mwenye ushawishi",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Influential_Leader"
"key": "chk_other",
"text": "Nyinginezo",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type"
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "Hakuna",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Not_a_Community_Leader"
@@ -866,11 +887,11 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type_Name",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Taja hayo majukumu mengine",
+ "hint": "Taja nafasi nyingine katika jamii",
"edit_type": "name",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali taja jukumu"
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha jukumu"
"relevance": {
"step1:leader": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_planning_change_method.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_planning_change_method.json
index 83f5f9bdf..b4d7632bb 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_planning_change_method.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_planning_change_method.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -54,7 +49,7 @@
"step1": {
- "title": "Badilisha au acha fomu ya uzazi wa mpango",
+ "title": "Change or Stop FP form",
"next": "step2",
"fields": [
@@ -84,7 +79,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "164901AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Sababu za kuacha kutumia njia za uzazi wa mpango ya sasa",
+ "label": "Sababu ya mwanamke kusitisha njia yake ya sasa ya kupanga uzazi",
"options": [
"key": "side_effects",
@@ -98,36 +93,35 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "160571AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Anataka mimba"
+ "text": "Anataka kushika mimba"
"key": "doesnt_want_to_use_anymore",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "164260AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Hataki kutumia sasa"
+ "text": "Hataki kutumia tena"
"key": "menopause",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "134346AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Kukoma kwa uzazi"
+ "text": "Kukoma hedhi"
"key": "decided_to_change_method",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "163494AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "value": false,
- "text": "Aliamua kubadilisha mpango wa uzazi"
+ "text": "Iliamua kubadilisha mbinu"
"key": "others",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Nyingine"
+ "text": "Wengine"
"v_required": {
@@ -145,7 +139,7 @@
"hint": "Sababu nyingine",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ingiza sababu nyingine"
+ "err": "Inatakiwa"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -165,7 +159,7 @@
"hint": "Madhara",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ingiza madhara"
+ "err": "Inatakiwa"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -178,7 +172,7 @@
"step2": {
- "title": "Njia ya uzazi wa mpango",
+ "title": "Family planning method",
"fields": [
"key": "fp_method_accepted",
@@ -186,32 +180,19 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_method_accepted",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Njia za uzazi wa mpango selectedd",
+ "hint": "Mbinu ya kupanga uzazi imechaguliwa",
"values": [
"Kondomu ya kiume",
"Kondomu ya kike",
- "Vidonge vya kumeza vyenye vichocheo viwili (COC)",
- "Vidonge vya kumeza vyenye vichocheo kimoja (POP)",
- "Shanga",
- "Sindano",
- "Kitanzi",
- "Kipandikizi cha miaka 3",
- "Vipandikizi vya miaka 5",
- "Kufunga kizazi mwanamke",
- "Kufunga kizazi mwanamme"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "Male condom",
- "Female condom",
- "Standard day method",
- "Injectable",
+ "Njia ya kawaida ya siku",
+ "Sindano",
"Implanon - NXT",
- "Jadelle",
- "Female sterilization",
- "Male sterilization"
+ "Kijiti",
+ "Kufunga kizazi kwa mwanamke",
+ "Kufunga kizazi kwa mwanaume"
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
@@ -238,7 +219,6 @@
"key": "no_condoms",
@@ -246,18 +226,18 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "no_condoms",
"type": "edit_text",
"edit_type": "number",
- "hint": "Amepata vipande vya kondpmu vingapi?",
+ "hint": "Je, alipewa kondomu ngapi?",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Sawa au kubwa kuliko 0"
+ "err": "Sawa au zaidi ya 0"
"v_numeric_integer": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Lazima iwe nambari iliyo na mviringo"
+ "err": "Must be a rounded number"
"v_min": {
"value": "0",
- "err": "Nambari lazima iwe sawa au kubwa kuliko 0"
+ "err": "Nambari lazima iwe sawa au zaidi ya 0"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -289,18 +269,18 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "163171AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"type": "edit_text",
"edit_type": "number",
- "hint": "Amepata saiko ngapi?",
+ "hint": "Je, alipewa mizunguko mingapi ya vidonge?",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Sawa au kubwa kuliko 0"
+ "err": "Sawa au zaidi ya 0"
"v_numeric_integer": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Lazima iwe nambari iliyo na mviringo"
+ "err": "Weka umri halali"
"v_min": {
"value": "0",
- "err": "Nambari lazima iwe sawa au kubwa kuliko 0"
+ "err": "Nambari lazima iwe sawa au zaidi ya 0"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -316,7 +296,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_cocpop",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Je, alianza au anapanga kuanza vidonge vya kumeza vyenye vichocheo viwili au kimoja lini?",
+ "hint": "Je, ni lini alianza au alipanga kuanza kutumia COC/POP?",
"max_date": "today",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -327,7 +307,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ingiza tarehe ambao anapanga kuanza vidonge vya kumeza vyenye vichocheo viwili au kimoja"
+ "err": "Inatakiwa"
@@ -336,15 +316,11 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "counselling_use",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, mteja ameshauri jinsi ya kutumia njia za uzazi wa mpango aliyochagua?",
+ "hint": "Je, alishauriwa jinsi ya kutumia njia ya kupanga uzazi?",
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
+ "Ndio",
- "keys": [
- "Yes",
- "No"
- ],
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
@@ -367,7 +343,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "162881AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya sindano iliyopita",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya sindano ya mwisho",
"max_date": "today",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -378,7 +354,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tarehe ya sindano iliyopita"
+ "err": "Inatakiwa"
@@ -387,7 +363,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "next_injection_due_date",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya sindano ijayo:",
+ "hint": "Sindano inayofuata inastahili:",
"read_only": "true",
"value": "0",
"relevance": {
@@ -411,7 +387,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_iucd",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kuweka kitanzi",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuwekwa kwa IUCD",
"max_date": "today",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -422,7 +398,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ingiza tarehe ya kuweka kitanzi"
+ "err": "Inatakiwa"
@@ -445,7 +421,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_implant_nxt",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kuweka kipandikizi cha miaka 3",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuingizwa kwa Implanon - NXT",
"max_date": "today",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -456,7 +432,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ingiza tarehe ya kuweka kipandikizi cha miaka 3"
+ "err": "Inahitajika "
@@ -479,7 +455,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_implant_jad",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kuweka vipandikizi vya miaka 5",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuingizwa kwa Kijiti",
"max_date": "today",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -490,7 +466,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ingiza tarehe ya kuweka vipandikizi vya miaka 5"
+ "err": "Inahitajika"
@@ -513,7 +489,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_female_ster",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe y kufunga kizazi mwanmke",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya Kufunga kizazi kwa mwanamke",
"max_date": "today",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -524,7 +500,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ingiza tarehe y kufunga kizazi mwanmke"
+ "err": "Inahitajika"
@@ -533,7 +509,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_male_ster",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kufunga kizazi mwanamume ya mume wake",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya Kufunga kizazi kwa mwanaume",
"max_date": "today",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -544,7 +520,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ingiza tarehe ya kufunga kizazi mwanamume ya mume wake"
+ "err": "Inahitajika"
@@ -568,8 +544,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Tarehe ya sindano ijayo: {next_injection_due_date}",
- "toaster_info_text": "Tarehe ya sindano ijayo: {next_injection_due_date}",
+ "text": "Muda wa kudunga sindano inayofuata: {next_injection_due_date}",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Muda wa kudunga sindano inayofuata: {next_injection_due_date}",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -592,8 +568,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Mwambie mwanamke achunguze dalili zifuatazo:\n- Kutokwa (usaha, damu) kwenye tovuti ya sindano\n- SPumba au mkono wa zabuni kwenye tovuti ya sindano",
- "toaster_info_text": "Mwambie mwanamke achunguze dalili zifuatazo:\n- Kutokwa (usaha, damu) kwenye tovuti ya sindano\n- SPumba au mkono wa zabuni kwenye tovuti ya sindano",
+ "text": "Mwambie mwanamke aangalie dalili zifuatazo: - Kutoa usaha (usaha, damu) kwenye tovuti ya sindano - Kuvimba au mkono mwororo kwenye tovuti ya sindano.",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Mwambie mwanamke aangalie dalili zifuatazo: - Kutoa usaha (usaha, damu) kwenye tovuti ya sindano - Kuvimba au mkono mwororo kwenye tovuti ya sindano.",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -609,8 +585,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Tarehe kutoa: {iucd_removal}",
- "toaster_info_text": "Tarehe kutoa: {iucd_removal}",
+ "text": "Tarehe ya kuondolewa: {iucd_removal}",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Tarehe ya kuondolewa: {iucd_removal}",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -633,8 +609,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Mwambie mwanamke achunguze yafuatayo na anaweza kurudi ikiwa kuna yoyote: \n- Ikiwa na kinga ya nje au IUCD ndani ya uke\n- Muongozi wa kuangalia IUCD kwenye pedi yake mara atakibadilisha\n- Ima ni mimes ina ukaguzi unakadiriwa ili kuona ikiwa IUCD inafukuzwa",
- "toaster_info_text": "Mwambie mwanamke achunguze yafuatayo na anaweza kurudi ikiwa kuna yoyote: \n- Ikiwa na kinga ya nje au IUCD ndani ya uke\n- Muongozi wa kuangalia IUCD kwenye pedi yake mara atakibadilisha\n- Ima ni mimes ina ukaguzi unakadiriwa ili kuona ikiwa IUCD inafukuzwa",
+ "text": "Mwambie mwanamke aangalie mambo yafuatayo: - Kutokea kwa kamba nje au IUCD kwenye uke - Wakati wa hedhi, angalia IUCD kwenye pedi yake - Wakati wa hedhi, ikiwa imeganda, kagua kama IUCD imetolewa.",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Mwambie mwanamke aangalie mambo yafuatayo: - Kutokea kwa kamba nje au IUCD kwenye uke - Wakati wa hedhi, angalia IUCD kwenye pedi yake - Wakati wa hedhi, ikiwa imeganda, kagua kama IUCD imetolewa.",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -650,8 +626,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Tarehe kutoa: {implanon_nxt_removal}",
- "toaster_info_text": "Tarehe kutoa: {implanon_nxt_removal}",
+ "text": "Tarehe ya kuondolewa: {implanon_nxt_removal}",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Tarehe ya kuondolewa: {implanon_nxt_removal}",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -674,8 +650,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Tarehe kutoa: {jadelle_removal}",
- "toaster_info_text": "Tarehe kutoa: {jadelle_removal}",
+ "text": "Tarehe ya kuondolewa: {jadelle_removal}",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Tarehe ya kuondolewa: {jadelle_removal}",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -698,8 +674,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Mwambie mwanamke achungushe yafuatayo na arudi ikiwa kuna yoyote. \n- Kama kunakuwa na fimbo nje. \n- Mkono wa kuvimba na / au kutokwa kwa tovuti",
- "toaster_info_text": "Mwambie mwanamke achungushe yafuatayo na arudi ikiwa kuna yoyote. \n- Kama kunakuwa na fimbo nje. \n- Mkono wa kuvimba na / au kutokwa kwa tovuti",
+ "text": "Mwambie mwanamke aangalie yafuatayo na arudi kama yapo. - Ikiwa fimbo imechomoza - mkono umevimba au umevimba na/au kutokwa kwenye tovuti ya kuingizwa.",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Mwambie mwanamke aangalie yafuatayo na arudi kama yapo. - Ikiwa fimbo imechomoza - mkono umevimba au umevimba na/au kutokwa kwenye tovuti ya kuingizwa.",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -715,8 +691,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Mwambie mwanamke arudi ikiwa:\n- Kuvimba, zabuni na kutokwa na maji machafu",
- "toaster_info_text": "Mwambie mwanamke arudi ikiwa:\n- Kuvimba, zabuni na kutokwa na maji machafu",
+ "text": "Mwambie mwanamke huyo arudi ikiwa: - Amevimba, na ametokwa na usaha kwenye tovuti ya chale",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Mwambie mwanamke huyo arudi ikiwa: - Amevimba, na ametokwa na usaha kwenye tovuti ya chale",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -732,8 +708,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Tumia kondomu kwa miezi mitatu kuzuia ujazito",
- "toaster_info_text": "Tumia kondomu kwa miezi mitatu kuzuia ujazito",
+ "text": "Mshauri mwanamke kutumia kondomu kwa muda wa miezi 3 ya kwanza ili kuzuia mimba",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Mshauri mwanamke kutumia kondomu kwa muda wa miezi 3 ya kwanza ili kuzuia mimba",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -745,4 +721,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_register.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_register.json
index 8cf3cff79..57ffae93e 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_register.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/family_register.json
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
- "validate_on_submit": true,
- "show_errors_on_submit": false,
"count": "2",
"encounter_type": "Family Registration",
"entity_id": "",
@@ -18,11 +16,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -54,7 +47,7 @@
"step1": {
- "title": "Taarifa ya familia",
+ "title": "Taarifa za familia",
"next": "step2",
"fields": [
@@ -63,15 +56,49 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person",
"openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Taarifa ya familia",
+ "hint": "Jina la Ukoo",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Ukoo"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina sahihi"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Jina la Kwanza la Mkuu wa Kaya",
"edit_type": "name",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la ukoo"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Kwanza"
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la ukoo"
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina kwa usahihi"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_middle_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Jina la Kati la mkuu wa kaya",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Ingiza jina kwa usahihi"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Kati la mkuu wa kaya"
@@ -80,13 +107,13 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
"openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
"hidden": "true",
- "type": "barcode",
+ "type": "edit_text",
"barcode_type": "qrcode",
- "hint": "ID",
- "scanButtonText": "Chukua QR code",
+ "hint": "Kitambulisho",
+ "scanButtonText": "Scan QR Code",
"v_numeric": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba halali"
+ "err": "Tafadhali Ingiza namba ya kitambulisho"
@@ -96,14 +123,10 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "cityVillage",
"type": "edit_text",
"edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Kijiji / mtaa",
+ "hint": "Jina la Eneo",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kijiji au jiji"
- },
- "v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina halali la kijiji"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la eneo"
@@ -112,25 +135,16 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_address",
"openmrs_entity_id": "landmark",
"type": "edit_text",
- "edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Alama ya eneo la makazi",
+ "hint": "Maelezo ya eneo la makazi",
"v_required": {
"value": true,
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza maelezo ya alama au eneo la makazi"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina eneo la makazi"
- {
- "key": "gps",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "163277AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "openmrs_data_type": "text",
- "type": "gps"
- },
"key": "spacer",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "spacer",
"spacer_height": "15dp"
@@ -141,10 +155,10 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "sync_location_id",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Chagua eneo la CHW",
+ "hint": "Chagua eneo la WAJA",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua eneo la CHW"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua eneo la WAJA"
@@ -152,30 +166,22 @@
"step2": {
"title": "Mkuu wa kaya",
"fields": [
- {
- "key": "photo",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "",
- "type": "choose_image",
- "uploadButtonText": "Chukua picha ya muhusika / kiongozi wa familia"
- },
"key": "unique_id",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
"openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "ID",
+ "hint": "Kitambulisho",
"value": "0",
"read_only": "true",
"v_numeric": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba halali"
+ "err": "Ingiza namba ya kitambulisho iliyosahihi"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba ya kitambulisho"
@@ -184,15 +190,23 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person",
"openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Jina la kwanza",
+ "hint": "Jina la Kwanza",
"edit_type": "name",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la kwanza"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Kwanza"
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina halali"
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Ingiza jina sahihi"
+ },
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
@@ -201,29 +215,37 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person",
"openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Jina la kati",
+ "hint": "Jina la Kati",
"edit_type": "name",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la kati"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la Kati"
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina halali"
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina sahihi"
+ },
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
"key": "surname",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_name",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Jina la familia (ukoo)",
+ "hint": "Jina la Ukoo",
"edit_type": "name",
"read_only": "true",
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina halali"
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina sahihi"
"calculation": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -239,7 +261,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person",
"openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya Kuzaliwa",
"expanded": false,
"duration": {
"label": "Age"
@@ -261,7 +283,7 @@
"key": "age_calculated",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "hidden",
"calculation": {
@@ -286,7 +308,14 @@
"text_size": "18px",
"value": "false"
- ]
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
"key": "age",
@@ -297,15 +326,15 @@
"hint": "Umri",
"v_numeric": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Nambari lazima ianze na 0 na lazima iwe jumla ya nambari 10 kwa urefu"
+ "err": ""
"v_min": {
"value": "15",
- "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawa au mkubwa kuliko 15"
+ "err": "Umri unapaswa kuwa sawa au kubwa kuliko 15"
"v_max": {
"value": "120",
- "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawa au chini ya 120"
+ "err": "Umri unapaswa kuwa sawa au chini 120"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -316,7 +345,83 @@
"v_required": {
"value": true,
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza umri"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Umri"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Jinsi",
+ "values": [
+ "Me",
+ "Ke"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jinsi ya mteja"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "marital_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "marital_status",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Hali ya Ndoa ya Mteja?",
+ "values": [
+ "Hajaoa/Hajaolewa",
+ "Ameoa/Ameolewa",
+ "Ameachiwa",
+ "Mjane/Mgane",
+ "Kuishi pamoja bila ndoa"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Single": "Single",
+ "Married": "Married",
+ "Divorced": "Divorced",
+ "Widowed": "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation": "Cohabitation"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya simu",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Namba inatakiwa iwe na tarakimu 10"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Nambari lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 u 07."
@@ -325,7 +430,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "id_avail",
"type": "check_box",
- "label": "Je, ana kitambulisho chochote kati ya hivi?",
+ "label": "Je una kitambulisho kimojawapo kati ya hivi?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
"exclusive": [
@@ -334,49 +440,61 @@
"options": [
"key": "chk_national_id",
- "text": "Kitambulisho cha taifa",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Kitambulisho cha Taifa",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_national_id"
"key": "chk_voters_id",
"text": "Kitambulisho cha mpiga kura",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_voters_id"
"key": "chk_drivers_license",
- "text": "Leseni ya dereva",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Leseni ya udereva",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_drivers_license"
- {
- "key": "chk_passport",
- "text": "Hati ya kusafiria",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_passport"
- },
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "Hakuna",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
- ]
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
"key": "national_id",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "National_ID",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha taifa",
- "edit_type": "name",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "########-#####-#####-##",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345678912",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya Kitambulisho cha Taifa mfn:12345678-91234-56789-12",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^\\d{8}-\\d{5}-\\d{5}-\\d{2}$",
+ "err": "Namba ya kitambulisho inatakiwa kuandikwa kama ifuatavyo:(XXXXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "23",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid national id"
+ },
"relevance": {
"step2:id_avail": {
"ex-checkbox": [
@@ -394,9 +512,25 @@
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Voter_Registration_Number",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha mpiga kura",
- "edit_type": "name",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "T-####-####-###-#",
+ "mask_hint": "123456789123",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "N Namba ya mpiga kura mfano:T-1234-5678-912-3",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^T-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{3}-\\d{1}$",
+ "err": "Namba ya mpiga kura inatakiwa kuandikwa kwa utaratibu huu:(T-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-X)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid voters registration"
+ },
"relevance": {
"step2:id_avail": {
"ex-checkbox": [
@@ -414,9 +548,25 @@
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Driver_License_Number",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya leseni ya udereva",
- "edit_type": "name",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##########",
+ "mask_hint": "1234567891",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya leseni ya udereva mfano:1234567891",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid drivers license number"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^([0-9]{10})",
+ "err": "Namba ya leseni ya udereva inatakiwa kuandikwa katika mfumo huu: (XXXXXXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
"relevance": {
"step2:id_avail": {
"ex-checkbox": [
@@ -429,52 +579,32 @@
- {
- "key": "passport",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "Passport_Number",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya hati ya kusafiria",
- "edit_type": "name",
- "relevance": {
- "step2:id_avail": {
- "ex-checkbox": [
- {
- "or": [
- "chk_passport"
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
"key": "insurance_provider",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Type",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Bima ya afya unaotumia",
+ "hint": "Mtoa huduma bima ya Afya",
"values": [
- "Bima ya afya ya jamii (CHF)",
- "Bima ya afya ya jamii ulioboreshwa (iCHF)",
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)/(iCHF)",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
"AAR Healthcare",
"Strategies Insurance",
"Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
- "Britam Insurance Tanzania",
- "Jubilee Insurance",
- "Resolutions Insurance",
- "Reliance Insurance",
- "Bima ya afya nyingezo",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Britam",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Jubilee ",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Reliance",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Reliance",
+ "Nyingine",
"keys": [
"Community Health Fund (CHF)",
- "iCHF",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
"AAR Healthcare",
"Strategies Insurance",
@@ -488,8 +618,8 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
"Community Health Fund (CHF)": "Community_Health_Fund",
- "iCHF": "iCHF",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)": "National_Social_Security_Fund",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)": "National_Health_Insurance_Fund",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)": "Tiba_kwa_Kadi",
"AAR Healthcare": "AAR_Healthcare",
"AAR Strategies Insurance": "Strategies_Insurance",
@@ -503,7 +633,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza mfuko wa bima"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza mtoa huduma wa Bima ya Afya"
@@ -512,10 +642,10 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Bima ya afya mwingine unaotumia",
+ "hint": "Bima ya Afya nyingine",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali taja bima"
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha Bima ya Afya nyingine"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -531,10 +661,10 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Number",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya bima ya afya unaotumia",
+ "hint": "Namba ya bima ya afya ya mteja",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ongeza nambari ya bima ya afya"
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya bima ya afya ya mteja"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -544,30 +674,10 @@
- {
- "key": "sex",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
- "type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Jinsi",
- "values": [
- "Me",
- "Ke"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "Male",
- "Female"
- ],
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter the sex"
- }
- },
"key": "wra",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "hidden",
"calculation": {
@@ -581,7 +691,7 @@
"key": "mra",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "hidden",
"values": ""
@@ -590,9 +700,9 @@
"key": "preg_1yr",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160692AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "preg_1yr",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, amejifungua ndani ya mwaka 1?",
+ "hint": "Je mama amejifungua ndani ya mwaka mmoja uliopoita?",
"values": [
@@ -602,12 +712,12 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua ikiwa mwanamke amejifungua katika mwaka 1 uliopita"
+ "err": "Je mama amejifungua ndani ya mwaka mmoja uliopoita?"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -621,9 +731,9 @@
"key": "disabilities",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162558AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Hali ya ulemavu",
+ "hint": "Ulemavu wa viungo",
"values": [
@@ -633,8 +743,8 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
@@ -643,163 +753,133 @@
"key": "type_of_disability",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "162558AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Aina ya ulemavu",
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza aina ya ulemavu"
- },
- "relevance": {
- "rules-engine": {
- "ex-rules": {
- "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "phone_number",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "159635AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba ya simu",
- "v_numeric": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Nambari lazima iwe jumla ya nambari 10 kwa urefu"
- },
- "v_regex": {
- "value": "(0[0-9]{9})|\\s*",
- "err": "Nambari lazima iwe na nambari 10 na lazima ianze na 0."
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "other_phone_number",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "159635AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Namba za simu nyingine",
- "v_numeric": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Nambari lazima iwe jumla ya nambari 10 kwa urefu"
- },
- "v_regex": {
- "value": "(0[0-9]{9})|\\s*",
- "err": "Nambari lazima iwe na nambari 10 na lazima ianze na 0."
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "service_provider",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_disability",
"type": "check_box",
- "label": "Aina ya kazi anayojishughulisha",
+ "label": "Aina ya Ulemavu",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
- "exclusive": [
- "chk_none"
- ],
"options": [
- "key": "chk_farmer",
- "text": "Mkulima",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_cs",
- "text": "Mtumishi wa serikali",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa viungo vya mwili",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162944AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
- "key": "chk_nurse",
- "text": "Muuguzi",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "spinal_cord_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Uti wa mgongo",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
- "key": "chk_teacher",
- "text": "Mwalimu",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa akili",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162946AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brain_disability"
- "key": "chk_th",
- "text": "Waganga wa tiba asilia (THs)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "vision_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa macho",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
- "key": "chk_chw",
- "text": "Wahudumu wa afya ngazi ya jamii–WAJA",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "hearing_disability",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa kusikia",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hearing_disability"
- "key": "chk_tba",
- "text": "Wakunga wa jadi (TBAs)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "learning_disabilities",
+ "text": "Ulemavu katika kusitambua au kujifunza vitu",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "learning_disabilities"
- "key": "chk_chmis",
- "text": "Wakusanyaji takwimu za afya katika jamii (cHIMS)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "psychological_disorders",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Kisaikologia",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "163334AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "psychological_disorders"
- "key": "chk_cbd",
- "text": "Wasambazaji wa dawa na vifaa vya uzazi wa mpango katika jamii (CBD)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "invisible_disabilities",
+ "text": "Ulemavu usioonekana",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invisible_disabilities"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya simu nyingine",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Namba ya simu inatakiwa kuwa na tarakimu 10"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "service_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "service_provider",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kazi ya Mkuu wa Kaya",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
- "key": "chk_hbc",
- "text": "Watoa huduma kwa wagonjwa majumbani (HBC)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_self_employed",
+ "text": "Amejiajiri",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161359AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_self_employed"
- "key": "chk_cimmci",
- "text": "Watoa huduma za udhibiti wa magonjwa ya watoto kwa uwiano katika jamii (cIMCI)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_employed",
+ "text": "Ameajiriwa",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "163096AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_employed"
- "key": "chk_other",
- "text": "Nyingine",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_unemployed",
+ "text": "Hajaajiriwa",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_unemployed"
- "key": "chk_none",
- "text": "Hakuna",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_farmer",
+ "text": "Mkulima",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164369AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_farmer"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
"err": "Tafadhali chagua angalau moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
@@ -808,7 +888,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Community_Leader",
"type": "check_box",
- "label": "Una jukumu lolote la uongozi kwenye ngazi ya jamii?",
+ "label": "Je ana uongozi wowote katika Jamii?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
"exclusive": [
@@ -817,43 +898,37 @@
"options": [
"key": "chk_religious",
- "text": "Kiongozi wa dini",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Kiongozi wa kidini",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Religious_Leader"
"key": "chk_traditional",
- "text": "Kiongozi wa kimila",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Kiongozi wa jadi",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Traditional_leader"
"key": "chk_political",
"text": "Kiongozi wa kisiasa",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Political_leader"
"key": "chk_influential",
- "text": "Mtu mwenye ushawishi kwenye jamii",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Kiongozi mwenye ushawishi katika jamii",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Influential_Leader"
"key": "chk_other",
- "text": "Nyinginezo",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Nyingine",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type"
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "Hakuna",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Not_a_Community_Leader"
@@ -861,6 +936,13 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
"err": "Tafadhali chagua angalau moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
@@ -869,11 +951,11 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type_Name",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Taja hayo majukumu mengine",
+ "hint": "Taja uongozi mwingine alionao katika jamii",
"edit_type": "name",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali taja jukumu"
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha uongozi alionao"
"relevance": {
"step2:leader": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/female_family_planning_change_method.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/female_family_planning_change_method.json
index c9734ce29..e80b2881f 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/female_family_planning_change_method.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/female_family_planning_change_method.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
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- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
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"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -119,7 +114,6 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "163494AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "value": false,
"text": "Aliamua kubadilisha mpango wa uzazi"
@@ -238,7 +232,6 @@
"key": "no_condoms",
@@ -411,7 +404,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_iucd",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kuweka kitanzi",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuweka kitanzi",
"max_date": "today",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -592,7 +585,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Mwambie mwanamke achunguze dalili zifuatazo:\n- Kutokwa (usaha, damu) kwenye tovuti ya sindano\n- SPumba au mkono wa zabuni kwenye tovuti ya sindano",
+ "text": "Mwambie mwanamke achunguze dalili zifuatazo:\n- Kutokwa (usaha, damu) kwenye tovuti ya sindano\n- SPumba au mkono wa zabuni kwenye tovuti ya sindano",
"toaster_info_text": "Mwambie mwanamke achunguze dalili zifuatazo:\n- Kutokwa (usaha, damu) kwenye tovuti ya sindano\n- SPumba au mkono wa zabuni kwenye tovuti ya sindano",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
@@ -674,7 +667,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Tarehe kutoa: {jadelle_removal}",
+ "text": "Tarehe kutoa: {jadelle_removal}",
"toaster_info_text": "Tarehe kutoa: {jadelle_removal}",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
@@ -732,7 +725,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Tumia kondomu kwa miezi mitatu kuzuia ujazito",
+ "text": "Tumia kondomu kwa miezi mitatu kuzuia ujazito",
"toaster_info_text": "Tumia kondomu kwa miezi mitatu kuzuia ujazito",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/female_family_planning_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/female_family_planning_registration.json
index a894287b4..e84f5bc51 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/female_family_planning_registration.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/female_family_planning_registration.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
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- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -128,8 +123,7 @@
"options": [
"key": "pregnant_option",
- "text": "Hakikisha kwamba yeye siyo mjamzito",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Hakikisha kwamba yeye siyo mjamzito"
@@ -265,8 +259,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_condom",
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"calculation": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -329,7 +322,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "counselling_use",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, mteja ameshauri jinsi ya kutumia njia za uzazi wa mpango aliyochagua?",
+ "hint": "Je, mteja ameshauri jinsi ya kutumia njia za uzazi wa mpango aliyochagua?",
"values": [
@@ -360,7 +353,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "162881AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"type": "date_picker",
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"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -428,7 +421,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_implant_nxt",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kuweka kipandikizi cha miaka 3",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuweka kipandikizi cha miaka 3",
"max_date": "today",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -462,7 +455,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_implant_jad",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kuweka vipandikizi vya miaka 5",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuweka vipandikizi vya miaka 5",
"max_date": "today",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -516,7 +509,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_male_ster",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kufunga kizazi mwanamume",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kufunga kizazi mwanamume",
"max_date": "today",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_arv_prescription_high_or_low_risk_infant.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_arv_prescription_high_or_low_risk_infant.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eddc8626c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_arv_prescription_high_or_low_risk_infant.json
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HEI ARV prophylaxis for low risk infants",
+ "entity_id": "",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Maagizo ya dawa za ARV",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Tafadhali mpatie Mtoto NVP Syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_nvp_syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mtoto amepatiwa NVP Syrup?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_nvp_days_dispensed",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_nvp_days_dispensed",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Siku Iliyotolewa",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza idadi ya siku iliyotolewa"
+ },
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba halali"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Idadi ya siku iliyotolewa inatakiwa iwe zaidi ya 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Idadi ya siku iliyotolewa inatakiwa iwe sawa na au chini ya 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:provided_nvp_syrup": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "label": "Tafadhali bainisha sababu",
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+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ "key": "out_of_stock",
+ "text": "Dawa zimekwisha",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_stock"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_expired"
+ },
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+ "key": "home_delivery",
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+ },
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+ "text": "Nyingine (Bainisha)",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Tafadhali bainisha sababu zingine",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha sababu zingine"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
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+ "key": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_and_low_risk_given",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_and_low_risk_given",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "value": "true"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_arv_prescription_high_risk_infant.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_arv_prescription_high_risk_infant.json
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+ "encounter_type": "HEI ARV prophylaxis for high risk infants",
+ "entity_id": "",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Maagizo ya dawa za ARV",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_azt_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Tafadhali mpatie Mtoto AZT+3TC+NVP Syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
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+ "key": "provided_azt_nvp_syrup",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_azt_nvp_syrup",
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+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndiyo",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_other_combinations",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je Mtoto amepatisha mchanganyiko mwingine wa dawa?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndiyo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:provided_azt_nvp_syrup": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "specify_the_combinations",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Tafadhali bainisha mchanganyiko mwingine wa dawa",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "specify_the_combinations",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the combinations"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:provided_other_combinations": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_azt_nvp_days_dispensed",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_azt_nvp_days_dispensed",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Siku Iliyotolewa",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza idadi ya siku iliyotolewa"
+ },
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba halali"
+ },
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+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Idadi ya siku iliyotolewa inatakiwa iwe zaidi ya 0"
+ },
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+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Idadi ya siku iliyotolewa inatakiwa iwe sawa na au chini ya 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_arv_prescription_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Tafadhali bainisha sababu",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ {
+ "key": "out_of_stock",
+ "text": "Dawa zimekwisha",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_stock"
+ },
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+ "key": "medication_expired",
+ "text": "Muda wa matumizi wa dawa umeisha",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_expired"
+ },
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+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Nyingine (Bainisha)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
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+ "step1:provided_other_combinations": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Tafadhali bainisha sababu nyingine",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha sababu nyingine"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_providing_other_combination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
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+ "key": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_risk_given",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_risk_given",
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_baseline_investigation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_baseline_investigation.json
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_baseline_investigation.json
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HEI Baseline Investigation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Vipimo vya Awali",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "followup_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_status",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Aina ya Hudhurio",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "values": [
+ "Mtoto na Mama (IM)",
+ "Mtoto mchanga pamoja na mlezi mwingine (IC)",
+ "Transit (O)",
+ "Lost to Followup"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "infant_and_mother",
+ "infant_with_other_caregiver",
+ "transfer_out",
+ "lost_to_followup"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "infant_and_mother": "infant_and_mother",
+ "infant_with_other_caregiver": "infant_with_other_caregiver",
+ "transfer_out": "transfer_out",
+ "lost_to_followup": "lost_to_followup"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua aina ya hudhurio"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "name_of_hf",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "name_of_hf",
+ "buttonText": "Select Health Facility",
+ "sort": true,
+ "maxSelectable": 1,
+ "dialogTitle": "Jina la Kliniki Aliyohamishwa",
+ "searchHint": "Andika jina la kliniki/hospitali",
+ "options": [
+ ],
+ "type": "multi_select_list",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jina la kliniki"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "health_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "health_status",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Hali ya Kiafya",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "values": [
+ "Tumbo la kuhara",
+ "DEAR Draining Ears",
+ "Homa",
+ "KS Kaposi Sarcoma",
+ "Utapiamlo",
+ "OC Oesophageal Candidiasis",
+ "Nimonia",
+ "Ugonjwa wa ngozi",
+ "Kandidiasis ya mdomo",
+ "Kifua kikuu",
+ "Nzuri",
+ "LN Lymphadenopathy"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "diarrhoea",
+ "draining_ears",
+ "fever",
+ "kaposi_sarcoma",
+ "malnutrition",
+ "oesophageal_candidiasis",
+ "pneumonia",
+ "skin_disease",
+ "thrush",
+ "tuberculosis",
+ "well",
+ "lymphadenopathy"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "diarrhoea": "diarrhoea",
+ "draining_ears": "draining_ears",
+ "fever": "fever",
+ "kaposi_sarcoma": "kaposi_sarcoma",
+ "malnutrition": "malnutrition",
+ "oesophageal_candidiasis": "oesophageal_candidiasis",
+ "pneumonia": "pneumonia",
+ "skin_disease": "skin_disease",
+ "thrush": "thrush",
+ "tuberculosis": "tuberculosis",
+ "well": "well",
+ "lymphadenopathy": "lymphadenopathy"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua hali ya afya"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_health_status",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "infant_feeding_practice",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "infant_feeding_practice",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Lishe ya Mtoto",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "values": [
+ "EBF: Maziwa ya Mama pekee",
+ "RF: Maziwa mbadala",
+ "MF: Maziwa ya Mama na maziwa mbadala",
+ "BF + additional food: Maziwa ya Mama na vyakula vingine vya ziada",
+ "RF + additional food: Maziwa mbadala na vyakula vingine vya ziada",
+ "SBF: Mtoto ameacha kabisa maziwa ya Mama"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "ebf",
+ "rf",
+ "mf",
+ "bf+",
+ "rf+",
+ "sbf"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "ebf": "ebf",
+ "rf": "rf",
+ "mf": "mf",
+ "bf+": "bf+",
+ "rf+": "rf+",
+ "sbf": "sbf"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua lishe ya afya"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Uzito (KG)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza uzito"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Uzito lazima uwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "Uzito lazima uwe sawasawa au chini ya 20 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "5",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza uzito"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza uzito"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "followup_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_visit_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_followup_visit_date_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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index 000000000..8ebddc01f
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_community_followup_referral.json
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+ },
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+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Rufaa ya HEI ya Ufuatiliaji wa Jamii",
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+ {
+ "key": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya Udhurio la Mwisho Kituoni",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "editable": false,
+ "read_only": true,
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha tarehe ya udhurio la mwisho kituoni"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "type": "native_radio",
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+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ "key": "missed_appointment",
+ "text": "Amekosa kwenye miadi yake",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "missed_appointment"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lost_to_followup",
+ "text": "Mteja amepotea katika Ufuatiliaji",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lost_to_followup"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select reason for issuing the referral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mother_champion_location",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_champion_location",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Chagua Eneo la Mama Kinara",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua eneo alipo mama kinara"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment_pmtct_community_followup",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Maoni"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_community_referral_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_community_followup_referral_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Kuchukua Sampuli ya DNA-PCR",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Jina la mtoa huduma wa Afya",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la mtoa huduma wa Afya"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Jina la mtoa huduma wa Afya"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_position",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Cheo cha Mtoa huduma wa Afya",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "Afisa Matibabu",
+ "Msaidizi wa Afisa Matibabu",
+ "Afisa wa Kliniki",
+ "Afisa wa Kliniki msaidizi",
+ "Nesi"
+ ],
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+ "medical_officer",
+ "assistant_medical_officer",
+ "clinical_officer",
+ "assistant_clinical_officer",
+ "nurse"
+ ],
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+ "medical_officer": "medical_officer",
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+ "clinical_officer": "clinical_officer",
+ "assistant_clinical_officer": "assistant_clinical_officer",
+ "nurse": "nurse"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza cheo cha mtoa huduma wa Afya"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya simu ya Mtoa huduma wa Afya",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Namba ya simu lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Namba ya simu lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Namba ya simu ya Mtoa huduma wa Afya"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sample_collection_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuchukua sampuli ya kipimo cha DNA-PCR",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sample_collection_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "min_date": "today-5y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya kuchukua sampuli ya kipimo cha DNA-PCR"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dna_pcr_collection_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Muda wa kuchukua sampuli ya kipimo cha DNA-PCR",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dna_pcr_collection_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Muda wa kuchukua sampuli ya kipimo cha DNA-PCR"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sample_id",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "ID ya Sampuli kwa ajili kipimo cha DNA-PCR",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sample_id",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza ID ya Sampuli kwa ajili kipimo cha DNA-PCR"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_hiv_test",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "DNA PCR"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_at_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_at_age",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "key": "actual_age",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "actual_age",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_hiv_test_results.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_hiv_test_results.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e35f9f648
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_hiv_test_results.json
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HEI HIV Test Results",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "global": {},
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Majibu ya kipimo cha VVU",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "sample_id",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sample_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_result",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_status",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Chagua majibu ya kipimo",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "confirmation_hiv_test_result",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, haya ni majibu ya kuhakiki?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
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+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv_test_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_confirm_hiv_results",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Fanya kipimo kingine cha DNA PCR kwa mtoto ili kudhibitisha hali ya maambukizi ya VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:confirmation_hiv_test_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_hiv_test_results",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mtoto ana maambukizi ya VVU, Mpe rufaa aende kwenye Kliniki ya tiba na matunzo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:confirmation_hiv_test_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "hiv_test_result_date",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kupokea majibu",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-3y",
+ "max_date": "today",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua Tarehe ya kupokea majibu"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "results_provided_to_parents",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, wazazi wamepewa majibu ya kipimo?",
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+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_hiv_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_result_to_parent_date",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya majibu kupewa mzazi",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-3y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua Tarehe ya majibu kupewa mzazi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:results_provided_to_parents": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_provide_results_to_parents",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Wapatie wazazi majibu ya kipimo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:confirmation_hiv_test_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "linkage_to_ctc",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "linkage_to_ctc",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mtoto ameunganishwa na huduma za CTC?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:confirmation_hiv_test_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ctc_number",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya CTC",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6})?",
+ "err": "CTC Namba inafuata utaratibu huu"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC Number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhri ingiza Namba sahihi ya CTC"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:linkage_to_ctc": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_linkage_to_ctc",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Muunganishe mtoto kwenye huduma za CTC na toa namba ya CTC",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:linkage_to_ctc": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_hiv_test",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "Antibody Test"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_at_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_at_age",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "actual_age",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "encounter_type": "HEI Number Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Rekodi Namba ya HEI",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "mask": "##-##-####-######-C##",
+ "mask_hint": "1234567891234567",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya HEI",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6}-C\\d{2})?",
+ "err": "Namba ya HEI Inatakiwa kuwa mfano (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX-CXX)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "21",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi ya HEI"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi ya HEI"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_rv_ctx.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_rv_ctx.json
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hei_rv_ctx.json
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+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HEI CTX Prescription",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Kupatiwa Dawa ya CTX",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prescribed_ctx",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mtoto huyu amepatiwa CTX?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_ctx_days_dispensed",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_ctx_days_dispensed",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Siku Iliyotolewa",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza idadi ya siku iliyotolewa"
+ },
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba halali"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Idadi ya siku iliyotolewa inatakiwa iwe zaidi ya 0"
+ },
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+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Idadi ya siku iliyotolewa inatakiwa iwe sawa na au chini ya 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:prescribed_ctx": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_prescribing_ctx",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Sababu za kutompatia Mtoto dawa",
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+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
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+ "key": "out_of_stock",
+ "text": "CTX zimeisha",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_stock"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_expired",
+ "text": "Muda wa matumizi ya CTX umeisha",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_expired"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Nyingine (Bainisha)",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:prescribed_ctx": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_prescribing_ctx",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Tafadhali bainisha sababu nyingine",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_prescribing_ctx",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha sababu nyingine"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_prescribing_ctx": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hiv_client_update_ctc_number.json
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ "form": "Update CTC Number",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Update CTC Number",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/hiv_index_contact_ctc_enrollment_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Jaza Namba ya CTC",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "masked_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Namba ya CTC, mfano: 12-34-5678-912345",
+ "type": "Care and Treatment Clinic registration number (CTC Number)",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "input_type": "number",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "validation": [
+ {
+ "condition": "value.matches(\"(\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{6})?\")",
+ "message": "Namba ya CTC inatakiwa kuwa (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)."
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali jaza namba ya CTC ya mteja"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hiv_community_followup_referral.json
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ "form": "HIV Community Followup",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HIV Community Followup",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/hiv_community_followup_referral_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Rufaa ya ufuatiliaji wa wateja wa VVU katika ngazi ya jamii",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Sababu za kutoa rufaa ya ufuatiliaji wa wateja kwenye Jamii"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "missed_appointment",
+ "text": "Amekosa kwenye miadi",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "missed_appointment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "lost_to_followup",
+ "text": "Amepotea kwenye ufuatiliaji",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lost_to_followup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Other",
+ "text": "Nyinginezo",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali chagua sababu za kutoa rufaa ya ufuatiliaji katika ngazi ya jamii",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "hiv_community_referral_date"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "reason_for_issuing_community_referral_other",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Sababu nyinginezo",
+ "type": "name"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_issuing_community_referral_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral"
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Tafadhali jaza sababu zinginezo",
+ "subjects": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "type": "datetime_picker",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya mwisho ya hudhurio la mteja CTC",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "display_format": "dd/MM/yyyy",
+ "max_date": "today"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Tafadhali chagua tarehe ya mwisho ya ya mteja kuhudhuria kliniki",
+ "subjects": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment_hiv_community_followup",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Toa maoni"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment_hiv_community_followup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
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@@ -0,0 +1,867 @@
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Taarifa za Mteja",
+ "next": "step2",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "fam_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fam_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Jina la Ukoo",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Ukoo"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Ukoo"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
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+ "hint": "Jina la Kwanza",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Kwanza"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Jina la Kati",
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+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Kati"
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Nambari ya utambulisho",
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+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba ya utambulisho"
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+ "key": "fam_village",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Jina la eneo",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jina la eneo"
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Alama/Maelezo ya eneo la nyumba",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka alama/maelezo ya eneo."
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Chagua eneo la WAJA",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua eneo la WAJA"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "Taarifa za Mteja",
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+ {
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+ "read_only": true,
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka kitambulisho cha KIPEKEE"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka kitambulisho cha KIPEKEE"
+ }
+ },
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+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
+ },
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+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Ukoo"
+ },
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+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "prompt_for_ipv_service",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer the client for post-IPV Services\n\nDiscuss with the client on the appropriate referral to communicate with Index Contact",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_ipv_service",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "steps": [
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+ "title": "Ufuatiliaji wa wenza wa Kingono au wa Kujidunga wa mshirika katika jamii",
+ "fields": [
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+ "name": "toast_refer_to_chw",
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+ "title": "Mteja atapewa rufaa kwenda kwa mtoa huduma ya afya ngazi ya jamii",
+ "text": "Mteja anapewa rufaa kwenda kwa mtoa huduma wa afya ngazi ya jamii katika kijiji cha mteja kwa ajili ya ufuatiliaji.\n\n Ongeza maoni ya ziada yatakayo kwenda kwa mtoa huduma wa afya ngazi ya jamii\n\nHifadhi fomu ya rufaa kwajili ya kutuma rufaa",
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+ "text": "Eneo la Waja"
+ },
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+ "title": "Majibu ya mshirika wa kingono/wakujidunga",
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+ "condition": "value.matches(\"(\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{6})?\")",
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+ {
+ "name": "has_the_client_been_reached",
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+ "text": "Je, mteja amepatikana?"
+ },
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+ ]
+ },
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+ "name": "eligibility_for_testing",
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+ "text": "Je, mteja ana kidhi vigezo vya upimaji wa VVU?"
+ },
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+ "text": "Je, amepimwa VVU?"
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+ "name": "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "text": "Vifaa vya kupima vimeisha",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
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+ }
+ },
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+ "name": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "text": "Mteja alikataa kupimwa",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "text": "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
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+ "subjects": "eligibility_for_testing:map,has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map,has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
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+ "name": "other_reason_for_not_testing",
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+ "hint": "Sababu nyingine ya kutofanya kipimo cha VVU"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_testing",
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+ },
+ "required_status": "yes:Please enter the reason",
+ "subjects": "reasons_conducting_testing_for_index_contact:map,eligibility_for_testing:map,has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map,has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "test_results",
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+ "text": "Ni nini matokeo ya kipimo cha VVU?"
+ },
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+ "name": "positive",
+ "text": "Ana VVU",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ }
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+ "subjects": "has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map, eligibility_for_testing:map, has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "place_where_test_was_conducted",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Mahali alikopimia mteja"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "name": "outpatient_department",
+ "text": "Idara ya wagonjwa wa nje",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
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+ "text": "Idara ya wagonjwa waliolazwa",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "inpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "name": "community_based_hiv_testing_service",
+ "text": "Huduma za upimaji nyumbani",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_based_hiv_testing_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "text": "Huduma ya mkoba (outreach services)",
+ "meta_data": {
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outreach_services",
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kupima ya mteja",
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+ "subjects": "test_results:map, eligibility_for_testing:map, has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map, has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "toast_enroll_the_client_to_prep",
+ "type": "toast_notification",
+ "properties": {
+ "notification_type": "info",
+ "dismissible": "no",
+ "title": "Mteja anatakiwa kusajiliwa kwenye KVP/PrEP",
+ "text": "Mteja ni mshirika wa kingono wa mteja wa VVU, anatakiwa kusajiliwa kwenye huduma ya KVP/PrEP",
+ "background_color": "#082455",
+ "text_color": "#EBEE2F"
+ },
+ "subjects": "relationship:text, test_results:map, has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map, eligibility_for_testing:map, has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Je, mteja amesajiliwa kwenye kliniki ya VVU?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "name": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
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+ }
+ }
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+ "subjects": "test_results:map, eligibility_for_testing:map, has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map, has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
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+ "name": "reasons_for_ineligibility_for_testing",
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+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Sababu zinazomfanya mteja asifanyiwe kipimo cha HIV"
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "known_positive",
+ "text": "Mteja tayari amekwisha pima na ana VVU",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
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+ }
+ }
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
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+ "hint": "Nyingine"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "subjects": "reasons_for_ineligibility_for_testing:map, eligibility_for_testing:map, has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
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+ "name": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "masked_edit_text",
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+ "hint": "Namba ya CTC, mfano: 12-34-5678-912345",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ {
+ "condition": "value.matches(\"(\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{6})?\")",
+ "message": "Namba ya CTC inatakiwa kuwa (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)."
+ }
+ ],
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+ "subjects": "enrolled_to_clinic:map, reasons_for_ineligibility_for_testing:map, eligibility_for_testing:map, test_results:map, has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map, has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Ufuatiliaji wa mshirika ambaye hajaathirika",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "place_where_test_was_conducted",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Amepimiwa Wapi?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "place_where_test_was_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "tb_clinic_outpatient",
+ "text": "Kiliniki ya Kifua Kikuu (Wateja wa Nje)",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_clinic_outpatient",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "sexual_transmitted_diseases_clinic",
+ "text": "Kliniki ya magonjwa ya zinaa",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_transmitted_diseases_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "outpatient_department",
+ "text": "Idara ya wagonjwa wa njee",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inpatient_department",
+ "text": "Idara ya wagonjwa wa ndani",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "inpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "blood_transfusion_service",
+ "text": "Huduma za uchagiaji damu",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_transfusion_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "community_based_hiv_testing_service",
+ "text": "Huduma ya kujipima mwenyewe",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_based_hiv_testing_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "voluntary_patients",
+ "text": "Mteja wakujitolea",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "voluntary_patients",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "family_planning_clinic",
+ "text": "Kiliniki ya uzazi wa mpango",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "family_planning_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ctc",
+ "text": "CTC",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "men_circumcision",
+ "text": "Tohara ya wanaume",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "men_circumcision",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "outreach_services",
+ "text": "Huduma ya Mkoba",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outreach_services",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "reproductive_an_child_health",
+ "text": "Afya ya mama na mtoto",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reproductive_an_child_health",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other",
+ "text": "Mengineo",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "eligibility_for_testing"
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the answer"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "when_the_test_was_conducted",
+ "type": "datetime_picker",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Lini mshiriki wa mteja alipimwa virusi vya ukimwi?",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "display_format": "dd/MM/yyyy"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "when_the_test_was_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "relationship",
+ "months_after_last_test"
+ ],
+ "required_status": "true:Tafadhali chagua tarehe aliyopimwa virusi?"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "toast_enroll_the_client_to_prep",
+ "type": "toast_notification",
+ "properties": {
+ "notification_type": "info",
+ "dismissible": "no",
+ "title": "Mteja anatakiwa anzishiwe KVP/PREP",
+ "text": "Mteja ni mshiriki wa kingono wa muathirika wa ukimwi, Anatakiwa kuanzishiwa KVP/PREP",
+ "background_color": "#082455",
+ "text_color": "#EBEE2F"
+ },
+ "subjects": "relationship:text, when_the_test_was_conducted:number , months_after_last_test:number"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "toast_client_eligible_for_testing",
+ "type": "toast_notification",
+ "properties": {
+ "notification_type": "info",
+ "dismissible": "no",
+ "title": "Mteja anatakiwa kupimwa tena Ukimwi",
+ "text": "Mteja amepimwa miezi mitatu iliyopita. Mteja anatakiwa kupima tena virusi vya ukimwi",
+ "background_color": "#082455",
+ "text_color": "#EBEE2F"
+ },
+ "subjects": "when_the_test_was_conducted:number, months_after_last_test:number"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "test_results",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Majibu ya Vipimo vya Ukimwi?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the test results",
+ "subjects": "when_the_test_was_conducted:number, months_after_last_test:number"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Mteja amenazishwa kwenye kiliniki ya tiba na matunzo?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali jibu swali hili",
+ "subjects": "when_the_test_was_conducted:number, test_results:map, months_after_last_test:number"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Jaza numbari ya CTC ya mteja",
+ "type": "Care and Treatment Clinic registration number (CTC Number)"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "validation": [
+ {
+ "condition": "value.matches(\"(\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{6})?\")",
+ "message": "Namba ya CTC iliyojazwa si sahihi."
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali jaza namba ya CTC ya mteja",
+ "subjects": "when_the_test_was_conducted:number, months_after_last_test:number, enrolled_to_clinic:map, test_results:map "
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Maoni"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dd9559e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hiv_index_contact_followup_for_positive_clients.json
@@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
+ "form": "HIV Index Contact Testing Followup",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HIV Index Contact Testing Followup",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/hiv_index_contact_followup_for_positive_clients_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Index Client Contact HIV Outcome",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "place_where_test_was_conducted",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Alikopimia mteja"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "place_where_test_was_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "tb_clinic_outpatient",
+ "text": "kliniki ya kifua kikuu(wagonjwa wa njee)",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_clinic_outpatient",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "sexual_transmitted_diseases_clinic",
+ "text": "kiliniki ya magonjwa ya zinaa",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_transmitted_diseases_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "outpatient_department",
+ "text": "Idara ya wagonjwa wa njee",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inpatient_department",
+ "text": "Idara ya wagonjwa wa ndani",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "inpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "blood_transfusion_service",
+ "text": "Huduma ya uchangiaji wa damu",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_transfusion_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "community_based_hiv_testing_service",
+ "text": "Huduma ya kujipima mwenyewe nyumbani",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_based_hiv_testing_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "voluntary_patients",
+ "text": "Wateja wakujitolea",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "voluntary_patients",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "family_planning_clinic",
+ "text": "Kiliniki ya uzazi salama",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "family_planning_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ctc",
+ "text": "CTC",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "men_circumcision",
+ "text": "Tohara kwa wanaume",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "men_circumcision",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "outreach_services",
+ "text": "Huduma ya Mkoba",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outreach_services",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "reproductive_an_child_health",
+ "text": "Afya ya uzazi na mtoto",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reproductive_an_child_health",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other",
+ "text": "Mengineo",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the answer",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "eligibility_for_testing",
+ "test_results"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "willing_to_start_medication",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "je mshirika muathirika yuko teyari kuanza dawa?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "willing_to_start_medication",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the answer"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Je mteja ameandikishwa kwenye kilinic ya matunzo na tiba?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the answer",
+ "subjects": "willing_to_start_medication:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Ingiza number ya mteja wa CTC",
+ "type": "Care and Treatment Clinic registration number (CTC Number)"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "validation": [
+ {
+ "condition": "value.matches(\"(\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{6})?\")",
+ "message": "Namba ya CTC iliyojazwa si sahihi."
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify client's CTC number",
+ "subjects": "willing_to_start_medication:map, enrolled_to_clinic:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Maoni"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hiv_outcome.json
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+ "form": "HIV Outcome",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HIV Outcome",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/hiv_outcome_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Matokeo ya Vipimo vya VVU",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "action_taken_hiv_problems",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Hatua zilizochukuliwa kwenye kituo"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "action_taken_hiv_problems",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "no_action_taken",
+ "text": "Hajapimwa",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_action_taken",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "tested",
+ "text": "Amepimwa",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tested",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "referred",
+ "text": "Amepewa rufaa",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referred",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select action taken",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "hiv_facility_visit_date"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "reason_no_action_was_taken",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Sababu ya kutopata matibabu"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_no_action_was_taken",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "known_positive",
+ "text": "Inajulikana chanya",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "client_declined",
+ "text": "Mteja amekataa",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_declined",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "test_not_required_based_on_risk_assessment",
+ "text": "Kipimo hakijafanyika kutokana na tathmini ya hatari",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_required_based_on_risk_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select action taken",
+ "subjects": "action_taken_hiv_problems:map",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "test_results_calculation"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "test_results",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Chagua matokeo ya vipimo vya VVU"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "positive",
+ "text": "Ana VVU",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "negative",
+ "text": "Hana VVU",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali chagua matokeo ya vipimo vya VVU",
+ "subjects": "action_taken_hiv_problems:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Je, mteja amesajiliwa kwenye kliniki ya VVU?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali jaza jibu sahihi",
+ "subjects": "test_results:map, action_taken_hiv_problems:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "masked_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Namba ya CTC, mfano: 12-34-5678-912345",
+ "type": "name",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "input_type": "number",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "validation": [
+ {
+ "condition": "value.matches(\"(\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{6})?\")",
+ "message": "Namba ya CTC inatakiwa kuwa (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)."
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "true:Tafadhali jaza namba ya CTC ya mteja",
+ "subjects": "reason_no_action_was_taken:map, enrolled_to_clinic:map,test_results:map, action_taken_hiv_problems:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "prompt_for_ctc_enrollment",
+ "type": "toast_notification",
+ "properties": {
+ "notification_type": "info",
+ "dismissible": "no",
+ "text": "Endelea na ushauri mpaka mteja atakapokuwa tayari kuanzishiwa dawa",
+ "background_color": "#082455",
+ "text_color": "#EBEE2F"
+ },
+ "subjects": "enrolled_to_clinic:map, test_results:map, action_taken_hiv_problems:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment_hiv_problems",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Toa maoni"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment_hiv_problems",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hiv_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hiv_registration.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1857f2bc3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hiv_registration.json
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ "form": "HIV Registration form",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HIV Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/hiv_registration_form_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Usajili wa wateja wa VVU",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "new_or_current_hiv_client",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Je, mteja aliyesajiliwa ni mpya au alikuwepo kwenye huduma ya VVU?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "new_or_current_hiv_client",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "new",
+ "text": "Mteja mpya wa VVU",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "new",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "existing",
+ "text": "Mteja aliyepo kwenye huduma ya VVU",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "existing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali chagua jibu"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "place_where_test_was_conducted",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Mahali mteja alipopimia VVU"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "place_where_test_was_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "tb_clinic_outpatient",
+ "text": "Kliniki ya kifua kikuu (wagonjwa wa nje)",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_clinic_outpatient",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "sexual_transmitted_diseases_clinic",
+ "text": "Kliniki ya magonjwa ya ngono",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_transmitted_diseases_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "outpatient_department",
+ "text": "Idara ya wagonjwa wa nje",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inpatient_department",
+ "text": "Idara ya wagonjwa waliolazwa",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "inpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "blood_transfusion_service",
+ "text": "Huduma ya damu salama",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_transfusion_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "community_based_hiv_testing_service",
+ "text": "Huduma za upimaji nyumbani",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_based_hiv_testing_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "voluntary_patients",
+ "text": "Wateja wanaokwenda kwa hiari yao",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "voluntary_patients",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "family_planning_clinic",
+ "text": "Kliniki ya uzazi wa mpango",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "family_planning_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ctc",
+ "text": "Kituo cha huduma ya tiba na matunzo ya UKIMWI",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "men_circumcision",
+ "text": "Wakati wa tohara ya wanaume",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "men_circumcision",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "outreach_services",
+ "text": "Huduma ya mkoba (outreach services)",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outreach_services",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "reproductive_an_child_health",
+ "text": "Kliniki ya Mama, Baba na Mtoto",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reproductive_an_child_health",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other",
+ "text": "Sehemu nyingine",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali chagua jibu sahihi"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "place_where_test_was_conducted_other",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Nyingine",
+ "type": "name"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "place_where_test_was_conducted_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Tafadhali jaza sehemu nyingine",
+ "subjects": "place_where_test_was_conducted:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "masked_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Namba ya CTC, mfano: 12-34-5678-912345",
+ "type": "Namba ya CTC",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "input_type": "number",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "validation": [
+ {
+ "condition": "value.matches(\"(\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{6})?\")",
+ "message": "Namba ya CTC inatakiwa kuwa (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)."
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali jaza namba ya CTC ya mteja",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "hiv_registration_date",
+ "client_hiv_status_during_registration",
+ "test_results"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hivst_issue_kits.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hivst_issue_kits.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d968f8ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/hivst_issue_kits.json
@@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Self Testing Kits Issue",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Ugawaji wa Vitepe vya Jipime",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "pre_test_counselling_and_instructions",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pre_test_counselling_and_instructions",
+ "label": "Je mteja amepata elimu na ushauri kabla ya kupima",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu "
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "self_test_kit_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "self_test_kit_given",
+ "label": "Je mteja alipewa kitendanishi cha jipime",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu "
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "kit_code",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "kit_code",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Msimbo wa kitepe",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_testing_approach",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_testing_approach",
+ "label": "Njia za upimaji wa mteja ",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "assisted_testing_on_site",
+ "text": "Kwa Usaidizi ktk eneo la upimaji",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "assisted_testing_on_site"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "assisted_testing_off_site",
+ "text": "Kwa Usaidizi nje ya eneo la upimaji",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "assisted_testing_off_site"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unassisted_testing_on_site",
+ "text": "Bila Usaidizi ndani ya eneo la upimaji",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unassisted_testing_on_site"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unassisted_testing_off_site",
+ "text": "Bila Usaidizi nje ya eneo la upimaji",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unassisted_testing_off_site"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu "
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "extra_kits_required",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "extra_kits_required",
+ "label": "Je mteja anahitaji vitepe kwa ajili ya rafiki rika au mshirika ngono",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu "
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "extra_kits_issued_for",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "extra_kits_issued_for",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Vitepe vya ziada vilivyotolewa kwa ajili ya",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "peer_friend",
+ "text": "Rafiki rika",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "peer_friend"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sexual_partner",
+ "text": "Mshirika wa kingono",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_partner"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu "
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:extra_kits_required": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "peer_friend_kit_code",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "peer_friend_kit_code",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "msimbo wa kitepe cha rafiki rika",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:extra_kits_issued_for": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "peer_friend"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sexual_partner_kit_code",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_partner_kit_code",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "msimbo wa kitepe cha mshirika wa kingono",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:extra_kits_issued_for": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "sexual_partner"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "kits_batch_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "kit_batch_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Kits Batch Namba",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza batch namba"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Expiry Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the Expiry date"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu "
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condoms"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condoms"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu "
+ },
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+ "step1:condoms_given": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_male_condoms_issued",
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya kondomu za kiume zilizotolewa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "idadi ni lazima iwe sawa sawa au kubwa kuliko 0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:type_of_issued_condoms": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "male_condoms"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_female_condoms_issued",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_female_condoms_issued",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi aa kondomu za kike zilizotolewa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
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+ "err": "idadi ni lazima iwe sawa sawa au kubwa kuliko 0"
+ },
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+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba"
+ },
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+ "step1:type_of_issued_condoms": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "female_condoms"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sms_notification_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "label": "Je mteja amekubali kuingia kwenye huduma za SMS",
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+ {
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+ },
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu"
+ }
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uhamasishaji wa Vipindi vya Jipime",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "mobilization_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mobilization_date",
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+ "hint": "Tarehe ya uhamasishaji",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-6m",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya uhamasishaji"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_clients_reached",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_clients_reached",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya wateja wa kike waliofikiwa",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza numbari sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Tarakimu ulioingiza inatakiwa iwe sawa au kubuwa kuliko 0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza nambar"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza numbari sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Tarakimu ulioingiza inatakiwa iwe sawa au kubuwa kuliko 0"
+ },
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+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza nambar"
+ }
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+ },
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+ "hint": "Idadi ya kondomu za kike zilizotolewa",
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+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza numbari sahihi"
+ },
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+ "err": "Tarakimu ulioingiza inatakiwa iwe sawa au kubuwa kuliko 0"
+ },
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+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza nambar"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condoms_issued",
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+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza numbari sahihi"
+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "kit_code",
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+ "hint": "Msimbo wa kitepe",
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+ "step1:kit_used_in_demonstration": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HIVST Enrollment",
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+ {
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+ "key": "new_client",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "new_client"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "returning_client",
+ "text": "Mteja wa marudio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "returning_client"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_positive",
+ "text": "Tayari ana maambukizi ya VVU",
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_group_female_15_24",
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+ "key": "fsw",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoners"
+ },
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+ "text": "Kijana rika balehe ",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
+ {
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "msm",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "err": "Chaguwa jibu sahihi"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Rekodi Matokeo ya Jipime",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "has_the_client_been_found",
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+ "label": "Je Mteja amepatikana?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Saratani ya Shingo ya Kizazi",
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+ },
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu"
+ },
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+ "step1:condoms_given": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_male_condoms_issued",
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+ },
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+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka nambari"
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+ {
+ "or": [
+ "male_condoms"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
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+ "err": "Tafadhali weka nambari halali"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": " Nambari lazima iwe sawa au zaidi ya 0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka nambari"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:type_of_issued_condoms": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "female_condoms"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uzazi wa Mpango",
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+ {
+ "key": "family_planning_service",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "family_planning_service",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Huduma ya uzazi wa mpango alizopewa",
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+ {
+ "key": "pill",
+ "text": "Vidonge",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pill"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "injectable",
+ "text": "Sindano",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "injectable"
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "kijiti cha miaka 3",
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "key": "traditional",
+ "text": "Njia ya asili",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "traditional"
+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referral",
+ "text": "Rufaa",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referral"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Haihusiki",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "refused",
+ "text": "Amekata",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "refused"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_provided",
+ "label": "Je mteja alipewa condom kama njia ya uzazi wa mtango",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
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+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu "
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Ukatili wa Kijinsia",
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+ {
+ "key": "gbv_screening",
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+ "label": "Uchunguzi wa ukatili wa kijinsia (kimatendo, kisaikolojia, kihisia)",
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+ {
+ "key": "case_reported",
+ "text": "Mteja hajaripoti ukatili",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "case_reported"
+ },
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+ }
+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ "title": "Elimu ya Afya",
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+ {
+ "key": "health_education_provided",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Elimu ya afya iliotolewa kwa mteja",
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+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "text": "Ukatili wa kijinsia",
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+ },
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+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_aids",
+ "text": "VVU na UKIMWI",
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+ },
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+ }
+ }
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+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Homa ya Ini B&C",
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+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Mteja alipimwa homa ya ini B",
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+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Amepima na ana maambukizi",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "positive_and_referred",
+ "text": "Amepima anamaambukizi na amepewa rufaa",
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+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jubu"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hep_c_testing",
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+ "label": "Mteja amepimwa homa ya ini c",
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+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Amepima na ana maambukizi",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "positive_and_referred",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive_and_referred"
+ },
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+ }
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+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jubu"
+ }
+ }
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+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Ushauri Nasaha na Upimaji",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "previous_hiv_testing_method",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "previous_hiv_testing_method",
+ "label": "Mbinu ya awali ya kupima VVU",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
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+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "hivst",
+ "text": "Kajipima mwenyewe",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hivst"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_cv_test",
+ "text": "Ya kawaida",
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+ },
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+ "key": "hivst_and_hiv_cv_test",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hivst_and_hiv_cv_test"
+ },
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+ }
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+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ }
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_previous_hiv_testing_method",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": " Nyingine(Bainisha)",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": " Tafadhali fafanua"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:previous_hiv_testing_method": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other_method\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "testing_site",
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+ "text": "Jumuiya",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community"
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+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "value": "17",
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+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC Number"
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_hts_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "notEqualTo(., \"vasectomy\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "title": "Rufaa na Huduma Nyingine",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "err": "Tafadhali fafanua"
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+ {
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+ "other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
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+ }
+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "step1": {
+ "title": "PEP assesment",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community"
+ },
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+ "text": "Hajapewa",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "facility"
+ },
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+ "text": "amepewa rufa",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referred"
+ },
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+ "key": "not_applicable",
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+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadali chagua moja "
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:enrolled_to_prep": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "notEqualTo(., \"true\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Watumiaji wa Dawa Za Kulevya kwa Njia Nyengine",
+ "next": "step2",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "drug_use",
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+ "key": "yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
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+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ }
+ },
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+ "calculation": {
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "Wakujidunga",
+ "next": "step3",
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+ {
+ "key": "drug_injection",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_injection",
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+ "key": "yes",
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+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ },
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+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step3": {
+ "title": "Tabia ya Ngono",
+ "next": "step4",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "sexual_intercourse",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "label": "Umewahi kushiriki tendo la ngono",
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+ "key": "yes",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step4": {
+ "title": "Mwenza Mwenye Majibu Kinzani",
+ "next": "step5",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_status_on_screening",
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+ "label": "Hali yako ya maambukizi ya VVU yakoje?",
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+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
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+ },
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+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi ",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
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+ "key": "unknown",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unknown"
+ }
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+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "hiv_positive_partner",
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+ "label": "Je upo kwenye mahusiano ya kingono na mwenza mwenye VVU",
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+ "key": "yes",
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+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ },
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+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "label": " Chunguza vigezo vifuatavyo vya mwenza wake",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
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+ "key": "not_started_art",
+ "text": "Hajaanza dawa za ART",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_started_art"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "art_more_than_six_months_unused",
+ "text": "Hajatumia dawa za ART zaidi ya miezi 6",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "art_more_than_six_months_unused"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "art_adherence_doubt",
+ "text": "Ana mashaka juu ya ufuasi au matumizi ya dawa za ART",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "art_adherence_doubt"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_evidence_low_vl",
+ "text": "Mwenza hana ushahidi juu kufubaza VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_evidence_low_vl"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step4:hiv_positive_partner": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_counsel_for_testing",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mshauri mteja juu ya upimaji wa VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step4:hiv_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"unknown\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_sdc",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step5": {
+ "title": "Mwanamke Anayefanya Biashara ya Ngono",
+ "next": "step6",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "sex_for_money",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sex_for_money",
+ "label": "Ndani ya miezi 6 iliyopita, umewahi kufanya ngono ili upate vitu, fedha au upendeleo? ",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "main_income_source_is_sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "main_income_source_is_sex",
+ "label": "Je biashara ya ngono Ndiyo njia kuu ya kupata kipato?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
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+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio ",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
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+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step5:sex_for_money": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_fsw",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_fsw",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step6": {
+ "title": "Msichana Rika ya Balehe",
+ "next": "step7",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "client_in_school",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_in_school",
+ "label": " Je, kwa sasa upo shule?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "harsh_condition_impact",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "harsh_condition_impact",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Athari na mazingira magumu",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "not_applicable"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "sex_for_material",
+ "text": "Ndani ya miezi 6 iliyopita, amewahi kufanya ngono ili upate vitu au fedha.",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sex_for_material"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sexually_abused",
+ "text": "Ana mahusiano ya kingono na mjidunga",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexually_abused"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex_last_three_months",
+ "text": "Mhanga anayeendelea kutendewa ukatili wa kingono",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sex_last_three_months"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "infected_with_sexual_disease",
+ "text": "Amepata maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono ndani ya miezi 3",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "infected_with_sexual_disease"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Haihusiki",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step6:client_in_school": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_agyw",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_agyw",
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+ "calculation": {
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step7": {
+ "title": "Makundi Mengine Hatarishi",
+ "next": "step8",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prisoner_or_rumandee",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoner_or_rumandee",
+ "label": "Je mteja ni mfungwa au mahabusu?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "prisoner",
+ "text": "Mfungwa",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoner"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rumandee",
+ "text": "Mahabusu",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rumandee"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mobile_population",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mobile_population",
+ "label": "Makundi ya wanaohamahama",
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+ {
+ "key": "long_distance_drivers",
+ "text": "Madereva wa masafa marefu",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "long_distance_drivers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fishermen",
+ "text": "Wavuvi",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fishermen"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mining_workers",
+ "text": "Wafanyakazi migodini",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mining_workers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "large_farm_farmers",
+ "text": "Wakulima wa mashamba makubwa",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "large_farm_farmers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "road_builders",
+ "text": "Wajenzi wa barabara",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "road_builders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_groups_at_risk",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_groups_at_risk",
+ "label": "Makundi mengine yaliyo katika hatari ya maambukizi ya VVU.",
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+ "key": "disabled",
+ "text": "Walemavu",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "street_children_or_orphans",
+ "text": "Watoto wa mitaani au yatima",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "street_children_or_orphans"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "street_working_children",
+ "text": "Watoto wadogo wanaofanya kazi mitaani",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "street_working_children"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Haihusiki",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
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+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_ovp_kvp",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_ovp_kvp",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step8": {
+ "title": "Tathmini ya Dawa Kinga",
+ "next": "step9",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "should_enroll",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "should_enroll",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prep_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_assessment",
+ "label": "Mteja amekwisha fanyiwa tathmini ya matumizi ya dawa kinga?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prep_qualified",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_qualified",
+ "label": "Je, mteja anastahili kuanzishiwa dawa kinga?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step8:prep_assessment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step9": {
+ "title": "Uandikishaji wa Makundi Maalum",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_sdc_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu ni Mwenzi mwenye majibu kinzani, mteja anatakiwa kuandikishwa kwenye huduma rafiki za makundi maalum",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_agyw_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu ni Msichana rika balehe na mwanamke kijana, mteja anatakiwa kuandikishwa kwenye huduma rafiki za makundi maalum",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_ovp_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu ni Makundi mengine, Mteja anatakiwa kuandikishwa kwenye huduma rafiki za makundi maalum",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fsw_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu ni Mwanamke anayefanya biashara ya ngono, mteja anatakiwa kuandikishwa kwenye huduma rafiki za makundi mahalumu",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_pwud_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu ni Mtumiaji wa dawa za kulevya kwa njia nyingine, Mteja anatakiwa kuandikishwa kwenye huduma rafiki za makundi maalum",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_pwid_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu ni Mjidunga dawa za kulevya, Mteja anatakiwa kuandikishwa kwenye huduma rafiki za makundi maalum",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_no_group",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu anguki kwenye kundi lolote la wateja wa kundi malumu, Usimsajilimteja kwenye kuni maalum",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "birth_region",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birth_region",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "label_info_title": "Mkoa aliozaliwa mteja",
+ "label_info_text": "",
+ "hint": "Chagua mkoa aliozaliwa mteja",
+ "values": [
+ "Arusha",
+ "Dar es Salaam",
+ "Dodoma",
+ "Geita",
+ "Iringa",
+ "Kagera",
+ "Katavi",
+ "Kigoma",
+ "Kilimanjaro",
+ "Lindi",
+ "Manyara",
+ "Mara",
+ "Mbeya",
+ "Morogoro",
+ "Mtwara",
+ "Mwanza",
+ "Njombe",
+ "Pwani",
+ "Rukwa",
+ "Ruvuma",
+ "Shinyanga",
+ "Simiyu",
+ "Singida",
+ "Songwe",
+ "Tabora",
+ "Tanga"
+ ],
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+ "Arusha",
+ "Dar es Salaam",
+ "Dodoma",
+ "Geita",
+ "Iringa",
+ "Kagera",
+ "Katavi",
+ "Kigoma",
+ "Kilimanjaro",
+ "Lindi",
+ "Manyara",
+ "Mara",
+ "Mbeya",
+ "Morogoro",
+ "Mtwara",
+ "Mwanza",
+ "Njombe",
+ "Pwani",
+ "Rukwa",
+ "Ruvuma",
+ "Shinyanga",
+ "Simiyu",
+ "Singida",
+ "Songwe",
+ "Tabora",
+ "Tanga"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mkoa"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "enrollment_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrollment_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya usajili",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-1m",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_group",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_group",
+ "label": "chagua kundi la mteja kutokana na uchunguzi wa mtoa huduma",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "fsw",
+ "text": "Mwanamke anayefanya biashara ya ngono ",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fsw"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pwud",
+ "text": "Mtumiaji wa dawa za kulevya kwa njia nyingine",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pwud"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pwid",
+ "text": "Mjidunga dawa za kulevya",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pwid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prisoner",
+ "text": "Mfungwa",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoner"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rumandee",
+ "text": "Mahabusu",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rumandee"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "agyw",
+ "text": "Msichana rika balehe na mwanamke kijana ",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "agyw"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "serodiscordant_couple",
+ "text": "Mwenzi mwenye majibu kinzani",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "serodiscordant_couple"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mobile_population",
+ "text": "Makundi ya watu wanaohamahama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mobile_population"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_vulnerable_population",
+ "text": "Makundi mengine",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_vulnerable_population"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
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diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/kvp_screening_male.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/kvp_screening_male.json
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/kvp_screening_male.json
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+ "count": "8",
+ "skip_blank_steps": false,
+ "encounter_type": "KVP Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "PWUD",
+ "next": "step2",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "drug_use",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_use",
+ "label": "Umewahi kutumia Dawa za kulevya ndani ya miezi 12 iliyopita?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la swali"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_pwud",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_pwud",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "PWID",
+ "next": "step3",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "drug_injection",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_injection",
+ "label": "Umewahi kujidunga sindano za dawa ya kulevya?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la swali"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_pwid",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_pwid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step3": {
+ "title": "Sexual Behavior",
+ "next": "step4",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "sexual_intercourse",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_intercourse",
+ "label": "Umewahi kushiriki tendo la ngono",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la swali"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step4": {
+ "title": "Mwanaume Anayefanya Ngono na Mwanaume Mwenzie",
+ "next": "step5",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "sexual_intercourse_with",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_intercourse_with",
+ "label": "Je, unashiriki ngono na Mwanaume, Mwanamke au Wote?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "man",
+ "text": "Mwanaume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "man"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "woman",
+ "text": "Mwanamke",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "woman"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "both",
+ "text": "wote",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "both"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la swali"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_msm",
+ "type": "hidden",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step5": {
+ "title": "Serodiscordant Couple",
+ "next": "step6",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_status_on_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_status_on_screening",
+ "label": "Hali yako ya maambukizi ya VVU yakoje?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unknown",
+ "text": "haijulikani",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unknown"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la swali"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_positive_partner",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_positive_partner",
+ "label": "Je upo kwenye mahusiano ya kingono na mwenza mwenye VVU",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la swali"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_hiv_care_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_hiv_care_status",
+ "label": " chunguza vigezo vifuatavyo vya mwenza wake",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "not_started_art",
+ "text": "Hajaanza dawa za ART ",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_started_art"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "art_more_than_six_months_unused",
+ "text": "Hajatumia dawa za ART zaidi ya miezi 6 ",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "art_more_than_six_months_unused"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "art_adherence_doubt",
+ "text": "Ana mashaka juu ya ufuasi au matumizi ya dawa za ART",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "art_adherence_doubt"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_evidence_low_vl",
+ "text": "Mwenza hana ushahidi juu kufubaza VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_evidence_low_vl"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step5:hiv_positive_partner": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_counsel_for_testing",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mshauri mteja kuhusu upimaji wa VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step5:hiv_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"unknown\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_sdc",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_sdc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step6": {
+ "title": "Makundi Mengine Hatarishi",
+ "next": "step7",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prisoner_or_rumandee",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoner_or_rumandee",
+ "label": "Je mteja ni mfungwa au mahabusu?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "prisoner",
+ "text": "Mfungwa",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoner"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rumandee",
+ "text": "Mahabusu",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rumandee"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Haihusiki",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la swali"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mobile_population",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mobile_population",
+ "label": "Makundi ya wanaohamahama ",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "long_distance_drivers",
+ "text": "Madereva wa masafa marefu",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "long_distance_drivers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fishermen",
+ "text": "Wavuvi",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fishermen"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mining_workers",
+ "text": "Wafanyakazi migodini ",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mining_workers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "large_farm_farmers",
+ "text": "Wakulima wa mashamba makubwa ",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "large_farm_farmers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "road_builders",
+ "text": "Wajenzi wa barabara ",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "road_builders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Haihusiki",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la swali"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_groups_at_risk",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_groups_at_risk",
+ "label": "Makundi mengine yaliyo katika hatari ya maambukizi ya VVU",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "disabled",
+ "text": "Walemavu",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "street_children_or_orphans",
+ "text": "Watoto wa mitaani au yatima",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "street_children_or_orphans"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "street_working_children",
+ "text": "Watoto wadogo wanaofanya kazi mitaani",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "street_working_children"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Haihusiki",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la swali"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_ovp_kvp",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_ovp_kvp",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step7": {
+ "title": "Tathmini ya Dawa Kinga",
+ "next": "step8",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "should_enroll",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "should_enroll",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prep_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_assessment",
+ "label": "Mteja amekwisha fanyiwa tathmini ya matumizi ya dawa kinga?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prep_qualified",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_qualified",
+ "label": "Je, mteja anastahili kuanzishiwa dawa kinga?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la swali"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step7:prep_assessment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step8": {
+ "title": "Uandikishaji wa Makundi Maalum",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_sdc_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu ni Mwenzi mwenye majibu kinzani, mteja anatakiwa kuandikishwa kwenye huduma rafiki za makundi maalum ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_msm_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu ni Mwanaume anayefanya ngono na mwanaume mwenzie, Mteja anatakiwa kuandikishwa kwenye huduma rafiki za makundi maalum ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_pwud_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu ni Mtumiaji wa dawa za kulevya kwa njia nyingine, Mteja anatakiwa kuandikishwa kwenye huduma rafiki za makundi maalum ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_pwid_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu ni Mjidunga dawa za kulevya, Mteja anatakiwa kuandikishwa kwenye huduma rafiki za makundi maalum ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_no_group",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu anguki kwenye kundi lolote la wateja wa kundi malumu, Usimsajilimteja kwenye kuni maalum",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_ovp_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu ni Makundi mengine, Mteja anatakiwa kuandikishwa kwenye huduma rafiki za makundi maalum ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "birth_region",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birth_region",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "label_info_title": "Mkoa aliozaliwa mteja",
+ "label_info_text": "",
+ "hint": "Chagua mkoa aliozaliwa mteja",
+ "values": [
+ "Arusha",
+ "Dar es Salaam",
+ "Dodoma",
+ "Geita",
+ "Iringa",
+ "Kagera",
+ "Katavi",
+ "Kigoma",
+ "Kilimanjaro",
+ "Lindi",
+ "Manyara",
+ "Mara",
+ "Mbeya",
+ "Morogoro",
+ "Mtwara",
+ "Mwanza",
+ "Njombe",
+ "Pwani",
+ "Rukwa",
+ "Ruvuma",
+ "Shinyanga",
+ "Simiyu",
+ "Singida",
+ "Songwe",
+ "Tabora",
+ "Tanga"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Arusha",
+ "Dar es Salaam",
+ "Dodoma",
+ "Geita",
+ "Iringa",
+ "Kagera",
+ "Katavi",
+ "Kigoma",
+ "Kilimanjaro",
+ "Lindi",
+ "Manyara",
+ "Mara",
+ "Mbeya",
+ "Morogoro",
+ "Mtwara",
+ "Mwanza",
+ "Njombe",
+ "Pwani",
+ "Rukwa",
+ "Ruvuma",
+ "Shinyanga",
+ "Simiyu",
+ "Singida",
+ "Songwe",
+ "Tabora",
+ "Tanga"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mkoa"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "enrollment_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrollment_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuandikishwa",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-1m",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_group",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_group",
+ "label": "Select the client group as screened by the health care provider",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "msm",
+ "text": "High Risk Men",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "msm"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pwud",
+ "text": "PWUD",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pwud"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pwid",
+ "text": "PWID",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pwid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prisoner",
+ "text": "Prisoners",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoner"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rumandee",
+ "text": "Rumandee",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rumandee"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "serodiscordant_couple",
+ "text": "Mwenza /mwenye majibu kinzani",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "serodiscordant_couple"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mobile_population",
+ "text": "Mobile population",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mobile_population"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_vulnerable_population",
+ "text": "Other vulnerable population",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_vulnerable_population"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza jibu la maswali"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/kvp_sti_screening.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/kvp_sti_screening.json
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/kvp_sti_screening.json
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+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP STI",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Magonjwa ya Ngono",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "sti_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sti_screening",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kuchunguzwa magonjwa ya Ngono",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "screening_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Hajachunguzwa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "screening_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "treatment_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "treatment_provided",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Ametibiwa magonjwa ya ngono (kama alipata)",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "treated",
+ "text": "Ametibiwa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "treated"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referral",
+ "text": "Amepewa rufaa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referral"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_treated",
+ "text": "Haihusiki",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_treated"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:sti_screening": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_further_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpe refa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_further_management",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:treatment_provided": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"not_treated\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/kvp_tb_investigation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/kvp_tb_investigation.json
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+ "encounter_type": "KVP TB Investigation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Kifua Kikuu",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "tb_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_screening",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Mteja amefanyiwa uchunguzi wa kifua kikuu",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "presumptive",
+ "text": "Ana dalili ",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "presumptive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_presumptive",
+ "text": "Hana dalili",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_presumptive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_screened",
+ "text": "Hajachunguzwa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_screened"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tb_investigation",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie mteja rufa kwa ajili ya kipimo cha kifua kikuu",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:tb_screening": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"presumptive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/kvp_vmmc_services.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/kvp_vmmc_services.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22f505596
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/kvp_vmmc_services.json
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP VMMC",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Huduma za Tohara",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "vmcc_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vmcc_provided",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, mteja alipewa huduma za Tohara?",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "provided",
+ "text": "Alipewa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_provided",
+ "text": "Hakupewa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referred",
+ "text": "Amepewa rufaa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referred"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Haihusiki",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/malaria_confirmation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/malaria_confirmation.json
index 7e9efb2c6..da0bae284 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/malaria_confirmation.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/malaria_confirmation.json
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
- "validate_on_submit": true,
- "show_errors_on_submit": false,
"count": "2",
"encounter_type": "Malaria Confirmation",
"entity_id": "",
@@ -54,7 +52,7 @@
"step1": {
- "title": "Uhakiki wa Malaria",
+ "title": "Malaria Confirmation",
"next": "step2",
"fields": [
@@ -77,14 +75,10 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fever_malaria_chw",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, mteja ana homa au aligunduliwa kuwa na malaria ndani ya siku 14 katika kituo cha afya?",
+ "hint": "Je, mtu huyu ana homa au alipima malaria katika siku 14 zilizopita kwenye kituo cha afya?",
"values": [
"Ana homa",
- "Alikuwa na malaria ndani ya siku 14"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "Has a fever",
- "Tested positive for malaria in the last 14 days at a health facility"
+ "Alipimwa na kuwa na malaria katika siku 14 zilizopita katika kituo cha afya"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
@@ -101,14 +95,10 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Umekuwa na homa kwa muda gani?",
+ "hint": "Muda wa homa?",
"values": [
- "Ndani ya saa 24",
- "Zaidi ya saa 24"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "Less than 24 hrs",
- "More than 24 hrs"
+ "Chini ya masaa 24",
+ "Zaidi ya masaa 24"
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
@@ -132,16 +122,11 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Majibu ya mRDT",
+ "hint": "Matokeo ya mRDT",
"values": [
- "Kipimo hakijafanyika"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "Positive",
- "Negative",
- "Not done"
+ "Haijafanyika"
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
@@ -166,12 +151,12 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "date_hf_malaria_test",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kipimo cha malaria katika kituo cha afya",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kufanyika kwa kipimo cha malaria katika kituo cha afya",
"expanded": false,
"max_date": "today",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya majaribio ya ugonjwa wa malaria katika kituo cha afya"
+ "err": "Tafahdali ingiza tarehe ya kufanyika kwa kipimo cha malaria katika kituo cha afya"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -215,23 +200,15 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_treat",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Matibabu aliyopewa",
+ "hint": "Matibabu yaliyotolewa",
"values": [
"ALU 6",
"ALU 12",
"ALU 18",
"ALU 24",
- "Hajapewa",
+ "Hayakutolewa",
"Matibabu mengine"
- "keys": [
- "ALU 6",
- "ALU 12",
- "ALU 18",
- "ALU 24",
- "Not given",
- "Other treatment"
- ],
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
@@ -255,7 +232,7 @@
"step2": {
- "title": "Kuzuia Malaria",
+ "title": "Malaria Prevention",
"fields": [
"key": "fam_llin",
@@ -263,22 +240,18 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fam_llin",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Ana chandarua chenye viuwatilifu?",
+ "hint": "Je, una chandarua chenye dawa inayodumu kwa muda mrefu (LLIN)?",
"values": [
- "keys": [
- "Yes",
- "No"
- ],
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo moja"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguzi moja"
@@ -287,22 +260,18 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "llin_2days",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, amelala kwenye chandarua chenye viuwatilifu usiku uliopita?",
+ "hint": "Je, ulilala chini ya chandarua (LLIN) jana usiku?",
"values": [
- "keys": [
- "Yes",
- "No"
- ],
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo moja"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguzi moja"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -318,14 +287,10 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "llin_condition",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Hali ya chandarua chenye viuwatilifu kinachotumika",
+ "hint": "Hali ya chandarua (LLIN)",
"values": [
- "Nzima",
- "Mbovu"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "Okay",
- "Bad"
+ "Nzuri",
+ "Mbaya"
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
@@ -333,7 +298,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo moja"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguzi moja"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -349,22 +314,14 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Mada juu ya ugonjwa wa malaria zilizofundishwa",
+ "hint": "Mada za malaria zilizojadiliwa",
"values": [
- "Muktasari kuhusu ugonjwa wa malaria",
- "Kuzuia malaria",
- "Malaria isiyokali",
- "Malaria kali",
- "Malaria kwa mama mjamzito",
- "Hajafanya"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "Overview on malaria",
- "Malaria prevention",
- "Uncomplicated malaria",
- "Severe malaria",
- "Malaria in pregnancy",
- "None"
+ "Muhtasari wa ugonjwa wa malaria",
+ "Kuzuia Malaria",
+ "Malaria isiyo ngumu",
+ "Ml\\alaria kali",
+ "Malaria wakati wa ujauzito",
+ "Hakuna"
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
"Overview on malaria": "116128AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
@@ -376,7 +333,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo moja"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguzi moja"
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/malaria_follow_up_hf.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/malaria_follow_up_hf.json
index 524f7786b..304106537 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/malaria_follow_up_hf.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/malaria_follow_up_hf.json
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
"hint": "Uzito (kg)",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza uzito (kg)"
+ "err": "Tafhadhali ingiza uzito"
@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@
"hint": "Urefu (cm)",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza urefu (cm)"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza urefu"
@@ -113,19 +113,19 @@
"key": "mRDT_not_done",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Kipimo cha mRDT hakitakiwi kufanyika",
+ "text": "mRDT haijafanyika",
"value": false
"key": "Other_tests",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Vipimo vingine",
+ "text": "Vpipimo vingine",
"value": false
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali onesha vipimo vilivyoamuru"
+ "err": "Tafadhali onyesha vipimo vilivyoagizwa"
@@ -134,19 +134,19 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "no_mrdt_malaria_hf",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Sababu ya kutofanyika kipimo cha mRDT",
+ "label": "Sababu ya kipimo cha mRDT kutofanyika",
"combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
"options": [
"key": "stock_out",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Ukosefu wa vitendanishi",
+ "text": "Vifaa vimeisha",
"value": false
"key": "mRDT_done_within_14_days",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Kipimo cha mRDT kimefanyika ndani ya siku 14",
+ "text": "mRDT imefanyika ndani ya siku 14",
"value": false
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu ya mRDT haijafanywa"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu ya kutofanya kipimo cha mRDT"
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "other_test_malaria_hf",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Taja vipimo vingine vilivyoagizwa",
+ "hint": "Vipimo vingu=ine vilivyoombwa",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": false,
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza majaribio mengine yaliyoombewa"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza vipimo vingine vilivyoombwa"
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "test_results_malaria_hf",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Matokeo ya vipimo",
+ "label": "Matokeo ya kipimo",
"options": [
"key": "mRDT_positive",
@@ -199,31 +199,31 @@
"key": "mRDT_negative",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "mRDT hasi",
+ "text": "mRDT hasi ",
"value": false
"key": "Malaria_parasite_seen",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Kuna vimelea vya malaria",
+ "text": "Kijidudu cha Malaria kimeonekana",
"value": false
"key": "No_malaria_parasite_seen",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Hakuna vimelea vya malaria",
+ "text": "Kijidudu cha Malaria hakionekani",
"value": false
"key": "Other_test_results",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Matokeo ya vipimo vingines",
+ "text": "Matokeo mengine ya kipimo",
"value": false
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua matokeo ya jaribio"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza matokeo ya kipimo"
@@ -233,7 +233,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "other_test_results_malaria_hf",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Matokeo ya vipimo vingine",
+ "hint": "Matokeo mengine ya kipimo",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza matokeo mengine"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza matokeo megine ya kipimo"
@@ -252,13 +252,13 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "diagnosis_malaria_hf",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Diagnosis",
+ "label": "Utambuzi",
"combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
"options": [
"key": "Uncomplicated_malaria",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Malaria isiyo kali",
+ "text": "Malaria isiyo ngumu",
"value": false
@@ -270,13 +270,13 @@
"key": "Other_diagnosis",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Diagnosis nyingine",
+ "text": "Utambuzi mwingine",
"value": false
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua utambuzi"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza utambuzi"
@@ -286,7 +286,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "other_diagnosis_malaria_hf",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Diagnosis nyingine",
+ "hint": "Utambuzi mwingine",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza diagnosis nyingine"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza utambuzi mwingine"
@@ -306,30 +306,30 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "treat_malaria_hf",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
- "label": "Matibabu aliyoandikiwa",
+ "label": "Matibabu yaliyotolewa",
"options": [
"key": "ALU_1_x_6_strips",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "ALU ya 1 x 6",
+ "text": "Vipande vya ALU 1 x ",
"value": false
"key": "ALU_2_x_6_strips",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "ALU ya 2 x 6",
+ "text": "Vipande vya ALU 2 x 6",
"value": false
"key": "ALU_3_x_6_strips",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "ALU ya 3 x 6",
+ "text": "Vipandde vya ALU 3 x 6",
"value": false
"key": "ALU_4_x_6_strips",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "ALU ya 4 x 6",
+ "text": "Vipande vya ALU 4 x 6",
"value": false
@@ -341,13 +341,13 @@
"key": "Paracetamol",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Panadol (Dawa ya kupunguza maumivu)",
+ "text": "Paracetamol",
"value": false
"key": "Other_drugs",
"openmrs_choice_id": "NA",
- "text": "Dawa nyingine",
+ "text": "Dawa zingine",
"value": false
@@ -360,7 +360,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza matibabu iliyowekwa"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza matibabu yaliyotolewa"
@@ -370,7 +370,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "treat_other_malaria_hf",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Taja dawa nyingine zilizotolewa",
+ "hint": "Taja dawa zingine zilizotolewa",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -380,7 +380,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Taja dawa nyingine zilizotolewa"
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza dawa zingine"
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Rufaa"
+ "text": "Amepewa rufaa"
"key": "Admitted",
@@ -410,14 +410,14 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Kifo"
+ "text": "Amefariki"
"key": "Discharge",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Ameruhusiwa"
+ "text": "Ametolewa"
"v_required": {
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@
"hint": "Maoni",
"v_required": {
"value": "false",
- "err": null
+ "err": "Hamna"
@@ -444,70 +444,70 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "hcp_attending",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Kada ya mtoa huduma kwa mteja",
+ "label": "Wadhifa wa mtoa huduma wa afya anamhudumia mteja",
"options": [
"key": "Medical_Doctor_MD",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Medical Doctor (MD)"
+ "text": "Daktari wa Tiba (MD)"
"key": "Assistant_Medical_Doctor_AMO",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Assistant Medical Doctor (AMO)"
+ "text": "Daktari Msaidizi wa Tiba (AMO)"
"key": "Clinical_Officer_CO",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Clinical Officer (CO)"
+ "text": "Afisa wa Kliniki (CO)"
"key": "Assistance_Clincal_Officer_ACO",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Assistance Clincal Officer (ACO)"
+ "text": "Afisa Msaidizi wa Kliniki (ACO)"
"key": "Nursing_Officer_NO",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Nursing Officer (NO)"
+ "text": "Afisa Muuguzi (NO)"
"key": "Assistant_Nursing_officer_ANO",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Assistant Nursing officer (ANO)"
+ "text": "Afisa Muuguzi Msaidizi"
"key": "Enrolled_Nurse_EN",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Enrolled Nurse (EN)"
+ "text": "Muuguzi aliyeanzikishwa (EN)"
"key": "Medical_Attendant_MAT",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Medical Attendant (MAT)"
+ "text": "Mhudumu wa matibabu (MAT)"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua kichwa cha kuhudhuria"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua wadhifa wa mtoa huduma wa afya anayehudumia"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/malaria_follow_up_visit.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/malaria_follow_up_visit.json
index e0f2b312b..42251ff69 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/malaria_follow_up_visit.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/malaria_follow_up_visit.json
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Je, ulienda hospitali kwa ajili ya kipimo na matibabu ya malaria?",
+ "label": "Je, ulipokea rufaa au ulienda hospitali kwa matibabu ya malaria?",
"options": [
"key": "Yes",
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": null
+ "err": "null"
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "162686AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Matibabu uliyopewa",
+ "label": "Matibabu yaliyotolewa",
"options": [
"key": "ALU_6",
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Amepewa matibabu, lakini hakumbuki aina gani"
+ "text": "Amepewa matibabu, ila hakumbuki ni yapi hasa"
"key": "Not_given_treatment",
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": null
+ "err": "null"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Sababu ya kutopata matibabu",
+ "label": "Sababu ya kutopewa matibabu",
"options": [
"key": "Referral_unsuccessful",
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Dawa zimeisha"
+ "text": "Dawa ziliisha"
"key": "Other_reason",
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": null
+ "err": "null"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "140238AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Je, bado ana homa?",
+ "label": "Bado una homa?",
"options": [
"key": "Yes",
@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": null
+ "err": "null"
@@ -230,26 +230,26 @@
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Umekuwa na homa kwa muda gani?",
+ "label": "Muda wa homa",
"options": [
"key": "Less_than_24hrs",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "164449AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Ndani ya saa 24"
+ "text": "Chini ya masaa 24"
"key": "More_than_24hrs",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "NA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Zaidi ya saa 24"
+ "text": "Zaidi ya masaa 24"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": null
+ "err": "null"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_family_planning_change_method.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_family_planning_change_method.json
index 23bde024b..f68baf9c5 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_family_planning_change_method.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_family_planning_change_method.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -54,7 +49,7 @@
"step1": {
- "title": "Badilisha au acha fomu ya uzazi wa mpango",
+ "title": "Change or Stop FP form",
"next": "step2",
"fields": [
@@ -84,7 +79,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "164901AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Sababu za kuacha kutumia njia za uzazi wa mpango ya sasa",
+ "label": "Sababu ya mwanaume kusitisha njia yake ya sasa ya kupanga uzazi",
"options": [
"key": "side_effects",
@@ -98,29 +93,28 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "160571AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Anataka mimba"
+ "text": "Anataka Kuzalisha"
"key": "doesnt_want_to_use_anymore",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "164260AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Hataki kutumia sasa "
+ "text": "Hataki kutumia tena"
"key": "decided_to_change_method",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "163494AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "value": false,
- "text": "Aliamua kubadilisha mpango wa uzazi"
+ "text": "Iliamua kubadilisha mbinu"
"key": "others",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Nyingine"
+ "text": "Wengine"
"v_required": {
@@ -138,7 +132,7 @@
"hint": "Sababu nyingine",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ni lazima kuingiza sababu nyingine"
+ "err": "Inahitajika"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -158,7 +152,7 @@
"hint": "Madhara",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ni lazima kuingiza madhara"
+ "err": "Inahitajika"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -171,7 +165,7 @@
"step2": {
- "title": "Njia ya uzazi wa mpango",
+ "title": "Family planning method",
"fields": [
"key": "fp_method_accepted",
@@ -179,11 +173,11 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_method_accepted",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Njia za uzazi wa mpango selected",
+ "hint": "Mbinu ya kupanga uzazi imechaguliwa",
"values": [
"Kondomu ya kiume",
"Kondomu ya kike",
- "Kufunga kizazi mwanamme"
+ "Kufunga kizazi kwa wanaume"
"keys": [
"Male condom",
@@ -214,18 +208,18 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "no_condoms",
"type": "edit_text",
"edit_type": "number",
- "hint": "Amepata vipande vya kondpmu vingapi?",
+ "hint": "Je, alipewa kondomu ngapi?",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Sawa au kubwa kuliko 0"
+ "err": "Sawa au zaidi ya 0"
"v_numeric_integer": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Lazima iwe nambari iliyo na mviringo"
+ "err": "Weka umri halali"
"v_min": {
"value": "0",
- "err": "Nambari lazima iwe sawa au kubwa kuliko 0"
+ "err": "Nambari lazima iwe sawa au zaidi ya 0"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -256,9 +250,9 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "counselling_use",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, ameshauri jinsi ya kutumia njia za uzazi wa mpango aliyochagua?",
+ "hint": "Je, alishauriwa jinsi ya kutumia njia ya kupanga uzazi?",
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
+ "Ndio",
"keys": [
@@ -287,7 +281,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_male_ster",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kufunga kizazi cha mwanamume",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya Kufunga kizazi ya kiume",
"max_date": "today",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -298,7 +292,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ni lazima kuingiza tarehe ya kufunga kizazi cha mwanamume"
+ "err": "Inahitajika"
@@ -322,8 +316,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Tumia kondomu kwa miezi mitatu kuzuia ujazito",
- "toaster_info_text": "Tumia kondomu kwa miezi mitatu kuzuia ujazito",
+ "text": "Mshauri mwanaume atumie kondomu kwa muda wa miezi 3 ya kwanza ili kuzuia mimba",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Advise the man to use condoms for the first 3 months to prevent pregnancy",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -335,4 +329,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_family_planning_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_family_planning_registration.json
index dbcbe7dfd..205cec95b 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_family_planning_registration.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_family_planning_registration.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -54,21 +49,9 @@
"step1": {
- "title": "Maelezo ya usajili wa uzazi wa mpango",
+ "title": "Family planning registration Info",
"next": "step2",
"fields": [
- {
- "key": "sync_location_id",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "sync_location_id",
- "type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Tafadhali chagua eneo la CHW",
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua eno la CHW"
- }
- },
"key": "fp_reg_date",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
@@ -96,14 +79,14 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Je, alishauriwa kwa njia tofauti za uzazi wa mpango?",
+ "label": "Je, alishauriwa kuhusu mbinu tofauti za kupanga uzazi?",
"options": [
"key": "yes",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Ndiyo"
+ "text": "Ndio"
"key": "no",
@@ -115,7 +98,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo moja"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
@@ -131,7 +114,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "text": "Ndiyo"
+ "text": "Ndio"
"key": "no",
@@ -149,7 +132,7 @@
"step2": {
- "title": "Njia ya uzazi wa mpango",
+ "title": "Family planning method",
"fields": [
"key": "fp_method_accepted",
@@ -157,16 +140,11 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_method_accepted",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Njia za uzazi wa mpango selected",
+ "hint": "Mbinu ya kupanga uzazi imechaguliwa",
"values": [
"Kondomu ya kiume",
"Kondomu ya kike",
- "Kufunga kizazi mwanamme"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "Male condom",
- "Female condom",
- "Male sterilization"
+ "Kufunga kizazi kwa wanaume"
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
@@ -199,18 +177,18 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "no_condoms",
"type": "edit_text",
"edit_type": "number",
- "hint": "Amepata vipande vya kondpmu vingapi?",
+ "hint": "Je, alipewa kondomu ngapi?",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Sawa au kubwa kuliko 0"
+ "err": "Sawa au zaidi ya 0"
"v_numeric_integer": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Lazima iwe nambari iliyo na mviringo"
+ "err": "Weka umri halali"
"v_min": {
"value": "0",
- "err": "Nambari lazima iwe sawa au kubwa kuliko 0"
+ "err": "Nambari lazima iwe sawa au zaidi ya 0"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -225,8 +203,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_condom",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hidden": true,
+ "type": "hidden",
"calculation": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -241,15 +218,11 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "counselling_use",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, ameshauri jinsi ya kutumia njia za uzazi wa mpango aliyochagua?",
+ "hint": "Je, alishauriwa jinsi ya kutumia njia ya kupanga uzazi?",
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
+ "Ndio",
- "keys": [
- "Yes",
- "No"
- ],
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
@@ -272,7 +245,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_male_ster",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kufunga kizazi cha mwanamume",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kufunga kizazi ya kiume",
"max_date": "today",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -283,7 +256,7 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Ni lazime kuingiza tarehe ya kufunga kizazi cha mwanamume"
+ "err": "Inahitajika"
@@ -292,8 +265,8 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Tumia kondomu kwa miezi mitatu kuzuia ujazito",
- "toaster_info_text": "Tumia kondomu kwa miezi mitatu kuzuia ujazito",
+ "text": "Mshauri mwanaume atumie kondomu kwa muda wa miezi 3 ya kwanza ili kuzuia mimba",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Mshauri mwanaume atumie kondomu kwa muda wa miezi 3 ya kwanza ili kuzuia mimba",
"toaster_type": "info",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -320,4 +293,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_fp_referral_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_fp_referral_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..062bb4a72
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_fp_referral_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Family Planning Referral",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "today": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Family Planning Referral",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "fp_method_accepted_referral",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Mbinu ya FP iliyochaguliwa inayohitaji rufaa",
+ "label_text_style": "bold",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "Male_condom",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "164813AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Kondomu ya kiume"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Female_condom",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "164814AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Kondomu ya kike"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Male_sterilization",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Kufunga kizazi kwa wanaume"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "164369AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Hakuna"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Not_applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Haitumiki"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mbinu ya kupanga uzazi"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "side_effects_sterialization",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Madhara ya uzazi wa mpango",
+ "label_text_style": "bold",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "None",
+ "Not_applicable"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "Incisional_bleeding",
+ "text": "Kutokwa na damu kwa mkato",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "147241AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Pus_Discharge_from_incision",
+ "text": "Usaha/Kutokwa na chale",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "164495AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Swollen_around_the_incision",
+ "text": "Kuvimba karibu na chale",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "159012AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Others",
+ "text": "Wengine",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "None",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "164369AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Not_applicable",
+ "text": "Haitumiki",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua "
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_fp_referral_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fp_side_effects",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "165273AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "is_problem": false,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "fp_referral_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fp_side_effects_other",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Madhara mengine",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha madhara mengine"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_fp_referral_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referral_date_fp",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163181AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "is_problem": false,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "fp_referral_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referral_time_fp",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "is_problem": false,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "fp_referral_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_partner_registration_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_partner_registration_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..182cce261
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/male_partner_registration_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,943 @@
+ "count": "2",
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+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Taarifa za mteja",
+ "next": "step2",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "fam_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fam_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Jina la Ukoo",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Ukoo"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Ukoo"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Jina la Kwanza",
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+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Kwanza"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "client_middle_name",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
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+ "hint": "Jina la Kati",
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+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Kati"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unique_id",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
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+ "hint": "Nambari ya utambulisho",
+ "scanButtonText": "Scan QR Code",
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+ "err": "Tafadhali weka kitambulisho halali"
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "fam_village",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cityVillage",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Jina la eneo",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina la eneo au mji"
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "landmark",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "landmark",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Alama/Maelezo ya eneo la nyumba",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka alama/maelezo ya eneo."
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sync_location_id",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Chagua eneo la WAJA",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Chagua eneo la WAJA"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "Taarifa za mteja",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "unique_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "hint": "Kituoni ID",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka kitambulisho halali"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka kitambulisho cha KIPEKEE"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
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+ "hint": "Jina la Ukoo",
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+ "read_only": true,
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Ukoo"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "first_name",
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+ "hint": "Jina la Kwanza",
+ "edit_type": "name",
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+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Kwanza"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
+ },
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "middle_name",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
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+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka jina halali"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Kati"
+ },
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa (DOB)",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "duration": {
+ "label": "Umri"
+ },
+ "min_date": "today-120y",
+ "max_date": "today-11y",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa (DOB)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "age_calculated",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdateApprox",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
+ "text": "Tarehe ya kuzaliwa haijulikani",
+ "text_size": "18px",
+ "value": "false"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "age",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Umri",
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Must be a rounded number"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "3",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid age"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Lazima iwe namba kamili"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "11",
+ "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawa au zaidi ya 11"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "120",
+ "err": "Umri lazima uwe sawa au chini ya 120"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka umri"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "marital_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "marital_status",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Hali ya Ndoa ya Mteja?",
+ "values": [
+ "Hajaoa/Hajaolewa",
+ "Ameoa/Ameolewa",
+ "Ameachwa",
+ "Mjane/Mgane",
+ "Kuishi pamoja bila ndoa"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Single": "Single",
+ "Married": "Married",
+ "Divorced": "Divorced",
+ "Widowed": "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation": "Cohabitation"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya simu ya mteja",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe jumla ya tarakimu 10 kwa urefu"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "id_avail",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "id_avail",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Je, una kitambulisho chochote kati ya vifuatavyo?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_national_id",
+ "text": "Kitambulisho cha Taifa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_national_id"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_voters_id",
+ "text": "Kitambulisho cha usajili wa mpiga kura",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_voters_id"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_drivers_license",
+ "text": "Leseni ya udereva",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_drivers_license"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "national_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "National_ID",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "########-#####-#####-##",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345678912",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha taifa k.m 12345678-91234-56789-12",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "23",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^\\d{8}-\\d{5}-\\d{5}-\\d{2}$",
+ "err": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha kitaifa inapaswa kuwa ya umbizo (XXXXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_national_id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "voter_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Voter_Registration_Number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "T-####-####-###-#",
+ "mask_hint": "123456789123",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya kitambulisho cha mpiga kura k.m T-1234-5678-912-3",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^T-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{3}-\\d{1}$",
+ "err": "Namba ya kitambulosho cha mpiga kura inapaswa kuwa ya umbizo (T-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-X)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_voters_id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "driver_license",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Driver_License_Number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##########",
+ "mask_hint": "1234567891",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya leseni ya udereva k.m 1234567891",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka namba sahihi"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^([0-9]{10})",
+ "err": "Namba ya leseni ya udereva inapaswa kuwa ya umbizo (XXXXXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_drivers_license"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Mtoa huduma ya bima ya afya",
+ "values": [
+ "Mfuko wa Afya ya Jamii (CHF)/(iCHF)",
+ "Mfuko wa Taifa wa Hifadhi ya Jamii - Manufaa ya Bima ya Afya ya Jamii (SHIB)",
+ "Mfuko wa Taifa wa Bima ya Afya (NHIF)",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
+ "AAR Huduma ya Afya",
+ "Bima ya afya Strategies",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Britam Tanzania",
+ "Bima ya afya Jubilee",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Resolutions",
+ "Bima ya afya ya Reliance",
+ "Nyinginezo",
+ "Hakuna"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
+ "AAR Healthcare",
+ "Strategies Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance",
+ "Other",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)": "Community_Health_Fund",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)": "National_Social_Security_Fund",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)": "National_Health_Insurance_Fund",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)": "Tiba_kwa_Kadi",
+ "AAR Healthcare": "AAR_Healthcare",
+ "AAR Strategies Insurance": "Strategies_Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)": "BIMA_Mkononi",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania": "Britam_Insurance_Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance": "Jubilee_Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance": "Resolutions_Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance": "Reliance_Insurance",
+ "Other": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "None": "No_Health_Insurance"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza mtoa huduma wa bima"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Mtoa huduma mwingine wa bima ya afya",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha mtoa huduma wa bima"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya mtoa huduma ya bima ya afya",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ongeza Namba ya kitambulisho ya mtoa huduma wa bima ya afya"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "wra",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mra",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Ulemavu wa kimwili",
+ "values": [
+ "Ndio ",
+ "Hapana"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
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+ },
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+ {
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+ "chk_other"
+ ]
+ }
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+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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"fields": [
"key": "date_of_illness",
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
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+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza Jaza kiasi cha CD4"
+ }
+ },
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+ "text": "Mteja huyu mwanzishie CTX",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"350\")"
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+ },
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+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"350\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "reason_for_not_starting_ctx",
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+ },
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+ "text": "Mteja ana mzio na dawa hizi za CTXja ana ",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_allergic_to_ctx"
+ },
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+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:started_ctx": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cd4_result_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cd4_result_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_cd4_test_results_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT clinical staging of disease",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Hatua ya Ugonjwa",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "clinical_staging_disease",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Hatua ya Ugonjwa (Clinical staging of disease)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinical_staging_disease",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "Hatua ya 1",
+ "Hatua ya 2",
+ "Hatua ya 3",
+ "Hatua ya 4"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "stage_1",
+ "stage_2",
+ "stage_3",
+ "stage_4"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "stage_1": "stage_1",
+ "stage_2": "stage_2",
+ "stage_3": "stage_3",
+ "stage_4": "stage_4"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stage_1_symptoms",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Chagua dalili zinazoendana na Mteja",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stage_1_symptoms",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_asymptomatic"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_asymptomatic",
+ "text": "Hakuna dalili yeyote ya tatizo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_asymptomatic",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_pgl",
+ "text": "Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (PGL) Unexplained, asymptomatic hepatosplenomegaly",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pgl",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:clinical_staging_disease": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"stage_1\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua dalili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stage_2_symptoms",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Tafadhali chagua dalili zinaendana na Mteja",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stage_2_symptoms",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_ppe",
+ "text": "Papular pruritic eruptions (PPE)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_ppe",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_seb_derm",
+ "text": "Seborrheic dermatitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_seb_derm",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_fung_infection",
+ "text": "Rangi ya kucha kubadilika kuwa nyeusi au kahawa inayo sababishwa na maradhi sugu ya fangasi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_fung_infection",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_seb_dermatitis",
+ "text": "Seborrheic dermatitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_seb_dermatitis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_ang_cheilities",
+ "text": "Angular cheilitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_ang_cheilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_lin_erythema",
+ "text": "Linear gingival erythema",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_lin_erythema",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_hpv_infection",
+ "text": "Extensive HPV or molluscum infection (>5% of body area/face)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_hpv_infection",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_oral_ulcer",
+ "text": "Recurrent oral ulcerations (>2 episodes/ in 6 months)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_oral_ulcer",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_par_enlargement",
+ "text": "Parotid enlargement",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_par_enlargement",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_herp_zoster",
+ "text": "Herpes zoster (>1 episode/12 months)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_herp_zoster",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_rec_uri",
+ "text": "Recurrent or chronic upper respiratory infection (URI): otitis media, otorrhoea, sinusitis (>2 episodes/6 months)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_rec_uri",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:clinical_staging_disease": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"stage_2\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua dalili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stage_3_symptoms",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Chagua dalili zinazoendana na Mteja",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stage_3_symptoms",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_mod_malnutrition",
+ "text": "Unexplained moderate malnutrition (-2SD or Z score) not responding to standard therapy",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_mod_malnutrition",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_per_diarrhoea",
+ "text": "Unexplained persistent diarrhoea (>14 days)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_per_diarrhoea",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_per_fever",
+ "text": "Unexplained persistent fever (intermittent or constant, > 1 mo.)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_per_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_oral_candidiasis",
+ "text": "Oral candidiasis (outside neonatal period)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_oral_candidiasis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_oral_leucoplakia",
+ "text": "Oral hairy Leucoplakia",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_oral_leucoplakia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_pul_tuberculosis",
+ "text": "Pulmonary tuberculosis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pul_tuberculosis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_rec_pneumonia",
+ "text": "Severe recurrent presumed bacterial pneumonia (>2 episodes/12 months)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_rec_pneumonia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_acute_gingivitis",
+ "text": "Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis/periodontitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_acute_gingivitis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_lym_pneumonitis",
+ "text": "Lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis (LIP)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_lym_pneumonitis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_unexp_anaemia",
+ "text": "Unexplained anaemia (<8g/dL), neutropenia (<1000/mm3), or thrombocytopenia (<30,000/mm3) for >1 mo.",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_unexp_anaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:clinical_staging_disease": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"stage_3\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua dalili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stage_4_symptoms",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Tafadhali chagua dalili zinazoendana na Mteja",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stage_4_symptoms",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_sev_wasting",
+ "text": "Unexplained severe wasting or severe malnutrition (-3 SD or Z score) not responding to standard therapy",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_sev_wasting",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_pneu_penumonia",
+ "text": "Pneumocystis pneumonia",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pneu_penumonia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_recurrent_bacinf",
+ "text": "Recurrent severe bacterial infections (>2 episodes/12 months, excluding pneumonia)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_recurrent_bacinf",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_orol_hsv",
+ "text": "Chronic orolabial or cutaneous HSV (lasting > 1 mo)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_orol_hsv",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_extra_tuber",
+ "text": "Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_extra_tuber",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_kap_sarcoma",
+ "text": "Kaposi’s sarcoma",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_kap_sarcoma",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_oes_candidiasis",
+ "text": "Oesophageal candidiasis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_oes_candidiasis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_cns_toxoplasmosis",
+ "text": "CNS toxoplasmosis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_cns_toxoplasmosis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_crypt_meningitis",
+ "text": "Cryptococcal meningitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_crypt_meningitis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_ende_mycosis",
+ "text": "Any disseminated endemic mycosis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_ende_mycosis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_cryp_isos",
+ "text": "Cryptosporidiosis or Isosporiasis (with diarrhoea > 1 month)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_cryp_isos",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_cmv_organ",
+ "text": "CMV infection of organ other than liver, spleen, lymph nodes (and onset age >1 month)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_cmv_organ",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_dis_mycobacterial",
+ "text": "Disseminated mycobacterial disease other",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_dis_mycobacterial",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:clinical_staging_disease": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"stage_4\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua dalili"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Rufaa Kwa Mama Kinara",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya mwisho mteja kuhudhulia Kituoni",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha Tarehe ya mwisho mteja kuhudhulia Kituoni"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Sababu za kumpa Mteja rufaa kwa ajili ya ufuatiliaji ngazi ya jamii",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "missed_appointment",
+ "text": "Amekosa kwenye miadi yake",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "missed_appointment"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mother_champion_services",
+ "text": "Huduma za Mama Kinara katika Ngazi ya Jamii",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_champion_services"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu za kumpa rufaa Mteja"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mother_champion_location",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_champion_location",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Chagua Eneo la Mama Kinara",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua eneo alipo mama kinara"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "comment_pmtct_community_followup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment_pmtct_community_followup",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Maoni yako"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_community_referral_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_community_referral_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_community_followup_referral_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Ziara ya EAC",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "eac_visit_notification",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Nakiri tarehe ya hudhurio la EAC",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_retest",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "eac_visit_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya hudhurio la EAC",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "eac_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "min_date": "today-3m",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Tarehe ya hudhurio la EAC"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "summary",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "summary",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Muhtasari",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza muhtasari"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "arv_intake_demonstration_done",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "arv_intake_demonstration_done",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Maonyesho ya unywaji wa ARV na mgonjwa/mlezi yamefanyika?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pill_count_done",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza % ya unywaji wa vidonge"
+ },
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+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Unywaji wa vidonge lazima iwe sawa au zaidi ya 0%"
+ },
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+ "value": "100",
+ "err": "Unywaji wa vidonge lazima iwe sawa au chini ya 100%"
+ }
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_eac_visits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ "label": "Your impression about patient’s adherence before EAC",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clearly_poor"
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_eac_visits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clearly_poor"
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "eac_barriers_identified_prompt",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Major remaining barriers identified after EAC sessions",
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+ "err": "Please select an answer"
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+ "step1:additional_session": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "edit_text",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the behavioral barriers"
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
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+ "err": "Please select an answer"
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "err": "Please enter the cognitive barriers"
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Emotional barriers",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the emotional barriers"
+ },
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+ "step1:emotional_barriers": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:additional_session": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Socio-economic barriers",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the socio-economic barriers"
+ },
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+ "step1:socio_economic_barriers": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
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+ }
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
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+ "step1:additional_session": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Other barriers",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter other barriers"
+ },
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+ "step1:other_barriers": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the counsellor's name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "eac_visit_type",
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+ "ex-rules": {
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+ }
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+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "key": "continuing_with_services",
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+ },
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+ "text": "Amehama",
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+ },
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+ "text": "Mteja aliyepotes",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lost_to_followup"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_followup_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation.json
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation.json
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Vipimo vya Awali",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "liver_function_test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "liver_function_test_conducted",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "liver_function_test_conducted_question",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "native_radio",
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+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "Ndio, Amefanyiwa kipimo",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted"
+ },
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+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_liver_function_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu za kutomfanyia Mteja kipimo cha Ini",
+ "values": [
+ "Vitendanishi vimekwisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa kwenye hali yenye kuhitaji udharura",
+ "mteja amekaa kufanyiwa kipimo hiki",
+ "Bado tunaendelea kushauri Mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
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+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
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+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:liver_function_test_conducted": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_liver_function_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_liver_function_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu za kutomfanyia mteja kipimo cha Ini",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_liver_function_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "receive_liver_function_test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receive_liver_function_test_results",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, umepokea majibu ya Mteja ya kipimo cha Ini?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndiyo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "liver_function_test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "liver_function_test_results",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Chagua majibu ya kipimo cha Ini ya Mteja",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "elevated_liver_enzymes",
+ "text": "Elevated Liver enzymes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "elevated_liver_enzymes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "normal",
+ "text": "Ini lipo katika hali ya kawaida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:receive_liver_function_test_results": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_liver_function_test",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:liver_function_test_results": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"elevated_liver_enzymes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "renal_function_test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "renal_function_test_conducted",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "renal_function_test_conducted_question",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "renal_function_test_conducted_question",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja amefanyiwa kipimo cha Figo?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha Figo Kimefanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo hakujafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_renal_function_test",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_renal_function_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutomfanyia Mteja kipimo cha Figo",
+ "values": [
+ "Vitendanishi vimeisha",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika haili ya udharura",
+ "Mteja amekaa kipimo hiki",
+ "Bado tunaendelea kumshauri",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu ya kutomfanyia mteja kipimo cha Figo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:renal_function_test_conducted": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_renal_function_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_renal_function_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha sababu nyingine",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_renal_function_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "receive_renal_function_test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receive_renal_function_test_results",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, umepokea majibu ya Mteja ya kipimo cha Figo?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndiyo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "renal_function_test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "renal_function_test_results",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Chagua majibu ya kipimo cha Figo",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "elevated_serum_creatinine",
+ "text": "Elevated Serum Creatinine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "elevated_serum_creatinine"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "normal",
+ "text": "Figo lipo katika hali ya kawaida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:receive_renal_function_test_results": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_renal_function_test_results",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:renal_function_test_results": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"elevated_serum_creatinine\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT counselling",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Elimu ya Afya Endelevu",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "is_client_counselled",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_client_counselled",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja amepatiwa elimu ya afya endelevu?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "counselling_topics_provided",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Tafadhali chagua mada ambayo mtoa huduma amemshauri Mteja",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "counselling_topics_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_hiv_info",
+ "text": "Maambukizi ya VVU, Matibabu, Maendeleo ya Ugonjwa na jinsi ya kujikinga",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_hiv_info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_disclosure",
+ "text": "Uwazi wa hali ya maambukizi ya VVU na kubainisha msaidizi wa kimatibabu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_disclosure"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_promote_testing",
+ "text": "Kuhamasisha upimaji wa wenza na wenza walio katika mnyororo wa kingono",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_promote_testing"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_ayf_services",
+ "text": "Huduma rafiki za afya kwa vijana (Ufuasi mzuri wa dawa na kubaki kwenye matunzo)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_ayf_services"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_prevention_diseases",
+ "text": "Jinsi ya Kujikinga na Magonjwa, kutumia chandarua na usafi wa mazingira na Binafsi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_prevention_diseases"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_imp_cpt",
+ "text": "Umuhimu wa CPT, CrPET na TPT",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_imp_cpt"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_imp_adherence",
+ "text": "Umuhimu wa ufuasi mzuri wa dawa, Jinsi ya kukumbuka kumeza dawa, kuandaa mpango na Jinsi ya kufanya wakati wa kusafiri au wakati unaumwa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_imp_adherence"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_imp_support_group",
+ "text": "Umuhimu wa CBS na Vikundi vya msaada vya watu wanaishi na VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_imp_support_group"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_imp_appointment",
+ "text": "Umuhimu wa miadi, tarehe, muda na mpango wa kusafiri",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_imp_appointment"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_sti_rti",
+ "text": "Magonjwa ya STIs/RTIs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_sti_rti"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_imp_insurance",
+ "text": "Umuhimu wa kughalimikiwa matibabu kwa kutumia Bima ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_imp_insurance"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_non_communicable_diseases_prevention",
+ "text": "Jinsi ya kujikinga na Magonjwa yasiyoambukiza (muhimu kuzingatia lishe, kufanya mazoezi, mtindo wa Maisha)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_non_communicable_diseases_prevention"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_eac_sessions",
+ "text": "Ushauri mahususi wa Ufuasi mzuri wa dawa/ matibabu, kama HVL > 1000 copies/ml",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_eac_sessions"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_infant_feeding_options",
+ "text": "Chaguzi za kulisha watoto wachanga katika muktadha wa VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_infant_feeding_options"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_living_with_hiv",
+ "text": "Jinsi ya kuishi na maambukizi ya VVU",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_living_with_hiv"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "Ushauri haukutolewa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mada"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:is_client_counselled": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pmtct_hvl_sample_collection.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pmtct_hvl_sample_collection.json
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+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT Follow-up Visit",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Kuchukua Sampuli ya HVL",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Jina la Mtoa huduma",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinician_name",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la Mtoa huduma"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina la mtoa huduma"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_position",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Cheo cha Mtoa huduma",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinician_position",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "Afisa Matibabu",
+ "Afisa Matibabu msaidizi",
+ "Afisa wa Kliniki ",
+ "Afisa wa Kliniki msaidizi"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "medical_officer",
+ "assistant_medical_officer",
+ "clinical_officer",
+ "assistant_clinical_officer"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "medical_officer": "medical_officer",
+ "assistant_medical_officer": "assistant_medical_officer",
+ "clinical_officer": "clinical_officer",
+ "assistant_clinical_officer": "assistant_clinical_officer"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Namba ya simu ya Mtoa huduma",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinician_phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Namba ya simu lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Namba ya simu lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba ya simu ya Mtoa huduma"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hvl_collection_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuchukua sampuli ya damu kwa ajili ya kupima wingi wa virusi mwilini",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_collection_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "min_date": "today-5y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Tarehe ya kuchukua sampuli ya damu kwa ajili ya kupima wingi wa virusi mwilini"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hvl_collection_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Muda wakati wa kuchukua sampuli ya damu kwa ajili ya kupima wingi wa virusi mwilini",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_collection_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Muda wakati wa kuchukua sampuli ya damu kwa ajili ya kupima wingi wa virusi mwilini"
+ }
+ },
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+ }
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+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_suppression_calculation.yml"
+ }
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+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "is_after_eac": false
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HVL Suppression",
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+ "key": "hvl_sample_id",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_sample_id",
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+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_tnd_results",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "For HVL results that is TND, fill the results as 11",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hvl_result",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Majibu ya HVL",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiasi kwa usahihi"
+ },
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+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali Ingiza kiasi cha kufubaa kwa Virusi"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Remarks/Comments",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "false",
+ "err": "Please enter the your remarks/comments"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hvl_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"11\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_continue_regimen",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Continue current regimen",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Rudia kupima wingi wa virusi baada ya mwezi wa 6, 12 na 18",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_continue_eac",
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+ "text": "Mteja ataunganishwa katika EAC",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "discuss_plan_prompt",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Jadili Mpango wa matibabu ya Mteja Huyu",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "significant_drop_in_viral_load",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "significant_drop_in_viral_load",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was it a significant drop in the Viral Load (fulfilling criteria of good response to EAC)?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "patient_presenting_oi_or_immunosuppression",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is this patient presenting any other OI or signs of immunosuppression?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "describe_patient_presenting_oi_or_immunosuppression",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "describe_patient_presenting_oi_or_immunosuppression",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Describe the presenting OI or signs of immunosuppression",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer the question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:patient_presenting_oi_or_immunosuppression": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "history_of_chronic_diarrhea_or_vomiting",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "history_of_chronic_diarrhea_or_vomiting",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "History of chronic diarrhea or vomiting?",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "use_of_traditional_medications",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "use_of_traditional_medications",
+ "type": "native_radio",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "history_of_arv_side_effects",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "history_of_arv_side_effects",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "History of side-effects with ARV?",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Describe symptom and possible drug",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer the question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:history_of_arv_side_effects": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "arv_regimen_plan",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "arv_regimen_plan",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Regarding the ARV regimen, what is the plan?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "continue_current_regimen",
+ "text": "Continue current regimen",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "continue_current_regimen"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "refer_to_doctor",
+ "text": "Refer to doctor for further management",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "refer_to_doctor"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "assessor_name",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "hint": "Assessor's Name",
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+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the assessor's name"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "plan_for_patient",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "plan_for_patient",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "What is the plan for this patient?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "suitable_for_second_line_regimen",
+ "text": "Patient is suitable for Second-line Regimen",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "suitable_for_second_line_regimen"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "extend_eac_sessions",
+ "text": "Extend adherence sessions before new Viral Load (in 2-3 months’ time)",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "extend_eac_sessions"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "second_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "New Regimen\nSecond Line",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "second_line",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "2f-A (TDF+FTC+LPV/r)",
+ "2h-A (TDF+FTC+ATV/r)",
+ "2s-A (AZT+3TC+ATV/r)",
+ "2g-A (ABC+3TC+LPV/r)",
+ "2k-A (ABC+3TC+ATV/r)",
+ "2n-A (AZT+3TC+LPV/r)",
+ "2x-A (Other 2nd line)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "2_fA",
+ "2_hA",
+ "2_sA",
+ "2_gA",
+ "2_kA",
+ "2_nA",
+ "2_xA"
+ ],
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+ "2_hA": "2_hA",
+ "2_sA": "2_sA",
+ "2_gA": "2_gA",
+ "2_kA": "2_kA",
+ "2_nA": "2_nA",
+ "2_xA": "2_xA"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:plan_for_patient": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"suitable_for_second_line_regimen\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "plan_for_patient_comment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "plan_for_patient_comment",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Comment",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "review_team_lead_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "review_team_lead_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Review Team Lead Name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the review team lead's name"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hvl_result_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_result_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "enroll_to_eac",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enroll_to_eac",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pmtct_prescription_line_selection.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pmtct_prescription_line_selection.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb55b4c0c
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pmtct_prescription_line_selection.json
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+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT prescription line selection",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Kupatiwa Dawa za ARV",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prescribed_regimes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribed_regimes",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja ameandikiwa na kupewa ARVs?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo:"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "arv_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Chagua laini ya ARV",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "arv_line",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "Mstari wa Kwanza",
+ "Mstari wa Pili",
+ "Mstari wa tatu"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "first_line",
+ "second_line",
+ "third_line"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "first_line": "first_line",
+ "second_line": "second_line",
+ "third_line": "third_line"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:prescribed_regimes": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "first_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Dawa za ARVs katika mstari wa kwanza",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_line",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "1g-A (TDF+3TC+EFV)",
+ "1b-A (AZT+3TC+NVP)",
+ "1c-A (AZT+3TC+EFV)",
+ "1k-A (ABC+3TC+EFV)",
+ "1p-A (ABC+3TC+DTG)",
+ "1r-A (TDF+3TC+DTG)",
+ "1u-A (AZT+3TC+DTG)",
+ "1q-A (TDF+FTC+DTG)",
+ "1x-A (Other 1st line)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "1_gA",
+ "1_bA",
+ "1_cA",
+ "1_kA",
+ "1_pA",
+ "1_rA",
+ "1_uA",
+ "1_qA",
+ "1_xA"
+ ],
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+ "1_cA": "1_cA",
+ "1_kA": "1_kA",
+ "1_pA": "1_pA",
+ "1_rA": "1_rA",
+ "1_uA": "1_uA",
+ "1_qA": "1_qA",
+ "1_xA": "1_xA"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:arv_line": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"first_line\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "second_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Dawa za ARVs katika Mstari wa pili",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "second_line",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "2f-A (TDF+FTC+LPV/r)",
+ "2h-A (TDF+FTC+ATV/r)",
+ "2s-A (AZT+3TC+ATV/r)",
+ "2g-A (ABC+3TC+LPV/r)",
+ "2k-A (ABC+3TC+ATV/r)",
+ "2n-A (AZT+3TC+LPV/r)",
+ "2x-A (Other 2nd line)"
+ ],
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+ "2_fA",
+ "2_hA",
+ "2_sA",
+ "2_gA",
+ "2_kA",
+ "2_nA",
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+ ],
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+ "2_sA": "2_sA",
+ "2_gA": "2_gA",
+ "2_kA": "2_kA",
+ "2_nA": "2_nA",
+ "2_xA": "2_xA"
+ },
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+ "step1:arv_line": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"second_line\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "third_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Dawa za ARVs katika mstari wa tatu",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "3y-A (DTG+DRV/r+AZT+3TC)",
+ "3w-A (RAL+DRV/r+AZT+3TC)",
+ "3k-A (DTG+LPV/r+AZT+3TC)",
+ "3t-A (DTG+LPV/r+TDF+FTC)",
+ "3h-A (RAL+LPV/r+AZT+3TC)",
+ "3g-A (RAL+LPV/r+TDF+FTC)",
+ "3z-A (DTG+ATV/r+AZT+3TC)",
+ "3x-A (Other 3rd line)"
+ ],
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+ "3_yA",
+ "3_wA",
+ "3_kA",
+ "3_tA",
+ "3_hA",
+ "3_gA",
+ "3_zA",
+ "3_xA"
+ ],
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+ "3_kA": "3_kA",
+ "3_tA": "3_tA",
+ "3_hA": "3_hA",
+ "3_gA": "3_gA",
+ "3_zA": "3_zA",
+ "3_xA": "3_xA",
+ "3_yA": "3_yA"
+ },
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+ "step1:arv_line": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"third_line\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_prescribing_arv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Sababu za kutokumpa dawa za ARVs ",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "out_of_medicine",
+ "text": "Dawa zimeisha",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_medicine"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_refused_medication",
+ "text": "Mteja amekataa kuchukua dawa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_refused_medication"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Nyingine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo:"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:prescribed_regimes": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_prescribing_arv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_prescribing_arv",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Sababu nyingine",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha sababu nyingine za kutokumpa mteja ARVs"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_prescribing_arv": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_arv_regimes_days_dispensed",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_arv_regimes_days_dispensed",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Siku Iliyotolewa",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza idadi ya siku iliyotolewa"
+ },
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba halali"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Idadi ya siku iliyotolewa inatakiwa iwe zaidi ya 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Idadi ya siku iliyotolewa inatakiwa iwe sawa na au chini ya 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:prescribed_regimes": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pmtct_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pmtct_registration.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fead91a7
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+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "ART",
+ "next": "step2",
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+ "hidden": "true",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_registration_date",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_on_art",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja huyu yupo kwenye ART?",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "text": "Ndiyo",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
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+ }
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+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_transfer_in_client",
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+ "label": "Je, Mteja amehamia kutoka Kituo kingine?",
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
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+ "step1:known_on_art": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "pmtct_register_date_from_originating_facility",
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+ "hint": "Tarehe ya usajili katika huduma za PMTCT katika Kituo cha Afya alichotokea",
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+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "max_date": "today",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya usajili katika huduma za PMTCT"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "Mwisho",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "notify_retest",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Tafadhali fanya kipimo cha HIV cha uhakiki kwa Mteja",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:known_on_art": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_status",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hasi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "step1:known_on_art": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "has_the_client_been_provided_with_ctc_number",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je mteja amepewa namba ya CTC?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "has_the_client_been_provided_with_ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Namba ya CTC",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6})?",
+ "err": "Namba ya CTC inatakiwa kuwa (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya CTC ya mteja"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya CTC ya mteja"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_first_visit",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Fanya Hudhurio awali la PMTCT",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:known_on_art": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_continue_with_anc",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mshauri Mteja aendelee na huduma za ANC",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:hiv_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "next_facility_visit_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "next_facility_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ },
+ "global": {
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Mteja yupo kwenye ART tayari",
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_registration_date",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "label": "Je, Mteja amehamia kutoka Kituo kingine?",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ }
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+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "hint": "Tarehe ya usajili katika huduma za PMTCT katika Kituo cha Afya alichotokea",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya usajili katika huduma za PMTCT katika Kituo cha Afya alichotokea"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Tarehe ya usajili katika huduma za PMTCT",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya usajili katika huduma za PMTCT"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_on_art_client",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja mwenye CTC Namba {ctc_number} yupo kwenye ART tayari.\n\nTuma fomu hii kwa kumsajili Mteja huyu PMTCT na nakiri hudhurio la awali.",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_retest",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pmtct_tb_screening.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pmtct_tb_screening.json
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "global": {},
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Awali wa Kifua Kikuu",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "on_tb_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "on_tb_treatment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja huyu yupo katika Matibabu ya Kifua kikuu?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_registration_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_registration_number",
+ "hint": "Namba ya Kliniki ya TB ya mteja",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:on_tb_treatment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya Kliniki ya TB"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_symptoms_screening",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Tafadhali chagua kama Mteja ana dalili zifuatazo za Kifua Kikuu?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_symptoms_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_cough",
+ "text": "Mteja anakikohozi cha muda wowote",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_cough"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_sputum",
+ "text": "Mteja anakohoa makohozi yaliyochanganyika na damu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_sputum"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_fevers",
+ "text": "Mteja amekuwa na Homa kwa zaidi ya wiki mbili",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_fevers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_weight_loss",
+ "text": "Mteja anapoteza Uzito",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_weight_loss"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_weight_loss_subsequent_visit",
+ "text": "Mteja amepungua uzito katika mfululizo mahudhulio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_weight_loss_subsequent_visit"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_excessive_sweating",
+ "text": "Mteja amekuwa akitoka na jasho jingi sana usiku kwa wiki mbili au zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_excessive_sweating"
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Hakuna",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mada"
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "investigate_for_tb",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Fanya uchunguzi wa Kifua kikuu",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Chanya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Hazi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha TB hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo:"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:tb_symptoms_screening": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_cough",
+ "chk_sputum",
+ "chk_fevers",
+ "chk_weight_loss",
+ "chk_weight_loss_subsequent_visit",
+ "chk_excessive_sweating"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the TB test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:investigate_for_tb": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting TB test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tb_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpe rufaa mteja kwa ajili ya Matibabu ya Kifua kikuu",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:investigate_for_tb": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "has_been_provided_with_tpt_before",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "has_been_provided_with_tpt_before",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja amewahi kupewa TPT kabla?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio (Amemaliza TPT)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partial_complete",
+ "text": "Ndio (Lakini hajamaliza TPT)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partial_complete"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_tb_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tpt_eligibility",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu anakidhi vigezo kwa ajili ya kupewa TPT",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_tb_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tpt_ineligibility",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu hakidhi vigezo vya kupewa TPT",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_tb_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "completed_tpt",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "completed_tpt",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je mteja amemaliza dose ya TPT?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu sahihi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_tb_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_client_provided_with_tpt",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_client_provided_with_tpt",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja huyu amepewa TPT leo?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndiyo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_tb_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_tpt",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_tpt",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Sababu ya kutompatia Mteja TPT?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "out_of_medicine",
+ "text": "Dawa zimeisha",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_medicine"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_refused_medication",
+ "text": "Mteja amekataa kuchukua dawa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_refused_medication"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_allergic_to_tpt",
+ "text": "Mteja huyu ana mzio na dawa za TPT",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_allergic_to_tpt"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:is_client_provided_with_tpt": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_tpt_days_dispensed",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_tpt_days_dispensed",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Idadi ya Siku Iliyotolewa",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza idadi ya siku iliyotolewa"
+ },
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba halali"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "Idadi ya siku iliyotolewa inatakiwa iwe zaidi ya 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Idadi ya siku iliyotolewa inatakiwa iwe sawa na au chini ya 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:is_client_provided_with_tpt": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_child_general_examination.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_child_general_examination.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..53996bc3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_child_general_examination.json
@@ -0,0 +1,821 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PNC Child Followup",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "global": {},
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Afya ya Mtoto",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "child_activeness",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Uchangamfu wa Mtoto",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_activeness",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "active",
+ "text": "Mchangamfu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "active"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_active",
+ "text": "Sio Mchangamfu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_active"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_child_activeness",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:child_activeness": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"not_active\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Urefu (cm)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "height",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Urefu"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Urefu lazima uwe sawa au mkubwa kuliko 10 (cm)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "80",
+ "err": "Urefu lazima uwe sawa au mkubwa kuliko 80 (cm)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Urefu"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Uzito (Kg)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Uzito"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0.5",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or greater than 0.5 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "7",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or less than 7 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Uzito"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kipimo cha Kiwango cha damu (HB)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha kiwango cha damu (HB) kimefanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha kiwango cha damu (HB) hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Kiwango cha damu (HB) (g/dl)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza kiwango cha damu (HB)"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha damu (HB) lazima kiwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "Kiwango cha damu (HB) lazima kiwe sawasawa au chini ya20 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka thamani"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya upungufu mkubwa wa damu kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(.,\"8.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hali hii ya ukosefu wa damu kulingana na muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutofanya kipimo cha HB",
+ "values": [
+ "Cuvette Cartridges Hazipo Kituoni",
+ "Mashine ya Kupimwa wingi wa damu (Haemoque) haifanyi kazi",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja amekataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges": "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order": "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Sababu nyingine ya kutofanya kipimo cha kiwango cha damu (HB)",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "temperature",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Joto (\u2103)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "temperature",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Joto (\u2103)"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Joto lazima iwe sawa au kubwa kuliko 10 (\u2103)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Joto lazima iwe sawa au kubwa kuliko 50 (\u2103)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Joto (\u2103)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_high_temperature",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Fanya vipimo vya maabara vinavyofaa ili kupata sababu ya homa na udhibiti kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"38.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_low_temperature",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie mtoto joto na huduma zingine muhimu za utunzaji wa watoto wachanga kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"36.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "head_circumference",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Mzunguko wa kichwa cha Mtoto (CM)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "head_circumference",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza mzunguko wa kichwa (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_min": {},
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza mzunguko wa kichwa (CM)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_large_head_circumference",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Tathmini vipengele vya vichwa vikubwa (hydrocephalus) na mpatie rufaa kwa ajili ya uwezekano wa kupatiwa upasuaji kichwa",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:head_circumference": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"50\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_small_head_circumference",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Angalia dalili za ugonjwa unaozuia mttoto asiweze kujifunza (down's syndrome) au kasoro zingine za neva zinazopelekea kuwa na kichwa kidogo (microcephaly). Mpatie rufaa mtoto kwa ajili ya matibabu ya hali ya juu",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:head_circumference": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"30\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "upper_arm_circumference",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Mzunguko wa juu wa mkono (CM)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "upper_arm_circumference",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "7.5",
+ "err": "Mzunguko wa juu wa mkono hauwezi kuwa chini ya 7.5"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "13",
+ "err": "Mzunguko wa juu wa mkono hauwezi kuzidi 13"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Ingiza Mzunguko wa juu wa mkono (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Ingiza mzunguko wa juu wa mkono (CM)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "feeding_options",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Chaguzi za kulisha",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "feeding_options",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ebf",
+ "text": "Kumnyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee kwa kipindi cha Miezi 6 ya Mwanzo (EBF)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ebf"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rf",
+ "text": "Kumnyonyesha maziwa mbadala (RF)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rf"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mf",
+ "text": "Ananyonyeshwa maziwa ya mama na kupatiwa chakula kingine (MF)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mf"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "septicaemia",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Mtoto ana uambukizo mkali (Septicaemia)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "septicaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_septicaemia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_septicaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:septicaemia": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "umbilical_cord",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "umbilical_cord",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Tathimini ya Kitovu",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_no_abnormalities"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_smell_bad",
+ "text": "Kina harufu mbaya",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_smell_bad",
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_infection",
+ "text": "Kina maambukizi",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_infection",
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_descended",
+ "text": "Kimevimba/kimetanuka",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_descended",
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_delayed_off",
+ "text": "Kimechelewa kukatika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_delayed_off",
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_no_abnormalities",
+ "text": "Hakina hali yoyote isiyo ya kawaida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_no_abnormalities",
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_other",
+ "text": "Nyingine (Bainisha)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_other",
+ "value": "false"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_umbilical_cord_smelling_bad",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya/Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:umbilical_cord": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_smell_bad",
+ "chk_infection"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "umbilical_cord_other_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "umbilical_cord_other_assessment",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Bainisha Tathimini ya Kitovu Nyingine",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali bainisha tathimini ya kitovu nyingine"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:umbilical_cord": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "jaundice",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mtoto ana homa ya manjano?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "jaundice",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_jaundice",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:jaundice": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "skin_infection",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mtoto ana maambukizi ya ngozi?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "skin_infection",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_skin_infection",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:skin_infection": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "kangaroo_enrollment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, mtoto ameanzishiwa huduma ya kangaroo (KMC)?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "kangaroo_enrollment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_child_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_bcg_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_bcg_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, mtoto amechanjwa BCG?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Chagua mojawapo"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_child_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_bcg_vaccination",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mtoto apewe chanjo ya BCG",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:child_bcg_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_opv0_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_opv0_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, mtoto amechanjwa OPV0?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua jibu sahihi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_child_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_opv0_vaccination",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mtoto apewe chanjo ya OPV0 kabla ya umri wa siku 14",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:child_opv0_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "followup_visit_date",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_followup_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_counselling.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_counselling.json
index 4cbc54c7b..c6ef53fc3 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_counselling.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_counselling.json
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Ushauri",
+ "title": "Counselling",
"fields": [
"key": "couselling_pnc",
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"type": "check_box",
- "label": "Ushauri uliotolewa",
+ "label": "Ushauri umetolewa",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
"exclusive": [
@@ -64,133 +64,140 @@
"options": [
"key": "chk_maternal_nutrition",
- "text": "3. Lishe kwa mama wakati wa kunyonyesha",
+ "text": "Lishe ya mama wakati wa kunyonyesha",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_hiv_aids",
- "text": "5. Umuhimu wa kupata ushauri nasaha na kupima VVU",
+ "text": "Taarifa za jumla za VVU/UKIMWI",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_pmtct",
- "text": "6. Kuzuia mambukizi ya VVU kutoka kwa mama kwenda kwa mtoto",
+ "text": "PMTCT kwa mama",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_malaria_prevention",
- "text": "7. Kuzuia malaria kwa watoto wenye umri chini ya miaka mitano",
+ "text": "Kuzuia Malaria",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_pnc_care_for_mother",
- "text": "9. Huduma kwa mama baada ya kujifungua",
+ "text": "PNC huduma kwa mama",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ {
+ "key": "chk_hiv_exposed_infant",
+ "text": "Ufuatiliaji wa Mtoto aliye katika hatari ya VVU",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "164818AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
"key": "chk_pnc_danger_signs",
- "text": "10. Dalili za hatari mara baada ya kujifungua hadi siku arobaini na mbili ya uzazi",
+ "text": "Dalili za hatari za PNC",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_care_of_infant_after_birth",
- "text": "11. Huduma kwa mtoto mchanga mara baada ya kuzaliwa",
+ "text": "Matunzo ya mtoto baada ya kuzaliwa",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_care_of_premature_baby",
- "text": "12. Huduma kwa mtoto aliyezaliwa kabla ya muda wake / njiti au mtoto mwenye uzito pungufu",
+ "text": "Matunzo ya mtoto aliyezaliwa kabla ya wakati",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_care_of_new_born",
- "text": "13. Kumhudumia mtoto mchanga",
+ "text": "Matunzo ya mtoto mchanga",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_new_born_danger_signs",
- "text": "14. Dalili za hatari kwa mtoto mchanga",
+ "text": "Ishara za hatari kwa watoto wachanga",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_hiv_exposed_infant",
- "text": "15. Ufuatiliaji wa mtoto aliyezaliwa na mama mwenye VVU",
+ "text": "Ufuatiliaji wa mtoto aliyeambukizwa VVU",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_breastfeeding",
- "text": "16. Unyonyeshaji wa mazima wa mama",
+ "text": "Kunyonyesha",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_lam",
- "text": "17. Njia ya uzazi wa mpango ya unyonyeshaji maziwa ya mama pekee kwa kipindi cha miezi sita baada ya kujifungua (LAM)",
+ "text": "LAM kama njia ya asili ya FP, ambayo inajumuisha unyonyeshaji wa kipekee miezi sita baada ya kujifungua",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_family_planning",
- "text": "18. Uzazi wa mpango",
+ "text": "Uzazi wa mpango",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_birth_registration",
- "text": "19. Usajili wa vizazi",
+ "text": "Usajili wa kuzaliwa",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_immunisation",
- "text": "22. Chanjo",
+ "text": "Kinga",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_infection_prevention",
- "text": "24. Kuzuia maambukizi katika jamii",
+ "text": "Kuzuia na kudhibiti maambukizi",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_gender_issues",
- "text": "26. Jinsia",
+ "text": "Masuala ya jinsia",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_none",
- "text": "Hakushauriwa",
+ "text": "Uuzaji wa Spur",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -203,4 +210,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_danger_signs_baby.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_danger_signs_baby.json
index f514213ea..12c8495f6 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_danger_signs_baby.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_danger_signs_baby.json
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Dalili za hatari kwa mtoto",
+ "title": "Danger Signs Baby",
"fields": [
"key": "danger_signs_present_child",
@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "159860AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"type": "check_box",
- "label": "Je, mtoto mchanga ana dalili zozote za hatari?",
+ "label": "Je, mtoto ana dalili zozote za hatari?",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
"exclusive": [
@@ -71,35 +71,35 @@
"key": "chk_excessive_crying",
- "text": "Mtoto kulia sana",
+ "text": "Kulia kupita kiasi",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_fast_breathing",
- "text": "Kupumua kwa haraka",
+ "text": "Kupumua haraka",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_difficult_breathing",
- "text": "Kushindwa kupumua",
+ "text": "Ugumu wa kupumua",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_unable_to_suck",
- "text": "Kushindwa kunyonya au kumeza",
+ "text": "Haiwezi kunyonya",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_umbilical_discharge",
- "text": "Kutoka damu kwenye kitovu au usaha",
+ "text": "Kutokwa na damu ya kitovu / usaha",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -113,28 +113,28 @@
"key": "chk_convulsions",
- "text": "Degedege / Mtukutiko wa mwili",
+ "text": "Degedege",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_skin_rashes",
- "text": "Vipele mwilini",
+ "text": "Vipele vya ngozi",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_pale",
- "text": "Mwili kuwa njano",
+ "text": "Kupaula au manjano",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_eye_discharge",
- "text": "Macho kutoa uchafu / usaha",
+ "text": "Kutokwa kwa macho",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -148,14 +148,14 @@
"key": "chk_lethargy",
- "text": "Uchovu / Kulegea mwili",
+ "text": "Ulegevu",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_none",
- "text": "Hakuna",
+ "text": "Hakun",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -169,10 +169,10 @@
"key": "danger_signs_present_toaster",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Dalili za hatari! \nToa rufaa haraka kwenda kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya.",
+ "text": "Alama ya hatari! Mpe rufaa mara moja kwenye kituo cha afya.",
"text_color": "#CF0800",
"toaster_type": "problem",
"relevance": {
@@ -201,4 +201,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_danger_signs_mother.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_danger_signs_mother.json
index f980cd8d6..bc65f8add 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_danger_signs_mother.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_danger_signs_mother.json
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Dalili za hatari kwa mama",
+ "title": "Danger Signs Mother",
"fields": [
"key": "danger_signs_present_mama",
@@ -71,49 +71,49 @@
"key": "chk_bleeding_vaginally",
- "text": "Damu kutoka ukeni",
+ "text": "Kutokwa na damu ukeni",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_server_headache",
- "text": "Maumivu ya kichwa",
+ "text": "Maumivu makali ya kichwa",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_convulsions",
- "text": "Degedege / Mtukutiko wa mwili",
+ "text": "Degedege",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_difficulty_breathing",
- "text": "Kupumua kwa shida",
+ "text": "Ugumu wa kupumua",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_severe_leg_pain",
- "text": "Maumivu makali kwenye misuli ya miguu",
+ "text": "Maumivu makali ya mguu",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_unusual_behaviour",
- "text": "Tabia isiyo ya kawaida (msongo wa mawazo, kuchanganyikiwa)",
+ "text": "Tabia isiyo ya kawaida (stress, kuchanganyikiwa)",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_swelling of breast",
- "text": "Kuvimba kwa matiti na chuchu zilizo chanika",
+ "text": "Kuvimba kwa matiti na chuchu",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -127,14 +127,14 @@
"key": "chk_vaginal_discharge",
- "text": "Kutoka uchafu / majimaji ukeni yenye harufu mbaya",
+ "text": "Kutokwa na majimaji yenye rangi nyekundu au yenye majimaji ukeni yenye harufu mbaya",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_blurred_vision",
- "text": "Kutoona vizuri",
+ "text": "Maono yaliyofifia",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
"key": "chk_urination",
- "text": "Kupata mkojo kidogo au kuvuja mkojo mfululizo",
+ "text": "Kojoa kidogo au kuvuja kwa mkojo",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Dalili za hatari! \nMpe rufaa haraka kwenda kituo cha afya.",
+ "text": "Alama ya hatari! Mpe rufaa mara moja kwenye kituo cha afya.",
"text_color": "#CF0800",
"toaster_type": "problem",
"relevance": {
@@ -201,4 +201,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_danger_signs_outcome.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_danger_signs_outcome.json
index 60f544af5..393811162 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_danger_signs_outcome.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_danger_signs_outcome.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -82,104 +77,87 @@
"key": "Fever",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Homa",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Homa"
"key": "Bleeding_vaginally",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Damu kutoka ukeni",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Damu kutoka ukeni"
"key": "Severe_headache",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Maumivu ya kichwa",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Maumivu ya kichwa"
"key": "Convulsions",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Degedege",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Degedege"
"key": "Difficulty_breathing",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Kushindwa kupumua",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Kushindwa kupumua"
"key": "Severe_abdominal_pain",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Maumivu makali ya tumbo",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Maumivu makali ya tumbo"
"key": "Vaginal_discharge_with_a_bad_smell",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Kutoka uchafu / majimaji ukeni yenye harufu mbaya",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Kutoka uchafu / majimaji ukeni yenye harufu mbaya"
"key": "Redness_around_the_umbilical_cord_foul_smelling_discharge_from_the_umbilical_cord",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Uambukizo kwenye kitovu",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Uambukizo kwenye kitovu"
"key": "Excessive_crying",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Mtoto kulia sana",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Mtoto kulia sana"
"key": "Fast_breathing",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Kushindwa kupumua",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Kushindwa kupumua"
"key": "Chest_indrawing",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Kifua kikovu",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Kifua kikovu"
"key": "Unable_to_suck",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Kushindwa kunyonya",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Kushindwa kunyonya"
"key": "No_movement",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Hakuna harakati",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Hakuna harakati"
"key": "Pale_or_jaundiced",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Mwili kuwa njano",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Mwili kuwa njano"
"key": "Lethargy",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Uchovu",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Uchovu"
"key": "Other",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Nyingine",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Nyingine"
"key": "None",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Hakuna",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Hakuna"
"exclusive": [
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_exclusive_breastfeeding.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_exclusive_breastfeeding.json
index 65785a603..9a6b86d12 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_exclusive_breastfeeding.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_exclusive_breastfeeding.json
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Kunyonyeshwa maziwa ya mama pekee mwezi 0",
+ "title": "Exclusive breastfeeding",
"fields": [
"key": "exclusive_breast_feeding",
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "exclusive_breast_feeding",
"type": "spinner",
"image": "ic_form_bf",
- "hint": "Je, mtoto amenyonyeshwa maziwa ya mama pekee?",
+ "hint": "Je, mtoto amekuwa akinyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee?",
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
+ "Ndio",
"keys": [
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_family_planning.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_family_planning.json
index 9cbd5543d..9546fe3e6 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_family_planning.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_family_planning.json
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Uzazi wa mpango",
+ "title": "Family Planning",
"fields": [
"key": "fp_counseling",
@@ -56,10 +56,10 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "select one",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, mama amepata ushauri juu ya uzazi wa mpango katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya hivi karibuni?",
+ "hint": "Je, mama alishauriwa hivi majuzi kuhusu upangaji uzazi katika kituo cha afya?",
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
- "Hapana"
+ "Ndio",
+ "Haoana"
"keys": [
@@ -80,27 +80,27 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "159860AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"type": "check_box",
- "label": "Je, alipewa ushauri katika kipindi gani?",
+ "label": "Alishauriwa katika kipindi gani?",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
"options": [
"key": "chk_during_anc",
- "text": "Wakati wa kliniki ya wajawazito",
+ "text": "Wakati wa ANC",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_during_anc"
"key": "chk_during_labour_and_delivery",
- "text": "Wakati wa uchungu na kujifungua",
+ "text": "Wakati wa kujifungua",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_during_labour_and_delivery"
"key": "chk_during_pnc",
- "text": "Wakati wa huduma ya mama na mtoto wa baada ya kujifungua",
+ "text": "Wakati wa PNC",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_during_pnc"
@@ -124,17 +124,17 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "select one",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Njia ya uzazi wa mpango uliyochagua?",
+ "hint": "Mbinu ya Upangaji Uzazi imechaguliwa?",
"values": [
- "Kitanzi",
- "Vidonge vya kumeza (POP)",
- "Kipandikizi",
- "Kondomu",
- "Njia ya uzazi wa mpango kwa unyonyeshaji (LAM)",
- "Shanga",
- "Kufunga kizazi mwanamke",
- "Kufunga kizazi mwanamme",
- "Hakuchagua njia yoyote"
+ "Vidonge",
+ "Pandikiza",
+ "Kindomu",
+ "LAM",
+ "Njia ya kawaida ya siku",
+ "Kudumu (BTL)",
+ "Permanent (Vascemtomy)",
+ "Hakuna"
"keys": [
@@ -172,15 +172,15 @@
"key": "fp_start_date",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "163757AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya kuanza njia ya uzazi wa mpango",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kuanza",
"min_date": "today-120y",
"max_date": "today",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe"
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka tarehe ya kuanza kwa mbinu"
"relevance": {
"step1:fp_counseling": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_family_planning_services.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_family_planning_services.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..266e14b63
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_family_planning_services.json
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PNC Family Planning Services",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Huduma za Uzazi wa Mpango",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "education_counselling_given",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja alipewa Elimu/Ushauri?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "education_counselling_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_provide_education_counselling",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Tafadhali toa Elimu/Ushauri kwa mteja",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_provide_education_counselling",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:education_counselling_given": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "iec_given",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, alipewa vijarida vya Habari, Elimu na Mawasiliano (IEC)?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "iec_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "using_family_planning_method",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mteja anatumia Njia ya Uzazi wa Mpango?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "using_family_planning_method",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "method_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "method_provided",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Njia ya uzazi wa mpango iliyotolewa",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_condom",
+ "text": "Kondomu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_condom"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_pills",
+ "text": "Vidonge (Progestogen-only pill)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pills"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_injectable",
+ "text": "Sindano (Baada ya siku 42)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_injectable"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_jadelle",
+ "text": "Vipandikizi (Jadelle)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_jadelle"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_implants",
+ "text": "Vipandikizi (Implanon/NXT)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_implants"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_iucd",
+ "text": "Kitanzi (PPIUCD) (Ndani ya masaa 48 baada ya kujifungua au baada ya siku 42 za PNC)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_iucd"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_tubal_ligation",
+ "text": "Kufungwa mirija ya uzazi (BTL)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_tubal_ligation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_referred_fp_services",
+ "text": "Amepewa Rufaa ya huduma nyingine za Uzazi wa Mpango",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_referred_fp_services"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "Hakuna",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:using_family_planning_method": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_fp_method",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify reason for not providing FP method",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_fp_method",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:method_provided": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"chk_none\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_health_facility_visit.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_health_facility_visit.json
index c3122c39d..88526bfbb 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_health_facility_visit.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_health_facility_visit.json
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Hudhurio katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya ya mama na mtoto baada ya kujifungua",
+ "title": "Health Facility Visit",
"fields": [
"key": "pnc_visit_{0}",
@@ -56,18 +56,14 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "164378AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_data_type": "select one",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, mama alihudhuria hudhurio la {0} la huduma ya mama na mtoto baada ya kujifungua katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya? \n\nTarehe ya hudhurio lingine: {1}",
+ "hint": "Je, mwanamke huyo alihudhuria PNC yake alipotembelea {0} kituo cha afya? Tembelea tarehe ya kukamilisha: {1}",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
"err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo"
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
+ "Ndio",
- ],
- "keys": [
- "Yes",
- "No"
@@ -76,12 +72,12 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "164093AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya hudhurio la {0} la huduma ya mama na mtoto baada ya kujifungua",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kutembelea kituo cha afya cha PNC {0}",
"expanded": false,
"max_date": "today",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe"
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka tarehe"
"relevance": {
"step1:pnc_visit_{0}": {
@@ -97,19 +93,15 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "164378AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_data_type": "select one",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, mama alipewa Vitamini A ndani ya masaa 24 baada ya kujifungua?",
+ "hint": "Je, mwanamke huyo alipokea Vitamini A ndani ya saa 24 baada ya kujifungua?",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
"err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo"
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
+ "Ndio",
- "keys": [
- "Yes",
- "No"
- ],
"relevance": {
"step1:pnc_visit_{0}": {
"type": "string",
@@ -124,19 +116,15 @@
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- "hint": "Je, mama alipewa dawa za kuongeza damu (FEFO) ndani ya masaa 24 baada ya kujifungua?",
+ "hint": "Je, mwanamke alipokea vidonge vya iron na folic acid (IFA) ndani ya saa 24 baada ya kujifungua?",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo"
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua "
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
+ "Ndio",
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- "Yes",
- "No"
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"openmrs_choice_ids": {
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index 238f82418..3a1b9e4fd 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_health_facility_visit_two.json
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@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@
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"openmrs_entity": "encounter",
"openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
@@ -46,7 +47,7 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Hudhurio katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya ya mama na mtoto baada ya kujifungua",
+ "title": "Health Facility Visit",
"fields": [
"key": "pnc_visit_{0}",
@@ -55,18 +56,14 @@
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- "hint": "Je, mama alihudhuria hudhurio la {0} la huduma ya mama na mtoto baada ya kujifungua katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya?\n\nTarehe ya hudhurio lingine: {1}",
+ "hint": "Je, mwanamke huyo alihudhuria PNC yake alipotembelea {0} kituo cha afya? Tembelea tarehe ya kukamilisha: {1}",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
"err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo"
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- "Ndiyo",
+ "Ndio",
- ],
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- "Yes",
- "No"
@@ -75,12 +72,12 @@
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"type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Tarehe ya hudhurio la {0} la huduma ya mama na mtoto baada ya kujifungua",
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya kutembelea kituo cha afya cha PNC {0}",
"expanded": false,
"max_date": "today",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe"
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka tarehe"
"relevance": {
"step1:pnc_visit_{0}": {
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new file mode 100644
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HIV Test Results",
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+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "text": "Kipimo hakijafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
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+ "value": "true",
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+ "Tumeishiwa na Vitendanishi",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya Udharula",
+ "Mteja amekataa kupimwa",
+ "bado tunaendelea kumpa ushauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine bainisha"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
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+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
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+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
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+ "step1:hiv": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "err": "Tafadhali weka sababu"
+ },
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+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua Tarehe ya kupokea majibu"
+ },
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+ "step1:hiv_test_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "notEqualTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "register_pmtct",
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+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prescribe_arv",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie mteja huyu ARV kwa kufuata muongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ },
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+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "PNC Danger Signs",
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+ {
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+ "label": "Je, mama ana dalili zozote za hatari?",
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+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_fever",
+ "text": "Homa",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "140238AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "key": "chk_bleeding_vaginally",
+ "text": "Kutokwa na damu ukeni",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "150802AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "key": "chk_server_headache",
+ "text": "Maumivu makali ya kichwa",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "key": "chk_convulsions",
+ "text": "Degedege",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "164483AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_difficulty_breathing",
+ "text": "Ugumu wa kupumua",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "142373AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "165271AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_swelling",
+ "text": "Kuvimba kwa uso na/au mikono",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_vaginal_discharge",
+ "text": "Kutokwa na majimaji yenye rangi nyekundu au yenye majimaji ukeni yenye harufu mbaya",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "key": "chk_unusual_movement",
+ "text": "Mtoto hachezi kwenye tumbo la mama",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "113377AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "Jakuna",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ }
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua angalau moja"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "danger_signs_present_toaster",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "text": "Alama ya hatari! Mpe rufaa mara moja kwenye kituo cha afya.",
+ "text_color": "#CF0800",
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+ "step1:danger_signs_present": {
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+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_fever",
+ "chk_bleeding_vaginally",
+ "chk_server_headache",
+ "chk_convulsions",
+ "chk_difficulty_breathing",
+ "chk_severe_abdominal_pain",
+ "chk_swelling",
+ "chk_vaginal_discharge",
+ "chk_unusual_movement"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "label_info_title": "Did the mother receive counselling",
+ "label_info_text": "Did the mother receive counselling on danger signs at the health facility recently?",
+ "hint": "Je, mama alipokea ushauri nasaha kuhusu dalili za hatari katika kituo cha afya hivi karibuni?",
+ "values": [
+ "Ndio",
+ "Hapana"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ },
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua chaguo moja"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
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\ No newline at end of file
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index 538dfe38a..33d47ef3d 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_hv_observations_infant.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_hv_observations_infant.json
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Uchunguzi na ugonjwa kwa mtoto",
+ "title": "Observations & Illness - Child",
"fields": [
"key": "date_of_illness_child",
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@
"max_date": "today",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya shida"
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka tarehe ya ugonjwa"
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"hint": "Maelezo",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza maelezo"
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka maelezo"
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
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"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
"exclusive": [
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@
"key": "chk_zinc",
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+ "text": "Zinki 10",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
"key": "chk_none",
- "text": "Hajapata matibabu",
+ "text": "Hakuna matibabu iliyotolewa",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@
"hint": "Matibabu mengine",
"v_required": {
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- "err": "Tafadhali ingiza maelezo ya ugonjwa"
+ "err": "Tafadhali weka maelezo ya ugonjwa"
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"rules-engine": {
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index fb1daa076..b17980831 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_hv_observations_mother.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_hv_observations_mother.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
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- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -92,42 +87,36 @@
"key": "chk_ors",
"text": "ORS 5",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_zinc",
"text": "Zinc 10",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_paracetamol",
"text": "Panadol",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_referred",
"text": "Amepewa rufaa",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_other_treatment",
"text": "Matibabu mengine",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "Hajapata matibabu",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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--- /dev/null
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+ },
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+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Chanjo",
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+ {
+ "key": "tetanus_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je chanjo ya Diphtheria/Pepopunda imetolewa?",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tetanus_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ {
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+ "text": "Ndiyo",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_immunization_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tetanus_vaccination",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie kulingana na ratiba",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:tetanus_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hepatitis_b_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je mteja huyu amechanjwa chanjo ya homa ya ini?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hepatitis_b_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndiyo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_immunization_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_hepatitis_b_vaccination",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mteja atapaswa kupewa chanjo ya homa ya ini",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hepatitis_b_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_malaria_prevention.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_malaria_prevention.json
index 1d4980670..6a0bcb2e8 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_malaria_prevention.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_malaria_prevention.json
@@ -47,18 +47,18 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Kuzuia malaria",
+ "title": "Malaria Prevention",
"fields": [
"key": "fam_llin",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_data_type": "select one",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, ana chandarua chenye viuwatilifu vya muda mrefu?",
+ "hint": "Je, ana chandarua kinachodumu kwa muda mrefu (LLIN)?",
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
+ "Ndio",
"keys": [
@@ -77,13 +77,13 @@
"key": "llin_2days",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_data_type": "select one",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Je, amelala kwenye chandarua chenye viuwatilifu vya muda mrefu usiku uliopita?",
+ "hint": "Je, alilala chini ya neti jana usiku?",
"values": [
- "Ndiyo",
+ "Ndio",
"keys": [
@@ -108,14 +108,14 @@
"key": "llin_condition",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
"openmrs_data_type": "select one",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Hali ya chandarua chenye viuwatilifu vya muda mrefu kinachotumika",
+ "hint": "Hali ya neti",
"values": [
- "Nzima",
- "Mbovu"
+ "Nzuri",
+ "Mbaya"
"keys": [
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_mother_general_examination.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_mother_general_examination.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4eda2c0d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_mother_general_examination.json
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PNC Mother General Examination",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Uchunguzi wa Afya ya Mama",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "followup_visit_date",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_followup_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "systolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Systolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "systolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba ya Systolic (Blood Pressure)"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "namba ya Tafadhali ingiza namba ya Systolic lazime iwe sawa au kubwa kuliko 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "320",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba ya Systolic lazima iwe sawa au chini ya 320"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza namba ya Systolic (Blood Pressure)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diastolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Diastolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diastolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Diastolic"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": " Diastolic lazima iwe sawa au kubwa na 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": " Diastolic lazima iwe sawa au ndogo ya 200"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Diastolic"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:systolic)",
+ "err": "Thamani ya diastolic lazima iwe chini ya thamani ya systolic"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mtibu Mteja Shinikizo la damu ya juu kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_mother_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie IV Fluids, pia bainisha chanzo cha Shinikizo la damu ya chini na dhibiti hali hii kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_mother_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Kipimo cha kiwango cha damu (HB)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha HB kimefanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Kipimo cha HB hakujafanyika",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Kiwango cha damu (HB) (g/dl)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Ingiza kiasi cha HB"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Kiasi cha HB lazima kiwe sawa au zaidi ya 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "Kiasi cha HB lazima kiwe sawa au chini ya 20 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Ingiza kiasi cha HB"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti anaemia kali kulingana na miongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(.,\"8.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti anemia kidogo kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_mother_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu ya kutofanya kipimo cha HB",
+ "values": [
+ "Cuvette Cartridges Hazipo Kituoni",
+ "Mashine ya Kupimwa wingi wa damu (Haemoque) haifanyi kazi",
+ "Mteja alikuwa katika hali ya dharura",
+ "Mteja amekataa kupimwa",
+ "Tunaendelea kumshauri mteja",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges": "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order": "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Sababu nyingine kwa kutofanyika kwa kipimo cha HB",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Jaza sababu"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "temperature",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Joto (\u2103)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "temperature",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Ingiza kiasi cha Joto (\u2103)"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Kiasi cha joto lazima kiwe sawa au kubwa kuliko 10 C"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Kiasi cha joto lazima kiwe sawa au chini kuliko 50 C"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Ingiza kiasi cha Joto (\u2103)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Fanya vipimo vya maabara vinavyofaa ili kupata sababu ya homa na udhibiti kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"37.8\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Dhibiti hypothermia kulingana na miongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"36.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Uzito (Kg)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Uzito wa Mteja"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "Uzito lazima uwe sawa au zaidi ya 20kg"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "Uzito lazima uwe sawa au chini ya 300kg"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza Uzito wa Mteja"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_breast_exam",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Uchunguzi wa Matiti",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "breast_milk_flow",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je Matiti ya mama yanatoa maziwa?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "breast_milk_flow",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndiyo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_no_breast_milk_flow",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mshauri na msaidie Mama kumweka Mtoto katika ziwa wakati wa kunyonyesha mtoto. Maziwa ya mama yataendelea kutoka kwa wingi jinsi mtoto ananyoendelea kunyonya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:breast_milk_flow": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "bruised_nipples",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mama ana Chuchu Iliyochubuka?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bruised_nipples",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndiyo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_bruised_nipples",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:bruised_nipples": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "engorgement_mastitis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, matiti ya Mama yamejaa au yamevimba?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "engorgement_mastitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_engorgement_mastitis",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie mama antibiotiki (kiuavijsimu) na dawa za kutuliza maumivu",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:engorgement_mastitis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abscess",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mama ana Jipu?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abscess",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndiyo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abscess",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Minya, toboa na kamua Jipu la Mama. Mpatie Mama antibiotics na dawa za kutuliza maumivu",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:abscess": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "perineum_infection",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mama ana msamba au kidonda cha upasuaji ulioambikwizwa/ulioachia?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "perineum_infection",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_perineum_infection",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:perineum_infection": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "uterus_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "uterus_assessment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Tathmini ya mfuko wa uzazi",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_normal_involution",
+ "text": "Upo kawaida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_normal_involution"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_pain",
+ "text": "Kuna maumivu",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pain"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_distended",
+ "text": "Haujanywea",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_distended"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_uterus_pain",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Fanya uchunguzi wa uke kuangalia kama kuna dalili zozote za puerperial sepsis au mabaki yoyote ya uchafu baada ya kujifungua. Dhibiti hali hii kulingana na muongozo na mpatie Antibiotiki (Kiuavijasumu) na Dawa za kutuliza maumivu kulingana na muongozo",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:uterus_assessment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"chk_pain\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_uterus_distended",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Tathmini usikivu wa tumbo na mabadiliko ya uterasi, dhibiti hali ya mteja kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:uterus_assessment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"chk_distended\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lochia_assessment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Tathmini ya Lokia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lochia_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "lochia_rubra",
+ "text": "Ute mwekundu ukeni (lokia)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lochia_rubra"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lochia_serosa",
+ "text": "Ute wa pinki au kahawia ukeni (lokia)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lochia_serosa"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lochia_alba",
+ "text": "Ute mweupe ukeni",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lochia_alba"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_assessment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Tathmini ya uke",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "tear",
+ "text": "Umechanika",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tear"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "episiotomy",
+ "text": "Kuongezewa njia wakati wa kujifungua",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "episiotomy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "intact",
+ "text": "Haujacahnika",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "intact"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tear_vaginal_assessment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Ikiwa mteja anavuja damu sana, toa huduma ya dharura ya kuzuia uvujaji damu baada ya kujifungua, rekebisha jeraha na mpe Antibiotics na dawa za kutuliza maumivu",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:vaginal_assessment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"tear\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_episiotomy_vaginal_assessment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Angalia jeraha kama linatokwa na damu na maambukizi yoyote, udhibiti hali hii kulingana na mwongozo wa Wizara ya Afya",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:vaginal_assessment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"episiotomy\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fistula",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mama huyu ana Fistula?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fistula",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndiyo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fistula",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie rufaa ya upasuaji kwa ajili kurekebisha fistula",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:fistula": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_mental_health_examination",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Uchunguzi wa Afya ya Akili",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "puerperal_psychosis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mama amepata Kichaa cha mimba?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "puerperal_psychosis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mental_illness_symptom",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Dalili nyingine yoyote ya Ugonjwa wa Akili",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mental_illness_symptom",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndiyo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:puerperal_psychosis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_mental_illness",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mpatie rufaa kwenda kumuona Daktari wa Magonjwa ya Akili",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_mother_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
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+ },
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+ "entity_id": "",
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+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Usajili wa Mtoto",
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+ "scanButtonText": "Scan QR Code",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid ID"
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+ "hint": "Jina la Ukoo la Mtoto",
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+ "err": "Tafadhali weka Jina la Ukoo"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
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+ },
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+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
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+ }
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "err": "Uzito lazima uwe sawasawa au zaidi ya 0 (KG)"
+ },
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+ "err": "Uzito lazima uwe sawasawa au chini ya 6 (KG)"
+ },
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+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza uzito"
+ }
+ },
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+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_no_mother_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "Ndio",
+ "Hapana"
+ ],
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+ "No"
+ ],
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+ },
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua moja"
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "prompt_for_disabilities",
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+ "text": "Toa rufaa kwa huduma zaidi",
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"Yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa kimwili",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
+ },
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+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Uti wa Mgongo",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Majeraha ya Kichwa - Ulemavu wa Ubongo",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Maono",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Kusikia",
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+ },
+ {
+ "key": "learning_disabilities",
+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Utambuzi au Kujifunza",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"Yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza tarehe ya kuzaliwa (DOB)"
+ }
+ },
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+ "Ke",
+ "Jinsia Tata"
+ ],
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+ "Male",
+ "Female",
+ "Ambiguous"
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jinsi"
+ }
+ },
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+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "title": "Taarifa za Mlezi",
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+ },
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+ "rules-file": "pnc_no_mother_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_no_mother_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_no_mother_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "rules-file": "pnc_no_mother_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
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+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_date",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_no_mother_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "hint": "Jina la mlezi",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali taja jina la mlezi."
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Tafadhali ingiza jina sahihi"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "hint": "Namba ya simu ya mlezi mkuu",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe jumla ya tarakimu 10 kwa urefu"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Namba lazima iwe na tarakimu 10 na lazima ianze na 06 au 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza namba ya simu"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "hint": "Eneo la mlezi",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza eneo la mlezi"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_nutrition_status_infant.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_nutrition_status_infant.json
index 703d9af91..750847c5b 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_nutrition_status_infant.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_nutrition_status_infant.json
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Hali ya lishe ya mtoto",
+ "title": "Nutrition Status - Baby",
"fields": [
"key": "nutrition_status_1m",
@@ -58,9 +58,9 @@
"type": "spinner",
"hint": "Hali ya lishe ya mtoto mchanga",
"values": [
- "Nzuri/Kijani",
- "Kadri/Njano",
- "Dhaifu/Nyekundu"
+ "Kawaida/Kijani",
+ "Wastani/Njano",
+ "Nyekundu / kali"
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index cb8b44470..5141f3c7b 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_nutrition_status_mother.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_nutrition_status_mother.json
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
"encounter_location": ""
"step1": {
- "title": "Hali ya lishe ya mama",
+ "title": "Nutrition Status - Mother",
"fields": [
"key": "nutrition_status_mama",
@@ -56,11 +56,11 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "163300AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_data_type": "select one",
"type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Hali ya lishe ya mama",
+ "hint": "Hali ya lishe ya mwanamke",
"values": [
- "Nzuri/Kijani",
- "Kadri/Njano",
- "Dhaifu/Nyekundu"
+ "Kawaida/Kijani",
+ "Wastani/Njano",
+ "Nyekundu / kali"
"keys": [
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fb7cb757d
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_nutritional_supplement.json
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Virutubisho vya Lishe",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "iron_and_folic_acid",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mama amepewa Madini Chuma (Iron) na Foliki Asidi?",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "iron_and_folic_acid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Sababu kwanini Madini Chuma (Iron) na Foliki Asidi hazikutolewa",
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+ "Zimeisha",
+ "Mteja amekataa kuchukua",
+ "Mteja ana mzio na Iron Folic acid",
+ "Nyingine"
+ ],
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+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
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+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua sababu"
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "vitamin_a",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Je, Mama amepatiwa Vitamin A?",
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+ "text": "Ndio",
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "err": "Tafadhali jibu swali hili"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_nutritional_supplement_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sababu za kutokutoa Vitamin A",
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+ "Vitamin A zimeisha",
+ "Mteja amekataa kuchukua",
+ "Mteja ana mzio na Vitamin A",
+ "Nyingine (Bainisha)"
+ ],
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+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
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+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua mojawapo"
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "err": "Tafadhali jaza sababu"
+ },
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/pnc_referral_form.json
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+ },
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+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "PNC referral form",
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+ {
+ "key": "chw_referral_hf_pnc",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "is_problem": false,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_referral_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "problem_hf_pnc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Hali ya mteja / tatizo",
+ "label_text_style": "bold",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "Vaginal_bleeding",
+ "text": "Kutokwa na damu ukeni",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "147232AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Discoloured_or_watery_liquid_vaginal_discharge",
+ "text": "Kutokwa na majimaji yenye rangi nyekundu au yenye majimaji ukeni yenye harufu mbaya",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "123396AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Severe_abdominal_pain",
+ "text": "Maumivu makali ya tumbo",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "165271AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Severe_anaemia",
+ "text": "Anemia kali",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "162044AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "key": "Convulsions",
+ "text": "Degedege",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "113054AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "A_severe_headache_dizziness",
+ "text": "Maumivu ya kichwa kali / kizunguzungu",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "139081AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Swelling_of_the_face_and_or_hands",
+ "text": "Kuvimba kwa uso na/au mikono",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Fever",
+ "text": "Homa",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "140238AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "key": "Shivering_trembling",
+ "text": "Kutetemeka/kutetemeka",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "158359AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Nausea",
+ "text": "Kichefuchefu",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Vomiting",
+ "text": "Kutapika",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "122983AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Cord_prolapse",
+ "text": "Prolapse ya kamba",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "113617AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Perineum_bleeding",
+ "text": "Kutokwa na damu kwa perineum",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "136938AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Fullness_or_pain_of_the_breasts",
+ "text": "Kuvimba kwa matiti",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "118620AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "HIV_care_and_support_services",
+ "text": "Huduma za matunzo na usaidizi wa VVU",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "159811AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Family_planning_services",
+ "text": "Huduma za uzazi wa mpango",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "PMTCT_for_mothers",
+ "text": "PMTCT kwa akina mama",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "160538AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Fistula",
+ "text": "Fistula",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "160854AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Fast_breathing_and_difficulty_with_breathing",
+ "text": "Kupumua haraka na ugumu wa kupumua",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "142373AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Umbilical_cord",
+ "text": "Kutokwa na damu kwa kitovu/kitovu",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "123844AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Excessive_crying",
+ "text": "Kulia kupita kiasi",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "140944AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Unable_to_breastfeed_or_swallow",
+ "text": "Haiwezi kunyonyesha au kumeza",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "159861AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
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+ "key": "Neck_stiffness",
+ "text": "Ugumu wa shingo",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "112721AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "key": "Bloating",
+ "text": "Kuvimba",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "147132AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Redness_around_the_umbilical_cord_foul",
+ "text": "Wekundu kuzunguka kitovu, kutokwa na harufu mbaya kutoka kwa kitovu",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "132407AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "key": "Bacterial_conjunctivitis",
+ "text": "Bakteria kwenye kiwambo cha sikio",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "148026AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "key": "Pale_or_jaundiced",
+ "text": "Kupauka au manjano",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "key": "Cyanosis_blueness_of_lips",
+ "text": "Cyanosis (bluu ya midomo)",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "143050AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "key": "Skin_rash_pustules",
+ "text": "Upele wa ngozi ",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "Diarrhea",
+ "text": "Kuhara",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "142412AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "text": "Ulemavu wa Kuzaliwa",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "162558AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "key": "Premature_baby",
+ "text": "Mtoto wa mapema",
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
+ }
+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ }
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+ },
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ {
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+ "text": "Mteja anatumia ARVs?"
+ },
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "text": "Eneo la Waja"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "hint": "Tarehe ya hudhurio la mwisho",
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/routine_home_visit.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/routine_home_visit.json
index e803f9505..b4f73449d 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/routine_home_visit.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/routine_home_visit.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
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- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -71,106 +66,91 @@
"options": [
"key": "chk_maternal_nutrition",
- "text": "3. Lishe kwa mama wakati wa kunyonyesha",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Lishe kwa mama wakati wa kunyonyesha",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_hiv_aids",
- "text": "5. Umuhimu wa kupata ushauri nasaha na kupima VVU",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Umuhimu wa kupata ushauri nasaha na kupima VVU",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_pmtc_for_mother",
- "text": "6. Kuzuia mambukizi ya VVU kutoka kwa mama kwenda kwa mtoto",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Kuzuia mambukizi ya VVU kutoka kwa mama kwenda kwa mtoto",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_malaria_prevention",
- "text": "7. Kuzuia malaria kwa watoto wenye umri chini ya miaka mitano",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Kuzuia malaria kwa watoto wenye umri chini ya miaka mitano",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_hiv_exposed_infant",
- "text": "15. Ufuatiliaji wa mtoto aliyezaliwa na mama mwenye VVU",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Ufuatiliaji wa mtoto aliyezaliwa na mama mwenye VVU",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_breast_feeding",
- "text": "16. Unyonyeshaji wa maziwa ya mama",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Unyonyeshaji wa maziwa ya mama",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_birth_registration",
- "text": "19. Usajili wa vizazi",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Usajili wa vizazi",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_complementary_feeding",
- "text": "20. Kumlisha mtoto vyakula vya nyongeza",
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+ "text": "Kumlisha mtoto vyakula vya nyongeza",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_growth_and_dev",
- "text": "21. Makuzi na maendeleo ya awali ya mtoto",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Makuzi na maendeleo ya awali ya mtoto",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_immunization",
- "text": "22. Chanjo",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Chanjo",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_newborn_danger",
- "text": "23. Dalili za hatari kwa mtoto mchanga",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Dalili za hatari kwa mtoto mchanga",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_infection",
- "text": "24. Kuzuia maambukizi katika jamii",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Kuzuia maambukizi katika jamii",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_prevention_of_accidents",
- "text": "25. Kuzuia ajali kwa watoto chini ya miaka Mitano",
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+ "text": "Kuzuia ajali kwa watoto chini ya miaka Mitano",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
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"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "Hajafanya",
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"openmrs_entity_id": ""
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@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
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+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "TB Community Followup",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/tb_community_followup_referral_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Rufaa ya ufuatiliaji wa wateja wa TB katika ngazi ya jamii",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Sababu za kutoa rufaa ya ufuatiliaji kwenye Jamii"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "missed_appointment",
+ "text": "Missed Appointment",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "missed_appointment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "lost_to_followup",
+ "text": "Lost to followup client",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lost_to_followup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Other",
+ "text": "Nyinginezo",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali chagua sababu za kutoa rufaa ya ufuatiliaji katika ngazi ya jamii",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "tb_community_referral_date"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "reason_for_issuing_community_referral_other",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Sababu nyinginezo",
+ "type": "name"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_issuing_community_referral_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral"
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Tafadhali jaza sababu zinginezo",
+ "subjects": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "type": "datetime_picker",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Tarehe ya mwisho ya ya mteja kuhudhuria kliniki",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "display_format": "dd/MM/yyyy",
+ "max_date": "today"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Tafadhali chagua tarehe ya mwisho ya ya mteja kuhudhuria kliniki",
+ "subjects": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment_tb_community_followup",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Toa maoni"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment_tb_community_followup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
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index 000000000..fd575ae61
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/tb_outcome.json
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ "form": "TB Outcome",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "TB Outcome",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/tb_outcome_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Matokeo ya Vipimo vya TB",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "problem",
+ "type": "multi_choice_checkbox",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Chagua dalili za hatari za TB alizonazo mteja."
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "problem"
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "coughing_blood",
+ "text": "Kukohoa damu",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "coughing_blood",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "pain_in_the_chest",
+ "text": "Maumivu ya kifua",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cough_lasting_3_weeks_or_more",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cough_lasting_3_weeks_or_more",
+ "text": "Kikohozi kilicho endelea kwa zaidi ya wiki tatu ",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cough_lasting_3_weeks_or_more",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "fever",
+ "text": "Homa",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fever",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "weight_loss",
+ "text": "Kupungua uzito",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight_loss",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "lack_of_appetite",
+ "text": "Kukosa hamu ya chakula",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lack_of_appetite",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "night_sweats",
+ "text": "Kutokwa jasho wakati wa usiku",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "night_sweats",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Other",
+ "text": "Dalili nyinginezo",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "None",
+ "text": "Hana dalili za hatari",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali chagua dalili za hatari",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "tb_facility_visit_date"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "problem_other",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Dalili nyingine",
+ "type": "name"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "problem_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "problem"
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Tafadhali jaza dalili nyingine za hatari",
+ "subjects": "problem:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "action_taken_tb_problems",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Hatua zilizochukuliwa."
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "action_taken_tb_problems",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "no_action_taken",
+ "text": "Hajapewa matibabu yoyote",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_action_taken",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "tested",
+ "text": "Amepimwa",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tested",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "referred",
+ "text": "Amepewa rufaa",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referred",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali chagua hatua zilizochukuliwa"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "test_results",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Chagua matokeo ya vipimo vya TB.."
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "positive",
+ "text": "Ana TB",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "negative",
+ "text": "Hana TB",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali chagua matokeo ya vipimo vya TB",
+ "subjects": "action_taken_tb_problems:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Je mteja amesajiliwa kwenye kliniki ya TB?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "yes",
+ "text": "Ndio",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "no",
+ "text": "Hapana",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali jaza jibu sahihi",
+ "subjects": "test_results:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "tb_clinic_number",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Jaza namba ya Kliniki ya TB ya mteja",
+ "type": "name"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_clinic_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Tafadhali jaza namba ya Kliniki ya TB ya mteja",
+ "subjects": "enrolled_to_clinic:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment_tb_problems",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Toa maoni"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment_tb_problems",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ae2115be3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form-sw/tb_registration.json
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ "form": "TB Registration form",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "TB Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/tb_registration_form_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Usajili wa wateja wa TB",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "community_client_tb_registration_number",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Namba ya Kliniki ya TB"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_client_tb_registration_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "yes: Tafadhali jaza namba ya mteja ya cliniki ya TB",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "tb_registration_date",
+ "client_tb_status_during_registration",
+ "test_results"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "place_of_domicile",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "place_of_domicile",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Mahali alipotokea mteja/alipohojiwa"
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "a_family_with_tb_patient",
+ "text": "Familia yenye mgonjwa wa TB (Andika namba ya wilaya ya mgonjwa wa TB)",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "a_family_with_tb_patient",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "a_family_without_tb_patient",
+ "text": "Familia isiyo na mgonjwa wa TB/DR-TB",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "a_family_without_tb_patient",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "community_gathering",
+ "text": "Mkusanyiko wa watu/sehemu nyingine",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_gathering",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "pharmacy",
+ "text": "Duka la dawa",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pharmacy",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "traditional_doctors",
+ "text": "Mganga wa jadi",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "traditional_doctors",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali jaza mahali alipotokea mteja/alipohojiwa"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "district_council_number_of_current_tb_client",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Jaza namba ya wilaya ya mgonjwa wa TB"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "district_council_number_of_current_tb_client",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali jaza jaza namba ya wilaya ya mgonjwa wa TB",
+ "subjects": "place_of_domicile:text"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "community_gathering",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_gathering",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Mkusanyiko wa watu/sehemu nyingine"
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "school",
+ "text": "Shule",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "school",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "worship_houses",
+ "text": "Nyumba za Ibada",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "worship_houses",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "mining",
+ "text": "Machimbo",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mining",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "public_meetings",
+ "text": "Mikutano ya hadhara",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "public_meetings",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "prison",
+ "text": "Magereza",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prison",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "others",
+ "text": "Kwingineko",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali jaza mkusanyiko wa watu/sehemu nyingine",
+ "subjects": "place_of_domicile:text"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other_community_gathering",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Taja kwingineko"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_community_gathering",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali jaza kwingineko",
+ "subjects": "community_gathering:text"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "client_tb_screening_results",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_tb_screening_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Matokeo ya mahojiano (*Dalili alizonazo)"
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "coughing",
+ "text": "Kikihozi",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "coughing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "hemoptysis",
+ "text": "Makohozi yaliyochanganyika na Damu",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hemoptysis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "fever",
+ "text": "Homa",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fever",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "weight_lose",
+ "text": "Kupungua uzito",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight_lose",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "night_sweats",
+ "text": "Kutokwa jasho jingi kuliko kawaida hasa nyakati za usiku",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "night_sweats",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Tafadhali jaza matokeo ya mahojiano (*Dalili alizonazo)"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/all_clients_registration_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/all_clients_registration_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..583cc0cf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/all_clients_registration_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1089 @@
+ "count": "2",
+ "encounter_type": "Family Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Location details",
+ "next": "step2",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "fam_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fam_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Surname",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "First name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the first name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_middle_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Middle name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the middle name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unique_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "barcode_type": "qrcode",
+ "hint": "ID",
+ "scanButtonText": "Scan QR Code",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid ID"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fam_village",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cityVillage",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Area name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the name of area or town"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "landmark",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "landmark",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Landmark/Description of house location",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the landmark/description of location."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spacer",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "spacer",
+ "spacer_height": "15dp"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sync_location_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sync_location_id",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Select CHW Location"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "Client details",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "unique_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "hint": "Kituoni ID",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid ID"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the UNIQUE ID"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "surname",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Surname",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "First name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the first name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "middle_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Middle name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the middle name"
+ },
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date of birth (DOB)",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "duration": {
+ "label": "Age"
+ },
+ "min_date": "today-120y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the date of birth"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "age_calculated",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdateApprox",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
+ "text": "DOB unknown?",
+ "text_size": "18px",
+ "value": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "age",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Age",
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Must be a rounded number"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "3",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid age"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid age"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Age must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "120",
+ "err": "Age must be equal or less than 120"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the age"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sex",
+ "values": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the sex"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "marital_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "marital_status",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Client's Marital Status?",
+ "values": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Single": "Single",
+ "Married": "Married",
+ "Divorced": "Divorced",
+ "Widowed": "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation": "Cohabitation"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Client phone number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "id_avail",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "id_avail",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Do you have any of the following IDs?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_national_id",
+ "text": "National ID",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_national_id"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_voters_id",
+ "text": "Voter's registration ID",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_voters_id"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_drivers_license",
+ "text": "Driver's license",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_drivers_license"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_passport_number",
+ "text": "Passport",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_passport_number"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "national_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "National_ID",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "########-#####-#####-##",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345678912",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "National ID number e.g 12345678-91234-56789-12",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "23",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid national id"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^\\d{8}-\\d{5}-\\d{5}-\\d{2}$",
+ "err": "National ID number should be of the format (XXXXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid national ID"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_national_id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "voter_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Voter_Registration_Number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "T-####-####-###-#",
+ "mask_hint": "123456789123",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Voter's registration number e.g T-1234-5678-912-3",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid voters registration"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^T-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{3}-\\d{1}$",
+ "err": "Voter's registration number should be of the format (T-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-X)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid voters registration number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_voters_id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "driver_license",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Driver_License_Number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##########",
+ "mask_hint": "1234567891",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Driver's license number e.g 1234567891",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid drivers license number"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^([0-9]{10})",
+ "err": "Driver's license number should be of the format (XXXXXXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid driver's license number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_drivers_license"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "passport_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Passport",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "TAE-###-###",
+ "mask_hint": "123456",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Passport number e.g TAE-123-456",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "11",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid passport number"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^TAE-\\d{3}-\\d{3}$",
+ "err": "Passport number should be of the format (TAE-XXX-XXX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid passport number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_passport_number"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Health insurance provider",
+ "values": [
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)/(iCHF)",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
+ "AAR Healthcare",
+ "Strategies Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance",
+ "Other",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
+ "AAR Healthcare",
+ "Strategies Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance",
+ "Other",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)": "Community_Health_Fund",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)": "National_Social_Security_Fund",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)": "National_Health_Insurance_Fund",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)": "Tiba_kwa_Kadi",
+ "AAR Healthcare": "AAR_Healthcare",
+ "AAR Strategies Insurance": "Strategies_Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)": "BIMA_Mkononi",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania": "Britam_Insurance_Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance": "Jubilee_Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance": "Resolutions_Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance": "Reliance_Insurance",
+ "Other": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "None": "No_Health_Insurance"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the insurance provider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other health insurance provider",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the insurance provider"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Health insurance provider number",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please add the health insurance provider iD Number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "wra",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mra",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "preg_1yr",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "preg_1yr",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Has the woman delivered in the last 1 year?",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select if the woman has delivered in the last 1 year"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Physical disabilities",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_disability",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_disability",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Type of disability",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Mobility and Physical Impairments",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spinal_cord_disability",
+ "text": "Spinal Cord Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Head Injuries - Brain Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brain_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vision_disability",
+ "text": "Vision Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hearing_disability",
+ "text": "Hearing Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hearing_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "learning_disabilities",
+ "text": "Cognitive or Learning Disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "learning_disabilities"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "psychological_disorders",
+ "text": "Psychological Disorders",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "psychological_disorders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invisible_disabilities",
+ "text": "Invisible Disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invisible_disabilities"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the type of physical disabilities"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "has_primary_caregiver",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Has_Primary_Caregiver",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": " Do you have a primary caregiver/Treatment supporter?",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "primary_caregiver_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Primary_Caregiver_Name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Name of caregiver",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the name of the caregiver."
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Primary caregiver phone number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "service_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "service_provider",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Occupation of the Client",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_self_employed",
+ "text": "Self-Employed",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_self_employed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_employed",
+ "text": "Employed",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_employed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_unemployed",
+ "text": "Unemployed",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_unemployed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_farmer",
+ "text": "Farmer",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_farmer"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_traditional_healer",
+ "text": "Traditional healer",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_traditional_healer"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please pick at least one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "leader",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Community_Leader",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Any leadership role in the community?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_religious",
+ "text": "Religious leader",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Religious_Leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_traditional",
+ "text": "Traditional leader",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Traditional_leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_political",
+ "text": "Political leader",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Political_leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_influential",
+ "text": "Influential leader",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Influential_Leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Not_a_Community_Leader"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please pick at least one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "leader_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type_Name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Mention other role in the community",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify role"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:leader": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/all_clients_update_registration_info_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/all_clients_update_registration_info_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b242c5e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/all_clients_update_registration_info_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,956 @@
+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Family Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Client details",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "unique_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "hint": "Kituoni ID",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid ID"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the UNIQUE ID"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "surname",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Surname",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "First name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the first name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "middle_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Middle name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the middle name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date of birth (DOB)",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "duration": {
+ "label": "Age"
+ },
+ "min_date": "today-120y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the date of birth"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "age_calculated",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdateApprox",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
+ "text": "DOB unknown?",
+ "text_size": "18px",
+ "value": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "age",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Age",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "3",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid age"
+ },
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Must be a rounded number"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must begin with 0 and must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "120",
+ "err": "Age must be equal or less than 120"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the age"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sex",
+ "values": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the sex"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "marital_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "marital_status",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Client's Marital Status?",
+ "values": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Single": "Single",
+ "Married": "Married",
+ "Divorced": "Divorced",
+ "Widowed": "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation": "Cohabitation"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Client phone number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "id_avail",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "id_avail",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Do you have any of the following IDs?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_national_id",
+ "text": "National ID",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_national_id"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_voters_id",
+ "text": "Voter's registration ID",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_voters_id"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_drivers_license",
+ "text": "Driver's license",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_drivers_license"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_passport_number",
+ "text": "Passort",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_passport_number"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "national_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "National_ID",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "########-#####-#####-##",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345678912",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "National ID number e.g 12345678-91234-56789-12",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "23",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid national id"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^\\d{8}-\\d{5}-\\d{5}-\\d{2}$",
+ "err": "National ID number should be of the format (XXXXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid national ID"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_national_id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "voter_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Voter_Registration_Number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "T-####-####-###-#",
+ "mask_hint": "123456789123",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Voter's registration number e.g T-1234-5678-912-3",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid voters registration"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^T-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{3}-\\d{1}$",
+ "err": "Voter's registration number should be of the format (T-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-X)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid voters registration number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_voters_id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "driver_license",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Driver_License_Number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##########",
+ "mask_hint": "1234567891",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Driver's license number e.g 1234567891",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid drivers license number"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^([0-9]{10})",
+ "err": "Driver's license number should be of the format (XXXXXXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid driver's license number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_drivers_license"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "passport_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Passport",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "TAE-###-###",
+ "mask_hint": "123456",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Passport number e.g TAE-123-456",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "11",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid passport number"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^TAE-\\d{3}-\\d{3}$",
+ "err": "Passport number should be of the format (TAE-XXX-XXX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid passport number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_passport_number"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Health insurance provider",
+ "values": [
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)/(iCHF)",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
+ "AAR Healthcare",
+ "Strategies Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance",
+ "Other",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
+ "AAR Healthcare",
+ "Strategies Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance",
+ "Other",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)": "Community_Health_Fund",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)": "National_Social_Security_Fund",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)": "National_Health_Insurance_Fund",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)": "Tiba_kwa_Kadi",
+ "AAR Healthcare": "AAR_Healthcare",
+ "AAR Strategies Insurance": "Strategies_Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)": "BIMA_Mkononi",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania": "Britam_Insurance_Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance": "Jubilee_Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance": "Resolutions_Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance": "Reliance_Insurance",
+ "Other": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "None": "No_Health_Insurance"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the insurance provider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other health insurance provider",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the insurance provider"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Health insurance provider number",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please add the health insurance provider iD Number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "wra",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mra",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "preg_1yr",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "preg_1yr",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Has the woman delivered in the last 1 year?",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select if the woman has delivered in the last 1 year"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Physical disabilities",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_disability",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_disability",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Type of physical disabilities",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Mobility and Physical Impairments",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spinal_cord_disability",
+ "text": "Spinal Cord Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Head Injuries - Brain Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brain_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vision_disability",
+ "text": "Vision Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hearing_disability",
+ "text": "Hearing Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hearing_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "learning_disabilities",
+ "text": "Cognitive or Learning Disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "learning_disabilities"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "psychological_disorders",
+ "text": "Psychological Disorders",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "psychological_disorders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invisible_disabilities",
+ "text": "Invisible Disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invisible_disabilities"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter type of disability"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "has_primary_caregiver",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Has_Primary_Caregiver",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": " Do you have a primary caregiver/Treatment supporter?",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "primary_caregiver_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Primary_Caregiver_Name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Name of caregiver",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the name of the caregiver."
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Primary caregiver phone number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "service_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "service_provider",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Occupation of the Client",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_self_employed",
+ "text": "Self-Employed",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_self_employed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_employed",
+ "text": "Employed",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_employed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_unemployed",
+ "text": "Unemployed",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_unemployed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_farmer",
+ "text": "Farmer",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_farmer"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_traditional_healer",
+ "text": "Traditional healer",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_traditional_healer"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please pick at least one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "leader",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Community_Leader",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Any leadership role in the community?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_religious",
+ "text": "Religious leader",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Religious_Leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_traditional",
+ "text": "Traditional leader",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Traditional_leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_political",
+ "text": "Political leader",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Political_leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_influential",
+ "text": "Influential leader",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Influential_Leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Not_a_Community_Leader"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please pick at least one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "all_clients_member_update_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "leader_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type_Name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Mention other role in the community",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify role"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:leader": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_counselling.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_counselling.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6ca0039a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_counselling.json
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "ANC Counselling",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Counselling",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "given_counselling",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "given_counselling",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Select the topics counseled on this visit",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_sexual_relationship",
+ "text": "Sexual relationship",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_sexual_relationship"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_birth_emergency_plan",
+ "text": "Birth and emergency plan",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_birth_emergency_plan"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_danger_signs",
+ "text": "Danger signs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_danger_signs"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_discussion_std_hiv",
+ "text": "Discussion on STI/RTI/HIV",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_discussion_std_hiv"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_condom_use",
+ "text": "Condom use",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_condom_use"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_advice_gravid",
+ "text": "Advice on common gravid discomfort",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_advice_gravid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_self_care",
+ "text": "Self care",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_self_care"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_healthy_eating",
+ "text": "Healthy eating",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_healthy_eating"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_physical_activity",
+ "text": "Physical activity",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_physical_activity"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_use_folic_acid",
+ "text": "Daily use of Iron folic acid",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_use_folic_acid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_counsel_llin",
+ "text": "Provide and counsel on use of LLIN",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_counsel_llin"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_child_feeding",
+ "text": "Child Feeding",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_child_feeding"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "counselling_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "counselling_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_danger_signs_outcome.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_danger_signs_outcome.json
index 9cbcc0103..0e898584d 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_danger_signs_outcome.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_danger_signs_outcome.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -97,7 +92,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "anc_key_info",
"type": "toaster_notes",
- "text": "Key information for health facility:\nLast menstrual period: (LNMP)\nGestational age: {gest_age}\nEDD: {edd}",
+ "text": "Key information for health facility:\nLast normal menstrual period: (LNMP)\nGestational age: {gest_age}\nEDD: {edd}",
"toaster_type": "info",
"calculation": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -111,76 +106,65 @@
"key": "danger_signs_present",
"type": "check_box",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160939AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "danger_signs_present",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"label": "What dangers sign did the woman have?",
"combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
"options": [
"key": "Fever",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "140238AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Fever",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Fever",
+ "text": "Fever"
"key": "Bleeding_vaginally",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "150802AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Bleeding vaginally",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Bleeding_vaginally",
+ "text": "Bleeding vaginally"
"key": "Severe_headache",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "139081AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Severe headache",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Severe_headache",
+ "text": "Severe headache"
"key": "Convulsions",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "164483AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Convulsions",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Convulsions",
+ "text": "Convulsions"
"key": "Difficulty_breathing",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "142373AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Difficulty breathing",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Difficulty_breathing",
+ "text": "Difficulty breathing"
"key": "Severe_abdominal_pain",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "165271AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Severe abdominal pain",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Severe_abdominal_pain",
+ "text": "Severe abdominal pain"
"key": "Swelling_of_the_face_and/or_hands",
- "text": "Swelling of the face and/or hands",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Swelling_of_the_face_and",
+ "text": "Swelling of the face and/or hands"
"key": "Discoloured_or_watery_liquid_vaginal_discharge_with_a_bad_smell",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "123395AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Discoloured or watery, liquid vaginal discharge with a bad smell",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Discoloured_or_watery_liquid_vaginal_discharge_with_a_bad_smell",
+ "text": "Discoloured or watery, liquid vaginal discharge with a bad smell"
"key": "No_movement_unusual_movement_for_a_child_in_the_womb",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "113377AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "No movement / unusual movement for a child in the womb",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "No_movement_unusual_movement_for_a_child_in_the_womb",
+ "text": "No movement / unusual movement for a child in the womb"
"key": "Other",
- "text": "Other",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "Other",
+ "text": "Other"
"key": "None",
- "openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "None",
- "value": false
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "None",
+ "text": "None"
"exclusive": [
@@ -195,7 +179,7 @@
"key": "other_anc_danger_signs",
"type": "edit_text",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_anc_danger_signs",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"edit_type": "name",
"hint": "Other danger sign",
@@ -215,28 +199,28 @@
"key": "action_taken_anc_danger_signs",
"type": "native_radio",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164378AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "action_taken_anc_danger_signs",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"label": "Action taken by health facility",
"options": [
"key": "No_action_taken",
"openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "No_action_taken",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"text": "No action taken"
"key": "Managed",
"openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Managed",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"text": "Managed"
"key": "Referred",
"openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Referred",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"text": "Referred"
@@ -257,14 +241,14 @@
"key": "Discharged",
"openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Discharged",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"text": "Discharged"
"key": "Died",
"openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Died",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"text": "Died"
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_baseline_investigation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_baseline_investigation.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..373042d3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_baseline_investigation.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1321 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Baseline Investigation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Baseline Investigation",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "glucose_in_urine",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Glucose In Urine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "glucose_in_urine",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Glucose In Urine Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_glucose_in_urine",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Check Random Blood Glucose to rule-out gestational diabetes ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_glucose_in_urine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:glucose_in_urine": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Glucose In Urine test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:glucose_in_urine": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting Glucose In Urine test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "protein_in_urine",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Protein In Urine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "protein_in_urine",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Protein In Urine Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_protein_in_urine",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Monitor Blood Pressure to rule out pre-eclampsia, elicit symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection and manage the cause of proteinuria according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_protein_in_urine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:protein_in_urine": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Protein In Urine test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:protein_in_urine": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting Protein In Urine test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_group",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Blood Group",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_group",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "A",
+ "B",
+ "AB",
+ "O",
+ "Blood Type Test Not Conducted"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "A",
+ "B",
+ "AB",
+ "O",
+ "test_not_conducted"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "A": "A",
+ "B": "B",
+ "AB": "AB",
+ "O": "O",
+ "test_not_conducted": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Blood Type Test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:blood_group": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting the Blood Type Test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rh_factor",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Rh",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rh_factor",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_rh_factor",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer the client for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:rh_factor": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "HB Level Test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "HB Level Test conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "HB Level Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "HB Level (g/dl)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the HB level"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or greater than 0 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or less than 20 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the HB level"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the severe anaemia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(.,\"8.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the mild anaemia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the HB Level test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Cuvette Cartridges Out of Stock",
+ "Haemoque machine out of order",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges": "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order": "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting the HB Level Test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Blood For Glucose Test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "Blood for Glucose Test conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Blood for Glucose Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Type Of Blood For Glucose Test Conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "rbg",
+ "text": " Random Blood Glucose Test (rbg)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rbg",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gtt",
+ "text": "Glucose Tolerance test (GTT)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gtt"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fbg",
+ "text": "Fasting Blood Glucose Test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fbg"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:blood_for_glucose_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_for_glucose",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Blood For Glucose (mmol/L)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_for_glucose",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the blood for glucose (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Blood for glucose must be equal or greater than 0 (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "45",
+ "err": "Blood for glucose must be equal or less than 45 (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the blood for glucose (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_gestational_diabetes_mellitus",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the gestational diabetes mellitus according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_gestational_diabetes_mellitus",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_hypoglycaemia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypoglycaemia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_hypoglycaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_glucose_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_glucose_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Blood for Glucose test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_are_out_of_stock": "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:blood_for_glucose_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_blood_glucose_test_not_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_blood_glucose_test_not_conducted",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting the Blood for Glucose test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_blood_glucose_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_qn",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "HIV Test Results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_qn",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "HIV Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the HIV test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv_qn": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting HIV test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "register_pmtct",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Register the client for PMTCT care and follow up",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "register_pmtct",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv_qn": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prescribe_arv",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Prescribe ARVs to the client according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribe_arv",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv_qn": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_counselling_before_testing",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was the client provided with counselling before HIV testing?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_counselling_before_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_counselling_after_testing",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was the client provided with counselling after HIV testing?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_counselling_after_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "syphilis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Syphilis Test Results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "syphilis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Syphilis Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prescribe_anti_sy",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Prescribe client to Antibiotics",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribe_anti_sy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Syphilis test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting Syphilis test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "syphilis_treatment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was syphilis treatment provided?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "syphilis_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hepatitis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Hepatitis B Test Results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hepatitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Hepatitis B Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prescribe_arv_hepb_at_above_twenty_eight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Prescribe ARVs to the client according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribe_arv_hepb_at_above_twenty_eight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "counsel_arv_hepb_below_twenty_eight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel on ARVs uptake at 28-weeks of gestation",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "counsel_arv_hepb_below_twenty_eight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Hepatitis B test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hepatitis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting Hepatitis B test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_stds",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client tested positive for other STIs?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_stds",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_stds_treatment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was treatment provided for other STIs?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_stds_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:other_stds": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why treatment was not given",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "The client did not agree to take the medication",
+ "The client is allergic to medication",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:other_stds_treatment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not giving treatment",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "date_anc_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "date_anc_hiv_test",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_number",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_at_32",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_at_32",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_baseline_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "baseline_investigation_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "baseline_investigation_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_malaria_investigation_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_malaria_investigation_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f55731509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_malaria_investigation_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Malaria Investigation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "llin_provided": false
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Malaria Investigation",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "client_on_malaria_medication",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_on_malaria_medication",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is the client on malaria medication?",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mRDT_for_malaria",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "mRDT for Malaria Results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mRDT_for_malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Malaria Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:client_on_malaria_medication": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_mRDT",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide anti-malaria medication and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_mRDT",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mRDT_for_malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Malaria test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mRDT_for_malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting Malaria test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt1",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Malaria Preventive Therapy",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ipt1",
+ "text": "IPT1",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "text": "Malaria preventive therapy not given",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the medication for Malaria Preventive Therapy"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_giving_malaria_medication",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_giving_malaria_medication",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Malaria medication was not given",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "The client did not agree to take the medication",
+ "The client is allergic to medication",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_malaria_medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_malaria_medication_not_given",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not giving the Malaria medication",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_giving_malaria_medication": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "llin_provision",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "llin_provision",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Was the client provided with LLINs (Long lasting insecticidal nets)?",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_llin",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_llin",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the client was not provided with LLINs",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "The client refused",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_refused",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_refused": "the_client_refused",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:llin_provision": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_llin_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_llin_not_given",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not providing the LLINs",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_providing_llin": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_investigation_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_investigation_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7b41a16f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history.json
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Medical and Surgical History",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Medical and Surgical History",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "medical_surgical_history",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medical_surgical_history",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Any Medical and surgical History of the Patient?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "diabetes_mellitus",
+ "text": "Diabetes Mellitus",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diabetes_mellitus"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sickle_cell_disease",
+ "text": "Sickle Cell Disease",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sickle_cell_disease"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "heart_diseases",
+ "text": "Heart Diseases",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "heart_diseases"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "thyroid_diseases",
+ "text": "Thyroid Diseases",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "thyroid_diseases"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_transfusion",
+ "text": "Blood transfusion",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_transfusion"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_on_art",
+ "text": "On ART",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_on_art"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "epilepsy",
+ "text": "Epilepsy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "epilepsy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "previous_c_s",
+ "text": "Previous C/S",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "previous_c_s"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "myomectomy",
+ "text": "Myomectomy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "myomectomy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "third_degree_tear",
+ "text": "Third Degree Tear",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "third_degree_tear"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "repaired_fistula",
+ "text": "Repaired Fistula",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "repaired_fistula"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_genital_mutilation",
+ "text": "Female Genital Mutilation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_genital_mutilation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "closely_spaced_pregnancy",
+ "text": "Closely spaced pregnancy (within 2 years)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "closely_spaced_pregnancy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pregnant_more_than_four",
+ "text": "Pregnant four or more times",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnant_more_than_four"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hx_hemorrhage",
+ "text": "History of Hemorrhage",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hx_hemorrhage"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "history_of_high_blood_pressure",
+ "text": "History of high blood pressure",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "history_of_high_blood_pressure"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "anaemia",
+ "text": "Anaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "anaemia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "difficult_delivery",
+ "text": "Difficult delivery (Vacuum, episiotomy)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "difficult_delivery"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hx_abortions",
+ "text": "History of Abortions",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hx_abortions"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Others (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_medical_surgical_history",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_medical_surgical_history",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other medical and surgical history",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the other medical surgical history"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:medical_surgical_history": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "CTC Number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6})?",
+ "err": "CTC number should be of the format (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC Number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC Number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:medical_surgical_history": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "known_on_art"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gravida",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gravida",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "parity",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "parity",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_surv_children",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_surv_children",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gravida_read_only",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": "true",
+ "hint": "Gravida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gravida_read_only",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "parity_read_only",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": "true",
+ "hint": "Parity",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "parity_read_only",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_surv_children_read_only",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": "true",
+ "hint": "Number of living children",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_surv_children_read_only",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gravida_text",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Gravida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gravida_text",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the gravida number"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "35",
+ "err": "Gravida must be equal to or less than 35"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "parity_text",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Parity",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "parity_text",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter parity number"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:gravida_text)",
+ "err": "Parity must be less than gravida"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_grand_multiparity",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel on the risk of uterine rupture and closely monitor the client",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_surv_children_text",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_surv_children_text",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of living children",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_on_art",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_on_art",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_medical_and_surgical_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medical_surgical_history_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medical_surgical_history_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_obstetric_examination.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_obstetric_examination.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5a1a4197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_obstetric_examination.json
@@ -0,0 +1,730 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Obstetric Examination",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Obstetric Examination",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Weight (KG)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or greater than 20 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or less than 300 (KG)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Height (CM)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "height",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "60",
+ "err": "The height must be equal or greater than 60 (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "The height must be equal or less than 200 (CM)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel the client on her risk of obstructed labour and advise her to deliver at a health care facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:height": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"145\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "bmi",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Body Mass Index (BMI)",
+ "read_only": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bmi",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_underweight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the undernourished client using standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_underweight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:bmi": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"18.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_overweight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the overweight client using standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_overweight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:bmi": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(.,\"29\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "systolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Systolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "systolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the systolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "320",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or less than 320"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diastolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Diastolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diastolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the diastolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or less than 200"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:systolic)",
+ "err": "The diastolic value must be less than the systolic value"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypertension according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of hypotension and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pulse_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Pulse Rate (Beats per minute)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pulse_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the pulse rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or greater than 0 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or less than 200 (bpm)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of bradycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"60\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of tachycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"100\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "temperature",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Temperature (\u2103)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "temperature",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the temperature"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or greater than 10"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or less than 50"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Conduct relevant laboratory tests to elicit the cause of fever and manage according to standard guidelines ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"37.8\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypothermia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"36.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abdominal_scars",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Are there any lower abdominal caesarian scars?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abdominal_scars",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abdominal_scars",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel the client on her risk of uterine rupture during labour and advise her to deliver at a health care facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_abdominal_scars",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:abdominal_scars": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abdominal_movement_with_respiration",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Does the Abdomen Move with respiration",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abdominal_movement_with_respiration",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abdominal_movement_with_respiration",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer the client for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:abdominal_movement_with_respiration": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abdominal_contour",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Abdominal Contour",
+ "label_info_title": "Abdominal Contour",
+ "label_info_text": "Observe the shape of the abdomen",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abdominal_contour",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "Distended",
+ "Normal Contour"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "distended",
+ "normal_contour"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "distended": "distended",
+ "normal_contour": "normal_contour"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fundal_height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fundal_height",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Fundal Height (CM)",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the fundal height"
+ },
+ "v_min": {},
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Fundal height must be equal or less than 50 CM"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lie",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lie",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Lie",
+ "values": [
+ "Transverse",
+ "Oblique",
+ "Longitudinal"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "transverse",
+ "oblique",
+ "longitudinal"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "transverse": "transverse",
+ "oblique": "oblique",
+ "longitudinal": "longitudinal"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_lie",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "presentation",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "presentation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Presentation",
+ "values": [
+ "Breech Presentation",
+ "Cephalic Presentation"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "breech",
+ "cephalic"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "breech": "breech",
+ "cephalic": "cephalic"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_presentation",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Count Fetal Heart Rate(bpm)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the fetal heart rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Fetal heart rate must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "Fetal heart rate must be equal or less than 300"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_obstetric_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abnormal_vaginal_discharge",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Abnormal Vaginal Discharge",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abnormal_vaginal_discharge",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_vaginal_discharge",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Identify the cause of vaginal discharge and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_vaginal_discharge",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:abnormal_vaginal_discharge": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_sores",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Vaginal Sores",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_sores",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_vaginal_sores",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Identify the cause of vaginal sores and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_vaginal_sores",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:vaginal_sores": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_swelling",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Vaginal Swelling",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_swelling",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_vaginal_swelling",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Identify the cause of vaginal swelling and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_vaginal_swelling",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:vaginal_swelling": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "obstetric_examination_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "obstetric_examination_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_tb_screening.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_tb_screening.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6dee8fd1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_tb_screening.json
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "ANC TB Screening",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "global": {},
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "TB Screening",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "on_tb_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "on_tb_treatment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is the client on TB treatment?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_registration_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_registration_number",
+ "hint": "TB Clinic Number",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:on_tb_treatment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the clients TB Clinic Number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "was_client_screened_for_tb",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "was_client_screened_for_tb",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was the client screened for TB?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one of the answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:on_tb_treatment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_symptoms_screening",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Please select if the client has any of the following TB symptoms",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_symptoms_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_cough",
+ "text": "Cough for two or more weeks",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_cough"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_sputum",
+ "text": "Coughing up blood-stained sputum (hemoptysis)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_sputum"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_fevers",
+ "text": "Fevers for two or more weeks?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_fevers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_weight_loss",
+ "text": "Noticeable weight loss for new patients or 3 kgs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_weight_loss"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_weight_loss_subsequent_visit",
+ "text": "Weight loss in a month (subsequent visit)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_weight_loss_subsequent_visit"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_excessive_sweating",
+ "text": "Excessive sweating at night for two or more weeks",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_excessive_sweating"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the topic(s)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:was_client_screened_for_tb": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "investigate_for_tb",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "investigate_for_tb",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Investigate for TB",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:tb_symptoms_screening": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_cough",
+ "chk_sputum",
+ "chk_fevers",
+ "chk_weight_loss",
+ "chk_weight_loss_subsequent_visit",
+ "chk_excessive_sweating"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the TB test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:investigate_for_tb": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting TB test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_other_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer the client for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:investigate_for_tb": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tb_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer the client for TB treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:investigate_for_tb": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_screening_for_tb",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Please screen the client for TB and manage according standard guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_screening_for_tb",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:was_client_screened_for_tb": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_tb_screening_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_screening_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_screening_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_tt_vaccination.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_tt_vaccination.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4df8ae985
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_fv_tt_vaccination.json
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Vaccination",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Td Vaccination",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "completed_tt_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client completed all vaccinations for Td?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "completed_tt_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "key": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client been vaccinated for Td?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "key": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:completed_tt_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt1_vaccination_prompt",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide Td1 vaccination dose and follow-up immunization doses to the client according to immunization schedule",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:tt_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt_vaccination_type",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "What Td Vaccinations were given?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt_vaccination_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Td1",
+ "key": "tt1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt1"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt2",
+ "text": "Td2",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt2"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt3",
+ "text": "Td3",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt3"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt4",
+ "text": "Td4",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt4"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt5",
+ "text": "Td5",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt5"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:tt_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt_vaccination_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt_vaccination_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_hv_counselling.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_hv_counselling.json
index e85a438b2..69944b441 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_hv_counselling.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_hv_counselling.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -53,133 +48,107 @@
"key": "counselling_given",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "counselling_given",
"type": "check_box",
"label": "Counselling provided to the mother and family members ",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
- "exclusive": [
- "chk_none"
- ],
"options": [
"key": "chk_attended_anc_contacts",
- "text": "1. Attend ANC contacts early",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Attend ANC contacts early",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161013AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_attended_anc_contacts"
"key": "chk_anc_danger_signs",
- "text": "2. Pregnancy danger signs",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Pregnancy danger signs",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161050AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_anc_danger_signs"
"key": "chk_maternal_nutrition",
- "text": "3. Maternal nutrition during pregnancy and breast feeding",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Maternal nutrition during pregnancy and breast feeding",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_maternal_nutrition"
"key": "chk_personal_delivery",
- "text": "4. Personal delivery plan",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Personal delivery plan",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_personal_delivery"
"key": "chk_hiv_aids",
- "text": "5. HIV/AIDS general information",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "HIV/AIDS general information",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_hiv_aids"
"key": "chk_pmtct_for_mother",
- "text": "6. PMTCT for the mother",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "PMTCT for the mother",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160538AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pmtct_for_mother"
"key": "chk_preventing_malaria",
- "text": "7. Preventing malaria for pregnant mothers",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Preventing malaria for pregnant mothers",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164884AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_preventing_malaria"
"key": "chk_physical_changes",
- "text": "8. Physical changes for a mother after giving birth",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Physical changes for a mother after giving birth",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162093AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_physical_changes"
"key": "chk_pnc_danger_signs",
- "text": "10. PNC danger signs",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "PNC danger signs",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161541AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pnc_danger_signs"
"key": "chk_care_of_infant",
- "text": "11. Care of infant after birth",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Care of infant after birth",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160413AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_care_of_infant"
"key": "chk_infant_danger_signs",
- "text": "14. Infant danger signs",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Infant danger signs",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161071AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_infant_danger_signs"
"key": "chk_hiv_exposed_infant",
- "text": "15. Follow-up for the HIV-exposed infant",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Follow-up for the HIV-exposed infant",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164818AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_hiv_exposed_infant"
"key": "chk_breastfeeding",
- "text": "16. Breastfeeding",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Breastfeeding",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_breastfeeding"
"key": "chk_exclusive_breast_feeding ",
- "text": "17. Plan for family planning using exclusive breast feeding for 6 months after birth",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Plan for family planning using exclusive breast feeding for 6 months after birth",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161096AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_exclusive_breast_feeding"
"key": "chk_family_planning",
- "text": "18. Family planning",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Family planning",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_family_planning"
"key": "chk_infection_prevention",
- "text": "24. Infection prevention and control",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_none",
- "text": "None",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Infection prevention and control",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_infection_prevention"
"v_required": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_hv_danger_signs.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_hv_danger_signs.json
index d6e16db77..28a4b005a 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_hv_danger_signs.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_hv_danger_signs.json
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@@ -53,7 +48,7 @@
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@@ -65,93 +60,80 @@
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@@ -195,7 +177,7 @@
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@@ -210,8 +192,8 @@
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@@ -205,50 +191,43 @@
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@@ -218,21 +210,18 @@
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "title": "Medical and Surgical History",
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+ {
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+ "key": "true",
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+ },
+ {
+ "key": "false",
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
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+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please pick at least one"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "hint": "Specify other medical and surgical history",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the other medical surgical history"
+ },
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+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6})?",
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+ },
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+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC ID"
+ },
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+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC ID"
+ },
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+ "step1:medical_surgical_history": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "known_on_art"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the gravida number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the gravida number"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "35",
+ "err": "Gravida must be equal to or less than 35"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "parity",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Parity",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "parity",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter parity number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the parity number"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:gravida)",
+ "err": "Parity must be less than gravida"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_grand_multiparity",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel on the risk of uterine rupture and closely monitor the client",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_surv_children",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_surv_children",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of living children",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number of living children"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number of living children"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": 1
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_on_art",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_on_art",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "ANC Followup Client Registration",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "known_last_menstrual_period",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Last Normal Menstrual Period (LNMP)",
+ "label_info_title": "LNMP",
+ "label_info_text": "LNMP = first day of Last Normal Menstrual Period. If the exact date is unknown, but the period of the month is known, use day 5 for beginning of the month, day 15 for middle of the month and day 25 for end of the month.",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "min_date": "today-50w",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "LNMP required"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age_note",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Gestational Age (GA) in Weeks",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "edd",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "edd",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Expected Date of Delivery (EDD)",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Height (CM)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "height",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "60",
+ "err": "The height must be equal or greater than 60 (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "The height must be equal or less than 200 (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel the client on her risk of obstructed labour and advise her to deliver at a health care facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:height": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"145\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "has_the_client_received_ipt_doses_from_previous_facility",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client received any IPT doses in the previous clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "has_the_client_received_ipt_doses_from_previous_facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:gest_age_note": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(.,\"13\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Please select the last IPT dose provided from the previous facility",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ipt1",
+ "text": "IPT1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt1"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ipt2",
+ "text": "IPT2",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt2"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ipt3",
+ "text": "IPT3",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt3"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ipt4",
+ "text": "IPT4",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt4"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:has_the_client_received_ipt_doses_from_previous_facility": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "has_the_client_received_deworming_from_previous_facility",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client received Deworming doses in the previous clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "has_the_client_received_deworming_from_previous_facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:gest_age_note": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(.,\"13\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "deworming",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Deworming",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "deworming",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "mebendazole",
+ "albendazole"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Mebendazole(500Mg)",
+ "key": "mebendazole",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mebendazole"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Albendazole(400Mg)",
+ "key": "albendazole",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "albendazole"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:has_the_client_received_deworming_from_previous_facility": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Client HIV Test Results from the previous clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "The client had not yet been tested for HIV in the previous Clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hepatitis_b",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Client Hepatitis B Results from the previous clinic?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hepatitis_b",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "The Client was not tested for Hepatitis B in the previous clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "syphilis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Client Syphilis Results from the previous clinic?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "syphilis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "The Client was not tested for Syphilis in the previous clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_test_at_32",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was this the second HIV test?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_test_at_32",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "CTC ID",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6})?",
+ "err": "CTC ID should be of the format (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC ID"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC ID"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:hiv": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_number",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_at_32",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_at_32",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_member_transfer_in_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abdominal_scars",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Are there any lower abdominal caesarian scars?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abdominal_scars",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abdominal_scars",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel the client on her risk of uterine rupture during labour and advise her to deliver at a health care facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_abdominal_scars",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:abdominal_scars": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abdominal_movement_with_respiration",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Does the Abdomen Move with respiration",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abdominal_movement_with_respiration",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abdominal_movement_with_respiration",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer the client for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:abdominal_movement_with_respiration": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abnormal_vaginal_discharge",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Abnormal Vaginal Discharge",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abnormal_vaginal_discharge",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_vaginal_discharge",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Identify the cause of vaginal discharge and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_vaginal_discharge",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:abnormal_vaginal_discharge": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_sores",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Vaginal Sores",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_sores",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_vaginal_sores",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Identify the cause of vaginal sores and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_vaginal_sores",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:vaginal_sores": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_swelling",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Vaginal Swelling",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_swelling",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_vaginal_swelling",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Identify the cause of vaginal swelling and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_vaginal_swelling",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:vaginal_swelling": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "ANC Partner Community Followup Referral",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "ANC Partner Community Followup",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "toast_refer_to_chw",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Client will be referred to CHW for Partner Followup\n\nSave the form to send the referral",
+ "toaster_info_text": "The client is about to be referred to the CHW tied to client's village for follow-up at the community level.\n\nAdd any additional comments that should be sent the the CHW",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chw_location",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chw_location",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "CHW/Mother Champion Location",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the Mother Champion Location"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "anc_partner_followup_comment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "anc_partner_followup_comment",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Remarks/Comments",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "false",
+ "err": "Please enter the your remarks/comments"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "anc_partner_community_referral_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "anc_partner_community_referral_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "is_problem": false,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_community_followup_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_partner_testing.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_partner_testing.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..37577dcae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_partner_testing.json
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Partner Testing",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "hiv_testing_done": false,
+ "syphilis_testing_done": false,
+ "hepatitis_testing_done": false,
+ "partner_hiv_status": "",
+ "partner_hiv_test_at_32_done": false
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Partner Testing",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "partner_hiv",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "HIV Test Results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_hiv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "HIV Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hiv_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the HIV test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits out of stock",
+ "A client was in an emergency situation",
+ "Client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling a client",
+ "Known positive",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "known_on_art",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "known_on_art": "known_on_art",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_hiv": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hiv_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting HIV test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hiv_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "register_for_hiv_services",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer the client to CTC for HIV care",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_hiv": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_ctc_number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "CTC Number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6})?",
+ "err": "CTC number should be of the format (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC Number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "couple_testing",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Did the partner test together with the mother? (Couple testing)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "couple_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_syphilis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Syphilis Test Results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_syphilis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Syphilis Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prescribe_anti_sy",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Prescribe the partner on antibiotics according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_partner_syphilis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_partner_syphilis_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Syphilis test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits out of stock",
+ "A client was in an emergency situation",
+ "Client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling a client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_partner_syphilis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_partner_syphilis_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting Syphilis test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_partner_syphilis_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_syphilis_treatment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was syphilis treatment provided?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_syphilis_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_hepatitis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Hepatitis B Test Results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_hepatitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Hepatitis B Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_partner_hepatitis",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Prescribe ARVs to the client according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_hepatitis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hepatitis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hepatitis_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Hepatitis B test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_hepatitis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hepatitis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hepatitis_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting Hepatitis B test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_partner_hepatitis_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_other_stds",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client tested positive for other STIs?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_other_stds",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_other_stds_treatment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was treatment provided for other STIs?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_other_stds_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_other_stds": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why treatment was not given",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "The client did not agree to take the medication",
+ "The client is allergic to medication",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_other_stds_treatment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_other_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_other_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not giving treatment",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:partner_reason_for_not_giving_medication_for_other_stds": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_hiv_test_at_32",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_hiv_test_at_32",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_partner_testing_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_hiv_test_number",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_hiv_test_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_pregnancy_confirmation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_pregnancy_confirmation.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fedae0a19
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_pregnancy_confirmation.json
@@ -0,0 +1,600 @@
+ "count": "3",
+ "skip_blank_steps": true,
+ "encounter_type": "Pregnancy Confirmation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Triage",
+ "next": "step2",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "danger_signs",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "The HCW performs a quick analysis/examination to identify clients with danger signs",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "danger_signs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "bleeding_vag",
+ "text": "Bleeding Vaginally",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bleeding_vag"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "headache_visual_disturbance",
+ "text": "Headache and Visual Disturbance",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "headache_visual_disturbance"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severely_pale",
+ "text": "Severely Pale",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severely_pale"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dizziness",
+ "text": "Dizziness",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dizziness"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_vomiting",
+ "text": "Severe Vomiting",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_vomiting"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "convulsion",
+ "text": "Convulsion",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "convulsion"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "looking_very_ill",
+ "text": "Looking Very Ill",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "looking_very_ill"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fever",
+ "text": "Fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fever"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unconscious",
+ "text": "Unconscious",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unconscious"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_pain",
+ "text": "Severe Pain",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_pain"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "text": "Severe Breathing Difficulty",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_breathing_difficulty"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "in_labour",
+ "text": "In Labour",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "in_labour"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "imminent_labour",
+ "text": "Imminent Labour",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "imminent_labour"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "oedema_of_legs_and_sacrum",
+ "text": "Oedema of the legs and sacrum",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "oedema_of_legs_and_sacrum"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the danger sings"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "danger_signs_present_toaster",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Danger sign! \nRefer immediately to Emergency Ward.",
+ "text_color": "#CF0800",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:danger_signs": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "bleeding_vag",
+ "headache_visual_disturbance",
+ "severely_pale",
+ "severe_vomiting",
+ "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "convulsion",
+ "looking_very_ill",
+ "fever",
+ "unconscious",
+ "severe_pain",
+ "in_labour",
+ "imminent_labour",
+ "oedema_of_legs_and_sacrum",
+ "dizziness"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "task_id",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "task_id",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "Pregnancy Confirmation",
+ "next": "step3",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_pregnancy_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_pregnancy_test",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Select the type of test conducted",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "fundal_palpation"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "fundal_palpation",
+ "text": "Fundal Palpation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fundal_palpation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "upt",
+ "text": "UPT",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "upt"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "uss",
+ "text": "USS",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "uss"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the type of pregnancy conducted"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fundal_palpation",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fundal_palpation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Fundal Palpation Results",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Fetal parts detected",
+ "key": "fetal_parts_detected",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fetal_parts_detected"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Fetal parts not detected",
+ "key": "fetal_parts_not_detected",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fetal_parts_not_detected"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the Fundal Palpation results"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "upt",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "upt",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Please select UPT Results",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "key": "positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "key": "negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the UPT test results"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "uss",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "uss",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Please select USS results",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "present_gestation_sac",
+ "text": "Present Gestation Sac",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "present_gestation_sac"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "absent_gestation_sac",
+ "text": "Absent Gestation Sac",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "absent_gestation_sac"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the USS test results"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step3": {
+ "title": "End",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "known_last_menstrual_period",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Last Normal Menstrual Period (LNMP)",
+ "label_info_title": "LNMP",
+ "label_info_text": "LNMP = first day of Last Normal Menstrual Period. If the exact date is unknown, but the period of the month is known, use day 5 for beginning of the month, day 15 for middle of the month and day 25 for end of the month.",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "min_date": "today-50w",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "LNMP required"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "last_menstrual_period_unknown",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_menstrual_period_unknown",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "text",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "lmp_unknown",
+ "text": "LNMP unknown?",
+ "text_size": "18px",
+ "value": "false",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lmp_unknown"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fundal_height",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fundal_height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Fundal Height (CM)",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Required"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Has to be a number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "12",
+ "err": "Fundal height must be equal or more than 12 CM"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Fundal height must be equal or less than 50 CM"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "estimated_last_menstrual_period",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "estimated_last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "hint": "Estimated Last Normal Menstrual Period (LNMP)",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age_note",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Gestational Age (GA) in Weeks",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "edd",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "edd",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Expected Date of Delivery (EDD)",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_pregnant",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client is not pregnant. \nPlease refer the client to Family Planning Services",
+ "toaster_info_text": "The client is not pregnant. Please refer the client to Family Planning Services",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "see_a_doctor",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer the client for a gynaecological review",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pregnancy_confirmation_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnancy_confirmation_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pregnancy_confirmation_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnancy_confirmation_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_pregnancy_outcome.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_pregnancy_outcome.json
index a2b985054..61a500852 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_pregnancy_outcome.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_pregnancy_outcome.json
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"count": "1",
"encounter_type": "Pregnancy Outcome",
"entity_id": "",
+ "global": {},
"metadata": {
"start": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
@@ -17,11 +18,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -58,11 +54,80 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "relational_id",
"type": "hidden"
+ {
+ "key": "mothers_condition",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mothers_condition",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Mother's Condition",
+ "label_text_style": "bold",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "alive",
+ "text": "Alive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "alive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "deceased",
+ "text": "Deceased",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "deceased",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the mother's condition"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "date_of_death",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "date_of_death",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date Mother Died",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please provide the date the mother died"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mothers_condition": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"deceased\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "time_of_death",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "time_of_death",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Time mother died",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please provide the time the mother died"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mothers_condition": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"deceased\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
"key": "preg_outcome",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161033AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "preg_outcome",
"type": "native_radio",
"label": "Pregnancy outcome",
"label_text_style": "bold",
@@ -71,41 +136,36 @@
"key": "born_alive",
"text": "Child was born alive",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "151849AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "born_alive",
"openmrs_entity_parent": ""
"key": "born_alive_died",
"text": "Child was born alive, but died",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164816AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "born_alive_died",
"openmrs_entity_parent": ""
"key": "still_born",
"text": "Child was stillborn",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "125872AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "still_born",
"openmrs_entity_parent": ""
"key": "alive_with_problem",
"text": "Child was born alive, but they have a problem (i.e. disability, respiratory issues, etc.)",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161599AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "alive_with_problem",
"openmrs_entity_parent": ""
"key": "miscarriage",
"text": "Miscarriage",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "miscarriage",
"openmrs_entity_parent": ""
@@ -114,11 +174,116 @@
"err": "Please select pregnancy outcome"
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_child_with_problem",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the condition as per standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:preg_outcome": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"alive_with_problem\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex_of_the_deceased_child",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sex_of_the_deceased_child",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sex of the Deceased Child",
+ "values": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female",
+ "Ambiguous"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female",
+ "Ambiguous"
+ ],
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+ "Male": "Male",
+ "Female": "Female",
+ "Ambiguous": "Ambiguous"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:preg_outcome": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"born_alive_died\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the sex"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_child_died",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_child_died",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the child died",
+ "values": [
+ "Birth Asphyxia",
+ "Neonatal Respiratory Distress",
+ "Prematurity",
+ "Early Neonatal Sepsis",
+ "Others (Specify)"
+ ],
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+ "birth_asphyxia",
+ "neonatal_respiratory_distress",
+ "prematurity",
+ "early_neonatal_sepsis",
+ "others"
+ ],
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+ "birth_asphyxia": "birth_asphyxia",
+ "neonatal_respiratory_distress": "neonatal_respiratory_distress",
+ "prematurity": "prematurity",
+ "early_neonatal_sepsis": "early_neonatal_sepsis",
+ "others": "others"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:preg_outcome": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"born_alive_died\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "other_reasons_for_child_death",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reasons_for_child_death",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons as to why the child died",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_child_died": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"others\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
"key": "miscarriage_date",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "165248AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "miscarriage_date",
"type": "date_picker",
"hint": "Date of miscarriage",
"expanded": false,
@@ -136,17 +301,35 @@
- "key": "delivery_date",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "key": "hiv_status_question",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Mother's HIV status",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_status_question",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "type": "date_picker",
- "hint": "Delivery date",
- "expanded": false,
- "max_date": "today",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unknown",
+ "text": "Unknown",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unknown"
+ }
+ ],
"v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter date the woman delivered"
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -157,28 +340,66 @@
- "key": "no_children",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "key": "risk_category",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "HIV exposure risk of the newborn(s)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "risk_category",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164894AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
- "type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Number of children born alive",
- "values": [
- "1",
- "2+"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "1",
- "2+"
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "high",
+ "text": "High",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "high",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "low",
+ "text": "Low",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "low",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
- "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_high_risk_results",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Conduct birth HIV testing, provide triple ARV prophylaxis for 6-weeks followed by monoprophylaxis for the next 6-weeks, care and monitor the newborn as per guidelines until the end of exposure.",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:risk_category": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"high\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Delivery date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-42d",
+ "max_date": "today",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Please select one option"
+ "err": "Please enter date the woman delivered"
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
@@ -188,31 +409,38 @@
+ {
+ "key": "no_children",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_children",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
"key": "delivery_place",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_place",
"openmrs_data_type": "select one",
"type": "spinner",
"hint": "The place the mother gave birth",
"values": [
- "At home",
"At a health facility",
- "On the way to the health facility",
- "Other"
+ "Birth before Arrival (BBA)",
+ "At home",
+ "Traditional birth attendant"
"keys": [
- "At home",
"At a health facility",
- "On the way to the health facility",
- "Other"
+ "Birth before Arrival (BBA)",
+ "At home",
+ "Traditional birth attendant"
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
- "On the way to the health facility": "1601AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "At a health facility": "At a health facility",
+ "Birth before Arrival (BBA)": "Birth before Arrival (BBA)",
+ "At home": "At home",
+ "Traditional birth attendant": "Traditional birth attendant"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
@@ -230,7 +458,7 @@
"key": "delivery_home",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_home",
"type": "native_radio",
"label": "Who helped the mother with a home delivery?",
"label_text_style": "bold",
@@ -249,27 +477,24 @@
"options": [
"key": "gave_birth_alone",
- "text": "She gave birth at home alone",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "She gave birth alone",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gave_birth_alone"
"key": "gave_birth_with_help",
- "text": "She gave birth at home with the help of a family member/friend/neighbor",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "She gave birth with the help of a family member/friend/neighbor",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gave_birth_with_help"
"key": "midwife_help",
- "text": "She gave birth at home with the help of a traditional midwife",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "She gave birth with the help of a traditional midwife",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "125872AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "midwife_help"
@@ -277,7 +502,7 @@
"key": "delivery_hf",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "159771AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_hf",
"type": "native_radio",
"label": "The mother gave birth in a health facility. Who accompanied the mother to the health facility?",
"label_text_style": "bold",
@@ -296,43 +521,38 @@
"options": [
"key": "facility_family_member",
- "text": "She gave birth in a health facility, and she was accompanied by family member(s)",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "She was accompanied by family member(s)",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "facility_family_member"
"key": "facility_midwife",
- "text": "She gave birth in a health facility, and she was accompanied by a traditional midwife",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "She was accompanied by a traditional midwife",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "facility_midwife"
"key": "alone",
- "text": "She gave birth in a health facility, and she came by herself",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "She came by herself",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "alone"
"key": "other_pple",
- "text": "She gave birth in a health facility, and she was accompanied by other people",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "She was accompanied by other people",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_pple"
"key": "other_chw",
- "text": "She gave birth in a health facility, and she was accompanied by the CHW",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "She was accompanied by the CHW",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_chw"
@@ -340,10 +560,9 @@
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@@ -357,317 +576,1046 @@
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"type": "hidden"
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- "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
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- "barcode_type": "qrcode",
- "hint": "Boresha Afya ID",
- "scanButtonText": "Scan QR Code",
- "v_numeric": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter a valid ID"
- },
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter the UNIQUE ID"
- },
- "calculation": {
- "rules-engine": {
- "ex-rules": {
- "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_calculation.yml"
- }
- }
- },
- "relevance": {
- "rules-engine": {
- "ex-rules": {
- "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_relevance.yml"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "surname",
+ "key": "no_immediate_new_born",
+ "type": "repeating_group",
+ "reference_edit_text_hint": "Number of new born(s)",
+ "repeating_group_label": "Baby Details #",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": "",
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- "v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Please enter a valid name"
- },
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter the surname"
- },
+ "repeating_group_max": "4",
+ "expand_on_text_change": "true",
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
"rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_relevance.yml"
- }
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- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "label_info_title": "APGAR score",
+ "label_info_text": "0 - 6: Emergency \n7 - 10: The baby is Okay",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": ""
+ },
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+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the agpar score"
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- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "fam_name",
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- "hint": "Surname as Family name",
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- "rules-engine": {
- "ex-rules": {
- "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_calculation.yml"
+ },
+ {
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- "err": "Please enter the first name"
- },
- "v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Please enter a valid name"
- },
- "relevance": {
- "rules-engine": {
- "ex-rules": {
- "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_relevance.yml"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_normal_apgar_score",
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+ "text": "APGAR score, Normal: {apgar_score}",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:apgar_score_calculated": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(.,\"7\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
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+ }
+ }
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- "v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Please enter a valid name"
- },
- "relevance": {
- "rules-engine": {
- "ex-rules": {
- "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_relevance.yml"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abnormal_apgar_score",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "APGAR score, Abnormal: {apgar_score}. \nGo to emergency",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
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+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(.,\"6\")"
+ }
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+ }
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+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-dynamic": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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- "Female"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "Male",
- "Female"
- ],
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter the sex"
- },
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- "ex-rules": {
- "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_relevance.yml"
+ },
+ {
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+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
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+ "err": "Please enter the middle name"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "err": "The weight must be equal or less than 6 (KGs)"
+ },
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+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Provide BCG vaccination to the infant at the first Postnatal care visit or as soon as the BCG vaccine will be available. BCG should not be provided beyond 12-months of infant age",
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+ "text": "Provide OPV 0 vaccination to the infant at the first Postnatal care visit or as soon as the OPV 0 vaccine will be available. OPV 0 should not be provided beyond 14 days",
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+ "reference_edit_text_hint": "Number of children born alive",
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+ "text": "Provide BCG vaccination to the infant at the first Postnatal care visit or as soon as the BCG vaccine will be available. BCG should not be provided beyond 12-months of infant age",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_opv0_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was OPV 0 vaccination administered?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_opv0_vacc_not_provided",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide OPV 0 vaccination to the infant at the first Postnatal care visit or as soon as the OPV 0 vaccine will be available. OPV 0 should not be provided beyond 14 days",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:child_opv0_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter the current weight"
+ "err": "Please enter the number of children"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_birth_review_and_emergency_plan.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_birth_review_and_emergency_plan.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bfbb15e64
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_birth_review_and_emergency_plan.json
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Emergency Plan",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "delivery_place_identified": false,
+ "transport_identified": false,
+ "birth_companion_identified": false,
+ "emergency_funds_identified": false,
+ "household_support_identified": false,
+ "blood_donor_identified": false
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Review birth and emergency plan",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_place",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_place",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Delivery Place Identified?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Identified and Prepared",
+ "key": "prepared",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prepared"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Not Prepared",
+ "key": "not_prepared",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_prepared"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_emergency_plan_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "name_of_hf",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "name_of_hf",
+ "buttonText": "Select Health Facility",
+ "sort": true,
+ "maxSelectable": 1,
+ "dialogTitle": "Health Facility",
+ "searchHint": "Type Health Facility Name",
+ "options": [
+ ],
+ "type": "multi_select_list",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the health facility"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:delivery_place": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"prepared\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "transport",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "transport",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Prepare and Identify Method Of Transport",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Identified and Prepared",
+ "key": "prepared",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prepared"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Not Prepared",
+ "key": "not_prepared",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_prepared"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_emergency_plan_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "birth_companion",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birth_companion",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Prepare a Birth Companion and Notify",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Birth Companion Identified and notified",
+ "key": "prepared",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prepared"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Birth Companion Not Identified",
+ "key": "not_prepared",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_prepared"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_emergency_plan_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "emergency_funds",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "emergency_funds",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Prepare money for delivery and other delivery needs",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "prepared",
+ "text": "Prepared",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prepared"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_prepared",
+ "text": "Not Prepared",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_prepared"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_emergency_plan_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "household_support",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "household_support",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Prepare A Household Caregiver For Support",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Prepared",
+ "key": "prepared",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prepared"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Not Prepared",
+ "key": "not_prepared",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_prepared"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_emergency_plan_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_donor",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_donor",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Prepare Blood donor standby for blood transfusion",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "prepared",
+ "text": "Prepared",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prepared"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_prepared",
+ "text": "Not Prepared",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_prepared"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_emergency_plan_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_consultation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_consultation.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dfe9022a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_consultation.json
@@ -0,0 +1,707 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "ANC Consultation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Consultation (ANC assessment and Update Maternal Handbook)",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "examination_findings",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Examination Findings on current visit",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "examination_findings",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "puffy_face",
+ "text": "Face is puffy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "puffy_face"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pallor",
+ "text": "Pallor (conjunctiva, palms, tip of the tongue, gums)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pallor"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_examination_findings",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_examination_findings",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Provide emergency care for severe anaemia with heart/renal failure, elicit the cause and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:examination_findings": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "pallor",
+ "puffy_face"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age_consultation",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age_consultation",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Height (CM)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "height",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "60",
+ "err": "The height must be equal or greater than 60 (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "The height must be equal or less than 200 (CM)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "height_calculated",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "height_calculated",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel the client on her risk of obstructed labour and advise her to deliver at a health care facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:height": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"145\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Weight (KG)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or greater than 20 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or less than 300 (KG)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "bmi",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Body Mass Index (BMI)",
+ "read_only": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bmi",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_underweight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the undernourished client using standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_underweight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:bmi": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"18.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_overweight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the overweight client using standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_overweight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:bmi": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(.,\"29\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fundal_height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fundal_height",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Fundal Height (CM)",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the fundal height"
+ },
+ "v_min": {},
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Fundal height must be equal or less than 50 CM"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Count Fetal Heart Rate(bpm)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the fetal heart rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Fetal heart rate must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "Fetal heart rate must be equal or less than 300"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lie",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lie",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Lie",
+ "values": [
+ "Transverse",
+ "Oblique",
+ "Longitudinal"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "transverse",
+ "oblique",
+ "longitudinal"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "transverse": "transverse",
+ "oblique": "oblique",
+ "longitudinal": "longitudinal"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_lie",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "presentation",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "presentation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Presentation",
+ "values": [
+ "Breech Presentation",
+ "Cephalic Presentation"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "breech",
+ "cephalic"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "breech": "breech",
+ "cephalic": "cephalic"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_presentation",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:presentation": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"breech\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "systolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Systolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "systolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the systolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "320",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or less than 320"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diastolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Diastolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diastolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the diastolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or less than 200"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:systolic)",
+ "err": "The diastolic value must be less than the systolic value"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypertension according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of hypotension and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_consultation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pulse_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Pulse Rate (Beats per minute)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pulse_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the pulse rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or greater than 0 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or less than 200 (bpm)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of bradycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"60\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of tachycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"100\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "temperature",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Temperature (\u2103)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "temperature",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the temperature"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or greater than 10"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or less than 50"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Conduct relevant laboratory tests to elicit the cause of fever and manage according to standard guidelines ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"37.8\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypothermia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"36.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "breast",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Breasts",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "breast",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "normal",
+ "text": "Normal",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abnormal",
+ "text": "Abnormal",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abnormal"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_breasts",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Palpate the breast to elicit mastitis or breast lump.\nProvide antibiotics for mastitis and manage according to standard guidelines.\nRefer for further management if she has a breast lump",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_breasts",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:breast": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"abnormal\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lymph_node_under_arm",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Lymph Node (under the arm)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lymph_node_under_arm",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "normal",
+ "text": "Normal",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abnormal",
+ "text": "Abnormal",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abnormal"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_lymph_under_the_arm",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_lymph_under_the_arm",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:lymph_node_under_arm": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"abnormal\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lymph_node_cervical",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Lymph Node (cervical)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lymph_node_cervical",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "normal",
+ "text": "Normal",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abnormal",
+ "text": "Abnormal",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abnormal"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_lymph_cervical",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_lymph_cervical",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:lymph_node_cervical": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"abnormal\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "consultation_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "consultation_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_lab_test.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_lab_test.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2b03d1dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_lab_test.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1226 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "ANC Lab Tests",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "ANC Lab Tests",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "HB Level Test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "HB Level Test conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "HB Level Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "HB Level (g/dl)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the HB level"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or greater than 0 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or less than 20 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please provide a value"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the severe anaemia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the mild anaemia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the HB Level test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Cuvette Cartridges Out of Stock",
+ "Haemoque machine out of order",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges": "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order": "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other reason for why the HB Level test was not conducted",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Blood For Glucose Test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "Blood for Glucose Test conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Blood for Glucose Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Type Of Blood For Glucose Test Conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_blood_for_glucose_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "rbg",
+ "text": " Random Blood Glucose Test (rbg)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rbg",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gtt",
+ "text": "Glucose Tolerance test (GTT)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gtt"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fbg",
+ "text": "Fasting Blood Glucose Test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fbg"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:blood_for_glucose_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_for_glucose",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Blood For Glucose (mmol/L)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_for_glucose",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the blood for glucose (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Blood for glucose must be equal or greater than 0 (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "45",
+ "err": "Blood for glucose must be equal or less than 45 (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the blood for glucose (mmol/L)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_gestational_diabetes_mellitus",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the gestational diabetes mellitus according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_gestational_diabetes_mellitus",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_hypoglycaemia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypoglycaemia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_hypoglycaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_glucose_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_glucose_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Blood for Glucose test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_are_out_of_stock": "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:blood_for_glucose_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_blood_glucose_test_not_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_blood_glucose_test_not_conducted",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other reason for why the Blood for Glucose test was not conducted",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_blood_glucose_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "glucose_in_urine",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Glucose In Urine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "glucose_in_urine",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Glucose In Urine Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_glucose_in_urine",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Check Random Blood Glucose to rule-out gestational diabetes ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_glucose_in_urine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:glucose_in_urine": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Glucose in Urine test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_are_out_of_stock": "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:glucose_in_urine": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_in_urine_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other reason for why the Glucose in Urine test was not conducted",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_glucose_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "protein_in_urine",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Protein In Urine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "protein_in_urine",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Protein In Urine Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_protein_in_urine",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Monitor Blood Pressure to rule out pre-eclampsia, elicit symptoms of Urinary Tract Infection and manage the cause of proteinuria according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_protein_in_urine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:protein_in_urine": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Protein in Urine test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_are_out_of_stock": "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:protein_in_urine": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_protein_in_urine_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other reason for why the Protein in Urine test was not conducted",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_protein_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_group",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Blood Group",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_group",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "A",
+ "B",
+ "AB",
+ "O",
+ "Blood Type Test Not Conducted"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "A",
+ "B",
+ "AB",
+ "O",
+ "test_not_conducted"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "A": "A",
+ "B": "B",
+ "AB": "AB",
+ "O": "O",
+ "test_not_conducted": "test_not_conducted"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Blood Type Test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:blood_group": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting the Blood Type Test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rh_factor",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Rh",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rh_factor",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_rh_factor",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer the client for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:rh_factor": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "HIV Test Results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "HIV Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the HIV test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits out of stock",
+ "A client was in an emergency situation",
+ "Client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling a client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting HIV test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "register_pmtct",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Register the client for PMTCT care and follow up",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "register_pmtct",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prescribe_arv",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Prescribe ARVs to the client according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribe_arv",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_counselling_before_testing",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was the client provided with counselling before HIV testing?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_counselling_before_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_counselling_after_testing",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was the client provided with counselling after HIV testing?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_counselling_after_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "syphilis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Syphilis Test Results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "syphilis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Syphilis Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prescribe_anti_sy",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Prescribe client to Antibiotics",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribe_anti_sy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "syphilis_treatment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was syphilis treatment provided?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "syphilis_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Syphilis test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits out of stock",
+ "A client was in an emergency situation",
+ "Client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling a client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting Syphilis test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_syphilis_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hepatitis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Hepatitis B Test Results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hepatitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Hepatitis B Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prescribe_arv_hepb_at_above_twenty_eight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Prescribe ARVs to the client according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribe_arv_hepb_at_above_twenty_eight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "counsel_arv_hepb_below_twenty_eight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel on ARVs uptake at 28-weeks of gestation",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "counsel_arv_hepb_below_twenty_eight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Hepatitis B test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits out of stock",
+ "A client was in an emergency situation",
+ "Client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling a client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hepatitis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting Hepatitis B test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hepatitis_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_at_32",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_at_32",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_number",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "date_anc_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "date_anc_hiv_test",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_lab_test_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lab_test_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lab_test_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_malaria_investigation_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_malaria_investigation_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f9db36162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_malaria_investigation_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Malaria Investigation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Malaria Investigation",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "client_on_malaria_medication",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_on_malaria_medication",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is the client on malaria medication",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_symptoms_screening",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Please select if the client has any of the following Malaria symptoms",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_symptoms_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "fever_and_chills",
+ "text": "Fever and chills",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "headache",
+ "text": "Headache",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "headache",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pallor",
+ "text": "Pallor",
+ "opemrs_entity_id": "pallor",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diarrhea",
+ "text": "Diarrhea",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diarrhea",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "nausea_and_vomiting",
+ "text": "Nausea And Vomiting",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "nausea_and_vomiting",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "joint_pains",
+ "text": "Joint Pains",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "joint_pains",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "body_ache",
+ "text": "Body Ache",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "body_ache",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "poor_appetite",
+ "text": "Poor Appetite",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "poor_appetite",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "body_weakness",
+ "text": "Body Weakness",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "body_weakness",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "enlarged_spleen",
+ "text": "Enlarged Spleen",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enlarged_spleen",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "None of the above",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:client_on_malaria_medication": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mRDT_for_malaria",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "mRDT for Malaria Results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mRDT_for_malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Malaria Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:malaria_symptoms_screening": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "fever_and_chills",
+ "headache",
+ "pallor",
+ "diarrhea",
+ "nausea_and_vomiting",
+ "joint_pains",
+ "body_ache",
+ "poor_appetite",
+ "body_weakness",
+ "enlarged_spleen"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_mRDT",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide anti-malaria medication and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_mRDT",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mRDT_for_malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_further_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_mRDT",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mRDT_for_malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Malaria test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:mRDT_for_malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting Malaria test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_fv_malaria_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt1",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Malaria Preventive Therapy",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ipt1",
+ "text": "IPT1",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "text": "Malaria preventive therapy not given",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the medication for Malaria Preventive Therapy"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt2",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt2",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Malaria Preventive Therapy",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ipt2",
+ "text": "IPT2",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt2",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "text": "Malaria preventive therapy not given",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the medication for Malaria Preventive Therapy"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt3",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt3",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Malaria Preventive Therapy",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ipt3",
+ "text": "IPT3",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt3",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "text": "Malaria preventive therapy not given",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the medication for Malaria Preventive Therapy"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt4",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_preventive_therapy_ipt4",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Malaria Preventive Therapy",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ipt4",
+ "text": "IPT4",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt4",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "text": "Malaria preventive therapy not given",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the medication for Malaria Preventive Therapy"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_giving_malaria_medication",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_giving_malaria_medication",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Malaria medication was not given",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "The client did not agree to take the medication",
+ "The client is allergic to medication",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_malaria_medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_malaria_medication_not_given",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not giving the Malaria medication",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_giving_malaria_medication": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "llin_provision",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "llin_provision",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Was the client provided with LLINs(Long lasting insecticidal nets)?",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_malaria_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_llin",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_llin",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the client was not provided with LLINs",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "The client refused",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_refused",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "the_client_refused": "the_client_refused",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:llin_provision": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_llin_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_llin_not_given",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not providing the LLINs",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_providing_llin": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria_investigation_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria_investigation_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_pharmacy.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_pharmacy.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..432199f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_pharmacy.json
@@ -0,0 +1,305 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Medication and Supplements",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Medication and Supplements",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "pharmacy",
+ "type": "label",
+ "text": "Prescribe and issue supplements and prophylactic medications",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "iron_folate_supplements",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Iron and Folate Supplement",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "iron_folate_supplements",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "FeFo",
+ "key": "FeFo",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "FeFo"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Folic Acid",
+ "key": "folic",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "folic"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Medication not given",
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_giving_folic_acid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_giving_folic_acid",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why Folic Acid was given instead of FEFO",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "Sickle Cell",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "sickle_cell",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "sickle_cell": "sickle_cell",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:iron_folate_supplements": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"folic\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_giving_folic_acid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_giving_folic_acid",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for giving Folic Acid medication",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_giving_folic_acid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_giving_iron_folate_supplements",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_giving_iron_folate_supplements",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why Iron and Folate Supplement was not given",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "The client did not agree to take the medication",
+ "The client is allergic to medication",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:iron_folate_supplements": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"medication_not_given\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_fefo_medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_fefo_medication_not_given",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not giving FEFO medication",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_giving_iron_folate_supplements": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "deworming",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Deworming",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "deworming",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "mebendazole",
+ "albendazole",
+ "medication_not_given"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Mebendazole(500Mg)",
+ "key": "mebendazole",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mebendazole"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Albendazole(400Mg)",
+ "key": "albendazole",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "albendazole"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Deworming medication not given",
+ "key": "medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_not_given"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_pharmacy_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_giving_deworming_medication",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_giving_deworming_medication",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Deworming medication was not given",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "The client did not agree to take the medication",
+ "The client is allergic to medication",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:deworming": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "medication_not_given"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_deworming_medication_not_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_deworming_medication_not_given",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not giving the Deworming medication",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_giving_deworming_medication": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pharmacy_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pharmacy_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_pregnancy_status.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_pregnancy_status.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c804cc3b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_pregnancy_status.json
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Pregnancy Status",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Pregnancy Status",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "pregnancy_status",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Pregnancy Status",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnancy_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "viable",
+ "text": "Viable",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "viable"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spontaneous_abortion",
+ "text": "Spontaneous Abortion",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spontaneous_abortion"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "intrauterine_fetal_death",
+ "text": "Intrauterine Fetal Death (Still Birth)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "intrauterine_fetal_death"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reg_cpac",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide comprehensive post-abortal care (cPAC) according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pregnancy_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"spontaneous_abortion\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "still_birth",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the client according to Standard Guidelines and counsel the client on appropriate Family Planning methods",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pregnancy_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"intrauterine_fetal_death\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pregnancy_status_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnancy_status_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_place",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_place",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "The place the mother gave birth",
+ "values": [
+ "At a health facility",
+ "Birth before Arrival (BBA)",
+ "At home",
+ "Traditional birth attendant"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "At a health facility",
+ "Birth before Arrival (BBA)",
+ "At home",
+ "Traditional birth attendant"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "At a health facility": "At a health facility",
+ "Birth before Arrival (BBA)": "Birth before Arrival (BBA)",
+ "At home": "At home",
+ "Traditional birth attendant": "Traditional birth attendant"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pregnancy_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"intrauterine_fetal_death\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Delivery Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pregnancy_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"intrauterine_fetal_death\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the delivery date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "preg_outcome",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "preg_outcome",
+ "value": "still_born",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_pregnancy_status_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_triage.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_triage.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78e4a512c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/anc_rv_triage.json
@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Triage",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Triage",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age",
+ "hint": "Gestational Age (GA) in Weeks",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "editable": true,
+ "read_only": true
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "edd",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "edd",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_triage_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_triage_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rapid_examination",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Assess general condition of the woman immediately on arrival at antenatal clinic",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rapid_examination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "facial_expression",
+ "text": "Facial Expression (pain expression)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "facial_expression"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pallor",
+ "text": "Pallor",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pallor"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sweating",
+ "text": "Sweating",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sweating"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "shivering",
+ "text": "Shivering",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "shivering"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "difficulty_in_breathing",
+ "text": "Difficulty in breathing",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "difficulty_in_breathing"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_rapid_examination",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_rapid_examination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Provide supportive care and refer the client for advanced emergency care",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:rapid_examination": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "pallor",
+ "sweating",
+ "shivering",
+ "difficulty_in_breathing",
+ "facial_expression"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_to_clinic",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Why did you come to the clinic today?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_to_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "text": "Routine Scheduled Visit",
+ "key": "routine_visit",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "routine_visit"
+ },
+ {
+ "text": "Sick/Concerned",
+ "key": "sick_concerned",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sick_concerned"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_concern",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "text",
+ "hint": "What is your concern?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_concern",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_triage_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "danger_signs",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Ask, look, and feel if the woman is/has: ",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "danger_signs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "bleeding_vag",
+ "text": "Bleeding Vaginally",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bleeding_vag"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "headache_visual_disturbance",
+ "text": "Headache and Visual Disturbance",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "headache_visual_disturbance"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severely_pale",
+ "text": "Severely Pale",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severely_pale"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_vomiting",
+ "text": "Severe Vomiting",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_vomiting"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "convulsion",
+ "text": "Convulsion",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "convulsion"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "looking_very_ill",
+ "text": "Looking Very Ill (lethargic, drowsy)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "looking_very_ill"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fever",
+ "text": "A Fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fever"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unconscious",
+ "text": "Unconscious",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unconscious"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_pain",
+ "text": "Severe Pain",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_pain"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "text": "Severe Breathing Difficulty",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_breathing_difficulty"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "in_labour",
+ "text": "In Labour",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "in_labour"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "imminent_labour",
+ "text": "Imminent Labour",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "imminent_labour"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reduced_fetal_movement",
+ "text": "Reduced or no fetal movement",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reduced_fetal_movement"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sacrum_oedema",
+ "text": "Oedema of the face and sacrum",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sacrum_oedema"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_emergency",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_emergency",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Provide emergency care to the client",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "toaster_info": "The client exhibits one or more of the emergency signs and needs emergency care",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:danger_signs": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "bleeding_vag",
+ "headache_visual_disturbance",
+ "severely_pale",
+ "severe_vomiting",
+ "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "convulsion",
+ "looking_very_ill",
+ "fever",
+ "unconscious",
+ "severe_pain",
+ "in_labour",
+ "imminent_labour",
+ "reduced_fetal_movement",
+ "sacrum_oedema"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_danger_signs",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_danger_signs",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other danger sign(s)",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the other danger sign(s)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:danger_signs": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "anc_rv_triage_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "triage_completion_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "triage_completion_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "pending"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/birth_certification.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/birth_certification.json
index 7ec9b260d..568a5487a 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/birth_certification.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/birth_certification.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_condom_distribution_outside.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_condom_distribution_outside.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16e368301
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_condom_distribution_outside.json
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "CDP Distribution Outside Facility",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Condom Distribution",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_condoms_available",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_brand",
+ "label": "Select condom brand",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "public_sc",
+ "text": "Public sector condom",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "public_sc"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dume",
+ "text": "Dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dume"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "salama",
+ "text": "Salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "salama"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "familia",
+ "text": "Familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "familia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "others",
+ "text": "Others",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the condom brand"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "male_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condom_brand",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condom_brand",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_condom_brand",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other condom brand",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the other condom brand"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:condom_brand": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"others\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_public_sc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_public_sc",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of male condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_public_sc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_public_sc",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_dume",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of male condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_dume",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_salama",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of male condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_salama",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_familia",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of male condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_familia",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_other",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of male condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_other",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condoms_offset",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Number of male condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condoms_offset",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "quantity_response",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "quantity_response",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Number of condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stock_event_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stock_event_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_restock_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_restock_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_condom_distribution_within.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_condom_distribution_within.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8882d0983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_condom_distribution_within.json
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "CDP Distribution Within Facility",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Condom Distribution",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "condom_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_type",
+ "label": "Select condom type",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "male_condom",
+ "text": "Male",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condom"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_condom",
+ "text": "Female",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condom"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the condom type"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_condoms_available",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_brand",
+ "label": "Select condom brand",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "public_sc",
+ "text": "Public sector condom",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "public_sc"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dume",
+ "text": "Dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dume"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "salama",
+ "text": "Salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "salama"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "familia",
+ "text": "Familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "familia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "others",
+ "text": "Others",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the condom brand"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "male_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condom_brand",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condom_brand",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_condom_brand",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other condom brand",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the other condom brand"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:condom_brand": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"others\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_public_sc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_public_sc",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of male condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_public_sc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_public_sc",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_dume",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of male condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_dume",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_salama",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of male condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_salama",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_familia",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of male condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_familia",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_male_condoms_other",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of male condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_female_condoms_other",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condoms_offset",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Number of male condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condoms_offset",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Number of female condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "quantity_response",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "quantity_response",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Number of condoms distributed (Pieces)",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stock_event_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stock_event_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_restock_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_restock_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_restock_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_restock_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Condom distribution date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-1m",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the distribution date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stock_event_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stock_event_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_distribution_within_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "point_of_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "point_of_service",
+ "label": "Select point of service",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ctc",
+ "text": "CTC",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rch_clinic",
+ "text": "RCH Clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rch_clinic"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "opd",
+ "text": "OPD",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opd"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_clinic",
+ "text": "TB Clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_clinic"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "outreach",
+ "text": "Outreach",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outreach"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the point of service"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_pos",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_pos",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other point of service",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the other condom brand"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:point_of_service": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "distributing_person_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "distributing_person_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Distributing person's name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "distributing_person_position",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "distributing_person_position",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Distributing person's position",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the position"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "distributing_person_phone",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "distributing_person_phone",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Distributing person's phone number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the phone number"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_facility_order_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_facility_order_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9569a4274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_facility_order_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "CDP Order From Facility",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Request Condoms",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "condom_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_type",
+ "label": "Select condom type",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "male_condom",
+ "text": "Male",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condom"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_condom",
+ "text": "Female",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condom"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the condom type"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_condom_brand",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other condom brand",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the other condom brand"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:condom_brand": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "requested_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "requested_condoms",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of condoms ordered (Pieces)",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err":"Please enter the number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "receiving_order_facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receiving_order_facility",
+ "buttonText": "Select Facility",
+ "sort": true,
+ "maxSelectable": 1,
+ "dialogTitle": "Choose Health Facility Receiving Order",
+ "searchHint": "Type Health Facility Name",
+ "options": [
+ ],
+ "type": "multi_select_list",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the health facility"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "request_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "request_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_order_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_order_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_order_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_condom_order_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_receive_condom_facility.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_receive_condom_facility.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3ed3f735
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_receive_condom_facility.json
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "CDP Receive From Facility",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Receive Condom from Facility",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "condom_receive_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_receive_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Condom receive date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-1m",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the receiving date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "receiving_person_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receiving_person_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Condom receiving person's name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "receiving_person_position",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receiving_person_position",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Condom receiving person's position",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the position"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "receiving_person_phone",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receiving_person_phone",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Condom receiving person's phone number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the phone number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_receive_condom_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_male_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condoms_offset",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_receive_condom_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_female_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condoms_offset",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_receive_condom_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "batch_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "batch_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Batch Number",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the batch number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "expiry_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "expiry_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Expiry Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Expiry date is required"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stock_event_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stock_event_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_receive_condom_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_restock_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_restock_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_receive_condom_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_receive_condom_from_organizations.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_receive_condom_from_organizations.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..031371a71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/cdp_receive_condom_from_organizations.json
@@ -0,0 +1,523 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "CDP Restock",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Receive Condom from Organizations",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "condom_receive_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_receive_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Condom receive date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-1m",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the receiving date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_type",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Select condom type",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "male_condom",
+ "text": "Male",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condom"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_condom",
+ "text": "Female",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condom"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the condom type"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "male_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condom_brand",
+ "label": "Select the Male condom brand",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "public_sc",
+ "text": "Public sector condom",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "public_sc"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dume",
+ "text": "Dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dume"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "salama",
+ "text": "Salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "salama"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "familia",
+ "text": "Familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "familia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the condom brand"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:condom_type": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "male_condom"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_male_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_male_condom_brand",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other condom brand",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the brand"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:male_condom_brand": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "restocked_male_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condoms_offset",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of restocked Male condoms (Pieces)",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err":"Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:condom_type": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "male_condom"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condom_brand",
+ "label": "Select the Female condom brand",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "public_sc",
+ "text": "Public sector condom",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "public_sc"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dume",
+ "text": "Dume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dume"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "salama",
+ "text": "Salama",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "salama"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "familia",
+ "text": "Familia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "familia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the condom brand"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:condom_type": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "female_condom"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_female_condom_brand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_female_condom_brand",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other condom brand",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the brand"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:female_condom_brand": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "restocked_female_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condoms_offset",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of restocked Female condoms (Pieces)",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err":"Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:condom_type": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "female_condom"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "issuing_organization",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "issuing_organization",
+ "label": "Select issuing organization",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "MSD",
+ "text": "MSD",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "MSD"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "PSI",
+ "text": "PSI",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "PSI"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "T-MARC",
+ "text": "T-MARC",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "T-MARC"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the organization"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_issuing_organization",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_issuing_organization",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other issuing organization",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the name"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:issuing_organization": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "batch_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "batch_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Batch Number",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the batch number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "expiry_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "expiry_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Expiry Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Expiry date is required"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivering_person_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivering_person_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Condom delivering person's name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivering_person_position",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivering_person_position",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Condom delivering person's position",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the position"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivering_person_phone",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivering_person_phone",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Condom delivering person's phone number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the phone number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "receiving_person_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receiving_person_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Condom receiving person's name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "receiving_person_position",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receiving_person_position",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Condom receiving person's position",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the position"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "receiving_person_phone",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receiving_person_phone",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Condom receiving person's phone number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the phone number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stock_event_type",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stock_event_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_receive_condom_msd_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_restock_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_restock_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "cdp_receive_condom_msd_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/child_enrollment.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/child_enrollment.json
index d43ddb333..e6a135991 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/child_enrollment.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/child_enrollment.json
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -54,35 +49,14 @@
"step1": {
"title": "Add Child Under 5",
"fields": [
- {
- "key": "sync_location_id",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "sync_location_id",
- "type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Select CHW Location",
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please select CHW Location"
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "photo",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "",
- "type": "choose_image",
- "uploadButtonText": "Take a picture of the person"
- },
"key": "unique_id",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
"openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
- "type": "barcode",
- "barcode_type": "qrcode",
- "hint": "Boresha Afya ID",
- "scanButtonText": "Scan QR Code",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "hint": "Kituoni ID",
"v_numeric": {
"value": "true",
"err": "Please enter a valid ID"
@@ -101,7 +75,7 @@
"hint": "Surname",
"edit_type": "name",
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
"err": "Please enter a valid name"
"v_required": {
@@ -174,7 +148,7 @@
"err": "Please enter first name"
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\s\\-]*",
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\s\\-\\']*",
"err": "Please enter a valid name"
@@ -193,7 +167,7 @@
"err": "Please enter middle name"
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
"err": "Please Enter a Valid Name"
@@ -237,7 +211,14 @@
"text_size": "18px",
"value": "false"
- ]
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family-child-relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
"key": "age",
@@ -278,9 +259,9 @@
"type": "spinner",
"hint": "Health insurance provider",
"values": [
- "Community Health Fund (CHF)",
- "iCHF",
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)/(iCHF)",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
"AAR Healthcare",
"Strategies Insurance",
@@ -294,8 +275,8 @@
"keys": [
"Community Health Fund (CHF)",
- "iCHF",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
"AAR Healthcare",
"Strategies Insurance",
@@ -309,8 +290,8 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
"Community Health Fund (CHF)": "Community_Health_Fund",
- "iCHF": "iCHF",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)": "National_Social_Security_Fund",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)": "National_Health_Insurance_Fund",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)": "Tiba_kwa_Kadi",
"AAR Healthcare": "AAR_Healthcare",
"AAR Strategies Insurance": "Strategies_Insurance",
@@ -389,7 +370,7 @@
"key": "disabilities",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162558AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
"type": "spinner",
"hint": "Physical disabilities",
"values": [
@@ -401,8 +382,8 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
@@ -413,10 +394,62 @@
"key": "type_of_disability",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Type of physical disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_disability",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Type of physical disabilities",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Mobility and Physical Impairments",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spinal_cord_disability",
+ "text": "Spinal Cord Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Head Injuries - Brain Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brain_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vision_disability",
+ "text": "Vision Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hearing_disability",
+ "text": "Hearing Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hearing_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "learning_disabilities",
+ "text": "Cognitive or Learning Disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "learning_disabilities"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "psychological_disorders",
+ "text": "Psychological Disorders",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "psychological_disorders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invisible_disabilities",
+ "text": "Invisible Disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invisible_disabilities"
+ }
+ ],
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -426,14 +459,14 @@
"v_required": {
"value": true,
- "err": "Please enter type of physical disabilities"
+ "err": "Please select the type of physical disabilities"
"key": "birth_cert_available",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "165406AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birth_cert_available",
"type": "spinner",
"hint": "Birth registration/certificate",
"values": [
@@ -445,15 +478,22 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family-child-relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162052AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
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"type": "edit_text",
"hint": "Birth registration number",
"relevance": {
@@ -468,7 +508,7 @@
"key": "rhc_card",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164147AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rhc_card",
"type": "spinner",
"hint": "Does the child have RCH card 1/child growth booklet?",
"values": [
@@ -480,15 +520,15 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
"key": "nutrition_status",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "163301AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
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"type": "spinner",
"hint": "Nutrition status",
"values": [
@@ -502,9 +542,9 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Green": "Green",
+ "Grey": "Grey",
+ "Red": "Red"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
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index d9b992c42..a93986677 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/child_hv_deworming.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/child_hv_deworming.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
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- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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index d919375b1..19e68a3ce 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/child_hv_vaccine_card_received.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/child_hv_vaccine_card_received.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
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- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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index 589d44171..890cde9ab 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/child_hv_vitamin_a.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/child_hv_vitamin_a.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
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- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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index 685882890..2b72a5ee3 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/child_sick_form.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/child_sick_form.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
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- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -206,32 +201,27 @@
"key": "Bloody_diarrhoea",
"openmrs_choice_id": "138868AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Bloody diarrhoea",
- "value": false
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"key": "Fever",
"openmrs_choice_id": "140238AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "Fever",
- "value": false
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"key": "Vomiting",
"openmrs_choice_id": "122983AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
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"key": "Other",
- "text": "Other",
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"key": "None",
"openmrs_choice_id": "164369AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "None",
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"exclusive": [
@@ -356,32 +346,27 @@
"key": "ORS_solution",
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"key": "IV_infusion_drip",
"openmrs_choice_id": "162651AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "text": "IV infusion (drip)",
- "value": false
+ "text": "IV infusion (drip)"
"key": "Zinc",
- "text": "Zinc",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Zinc"
"key": "Other_treatments",
- "text": "Other treatments",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Other treatments"
"key": "None",
"openmrs_choice_id": "164369AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
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"exclusive": [
@@ -471,20 +456,17 @@
"key": "ORS_Packs",
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"key": "Zinc_pills",
- "text": "Zinc (pills)",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Zinc (pills)"
"key": "Other_drugs",
- "text": "Other drugs",
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"relevance": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_register.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_register.json
index cf37fb39e..5498da3ab 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_register.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_register.json
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
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- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -54,30 +49,13 @@
"step1": {
"title": "Family Details",
"fields": [
- {
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- "hint": "Family name",
- "edit_type": "name",
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter the family name"
- },
- "v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Please enter a valid name"
- }
- },
"key": "unique_id",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
"openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
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"barcode_type": "qrcode",
"hint": "ID *",
"scanButtonText": "Scan QR Code",
@@ -92,10 +70,10 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_address",
"openmrs_entity_id": "cityVillage",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Village/Town",
+ "hint": "Area name",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter the village or town"
+ "err": "Please enter the name of area or town"
@@ -107,25 +85,15 @@
"hint": "Landmark"
- "key": "gps",
+ "key": "sync_location_id",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "163277AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "openmrs_data_type": "text",
- "type": "gps"
- },
- {
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- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162724AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "openmrs_data_type": "text",
- "type": "tree",
- "hint": "Nearest health facility",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sync_location_id",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Select CHW Location",
"v_required": {
- "value": true,
- "err": "Please enter the nearest health facility"
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select CHW Location"
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_remove_child.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_remove_child.json
index 2aa281f5f..0b041f686 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_remove_child.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_remove_child.json
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
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- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -114,6 +109,25 @@
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_removing_the_client",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_removing_the_client",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:remove_reason": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"Other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
"key": "dob",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_remove_family.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_remove_family.json
index d9c23b6bd..1f6687eca 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_remove_family.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_remove_family.json
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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index 2176efa5c..773b656e4 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_remove_member.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_details_remove_member.json
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
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- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -114,6 +109,25 @@
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_removing_the_client",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:remove_reason": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"Other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
"key": "dob",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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index f4e80e3ca..7e33e4f70 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_member_register.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_member_register.json
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
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- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -54,35 +49,14 @@
"step1": {
"title": "Add Family Member",
"fields": [
- {
- "key": "sync_location_id",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "sync_location_id",
- "type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Select CHW Location",
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please select CHW Location"
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "photo",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "",
- "type": "choose_image",
- "uploadButtonText": "Take a picture of the person"
- },
"key": "unique_id",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
"openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
- "type": "barcode",
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- "hint": "Boresha Afya ID",
- "scanButtonText": "Scan QR Code",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "hint": "Kituoni ID",
"v_numeric": {
"value": "true",
"err": "Please enter a valid ID"
@@ -95,13 +69,13 @@
"key": "surname",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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"type": "edit_text",
"hint": "Surname",
"edit_type": "name",
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
"err": "Please enter a valid name"
"v_required": {
@@ -172,7 +146,7 @@
"err": "Please enter the first name"
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
"err": "Please enter a valid name"
@@ -185,7 +159,7 @@
"hint": "Middle name",
"edit_type": "name",
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
"err": "Please enter a valid name"
"v_required": {
@@ -246,7 +220,14 @@
"text_size": "18px",
"value": "false"
- ]
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
"key": "age",
@@ -255,6 +236,11 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "age",
"type": "edit_text",
"hint": "Age",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "3",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid age"
+ },
"v_numeric": {
"value": "true",
"err": "Number must begin with 0 and must be a total of 10 digits in length"
@@ -279,13 +265,106 @@
"err": "Please enter the age"
+ {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sex",
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+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the sex"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "marital_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "marital_status",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Client's Marital Status?",
+ "values": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Single": "Single",
+ "Married": "Married",
+ "Divorced": "Divorced",
+ "Widowed": "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation": "Cohabitation"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_member_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Phone number",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Alternative phone number",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ }
+ },
"key": "id_avail",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "id_avail",
"type": "check_box",
- "label": "Do have any of the following IDs?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Do you have any of the following IDs?",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
"exclusive": [
@@ -295,35 +374,24 @@
"key": "chk_national_id",
"text": "National ID",
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"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_national_id"
"key": "chk_voters_id",
"text": "Voter's registration ID",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_voters_id"
"key": "chk_drivers_license",
"text": "Driver's license",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_drivers_license"
- {
- "key": "chk_passport",
- "text": "Passport",
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- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_passport"
- },
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "None",
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"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
@@ -341,9 +409,25 @@
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "National_ID",
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- "hint": "National ID number",
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+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345678912",
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+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "23",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid national id"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^\\d{8}-\\d{5}-\\d{5}-\\d{2}$",
+ "err": "National ID number should be of the format (XXXXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid national ID"
+ },
"relevance": {
"step1:id_avail": {
"ex-checkbox": [
@@ -361,9 +445,25 @@
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Voter_Registration_Number",
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+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid voters registration"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^T-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{3}-\\d{1}$",
+ "err": "Voter's registration number should be of the format (T-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-X)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid voters registration number"
+ },
"relevance": {
"step1:id_avail": {
"ex-checkbox": [
@@ -381,9 +481,25 @@
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Driver_License_Number",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Driver's license number",
- "edit_type": "name",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##########",
+ "mask_hint": "1234567891",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Driver's license number e.g 1234567891",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid drivers license number"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^([0-9]{10})",
+ "err": "Driver's license number should be of the format (XXXXXXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid driver's license number"
+ },
"relevance": {
"step1:id_avail": {
"ex-checkbox": [
@@ -396,26 +512,6 @@
- {
- "key": "passport",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "Passport_Number",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Passport number",
- "edit_type": "name",
- "relevance": {
- "step1:id_avail": {
- "ex-checkbox": [
- {
- "or": [
- "chk_passport"
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
"key": "insurance_provider",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
@@ -424,9 +520,9 @@
"type": "spinner",
"hint": "Health insurance provider",
"values": [
- "Community Health Fund (CHF)",
- "iCHF",
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)/(iCHF)",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
"AAR Healthcare",
"Strategies Insurance",
@@ -440,8 +536,8 @@
"keys": [
"Community Health Fund (CHF)",
- "iCHF",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
"AAR Healthcare",
"Strategies Insurance",
@@ -455,8 +551,8 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
"Community Health Fund (CHF)": "Community_Health_Fund",
- "iCHF": "iCHF",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)": "National_Social_Security_Fund",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)": "National_Health_Insurance_Fund",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)": "Tiba_kwa_Kadi",
"AAR Healthcare": "AAR_Healthcare",
"AAR Strategies Insurance": "Strategies_Insurance",
@@ -511,26 +607,6 @@
- {
- "key": "sex",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
- "type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Sex",
- "values": [
- "Male",
- "Female"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "Male",
- "Female"
- ],
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter the sex"
- }
- },
"key": "wra",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
@@ -563,7 +639,7 @@
"key": "preg_1yr",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160692AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "preg_1yr",
"type": "spinner",
"hint": "Has the woman delivered in the last 1 year?",
"values": [
@@ -575,8 +651,8 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
@@ -594,7 +670,7 @@
"key": "disabilities",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162558AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
"type": "spinner",
"hint": "Physical disabilities",
"values": [
@@ -606,8 +682,8 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
@@ -616,15 +692,64 @@
"key": "type_of_disability",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "162558AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Type of disability",
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter type of disability"
- },
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_disability",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Type of disability",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Mobility and Physical Impairments",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spinal_cord_disability",
+ "text": "Spinal Cord Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Head Injuries - Brain Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brain_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vision_disability",
+ "text": "Vision Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hearing_disability",
+ "text": "Hearing Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hearing_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "learning_disabilities",
+ "text": "Cognitive or Learning Disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "learning_disabilities"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "psychological_disorders",
+ "text": "Psychological Disorders",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "psychological_disorders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invisible_disabilities",
+ "text": "Invisible Disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invisible_disabilities"
+ }
+ ],
"relevance": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
@@ -637,7 +762,7 @@
"key": "is_primary_caregiver",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_primary_caregiver",
"type": "spinner",
"hint": "Is primary caregiver?",
"values": [
@@ -653,145 +778,46 @@
"err": "Please select one"
- {
- "key": "phone_number",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "159635AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Phone number",
- "v_numeric": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
- },
- "v_regex": {
- "value": "(0[0-9]{9})|\\s*",
- "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 0."
- },
- "v_required": {
- "value": false,
- "err": "Please specify the phone number"
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "other_phone_number",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "159635AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Other phone number",
- "v_numeric": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
- },
- "v_regex": {
- "value": "(0[0-9]{9})|\\s*",
- "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 0."
- }
- },
"key": "service_provider",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "type": "check_box",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "service_provider",
+ "type": "native_radio",
"label": "Occupation of the family member",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
- "exclusive": [
- "chk_none"
- ],
"options": [
- "key": "chk_farmer",
- "text": "Farmer",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_cs",
- "text": "Civil Servant",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162944AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_nurse",
- "text": "Nurse",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_teacher",
- "text": "Teacher",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162946AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_th",
- "text": "Traditional Healer",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_chw",
- "text": "Community Health Worker (CHW)",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_tba",
- "text": "Traditional Birth Attendant",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_self_employed",
+ "text": "Self-Employed",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_self_employed"
- "key": "chk_chmis",
- "text": "Community HMIS (cHMIS)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_employed",
+ "text": "Employed",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "163334AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_employed"
- "key": "chk_cbd",
- "text": "Community Based Distributor",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_hbc",
- "text": "Home Based Care (HBC)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_unemployed",
+ "text": "Unemployed",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161359AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_unemployed"
- "key": "chk_cimmci",
- "text": "Community IMCI",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_farmer",
+ "text": "Farmer",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "163096AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_farmer"
- "key": "chk_other",
- "text": "Other",
+ "key": "chk_traditional_healer",
+ "text": "Traditional healer",
"value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_none",
- "text": "None",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164369AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_traditional_healer"
"v_required": {
@@ -805,6 +831,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Community_Leader",
"type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
"label": "Any leadership role in the community?",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
@@ -815,42 +842,36 @@
"key": "chk_religious",
"text": "Religious leader",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Religious_Leader"
"key": "chk_traditional",
"text": "Traditional leader",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Traditional_leader"
"key": "chk_political",
"text": "Political leader",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Political_leader"
"key": "chk_influential",
"text": "Influential leader",
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"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Influential_Leader"
"key": "chk_other",
"text": "Other",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type"
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "None",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Not_a_Community_Leader"
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_planning_change_method.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_planning_change_method.json
index 8b1028a8e..a58e7d994 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_planning_change_method.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_planning_change_method.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -119,7 +114,6 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "163494AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "value": false,
"text": "Decided to change method"
@@ -225,7 +219,6 @@
"key": "no_condoms",
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_register.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_register.json
index a038f7862..4206930f6 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_register.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/family_register.json
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
- "validate_on_submit": true,
- "show_errors_on_submit": false,
"count": "2",
"encounter_type": "Family Registration",
"entity_id": "",
@@ -18,11 +16,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -63,24 +56,58 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person",
"openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
"type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Family name",
+ "hint": "Family name (Family Head's Surname)",
"edit_type": "name",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
"err": "Please enter the family name"
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
"err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ {
+ "key": "client_first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Family Head's First name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the first name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_middle_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Family Head's Middle name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the middle name"
+ }
+ },
"key": "unique_id",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
"openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
"hidden": "true",
- "type": "barcode",
+ "type": "edit_text",
"barcode_type": "qrcode",
"hint": "ID",
"scanButtonText": "Scan QR Code",
@@ -96,14 +123,10 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "cityVillage",
"type": "edit_text",
"edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Village",
+ "hint": "Area Name",
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter the village or town"
- },
- "v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
- "err": "Please enter a valid village name"
+ "err": "Please enter the area name"
@@ -112,21 +135,12 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_address",
"openmrs_entity_id": "landmark",
"type": "edit_text",
- "edit_type": "name",
- "hint": "Landmark/ description of house location",
+ "hint": "Landmark/Description of house location",
"v_required": {
"value": true,
"err": "Please enter the landmark/description of location."
- {
- "key": "gps",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "163277AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "openmrs_data_type": "text",
- "type": "gps"
- },
"key": "spacer",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
@@ -152,14 +166,6 @@
"step2": {
"title": "Family head",
"fields": [
- {
- "key": "photo",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "",
- "type": "choose_image",
- "uploadButtonText": "Take a picture of the person"
- },
"key": "unique_id",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
@@ -191,8 +197,16 @@
"err": "Please enter the first name"
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
"err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
@@ -208,21 +222,29 @@
"err": "Please enter the middle name"
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
"err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
"key": "surname",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_name",
"type": "edit_text",
"hint": "Surname",
"edit_type": "name",
"read_only": "true",
"v_regex": {
- "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
"err": "Please enter a valid name"
"calculation": {
@@ -286,7 +308,14 @@
"text_size": "18px",
"value": "false"
- ]
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
"key": "age",
@@ -319,6 +348,82 @@
"err": "Please enter the age"
+ {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sex",
+ "values": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the sex"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "marital_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "marital_status",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Client's Marital Status?",
+ "values": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Single": "Single",
+ "Married": "Married",
+ "Divorced": "Divorced",
+ "Widowed": "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation": "Cohabitation"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Phone number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ }
+ },
"key": "id_avail",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
@@ -326,6 +431,7 @@
"openmrs_entity_id": "id_avail",
"type": "check_box",
"label": "Does he/she have any of the following IDs?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
"exclusive": [
@@ -335,48 +441,60 @@
"key": "chk_national_id",
"text": "National ID",
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"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_national_id"
"key": "chk_voters_id",
"text": "Voter's registration ID",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_voters_id"
"key": "chk_drivers_license",
"text": "Driver's license",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_drivers_license"
- {
- "key": "chk_passport",
- "text": "Passport",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_passport"
- },
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "None",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
- ]
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
"key": "national_id",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "National_ID",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "National ID number",
- "edit_type": "name",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "########-#####-#####-##",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345678912",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "National ID number e.g 12345678-91234-56789-12",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^\\d{8}-\\d{5}-\\d{5}-\\d{2}$",
+ "err": "National ID number should be of the format (XXXXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XX)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "23",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid national id"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid national ID"
+ },
"relevance": {
"step2:id_avail": {
"ex-checkbox": [
@@ -394,9 +512,25 @@
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Voter_Registration_Number",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Voter's registration number",
- "edit_type": "name",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "T-####-####-###-#",
+ "mask_hint": "123456789123",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Voter's registration number e.g T-1234-5678-912-3",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^T-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{3}-\\d{1}$",
+ "err": "Voter's registration number should be of the format (T-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-X)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid voters registration"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid voters registration number"
+ },
"relevance": {
"step2:id_avail": {
"ex-checkbox": [
@@ -414,9 +548,25 @@
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Driver_License_Number",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Driver's license number",
- "edit_type": "name",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##########",
+ "mask_hint": "1234567891",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Driver's license number e.g 1234567891",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid drivers license number"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^([0-9]{10})",
+ "err": "Driver's license number should be of the format (XXXXXXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid driver's license number"
+ },
"relevance": {
"step2:id_avail": {
"ex-checkbox": [
@@ -429,26 +579,6 @@
- {
- "key": "passport",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "Passport_Number",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Passport number",
- "edit_type": "name",
- "relevance": {
- "step2:id_avail": {
- "ex-checkbox": [
- {
- "or": [
- "chk_passport"
- ]
- }
- ]
- }
- }
- },
"key": "insurance_provider",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
@@ -457,9 +587,9 @@
"type": "spinner",
"hint": "Health insurance provider",
"values": [
- "Community Health Fund (CHF)",
- "iCHF",
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)/(iCHF)",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
"AAR Healthcare",
"Strategies Insurance",
@@ -473,8 +603,8 @@
"keys": [
"Community Health Fund (CHF)",
- "iCHF",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
"AAR Healthcare",
"Strategies Insurance",
@@ -488,8 +618,8 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
"Community Health Fund (CHF)": "Community_Health_Fund",
- "iCHF": "iCHF",
"National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)": "National_Social_Security_Fund",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)": "National_Health_Insurance_Fund",
"Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)": "Tiba_kwa_Kadi",
"AAR Healthcare": "AAR_Healthcare",
"AAR Strategies Insurance": "Strategies_Insurance",
@@ -544,26 +674,6 @@
- {
- "key": "sex",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
- "type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Sex",
- "values": [
- "Male",
- "Female"
- ],
- "keys": [
- "Male",
- "Female"
- ],
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter the sex"
- }
- },
"key": "wra",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
@@ -590,7 +700,7 @@
"key": "preg_1yr",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160692AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "preg_1yr",
"type": "spinner",
"hint": "Has the woman delivered in the last 1 year?",
"values": [
@@ -602,8 +712,8 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
@@ -621,7 +731,7 @@
"key": "disabilities",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162558AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
"type": "spinner",
"hint": "Physical disabilities",
"values": [
@@ -633,8 +743,8 @@
"openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
@@ -643,163 +753,133 @@
"key": "type_of_disability",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "162558AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "160632AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Type of disability",
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please enter type of disability"
- },
- "relevance": {
- "rules-engine": {
- "ex-rules": {
- "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
- }
- }
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "phone_number",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "159635AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Phone number",
- "v_numeric": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
- },
- "v_regex": {
- "value": "(0[0-9]{9})|\\s*",
- "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 0."
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "other_phone_number",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "159635AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hint": "Other phone number",
- "v_numeric": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
- },
- "v_regex": {
- "value": "(0[0-9]{9})|\\s*",
- "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 0."
- }
- },
- {
- "key": "service_provider",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_disability",
"type": "check_box",
- "label": "Occupation of the family member",
+ "label": "Type of disability",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
- "exclusive": [
- "chk_none"
- ],
"options": [
- "key": "chk_farmer",
- "text": "Farmer",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Mobility and Physical Impairments",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
- "key": "chk_cs",
- "text": "Civil Servant",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "spinal_cord_disability",
+ "text": "Spinal Cord Disability",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162944AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
- "key": "chk_nurse",
- "text": "Nurse",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Head Injuries - Brain Disability",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brain_disability"
- "key": "chk_teacher",
- "text": "Teacher",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "vision_disability",
+ "text": "Vision Disability",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "162946AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
- "key": "chk_th",
- "text": "Traditional Healer",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "hearing_disability",
+ "text": "Hearing Disability",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hearing_disability"
- "key": "chk_chw",
- "text": "Community Health Worker (CHW)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "learning_disabilities",
+ "text": "Cognitive or Learning Disabilities",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "learning_disabilities"
- "key": "chk_tba",
- "text": "Traditional Birth Attendant",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "psychological_disorders",
+ "text": "Psychological Disorders",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "psychological_disorders"
- "key": "chk_chmis",
- "text": "Community HMIS (cHMIS)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "invisible_disabilities",
+ "text": "Invisible Disabilities",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "163334AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
- },
- {
- "key": "chk_cbd",
- "text": "Community Based Distributor",
- "value": false,
- "openmrs_entity": "concept",
- },
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invisible_disabilities"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other phone number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "service_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "service_provider",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Occupation of the family head",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
- "key": "chk_hbc",
- "text": "Home Based Care (HBC)",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_self_employed",
+ "text": "Self-Employed",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "161359AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_self_employed"
- "key": "chk_cimmci",
- "text": "Community IMCI",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_employed",
+ "text": "Employed",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "163096AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_employed"
- "key": "chk_other",
- "text": "Other",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_unemployed",
+ "text": "Unemployed",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_unemployed"
- "key": "chk_none",
- "text": "None",
- "value": false,
+ "key": "chk_farmer",
+ "text": "Farmer",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "164369AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_farmer"
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
"err": "Please pick at least one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
@@ -808,6 +888,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Community_Leader",
"type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
"label": "Any leadership role in the community?",
"label_text_style": "normal",
"text_color": "#C0C0C0",
@@ -818,42 +899,36 @@
"key": "chk_religious",
"text": "Religious leader",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Religious_Leader"
"key": "chk_traditional",
"text": "Traditional leader",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Traditional_leader"
"key": "chk_political",
"text": "Political leader",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Political_leader"
"key": "chk_influential",
"text": "Influential leader",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Influential_Leader"
"key": "chk_other",
"text": "Other",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type"
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "None",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
"openmrs_entity_id": "Not_a_Community_Leader"
@@ -861,6 +936,13 @@
"v_required": {
"value": "true",
"err": "Please pick at least one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "family_register_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/female_family_planning_change_method.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/female_family_planning_change_method.json
index 8b1028a8e..a58e7d994 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/female_family_planning_change_method.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/female_family_planning_change_method.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -119,7 +114,6 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "163494AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "value": false,
"text": "Decided to change method"
@@ -225,7 +219,6 @@
"key": "no_condoms",
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/female_family_planning_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/female_family_planning_registration.json
index 601ebe6fe..c2118a35a 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/female_family_planning_registration.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/female_family_planning_registration.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -57,18 +52,6 @@
"title": "Family planning registration Info",
"next": "step2",
"fields": [
- {
- "key": "sync_location_id",
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "sync_location_id",
- "type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Select CHW Location",
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please select CHW Location"
- }
- },
"key": "fp_reg_date",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
@@ -128,8 +111,7 @@
"options": [
"key": "pregnant_option",
- "text": "Verify that the woman is not pregnant",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Verify that the woman is not pregnant"
@@ -139,7 +121,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "couselling_HIV_STI",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Was she counselled on HIV and STI prevention?",
+ "label": "Was she counselled on HIV and STI/RTI prevention?",
"options": [
"key": "yes",
@@ -253,8 +235,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_condom",
- "type": "edit_text",
- "hidden": true,
+ "type": "hidden",
"calculation": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_arv_prescription_high_or_low_risk_infant.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_arv_prescription_high_or_low_risk_infant.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d636caa38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_arv_prescription_high_or_low_risk_infant.json
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HEI ARV prophylaxis for low risk infants",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "ARV prophylaxis",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Please provide NVP Syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_nvp_syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the infant been provided NVP Syrup?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_nvp_days_dispensed",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_nvp_days_dispensed",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of days dispensed",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter number of days dispensed"
+ },
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be less than or equal to 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:provided_nvp_syrup": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Please specify the reasons",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "out_of_stock",
+ "text": "Out of stock",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_stock"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_expired",
+ "text": "Medication expired",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_expired"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "home_delivery",
+ "text": "Home delivery",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "home_delivery"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:provided_nvp_syrup": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the other reason(s)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the other reason(s)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_and_low_risk_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_and_low_risk_given",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "value": "true"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_arv_prescription_high_risk_infant.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_arv_prescription_high_risk_infant.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4db3f2491
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_arv_prescription_high_risk_infant.json
@@ -0,0 +1,243 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HEI ARV prophylaxis for high risk infants",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "ARV prophylaxis",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_azt_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Please provide AZT + 3TC and NVP Syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_azt_nvp_syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_azt_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the infant been provided AZT + 3TC and NVP Syrup?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_other_combinations",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_other_combinations",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the infant been provided other combinations?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:provided_azt_nvp_syrup": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "specify_the_combinations",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the combinations",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "specify_the_combinations",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the combinations"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:provided_other_combinations": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_azt_nvp_days_dispensed",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_azt_nvp_days_dispensed",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of days dispensed",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter number of days dispensed"
+ },
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be less than or equal to 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_arv_prescription_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Please specify the reasons",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "out_of_stock",
+ "text": "Out of stock",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_stock"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_expired",
+ "text": "Medication expired",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_expired"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:provided_other_combinations": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the other reason(s)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the other reason(s)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_providing_other_combination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_risk_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_risk_given",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "value": "true"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_baseline_investigation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_baseline_investigation.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e8239d05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_baseline_investigation.json
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HEI Baseline Investigation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HEI Baseline Investigation",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "followup_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_status",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Visit Type",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "values": [
+ "Infant and Mother (IM)",
+ "Infant with other caregiver (IC)",
+ "Transit (O)",
+ "Lost to Followup"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "infant_and_mother",
+ "infant_with_other_caregiver",
+ "transfer_out",
+ "lost_to_followup"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "infant_and_mother": "infant_and_mother",
+ "infant_with_other_caregiver": "infant_with_other_caregiver",
+ "transfer_out": "transfer_out",
+ "lost_to_followup": "lost_to_followup"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the visit type"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "name_of_hf",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "name_of_hf",
+ "buttonText": "Select Health Facility",
+ "sort": true,
+ "maxSelectable": 1,
+ "dialogTitle": "Health Facility",
+ "searchHint": "Type Health Facility Name",
+ "options": [
+ ],
+ "type": "multi_select_list",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the health facility"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "health_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "health_status",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Health Status",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "values": [
+ "Diarrhoea",
+ "DEAR Draining Ears",
+ "Fever",
+ "KS Kaposi Sarcoma",
+ "MAL Malnutrition",
+ "OC Oesophageal Candidiasis",
+ "Pneumonia",
+ "SD Skin Disease",
+ "Thrush (Oral Candidiasis)",
+ "TB Tuberculosis",
+ "Well",
+ "LN Lymphadenopathy"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "diarrhoea",
+ "draining_ears",
+ "fever",
+ "kaposi_sarcoma",
+ "malnutrition",
+ "oesophageal_candidiasis",
+ "pneumonia",
+ "skin_disease",
+ "thrush",
+ "tuberculosis",
+ "well",
+ "lymphadenopathy"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "diarrhoea": "diarrhoea",
+ "draining_ears": "draining_ears",
+ "fever": "fever",
+ "kaposi_sarcoma": "kaposi_sarcoma",
+ "malnutrition": "malnutrition",
+ "oesophageal_candidiasis": "oesophageal_candidiasis",
+ "pneumonia": "pneumonia",
+ "skin_disease": "skin_disease",
+ "thrush": "thrush",
+ "tuberculosis": "tuberculosis",
+ "well": "well",
+ "lymphadenopathy": "lymphadenopathy"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the health status"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_health_status",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer the client for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "infant_feeding_practice",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "infant_feeding_practice",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "hint": "Infant Feeding Practice",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "values": [
+ "EBF: Infant fed by only breast milk",
+ "RF: Infant fed only by formula milk",
+ "MF: Infant fed by breast milk and formula milk",
+ "BF + additional food: Infant fed by breast milk as well as other complementary food",
+ "RF + additional food: Infant fed by formula milk and complementary food",
+ "SBF: Child has stopped breast milk completely"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "ebf",
+ "rf",
+ "mf",
+ "bf+",
+ "rf+",
+ "sbf"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "ebf": "ebf",
+ "rf": "rf",
+ "mf": "mf",
+ "bf+": "bf+",
+ "rf+": "rf+",
+ "sbf": "sbf"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the infant feeding practice"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Weight (KG)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or greater than 0 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or less than 20 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "5",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid weight."
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "followup_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_visit_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_followup_visit_date_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_community_followup_referral.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_community_followup_referral.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..256f3f4c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_community_followup_referral.json
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HEI Community Followup",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HEI Community Followup Referral",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Client's last facility visit date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "editable": false,
+ "read_only": true,
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the client's last facility visit date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Reasons for issuing community followup referral",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "missed_appointment",
+ "text": "Missed Appointment",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "missed_appointment"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lost_to_followup",
+ "text": "Lost to followup client",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lost_to_followup"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select reason for issuing the referral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mother_champion_location",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_champion_location",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Mother Champion Location",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the Mother Champion Location"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "comment_pmtct_community_followup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment_pmtct_community_followup",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Remarks/Comments"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_community_referral_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_community_referral_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_community_followup_referral_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_name",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_dna_pcr_sample_collection.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_dna_pcr_sample_collection.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ca8cd8bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_dna_pcr_sample_collection.json
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HEI DNA PCR Sample Collection",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "DNA-PCR Sample Collection",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Healthcare Provider's Name",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinician_name",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter the healthcare provider's name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the healthcare provider's name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_position",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Healthcare Provider's Title",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinician_position",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "Medical Officer",
+ "Assistant Medical Officer",
+ "Clinical Officer",
+ "Assistant Clinical Officer",
+ "Nurse"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "medical_officer",
+ "assistant_medical_officer",
+ "clinical_officer",
+ "assistant_clinical_officer",
+ "nurse"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "medical_officer": "medical_officer",
+ "assistant_medical_officer": "assistant_medical_officer",
+ "clinical_officer": "clinical_officer",
+ "assistant_clinical_officer": "assistant_clinical_officer",
+ "nurse": "nurse"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the healthcare provider's title"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Healthcare Provider's Phone Number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinician_phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits and must start with 06 au 07."
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the healthcare provider's phone number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sample_collection_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "DNA-PCR Sample Collection Date",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sample_collection_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "min_date": "today-5y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the collection date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dna_pcr_collection_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "DNA-PCR Sample Collection Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dna_pcr_collection_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the collection time"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sample_id",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "DNA-PCR Sample ID",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sample_id",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the sample ID"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_hiv_test",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "DNA PCR"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_at_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_at_age",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "actual_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "actual_age",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_hiv_test_results.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_hiv_test_results.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3429054d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_hiv_test_results.json
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HEI HIV Test Results",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "global": {},
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HIV Test Results",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "sample_id",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sample_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_result",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_status",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Select the test result",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "confirmation_hiv_test_result",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "confirmation_hiv_test_result",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is this a confirmation test result?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv_test_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_confirm_hiv_results",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Conduct another DNA PCR test on the child to confirm the HIV status",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:confirmation_hiv_test_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_hiv_test_results",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The Child is HIV-infected, refer to HIV Care and Treatment services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:confirmation_hiv_test_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_result_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_result_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date of receiving results",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-3y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the date of receiving the results"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "results_provided_to_parents",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "results_provided_to_parents",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Have the results been provided to the parents?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_hiv_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_result_to_parent_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_result_to_parent_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date Results given to Mother/Caregiver",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-3y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Tafadhali chagua Tarehe ya majibu kupewa mzazi"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:results_provided_to_parents": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_provide_results_to_parents",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide the results to the parents",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:results_provided_to_parents": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "linkage_to_ctc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "linkage_to_ctc",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is the child linked to CTC services?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:confirmation_hiv_test_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "CTC Number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6})?",
+ "err": "CTC number should be of the format (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC Number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC Number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:linkage_to_ctc": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_linkage_to_ctc",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Link the child to CTC services and issue a CTC number",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:linkage_to_ctc": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_hiv_test",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "Antibody Test"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_at_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_at_age",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "actual_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "actual_age",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_number_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_number_registration.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e1a1d4ba8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_number_registration.json
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HEI Number Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HEI Number Registration",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hei_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hei_number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######-C##",
+ "mask_hint": "1234567891234567",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "HEI Number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6}-C\\d{2})?",
+ "err": "HEI number should be of the format (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX-CXX)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "21",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid HEI Number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid HEI Number"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_rv_ctx.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_rv_ctx.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d8fcfa47e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hei_rv_ctx.json
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HEI CTX Prescription",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "CTX Prescription",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prescribed_ctx",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribed_ctx",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the infant been prescribed CTX?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_ctx_days_dispensed",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_ctx_days_dispensed",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of days dispensed",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter number of days dispensed"
+ },
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be less than or equal to 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:prescribed_ctx": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_prescribing_ctx",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_prescribing_ctx",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Reason for not prescribing CTX",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "out_of_stock",
+ "text": "Out of stock",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_stock"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_expired",
+ "text": "Medication expired",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_expired"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:prescribed_ctx": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_prescribing_ctx",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the other reason(s)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_prescribing_ctx",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the other reason(s)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_prescribing_ctx": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_client_update_ctc_number.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_client_update_ctc_number.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0cd736e07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_client_update_ctc_number.json
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ "form": "Update CTC Number",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Update CTC Number",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/hiv_index_contact_ctc_enrollment_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Update CTC Number",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "masked_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "CTC Number e.g 12-34-5678-912345",
+ "type": "Care and Treatment Clinic registration number (CTC Number)",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "input_type": "number",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "validation": [
+ {
+ "condition": "value.matches(\"(\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{6})?\")",
+ "message": "CTC Number should be of the format (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)."
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify client's CTC number"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_community_followup_referral.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_community_followup_referral.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3217df13d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_community_followup_referral.json
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+ "form": "HIV Community Followup",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HIV Community Followup",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/hiv_community_followup_referral_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "HIV Community Followup Referral",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Reasons for issuing community followup referral"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "missed_appointment",
+ "text": "Missed Appointment",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "missed_appointment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "lost_to_followup",
+ "text": "Lost to followup client",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lost_to_followup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select reason for issuing the referral",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "hiv_community_referral_date"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "reason_for_issuing_community_referral_other",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Other Reasons",
+ "type": "name"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_issuing_community_referral_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral"
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Please specify other reasons",
+ "subjects": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "type": "datetime_picker",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Clients last facility visit date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "display_format": "dd/MM/yyyy",
+ "max_date": "today"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Please specify the clients last facility visit date",
+ "subjects": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment_hiv_community_followup",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Remarks/Comments"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment_hiv_community_followup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_index_clients_contacts_registration_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_index_clients_contacts_registration_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c0a04defc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_index_clients_contacts_registration_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
+ "count": "2",
+ "encounter_type": "Family Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Location details",
+ "next": "step2",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "fam_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fam_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Surname",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter surname"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "First name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the first name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_middle_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Middle name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the middle name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unique_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "barcode_type": "qrcode",
+ "hint": "ID",
+ "scanButtonText": "Scan QR Code",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid ID"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fam_village",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cityVillage",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Area Name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the area name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "landmark",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "landmark",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Landmark/Description of house location",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the landmark/description of location."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spacer",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "spacer",
+ "spacer_height": "15dp"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sync_location_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sync_location_id",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Select CHW Location",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select CHW Location"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "Client details",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "unique_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "hint": "Kituoni ID",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid ID"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the UNIQUE ID"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "surname",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Surname",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_client_contacts_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "First name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the first name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_client_contacts_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "middle_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Middle name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-]*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the middle name"
+ },
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_client_contacts_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Date of birth (DOB)",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "duration": {
+ "label": "Age"
+ },
+ "min_date": "today-120y",
+ "max_date": "today-5y",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the date of birth"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "age_calculated",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_client_contacts_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdateApprox",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "label": "",
+ "value": "true",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
+ "text": "DOB unknown?",
+ "text_size": "18px",
+ "value": "true"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "age",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Age",
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Must be a rounded number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Enter a valid age"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "120",
+ "err": "Age must be equal or less than 120"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the age"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sex",
+ "values": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the sex"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "wra",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_client_contacts_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mra",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_client_contacts_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Client phone number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": false,
+ "err": "Please specify the phone number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Alternative phone number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": false,
+ "err": "Please specify the alternative phone number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "relationship_under_15_for_possible_children",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "relationship",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Relationship",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "biological_child",
+ "text": "Biological child",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "biological_child"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "siblings",
+ "text": "Siblings",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "siblings"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Relationship is required"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "relationship_under_15",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "err": "Relationship is required"
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ },
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+ "key": "biological_father",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "biological_father"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ "err": "Relationship is required"
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_client_contacts_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gbv_analysis",
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+ "text": "Conduct GBV Screening",
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ "label": "Has the contact client ever emotionally or physically hurt you in your lifetime?",
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+ "key": "yes",
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+ },
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+ }
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "The answer to this question is required"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ "label": "Has the contact client ever hit, kicked, slapped, or physically hurt you within the last year?",
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+ "key": "yes",
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+ }
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+ "err": "The answer to this question is required"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the contact client ever forced you to have sexual activities within the last year?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
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+ },
+ {
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+ }
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "The answer to this question is required"
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "fearful_of_contact_client",
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+ "label": "Are you threatened or fear the contact client?",
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+ "key": "yes",
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+ },
+ {
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+ }
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "The answer to this question is required"
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ "label": "Do you have any complimentary information regarding the violence you have been subjected to?",
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+ "key": "yes",
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+ },
+ {
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+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_ipv_service",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer the client for post-IPV Services\n\nDiscuss with the client on the appropriate referral to communicate with Index Contact",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_ipv_service",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hiv_index_contacts_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "how_to_notify_the_contact_client",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "label": "How to communicate with contact client",
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+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ "key": "client_referral",
+ "text": "Client Referral",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_referral"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provider_referral",
+ "text": "Provider Referral",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provider_referral"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "contract_referral",
+ "text": "Contract Referral",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "contract_referral"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dual_referral",
+ "text": "Dual Referral",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dual_referral"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "The answer to this question is required"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_index_contact_community_followup_referral.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_index_contact_community_followup_referral.json
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+ "form": "HIV Index Contact Community Followup Referral",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HIV Index Contact Community Followup Referral",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/hiv_index_contact_community_followup_referral_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
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+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Index Contact Community Followup",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "toast_refer_to_chw",
+ "type": "toast_notification",
+ "properties": {
+ "notification_type": "info",
+ "dismissible": "no",
+ "title": "Client will be referred to CHW",
+ "text": "The client is about to be referred to the CHW tied to client's village for follow-up at the community level.\n\nAdd any additional comments that should be sent the the CHW\n\nSave the form to send the referral",
+ "background_color": "#082455",
+ "text_color": "#EBEE2F"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "chw_referral_hf",
+ "type": "spinner",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chw_referral_hf",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "CHW Location"
+ },
+ "options": [],
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "hiv_index_contact_community_followup_referral_date",
+ "refer_to_chw"
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Remarks/Comments"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "false"
+ }
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+ }
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_index_contact_ctc_enrollment.json
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+ "form": "HIV Index Contact CTC Enrollment",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Update HIV Index Contact Testing Followup",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/hiv_index_contact_ctc_enrollment_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Index Contact HIV Outcome",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "masked_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "CTC Number e.g 12-34-5678-912345",
+ "type": "Care and Treatment Clinic registration number (CTC Number)",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "input_type": "number",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "validation": [
+ {
+ "condition": "value.matches(\"(\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{6})?\")",
+ "message": "CTC Number should be of the format (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)."
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify client's CTC number"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Remarks/Comments"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "place_where_test_was_conducted",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "place_where_test_was_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "subjects": "place_where_test_was_conducted:map"
+ },
+ {
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+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "rules_file": "rule/hiv_index_contact_followup_for_non_sex_partner_rules.yml",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Index Contact HIV Outcome",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "has_the_client_been_reached",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Has the Index Contact been reached?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "has_the_client_been_reached",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "No",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the answer",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "relationship"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "eligibility_for_testing",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Is the Index Contact Eligible for testing?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "eligibility_for_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ {
+ "name": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "text": "No",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the answer",
+ "subjects": "has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "has_the_contact_client_been_tested",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Has the Index Contact been tested for HIV?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "has_the_contact_client_been_tested",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ {
+ "name": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "text": "No",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the answer",
+ "subjects": "has_the_client_been_reached:map, eligibility_for_testing:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "reasons_conducting_testing_for_index_contact",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Reasons as to why the Index Contact was not tested"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_conducting_testing_for_index_contact",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "text": "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_kits_are_out_of_stock",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "text": "The client refused to be tested",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "text": "We are still counselling the client",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select a reason",
+ "subjects": "eligibility_for_testing:map,has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map,has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other_reason_for_not_testing",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Specify the other reason for not testing the Index Contact"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "yes:Please enter the reason",
+ "subjects": "reasons_conducting_testing_for_index_contact:map,eligibility_for_testing:map,has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map,has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "test_results",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "What are the HIV test results?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "text": "Negative",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the test results",
+ "subjects": "has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map, eligibility_for_testing:map, has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "place_where_test_was_conducted",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Where was the test conducted?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "place_where_test_was_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "outpatient_department",
+ "text": "Outpatient department",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inpatient_department",
+ "text": "Inpatient department",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "inpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "community_based_hiv_testing_service",
+ "text": "Community Based HIV Testing Service",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_based_hiv_testing_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ctc",
+ "text": "CTC",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "text": "Outreach services",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outreach_services",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the answer",
+ "subjects": "test_results:map, eligibility_for_testing:map, has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map, has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "client_test_date",
+ "type": "datetime_picker",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Client's test date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "display_format": "dd/MM/yyyy",
+ "max_date": "today"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_test_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Please specify the client's test date",
+ "subjects": "test_results:map, eligibility_for_testing:map, has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map, has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "toast_enroll_the_client_to_prep",
+ "type": "toast_notification",
+ "properties": {
+ "notification_type": "info",
+ "dismissible": "no",
+ "title": "Client should be enrolled to KVP/PrEP",
+ "text": "The client is a sex partner of a HIV Positive client and should be enrolled to KVP/PrEP",
+ "background_color": "#082455",
+ "text_color": "#EBEE2F"
+ },
+ "subjects": "relationship:text, test_results:map, has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map, eligibility_for_testing:map, has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Has the client been enrolled to care and treatment?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the answer",
+ "subjects": "test_results:map, eligibility_for_testing:map, has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map, has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "reasons_for_ineligibility_for_testing",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_for_ineligibility_for_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Reasons for Ineligibility for testing"
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "known_positive",
+ "text": "The contact is known HIV positive",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes: Please Select",
+ "subjects": "has_the_client_been_reached:map,eligibility_for_testing:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other_reason_for_ineligibility",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Other"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_ineligibility",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "yes: Please input the other reason",
+ "subjects": "reasons_for_ineligibility_for_testing:map, eligibility_for_testing:map, has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "masked_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "CTC Number e.g 12-34-5678-912345",
+ "type": "Care and Treatment Clinic registration number (CTC Number)",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "input_type": "number",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "validation": [
+ {
+ "condition": "value.matches(\"(\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{6})?\")",
+ "message": "CTC Number should be of the format (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)."
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify client's CTC number",
+ "subjects": "enrolled_to_clinic:map, reasons_for_ineligibility_for_testing:map, eligibility_for_testing:map, test_results:map, has_the_contact_client_been_tested:map, has_the_client_been_reached:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Remarks/Comments"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_outcome.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_outcome.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6e74955a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_outcome.json
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+ "form": "HIV Outcome",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HIV Outcome",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/hiv_outcome_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "HIV Testing Outcome",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "action_taken_hiv_problems",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Action taken by health facility."
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "action_taken_hiv_problems",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "no_action_taken",
+ "text": "Not Tested",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_action_taken",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "tested",
+ "text": "Tested",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tested",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "referred",
+ "text": "Referred",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referred",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select action taken",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "hiv_facility_visit_date",
+ "test_results_calculation"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "where_was_test_conducted",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Where was the test conducted?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "where_was_test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "outpatient_department",
+ "text": "Outpatient department",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inpatient_department",
+ "text": "Inpatient department",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "inpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "community_based_hiv_testing_services",
+ "text": "Community Based HIV Testing Services",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_based_hiv_testing_services",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ctc",
+ "text": "CTC",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "outreach_services",
+ "text": "Outreach Services",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outreach_services",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select where the test was conducted"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other_where_was_test_conducted",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Others (Specify)"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_where_was_test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Please specity where was the test conducted",
+ "subjects": "where_was_test_conducted:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "reason_no_action_was_taken",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Reasons client was not tested"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_no_action_was_taken",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "known_positive",
+ "text": "Known Positive",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "client_declined",
+ "text": "Client Declined",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_declined",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "test_not_required_based_on_risk_assessment",
+ "text": "Test not required based on risk assessment",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_required_based_on_risk_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select action taken",
+ "subjects": "action_taken_hiv_problems:map",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "test_results_calculation"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other_reason_no_action_was_taken",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Others (Specify)"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_no_action_was_taken",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Please specity other reason",
+ "subjects": "reason_no_action_was_taken:map, action_taken_hiv_problems:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "test_results",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Select client’s HIV test results."
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inconclusive",
+ "text": "Inconclusive",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "inconclusive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the test results",
+ "subjects": "action_taken_hiv_problems:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "prompt_for_hiv_inconclusive",
+ "type": "toast_notification",
+ "properties": {
+ "notification_type": "warning",
+ "dismissible": "no",
+ "text": "Counsel the client to re-test after 2 weeks",
+ "background_color": "#ffc107",
+ "text_color": "#000000"
+ },
+ "subjects": "test_results:map, action_taken_hiv_problems:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Is the client enrolled to CTC clinic?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the answer",
+ "subjects": "test_results:map, action_taken_hiv_problems:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "masked_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "CTC Number e.g 12-34-5678-912345",
+ "type": "name",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "input_type": "number",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "validation": [
+ {
+ "condition": "value.matches(\"(\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{6})?\")",
+ "message": "CTC Number should be of the format (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)."
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "true:Please fill client's CTC number",
+ "subjects": "reason_no_action_was_taken:map, enrolled_to_clinic:map,test_results:map, action_taken_hiv_problems:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "prompt_for_ctc_enrollment",
+ "type": "toast_notification",
+ "properties": {
+ "notification_type": "info",
+ "dismissible": "no",
+ "text": "Continue with counseling until the client is ready to be enrolled",
+ "background_color": "#082455",
+ "text_color": "#EBEE2F"
+ },
+ "subjects": "enrolled_to_clinic:map, test_results:map, action_taken_hiv_problems:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment_hiv_problems",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Remarks/Comments"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment_hiv_problems",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_registration.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3fa69cb52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hiv_registration.json
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+ "form": "HIV Registration form",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HIV Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/hiv_registration_form_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "HIV Clients Registration form",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "new_or_current_hiv_client",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Is the registered client a new HIV Client or an existing HIV Client?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "new_or_current_hiv_client",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "new",
+ "text": "New HIV client",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "new",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "existing",
+ "text": "Existing HIV Client",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "existing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the answer"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "place_where_test_was_conducted",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Where was the test conducted?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "place_where_test_was_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "tb_clinic_outpatient",
+ "text": "Tuberculosis clinic (out patient)",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_clinic_outpatient",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "sexual_transmitted_diseases_clinic",
+ "text": "Sexual transmitted diseases clinic",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_transmitted_diseases_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "outpatient_department",
+ "text": "Outpatient department",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "inpatient_department",
+ "text": "Inpatient department",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "inpatient_department",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "blood_transfusion_service",
+ "text": "Blood transfusion service",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_transfusion_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "community_based_hiv_testing_service",
+ "text": "Community Based HIV Testing Service",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_based_hiv_testing_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "voluntary_patients",
+ "text": "Voluntary patients",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "voluntary_patients",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "family_planning_clinic",
+ "text": "Family planning clinic",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "family_planning_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ctc",
+ "text": "CTC",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "men_circumcision",
+ "text": "Men circumcision",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "men_circumcision",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "outreach_services",
+ "text": "Outreach services",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "outreach_services",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "reproductive_an_child_health",
+ "text": "Reproductive and child health",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reproductive_an_child_health",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the answer"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "place_where_test_was_conducted_other",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Other (Specify)",
+ "type": "name"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "place_where_test_was_conducted_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Please specify the place where the test was conducted",
+ "subjects": "place_where_test_was_conducted:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "masked_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "CTC Number e.g 12-34-5678-912345",
+ "type": "Care and Treatment Clinic registration number (CTC Number)",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "input_type": "number",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "validation": [
+ {
+ "condition": "value.matches(\"(\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{2}-\\\\d{4}-\\\\d{6})?\")",
+ "message": "CTC Number should be of the format (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)."
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify client's CTC number",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "hiv_registration_date",
+ "client_hiv_status_during_registration",
+ "test_results"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hivst_issue_kits.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hivst_issue_kits.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab353f3da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hivst_issue_kits.json
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Self Testing Kits Issue",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Providing Self Test Kits",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "pre_test_counselling_and_instructions",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pre_test_counselling_and_instructions",
+ "label": "Has the client been offered pre-test counselling and instructions?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "self_test_kit_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "self_test_kit_given",
+ "label": "Was the client provided with HIVST kit?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "kit_code",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "kit_code",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Kit code",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_testing_approach",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_testing_approach",
+ "label": "Client's testing approach",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "assisted_testing_on_site",
+ "text": "Assisted testing on site",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "assisted_testing_on_site"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "assisted_testing_off_site",
+ "text": "Assisted testing off site",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "assisted_testing_off_site"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unassisted_testing_on_site",
+ "text": "Unassisted testing on site",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unassisted_testing_on_site"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unassisted_testing_off_site",
+ "text": "Unassisted testing off site",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unassisted_testing_off_site"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "extra_kits_required",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "extra_kits_required",
+ "label": "Does the client require kits for peer or sexual partner?'",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "extra_kits_issued_for",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "extra_kits_issued_for",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Extra Kits were issued for?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "peer_friend",
+ "text": "Peer Friend",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "peer_friend"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sexual_partner",
+ "text": "Sexual Partner",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_partner"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:extra_kits_required": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "peer_friend_kit_code",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "peer_friend_kit_code",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Peer Friend Kit code",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:extra_kits_issued_for": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "peer_friend"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sexual_partner_kit_code",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_partner_kit_code",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Sexual Partner Kit code",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:extra_kits_issued_for": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "sexual_partner"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "kits_batch_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "kit_batch_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "HIVST Kits Batch Number",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please fill the batch number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "kits_expiry_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "kits_expiry_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "HIVST Kits Expiry Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the Expiry date"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condoms_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condoms_given",
+ "label": "Was the client given condoms?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_issued_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_issued_condoms",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Select the type of condoms issued",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "male_condoms",
+ "text": "Male Condoms",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condoms"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_condoms",
+ "text": "Female Condoms",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condoms"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:condoms_given": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_male_condoms_issued",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_male_condoms_issued",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of Male condoms issued (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "The number must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:type_of_issued_condoms": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "male_condoms"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_female_condoms_issued",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_female_condoms_issued",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of Female condoms issued (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "The number must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:type_of_issued_condoms": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "female_condoms"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sms_notification_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sms_notification_service",
+ "label": "Has the client opted for sms notification service?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "collection_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "collection_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_issue_kits_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hivst_mobilization_session.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hivst_mobilization_session.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e112d4316
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hivst_mobilization_session.json
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HIVST Mobilization Session",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Self Testing Mobilization Session",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "mobilization_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mobilization_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Mobilization Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-6m",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the mobilization date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_clients_reached",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_clients_reached",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of Female clients reached",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The number must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "male_clients_reached",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_clients_reached",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of Male clients reached",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The number must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gps",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gps",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "text",
+ "type": "gps"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_condoms_issued",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condoms_issued",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Female condoms issued",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The number must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "male_condoms_issued",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condoms_issued",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Male condoms issued",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The number must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "kit_used_in_demonstration",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "kit_used_in_demonstration",
+ "label": "Was a kit used for demonstration in this session?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "kit_code",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "kit_code",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Kit code",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:kit_used_in_demonstration": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hivst_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hivst_registration.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c717c8b97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hivst_registration.json
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Self Testing Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HIVST Enrollment",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "client_testing_history",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_testing_history",
+ "label": "Select the client's testing history",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "new_client",
+ "text": "New Client (MP)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "new_client"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "returning_client",
+ "text": "Returning Client (HM)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "returning_client"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_positive",
+ "text": "Known Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_positive"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_group",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_group",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_group_female_15_24",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_group_female_15_24",
+ "label": "Select the client's group as screened by the health care provider",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "fsw",
+ "text": "FSW",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fsw"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pwid",
+ "text": "PWID",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pwid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prisoners",
+ "text": "Prisoners",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoners"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "agyw",
+ "text": "AGYW",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "agyw"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "others",
+ "text": "Others",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_group_female",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_group_female",
+ "label": "Select the client's group as screened by the health care provider",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "fsw",
+ "text": "FSW",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fsw"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pwid",
+ "text": "PWID",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pwid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prisoners",
+ "text": "Prisoners",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoners"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "others",
+ "text": "Others",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_group_male",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_group_male",
+ "label": "Select the client's group as screened by the health care provider",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "msm",
+ "text": "High Risk Men",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "msm"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pwid",
+ "text": "PWID",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pwid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prisoners",
+ "text": "Prisoners",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoners"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "others",
+ "text": "Others",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_positive_during_reg",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_positive_during_reg",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hivst_results.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hivst_results.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c3b22f142
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/hivst_results.json
@@ -0,0 +1,394 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Self Testing Results",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Record HIVST results",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "has_the_client_been_found",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "has_the_client_been_found",
+ "label": "Has the client been found?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "disclose_result",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disclose_result",
+ "label": "Did the client disclose the result?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_test_result",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_test_result",
+ "label": "Select the client's test result",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "reactive",
+ "text": "Reactive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reactive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "non_reactive",
+ "text": "Non-reactive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "non_reactive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invalid",
+ "text": "Invalid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invalid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "wastage",
+ "text": "Wastage",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "wastage"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_referral",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client should be linked for HIV conventional test",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_invalid_or_wastage_for_client",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide additional kit",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "peer_test_result",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "peer_test_result",
+ "label": "Select the peer's test result",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "reactive",
+ "text": "Reactive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reactive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "non_reactive",
+ "text": "Non-reactive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "non_reactive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invalid",
+ "text": "Invalid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invalid"
+ },
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+ "key": "wastage",
+ "text": "Wastage",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "wastage"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_returned",
+ "text": "Results not returned",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_returned"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sexual_partner_test_result",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_partner_test_result",
+ "label": "Select the sexual partner's test result",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "reactive",
+ "text": "Reactive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reactive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "non_reactive",
+ "text": "Non-reactive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "non_reactive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invalid",
+ "text": "Invalid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invalid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "wastage",
+ "text": "Wastage",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "wastage"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_returned",
+ "text": "Results not returned",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_returned"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hivst_result",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hivst_result",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_results_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_referral_for_peer_or_sexual_partner",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel the client to advise their Sexual Partner/Peer Friend to visit health facility for Confirmatory tests",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Counsel the client to advise their Sexual Partner/Peer Friend to visit health facility for Confirmatory tests",
+ "toaster_info_title": "Counsel the client",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_invalid_or_wastage_for_peer_or_sexual_partner",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide additional kit for Sexual Partner/Peer Friend",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "register_to_hts",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "register_to_hts",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_results_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "result_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "result_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hivst_results_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/in_app_monthly_tallies_report.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/in_app_monthly_tallies_report.json
index 1d410e402..f3ca2ea6d 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/in_app_monthly_tallies_report.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/in_app_monthly_tallies_report.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_cervical_cancer_screening.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_cervical_cancer_screening.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f784382b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_cervical_cancer_screening.json
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP Cervical Cancer Screening",
+ "entity_id": "",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Cervical Cancer Screening",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "cervical_cancer_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cervical_cancer_screening",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was the client screened for Cervical Cancer?",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "screened",
+ "text": "Screened",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "screened"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_screened",
+ "text": "Not screened",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referred",
+ "text": "Referred for treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referred"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_client_status.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_client_status.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80e53f8f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_client_status.json
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP Client Status",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Client Status",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "client_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_status",
+ "label": "Type of visit",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "new_client",
+ "text": "New client",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "new_visit"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "transfer_in",
+ "text": "Transfer-in",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "transfer_in"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "return",
+ "text": "Return",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "return"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_kvp_category",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_kvp_category",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Other client's KVP category",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "pwud",
+ "text": "PWUD",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pwud"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pwid",
+ "text": "PWID",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pwid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fsw",
+ "text": "FSW",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fsw"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "msm",
+ "text": "High Risk Men",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "msm"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "agyw",
+ "text": "AGYW",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "agyw"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prisoner",
+ "text": "Prisoners",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoner"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rumandee",
+ "text": "Rumandee",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rumandee"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mobile_population",
+ "text": "Mobile population",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mobile_population"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "serodiscordant_couple",
+ "text": "Serodiscordant couple",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "serodiscordant_couple"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_vulnerable_population",
+ "text": "Other vulnerable population",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_vulnerable_population"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please pick at least one"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_condom_provision.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_condom_provision.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..437429421
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_condom_provision.json
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP Condom Provision",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Condom Provision",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "condoms_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condoms_given",
+ "label": "Was the client given condoms?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_issued_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_issued_condoms",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Select the type of condoms issued",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "male_condoms",
+ "text": "Male Condoms",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condoms"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_condoms",
+ "text": "Female Condoms",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condoms"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:condoms_given": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_male_condoms_issued",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_male_condoms_issued",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of Male condoms issued (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The number must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:type_of_issued_condoms": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "male_condoms"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_female_condoms_issued",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_female_condoms_issued",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of Female condoms issued (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The number must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:type_of_issued_condoms": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "female_condoms"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_female_family_planning_services.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_female_family_planning_services.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6edce2b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_female_family_planning_services.json
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP Family Planning",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Family Planning",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "family_planning_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "family_planning_service",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Family planning service provided",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "pill",
+ "text": "Pill",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pill"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "injectable",
+ "text": "Injectables",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "injectable"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "implanon",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "implanon"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "jadelle"
+ },
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+ "text": "IUCD",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "iucd"
+ },
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+ "key": "traditional",
+ "text": "Traditional",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "traditional"
+ },
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+ "key": "tube_ligation",
+ "text": "Tube Ligation",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tube_ligation"
+ },
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+ "key": "referral",
+ "text": "Referral",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referral"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "refused",
+ "text": "Refused",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "refused"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_provided",
+ "label": "Was the client also provided with condom as a family planning method?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:family_planning_service": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "notEqualTo(., \"tube_ligation\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "GBV Analysis",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "gbv_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gbv_screening",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Gender Based Violence (GBV) screening (physical, psychological, emotional)",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "case_not_reported",
+ "text": "The client has not reported any gender-based violence (GBV) cases.",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "case_not_reported"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "case_reported",
+ "text": "The client reported a case of gender-based violence (GBV).",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "case_reported"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "received_post_gbv_care",
+ "text": "The client received post-GBV care for a reported case of gender-based violence (GBV)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "received_post_gbv_care"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referred",
+ "text": "The client was referred for further assistance after reporting a case of gender-based violence (GBV)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referred"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_health_education.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_health_education.json
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Health Education",
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+ {
+ "key": "health_education_provided",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "health_education_provided",
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+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ "none"
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+ {
+ "key": "sti",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sti"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hbv_hcv",
+ "text": "HBV and HCV",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hbv_hcv"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cacx"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "drug_use_disorder",
+ "text": "Drug use disorder",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_use_disorder"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_aids",
+ "text": "HIV and AIDS couple",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_aids"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "others",
+ "text": "Others",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please pick at least one"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_hepatitis.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_hepatitis.json
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index 000000000..283858845
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_hepatitis.json
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Hepatitis B&C",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hep_b_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hep_b_testing",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Client tested for Hepatitis B virus (HBV)",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "positive_and_referred",
+ "text": "Positive and referred",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive_and_referred"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_tested",
+ "text": "Not tested",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_tested"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hep_c_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hep_c_testing",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Client tested for Hepatitis C virus (HCV)",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "positive_and_referred",
+ "text": "Positive and referred",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive_and_referred"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_tested",
+ "text": "Not tested",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_tested"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_hts.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_hts.json
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--- /dev/null
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HTS",
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+ {
+ "key": "previous_hiv_testing_method",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "label": "Previous HIV testing method",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
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+ {
+ "key": "hivst",
+ "text": "HIVST",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hivst"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_cv_test",
+ "text": "HIV conventional test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_cv_test"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hivst_and_hiv_cv_test",
+ "text": "HIVST and HIV conventional test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hivst_and_hiv_cv_test"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_method",
+ "text": "Other method",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_method"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_tested",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_tested"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_previous_hiv_testing_method",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_previous_hiv_testing_method",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other(Specify)",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:previous_hiv_testing_method": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other_method\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "testing_site",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "testing_site",
+ "label": "Client's testing site",
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+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "community",
+ "text": "Community",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "facility",
+ "text": "Facility",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "facility"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_hts_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tested_hiv",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tested_hiv",
+ "label": "Has the client tested for HIV?",
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+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "testing_approach",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "testing_approach",
+ "label": "Client's testing approach",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
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+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "citc",
+ "text": "CITC",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "citc"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pitc",
+ "text": "PITC",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pitc"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cbhts",
+ "text": "CBHTS",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "CBHTS"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_hts_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "received_test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "received_test_results",
+ "label": "Has the client received post-test counseling and results?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:tested_hiv": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_status",
+ "label": "HIV testing results",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "inconclusive",
+ "text": "Inconclusive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "inconclusive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_positive",
+ "text": "Known Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_positive"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_hts_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ctc_services",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_services",
+ "label": "Enrollment to CTC services",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "enrolled_but_not_on_arv",
+ "text": "Enrolled but not initiated on ARV",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrolled_but_not_on_arv"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "enrolled_and_on_arv",
+ "text": "Enrolled and initiated on ARV",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrolled_and_on_arv"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_hts_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "CTC Number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6})?",
+ "err": "CTC number should be of the format (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC Number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_hts_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "kits_distributed",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "kits_distributed",
+ "label": "HIVST kits distributed",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_hivst",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Please use HIVST Module to record the Information",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_hivst",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:kits_distributed": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_iec_sbcc.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_iec_sbcc.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..297be0f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_iec_sbcc.json
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP IEC/SBCC",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "IEC/SBCC",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "iec_sbcc_materials",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "iec_sbcc_materials",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of IEC/SBCC materials provided to the client",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_male_family_planning_services.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_male_family_planning_services.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2f98523df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_male_family_planning_services.json
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP Family Planning",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Family Planning",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "family_planning_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "family_planning_service",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Family planning service provided",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "vasectomy",
+ "text": "Vasectomy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vasectomy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "traditional",
+ "text": "Traditional",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "traditional"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referral",
+ "text": "Referral",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referral"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "refused",
+ "text": "Refused",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "refused"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom_provided",
+ "label": "Was the client also provided with condom as a family planning method?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:family_planning_service": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "notEqualTo(., \"vasectomy\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_mat.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_mat.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..01331fbd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_mat.json
@@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP MAT",
+ "entity_id": "",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "MAT",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "mat_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mat_provided",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was the client provided with MAT services?",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_but_referral_given",
+ "text": "No, but the client was issued a referral",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_but_referral_given"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_other_services_and_referrals.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_other_services_and_referrals.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b874dca01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_other_services_and_referrals.json
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP Other Services",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Other Services and Referral",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "other_services_referrals_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_services_referrals_provided",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Other services/referrals provided to the client",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "rch",
+ "text": "RCH",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rch"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mental_health",
+ "text": "Mental health",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mental_health"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "covid_vaccine",
+ "text": "Covid-19 vaccine",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "covid_vaccine"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "legal_services",
+ "text": "Legal services",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "legal_services"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "iga",
+ "text": "IGA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "iga"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please pick at least one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_other_services_referrals_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_other_services_referrals_provided",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other(Specify)",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:other_services_referrals_provided": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_prep_pep.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_prep_pep.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9ced5a9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_prep_pep.json
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP PrEP and PEP",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "PEP assesment",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "enrolled_to_prep",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrolled_to_prep",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pep_provision",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pep_provision",
+ "label": "PEP provision after the client was at risk of contracting HIV",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "provided",
+ "text": "Provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_provided",
+ "text": "Not provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "facility"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referred",
+ "text": "Referred",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referred"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:enrolled_to_prep": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "notEqualTo(., \"true\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_screening_female.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_screening_female.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ad21049e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_screening_female.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1088 @@
+ "count": "9",
+ "skip_blank_steps": true,
+ "encounter_type": "KVP Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "PWUD",
+ "next": "step2",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "drug_use",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_use",
+ "label": "Has the client used illegal drugs in the past 12 months?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_pwud",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_pwud",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "PWID",
+ "next": "step3",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "drug_injection",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_injection",
+ "label": "Has the client ever injected him or herself with drugs?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_pwid",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_pwid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step3": {
+ "title": "Sexual Behavior",
+ "next": "step4",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "sexual_intercourse",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_intercourse",
+ "label": "Has the client ever had sexual intercourse?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step4": {
+ "title": "Serodiscordant Couple",
+ "next": "step5",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_status_on_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_status_on_screening",
+ "label": "What is the client's HIV status?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unknown",
+ "text": "Unknown",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unknown"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_positive_partner",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_positive_partner",
+ "label": "Is the client in a sexual relationship with a partner who is HIV positive?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_hiv_care_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_hiv_care_status",
+ "label": "Select the partner's criteria of HIV care status",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "not_started_art",
+ "text": "Has not started ART",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_started_art"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "art_more_than_six_months_unused",
+ "text": "Has not taken ART for more than six months",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "art_more_than_six_months_unused"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "art_adherence_doubt",
+ "text": "Doubt about adherence/use of ART",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "art_adherence_doubt"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_evidence_low_vl",
+ "text": "The partner has no evidence of low viral load count",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_evidence_low_vl"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step4:hiv_positive_partner": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_counsel_for_testing",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel for HIV testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step4:hiv_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"unknown\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_sdc",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_sdc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step5": {
+ "title": "FSW",
+ "next": "step6",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "sex_for_money",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sex_for_money",
+ "label": "In the last six months has the client had sex to get things, money or favors?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "main_income_source_is_sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "main_income_source_is_sex",
+ "label": "Is sex work the main source of income?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step5:sex_for_money": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_fsw",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_fsw",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step6": {
+ "title": "AGYW",
+ "next": "step7",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "client_in_school",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_in_school",
+ "label": "Is the client currently in school?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "harsh_condition_impact",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "harsh_condition_impact",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Impact and vulnerability of living in harsh conditions",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "not_applicable"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "sex_for_material",
+ "text": "In the last 6 months the client has had sex to get things or money",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sex_for_material"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sexually_abused",
+ "text": "A victim who continues to be sexually abused",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexually_abused"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex_last_three_months",
+ "text": "Has had sex in the last 3 months",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sex_last_three_months"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "infected_with_sexual_disease",
+ "text": "Infected with a sexual disease in the last 3 months",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "infected_with_sexual_disease"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step6:client_in_school": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_agyw",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_agyw",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step7": {
+ "title": "Other Vulnerable Population",
+ "next": "step8",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prisoner_or_rumandee",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoner_or_rumandee",
+ "label": "Is the client a prisoner or a rumandee?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "prisoner",
+ "text": "Prisoner",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoner"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rumandee",
+ "text": "Rumandee",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rumandee"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mobile_population",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mobile_population",
+ "label": "Mobile population",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "long_distance_drivers",
+ "text": "Long distance drivers",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "long_distance_drivers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fishermen",
+ "text": "Fishermen",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fishermen"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mining_workers",
+ "text": "Mining workers",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mining_workers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "large_farm_farmers",
+ "text": "Farmers in large farms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "large_farm_farmers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "road_builders",
+ "text": "Road builders",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "road_builders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_groups_at_risk",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_groups_at_risk",
+ "label": "Other groups at risk of HIV infection",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "disabled",
+ "text": "Disabled",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "street_children_or_orphans",
+ "text": "Street children or orphans",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "street_children_or_orphans"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "street_working_children",
+ "text": "Young working children on the streets",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "street_working_children"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_ovp_kvp",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_ovp_kvp",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step8": {
+ "title": "PrEP Assessment",
+ "next": "step9",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "should_enroll",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "should_enroll",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prep_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_assessment",
+ "label": "Has the client been assessed for the use of PrEP?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prep_qualified",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_qualified",
+ "label": "Is the client eligible to receive PrEP?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step8:prep_assessment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step9": {
+ "title": "KVP Enrollment",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_sdc_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client falls in SDC KVP group\nThe client should be enrolled to KVP friendly services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_agyw_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client falls in AGYW KVP group\nThe client should be enrolled to KVP friendly services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_ovp_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client falls in Other vulnerable population KVP group\nThe client should be enrolled to KVP friendly services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fsw_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client falls in FSW KVP group\nThe client should be enrolled to KVP friendly services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_pwud_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client falls in PWUD KVP group\nThe client should be enrolled to KVP friendly services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_pwid_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client falls in PWID KVP group\nThe client should be enrolled to KVP friendly services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_no_group",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client does not fall in any of the KVP groups and won't be enrolled to KVP friendly services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "birth_region",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birth_region",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "label_info_title": "Client's Region of Birth",
+ "label_info_text": "",
+ "hint": "Select the client's Region of Birth",
+ "values": [
+ "Arusha",
+ "Dar es Salaam",
+ "Dodoma",
+ "Geita",
+ "Iringa",
+ "Kagera",
+ "Katavi",
+ "Kigoma",
+ "Kilimanjaro",
+ "Lindi",
+ "Manyara",
+ "Mara",
+ "Mbeya",
+ "Morogoro",
+ "Mtwara",
+ "Mwanza",
+ "Njombe",
+ "Pwani",
+ "Rukwa",
+ "Ruvuma",
+ "Shinyanga",
+ "Simiyu",
+ "Singida",
+ "Songwe",
+ "Tabora",
+ "Tanga"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Arusha",
+ "Dar es Salaam",
+ "Dodoma",
+ "Geita",
+ "Iringa",
+ "Kagera",
+ "Katavi",
+ "Kigoma",
+ "Kilimanjaro",
+ "Lindi",
+ "Manyara",
+ "Mara",
+ "Mbeya",
+ "Morogoro",
+ "Mtwara",
+ "Mwanza",
+ "Njombe",
+ "Pwani",
+ "Rukwa",
+ "Ruvuma",
+ "Shinyanga",
+ "Simiyu",
+ "Singida",
+ "Songwe",
+ "Tabora",
+ "Tanga"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the region"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "enrollment_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrollment_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Enrollment date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-1m",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_group",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_group",
+ "label": "Select the client group as screened by the health care provider",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "fsw",
+ "text": "FSW",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fsw"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pwud",
+ "text": "PWUD",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pwud"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pwid",
+ "text": "PWID",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pwid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prisoner",
+ "text": "Prisoners",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoner"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rumandee",
+ "text": "Rumandee",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rumandee"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "agyw",
+ "text": "AGYW",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "agyw"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "serodiscordant_couple",
+ "text": "Serodiscordant couple",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "serodiscordant_couple"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mobile_population",
+ "text": "Mobile population",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mobile_population"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_vulnerable_population",
+ "text": "Other vulnerable population",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_vulnerable_population"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_female_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_screening_male.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_screening_male.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ea66c6cde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_screening_male.json
@@ -0,0 +1,924 @@
+ "count": "8",
+ "skip_blank_steps": true,
+ "encounter_type": "KVP Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "PWUD",
+ "next": "step2",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "drug_use",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_use",
+ "label": "Has the client used illegal drugs in the past 12 months?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_pwud",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_pwud",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "PWID",
+ "next": "step3",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "drug_injection",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_injection",
+ "label": "Has the client ever injected him or herself with drugs?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_pwid",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_pwid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step3": {
+ "title": "Sexual Behavior",
+ "next": "step4",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "sexual_intercourse",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_intercourse",
+ "label": "Has the client ever had sexual intercourse?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step4": {
+ "title": "High Risk Men",
+ "next": "step5",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "sexual_intercourse_with",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sexual_intercourse_with",
+ "label": "Does the client have sexual intercourse with man, woman or both?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "man",
+ "text": "Man",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "man"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "woman",
+ "text": "Woman",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "woman"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "both",
+ "text": "Both",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "both"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_msm",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_msm",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step5": {
+ "title": "Serodiscordant Couple",
+ "next": "step6",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_status_on_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_status_on_screening",
+ "label": "What is the client's HIV status?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unknown",
+ "text": "Unknown",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unknown"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_positive_partner",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_positive_partner",
+ "label": "Is the client in a sexual relationship with a partner who is HIV positive?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partner_hiv_care_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partner_hiv_care_status",
+ "label": "Select the partner's criteria of HIV care status",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "not_started_art",
+ "text": "Has not started ART",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_started_art"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "art_more_than_six_months_unused",
+ "text": "Has not taken ART for more than six months",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "art_more_than_six_months_unused"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "art_adherence_doubt",
+ "text": "Doubt about adherence/use of ART",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "art_adherence_doubt"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_evidence_low_vl",
+ "text": "The partner has no evidence of low viral load count",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_evidence_low_vl"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step5:hiv_positive_partner": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_counsel_for_testing",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel for HIV testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step5:hiv_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"unknown\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_sdc",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_sdc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step6": {
+ "title": "Other Vulnerable Population",
+ "next": "step7",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prisoner_or_rumandee",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoner_or_rumandee",
+ "label": "Is the client a prisoner or a rumandee?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "prisoner",
+ "text": "Prisoner",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoner"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rumandee",
+ "text": "Rumandee",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rumandee"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mobile_population",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mobile_population",
+ "label": "Mobile population",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "long_distance_drivers",
+ "text": "Long distance drivers",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "long_distance_drivers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fishermen",
+ "text": "Fishermen",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fishermen"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mining_workers",
+ "text": "Mining workers",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mining_workers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "large_farm_farmers",
+ "text": "Farmers in large farms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "large_farm_farmers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "road_builders",
+ "text": "Road builders",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "road_builders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_groups_at_risk",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_groups_at_risk",
+ "label": "Other groups at risk of HIV infection",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "disabled",
+ "text": "Disabled",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabled"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "street_children_or_orphans",
+ "text": "Street children or orphans",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "street_children_or_orphans"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "street_working_children",
+ "text": "Young working children on the streets",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "street_working_children"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_ovp_kvp",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_ovp_kvp",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step7": {
+ "title": "PrEP Assessment",
+ "next": "step8",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "should_enroll",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "should_enroll",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prep_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_assessment",
+ "label": "Has the client been assessed for the use of PrEP?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prep_qualified",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_qualified",
+ "label": "Is the client eligible to receive PrEP?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step7:prep_assessment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step8": {
+ "title": "KVP Enrollment",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_sdc_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client falls in SDC KVP group\nThe client should be enrolled to KVP friendly services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_msm_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client falls in High Risk Men KVP group\nThe client should be enrolled to KVP friendly services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_pwud_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client falls in PWUD KVP group\nThe client should be enrolled to KVP friendly services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_pwid_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client falls in PWID KVP group\nThe client should be enrolled to KVP friendly services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_no_group",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client does not fall in any of the KVP groups and won't be enrolled to KVP friendly services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_ovp_kvp",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client falls in Other vulnerable population KVP group\nThe client should be enrolled to KVP friendly services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "birth_region",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birth_region",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "label_info_title": "Client's Region of Birth",
+ "label_info_text": "",
+ "hint": "Select the client's Region of Birth",
+ "values": [
+ "Arusha",
+ "Dar es Salaam",
+ "Dodoma",
+ "Geita",
+ "Iringa",
+ "Kagera",
+ "Katavi",
+ "Kigoma",
+ "Kilimanjaro",
+ "Lindi",
+ "Manyara",
+ "Mara",
+ "Mbeya",
+ "Morogoro",
+ "Mtwara",
+ "Mwanza",
+ "Njombe",
+ "Pwani",
+ "Rukwa",
+ "Ruvuma",
+ "Shinyanga",
+ "Simiyu",
+ "Singida",
+ "Songwe",
+ "Tabora",
+ "Tanga"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Arusha",
+ "Dar es Salaam",
+ "Dodoma",
+ "Geita",
+ "Iringa",
+ "Kagera",
+ "Katavi",
+ "Kigoma",
+ "Kilimanjaro",
+ "Lindi",
+ "Manyara",
+ "Mara",
+ "Mbeya",
+ "Morogoro",
+ "Mtwara",
+ "Mwanza",
+ "Njombe",
+ "Pwani",
+ "Rukwa",
+ "Ruvuma",
+ "Shinyanga",
+ "Simiyu",
+ "Singida",
+ "Songwe",
+ "Tabora",
+ "Tanga"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the region"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "enrollment_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrollment_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Enrollment date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-1m",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_group",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_group",
+ "label": "Select the client group as screened by the health care provider",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "msm",
+ "text": "High Risk Men",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "msm"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pwud",
+ "text": "PWUD",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pwud"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pwid",
+ "text": "PWID",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pwid"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prisoner",
+ "text": "Prisoners",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prisoner"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rumandee",
+ "text": "Rumandee",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rumandee"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "serodiscordant_couple",
+ "text": "Serodiscordant couple",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "serodiscordant_couple"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mobile_population",
+ "text": "Mobile population",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mobile_population"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_vulnerable_population",
+ "text": "Other vulnerable population",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_vulnerable_population"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "kvp_screening_male_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_sti_screening.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_sti_screening.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..510f8c17b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_sti_screening.json
@@ -0,0 +1,135 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP STI",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "STI",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "sti_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sti_screening",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Sexual Transmitted Infection (STI) screening",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "screening_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Screening Not Conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "screening_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "treatment_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "treatment_provided",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Select the treatment provided to the client",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "treated",
+ "text": "Treated",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "treated"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referral",
+ "text": "Referral",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referral"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_treated",
+ "text": "Not Treated",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_treated"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:sti_screening": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_further_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for Further Management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_further_management",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:treatment_provided": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"not_treated\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_tb_investigation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_tb_investigation.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..936f251b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_tb_investigation.json
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP TB Investigation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "TB Investigation",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "tb_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_screening",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "TB screening conducted on client",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "presumptive",
+ "text": "Presumptive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "presumptive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_presumptive",
+ "text": "Not presumptive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_presumptive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_screened",
+ "text": "Not screened",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_screened"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tb_investigation",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for TB investigation",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:tb_screening": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"presumptive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_vmmc_services.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_vmmc_services.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1d1c7d2f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/kvp_vmmc_services.json
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "KVP VMMC",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "VMMC",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "vmcc_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vmcc_provided",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was the client provided with VMMC services?",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "provided",
+ "text": "Provided",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_provided",
+ "text": "Not provided",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referred",
+ "text": "Referred",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referred"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_blood_group_test.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_blood_group_test.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2e9cb8c6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_blood_group_test.json
@@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Blood Group Test",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "global": {},
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Blood Group Test",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "blood_group",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Blood Group",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_group",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "A",
+ "B",
+ "AB",
+ "O",
+ "Test not conducted"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "A",
+ "B",
+ "AB",
+ "O",
+ "test_not_conducted"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "A": "A",
+ "B": "B",
+ "AB": "AB",
+ "O": "O",
+ "test_not_conducted": "test_not_conducted"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please choose a blood group"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rh_factor",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Rh",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rh_factor",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:blood_group": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "notEqualTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_rh",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for negative RH?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_rh",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:rh_factor": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_rh_negative",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:management_provided_for_rh": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Why was the Blood Group Test not conducted?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_blood_group_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:blood_group": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_cervix_dilation_monitoring.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_cervix_dilation_monitoring.json
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_cervix_dilation_monitoring.json
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Cervix Dilation Monitoring",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "last_vaginal_exam_time": "12:00"
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Cervix Dilation Monitoring",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_exam_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_exam_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Vaginal examination Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the vaginal examination date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "last_vaginal_exam_time",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_vaginal_exam_time",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_cervix_dilation_monitoring_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_exam_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Vaginal examination Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_exam_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "time",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(., step1:last_vaginal_exam_time)",
+ "err": "The vaginal examination time cannot be less than the previous vaginal examination time"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter vaginal examination time"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cervix_state",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cervix_state",
+ "label": "Cervix (State)",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "soft_thin",
+ "text": "Soft and thin",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "soft_thin"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hard",
+ "text": "Hard",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hard"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the cervix (state) option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cervix_dilation_label",
+ "type": "label",
+ "text": "Cervix (Dilation)",
+ "text_size": "7sp",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": ""
+ },
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+ "key": "spacer",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "spacer",
+ "spacer_height": "8dp"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cervix_dilation",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cervix_dilation",
+ "type": "numbers_selector",
+ "start_number": "1",
+ "max_value": "10",
+ "text_size": "18px",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "selected_text_color": "#ffffff",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the cervix dilation number"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_eclampsia_management_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_eclampsia_management_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8416e01c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_eclampsia_management_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Uterus Massage",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Pre-Eclampsia and Eclampsia Management",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "has_signs_of_eclampsia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "has_signs_of_eclampsia",
+ "label": "Does the client have signs of pre-eclampsia/eclampsia?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "administered_magnesium_sulphate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "administered_magnesium_sulphate",
+ "label": "Was the client administered Magnesium Sulphate?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:has_signs_of_eclampsia": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_administering_magnesium_sulphate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_administering_magnesium_sulphate",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Please specify the reasons",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "out_of_stock",
+ "text": "Out of stock",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_stock"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lack_of_skills",
+ "text": "Lack of Skills",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lack_of_skills"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:administered_magnesium_sulphate": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_not_administering_magnesium_sulphate",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer the client for further management.",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_eclampsia_management_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_for_not_administering_magnesium_sulphate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_for_not_administering_magnesium_sulphate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not administering Magnesium Sulphate",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_administering_magnesium_sulphate": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_fetal_well_being.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_fetal_well_being.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..083593bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_fetal_well_being.json
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "LD Partograph - Fetal Well-being",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "global": {
+ },
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Well-being of a fetal",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Count Fetal Heart Rate (bpm)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the fetal heart rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Fetal heart rate must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "Fetal heart rate must be equal or less than 300"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please input the fetal heart rate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_fetal_wellbeing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "moulding_options",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "moulding_options",
+ "label": "Moulding",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "Ø",
+ "text": "Ø",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Ø"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "+",
+ "text": "+",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "+"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "++",
+ "text": "++",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "++"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "+++"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_moulding",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_fetal_wellbeing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "caput",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "caput",
+ "label": "Caput",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "Ø",
+ "text": "Ø",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Ø"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "+",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "+"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "++",
+ "text": "++",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "++"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "+++",
+ "text": "+++",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "+++"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_caput",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_fetal_wellbeing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "amniotic_fluid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "amniotic_fluid",
+ "label": "Amniotic fluid",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "membrane_intact",
+ "text": "Membrane Intact (I)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "membrane_intact"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "membrane_ruptured_liquor_clear",
+ "text": "Membrane ruptured liquor clear (C)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "membrane_ruptured_liquor_clear"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "meconium_stained_liquor",
+ "text": "Meconium Stained Liquor (M)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "meconium_stained_liquor"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_stained_liquor",
+ "text": "Blood-Stained Liquor (B)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_stained_liquor"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_amniotic_fluid",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_fetal_wellbeing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_general_examination.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_general_examination.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d5cb5df7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_general_examination.json
@@ -0,0 +1,783 @@
+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "General Examination",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "General Examination",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "general_condition",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "general_condition",
+ "label": "General Condition",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "good",
+ "text": "Good",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "good"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fair",
+ "text": "Fair",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fair"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "bad",
+ "text": "Serious",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bad"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the general condition of the client"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_general_condition",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Take action according to standard guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:general_condition": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"bad\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pulse_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Pulse Rate (Beats per minute)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pulse_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the pulse rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or greater than 0 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or less than 200 (bpm)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of bradycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"60\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of tachycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"100\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "respiratory_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Respiratory Rate (Breaths per minute)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "respiratory_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the respiratory rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The respiratory rate must be equal or greater than 0 (Breaths per minute)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "100",
+ "err": "The respiratory rate must be equal or less than 100 (Breaths per minute)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_respiratory_rate",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to SOP and National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_respiratory_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "temperature",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Temperature (\u2103)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "temperature",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the temperature"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or greater than 10"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or less than 50"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Conduct relevant laboratory tests to elicit the cause of fever and manage according to standard guidelines ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"37.8\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypothermia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"36.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "systolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Systolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "systolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the systolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "320",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or less than 320"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diastolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Diastolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diastolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the diastolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or less than 200"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:systolic)",
+ "err": "The diastolic value must be less than the systolic value"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypertension according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of hypotension and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "urine_protein",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "urine_protein",
+ "label": "Urine Protein",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "nil",
+ "text": "Nil",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "nil"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "+",
+ "text": "+",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "+"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "++",
+ "text": "++",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "++"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "+++",
+ "text": "+++",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "+++"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_tested",
+ "text": "Not Tested",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_tested"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "urine_acetone",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "urine_acetone",
+ "label": "Urine Acetone",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "nil",
+ "text": "Nil",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "nil"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "+",
+ "text": "+",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "+"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "++",
+ "text": "++",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "++"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "+++",
+ "text": "+++",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "+++"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_tested",
+ "text": "Not Tested",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_tested"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_urine",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage or refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fundal_height",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fundal_height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Fundal Height (CM)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Has to be a number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "12",
+ "err": "Fundal height must be equal or more than 12 CM"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Fundal height must be equal or less than 50 CM"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fundal_height",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Abnormal fundal height",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:fundal_height": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"36\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lie",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lie",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Lie",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "transverse",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "transverse",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Transverse"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "oblique",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "oblique",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Oblique"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "longitudinal",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "longitudinal",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Longitudinal"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_lie",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further consultation",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "presentation",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "presentation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "label": "Presentation",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "breech",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "breech",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Breech Presentation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cephalic",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cephalic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Cephalic Presentation"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the presentation"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_presentation",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to standard guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:presentation": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"breech\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "contraction_frequency",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "contraction_frequency",
+ "label": "Contraction Frequency",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "no_contraction",
+ "text": "No contraction",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_contraction"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "1",
+ "text": "1",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "1"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "2",
+ "text": "2",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "2"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "3",
+ "text": "3",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "3"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "4",
+ "text": "4",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "4"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "5",
+ "text": "5",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "5"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "contraction_in_ten_minutes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "contraction_in_ten_minutes",
+ "label": "Contraction in ten minutes",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "less_than_20_secs",
+ "text": "<20 secs",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "less_than_20_secs"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "over_20_less_40_secs",
+ "text": "20-40 secs",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "over_20_less_40_secs"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "over_40_secs",
+ "text": ">40 secs",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "over_40_secs"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the contraction time"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_contraction_less_than_20_secs",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Slight contraction",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:contraction_in_ten_minutes": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"less_than_20_secs\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_contraction_over_10_less_40_secs",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Moderate contraction",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:contraction_in_ten_minutes": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"over_20_less_40_secs\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_contraction_over_40_secs",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Strong contraction",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:contraction_in_ten_minutes": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"over_40_secs\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Count Fetal Heart Rate (bpm)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the fetal heart rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Fetal heart rate must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "Fetal heart rate must be equal or less than 300"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Take action or refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "level",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Level",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "level",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "5",
+ "text": "5/5",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "4",
+ "text": "4/5",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "4"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "3",
+ "text": "3/5",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "3"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "2",
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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index 000000000..2a7bf4c04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_hb_test_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HB Test",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "global": {},
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HB Test",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hb_test_conducted",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the HB test been conducted?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the HB Level test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Cuvette Cartridges Out of Stock",
+ "Haemoque machine out of order",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges": "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order": "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_test_conducted": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting the HB Level Test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Enter Measured HB Level (g/dl)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the HB level"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or greater than 0 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or less than 20 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_test_conducted": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the HB level results"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_hb_level",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for abnormal HB Level?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_hb_level",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(.,\"8.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_to_provide_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and standard guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:management_provided_for_hb_level": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the mild anaemia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_test_rules.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_test_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_test_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "HB Measurement Date",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_test_rules.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_hiv_test.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_hiv_test.json
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_hiv_test.json
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HIV Test",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "global": {},
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HIV Test",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_conducted",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client been tested for HIV?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_no_hiv_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Why was the client not tested for HIV?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_no_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_hiv_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_counselling_before_testing",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was the client provided with counselling before HIV testing?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_counselling_before_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_hiv_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "HIV Test Results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_hiv_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_test_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "label": "HIV Test Results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_test_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_hiv_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_counselling_after_testing",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was the client provided with counselling after HIV testing?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_counselling_after_testing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_hiv_test_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_labour_progress.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_labour_progress.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "LD Partograph : Labour Progress",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "global": {
+ },
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Progress of Labour",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "cervix_dilation_label",
+ "type": "label",
+ "text": "Cervix (Dilation)",
+ "text_size": "10sp",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": ""
+ },
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+ "key": "cervix_dilation",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cervix_dilation",
+ "type": "numbers_selector",
+ "start_number": "1",
+ "number_of_selectors": "10",
+ "max_value": "10",
+ "text_size": "18px",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "selected_text_color": "#ffffff"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_cervix_dilation_alert",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "ALERT:\n\nCloser monitoring is required for this client",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_alert",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_labour_progress_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_cervix_dilation_action",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "ACTION REQUIRED:\n\nAn immediate action needs to be taken for this client!",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_action_required",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_labour_progress_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "spacer",
+ "spacer_height": "20dp"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "descent_presenting_part",
+ "label": "Descent of the Presenting Part (Every 4 hours)",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "5",
+ "text": "5",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "head_descent_alert",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "ALERT:\n\nManage according to guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_alert",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_labour_progress_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "contraction_every_half_hour_label",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "less_than_20_secs"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "over_20_less_40_secs"
+ },
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+ "key": "over_40_secs",
+ "text": ">40 secs",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "over_40_secs"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_labour_progress_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the Contraction Time"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "count": "1",
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Labour Stage",
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+ {
+ "key": "labour_stage",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "labour_stage",
+ "label": "What is the client Labour Stage?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "1",
+ "text": "Stage 1",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "1"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "2",
+ "text": "Stage 2",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "2"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "3",
+ "text": "Stage 3",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "3"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "4",
+ "text": "Stage 4",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "4"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Malaria Test",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "malaria",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Malaria test results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_malaria",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for malaria?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_malaria_management_not_done",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:management_provided_for_malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Malaria test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:malaria_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting Malaria test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_malaria_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_maternal_complications.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_maternal_complications.json
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+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Mother Observation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Maternal Complications During Labour",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "maternal_complications_before_delivery",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "maternal_complications_before_delivery",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Complications before delivery",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_aph",
+ "text": "APH",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_aph"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_prom",
+ "text": "Pre-mature Rupture of Membrane (PROM)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_prom"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_high_bp",
+ "text": "High BP",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_high_bp"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_pre_eclampsia",
+ "text": "Pre-eclampsia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pre_eclampsia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_eclampsia",
+ "text": "Eclampsia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_eclampsia"
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Anaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_anaemia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_malaria",
+ "text": "Malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_malaria"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_maternal_diabetes",
+ "text": "Maternal Diabetes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_maternal_diabetes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_hiv_stage_3_or_4",
+ "text": "HIV + Stage III or IV",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_hiv_stage_3_or_4"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_fgm",
+ "text": "FGM",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_fgm"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_other",
+ "text": "Other",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_other"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
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+ "key": "maternal_complications_before_delivery_other",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other complications before delivery",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:maternal_complications_before_delivery": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Complications during and after delivery",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_pph",
+ "text": "PPH",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pph"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_pre_eclampsia",
+ "text": "Pre-eclampsia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pre_eclampsia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_eclampsia",
+ "text": "Eclampsia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_eclampsia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_obstructed_labour",
+ "text": "Obstructed labour",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_obstructed_labour"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_prolonged_labour",
+ "text": "Prolonged labour",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_prolonged_labour"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_retained_placenta",
+ "text": "Retained placenta",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_retained_placenta"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_3_degree_tear",
+ "text": "Third degree tear",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_3_degree_tear"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_ruptured_uterus",
+ "text": "Ruptured uterus",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_ruptured_uterus"
+ },
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+ "text": "Sepsis",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_sepsis"
+ },
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+ "text": "Meconium Stained Liquor",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_meconium_stained_liquor"
+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other complications during and after delivery",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:maternal_complications_during_and_after_delivery": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "maternal_complications_module_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "maternal_complications_module_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "value": "PENDING"
+ }
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+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
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+ "relational_id": "",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ },
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+ }
+ },
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+ "title": "Mode of Delivery",
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+ {
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+ {
+ "key": "spontaneous_vaginal_delivery",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spontaneous_vaginal_delivery"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cesarean",
+ "text": "Caesarian",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cesarean"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vacuum_extraction",
+ "text": "Vacuum Extraction",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vacuum_extraction"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "breech_delivery",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "breech_delivery"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "labour_stage",
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+ },
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+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Reason for caesarian",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_mode_caesarian_reason",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "fetal_distress",
+ "text": "Fetal distress",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fetal_distress"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "previous_scar",
+ "text": "Previous Scar",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "previous_scar"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "maternal_request",
+ "text": "Maternal request",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "maternal_request"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "failed_induction",
+ "text": "Failed induction",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "failed_induction"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malpresentation",
+ "text": "Malpresentation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malpresentation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prolonged_labor",
+ "text": "Prolonged labor",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prolonged_labor"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "obstructed_labor",
+ "text": "Obstructed labor",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "obstructed_labor"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "multiple_gestation",
+ "text": "Multiple Gestation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "multiple_gestation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "others",
+ "text": "Others",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the reason for caesarian"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_mode_of_delivery_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_mode_caesarian_reason_other",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_mode_reason",
+ "hint": "Specify other reason for caesarian delivery mode",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Value is required"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_mode_of_delivery_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_mother_observation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_mother_observation.json
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_mother_observation.json
@@ -0,0 +1,628 @@
+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Mother Observation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Mother - Observation",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "vagina_observation",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vagina_observation",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Vagina",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_intact"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_intact",
+ "text": "Intact",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_intact"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_bleeding",
+ "text": "Bleeding",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_bleeding"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_tear",
+ "text": "Tear",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_tear"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_vagina_observation",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Action to be taken per National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:vagina_observation": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_tear"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_bleeding_observation",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_bleeding_observation",
+ "label": "Vaginal bleeding observation",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "normal",
+ "text": "Normal",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abnormal",
+ "text": "Abnormal",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abnormal"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:vagina_observation": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_bleeding"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abnormal_bleeding",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Abnormal bleeding, take action per National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:vaginal_bleeding_observation": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"abnormal\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "perineum_observation",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "perineum_observation",
+ "label": "Perineum",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "intact",
+ "text": "Intact",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "intact"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "bruised_laceration",
+ "text": "Bruised/Laceration",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bruised_laceration"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tear",
+ "text": "Tear",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tear"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "degree_of_perineum_tear",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "degree_of_perineum_tear",
+ "label": "Degree of tear",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "first_degree",
+ "text": "1st degree tear",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_degree"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "second_degree",
+ "text": "2nd degree tear",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "second_degree"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "third_degree",
+ "text": "3rd degree tear",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "third_degree"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fourth_degree",
+ "text": "4th degree tear",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fourth_degree"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:perineum_observation": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"tear\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "perineum_repair_person_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Name of doctor/nurse who repaired the perineum",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "perineum_repair_person_name",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the name of doctor/nurse who repaired the perineum"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:perineum_observation": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"tear\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "perineum_repair_occupation",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "perineum_repair_occupation",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Perineum repaired by",
+ "values": [
+ "A doctor",
+ "A nurse"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "doctor",
+ "nurse"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "doctor": "A Doctor",
+ "nurse": "A Nurse"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:perineum_observation": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"tear\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_perineum_observation",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Action to be taken per National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:perineum_observation": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"tear\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cervix_observation",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cervix_observation",
+ "label": "Cervix observation",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "normal",
+ "text": "Normal",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tear",
+ "text": "Tear",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tear"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_cervix_observation",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:cervix_observation": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"tear\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "systolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Systolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "systolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the systolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "320",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or less than 320"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diastolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Diastolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diastolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the diastolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or less than 200"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:systolic)",
+ "err": "The diastolic value must be less than the systolic value"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypertension according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_mother_observation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of hypotension and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_mother_observation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pulse_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Pulse Rate (Beats per minute)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pulse_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the pulse rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or greater than 0 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or less than 200 (bpm)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of bradycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"60\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of tachycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"100\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "temperature",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Temperature (\u2103)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "temperature",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the temperature"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or greater than 10"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or less than 50"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Conduct relevant laboratory tests to elicit the cause of fever and manage according to standard guidelines ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"37.8\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypothermia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"36.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "uterus_contraction",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "uterus_contraction",
+ "label": "Has Uterus Contracted?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_uterus_contraction",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to national guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:uterus_contraction": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "urination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "urination",
+ "label": "Urination",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_urination",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Action to be taken per National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:urination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "observation_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "observation_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Observation Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "observation_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Observation Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "observation_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mother_observation_module_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_observation_module_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "value": "PENDING"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PPFP",
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+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Mother - Status",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "status",
+ "label": "Status",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "alive",
+ "text": "Alive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "alive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "died",
+ "text": "Died",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "died"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cause_of_death",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Cause of death",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cause_of_death",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"died\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "time_of_death",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Time of death",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "time_of_death",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"died\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mode_of_delivery",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mode_of_delivery",
+ "label": "Mode of delivery",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "spontaneous_vaginal_delivery",
+ "text": "Spontaneous vertex delivery",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spontaneous_vaginal_delivery"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vacuum_extraction",
+ "text": "Vacuum Extraction",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vacuum_extraction"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "breech_delivery",
+ "text": "Breech Delivery",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "breech_delivery"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_place",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_place",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Place of delivery",
+ "values": [
+ "At a health facility (HF)",
+ "Birth before Arrival (BBA)",
+ "Home delivery",
+ "Traditional birth attendant (TBA)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "at_a_health_facility",
+ "bba",
+ "at_home",
+ "tba"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "at_a_health_facility": "at_a_health_facility",
+ "bba": "bba",
+ "at_home": "at_home",
+ "tba": "tba"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "designation_of_delivery_personnel",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "designation_of_delivery_personnel",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Designation of Delivery Person",
+ "values": [
+ "Obstetrician",
+ "Gynecologist",
+ "Medical doctor",
+ "Assistant Nurse officer",
+ "Clinical officer",
+ "Midwife officer",
+ "Enrolled Nurse",
+ "Student"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "obstetrician",
+ "gynecologist",
+ "medical_doctor",
+ "assistant_nurse_officer",
+ "clinical_officer",
+ "midwife_officer",
+ "enrolled_nurse",
+ "student"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "medical_doctor": "medical_doctor",
+ "obstetrician": "obstetrician",
+ "assistant_midwife_officer": "assistant_midwife_officer",
+ "clinical_officer": "clinical_officer",
+ "midwife_officer": "midwife_officer",
+ "gynecologist": "gynecologist",
+ "nurse": "nurse",
+ "student": "student"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:delivery_place": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"at_a_health_facility\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "name_of_delivery_person",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Name of delivery personnel",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "name_of_delivery_person",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:delivery_place": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"at_a_health_facility\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "supervised_by_occupation",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "supervised_by_occupation",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "select one",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Supervision by",
+ "values": [
+ "Medical doctor",
+ "Obstetrician",
+ "Assistant midwife officer",
+ "Clinical officer",
+ "Midwife officer",
+ "Gynecologist",
+ "Nurse"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "medical_doctor",
+ "obstetrician",
+ "assistant_midwife_officer",
+ "clinical_officer",
+ "midwife_officer",
+ "gynecologist",
+ "nurse"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "medical_doctor": "medical_doctor",
+ "obstetrician": "obstetrician",
+ "assistant_midwife_officer": "assistant_midwife_officer",
+ "clinical_officer": "clinical_officer",
+ "midwife_officer": "midwife_officer",
+ "gynecologist": "gynecologist",
+ "nurse": "nurse"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_mother_status_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "name_of_supervising_person",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Name of supervisor",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "name_of_supervising_person",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_mother_status_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_children_born",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_children_born",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of Children Born",
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "5",
+ "err": "The number of children born should be equal or less than 5"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "The number of children born should greater than 0"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Delivery Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the delivery date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Delivery Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the delivery time"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mother_status_module_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_status_module_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "value": "PENDING"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "labour_duration",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "labour_duration",
+ "label": "Labour information/conditions",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "labour_stage",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "labour_stage",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "value": "complete"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hidden": true
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_mother_well_being.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_mother_well_being.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2a84c7ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_mother_well_being.json
@@ -0,0 +1,436 @@
+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "LD Partograph : Mother Well-being",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Well-being of Mother",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "contraction_every_half_hour_label",
+ "type": "label",
+ "text": "Pulse rate (Every half an hour)",
+ "text_size": "7sp",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "label_text_style": "bold",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pulse_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Pulse Rate (Beats per minute)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pulse_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the pulse rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or greater than 0 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or less than 200 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please input the pulse rate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of bradycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"60\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of tachycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"100\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "respiratory_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Respiratory Rate (Breaths per minute)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "respiratory_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the respiratory rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The respiratory rate must be equal or greater than 0 (Breaths per minute)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "100",
+ "err": "The respiratory rate must be equal or less than 100 (Breaths per minute)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_respiratory_rate",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to SOP and National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_respiratory_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_mother_wellbeing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "temperature",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Temperature (\u2103)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "temperature",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the temperature"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or greater than 10"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or less than 50"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Conduct relevant laboratory tests to elicit the cause of fever and manage according to standard guidelines ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"37.8\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypothermia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"36.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "systolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Systolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "systolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the systolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "320",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or less than 320"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diastolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Diastolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diastolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the diastolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or less than 200"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:systolic)",
+ "err": "The diastolic value must be less than the systolic value"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypertension according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_mother_wellbeing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of hypotension and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_mother_wellbeing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "urine_protein",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "urine_protein",
+ "label": "Urine Protein",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "nil",
+ "text": "Nil",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "nil"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "+",
+ "text": "+",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "+"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "++",
+ "text": "++",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "++"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "+++",
+ "text": "+++",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "+++"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_tested",
+ "text": "Not Tested",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_tested"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_protein",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_mother_wellbeing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "urine_acetone",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "urine_acetone",
+ "label": "Urine Acetone",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "nil",
+ "text": "Nil",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "nil"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "+",
+ "text": "+",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "+"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "++",
+ "text": "++",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "++"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "+++",
+ "text": "+++",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "+++"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_tested",
+ "text": "Not Tested",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_tested"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_acetone",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_mother_wellbeing_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "urine_volume",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "urine_volume",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Urine Volume(Output) in mls",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the urine volume"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "oral_intake",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "oral_intake",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Oral Intake (mls)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the oral intake"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_partograph_time.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_partograph_time.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
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+ },
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Partograph Time",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "name_of_the_health_care_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "name_of_the_health_care_provider",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Name of the Healthcare Provider Conducting the Partograph Session",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the name of the healthcare provider."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partograph_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partograph_date",
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+ "hint": "Partograph Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "last_partograph_monitoring_time",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_partograph_monitoring_time",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_partograph_monitoring_time_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "thirty_minutes_ago",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "thirty_minutes_ago",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_partograph_monitoring_time_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partograph_time",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "time",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(., step1:last_partograph_monitoring_time)",
+ "err": "The partograph monitoring time cannot be before the last partograph time"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_past_obstetric_history.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_past_obstetric_history.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Past Obstetric History",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "para_1_obstetric_history",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "para_1_obstetric_history",
+ "text": "Para 1: Obstetric History",
+ "type": "expansion_panel",
+ "content_form": "labour_and_delivery_registration_past_obstetric_history_sub_form",
+ "container": "anc_test"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
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+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
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+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Expulsion of the placenta and membranes",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "method_used_to_remove_the_placenta",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "method_used_to_remove_the_placenta",
+ "label": "The method used to remove/deliver the placenta",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "control_cord_traction",
+ "text": "Control Cord Traction",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "control_cord_traction"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "manual",
+ "text": "Manual",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "manual"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "placenta_and_membrane_expulsion",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "placenta_and_membrane_expulsion",
+ "label": "Expulsion of the Placenta and Membranes",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "complete_placenta",
+ "text": "Complete placenta",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "complete_placenta"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "incomplete_placenta",
+ "text": "Incomplete placenta",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "incomplete_placenta"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_incomplete_placenta",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_incomplete_placenta",
+ "label": "Type of incomplete placenta",
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+ "options": [
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+ "key": "retained_product",
+ "text": "Retained Product",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "retained_product"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "retained_placenta",
+ "text": "Retained Placenta",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "retained_placenta"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:placenta_and_membrane_expulsion": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"incomplete_placenta\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "placenta_removed_by_hand",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "placenta_removed_by_hand",
+ "label": "Was the placenta/product removed by hand?",
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+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
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+ "key": "no",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:placenta_and_membrane_expulsion": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"incomplete_placenta\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "conducted_mva",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "conducted_mva",
+ "label": "MVA.D&C was conducted?",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:placenta_removed_by_hand": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_placenta_and_membrane_expulsion",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to SOP and National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:conducted_mva": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "administered_antibiotics",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "administered_antibiotics",
+ "label": "Was the client administered antibiotics?",
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+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:placenta_and_membrane_expulsion": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"incomplete_placenta\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_provision_of_antibiotics",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide the client with antibiotic",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:administered_antibiotics": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "removal_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "removal_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Removal Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Removal date is required"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "removal_duration",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "How long did it take to remove the placenta? (In minutes)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "removal_duration",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Removal duration is required"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "estimated_blood_loss",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "estimated_blood_loss",
+ "hint": "Estimated blood loss (mls)",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": 0,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_excessive_blood_loss",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to SOP and National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:estimated_blood_loss": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"500\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_blood_transfusion",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_blood_transfusion",
+ "label": "Provided blood transfusion?",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
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+ "key": "no",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:estimated_blood_loss": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"500\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "name_of_the_provider_who_removed_the_placenta",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Name of the Provider who removed the placenta",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "name_of_the_provider_who_removed_the_placenta",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the name of the provider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "labour_stage",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "labour_stage",
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+ "value": 4
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Post-Partum Family Planning (PPFP)",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ppfp_method",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ppfp_method",
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+ "key": "iucd",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "implants"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "btl",
+ "text": "BTL",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "btl"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pop",
+ "text": "Progesterone only pills (POP)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pop"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom",
+ "text": "Condom",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:ppfp": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..042c37c76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration.json
@@ -0,0 +1,1488 @@
+ "count": "6",
+ "skip_blank_steps": true,
+ "encounter_type": "Labour and Delivery Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "next": "step2",
+ "title": "Triage",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "systolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Systolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "systolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the systolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "320",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or less than 320"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the systolic value"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diastolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Diastolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diastolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the diastolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or less than 200"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the diastolic value"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:systolic)",
+ "err": "The diastolic value must be less than the systolic value"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypertension according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of hypotension and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pulse_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Pulse Rate (Beats per minute)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pulse_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the pulse rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or greater than 0 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or less than 200 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the pulse rate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of bradycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"70\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of tachycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"140\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "respiratory_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Respiratory Rate (Breaths per minute)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "respiratory_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the respiratory rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or greater than 0 (Breaths per minute)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "100",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or less than 100 (Breaths per minute)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the pulse rate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Count Fetal Heart Rate (bpm)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the fetal heart rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Fetal heart rate must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "Fetal heart rate must be equal or less than 300"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the fetal heart rate"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "temperature",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Temperature (\u2103)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "temperature",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the temperature"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or greater than 10"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or less than 50"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the temperature"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Conduct relevant laboratory tests to elicit the cause of fever and manage according to standard guidelines ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"37.8\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypothermia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"36.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Weight (KG)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or greater than 20 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or less than 300 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Height (CM)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "height",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "60",
+ "err": "The height must be equal or greater than 60 (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "The height must be equal or less than 200 (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel the client on her risk of obstructed labour and advise her to deliver at a health care facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:height": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"145\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "bmi",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Body Mass Index (BMI)",
+ "read_only": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bmi",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_underweight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the undernourished client using standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_underweight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:bmi": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"18.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_overweight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the overweight client using standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_overweight",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:bmi": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(.,\"29\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "danger_signs",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Danger signs present",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "danger_signs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "bleeding_vag",
+ "text": "Bleeding Vaginally",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bleeding_vag"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_headache",
+ "text": "Severe Headache",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_headache"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_abdominal_pain",
+ "text": "Severe Abdominal Pain",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severely_abdominal_pain"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "convulsion",
+ "text": "Convulsion",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "convulsion"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blurred_vision",
+ "text": "Blurred Vision",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blurred_vision"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "text": "Severe Breathing Difficulty",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_breathing_difficulty"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unconscious",
+ "text": "Unconscious",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unconscious"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reduced_fetal_movement",
+ "text": "Reduced Fetal Movement",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reduced_fetal_movement"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dizziness",
+ "text": "Dizziness",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dizziness"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pale_anaemic",
+ "text": "Pale/Anaemic",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pale_anaemic"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the danger sings"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "next": "step3",
+ "title": "True Labour",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "true_labour",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "True labour?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "true_labour",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "painful_uterine_contraction",
+ "text": "Painful, increasing frequency and duration",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "painful_uterine_contraction"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "bloody_vaginal_discharge",
+ "text": "Show (Bloody mucoid vaginal discharge)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bloody_vaginal_discharge"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "effacement_and_dilatation",
+ "text": "Effacement and dilatation of cervix",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "effacement_and_dilatation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "progressive_descent",
+ "text": "Progressive descent of the presenting part",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "progressive_descent"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select at least one"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step3": {
+ "next": "step4",
+ "title": "Admission Information",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "admission_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "admission_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Admission Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the admission date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "admission_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Admission Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "admission_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the admission time"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "admitting_person_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "admitting_person_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "input_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Admitting Nurse/Doctor Name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter the admitting nurse/doctor's name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the admitting nurse/doctor's name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "admission_place",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "admission_place",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Admitted From",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the admission place"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "admission_reason",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "admission_reason",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Reason for Admission",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the admission reason"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_referral",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_referral",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Reason for Referral/Management Received",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the referral/management reason"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "danger_signs",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Danger signs present",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "danger_signs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "bleeding_vag",
+ "text": "Bleeding Vaginally",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bleeding_vag"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_headache",
+ "text": "Severe Headache",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_headache"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_abdominal_pain",
+ "text": "Severe Abdominal Pain",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severely_abdominal_pain"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "convulsion",
+ "text": "Convulsion",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "convulsion"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blurred_vision",
+ "text": "Blurred Vision",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blurred_vision"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "text": "Severe Breathing Difficulty",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_breathing_difficulty"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unconscious",
+ "text": "Unconscious",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unconscious"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reduced_fetal_movement",
+ "text": "Reduced Fetal Movement",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reduced_fetal_movement"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dizziness",
+ "text": "Dizziness",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dizziness"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the danger sings"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "danger_signs_present_toaster",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the condition according to standard guideline",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step3:danger_signs": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "bleeding_vag",
+ "severe_headache",
+ "unconscious",
+ "reduced_fetal_movement",
+ "dizziness",
+ "blurred_vision",
+ "severe_abdominal_pain",
+ "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "convulsion"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step4": {
+ "next": "step5",
+ "title": "Obstetric History",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "gravida",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gravida",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Gravida",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the gravida number"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "35",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or less than 50"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "para",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "para",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Para",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the para number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "children_alive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "children_alive",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of children alive",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number of children alive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_abortion",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_abortion",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of abortions",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number of abortions"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Last Normal Menstrual Period (LNMP)",
+ "label_info_title": "LNMP",
+ "label_info_text": "LNMP = first day of Last Normal Menstrual Period. If the exact date is unknown, but the period of the month is known, use day 5 for beginning of the month, day 15 for middle of the month and day 25 for end of the month.",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "min_date": "today-50w",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "LMP required"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "edd",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "edd",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age_note",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Gestational Age (GA) in Weeks",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "edd_note",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Expected Date of Delivery (EDD)",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step5": {
+ "next": "step6",
+ "title": "ANC Clinic Findings",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of Visits",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the visit number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ipt_doses",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt_doses",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "IPT Doses",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the ipt dose number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "IPT dose must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "4",
+ "err": "IPT dose must be equal or less than 4"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the ipt dose number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tt_doses",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tt_doses",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Td Doses",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the Td dose number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Td dose must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "5",
+ "err": "Td dose must be equal or less than 5"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the Td dose number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "itn_llin_used",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "itn_llin_used",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Was ITN/LLIN used?",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Last Measured HB Level (g/dl)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the HB level"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or greater than 0 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or less than 20 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please provide a value"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_hb_level",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for abnormal HB Level?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_hb_level",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step5:hb_level": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(.,\"8.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the mild anaemia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_test_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_test_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Last Measured HB Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the HB test date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "PMTCT",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_one",
+ "text": "1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_one"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_two",
+ "text": "2",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_two"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_pmtct",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for PMTCT?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_pmtct",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step5:pmtct": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"chk_one\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_test_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_test_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Last PMTCT test Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the last PMTCT test date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "art_prescription",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "art_prescription",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "ART/Prescription",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "syphilis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "VDRL (Syphilis)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "syphilis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_syphilis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for syphilis?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_syphilis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step5:syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_group",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Blood Group",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_group",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "A",
+ "B",
+ "AB",
+ "O"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "A",
+ "B",
+ "AB",
+ "O"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "A": "A",
+ "B": "B",
+ "AB": "AB",
+ "O": "O"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please choose a blood group"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rh_factor",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Rh",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rh_factor",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_rh",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for negative RH?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_rh",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step5:rh_factor": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_rh_negative",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step5:management_provided_for_rh": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step6": {
+ "title": "Current Labour",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "labour_onset_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "labour_onset_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Labour onset Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the labour onset date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "labour_onset_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Labour onset Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "labour_onset_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the labour onset time"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ruptured_membrane",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ruptured_membrane",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Membrane ruptured?",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_ruptured_membrane",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step6:ruptured_membrane": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"Yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "membrane_ruptured_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "membrane_ruptured_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Membrane rupture Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the membrane rupture date"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step6:ruptured_membrane": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"Yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "membrane_ruptured_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Membrane rupture Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "membrane_ruptured_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the membrane rupture time"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step6:ruptured_membrane": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"Yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fetal_movement",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fetal_movement",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Fetal movement",
+ "values": [
+ "Present",
+ "Absent"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "present",
+ "absent"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "present": "present",
+ "absent": "absent"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fetal_movement",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step6:fetal_movement": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"absent\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_admission_information.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_admission_information.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..25f66cf68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_admission_information.json
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "skip_blank_steps": true,
+ "encounter_type": "Labour and Delivery Registration Admission Information",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Admission Information",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "admission_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "admission_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Admission Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "admission_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Admission Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "admission_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "hint": "Admitting Nurse/Doctor Name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter the admitting nurse/doctor's name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "admission_from",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "admission_from",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "maxSelectable": 1,
+ "dialogTitle": "Health Facility",
+ "searchHint": "Referred From",
+ "options": [
+ ],
+ "type": "multi_select_list",
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+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please Referred From"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:admission_from": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"referral\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "hint": "Reason for Referral/Management Received",
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+ "step1:admission_from": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"referral\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Please select the reason for Admission",
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+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ {
+ "key": "labour_pain",
+ "text": "Labor Pain",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "labour_pain"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "observation",
+ "text": "Observation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "text": "Elective C/S",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "elective_cesarean_section"
+ },
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+ "text": "Induction of labor",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "induction"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the reasons"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:admission_from": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "notEqualTo(., \"referral\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_admission",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_admission",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for admission",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reasons_for_admission": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "none"
+ ],
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+ {
+ "key": "bleeding_vag",
+ "text": "Bleeding Vaginally",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bleeding_vag"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severely_abdominal_pain"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "convulsion"
+ },
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+ "text": "Blurred Vision",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blurred_vision"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unconscious"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dizziness"
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Pale/Anaemic",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pale_anaemic"
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please fill this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_danger_signs",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_danger_signs",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other danger signs and risk factors",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the danger signs and risk factors"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:danger_signs": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "danger_signs_present_toaster",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the condition according to standard guideline",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:danger_signs": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "bleeding_vag",
+ "severe_headache",
+ "unconscious",
+ "reduced_fetal_movement",
+ "dizziness",
+ "blurred_vision",
+ "severe_abdominal_pain",
+ "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "convulsion"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "ANC Clinic Findings",
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+ {
+ "key": "number_of_visits",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ipt_doses",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "IPT Doses",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the ipt dose number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "IPT dose must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "4",
+ "err": "IPT dose must be equal or less than 4"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Td Doses",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the Td dose number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Td dose must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "5",
+ "err": "Td dose must be equal or less than 5"
+ }
+ },
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+ "hint": "Was ITN/LLIN used?",
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+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ }
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+ },
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+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Last Measured HB Level (g/dl)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the HB level"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or greater than 0 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or less than 20 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_severe_anaemia",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for severe anaemia?",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_severe_anaemia",
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+ "key": "yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(.,\"8.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_mild_anaemia",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for mild anaemia?",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_mild_anaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
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+ "key": "no",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_test_date",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_test_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Last Measured HB Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the HB test date"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "anc_hiv_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "label": "PMTCT",
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+ "key": "unknown",
+ "text": "0",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unknown"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "1 (Diagnosed during this pregnancy)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "2",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_on_art_before_this_pregnancy",
+ "text": "Known on ART before this pregnancy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_on_art_before_this_pregnancy"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_anc_clinic_findings_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_test_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_test_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Last PMTCT test Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the last PMTCT test date"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:anc_hiv_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_pmtct",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for PMTCT?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_pmtct",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:anc_hiv_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "art_prescription",
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+ "key": "yes",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:management_provided_for_pmtct": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_art_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and standard guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_art_management",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_anc_clinic_findings_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "syphilis",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "syphilis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Test Not conducted",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_syphilis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for syphilis?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_syphilis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
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+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_syphilis_management_not_done",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:management_provided_for_syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "malaria",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Malaria test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Malaria Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_malaria",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for malaria?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_malaria",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_malaria_management_not_done",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:management_provided_for_malaria": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_group",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Blood Group",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_group",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "A",
+ "B",
+ "AB",
+ "O",
+ "Test not conducted"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "A",
+ "B",
+ "AB",
+ "O",
+ "test_not_conducted"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "A": "A",
+ "B": "B",
+ "AB": "AB",
+ "O": "O",
+ "test_not_conducted": "test_not_conducted"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please choose a blood group"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rh_factor",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Rh",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rh_factor",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:blood_group": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "notEqualTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_rh",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for negative RH?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_rh",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:rh_factor": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_rh_negative",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:management_provided_for_rh": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_current_labour.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_current_labour.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5240e412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_current_labour.json
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "skip_blank_steps": true,
+ "encounter_type": "Labour and Delivery Registration Current Labour",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Current Labour History",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "labour_onset_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "labour_onset_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Labour onset Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "labour_onset_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Labour onset Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "labour_onset_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "membrane",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "membrane",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Membrane ruptured?",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ruptured",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "ruptured",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ruptured"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "intact",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "intact"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "membrane_ruptured_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "membrane_ruptured_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Membrane rupture Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the membrane rupture date"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:membrane": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"ruptured\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "membrane_ruptured_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Membrane rupture Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "membrane_ruptured_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the membrane rupture time"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:membrane": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"ruptured\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_ruptured_membrane",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_registration_current_labour_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_prom",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client has Pre-mature Rupture of Membrane (PROM).\nProvide Management according to SOP and National Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_registration_current_labour_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "labour_onset_timestamp",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "labour_onset_timestamp",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_registration_current_labour_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "membrane_raptured_date_timestamp",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "membrane_raptured_date_timestamp",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_registration_current_labour_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fetal_movement",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fetal_movement",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Fetal movement",
+ "values": [
+ "Present",
+ "Absent"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "present",
+ "absent"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "present": "present",
+ "absent": "absent"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "movement_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "movement_status",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Movement status",
+ "values": [
+ "Active",
+ "Reduced"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "active",
+ "reduced"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "present": "active",
+ "absent": "reduced"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:fetal_movement": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"present\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fetal_movement",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_registration_current_labour_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_reduced_fetal_movement",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_registration_current_labour_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_obstetric_history.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_obstetric_history.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e50a435e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_obstetric_history.json
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Labour and Delivery Registration Obstretric History",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Obstetric History",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "gravida",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Gravida",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gravida",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the gravida number"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "35",
+ "err": "Gravida must be equal to or less than 35"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "para",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Parity",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "para",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter parity number"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(., step1:gravida)",
+ "err": "Parity must be equal to or less than gravida"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gravida_minus_para",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gravida_minus_para",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_registration_obstetric_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_grand_multiparity",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel on the risk of uterine rupture and closely monitor the client",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_registration_obstetric_history_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_abortion",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of abortions",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_abortion",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter parity number"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:gravida_minus_para)",
+ "err": "Sum of Para and Abortions should not exceed the Gravida"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "children_alive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "children_alive",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of children alive",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_registration_obstetric_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_menstrual_period",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Last Normal Menstrual Period (LNMP)",
+ "label_info_title": "LNMP",
+ "label_info_text": "LNMP = first day of Last Normal Menstrual Period. If the exact date is unknown, but the period of the month is known, use day 5 for beginning of the month, day 15 for middle of the month and day 25 for end of the month.",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today-28w",
+ "min_date": "today-50w"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "edd",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "edd",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_registration_obstetric_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age_note",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Gestational Age (GA) in Weeks",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_registration_obstetric_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "edd_note",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Expected Date of Delivery (EDD)",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_registration_obstetric_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gest_age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gest_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_registration_obstetric_history_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "past_medical_surgical_history",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "past_medical_surgical_history",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Any Medical and surgical History of the Patient?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "diabetes_mellitus",
+ "text": "Diabetes Mellitus",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diabetes_mellitus"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sickle_cell_disease",
+ "text": "Sickle Cell Disease",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sickle_cell_disease"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "heart_diseases",
+ "text": "Heart Diseases",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "heart_diseases"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "thyroid_diseases",
+ "text": "Thyroid Diseases",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "thyroid_diseases"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_transfusion",
+ "text": "Blood transfusion",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_transfusion"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_on_art",
+ "text": "On ART",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_on_art"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "epilepsy",
+ "text": "Epilepsy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "epilepsy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "previous_c_s",
+ "text": "Previous C/S",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "previous_c_s"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "myomectomy",
+ "text": "Myomectomy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "myomectomy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "third_degree_tear",
+ "text": "Third Degree Tear",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "third_degree_tear"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "repaired_fistula",
+ "text": "Repaired Fistula",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "repaired_fistula"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_genital_mutilation",
+ "text": "Female Genital Mutilation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_genital_mutilation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "closely_spaced_pregnancy",
+ "text": "Closely spaced pregnancy (within 2 years)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "closely_spaced_pregnancy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pregnant_more_than_four",
+ "text": "Pregnant four or more times",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pregnant_more_than_four"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hx_hemorrhage",
+ "text": "History of Hemorrhage",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hx_hemorrhage"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "history_of_high_blood_pressure",
+ "text": "History of high blood pressure",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "history_of_high_blood_pressure"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "anaemia",
+ "text": "Anaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "anaemia"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "difficult_delivery",
+ "text": "Difficult delivery (Vacuum, episiotomy)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "difficult_delivery"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hx_abortions",
+ "text": "History of Abortions",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hx_abortions"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Others (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_past_medical_surgical_history",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_past_medical_surgical_history",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other medical and surgical history",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the other medical surgical history"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:past_medical_surgical_history": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_triage.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_triage.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0d5f946a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_triage.json
@@ -0,0 +1,499 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "skip_blank_steps": true,
+ "encounter_type": "Labour and Delivery Registration Triage",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Triage",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "systolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Systolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "systolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the systolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "320",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or less than 320"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diastolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Diastolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diastolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the diastolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or less than 200"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:systolic)",
+ "err": "The diastolic value must be less than the systolic value"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypertension according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of hypotension and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pulse_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Pulse Rate (Beats per minute)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pulse_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the pulse rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or greater than 0 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "The pulse rate must be equal or less than 200 (bpm)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of bradycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Bradycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"60\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Elicit the cause of tachycardia and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_Tachycardia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:pulse_rate": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"100\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "respiratory_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Respiratory Rate (Breaths per minute)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "respiratory_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the respiratory rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The respiratory rate must be equal or greater than 0 (Breaths per minute)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "100",
+ "err": "The respiratory rate must be equal or less than 100 (Breaths per minute)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_respiratory_rate",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to SOP and National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_respiratory_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "oxygen_saturation",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Oxygen Saturation (SPO2) %",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "oxygen_saturation",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the % of oxygen saturation"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The % of oxygen saturation must be equal or greater than 0%"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "100",
+ "err": "The % of oxygen saturation must be equal or less than 100%"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_oxygen_saturation",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the condition according to standard guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:oxygen_saturation": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"90\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Count Fetal Heart Rate (bpm)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fetal_heart_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the fetal heart rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Fetal heart rate must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "Fetal heart rate must be equal or less than 300"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_triage_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "temperature",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Temperature (\u2103)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "temperature",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the temperature"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or greater than 10"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or less than 50"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Conduct relevant laboratory tests to elicit the cause of fever and manage according to standard guidelines ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"37.8\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypothermia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"36.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Weight (KG)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or greater than 20 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or less than 300 (KG)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Height (CM)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "height",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "60",
+ "err": "The height must be equal or greater than 60 (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "The height must be equal or less than 200 (CM)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel the client on her risk of obstructed labour and advise her to deliver at a health care facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_short_stature",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:height": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"145\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "danger_signs",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Danger signs present",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "danger_signs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "bleeding_vag",
+ "text": "Bleeding Vaginally",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bleeding_vag"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_headache",
+ "text": "Severe Headache",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_headache"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_abdominal_pain",
+ "text": "Severe Abdominal Pain",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severely_abdominal_pain"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "convulsion",
+ "text": "Convulsion",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "convulsion"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blurred_vision",
+ "text": "Blurred Vision",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blurred_vision"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "text": "Severe Breathing Difficulty",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "severe_breathing_difficulty"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unconscious",
+ "text": "Unconscious",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "unconscious"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reduced_fetal_movement",
+ "text": "Reduced Fetal Movement",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reduced_fetal_movement"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dizziness",
+ "text": "Dizziness",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dizziness"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pale_anaemic",
+ "text": "Pale/Anaemic",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pale_anaemic"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "danger_signs_present_toaster",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the condition according to standard guideline",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:danger_signs": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "bleeding_vag",
+ "severe_headache",
+ "unconscious",
+ "reduced_fetal_movement",
+ "dizziness",
+ "blurred_vision",
+ "severe_abdominal_pain",
+ "severe_breathing_difficulty",
+ "convulsion"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_true_labour_confirmation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_true_labour_confirmation.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..83a6cfabb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_registration_true_labour_confirmation.json
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "skip_blank_steps": true,
+ "encounter_type": "Labour and Delivery Registration True Labour",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "True Labour",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "true_labour",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Asses if the mother has any of the following",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "true_labour",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "painful_uterine_contraction",
+ "text": "Regular painful uterine contraction with increasing frequency and duration",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "painful_uterine_contraction"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "bloody_vaginal_discharge",
+ "text": "Show (Bloody mucoid vaginal discharge)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bloody_vaginal_discharge"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "effacement_and_dilatation",
+ "text": "Effacement and dilatation of cervix",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "effacement_and_dilatation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "progressive_descent",
+ "text": "Progressive descent of the presenting part",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "progressive_descent"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_choice_id": "none",
+ "text": "None"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select at least one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_true_labor",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "True labor! Register to Labor & Delivery ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labor_and_delivery_registration_current_labor_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_false_labor",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Continue monitoring the mother according to guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labor_and_delivery_registration_current_labor_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "admit_client",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "admit_client",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Do you want to admit the client?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labor_and_delivery_registration_current_labor_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select at least one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "labour_confirmation",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "labour_confirmation",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_true_labour_confirmation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_stage4_family_planning.json
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
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+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Family Planning",
+ "entity_id": "",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Family Planning",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "family_planning_counselling_after_delivery",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "family_planning_counselling_after_delivery",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Did you receive counselling about family planning",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_counseling_the_client",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide Counselling according to SOP and National Guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Provide Counselling according to SOP and National Guidelines",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:family_planning_counselling_after_delivery": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "family_planning_methods_selected",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Family planning methods selected by the client",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "tubal_litigation",
+ "text": "Tubal ligation",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tubal_litigation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "intrauterine_device",
+ "text": "Intrauterine device (IUD)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "intrauterine_device"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "implants",
+ "text": "Implants",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "implants"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "progestogen_only_pills",
+ "text": "Progestogen-only pills (POP)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "progestogen_only_pills"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condom",
+ "text": "Condom",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condom"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "None",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_family_planning_methods_selected",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_family_planning_methods_selected",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Other family planning methods selected",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please fill the other family planning methods"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:family_planning_methods_selected": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "family_planning_module_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "family_planning_module_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "value": "PENDING"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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index 000000000..b88a56d9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn.json
@@ -0,0 +1,2599 @@
+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "LND Newborn",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Immediate Newborn Care",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "mother_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_time",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_time",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "newborn_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "newborn_status",
+ "label": "Status",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "alive",
+ "text": "Alive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "alive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "still_birth",
+ "text": "Still birth",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "still_birth"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "still_birth_choice",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "still_birth_choice",
+ "label": "Still Birth",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "fsb",
+ "text": "FSB",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fsb"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "msb",
+ "text": "MSB",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "msb"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_delivery_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_delivery_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Delivery Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please the delivery date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_delivery_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Delivery Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_delivery_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please the delivery time"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sex",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sex",
+ "values": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female",
+ "Ambiguous"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female",
+ "Ambiguous"
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the sex"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_apgar_at_1_minute",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "APGAR (At 1-minute)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "apgar_score_activity_label",
+ "type": "label",
+ "text": "Activity",
+ "label_info_title": "Activity",
+ "label_info_text": "0: Absent \n1: Arm/legs flexed \n2: Active",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "apgar_activity_score_at_1_minute",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "apgar_pulse_score_label",
+ "type": "label",
+ "text": "Pulse",
+ "label_info_title": "Pulse",
+ "label_info_text": "0: Absent \n1: <100 \n2: > 100",
+ "text_size": "7sp",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "spacer4",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "apgar_pulse_score_at_1_minute",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "apgar_pulse_score_at_1_minute",
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+ "number_of_selectors": "3",
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+ "text_size": "18px",
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "spacer5",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "apgar_grimace_on_stimulation_score_label",
+ "type": "label",
+ "text": "Grimace of stimulation",
+ "label_info_title": "Grimace of stimulation",
+ "label_info_text": "0: No response \n1: Grimaces \n2: Sneezes coughs/pulls away",
+ "text_size": "7sp",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ "text": "Appearance",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ }
+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "text": "APGAR score at 1 min, Normal: {apgar_score}/10",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abnormal_apgar_score_at_1_minute",
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+ "text": "APGAR score at 1 min, Abnormal: {apgar_score}/10. \nGo to emergency",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "label_info_text": "0: Absent \n1: <100 \n2: > 100",
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
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+ "type": "label",
+ "text": "Grimace of stimulation",
+ "label_info_title": "Grimace of stimulation",
+ "label_info_text": "0: No response \n1: Grimaces \n2: Sneezes coughs/pulls away",
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ "label_info_text": "0: Blue/Pale all over \n1: Blue/Pale extremities \n2: Normal all over",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
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+ "label_info_text": "0: Absent \n1: Weak/Slow irregular breathing \n2: Good cry / RR40",
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
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+ }
+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_normal_apgar_score_at_5_minutes",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "APGAR score at 5 mins, Normal: {apgar_score}/10",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "positive",
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abnormal_apgar_score_at_5_minutes",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "APGAR score at 5 mins, Abnormal: {apgar_score}/10. \nGo to emergency",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "resuscitation_question",
+ "label": "Resuscitation (Choose the last method done)",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ {
+ "key": "no_resuscitation",
+ "text": "No Resuscitation",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_resuscitation"
+ },
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+ "key": "suction_only",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "suction_only"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stimulation"
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "suction_and_bag_mask"
+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Temperature (\u2103)",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the temperature"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or greater than 10"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or less than 50"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Conduct relevant laboratory tests to elicit the cause of fever and manage according to standard guidelines ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypothermia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Weight (KG)",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or greater than 0 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "7",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or less than 7 (KG)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_underweight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to SOP and National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_overweight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to SOP and National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "heart_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Heart Rate (bpm)",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the heart rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The heart rate must be equal or greater than 0 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "The heart rate must be equal or less than 200 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to SOP and National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_fetal_distress",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "keep_warm",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Keep Warm (skin to skin)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "keep_warm",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_for_not_keeping_the_baby_warm_skin_to_skin_for_low_apgar_score",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Reasons for not Keeping the baby warm (skin to skin)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_for_not_keeping_the_baby_warm_skin_to_skin_for_low_apgar_score",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "mother_died",
+ "text": "Mother Died",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_died"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mother_has_complications",
+ "text": "Mother has complications",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_has_complications"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "baby_has_low_apgar_score",
+ "text": "Baby has low ApGar score",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "baby_has_low_apgar_score"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "baby_has_complications",
+ "text": "Baby has Complications",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "baby_has_complications"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_for_not_keeping_the_baby_warm_skin_to_skin_for_normal_apgar_score",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Reasons for not Keeping the baby warm (skin to skin)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_for_not_keeping_the_baby_warm_skin_to_skin_for_normal_apgar_score",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "mother_died",
+ "text": "Mother Died",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_died"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mother_has_complications",
+ "text": "Mother has complications",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_has_complications"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_for_not_keeping_the_baby_warm_skin_to_skin",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_for_not_keeping_the_baby_warm_skin_to_skin",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_keeping_the_baby_warm_skin_to_skin",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_keeping_the_baby_warm_skin_to_skin",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not keeping the baby warm (skin to skin)",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "respiratory_rate",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Breathing Rate (bpm)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "respiratory_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the breathing rate"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The breathing rate must be equal or greater than 0 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "80",
+ "err": "The breathing rate must be equal or less than 80 (bpm)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_respiratory_rate",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to SOP and National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_respiratory_rate",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cord_bleeding",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Cord Bleeding",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cord_bleeding",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_cord_bleeding",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to SOP and National guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "early_bf_1hr",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Breast Fed within one hour",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "early_bf_1hr",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_breast_feeding_within_one_hour",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_breast_feeding_within_one_hour",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Reason why the child was not breast fed within one hour",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "mother_died",
+ "text": "Mother Died",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_died"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "baby_unable_to_breast_feed",
+ "text": "Baby unable to breast feed",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "baby_unable_to_breast_feed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "replacement_feeding",
+ "text": "Replacement Feeding",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "replacement_feeding"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_breast_feeding_within_one_hour",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_breast_feeding_within_one_hour",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not breast feeding the child",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "eye_care",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Eye Care",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "eye_care",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_giving_eye_care",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_giving_eye_care",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why eye care was not given",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_giving_eye_care",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_giving_eye_care",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify reason(s) for not giving eye care",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_bcg_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_bcg_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was BCG vaccination administered?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_bcg_vacc_not_provided",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide BCG vaccine to the infant at the first Postnatal care visit or as soon as the BCG vaccine will be available. BCG should not be provided beyond 12-months of infant age",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_bcg_vacc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_bcg_vacc",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the BCG vaccine was not administered",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "Others (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock_vaccine",
+ "others"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock_vaccine": "out_of_stock_vaccine",
+ "others": "others"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_providing_bcg_vacc",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the other reason(s)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_providing_bcg_vacc",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_opv0_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_opv0_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was OPV 0 vaccination administered?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_opv0_vacc_not_provided",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide OPV 0 vaccination to the infant at the first Postnatal care visit or as soon as the OPV 0 vaccine will be available. OPV 0 should not be provided beyond 14 days",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_opv0_vacc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_opv0_vacc",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the OPV 0 vaccine was not administered",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "Others (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock_vaccine",
+ "others"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock_vaccine": "out_of_stock_vaccine",
+ "others": "others"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_providing_opv0_vacc",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the other reason(s)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_providing_opv0_vacc",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_hepatitis_b_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_hepatitis_b_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was Hepatitis B vaccination administered?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_hepatitis_b_not_provided",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide Hepatitis B vaccine to the infant at the first Postnatal care visit or as soon as the Hepatitis B vaccine will be available.",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_hepatitis_b_vacc",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_hepatitis_b_vacc",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Hepatitis B vaccine was not administered",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock vaccine",
+ "Others (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock_vaccine",
+ "others"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock_vaccine": "out_of_stock_vaccine",
+ "others": "others"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_providing_hepatitis_b_injection",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the other reason(s)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_providing_hepatitis_b_injection",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_vitamin_k_injection",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_vitamin_k_injection",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was Vitamin K Injection administered?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_vitamin_k_injection",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_vitamin_k_injection",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Vitamin K Injection was not administered",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "Others (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock_vaccine",
+ "others"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "others": "others"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_providing_vitamin_k_injection",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the other reason(s)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_providing_vitamin_k_injection",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "risk_category",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "HEI",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "risk_category",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "high",
+ "text": "High Risk",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "high",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "low",
+ "text": "Low Risk",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "low",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_high_risk",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Please provide AZT + 3TC and NVP Syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_low_risk",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Please provide NVP Syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_azt_nvp_syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_azt_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the infant been provided AZT + 3TC and NVP Syrup?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_other_combinations",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_other_combinations",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the infant been provided other combinations?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "specify_the_combinations",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the combinations",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "specify_the_combinations",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_azt_nvp_days_dispensed",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_azt_nvp_days_dispensed",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of days dispensed",
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be less than or equal to 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Please specify the reasons",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "out_of_stock",
+ "text": "Out of stock",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_stock"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_expired",
+ "text": "Medication expired",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_expired"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the other reason(s)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "collect_dbs",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Collect DBS",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "collect_dbs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No (Specify reason)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_not_collecting_dbs",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_not_collecting_dbs",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify reason(s) for not collecting DBS",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sample_collection_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "DNA-PCR Sample Collection Date",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sample_collection_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dna_pcr_collection_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "DNA-PCR Sample Collection Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dna_pcr_collection_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sample_id",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "DNA-PCR Sample ID",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sample_id",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_nvp_syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the infant been provided NVP Syrup?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_nvp_days_dispensed",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_nvp_days_dispensed",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of days dispensed",
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be less than or equal to 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Please specify the reasons",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "out_of_stock",
+ "text": "Out of stock",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_stock"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_expired",
+ "text": "Medication expired",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_expired"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the other reason(s)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_hiv_test",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_risk_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_risk_given",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_and_low_risk_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_and_low_risk_given",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "next_facility_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "next_facility_visit_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "followup_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_visit_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_stage4_newborn_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "newborn_stage_four_module_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "newborn_stage_four_module_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "value": "PENDING"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_syphilis_test.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_syphilis_test.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5c43b123
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_syphilis_test.json
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "skip_blank_steps": true,
+ "encounter_type": "Labour and Delivery Syphilis Test",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Syphilis Test",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "syphilis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "VDRL (Syphilis)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "syphilis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Test Not Conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "management_provided_for_syphilis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was management provided for syphilis?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "management_provided_for_syphilis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_syphilis_management_not_done",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:management_provided_for_syphilis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_treatment_during_labour.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_treatment_during_labour.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cc9798451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_treatment_during_labour.json
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Treatment during Labour",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Treatment during labour",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "drugs_administered",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drugs_administered",
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+ "label": "Drugs Administered",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "oxytocin",
+ "text": "Oxytocin",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "oxytocin"
+ },
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+ "text": "Drugs (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drugs"
+ },
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+ "text": "IV Fluid (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "iv_fluid"
+ },
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+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select at least one option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "oxytocin_units_per_liter",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Oxytocin U/L",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "oxytocin_units_per_liter",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the Oxytocin U/L"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:drugs_administered": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "oxytocin"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "oxytocin_drops_per_minute",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Oxytocin (drops/min)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "oxytocin_drops_per_minute",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify drops/minute"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:drugs_administered": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "oxytocin"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "drugs_provided",
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+ "hint": "Drugs (Specify)",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drugs_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the drugs provided"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:drugs_administered": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "drugs"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "iv_fluid_provided",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "IV Fluid (Specify)",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "iv_fluid_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the iv fluid provided"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:drugs_administered": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "iv_fluid"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "validate_on_submit": true,
+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Uterotonic",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Active Management of 3rd Stage Labour (AMSTL)",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "uterotonic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "uterotonic",
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+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "oxytocin",
+ "text": "Oxytocin (10 IU within 1 minute after delivery)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "oxytocin"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "misoprostol",
+ "text": "Misoprostol (400 mcg orally OR 600 mcg sublingual)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "misoprostol"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ergometrine",
+ "text": "Ergometrine (0.5mg)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ergometrine"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_uterus.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_uterus.json
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+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Uterus Massage",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Active Management of 3rd Stage Labour (AMSTL)",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "uterus_massage_after_delivery",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "uterus_massage_after_delivery",
+ "label": "Massage the Uterus after delivery of placenta (Every 15 minutes for the first 1 hour)",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_massaging_uterus_after_delivery",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the reason(s)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_massaging_uterus_after_delivery",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the reason(s)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:uterus_massage_after_delivery": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_vaginal_examination.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/labour_and_delivery_vaginal_examination.json
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+ "show_errors_on_submit": false,
+ "count": "1",
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+ "relational_id": "",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "labour_onset_time": "00:00"
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Vaginal Examination",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_exam_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_exam_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Vaginal examination Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-2y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the examination date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "labour_onset_time",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "labour_onset_time",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_vaginal_examination_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_exam_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Vaginal examination Time",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "time",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(., step1:labour_onset_time)",
+ "err": "The vaginal examination time cannot be before labour onset time"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the examination time"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cervix_state",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cervix_state",
+ "label": "Cervix (State)",
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+ "type": "native_radio",
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+ "key": "soft_thin",
+ "text": "Soft and thin",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "soft_thin"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "thick"
+ }
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+ },
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+ "text": "Cervix (Dilation)",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "text_size": "18px",
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+ "selected_text_color": "#ffffff"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_cervix_dilation",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Continue with routine examination for the client",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_vaginal_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Breech"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brow",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Brow"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "shoulder",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Shoulder"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "face",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "face",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Face"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cord",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "text": "Cord"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "occiput_position",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "occiput_position",
+ "label": "Position of Occiput",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "roa",
+ "text": "Right occipito anterior(ROA)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "roa"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "loa",
+ "text": "Left Occipito anterior(LOA)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "loa"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rol",
+ "text": "Right Occipito Lateral(ROL)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rol"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lol",
+ "text": "Left Occipito Lateral (LOL)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lol"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rop",
+ "text": "Right Occipito Posterior (ROP)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rop"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lop",
+ "text": "Left Occipito Posterior (LOP)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lop"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "doa",
+ "text": "Direct Occipito Anterior (DOA)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "roa"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dop",
+ "text": "Direct Occipito Posterior (DOP)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dop"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_vaginal_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the position of Occiput"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_occiput_position",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Take action or refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:occiput_position": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"opp\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mento_position",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mento_position",
+ "label": "Position of mento",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "rmp",
+ "text": "Right mentoposterior(RMP)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rmp"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lmp",
+ "text": "Left mentoposterior(RMP)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lmp"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rml",
+ "text": "Right mentolateral(RML)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rml"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lml",
+ "text": "Left mentolateral(LML)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lml"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rma",
+ "text": "Right mentoanterior(RMA)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rma"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lma",
+ "text": "Left mentoanterior(RMA)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lma"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_vaginal_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sacro_position",
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+ "label": "Position of sacro",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
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+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "rsp",
+ "text": "Right Sacroposterior(RSP)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rsp"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lsp",
+ "text": "Left Sacroposterior(LSP)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lsp"
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "text": "Left sacrolateral(LSL)",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "text": "Right sacroanterior(RSA)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rsa"
+ },
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+ "key": "lsa",
+ "text": "Left sacroanterior(LSA)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lsa"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_vaginal_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the correct answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dorso_position",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dorso_position",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dorso_anterior"
+ },
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+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_vaginal_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_presenting_part",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Take action or refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_vaginal_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_vaginal_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "moulding_options",
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+ "key": "sutures_apposed",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sutures_apposed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sutures_overlapped_reducible",
+ "text": "Sutures overlapped but reducible (++)",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sutures_overlapped_not_reducible"
+ }
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_vaginal_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_moulding",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide management according to SOP and Standard Guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_vaginal_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "amniotic_fluid",
+ "label": "Amniotic fluid",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "membrane_intact",
+ "text": "Membrane Intact (I)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "membrane_intact"
+ },
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+ "key": "membrane_ruptured_clear",
+ "text": "Membrane ruptured liquor clear (C)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "membrane_ruptured_clear"
+ },
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+ "key": "meconium_stained_liquor",
+ "text": "Meconium Stained Liquor (M)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "meconium_stained_liquor"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_stained_liquor",
+ "text": "Blood-Stained Liquor (B)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_stained_liquor"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the correct answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_amniotic_fluid",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to standard guideline",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "labour_and_delivery_vaginal_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "spontaneous_vaginal_delivery",
+ "text": "Vaginal delivery",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spontaneous_vaginal_delivery"
+ },
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+ }
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+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "Specify Forecasted SVD Time",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the forecasted time"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:decision": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"spontaneous_vaginal_delivery\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/ld_child_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/ld_child_registration.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..70d561e97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/ld_child_registration.json
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
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+ },
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+ }
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "barcode_type": "qrcode",
+ "hint": "Boresha Afya ID",
+ "scanButtonText": "Scan QR Code",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid ID"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the UNIQUE ID"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "surname",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\s\\.\\-]*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "same_as_fam_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "none"
+ ],
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+ "key": "same_as_fam_name",
+ "text": "Surname same as family name",
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+ "value": "false"
+ }
+ ]
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+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Surname as Family name"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
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+ "hint": "First name",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please Enter first name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\s\\-]*",
+ "err": "Please Enter a Valid Name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "middle_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Middle name",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please Enter middle name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\s\\.\\-]*",
+ "err": "Please Enter a Valid Name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
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+ "hint": "Date of birth (DOB)",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "duration": {
+ "label": "Age"
+ },
+ "min_date": "today-5y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the date of birth"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gender",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Sex"
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "early_bf_1hr",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Early initiation of breastfeeding (1 hr)?",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "yes",
+ "no"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "yes": "yes",
+ "no": "no"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter Early initiation of breastfeeding"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_bcg_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_bcg_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was BCG vaccination administered?",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
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+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_opv0_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_opv0_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was OPV 0 vaccination administered?",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
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+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Weight (KG)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or greater than 0 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "30",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or less than 30 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_date",
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/ld_hei_first_visit.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/ld_hei_first_visit.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09b8e1a67
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/ld_hei_first_visit.json
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "HEI Followup",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HEI Followup",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "provided_azt_nvp_syrup",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_azt_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the infant been provided AZT + 3TC and NVP Syrup?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "provided_other_combinations",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "provided_other_combinations",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the infant been provided other combinations?",
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+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
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+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:provided_azt_nvp_syrup": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "specify_the_combinations",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the combinations",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "specify_the_combinations",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the combinations"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:provided_other_combinations": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_azt_nvp_days_dispensed",
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of days dispensed",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter number of days dispensed"
+ },
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be less than or equal to 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "hei_arv_prescription_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Please specify the reasons",
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+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "out_of_stock",
+ "text": "Out of stock",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_stock"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_expired",
+ "text": "Medication expired",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_expired"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:provided_other_combinations": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_providing_other_combination",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the other reason(s)",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the other reason(s)"
+ },
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+ "step1:reason_for_not_providing_other_combination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ },
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+ "label": "Has the infant been provided NVP Syrup?",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_nvp_days_dispensed",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_nvp_days_dispensed",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of days dispensed",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter number of days dispensed"
+ },
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be less than or equal to 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:provided_nvp_syrup": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Please specify the reasons",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "out_of_stock",
+ "text": "Out of stock",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_stock"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "medication_expired",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "medication_expired"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "home_delivery",
+ "text": "Home delivery",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "home_delivery"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:provided_nvp_syrup": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Please specify the other reason(s)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the other reason(s)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_providing_nvp_syrup": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_and_low_risk_given",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prophylaxis_arv_for_high_and_low_risk_given",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "value": "true"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "next_facility_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "next_facility_visit_date",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sample_collection_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "DNA-PCR Sample Collection Date",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "min_date": "today-5y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the collection date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dna_pcr_collection_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "DNA-PCR Sample Collection Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dna_pcr_collection_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the collection time"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sample_id",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "DNA-PCR Sample ID",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sample_id",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the sample ID"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "followup_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_status",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "infant_and_mother"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "actual_age",
+ "type": "hidden",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "followup_visit_date",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_visit_date",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/malaria_confirmation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/malaria_confirmation.json
index b701eddb8..96711b537 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/malaria_confirmation.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/malaria_confirmation.json
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
- "validate_on_submit": true,
- "show_errors_on_submit": false,
"count": "2",
"encounter_type": "Malaria Confirmation",
"entity_id": "",
@@ -18,11 +16,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
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- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/malaria_follow_up_hf.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/malaria_follow_up_hf.json
index f1c0fc7ce..60268c3e8 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/malaria_follow_up_hf.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/malaria_follow_up_hf.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
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"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -107,20 +102,17 @@
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"openmrs_choice_id": "",
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"key": "Other_tests",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Other tests",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Other tests"
"v_required": {
@@ -140,14 +132,12 @@
"key": "stock_out",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Stock out",
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+ "text": "Stock out"
"key": "mRDT_done_within_14_days",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "mRDT done within 14 days",
- "value": false
+ "text": "mRDT done within 14 days"
"relevance": {
@@ -193,32 +183,27 @@
"key": "mRDT_positive",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
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"key": "mRDT_negative",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
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"key": "Malaria_parasite_seen",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Malaria parasite seen",
- "value": false
+ "text": "Malaria parasite seen"
"key": "No_malaria_parasite_seen",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "No malaria parasite seen",
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+ "text": "No malaria parasite seen"
"key": "Other_test_results",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Other test results",
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"v_required": {
@@ -258,20 +243,17 @@
"key": "Uncomplicated_malaria",
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"key": "Severe_malaria",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Severe malaria",
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"key": "Other_diagnosis",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Other diagnosis",
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"v_required": {
@@ -311,44 +293,37 @@
"key": "ALU_1_x_6_strips",
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"openmrs_choice_id": "",
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"openmrs_choice_id": "",
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"key": "ALU_4_x_6_strips",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
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"key": "Injection_artesunate",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
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"key": "Paracetamol",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
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"key": "Other_drugs",
"openmrs_choice_id": "NA",
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"relevance": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/malaria_follow_up_visit.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/malaria_follow_up_visit.json
index 040fe22d9..9881d92a0 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/malaria_follow_up_visit.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/malaria_follow_up_visit.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
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"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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index 2bc2f5d75..ea88cc4f0 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/male_family_planning_change_method.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/male_family_planning_change_method.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
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"deviceid": {
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@@ -112,7 +107,6 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "163494AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "value": false,
"text": "Decided to change method"
@@ -185,7 +179,7 @@
"Female condom",
"Male sterilization"
- "keys": [
+ "keys": [
"Male condom",
"Female condom",
"Male sterilization"
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/male_family_planning_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/male_family_planning_registration.json
index ee367e3a0..ad2856ff0 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/male_family_planning_registration.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/male_family_planning_registration.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
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"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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@@ -57,18 +52,6 @@
"title": "Family planning registration Info",
"next": "step2",
"fields": [
- {
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- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
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- "type": "spinner",
- "hint": "Select CHW Location",
- "v_required": {
- "value": "true",
- "err": "Please select CHW Location"
- }
- },
"key": "fp_reg_date",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
@@ -124,7 +107,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "couselling_HIV_STI",
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "label": "Was he counselled on HIV and STI prevention?",
+ "label": "Was he counselled on HIV and STI/RTI prevention?",
"options": [
"key": "yes",
@@ -220,8 +203,7 @@
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "fp_start_condom",
- "type": "edit_text",
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+ "type": "hidden",
"calculation": {
"rules-engine": {
"ex-rules": {
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/male_partner_registration_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/male_partner_registration_form.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a86db84c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/male_partner_registration_form.json
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+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Location details",
+ "next": "step2",
+ "fields": [
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
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+ "hint": "Surname",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
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+ "hint": "First name",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the first name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
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+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the middle name"
+ }
+ },
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+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid ID"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fam_village",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cityVillage",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Area name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the name of area or town"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "landmark",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "landmark",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Landmark/Description of house location",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the landmark/description of location."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spacer",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "spacer",
+ "spacer_height": "15dp"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sync_location_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sync_location_id",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Select CHW Location",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select CHW Location"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "Client details",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "unique_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "hint": "Kituoni ID",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid ID"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the UNIQUE ID"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "surname",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Surname",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "read_only": true,
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "First name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the first name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "middle_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Middle name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the middle name"
+ },
+ "read_only": true,
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date of birth (DOB)",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "duration": {
+ "label": "Age"
+ },
+ "min_date": "today-120y",
+ "max_date": "today-15y",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the date of birth"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "age_calculated",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdateApprox",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "dob_unknown",
+ "text": "DOB unknown?",
+ "text_size": "18px",
+ "value": "false"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "age",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "age",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Age",
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Must be a rounded number"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "3",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid age"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid age"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "15",
+ "err": "Age must be equal or greater than 15"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "120",
+ "err": "Age must be equal or less than 120"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the age"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "marital_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "marital_status",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Client's Marital Status?",
+ "values": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Single",
+ "Married",
+ "Divorced",
+ "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Single": "Single",
+ "Married": "Married",
+ "Divorced": "Divorced",
+ "Widowed": "Widowed",
+ "Cohabitation": "Cohabitation"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Client phone number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "id_avail",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "id_avail",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Do you have any of the following IDs?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_national_id",
+ "text": "National ID",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_national_id"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_voters_id",
+ "text": "Voter's registration ID",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_voters_id"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_drivers_license",
+ "text": "Driver's license",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_drivers_license"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "national_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "National_ID",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "########-#####-#####-##",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345678912",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "National ID number e.g 12345678-91234-56789-12",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "23",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid national id"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^\\d{8}-\\d{5}-\\d{5}-\\d{2}$",
+ "err": "National ID number should be of the format (XXXXXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid national ID"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_national_id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "voter_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Voter_Registration_Number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "T-####-####-###-#",
+ "mask_hint": "123456789123",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Voter's registration number e.g T-1234-5678-912-3",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid voters registration"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^T-\\d{4}-\\d{4}-\\d{3}-\\d{1}$",
+ "err": "Voter's registration number should be of the format (T-XXXX-XXXX-XXX-X)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid voters registration number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_voters_id"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "driver_license",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Driver_License_Number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##########",
+ "mask_hint": "1234567891",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "Driver's license number e.g 1234567891",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid drivers license number"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "^([0-9]{10})",
+ "err": "Driver's license number should be of the format (XXXXXXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid driver's license number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:id_avail": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_drivers_license"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Health insurance provider",
+ "values": [
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)/(iCHF)",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
+ "AAR Healthcare",
+ "Strategies Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance",
+ "Other",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)",
+ "AAR Healthcare",
+ "Strategies Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance",
+ "Other",
+ "None"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Community Health Fund (CHF)": "Community_Health_Fund",
+ "National Social Security Fund - Social Health Insurance Benefit (SHIB)": "National_Social_Security_Fund",
+ "National Health Insurance Fund (NHIF)": "National_Health_Insurance_Fund",
+ "Tiba Kwa Kadi (TIKA)": "Tiba_kwa_Kadi",
+ "AAR Healthcare": "AAR_Healthcare",
+ "AAR Strategies Insurance": "Strategies_Insurance",
+ "Milvik Tanzania Ltd (BIMA Mkononi)": "BIMA_Mkononi",
+ "Britam Insurance Tanzania": "Britam_Insurance_Tanzania",
+ "Jubilee Insurance": "Jubilee_Insurance",
+ "Resolutions Insurance": "Resolutions_Insurance",
+ "Reliance Insurance": "Reliance_Insurance",
+ "Other": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "None": "No_Health_Insurance"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the insurance provider"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Health_Insurance_Type",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other health insurance provider",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the insurance provider"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "insurance_provider_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Health_Insurance_Number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Health insurance provider number",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please add the health insurance provider iD Number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "wra",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mra",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Physical disabilities",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_disability",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_disability",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Type of disability",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Mobility and Physical Impairments",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spinal_cord_disability",
+ "text": "Spinal Cord Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Head Injuries - Brain Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brain_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vision_disability",
+ "text": "Vision Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hearing_disability",
+ "text": "Hearing Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hearing_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "learning_disabilities",
+ "text": "Cognitive or Learning Disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "learning_disabilities"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "psychological_disorders",
+ "text": "Psychological Disorders",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "psychological_disorders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invisible_disabilities",
+ "text": "Invisible Disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invisible_disabilities"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select the type of physical disabilities"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "service_provider",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "service_provider",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Occupation of the Client",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_self_employed",
+ "text": "Self-Employed",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_self_employed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_employed",
+ "text": "Employed",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_employed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_unemployed",
+ "text": "Unemployed",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_unemployed"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_farmer",
+ "text": "Farmer",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_farmer"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please pick at least one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "leader",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Community_Leader",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Any leadership role in the community?",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_religious",
+ "text": "Religious leader",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Religious_Leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_traditional",
+ "text": "Traditional leader",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Traditional_leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_political",
+ "text": "Political leader",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Political_leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_influential",
+ "text": "Influential leader",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Influential_Leader"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Not_a_Community_Leader"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please pick at least one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "leader_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other_Community_Leader_Type_Name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Mention other role in the community",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify role"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:leader": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_for_registration",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_attribute",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Registration_Reason",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "male_partner_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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index 77b1afe49..591bc5edc 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/monthly_report.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/monthly_report.json
@@ -16,11 +16,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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index 000000000..d9c8d8a30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/next_facility_visit_date_form.json
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "Next Facility Visit Date",
+ "entity_id": "",
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+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Next Followup Visit Date",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "next_facility_visit_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Next Facility Visit Date",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "next_facility_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "min_date": "today+1d",
+ "max_date": "today+6m",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "followup_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_status",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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index f3607fcf2..9b0fc1b85 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/observation_illness.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/observation_illness.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
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- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
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"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "CD4 Sample Collection",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Healthcare Provider's Name",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinician_name",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter the healthcare provider's name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the healthcare provider's name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_position",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Healthcare Provider's Title",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinician_position",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "Medical Officer",
+ "Assistant Medical Officer",
+ "Clinical Officer",
+ "Assistant Clinical Officer",
+ "Nurse"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "medical_officer",
+ "assistant_medical_officer",
+ "clinical_officer",
+ "assistant_clinical_officer",
+ "nurse"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "medical_officer": "medical_officer",
+ "assistant_medical_officer": "assistant_medical_officer",
+ "clinical_officer": "clinical_officer",
+ "assistant_clinical_officer": "assistant_clinical_officer",
+ "nurse": "nurse"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the healthcare provider's title"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Healthcare Provider's Phone Number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinician_phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits and must start with 06 au 07."
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the healthcare provider's phone number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cd4_collection_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "CD4 Sample Collection Date",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cd4_collection_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "min_date": "today-5y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the collection date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cd4_collection_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "CD4 Sample Collection Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cd4_collection_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the collection time"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cd4_sample_id",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "CD4 Sample ID",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cd4_sample_id",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the sample ID"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_cd4_test_results.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_cd4_test_results.json
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index 000000000..1c115994a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_cd4_test_results.json
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
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+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT CD4 Test Results",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "CD4 Test Results",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "cd4_sample_id",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cd4_sample_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cd4_result",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Fill in the CD4 count",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cd4_result",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the CD4 count"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the CD4 count"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_to_start_ctx",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client should start CTX",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:cd4_result": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"350\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "started_ctx",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "started_ctx",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client started CTX?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:cd4_result": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"350\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_starting_ctx",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_starting_ctx",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Reason for not starting CTX",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "out_of_medicine",
+ "text": "Stock out of medicine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_medicine"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_refused_medication",
+ "text": "The client refused medication",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_refused_medication"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_allergic_to_ctx",
+ "text": "Client allergic to CTX",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_allergic_to_ctx"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "drug_interaction",
+ "text": "Drug interaction",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "drug_interaction"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:started_ctx": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cd4_result_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cd4_result_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_cd4_test_results_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_clinical_staging_of_disease.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_clinical_staging_of_disease.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b77880de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_clinical_staging_of_disease.json
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT clinical staging of disease",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Clinical Staging of Disease",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "clinical_staging_disease",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Clinical Staging of the disease",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinical_staging_disease",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "Stage 1",
+ "Stage 2",
+ "Stage 3",
+ "Stage 4"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "stage_1",
+ "stage_2",
+ "stage_3",
+ "stage_4"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "stage_1": "stage_1",
+ "stage_2": "stage_2",
+ "stage_3": "stage_3",
+ "stage_4": "stage_4"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stage_1_symptoms",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Select the symptoms associated with the patient",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stage_1_symptoms",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_asymptomatic"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_asymptomatic",
+ "text": "Asymptomatic",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_asymptomatic",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_pgl",
+ "text": "Persistent generalized lymphadenopathy (PGL) Unexplained, asymptomatic hepatosplenomegaly",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pgl",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:clinical_staging_disease": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"stage_1\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select a symptom(s)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stage_2_symptoms",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Select the symptoms associated with the patient",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stage_2_symptoms",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_ppe",
+ "text": "Papular pruritic eruptions (PPE)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_ppe",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_seb_derm",
+ "text": "Seborrheic dermatitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_seb_derm",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_fung_infection",
+ "text": "Fungal nail infections",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_fung_infection",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_seb_dermatitis",
+ "text": "Seborrheic dermatitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_seb_dermatitis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_ang_cheilities",
+ "text": "Angular cheilitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_ang_cheilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_lin_erythema",
+ "text": "Linear gingival erythema",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_lin_erythema",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_hpv_infection",
+ "text": "Extensive HPV or molluscum infection (>5% of body area/face)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_hpv_infection",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_oral_ulcer",
+ "text": "Recurrent oral ulcerations (>2 episodes/ in 6 months)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_oral_ulcer",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_par_enlargement",
+ "text": "Parotid enlargement",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_par_enlargement",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_herp_zoster",
+ "text": "Herpes zoster (>1 episode/12 months)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_herp_zoster",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_rec_uri",
+ "text": "Recurrent or chronic upper respiratory infection (URI): otitis media, otorrhoea, sinusitis (>2 episodes/6 months)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_rec_uri",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:clinical_staging_disease": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"stage_2\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select a symptom(s)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stage_3_symptoms",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Select the symptoms associated with the patient",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stage_3_symptoms",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_mod_malnutrition",
+ "text": "Unexplained moderate malnutrition (-2SD or Z score) not responding to standard therapy",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_mod_malnutrition",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_per_diarrhoea",
+ "text": "Unexplained persistent diarrhoea (>14 days)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_per_diarrhoea",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_per_fever",
+ "text": "Unexplained persistent fever (intermittent or constant, > 1 mo.)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_per_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_oral_candidiasis",
+ "text": "Oral candidiasis (outside neonatal period)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_oral_candidiasis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_oral_leucoplakia",
+ "text": "Oral hairy Leucoplakia",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_oral_leucoplakia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_pul_tuberculosis",
+ "text": "Pulmonary tuberculosis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pul_tuberculosis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_rec_pneumonia",
+ "text": "Severe recurrent presumed bacterial pneumonia (>2 episodes/12 months)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_rec_pneumonia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_acute_gingivitis",
+ "text": "Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis/periodontitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_acute_gingivitis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_lym_pneumonitis",
+ "text": "Lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis (LIP)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_lym_pneumonitis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_unexp_anaemia",
+ "text": "Unexplained anaemia (<8g/dL), neutropenia (<1000/mm3), or thrombocytopenia (<30,000/mm3) for >1 mo.",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_unexp_anaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:clinical_staging_disease": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"stage_3\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select a symptom(s)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stage_4_symptoms",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Select the symptoms associated with the patient",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stage_4_symptoms",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_sev_wasting",
+ "text": "Unexplained severe wasting or severe malnutrition (-3 SD or Z score) not responding to standard therapy",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_sev_wasting",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_pneu_penumonia",
+ "text": "Pneumocystis pneumonia",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pneu_penumonia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_recurrent_bacinf",
+ "text": "Recurrent severe bacterial infections (>2 episodes/12 months, excluding pneumonia)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_recurrent_bacinf",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_orol_hsv",
+ "text": "Chronic orolabial or cutaneous HSV (lasting > 1 mo)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_orol_hsv",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_extra_tuber",
+ "text": "Extra-pulmonary tuberculosis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_extra_tuber",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_kap_sarcoma",
+ "text": "Kaposi’s sarcoma",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_kap_sarcoma",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_oes_candidiasis",
+ "text": "Oesophageal candidiasis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_oes_candidiasis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_cns_toxoplasmosis",
+ "text": "CNS toxoplasmosis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_cns_toxoplasmosis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_crypt_meningitis",
+ "text": "Cryptococcal meningitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_crypt_meningitis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_ende_mycosis",
+ "text": "Any disseminated endemic mycosis",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_ende_mycosis",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_cryp_isos",
+ "text": "Cryptosporidiosis or Isosporiasis (with diarrhoea > 1 month)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_cryp_isos",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_cmv_organ",
+ "text": "CMV infection of organ other than liver, spleen, lymph nodes (and onset age >1 month)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_cmv_organ",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_dis_mycobacterial",
+ "text": "Disseminated mycobacterial disease other",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_dis_mycobacterial",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:clinical_staging_disease": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"stage_4\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select a symptom(s)"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_community_followup_referral.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_community_followup_referral.json
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@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
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+ "entity_id": "",
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Mother Champion Referral",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Client's last facility visit date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the client's last facility visit date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Reasons for issuing community followup referral",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "missed_appointment",
+ "text": "Missed Appointment",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "missed_appointment"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mother_champion_services",
+ "text": "Mother Champion Community Services",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_champion_services"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select reason for issuing the referral"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mother_champion_location",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_champion_location",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Mother Champion Location",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the Mother Champion Location"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "comment_pmtct_community_followup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment_pmtct_community_followup",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Remarks/Comments"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_community_referral_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_community_referral_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_community_followup_referral_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_eac_visits.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_eac_visits.json
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "EAC Visit",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "eac_visit_notification",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Record EAC Visit Date",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_retest",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "eac_visit_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "EAC Visit Date",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "eac_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "min_date": "today-3m",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter EAC visit date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "summary",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "summary",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Summary",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the summary"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "arv_intake_demonstration_done",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "arv_intake_demonstration_done",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "ARV-intake demonstration by patient/caretaker done?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pill_count_done",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pill_count_done",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Pill count done?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "value": false,
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pill_intake",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Pill intake %",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pill_intake",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the % of pill intake"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The % of the pill intake must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "100",
+ "err": "The % of the pill intake must be equal or less than 100"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "additional_session",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "additional_session",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Does the client require an additional session?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_eac_visits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "patient_adherence_before_eac",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "patient_adherence_before_eac",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Your impression about patient’s adherence before EAC",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "likely_to_be_good",
+ "text": "Likely to be good",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "likely_to_be_good"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "likely_to_be_not_good",
+ "text": "Likely to be NOT good (relevant barriers identified)",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "likely_to_be_not_good"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "clearly_poor",
+ "text": "Clearly poor (defaulter)",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clearly_poor"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_eac_visits_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "patient_adherence_during_and_after_eac",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "patient_adherence_during_and_after_eac",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Your impression about patient’s adherence during and after EAC",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "likely_to_be_good",
+ "text": "Likely to be good",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "likely_to_be_good"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "likely_to_be_not_good",
+ "text": "Likely to be NOT good (relevant barriers identified and not cleared)",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "likely_to_be_not_good"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "clearly_poor",
+ "text": "Clearly poor (defaulter)",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clearly_poor"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "eac_barriers_identified_prompt",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Major remaining barriers identified after EAC sessions",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:additional_session": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "behavioral_barriers",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "behavioral_barriers",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Behavioral",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "value": false,
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:additional_session": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "behavioral_barriers_details",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "behavioral_barriers_details",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Behavioral barriers",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the behavioral barriers"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:behavioral_barriers": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cognitive_barriers",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cognitive_barriers",
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+ "label": "Cognitive",
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+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:additional_session": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cognitive_barriers_details",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cognitive_barriers_details",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Cognitive barriers",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the cognitive barriers"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:cognitive_barriers": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "emotional_barriers",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "emotional_barriers",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Emotional",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "No",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
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+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
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+ "type": "edit_text",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the emotional barriers"
+ },
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+ "step1:emotional_barriers": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ }
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:additional_session": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "socio_economic_barriers_details",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Socio-economic barriers",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the socio-economic barriers"
+ },
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+ "step1:socio_economic_barriers": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:additional_session": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter other barriers"
+ },
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+ "step1:other_barriers": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the counsellor's name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "eac_visit_type",
+ "type": "hidden",
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+ "rules-file": "pmtct_eac_visits_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ "rules-file": "pmtct_eac_visits_calculation.yml"
+ }
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+ }
+ ]
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\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_followup_status.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_followup_status.json
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Followup Status",
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+ {
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+ "label": "Followup Status",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ {
+ "key": "continuing_with_services",
+ "text": "Continuing with Services (CTN)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "continuing_with_services"
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Transfer Out",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "transfer_out"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lost_to_followup",
+ "text": "Lost to Followup",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lost_to_followup"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "followup_visit_date",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_followup_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b2abf7cb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation.json
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+ "entity_id": "",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Baseline Investigation",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "liver_function_test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "liver_function_test_conducted",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "liver_function_test_conducted_question",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "liver_function_test_conducted_question",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is the Liver Function Test conducted?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "Liver Function Test conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Liver Function Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_liver_function_test",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_liver_function_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Liver Function Test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "Client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:liver_function_test_conducted": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_liver_function_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_liver_function_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting Liver Function Test",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_liver_function_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "receive_liver_function_test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receive_liver_function_test_results",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Have you received the Liver Function Test results?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "liver_function_test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "liver_function_test_results",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Select the Liver function test results",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "elevated_liver_enzymes",
+ "text": "Elevated Liver enzymes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "elevated_liver_enzymes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "normal",
+ "text": "Normal",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:receive_liver_function_test_results": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_liver_function_test",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:liver_function_test_results": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"elevated_liver_enzymes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "renal_function_test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "renal_function_test_conducted",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "renal_function_test_conducted_question",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "renal_function_test_conducted_question",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is the Renal Function Test conducted?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "Renal Function Test conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Renal Function Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_renal_function_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_renal_function_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the Renal Function Test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "Client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:renal_function_test_conducted": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_renal_function_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_renal_function_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting Renal Function Test",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_renal_function_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "receive_renal_function_test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "receive_renal_function_test_results",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Have you received the Renal Function Test results?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_fv_baseline_investigation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "renal_function_test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "renal_function_test_results",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Select the Renal function test results",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "elevated_serum_creatinine",
+ "text": "Elevated Serum Creatinine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "elevated_serum_creatinine"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "normal",
+ "text": "Normal",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:receive_renal_function_test_results": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_renal_function_test_results",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:renal_function_test_results": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"elevated_serum_creatinine\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_fv_counselling.json
@@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT counselling",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Continuous Health Education",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "is_client_counselled",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_client_counselled",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client been provided continuous health education?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "counselling_topics_provided",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Please select the topics that the client has been educated on",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "counselling_topics_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_hiv_info",
+ "text": "HIV transmission, presentation, treatment, disease progression & prevention",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_hiv_info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_disclosure",
+ "text": "Disclosure and identifying treatment supporter",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_disclosure"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_promote_testing",
+ "text": "Promoting Index testing and couple testing",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_promote_testing"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_ayf_services",
+ "text": "Adolescent and youth-friendly services (Adherence, Retention e.t.c)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_ayf_services"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_prevention_diseases",
+ "text": "Prevention of diseases, use of bed nets, environmental and personal hygiene",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_prevention_diseases"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_imp_cpt",
+ "text": "Importance of CPT, CrPET and TPT",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_imp_cpt"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_imp_adherence",
+ "text": "Importance of adherence, how to remind, plan, what to do when travelling, sick, etc. Refer to adherence checklist",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_imp_adherence"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_imp_support_group",
+ "text": "Importance of CBS and HIV support group",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_imp_support_group"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_imp_appointment",
+ "text": "Importance of appointment, dates and time, planning transport",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_imp_appointment"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_sti_rti",
+ "text": "STIs/RTIs Syndromes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_sti_rti"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_imp_insurance",
+ "text": "Importance of processing and using health insurance to cover treatment costs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_imp_insurance"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_non_communicable_diseases_prevention",
+ "text": "Non-communicable diseases preventions (Nutrition, Exercise, lifestyle, etc)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_non_communicable_diseases_prevention"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_eac_sessions",
+ "text": "EAC sessions if HVL > 1000 copies/ml",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_eac_sessions"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_infant_feeding_options",
+ "text": "Infant feeding options in the context of HIV",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_infant_feeding_options"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_living_with_hiv",
+ "text": "How to live with HIV",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_living_with_hiv"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the topic(s)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:is_client_counselled": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_hvl_sample_collection.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_hvl_sample_collection.json
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index 000000000..3054a28f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_hvl_sample_collection.json
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT Follow-up Visit",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HVL Sample Collection",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Healthcare Provider's Name",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinician_name",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter the healthcare provider's name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the healthcare provider's name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_position",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Healthcare Provider's Title",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinician_position",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "Medical Officer",
+ "Assistant Medical Officer",
+ "Clinical Officer",
+ "Assistant Clinical Officer",
+ "Nurse"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "medical_officer",
+ "assistant_medical_officer",
+ "clinical_officer",
+ "assistant_clinical_officer",
+ "nurse"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "medical_officer": "medical_officer",
+ "assistant_medical_officer": "assistant_medical_officer",
+ "clinical_officer": "clinical_officer",
+ "assistant_clinical_officer": "assistant_clinical_officer",
+ "nurse": "nurse"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the healthcare provider's title"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "clinician_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Healthcare Provider's Phone Number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "clinician_phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits and must start with 06 au 07."
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the healthcare provider's phone number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hvl_collection_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "HVL Sample Collection Date",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_collection_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "min_date": "today-5y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the collection date"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hvl_collection_time",
+ "type": "time_picker",
+ "hint": "HVL Sample Collection Time",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_collection_time",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the collection time"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hvl_sample_id",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "HVL Sample ID",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_sample_id",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the sample ID"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_hvl_suppression_after_eac_1.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_hvl_suppression_after_eac_1.json
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index 000000000..d52f87085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_hvl_suppression_after_eac_1.json
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT Follow-up Visit",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HVL Suppression",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hvl_suppression_after_eac_1",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "HVL Suppression",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_suppression_after_eac_1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid value"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the HVL suppression value"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_continue_regimen",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Continue current regimen",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Repeat HVL after 6, 12 and 18 months",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hvl_suppression_after_eac_1": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(.,\"1000\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_continue_eac_second",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Client will be enrolled to second EAC",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hvl_suppression_after_eac_1": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"1000\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_hvl_suppression_after_eac_2.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_hvl_suppression_after_eac_2.json
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index 000000000..976a7d43d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_hvl_suppression_after_eac_2.json
@@ -0,0 +1,373 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT Follow-up Visit",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HVL Suppression",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hvl_suppression_after_eac_2",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "HVL Suppression",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_suppression_after_eac_2",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid value"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the HVL suppression value"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_continue_regimen",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Continue current regimen",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Repeat HVL after 6, 12 and 18 months",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hvl_suppression_after_eac_2": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(.,\"1000\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "choose_presc_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Prescribe a new regimen",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "choose_presc_line",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "First Line",
+ "Second Line",
+ "Third Line"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "first_line",
+ "second_line",
+ "third_line"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "first_line": "first_line",
+ "second_line": "second_line",
+ "third_line": "third_line"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hvl_suppression_after_eac_2": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"1000\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "first_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Prescription for ARVs \nFirst Line",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_line",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "1gA",
+ "1pA",
+ "1rA",
+ "1uA",
+ "1hA",
+ "1xA"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "1_gA",
+ "1_pA",
+ "1_rA",
+ "1_uA",
+ "1_hA",
+ "1_xA"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "1_gA": "1_gA",
+ "1_pA": "1_pA",
+ "1_rA": "1_rA",
+ "1_uA": "1_uA",
+ "1_hA": "1_hA",
+ "1_xA": "1_xA"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:choose_presc_line": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"first_line\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "second_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Prescription for ARVs \nSecond Line",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "second_line",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "2fA",
+ "2hA",
+ "2sA",
+ "2GA",
+ "2kA",
+ "2nA",
+ "2uA",
+ "2xA"
+ ],
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+ "2_fA",
+ "2_hA",
+ "2_sA",
+ "2_GA",
+ "2_kA",
+ "2_nA",
+ "2_uA",
+ "2_xA"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "2_fA": "2_fA",
+ "2_hA": "2_hA",
+ "2_sA": "2_sA",
+ "2_GA": "2_GA",
+ "2_kA": "2_kA",
+ "2_nA": "2_nA",
+ "2_uA": "2_uA",
+ "2_xA": "2_xA"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:choose_presc_line": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"second_line\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "third_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Prescription for ARVs \nThird Line",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "third_line",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "3yA",
+ "3wA",
+ "3kA",
+ "3tA",
+ "3hA",
+ "3gA",
+ "3zA",
+ "3xA"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "3_wA",
+ "3_kA",
+ "3_tA",
+ "3_hA",
+ "3_gA",
+ "3_zA",
+ "3_xA",
+ "3_yA"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "3_wA": "3_wA",
+ "3_kA": "3_kA",
+ "3_tA": "3_tA",
+ "3_hA": "3_hA",
+ "3_gA": "3_gA",
+ "3_zA": "3_zA",
+ "3_xA": "3_xA",
+ "3_yA": "3_yA"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:choose_presc_line": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"third_line\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "key": "eac_day_1",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "eac_day_1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_suppression_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "key": "eac_day_2",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "eac_day_2",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_suppression_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "key": "eac_day_3",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "eac_day_3",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hvl_suppression_after_eac_2": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"1000\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_suppression_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "key": "eac_month_1",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "eac_month_1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_suppression_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "key": "eac_month_2",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "eac_month_2",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_suppression_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "key": "eac_month_3",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "eac_month_3",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_suppression_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "key": "hvl_suppression",
+ "hint": "HVL Suppression",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_suppression",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_suppression_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "key": "hvl_suppression_after_eac_1",
+ "hint": "HVL Suppression",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_suppression_after_eac_1",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_suppression_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_hvl_test_results.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_hvl_test_results.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..738abdcec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_hvl_test_results.json
@@ -0,0 +1,586 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT HVL Results",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {
+ "is_after_eac": false
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HVL Suppression",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hvl_sample_id",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_sample_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_tnd_results",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "For HVL results that is TND, fill the results as 11",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hvl_result",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "HVL Results",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_result",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid value"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the HVL suppression value"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hvl_results_comment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_results_comment",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Remarks/Comments",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "false",
+ "err": "Please enter the your remarks/comments"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hvl_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"11\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_continue_regimen",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Continue current regimen",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_info_text": "Repeat HVL after 6, 12 and 18 months",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_continue_eac",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Client will be enrolled to EAC",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "discuss_plan_prompt",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Discuss The Plan for this Patient",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "significant_drop_in_viral_load",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "significant_drop_in_viral_load",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was it a significant drop in the Viral Load (fulfilling criteria of good response to EAC)?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "patient_presenting_oi_or_immunosuppression",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "patient_presenting_oi_or_immunosuppression",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is this patient presenting any other OI or signs of immunosuppression?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "describe_patient_presenting_oi_or_immunosuppression",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "describe_patient_presenting_oi_or_immunosuppression",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Describe the presenting OI or signs of immunosuppression",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer the question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:patient_presenting_oi_or_immunosuppression": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "history_of_chronic_diarrhea_or_vomiting",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "history_of_chronic_diarrhea_or_vomiting",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "History of chronic diarrhea or vomiting?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "value": false,
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "use_of_traditional_medications",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "use_of_traditional_medications",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Use of traditional medications?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "history_of_arv_side_effects",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "history_of_arv_side_effects",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "History of side-effects with ARV?",
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+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "describe_history_of_arv_side_effects",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "describe_history_of_arv_side_effects",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Describe symptom and possible drug",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer the question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:history_of_arv_side_effects": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "arv_regimen_plan",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "arv_regimen_plan",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Regarding the ARV regimen, what is the plan?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "continue_current_regimen",
+ "text": "Continue current regimen",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "continue_current_regimen"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "refer_to_doctor",
+ "text": "Refer to doctor for further management",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "refer_to_doctor"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "assessor_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "assessor_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Assessor's Name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the assessor's name"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "plan_for_patient",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "plan_for_patient",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "What is the plan for this patient?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "suitable_for_second_line_regimen",
+ "text": "Patient is suitable for Second-line Regimen",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "suitable_for_second_line_regimen"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "extend_eac_sessions",
+ "text": "Extend adherence sessions before new Viral Load (in 2-3 months’ time)",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "extend_eac_sessions"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "second_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "New Regimen\nSecond Line",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "second_line",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "2f-A (TDF+FTC+LPV/r)",
+ "2h-A (TDF+FTC+ATV/r)",
+ "2s-A (AZT+3TC+ATV/r)",
+ "2g-A (ABC+3TC+LPV/r)",
+ "2k-A (ABC+3TC+ATV/r)",
+ "2n-A (AZT+3TC+LPV/r)",
+ "2x-A (Other 2nd line)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "2_fA",
+ "2_hA",
+ "2_sA",
+ "2_gA",
+ "2_kA",
+ "2_nA",
+ "2_xA"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "2_fA": "2_fA",
+ "2_hA": "2_hA",
+ "2_sA": "2_sA",
+ "2_gA": "2_gA",
+ "2_kA": "2_kA",
+ "2_nA": "2_nA",
+ "2_xA": "2_xA"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:plan_for_patient": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"suitable_for_second_line_regimen\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "plan_for_patient_comment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "plan_for_patient_comment",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Comment",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "review_team_lead_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "review_team_lead_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Review Team Lead Name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the review team lead's name"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hvl_result_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hvl_result_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "enroll_to_eac",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enroll_to_eac",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_hvl_test_results_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_prescription_line_selection.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_prescription_line_selection.json
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index 000000000..e78141cff
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_prescription_line_selection.json
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+ "metadata": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "ARV prescription",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prescribed_regimes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribed_regimes",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client been prescribed ARVs regimes?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "arv_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Choose the ARV Line",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "arv_line",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "First Line",
+ "Second Line",
+ "Third Line"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "first_line",
+ "second_line",
+ "third_line"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "first_line": "first_line",
+ "second_line": "second_line",
+ "third_line": "third_line"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:prescribed_regimes": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "first_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Prescription for ARVs \nFirst Line",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_line",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "1g-A (TDF+3TC+EFV)",
+ "1b-A (AZT+3TC+NVP)",
+ "1c-A (AZT+3TC+EFV)",
+ "1k-A (ABC+3TC+EFV)",
+ "1p-A (ABC+3TC+DTG)",
+ "1r-A (TDF+3TC+DTG)",
+ "1u-A (AZT+3TC+DTG)",
+ "1q-A (TDF+FTC+DTG)",
+ "1x-A (Other 1st line)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "1_gA",
+ "1_bA",
+ "1_cA",
+ "1_kA",
+ "1_pA",
+ "1_rA",
+ "1_uA",
+ "1_qA",
+ "1_xA"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "1_gA": "1_gA",
+ "1_bA": "1_bA",
+ "1_cA": "1_cA",
+ "1_kA": "1_kA",
+ "1_pA": "1_pA",
+ "1_rA": "1_rA",
+ "1_uA": "1_uA",
+ "1_qA": "1_qA",
+ "1_xA": "1_xA"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:arv_line": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"first_line\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "second_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Prescription for ARVs \nSecond Line",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "second_line",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "2f-A (TDF+FTC+LPV/r)",
+ "2h-A (TDF+FTC+ATV/r)",
+ "2s-A (AZT+3TC+ATV/r)",
+ "2g-A (ABC+3TC+LPV/r)",
+ "2k-A (ABC+3TC+ATV/r)",
+ "2n-A (AZT+3TC+LPV/r)",
+ "2x-A (Other 2nd line)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "2_fA",
+ "2_hA",
+ "2_sA",
+ "2_gA",
+ "2_kA",
+ "2_nA",
+ "2_xA"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "2_fA": "2_fA",
+ "2_hA": "2_hA",
+ "2_sA": "2_sA",
+ "2_gA": "2_gA",
+ "2_kA": "2_kA",
+ "2_nA": "2_nA",
+ "2_xA": "2_xA"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:arv_line": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"second_line\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "third_line",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Prescription for ARVs \nThird Line",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "third_line",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "values": [
+ "3y-A (DTG+DRV/r+AZT+3TC)",
+ "3w-A (RAL+DRV/r+AZT+3TC)",
+ "3k-A (DTG+LPV/r+AZT+3TC)",
+ "3t-A (DTG+LPV/r+TDF+FTC)",
+ "3h-A (RAL+LPV/r+AZT+3TC)",
+ "3g-A (RAL+LPV/r+TDF+FTC)",
+ "3z-A (DTG+ATV/r+AZT+3TC)",
+ "3x-A (Other 3rd line)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "3_yA",
+ "3_wA",
+ "3_kA",
+ "3_tA",
+ "3_hA",
+ "3_gA",
+ "3_zA",
+ "3_xA"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "3_wA": "3_wA",
+ "3_kA": "3_kA",
+ "3_tA": "3_tA",
+ "3_hA": "3_hA",
+ "3_gA": "3_gA",
+ "3_zA": "3_zA",
+ "3_xA": "3_xA",
+ "3_yA": "3_yA"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:arv_line": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"third_line\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_prescribing_arv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_prescribing_arv",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Reason for not prescribing ARVs",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "out_of_medicine",
+ "text": "Stock out of medicine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_medicine"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_refused_medication",
+ "text": "The client refused medication",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_refused_medication"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other(Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:prescribed_regimes": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_prescribing_arv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_prescribing_arv",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other reason",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify other reason(s) for not prescribing ARVs"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_prescribing_arv": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_arv_regimes_days_dispensed",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_arv_regimes_days_dispensed",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of days dispensed",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter number of days dispensed"
+ },
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be less than or equal to 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:prescribed_regimes": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_registration.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..783e48272
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_registration.json
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+ "count": "2",
+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "ART",
+ "next": "step2",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_register_date",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_register_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_registration_date",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_registration_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_on_art",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is the client on ART?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "known_on_art",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_transfer_in_client",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is the client a Transfer-In (TI) Client?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_transfer_in_client",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:known_on_art": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_register_date_from_originating_facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_register_date_from_originating_facility",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date of PMTCT Registration at the originating health facility",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the date of PMTCT Registration at the originating health facility"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_register_date_at_this_facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_register_date_at_this_facility",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date of PMTCT Registration",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the date of PMTCT Registration"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "End",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "notify_retest",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Please conduct HIV verification test for the client",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_retest",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:known_on_art": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_results",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_status",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "HIV status",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_status",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:known_on_art": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "has_the_client_been_provided_with_ctc_number",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client been provided with CTC Number?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "has_the_client_been_provided_with_ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "CTC Number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6})?",
+ "err": "CTC number should be of the format (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC Number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC Number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_first_visit",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Perform PMTCT Visit",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:known_on_art": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_continue_with_anc",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Ask the client to continue with routine ANC Services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step2:hiv_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "next_facility_visit_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "next_facility_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "followup_status",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_registration_for_clients_known_on_art.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_registration_for_clients_known_on_art.json
new file mode 100644
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+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "On ART",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_register_date",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_register_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_registration_date",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_registration_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_form_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "yes"
+ },
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+ "key": "is_transfer_in_client",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is the client a Transfer-In (TI) Client?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_transfer_in_client",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_register_date_from_originating_facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_register_date_from_originating_facility",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date of PMTCT Registration at the originating health facility",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the date of PMTCT Registration at the originating health facility"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_register_date_at_this_facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_register_date_at_this_facility",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date of PMTCT Registration",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the date of PMTCT Registration"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "key": "test_results",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "known_on_art_client",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The Client with CTC Number {ctc_number} is on ART.\n\nSave the form to register the client in PMTCT and record PMTCT Visit.",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_retest",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
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+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "ART",
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+ {
+ "key": "relational_id",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "relational_id",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registation_for_clients_post_pnc_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registation_for_clients_post_pnc_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
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+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is the client on ART?",
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+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_retest",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Please conduct HIV verification test for the client",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_retest",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:known_on_art": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registation_for_clients_post_pnc_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registation_for_clients_post_pnc_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_status",
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+ "label": "HIV status",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
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+ "key": "negative",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "has_the_client_been_provided_with_ctc_number",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client been provided with CTC Number?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "has_the_client_been_provided_with_ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_for_clients_post_pnc_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "ctc_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ctc_number",
+ "type": "mask_edit_text",
+ "mask": "##-##-####-######",
+ "mask_hint": "12345678912345",
+ "allowed_chars": "0123456789",
+ "hint": "CTC Number",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(\\d{2}-\\d{2}-\\d{4}-\\d{6})?",
+ "err": "CTC number should be of the format (XX-XX-XXXX-XXXXXX)"
+ },
+ "v_max_length": {
+ "value": "17",
+ "is_fixed_size": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC Number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter a valid CTC Number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_for_clients_post_pnc_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_transfer_in_client",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is the client a Transfer-In (TI) Client?",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_transfer_in_client",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:known_on_art": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_register_date_from_originating_facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_register_date_from_originating_facility",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date of PMTCT Registration at the originating health facility",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the date of PMTCT Registration at the originating health facility"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_for_clients_post_pnc_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pmtct_register_date_at_this_facility",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pmtct_register_date_at_this_facility",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date of PMTCT Registration",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the date of PMTCT Registration"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_for_clients_post_pnc_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_continue_with_anc",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Ask the client to continue with routine Services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv_status": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"negative\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "next_facility_visit_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "next_facility_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registation_for_clients_post_pnc_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "value": "1"
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registation_for_clients_post_pnc_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Delivery Date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-17m",
+ "max_date": "today-42d",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter date the woman delivered"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_for_clients_post_pnc_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "risk_category",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "HIV exposure risk of the newborn(s)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "risk_category",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "high",
+ "text": "High",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "low",
+ "text": "Low",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "low",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_for_clients_post_pnc_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_immediate_new_born",
+ "type": "repeating_group",
+ "reference_edit_text_hint": "Number of children",
+ "repeating_group_label": "Baby Details #",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
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+ "hint": "Surname",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-dynamic": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "same_as_fam_name_chk",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "text",
+ "type": "check_box",
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+ {
+ "key": "same_as_fam_name",
+ "text": "Surname same as family name",
+ "text_size": "18px",
+ "value": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "First name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the first name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "middle_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
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+ "hint": "Middle name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the middle name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
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+ "hint": "Sex",
+ "values": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female",
+ "Ambiguous"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female",
+ "Ambiguous"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Gender required"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
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+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
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+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Required"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_disabilities",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:disabilities": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"Yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_disability",
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+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Mobility and Physical Impairments",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spinal_cord_disability",
+ "text": "Spinal Cord Disability",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Head Injuries - Brain Disability",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brain_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vision_disability",
+ "text": "Vision Disability",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
+ },
+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hearing_disability"
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "Cognitive or Learning Disabilities",
+ "value": false,
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "learning_disabilities"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "psychological_disorders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invisible_disabilities",
+ "text": "Invisible Disabilities",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invisible_disabilities"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-dynamic": "anc_pregnancy_outcome_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number of children"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_registration_for_clients_post_pnc_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_first_visit",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Perform PMTCT Visit",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:known_on_art": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_tb_screening.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_tb_screening.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..295e9d02e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pmtct_tb_screening.json
@@ -0,0 +1,502 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PMTCT tb screening",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "global": {},
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "TB Screening",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "on_tb_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "on_tb_treatment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is the client on TB treatment?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_registration_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_registration_number",
+ "hint": "TB Clinic Number",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:on_tb_treatment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the clients TB Clinic Number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "tb_symptoms_screening",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Please select if the client has any of the following TB symptoms",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_symptoms_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_cough",
+ "text": "Cough of any duration",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_cough"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_sputum",
+ "text": "Coughing up blood-stained sputum (hemoptysis)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_sputum"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_fevers",
+ "text": "Fevers for two or more weeks",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_fevers"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_weight_loss",
+ "text": "Noticeable weight loss for new patients or 3 kgs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_weight_loss"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_weight_loss_subsequent_visit",
+ "text": "Weight loss in a month (subsequent visit)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_weight_loss_subsequent_visit"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_excessive_sweating",
+ "text": "Excessive sweating at night for two or more weeks",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_excessive_sweating"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the topic(s)"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:on_tb_treatment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "investigate_for_tb",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "investigate_for_tb",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Investigate for TB",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:tb_symptoms_screening": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_cough",
+ "chk_sputum",
+ "chk_fevers",
+ "chk_weight_loss",
+ "chk_weight_loss_subsequent_visit",
+ "chk_excessive_sweating"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the TB test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:investigate_for_tb": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting TB test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_tb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tb_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer the client for TB treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:investigate_for_tb": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "has_been_provided_with_tpt_before",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "has_been_provided_with_tpt_before",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client been provided with TPT before?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes (Has completed TPT)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "partial_complete",
+ "text": "Yes (But has not completed TPT)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "partial_complete"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_tb_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tpt_eligibility",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client is eligible for TPT",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_tb_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tpt_ineligibility",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client is not eligible for TPT",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_tb_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "completed_tpt",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "completed_tpt",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client completed TPT?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_tb_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "is_client_provided_with_tpt",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "is_client_provided_with_tpt",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client been provided with TPT today?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pmtct_tb_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_tpt",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_providing_tpt",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Reason for not providing TPT",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "out_of_medicine",
+ "text": "Stock out of medicine",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "out_of_medicine"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_refused_medication",
+ "text": "The client refused medication",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_refused_medication"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_allergic_to_tpt",
+ "text": "Client is allergic to TPT",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_allergic_to_tpt"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_eligible",
+ "text": "Not eligible",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_eligible"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:is_client_provided_with_tpt": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_tpt_days_dispensed",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_tpt_days_dispensed",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Number of days dispensed",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter number of days dispensed"
+ },
+ "v_numeric_integer": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "1",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "180",
+ "err": "Number of dispensed days should be less than or equal to 180"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:is_client_provided_with_tpt": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_child_enrollment.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_child_enrollment.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4a11272b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_child_enrollment.json
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PNC Child Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "mother_entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "mother_entity_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mother_entity_id",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "risk_category",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "risk_category",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "entry_point",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "entry_point",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "value": "PNC"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "unique_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
+ "type": "barcode",
+ "barcode_type": "qrcode",
+ "hint": "Boresha Afya ID",
+ "scanButtonText": "Scan QR Code",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid ID"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the UNIQUE ID"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "surname",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Surname",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\s\\.\\-]*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "same_as_fam_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "text",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "same_as_fam_name",
+ "text": "Surname same as family name",
+ "text_size": "18px",
+ "value": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "last_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_name",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "hint": "Surname as Family name"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "text",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "First name",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please Enter first name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\s\\-]*",
+ "err": "Please Enter a Valid Name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "middle_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "text",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Middle name",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please Enter middle name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\s\\.\\-]*",
+ "err": "Please Enter a Valid Name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date of birth (DOB)",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "duration": {
+ "label": "Age"
+ },
+ "min_date": "today-5y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the date of birth"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "gender",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Sex"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Physical disabilities",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "yes",
+ "no"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "yes": "yes",
+ "no": "no"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "early_bf_1hr",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "early_bf_1hr",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Early initiation of breastfeeding (1 hr)?",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "yes",
+ "no"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "yes": "yes",
+ "no": "no"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter Early initiation of breastfeeding"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lbw",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lbw",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Is the baby low birth weight (weighs less than 2.5 kg)?",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "yes",
+ "no"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "yes": "1",
+ "no": "0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select if baby has low the weight"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_disability",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_disability",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Type of physical disabilities",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter type of physical disabilities"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "essential_newborn_care",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "essential_newborn_care",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Essential newborn care received at the health facility?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_chlorhexidine",
+ "text": "Chlorhexidine applied to umbilical stump",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_chlorhexidine"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_skin_contact",
+ "text": "Skin to skin contact for at least 2 hours",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_skin_contact"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_bcg_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_bcg_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was BCG vaccination administered?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_opv0_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_opv0_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was OPV 0 vaccination administered?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Weight (KG)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or greater than 0 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "30",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or less than 30 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_child_general_examination.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_child_general_examination.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5296612bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_child_general_examination.json
@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PNC Child Followup",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "global": {},
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Child's General Examination",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "child_activeness",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Child's activeness",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_activeness",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "active",
+ "text": "Active",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "active"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_active",
+ "text": "Not Active",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_active"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_child_activeness",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:child_activeness": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"not_active\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "height",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Length (CM)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "height",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "The height must be equal or greater than 10 (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "80",
+ "err": "The height must be equal or less than 80 (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the height"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Weight (KG)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0.5",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or greater than 0.5 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "7",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or less than 7 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "HB Level Test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "HB Level Test conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "HB Level Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "HB Level (g/dl)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the HB level"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or greater than 0 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or less than 20 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please provide a value"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the severe anaemia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(.,\"8.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the mild anaemia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_mother_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the HB Level test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Cuvette Cartridges Out of Stock",
+ "Haemoque machine out of order",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges": "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order": "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other reason for why the HB Level test was not conducted",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_antibody_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "HIV Anti-Body Test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_antibody_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "HIV Antibody Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_mother_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_antibody_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_antibody_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the HIV Antibody test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits are out of stock",
+ "The child was in an emergency situation",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv_antibody_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_antibody_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_antibody_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting HIV Antibody test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_antibody_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "temperature",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Temperature (\u2103)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "temperature",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the temperature"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or greater than 10"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or less than 50"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the temperature"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_high_temperature",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The child has a possible bacterial infection, provide antibiotics and antipyretics according to guidelines, provide umbilical care and other essential neonatal care services",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"38.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_low_temperature",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide warmth to the child and other essential newborn care services as per guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"36.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "head_circumference",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Head Circumference (CM)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "head_circumference",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the head circumference (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_min": {},
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the head circumference (CM)"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_large_head_circumference",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Assess features of hydrocephalus and refer for neurosurgical intervention",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:head_circumference": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"50\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_small_head_circumference",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Check for signs of Down's Syndrome or other neurological malformations leading to microcephaly, refer for advanced management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:head_circumference": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"30\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "upper_arm_circumference",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Upper Arm Circumference (CM)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "upper_arm_circumference",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the upper arm circumference (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the upper arm circumference (CM)"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "7.5",
+ "err": "Upper arm circumference can not be less than 7.5 CM"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "13",
+ "err": "Upper arm circumference can not be greater than than 13 CM"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "feeding_options",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Feeding options",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "feeding_options",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "ebf",
+ "text": "Exclusive Breastfeeding (EBF)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "ebf"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "rf",
+ "text": "Replacement Feeding (RF)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rf"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mf",
+ "text": "Mixed Feeding (MF)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mf"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "septicaemia",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Child has high risk of infection (Septicaemia)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "septicaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_septicaemia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_septicaemia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:septicaemia": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "umbilical_cord",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "umbilical_cord",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Umbilical Cord Assessment",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "chk_no_abnormalities"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_smell_bad",
+ "text": "Smell bad",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_smell_bad",
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_infection",
+ "text": "Infection",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_infection",
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_descended",
+ "text": "Destended",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_descended",
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_delayed_off",
+ "text": "Delayed off",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_delayed_off",
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_no_abnormalities",
+ "text": "No Abnormalities",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_no_abnormalities",
+ "value": "false"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_other",
+ "text": "Others (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_other",
+ "value": "false"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_umbilical_cord_smelling_bad",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage according to standard guideline/Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:umbilical_cord": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_smell_bad",
+ "chk_infection"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "umbilical_cord_other_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "umbilical_cord_other_assessment",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other Assessment for Umbilical Cord",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify the other assessment for umbilical cord"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:umbilical_cord": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "jaundice",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Does the child have jaundice?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "jaundice",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_jaundice",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:jaundice": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "skin_infection",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Does the child have skin infection?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "skin_infection",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_skin_infection",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:skin_infection": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "kangaroo_enrollment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was the child enrolled to Kangaroo Care (KMC)?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "kangaroo_enrollment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_child_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_bcg_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_bcg_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was BCG vaccination administered?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_child_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_bcg_vaccination",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client should be given BCG vaccine",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:child_bcg_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "child_opv0_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "child_opv0_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was OPV0 vaccination administered?",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_child_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_opv0_vaccination",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client should be given OPV0 vaccine before the age of 14 days",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:child_opv0_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "followup_visit_date",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_followup_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_counselling.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_counselling.json
index 5e08075ff..a04c7407e 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_counselling.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_counselling.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -64,141 +59,121 @@
"options": [
"key": "chk_maternal_nutrition",
- "text": "3. Maternal nutrition during breastfeeding",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Maternal nutrition during breastfeeding",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_hiv_aids",
- "text": "5. HIV/AIDS general information",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "HIV/AIDS general information",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_pmtct",
- "text": "6. PMTCT for the mother",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "PMTCT for the mother",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_malaria_prevention",
- "text": "7. Malaria prevention",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Malaria prevention",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_pnc_care_for_mother",
- "text": "9. PNC care for mother",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "PNC care for mother",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_hiv_exposed_infant",
- "text": "9. Follow-up for the HIV-exposed Infant",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Follow-up for the HIV-exposed Infant",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_pnc_danger_signs",
- "text": "10. PNC danger signs",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "PNC danger signs",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_care_of_infant_after_birth",
- "text": "11. Care of infant after birth",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Care of infant after birth",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_care_of_premature_baby",
- "text": "12. Care of a premature baby",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Care of a premature baby",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_care_of_new_born",
- "text": "13. Care of a newborn",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Care of a newborn",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_new_born_danger_signs",
- "text": "14. Newborn danger signs",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Newborn danger signs",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_hiv_exposed_infant",
- "text": "15. Follow-up for the HIV-exposed infant",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Follow-up for the HIV-exposed infant",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_breastfeeding",
- "text": "16. Breastfeeding",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Breastfeeding",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_lam",
- "text": "17. LAM as a natural FP method, which includes exclusive breastfeeding six months after delivery",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "LAM as a natural FP method, which includes exclusive breastfeeding six months after delivery",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_family_planning",
- "text": "18. Family planning",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Family planning",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_birth_registration",
- "text": "19. Birth registration",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Birth registration",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_immunisation",
- "text": "22. Immunisation",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Immunisation",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_infection_prevention",
- "text": "24. Infection prevention and control",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Infection prevention and control",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_gender_issues",
- "text": "26. Gender issues",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Gender issues",
"openmrs_entity": "",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "Hakushauriwa",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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index 539646a6c..9b6b1366e 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_danger_signs_baby.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_danger_signs_baby.json
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"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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@@ -65,98 +60,84 @@
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"key": "chk_excessive_crying",
"text": "Excessive crying",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_fast_breathing",
"text": "Fast breathing",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_difficult_breathing",
"text": "Difficulty breathing",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_unable_to_suck",
"text": "Unable to suck",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_umbilical_discharge",
"text": "Umbilical blood / pus discharge",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_no_movement",
"text": "No movement",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_convulsions",
"text": "Convulsions",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_skin_rashes",
"text": "Skin rashes",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_pale",
"text": "Pale or jaundiced",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_eye_discharge",
"text": "Eye discharge",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_severe_abdominal_pain",
"text": "Severe abdominal pain",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_lethargy",
"text": "Lethargy",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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index ad9312928..5a1a549e2 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_danger_signs_mother.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_danger_signs_mother.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
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"deviceid": {
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@@ -65,98 +60,84 @@
"key": "chk_fever",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_bleeding_vaginally",
"text": "Bleeding vaginally",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_server_headache",
"text": "Severe headache",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_convulsions",
"text": "Convulsions",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_difficulty_breathing",
"text": "Difficulty breathing",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_severe_leg_pain",
"text": "Severe leg pain",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_unusual_behaviour",
"text": "Unusual behaviour (stress, confusion)",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_swelling of breast",
"text": "Swelling of the breast and nipple",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_severe_abdominal_pain",
"text": "Severe abdominal pain",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_vaginal_discharge",
"text": "Discoloured or watery, liquid vaginal discharge with a bad smell",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_blurred_vision",
"text": "Blurred vision",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_loss_conscioueness",
"text": "Loss of consciousness",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_urination",
"text": "Urinate a little or urine leakage",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "None",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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index 3c8ad3d8c..dc51b2166 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_danger_signs_outcome.json
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@@ -82,104 +77,87 @@
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"openmrs_choice_id": "",
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"key": "Bleeding_vaginally",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Bleeding vaginally",
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"key": "Severe_headache",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Severe headache",
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"key": "Convulsions",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
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"key": "Difficulty_breathing",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
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"key": "Severe_abdominal_pain",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Severe abdominal pain",
- "value": false
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"key": "Vaginal_discharge_with_a_bad_smell",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Vaginal discharge with a bad smell",
- "value": false
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"key": "Redness_around_the_umbilical_cord_foul_smelling_discharge_from_the_umbilical_cord",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Redness around the umbilical cord, foul-smelling discharge from the umbilical cord",
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"key": "Excessive_crying",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Excessive crying",
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"key": "Fast_breathing",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Fast breathing",
- "value": false
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"key": "Chest_indrawing",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Chest indrawing",
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"key": "Unable_to_suck",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
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"key": "No_movement",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "No movement",
- "value": false
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"key": "Pale_or_jaundiced",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Pale or jaundiced",
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"key": "Lethargy",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
- "text": "Lethargy",
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"key": "Other",
"openmrs_choice_id": "",
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index dc0b8e344..e08e53f1c 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_exclusive_breastfeeding.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_exclusive_breastfeeding.json
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- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -87,21 +82,18 @@
"key": "chk_during_anc",
"text": "During ANC",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_during_anc"
"key": "chk_during_labour_and_delivery",
"text": "During labour and delivery",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": "chk_during_labour_and_delivery"
"key": "chk_during_pnc",
"text": "During PNC",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Family Planning Services",
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+ {
+ "key": "education_counselling_given",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was Education/counselling given?",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "education_counselling_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_provide_education_counselling",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Please provide education/counselling",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_provide_education_counselling",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ "step1:education_counselling_given": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "iec_given",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Were IEC materials given?",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "iec_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "using_family_planning_method",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Is the client already using any Family Planning Method?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "using_family_planning_method",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "has_the_client_been_provided_fp_method",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "has_the_client_been_provided_fp_method",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Has the client been provided any family planning method?",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:using_family_planning_method": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "method_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "method_provided",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Family Planning Method Provided",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_condom",
+ "text": "Condom",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_condom"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_pills",
+ "text": "Pills (Progestogen-only pill)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pills"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_injectable",
+ "text": "Injectable (After 42 days)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_injectable"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_jadelle",
+ "text": "Jadelle",
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+ },
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+ "text": "Implanon/NXT",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_implants"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_iucd",
+ "text": "PPIUCD (Within 48 hours after delivery or after 42 days of PNC)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_iucd"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_tubal_ligation",
+ "text": "Bilateral Tubal Ligation (BTL)",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_tubal_ligation"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_referred_fp_services",
+ "text": "Referred for other FP services",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_referred_fp_services"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:has_the_client_been_provided_fp_method": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_providing_fp_method",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify reason for not providing FP method",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:method_provided": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"chk_none\")"
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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index d1f59f1e4..662886227 100644
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"deviceid": {
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
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"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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index 000000000..ba90afa6f
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+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PNC HIV Test Results",
+ "entity_id": "",
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+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "HIV Test Results",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "hiv",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Select the HIV test result",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "HIV Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the HIV test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Test kits out of stock",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "Client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "test_kits_out_of_stock": "test_kits_out_of_stock",
+ "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "client_refused_to_be_tested": "client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "still_counselling_the_client": "still_counselling_the_client",
+ "Other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not conducting HIV test",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hiv_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_test_result_date",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_test_result_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date of receiving results",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today-3y",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select the date of receiving the results"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "notEqualTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "register_pmtct",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Register the client for PMTCT care and follow up",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "register_pmtct",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv_test_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prescribe_arv",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Prescribe ARVs to the client according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prescribe_arv",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hiv_test_result": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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index 487997b34..5c0a1be20 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_hv_danger_signs.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_hv_danger_signs.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
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- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -65,70 +60,60 @@
"key": "chk_fever",
"text": "Fever",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_bleeding_vaginally",
"text": "Bleeding vaginally",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_server_headache",
"text": "Severe headache",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_severe_abdominal_pain",
"text": "Severe abdominal pain",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_swelling",
"text": "Swelling of the face and/or hands",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_vaginal_discharge",
"text": "Discoloured or watery, liquid vaginal discharge with a bad smell",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_unusual_movement",
"text": "No movement / unusual movement for a child in the womb",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "None",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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index d6bfc7dc8..35bb49df2 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_hv_observations_infant.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_hv_observations_infant.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
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"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -92,42 +87,36 @@
"key": "chk_ors",
"text": "ORS 5",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_zinc",
"text": "Zinc 10",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_paracetamol",
"text": "Panadol",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_referred",
"text": "Referred",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_other_treatment",
"text": "Other treatment",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "No treatment given",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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index fc45b38dc..a28659ad2 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_hv_observations_mother.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_hv_observations_mother.json
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@@ -92,42 +87,36 @@
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"key": "chk_zinc",
"text": "Zinc 10",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_paracetamol",
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"text": "Other treatment",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "No treatment given",
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"openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Immunization",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "tetanus_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was Diphtheria/Tetanus vaccination administered?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tetanus_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_immunization_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tetanus_vaccination",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Give according to schedule",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:tetanus_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hepatitis_b_vaccination",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was Hepatitis B vaccination administered?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hepatitis_b_vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_immunization_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_hepatitis_b_vaccination",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "The client should be given Hepatitis B vaccination",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hepatitis_b_vaccination": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_malaria_prevention.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_malaria_prevention.json
index fe30139b0..f3420ee88 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_malaria_prevention.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_malaria_prevention.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_mother_general_examination.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_mother_general_examination.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c253e77d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_mother_general_examination.json
@@ -0,0 +1,880 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PNC Mother General Examination",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Mother's General Examination",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "followup_visit_date",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "followup_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_followup_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "systolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Systolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "systolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the systolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "320",
+ "err": "Systolic value must be equal or less than 320"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the systolic value"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diastolic",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Diastolic (Blood Pressure)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diastolic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the diastolic value"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "200",
+ "err": "Diastolic value must be equal or less than 200"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the diastolic value"
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(., step1:systolic)",
+ "err": "The diastolic value must be less than the systolic value"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypertension according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypertension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_mother_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Give IV fluids, identify the cause of hypotension and manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_management_of_hypotension",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_mother_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level_test",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "HB Level Test",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "test_conducted",
+ "text": "HB Level Test conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "test_not_conducted",
+ "text": "HB Level Test not conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_not_conducted"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hb_level",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "HB Level (g/dl)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hb_level",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the HB level"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or greater than 0 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "HB level must be equal or less than 20 (g/dl)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please provide a value"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the severe anaemia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_severe_anaemia_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(.,\"8.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the mild anaemia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prompt_for_moderate_anaemia_management",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_mother_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the HB Level test was not conducted",
+ "values": [
+ "Cuvette Cartridges Out of Stock",
+ "Haemoque machine out of order",
+ "The client was in an emergency situation",
+ "The client refused to be tested",
+ "We are still counselling the client",
+ "Other"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges": "stock_out_of_cuvettes_cartridges",
+ "haemoque_machine_out_of_order": "haemoque_machine_out_of_order",
+ "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation": "the_client_was_in_an_emergency_situation",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "we_are_still_counselling_the_client": "we_are_still_counselling_the_client",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:hb_level_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"test_not_conducted\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_hb_test_not_conducted",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other reason for why the HB Level test was not conducted",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_conducting_hb_test": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "temperature",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Temperature (\u2103)",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "temperature",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the temperature"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "10",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or greater than 10"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "50",
+ "err": "Temperature must be equal or less than 50"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the temperature"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Conduct relevant laboratory tests to elicit the cause of fever and manage according to standard guidelines ",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_fever",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "greaterThan(.,\"37.8\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Manage the hypothermia according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "notify_client_has_hypothermia",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "warning",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:temperature": {
+ "type": "numeric",
+ "ex": "lessThan(.,\"36.5\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Weight (KG)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "20",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or greater than 20 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "300",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or less than 300 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_breast_exam",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Breast Examination",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "breast_milk_flow",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Does the Mother have Breast Milk Flow?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "breast_milk_flow",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_no_breast_milk_flow",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Counsel and support the mother on attachment of the newborn to the nipple and positioning of the newborn during breastfeeding. Milk flow will begin as the newborn continues to suck",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:breast_milk_flow": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "bruised_nipples",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Does the Mother have Bruised Nipples?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "bruised_nipples",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_bruised_nipples",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further Management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:bruised_nipples": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "engorgement_mastitis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Does the Mother have Engorgement or Mastitis?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "engorgement_mastitis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_engorgement_mastitis",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Provide antibiotics and analgesics to the mother, breastfeed the newborn on the other breast",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:engorgement_mastitis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abscess",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Does the Mother have Abscess?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abscess",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_abscess",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Incise and Drain the abscess, Provide antibiotics and analgesics to the mother",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:abscess": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "perineum_infection",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Does the Mother have Perineum Infection?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "perineum_infection",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_perineum_infection",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:perineum_infection": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "uterus_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "uterus_assessment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Uterus Assessment",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "chk_normal_involution",
+ "text": "Normal/involution has taken place",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_normal_involution"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_pain",
+ "text": "Pain",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_pain"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_distended",
+ "text": "Distended",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_distended"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_uterus_pain",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Conduct a thorough vaginal examination for any signs of puerperial sepsis or retained products of conception, manage the client based on standard guidelines, provide antibiotics and analgesics according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:uterus_assessment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"chk_pain\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_uterus_distended",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Assess abdominal tenderness and uterine involution, manage the client according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:uterus_assessment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"chk_distended\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lochia_assessment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Lochia assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lochia_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "lochia_rubra",
+ "text": "Lochia Rubra",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lochia_rubra"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lochia_serosa",
+ "text": "Lochia Serosa",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lochia_serosa"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lochia_alba",
+ "text": "Lochia Alba",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lochia_alba"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vaginal_assessment",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Vaginal Assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vaginal_assessment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "tear",
+ "text": "Tear",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tear"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "episiotomy",
+ "text": "Episiotomy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "episiotomy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "intact",
+ "text": "Intact",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "intact"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_tear_vaginal_assessment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "If the client is actively bleeding provide emergency care of the postpartum haemorrhage, repair the tear, and provide antibiotics and analgesics",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:vaginal_assessment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"tear\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_episiotomy_vaginal_assessment",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Check the wound for any active bleeding and infection, manage according to standard guidelines",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:vaginal_assessment": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"episiotomy\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fistula",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Does the Mother have Fistula?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fistula",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_fistula",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for surgical repair of the fistula",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:fistula": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_mental_health_examination",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Mental Health Examination",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "info"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "puerperal_psychosis",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Does the Mother have Puerperal Psychosis?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "puerperal_psychosis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mental_illness_symptom",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Any other symptom of Mental Illness?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mental_illness_symptom",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:puerperal_psychosis": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_mental_illness",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer to psychiatrist",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_mother_general_examination_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "visit_number",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_number",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_no_mother_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_no_mother_registration.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4610d58a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_no_mother_registration.json
@@ -0,0 +1,482 @@
+ "count": "2",
+ "encounter_type": "No Mother PNC Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Child Registration",
+ "next": "step2",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "unique_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "barcode_type": "qrcode",
+ "hint": "ID",
+ "scanButtonText": "Scan QR Code",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid ID"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fam_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fam_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Child's Surname",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter the surname"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Child's First name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the first name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_middle_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Child's Middle name",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the middle name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "fam_village",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_address",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cityVillage",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Area name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the name of area or town"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "weight",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Weight (KG)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or greater than 0 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "6",
+ "err": "The weight must be equal or less than 6 (KG)"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the weight"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_underweight",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for Further Management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_no_mother_registration_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "disabilities",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Physical disabilities",
+ "values": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Yes",
+ "No"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "Yes": "Yes",
+ "No": "No"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Required"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prompt_for_disabilities",
+ "type": "toaster_notes",
+ "text": "Refer for further management",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "toaster_type": "problem",
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:disabilities": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"Yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_disability",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_disability",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Type of disability",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "physical_impairments",
+ "text": "Mobility and Physical Impairments",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "physical_impairments"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "spinal_cord_disability",
+ "text": "Spinal Cord Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spinal_cord_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "brain_disability",
+ "text": "Head Injuries - Brain Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "brain_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vision_disability",
+ "text": "Vision Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vision_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "hearing_disability",
+ "text": "Hearing Disability",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hearing_disability"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "learning_disabilities",
+ "text": "Cognitive or Learning Disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "learning_disabilities"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "psychological_disorders",
+ "text": "Psychological Disorders",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "psychological_disorders"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "invisible_disabilities",
+ "text": "Invisible Disabilities",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "invisible_disabilities"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:disabilities": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"Yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Date of birth (DOB)",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "duration": {
+ "label": "Age"
+ },
+ "min_date": "today-6w",
+ "max_date": "today",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the date of birth"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Sex",
+ "values": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female",
+ "Ambiguous"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "Male",
+ "Female",
+ "Ambiguous"
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the sex"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "entry_point",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "entry_point",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "value": "PNC"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ "step2": {
+ "title": "Caregiver details",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "unique_id",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person_identifier",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "opensrp_id",
+ "type": "hidden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "surname",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_name",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_no_mother_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "first_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "first_name",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_no_mother_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "middle_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "middle_name",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_no_mother_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dob",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birthdate",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_no_mother_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sex",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "person",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "gender",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_no_mother_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "risk_category",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "risk_category",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "value": "high"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "delivery_date",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "delivery_date",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_no_mother_registration_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "caregiver_name",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "caregiver_name",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Caregiver Name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter caregiver's name"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter the caregiver's name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "caregiver_phone_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "caregiver_phone_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Client phone number",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Number must be a total of 10 digits in length"
+ },
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(0[6-7][1-9][0-9][0-9]{6})|\\s*",
+ "err": "Number must be 10 digits and must start with 06 or 07."
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the phone number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "caregiver_location",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "caregiver_location",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "hint": "Caregiver Location",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter caregiver's Location"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_nutrition_status_infant.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_nutrition_status_infant.json
index c4e56647d..9dd71b325 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_nutrition_status_infant.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_nutrition_status_infant.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_nutrition_status_mother.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_nutrition_status_mother.json
index e5ce028db..b6e0a1367 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_nutrition_status_mother.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_nutrition_status_mother.json
@@ -15,11 +15,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_nutritional_supplement.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_nutritional_supplement.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5f5ec1f12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/pnc_nutritional_supplement.json
@@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PNC Nutritional Supplement",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "Nutritional Supplements",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "iron_and_folic_acid",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was Iron and Folic acid given?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "iron_and_folic_acid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_giving_iron_and_folic_acid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_giving_iron_and_folic_acid",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why Iron and Folic acid was not given",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "The client did not agree to take the medication",
+ "The client is allergic to medication",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:iron_and_folic_acid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_giving_iron_and_folic_acid",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_giving_iron_and_folic_acid",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not giving Iron and Folic acid",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_giving_iron_and_folic_acid": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vitamin_a",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "label": "Was Vitamin A given?",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vitamin_a",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please answer this question"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "pnc_nutritional_supplement_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_not_giving_vitamin_a",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_not_giving_vitamin_a",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why Vitamin A was not given",
+ "values": [
+ "Out of stock",
+ "The client did not agree to take the medication",
+ "The client is allergic to medication",
+ "Other (Specify)"
+ ],
+ "keys": [
+ "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other"
+ ],
+ "openmrs_choice_ids": {
+ "out_of_stock": "out_of_stock",
+ "client_did_not_agree_medication": "client_did_not_agree_medication",
+ "the_client_refused_to_be_tested": "the_client_refused_to_be_tested",
+ "client_is_allergic_to_medication": "client_is_allergic_to_medication",
+ "other": "other"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select a reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:vitamin_a": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(.,\"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_for_not_giving_vitamin_a",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_for_not_giving_vitamin_a",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Specify other reasons for not giving Vitamin A",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reason_for_not_giving_vitamin_a": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"other\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/prep_initiation.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/prep_initiation.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..151269f40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/prep_initiation.json
@@ -0,0 +1,585 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PrEP Initiation",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "PrEP Initiation",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "prep_status",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_status",
+ "label": "PrEP status in this visit",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "initiated",
+ "text": "Initiated",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "initiated"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "continuing",
+ "text": "Continuing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "continuing"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "re_start",
+ "text": "Re-start",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "re_start"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_initiated",
+ "text": "Not initiated",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_initiated"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "discontinued_quit",
+ "text": "Discontinued/Quit",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "discontinued_quit"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prep_drug_offered",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_drug_offered",
+ "label": "Type of PrEP drug offered",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "tdf_ftc",
+ "text": "TDF/FTC",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tdf_ftc"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_drugs",
+ "text": "Other Drugs",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_drugs"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "prep_initiation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_prep_drug_offered",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_prep_drug_offered",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other PrEP Drug Offered",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the other PrEP drug Offered"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "prep_initiation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prep_pills_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_pills_number",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of PrEP pills dispensed",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "prep_initiation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_max": {
+ "value": "30",
+ "err": "Number of pills must be equal to or less than 30"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prep_adherence",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_adherence",
+ "label": "PrEP adherence",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "good",
+ "text": "Good",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "good"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "poor",
+ "text": "Poor",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "poor"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "prep_initiation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "poor_prep_adherence_reason",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Reasons for poor PrEP adherence",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "poor_prep_adherence_reason",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "not_applicable"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "forgotten",
+ "text": "Forgotten",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "forgotten"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "lost_out_of_drugs",
+ "text": "Lost/run out of drugs",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lost_out_of_drugs"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "pill_burden",
+ "text": "Pill burden",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pill_burden"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "side_effects",
+ "text": "Side effects",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "side_effects"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "stigma",
+ "text": "Stigma",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "stigma"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_at_risk",
+ "text": "Not at risk",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_at_risk"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "others",
+ "text": "Others",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select at least one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:prep_adherence": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"poor\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_poor_prep_adherence_reason",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_poor_prep_adherence_reason",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other(Specify)",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:poor_prep_adherence_reason": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"others\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prep_side_effects",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "PrEP side effects",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_side_effects",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "not_applicable",
+ "no_side_effects"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "nausea",
+ "text": "Nausea",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "nausea"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "abdominal_pain",
+ "text": "Abdominal pain",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "abdominal_pain"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "headache",
+ "text": "Headache",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "headache"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "diarrhea",
+ "text": "Diarrhea",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diarrhea"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "loss_of_appetite",
+ "text": "Loss of appetite",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "loss_of_appetite"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "dizziness",
+ "text": "Dizziness",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "dizziness"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "others",
+ "text": "Others",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_side_effects",
+ "text": "No side effects",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_side_effects"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select at least one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "prep_initiation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_prep_side_effects",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_prep_side_effects",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other(Specify)",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:prep_side_effects": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "others"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reasons_stopping_prep",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "label": "Reason(s) for stopping PrEP medication",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_stopping_prep",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "not_applicable"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "hiv_positive",
+ "text": "HIV positive",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hiv_positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "side_effect_or_allergy",
+ "text": "Drugs side effect or allergy",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "side_effect_or_allergy"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "poor_adherence",
+ "text": "Poor adherence",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "poor_adherence"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "client_decision",
+ "text": "Client's decision",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_decision"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_at_risk",
+ "text": "Client has stopped, not at risk",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_at_risk"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "others",
+ "text": "Others (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select at least one"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "prep_initiation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_reason_stopping_prep",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reason_stopping_prep",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other reason",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:reasons_stopping_prep": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "others"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "prep_initiation_date",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hidden": "true",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prep_initiation_date",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "prep_initiation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "maximum_date_for_next_visit",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "maximum_date_for_next_visit",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "prep_initiation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "minimum_date_for_next_visit",
+ "type": "hidden",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "minimum_date_for_next_visit",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "calculation": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "prep_initiation_calculation.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "next_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "next_visit_date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "hint": "Next visit date",
+ "expanded": false,
+ "min_date": "today",
+ "max_date": "today+1y",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the next visit date"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "prep_initiation_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "constraints": [
+ {
+ "type": "date",
+ "ex": "greaterThanEqualTo(., step1:minimum_date_for_next_visit)",
+ "err": "Date should be within 3 days of the medication provided"
+ },
+ {
+ "type": "date",
+ "ex": "lessThanEqualTo(., step1:maximum_date_for_next_visit)",
+ "err": "Date should be within 3 days of the medication provided"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/prep_other_services.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/prep_other_services.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d52cb04ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/prep_other_services.json
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PrEP Other Services",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "PrEP Other Services",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "health_edu_sti_provided",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "health_edu_sti_provided",
+ "label": "Health education on sexually transmitted infection provided?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sti_rti_screening",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sti_rti_screening",
+ "label": "Screened for STI/RTI",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sti_rti_treatment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sti_rti_treatment",
+ "label": "STI/RTI treatment",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "treated",
+ "text": "Treated",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "treated"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "referred",
+ "text": "Referred",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referred"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_applicable",
+ "text": "Not applicable",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_applicable"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:sti_rti_screening": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"positive\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "condoms_given",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "condoms_given",
+ "label": "Was the client given condoms?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "type_of_issued_condoms",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "type_of_issued_condoms",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "combine_checkbox_option_values": "true",
+ "label": "Select the type of condoms issued",
+ "label_text_style": "normal",
+ "text_color": "#C0C0C0",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "male_condoms",
+ "text": "Male Condoms",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "male_condoms"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "female_condoms",
+ "text": "Female Condoms",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "female_condoms"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:condoms_given": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_male_condoms_issued",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_male_condoms_issued",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of Male condoms issued (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The number must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:type_of_issued_condoms": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "male_condoms"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "number_of_female_condoms_issued",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "number_of_female_condoms_issued",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of Female condoms issued (Pieces)",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid number"
+ },
+ "v_min": {
+ "value": "0",
+ "err": "The number must be equal or greater than 0"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:type_of_issued_condoms": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "female_condoms"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "iec_sbcc_materials",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "iec_sbcc_materials",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Number of IEC/SBCC materials provided to the client",
+ "v_numeric": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please enter the number"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "services_and_referral",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "services_and_referral",
+ "label": "Other services and referral",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "check_box",
+ "exclusive": [
+ "none"
+ ],
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "rch",
+ "text": "RCH",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "rch"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "mental_health",
+ "text": "Mental health",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mental_health"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "covid_vaccine",
+ "text": "Covid-19 vaccine",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "covid_vaccine"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "legal_services",
+ "text": "Legal services",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "legal_services"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "iga",
+ "text": "IGA",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "iga"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "none",
+ "text": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "none"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "services_and_referral_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "services_and_referral_other",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please specify"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:services_and_referral": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "other"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/prep_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/prep_registration.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af0d9b326
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/prep_registration.json
@@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "PrEP Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "PrEP Registration",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "nickname",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "nickname",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Add Nickname (A.K.A)",
+ "edit_type": "name",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "[A-Za-z\\u00C0-\\u017F\\s\\u00C0-\\u017F\\.\\-\\']*",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid name"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "agreed_to_use_prep",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "agreed_to_use_prep",
+ "label": "Has the client agreed to use PrEP?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "sms_notification_service",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sms_notification_service",
+ "label": "Has the client opted for sms notification service?",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/prep_screening.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/prep_screening.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..0eb2f66d5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/prep_screening.json
@@ -0,0 +1,636 @@
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+ "encounter_type": "PrEP Screening",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": ""
+ },
+ "global": {},
+ "step1": {
+ "title": "PrEP Screening",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "key": "diabetes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "diabetes",
+ "label": "Diabetes",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "treated",
+ "text": "Treated/is doing well",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "treated"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_treated",
+ "text": "Not treated/not doing well",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_treated"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_diabetic",
+ "text": "Not diabetic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_diabetic"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "blood_pressure",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "blood_pressure",
+ "label": "Blood pressure",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "treated",
+ "text": "Treated/is doing well",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "treated"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_treated",
+ "text": "Not treated/not doing well",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_treated"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "normal",
+ "text": "Has normal blood pressure",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "normal"
+ }
+ ],
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "prep_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "kidney_disease",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "kidney_disease",
+ "label": "Kidney disease",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "treated",
+ "text": "Treated/is doing well",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "treated"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "not_treated",
+ "text": "Not treated/not doing well",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "not_treated"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no_disease",
+ "text": "Has no kidney disease",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_disease"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
+ "rules-file": "prep_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "nephrotoxic_drugs",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "nephrotoxic_drugs",
+ "label": "Is the client using medicine/drugs which affect kidney (Nephrotoxic drugs)",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "rules-engine": {
+ "ex-rules": {
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
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+ }
+ }
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+ "err": "Please select an answer"
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+ }
+ }
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+ }
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+ "err": "Please select an answer"
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+ }
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+ }
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+ "rules-file": "prep_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
+ }
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+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ },
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+ "step1:tested_crcl": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"yes\")"
+ }
+ }
+ },
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+ }
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+ "rules-file": "prep_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ "err": "Please select an answer"
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+ "rules-file": "prep_screening_relevance.yml"
+ }
+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_outreach"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visit_type",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "visited_another_facility"
+ }
+ ],
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+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select an answer"
+ }
+ }
+ ]
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ {
+ "title": "L&D Child Emergency Referral Form",
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+ "name": "chw_referral_hf",
+ "type": "spinner",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chw_referral_hf",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Choose referral facility",
+ "searchable": "Choose referral facility"
+ },
+ "options": [],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "problem",
+ "type": "multi_choice_checkbox",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Problems/Complications"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ {
+ "name": "birth_asphyxia",
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+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "birth_asphyxia",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "neo_respiratory_distress",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "early_neonatal_sepsis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "congenital_anomalies",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prematurity",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "name": "other_reasons",
+ "text": "Other reasons",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reasons",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "referral_date",
+ "referral_time",
+ "referral_type",
+ "referral_status"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "problem_other",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
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+ "hint": "Other reasons",
+ "type": "name"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "problem"
+ },
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+ "subjects": "problem:map"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
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\ No newline at end of file
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+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/labour_and_delivery_emergency_neat_referral_form_rules.yml",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "L&D Emergency Referral Form",
+ "fields": [
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chw_referral_hf",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
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+ "text": "Choose referral facility",
+ "searchable": "Choose referral facility"
+ },
+ "options": [],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "problem",
+ "type": "multi_choice_checkbox",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Problems/Complications"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
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+ "text": "Pre-mature Rupture of Membrane (PROM)",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prom",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "obstructed_labour",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
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+ "text": "Retained placenta",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "sepsis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "text": "Other reasons",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_reasons",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "referral_date",
+ "referral_time",
+ "referral_type",
+ "referral_status"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "problem_other",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Other reasons",
+ "type": "name"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "problem_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "problem"
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Please specify other reasons",
+ "subjects": "problem:map"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/referrals/ltfu_referral_form.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/referrals/ltfu_referral_form.json
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+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/referrals/ltfu_referral_form.json
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+ "form": "Referral form",
+ "encounter_type": "Referral Registration",
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+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/ltfu_referral_form_rules.yml",
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+ },
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+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "Lost To FollowUp Referral Form",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "on_art",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Was the client on ARV?"
+ },
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+ {
+ "name": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
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+ }
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+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "on_art"
+ },
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "referral_date",
+ "referral_time",
+ "referral_type",
+ "referral_status"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "problem_for_on_art",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Lost to Followup Clinic"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "problem"
+ },
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+ {
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "CTC",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "text": "PMTCT",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "PMTCT",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "TB",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
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+ "name": "PWID",
+ "text": "PWID",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "PWID",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "problem"
+ ],
+ "subjects": "on_art:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "problem_for_not_on_art",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Lost to Followup Clinic"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "problem"
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "Prep",
+ "text": "Prep",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Prep",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "TB",
+ "text": "TB",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "TB",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "PWID",
+ "text": "PWID",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "PWID",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "problem"
+ ],
+ "subjects": "on_art:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "chw_referral_hf",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chw_referral_hf",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "CHW Location"
+ },
+ "options": [],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "last_appointment_date",
+ "type": "datetime_picker",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Please select the Last appointment date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "display_format": "dd/MM/yyyy",
+ "max_date": "today"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_appointment_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Please specify the Last appointment date"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/routine_home_visit.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/routine_home_visit.json
index 7b7c7a435..e8d767904 100644
--- a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/routine_home_visit.json
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/routine_home_visit.json
@@ -18,11 +18,6 @@
"openmrs_data_type": "end",
- "today": {
- "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
- "openmrs_entity": "encounter",
- "openmrs_entity_id": "encounter_date"
- },
"deviceid": {
"openmrs_entity_parent": "",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
@@ -71,106 +66,91 @@
"options": [
"key": "chk_maternal_nutrition",
- "text": "3. Maternal nutrition during breastfeeding",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Maternal nutrition during breastfeeding",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_hiv_aids",
- "text": "5. HIV/AIDS general information",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "HIV/AIDS general information",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_pmtc_for_mother",
- "text": "6. PMTCT for the mother",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "PMTCT for the mother",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_malaria_prevention",
- "text": "7. Malaria prevention",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Malaria prevention",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_hiv_exposed_infant",
- "text": "15. Follow-up for the HIV-exposed infant",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Follow-up for the HIV-exposed infant",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_breast_feeding",
- "text": "16. Breastfeeding",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Breastfeeding",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_birth_registration",
- "text": "19. Birth registration",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Birth registration",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_complementary_feeding",
- "text": "20. Complementary feeding",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Complementary feeding",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_growth_and_dev",
- "text": "21. Growth and development",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Growth and development",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_immunization",
- "text": "22. Immunisation",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Immunisation",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_newborn_danger",
- "text": "23. Newborn danger signs",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Newborn danger signs",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_infection",
- "text": "24. Infection prevention and control",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Infection prevention and control",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_prevention_of_accidents",
- "text": "25. Prevention of accidents",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Prevention of accidents",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_gender_issues",
- "text": "26. Gender issues",
- "value": false,
+ "text": "Gender issues",
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
"key": "chk_none",
"text": "None",
- "value": false,
"openmrs_entity": "concept",
"openmrs_entity_id": ""
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@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+ "content_form": [
+ {
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+ "edit_type": "number",
+ "hint": "Year",
+ "v_regex": {
+ "value": "(19[789]\\d|20[012]\\d)",
+ "err": "Please enter a valid Year"
+ },
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please enter the year"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "maternal_complications_during_labour",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "maternal_complications_during_labour",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_aph"
+ },
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+ "key": "chk_prom",
+ "text": "Pre-mature Rupture of Membrane (PROM)",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_prom"
+ },
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+ "key": "chk_high_bp",
+ "text": "High BP",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_high_bp"
+ },
+ {
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+ },
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_anaemia"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_malaria"
+ },
+ {
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+ "text": "HIV + Stage III or IV",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_hiv_stage_3_or_4"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_fgm"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_iufd"
+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
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+ },
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_obstructed_labour"
+ },
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+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_retained_placenta"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_3_degree_tear",
+ "text": "Third degree tear",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_3_degree_tear"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_ruptured_uterus",
+ "text": "Ruptured uterus",
+ "value": false,
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_ruptured_uterus"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_sepsis",
+ "text": "Sepsis",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_sepsis"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "chk_others",
+ "text": "Other (Specify)",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_others"
+ },
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+ "key": "chk_none",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "chk_none"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please pick at least one"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "other_maternal_complications_during_labour",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_maternal_complications_during_labour",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Other complications",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify other complications"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:maternal_complications_during_labour": {
+ "ex-checkbox": [
+ {
+ "or": [
+ "chk_others"
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "historic_mode_of_delivery",
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+ "openmrs_entity_id": "historic_mode_of_delivery",
+ "label": "Method of delivery",
+ "text_color": "#000000",
+ "type": "native_radio",
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "key": "spontaneous_vaginal_delivery",
+ "text": "Spontaneous vertex delivery",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "spontaneous_vaginal_delivery"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "cesarean",
+ "text": "Cesarean",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cesarean"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "vacuum_extraction",
+ "text": "Vacuum Extraction",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "vacuum_extraction"
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "breech_delivery",
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+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "breech_delivery"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please select an option"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "alive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "alive",
+ "label": "Was the child born alive?",
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+ {
+ "key": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
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+ },
+ {
+ "key": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no"
+ }
+ ],
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": "true",
+ "err": "Please select if the child was born alive"
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "key": "reason_for_child_not_born_alive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_child_not_born_alive",
+ "type": "edit_text",
+ "hint": "Reason as to why the child was not born alive",
+ "v_required": {
+ "value": true,
+ "err": "Please specify the reason"
+ },
+ "relevance": {
+ "step1:alive": {
+ "type": "string",
+ "ex": "equalTo(., \"no\")"
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
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+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "TB Community Followup Referral",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Reasons for issuing community followup referral"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "missed_appointment",
+ "text": "Missed Appointment",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "missed_appointment",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "lost_to_followup",
+ "text": "Lost to followup client",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lost_to_followup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select reason for issuing the referral",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "tb_community_referral_date"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "reason_for_issuing_community_referral_other",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Other Reasons",
+ "type": "name"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "reason_for_issuing_community_referral_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral"
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Please specify other reasons",
+ "subjects": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "type": "datetime_picker",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Client's last facility visit date",
+ "type": "date_picker",
+ "display_format": "dd/MM/yyyy",
+ "max_date": "today"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "last_client_visit_date",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Please specify the client's last facility visit date",
+ "subjects": "reasons_for_issuing_community_referral:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment_tb_community_followup",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Remarks/Comments"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment_tb_community_followup",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/tb_outcome.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/tb_outcome.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5959f3c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/tb_outcome.json
@@ -0,0 +1,314 @@
+ "form": "TB Outcome",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "TB Outcome",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/tb_outcome_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "TB Problems Outcome",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "problem",
+ "type": "multi_choice_checkbox",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Pick problem/condition associated with the client."
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "problem"
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "coughing_blood",
+ "text": "Coughing up blood or sputum",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "coughing_blood",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "pain_in_the_chest",
+ "text": "Pain in the chest",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cough_lasting_3_weeks_or_more",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "cough_lasting_3_weeks_or_more",
+ "text": "A bad cough that lasts 3 weeks or longer",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "cough_lasting_3_weeks_or_more",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "fever",
+ "text": "Fever",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fever",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "weight_loss",
+ "text": "Weight loss",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight_loss",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "lack_of_appetite",
+ "text": "Lack of appetite",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "lack_of_appetite",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "night_sweats",
+ "text": "Night Sweats",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "night_sweats",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "Other",
+ "text": "Other",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "Other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "None",
+ "text": "None",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "None",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify client's problems",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "tb_facility_visit_date"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "problem_other",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Other Problems",
+ "type": "name"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "problem_other",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "problem"
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Please specify other symptoms",
+ "subjects": "problem:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "action_taken_tb_problems",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Action taken by health facility."
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "action_taken_tb_problems",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "no_action_taken",
+ "text": "No action taken",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no_action_taken",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "tested",
+ "text": "Tested",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tested",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "referred",
+ "text": "Referred",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "referred",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select action taken"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "test_results",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Select client’s TB test results."
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "test_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "positive",
+ "text": "Positive",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "positive",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "negative",
+ "text": "Negative",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "negative",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the test results",
+ "subjects": "action_taken_tb_problems:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "type": "radio_group",
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Is the client enrolled to TB clinic?"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "enrolled_to_clinic",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "yes",
+ "text": "Yes",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "yes",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "no",
+ "text": "No",
+ "is_exclusive": true,
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "no",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please select the answer",
+ "subjects": "test_results:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "tb_clinic_number",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Please fill client's TB Clinic number",
+ "type": "name"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "tb_clinic_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "true:Please fill client's CTC number",
+ "subjects": "enrolled_to_clinic:map"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "comment_tb_problems",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Remarks/Comments"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "comment_tb_problems",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "false"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/tb_registration.json b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/tb_registration.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e9ffd03bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/json.form/tb_registration.json
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+ "form": "TB Registration form",
+ "count": "1",
+ "encounter_type": "TB Registration",
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "relational_id": "",
+ "rules_file": "rule/tb_registration_form_rules.yml",
+ "metadata": {
+ "start": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "start",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163137AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "end": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "end",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163138AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "deviceid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "deviceid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163149AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "subscriberid": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "subscriberid",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163150AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "simserial": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "simserial",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163151AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "phonenumber": {
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": "",
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_data_type": "phonenumber",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "163152AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
+ },
+ "encounter_location": "",
+ "look_up": {
+ "entity_id": "",
+ "value": ""
+ }
+ },
+ "steps": [
+ {
+ "title": "TB Clients Registration form",
+ "fields": [
+ {
+ "name": "community_client_tb_registration_number",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Client TB Clinic Registration Number"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_client_tb_registration_number",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "yes: Please fill the clients TB clinic registration number",
+ "dependent_calculations": [
+ "tb_registration_date",
+ "client_tb_status_during_registration",
+ "test_results"
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "place_of_domicile",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "place_of_domicile",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Place of Domicile"
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "a_family_with_tb_patient",
+ "text": "A family with TB patient",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "a_family_with_tb_patient",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "a_family_without_tb_patient",
+ "text": "A family without TB patient",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "a_family_without_tb_patient",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "community_gathering",
+ "text": "Community Gathering",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_gathering",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "pharmacy",
+ "text": "Pharmacy",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "pharmacy",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "traditional_doctors",
+ "text": "Traditional doctors",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "traditional_doctors",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify place of domicile"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "district_council_number_of_current_tb_client",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "District council number of the TB client in the family"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "district_council_number_of_current_tb_client",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "yes:Fill in the district council number of the TB client in the family",
+ "subjects": "place_of_domicile:text"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "community_gathering",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "community_gathering",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Type of community gathering"
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "school",
+ "text": "School",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "school",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "worship_houses",
+ "text": "Worship houses",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "worship_houses",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "mining",
+ "text": "Mining",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "mining",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "public_meetings",
+ "text": "Public meetings",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "public_meetings",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "prison",
+ "text": "Prison",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "prison",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "others",
+ "text": "Others",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "others",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify the type of community gathering",
+ "subjects": "place_of_domicile:text"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "other_community_gathering",
+ "type": "text_input_edit_text",
+ "properties": {
+ "hint": "Specify other community gathering"
+ },
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "other_community_gathering",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify other community gathering",
+ "subjects": "community_gathering:text"
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "client_tb_screening_results",
+ "type": "spinner",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "client_tb_screening_results",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ },
+ "properties": {
+ "text": "Client's screening results"
+ },
+ "options": [
+ {
+ "name": "coughing",
+ "text": "Coughing",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "coughing",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "hemoptysis",
+ "text": "Sputum with blood (hemoptysis) ",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "hemoptysis",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "fever",
+ "text": "Fever",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "fever",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "weight_lose",
+ "text": "Weight lose",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "weight_lose",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ },
+ {
+ "name": "history_of_night_sweats",
+ "text": "History of night sweats",
+ "meta_data": {
+ "openmrs_entity": "concept",
+ "openmrs_entity_id": "history_of_night_sweats",
+ "openmrs_entity_parent": ""
+ }
+ }
+ ],
+ "required_status": "yes:Please specify clients screening results"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/anc-taarifa-ya-mwezi.html b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/anc-taarifa-ya-mwezi.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..511a7619e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/anc-taarifa-ya-mwezi.html
@@ -0,0 +1,775 @@
+ Taarifa ya mwezi ANC
Taarifa ya Mwezi Toka Kliniki (ANC)
Umri Miaka 10 -14
Umri Miaka 15 - 19
Umri Miaka 20 - 24
Umri Miaka 25 - 29
Umri Miaka 30 - 34
Umri Miaka 35 na zaidi
Idadi ya Wajawazito Waliotegemewa
Hudhurio la kwanza
Umri wa mimba chini ya wiki 12 (⩽12weeks)
Umri wa mimba wiki 12 au zaidi (12+ weeks)
Jumla ya hudhurio la Kwanza (2a + 2b)
Wateja wote wa marudio
Hudhurio la nne au zaidi wajawazito wote
Jumla ya mahudhurio yote (2a+2b+2c)
Idadi ya wajawazito waliopima wingi wa damu hudhurio la kwanza
Wajawazito waliopewa Chanjo ya TT2+
Vidokezo vya Hatari
Mimba 4 au zaidi
Umri chini ya miaka 20
Umri zaidi ya miaka 35 kwa mimba ya kwanza
Upungufu mkubwa wa damu ⩽8.5g/dl - Anaemia hudhurio la kwanza
Shinikizo la damu (BP => 140/90mm/hg)
Kifua kikuu
Sukari kwenye mkojo
Protein kwenye mkojo
Wajawazito waliopima Kaswende
Waliogundulika na maambukizi ya Kaswende
Waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende
Wenza/Waume waliopima Kaswende
Wenza/Waume Waliogundulika na maambukizi ya Kaswende
Wenza/Waume waliopata matibabu ya Kaswende
Waliopatikana na magonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo kaswende
Waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo
+ kaswende
Wenza/waume waliopatikana na magonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono yasiyo
+ kaswende
Wenza/waume waliopata tiba sahihi ya magonjwa ya maambukizo ya ngono
+ yasiyo
+ kaswende
Tayari wana maambukizi ya VVU kabla ya kuanza kliniki
Wajawazito wote waliopata ushauri nasaha kabla ya kupima VVU
+ kliniki
Wajawazito Waliopima VVU kipimo cha kwanza kliniki
Wajawazito Waliokutwa na VVU (positive) kipimo cha kwanza
Wajawazito Waliokutwa na VVU (positive) kipimo cha kwanza walio chini
+ ya umri wa
+ miaka 25
Wajawazito waliopata ushauri baada ya kupima
Wajawazito waliopimwa VVU na mwenza wao (Couple) kwa pamoja katika
+ kliniki ya
+ wajawazito
Wajawazito waliopima VVU kipimo cha pili
Wajawazito waliokutwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili
Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha kwanza Kliniki ya wajawazito
Wenza Waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha kwanza
+ katika kliniki
+ wa wajawazito
Wenza waliopima VVU kipimo cha pili Kliniki ya wajawazito
Wenza waliogundulika kuwa na maambukizi ya VVU kipimo cha pili katika
+ kliniki ya
+ wajawazito
Wajawazito na wenza waliopata majibu tofauti (discordant) baada ya
+ kupima VVU
+ kliniki ya wajawazito
Waliopata ushauri juu ya ulishaji wa mtoto
Wajawazito waliopima VVU kipimo cha kwanza walio chini ya umri wa
+ miaka 25
Waliopewa LLIN
Waliopima Malaria kutumia mRDT/BS
Waliopima Malaria positive
Waliopewa IPT2
Waliopewa IPT3
Waliopewa IPT4
Huduma Nyingine
Waliopewa Iron/Folic Acid (I,F,IFA) vidonge vya kutosha mpaka
+ hudhurio
+ linalofuata
Waliopewa Dawa za minyoo (Albendazole / Mebendazole)
Waliopewa ushauri wa uzazi wa mpango
Waliopewa rufaa wakati wa ujauzito
Waliopewa rufaa kwenda CTC
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/cbhs-taarifa-ya-mwezi.html b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/cbhs-taarifa-ya-mwezi.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..61dbd598f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/cbhs-taarifa-ya-mwezi.html
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+ Taarifa ya mwezi CBHS
MIAKA 10-14
MIAKA 15-19
MIAKA 20-24
MIAKA 25-49
MIAKA 50-59
+ Idadi ya wateja waliowahi kuandikishwa kwenye huduma za VVU na
+ UKIMWI katika jamii hadi kufikia mwisho wa mwezi uliopita (Wakiwemo
+ waliohamia).
+ Wateja wanao endelea na huduma mwezi huu
+ Idadi ya wateja wapya walio andikishwa mwezi huu
Sababu za Usajili
1. Maambukizo ya VVU
2. Kifua Kikuu
+ 3. Mwanaume anayefanya ngono na mwanaume mwenzake
4. Mwanamke anayefanya biashara ya ngono
5. Mtoto aliyezaliwa na mama mwenye VVU
6. Mtoto ambaye hajapimwa VVU
7. Mtoto anayefanyiwa ukatili
8. Mtu aliyenyanyaswa kijinsia
9. Mtu anayejidunga
10. Mama mjamzito
11. Mama anayenyonyesha
Hali ya maambukizo ya VVU
1. Walioambukizwa
2. Hawajaambukizwa
3. Haijulikani
Huduma iliyotolewa
+ 1. Huduma ya ushauri nasaha na upimaji wa VVU katika jamii
+ 2. Huduma za dawa za kupunguza makali ya VVU katika jamii
+ 3. Huduma za kuzuia maambukizi kutoka kwa mama kwenda kwa mtoto
+ katika jamii
+ 4.Huduma shirikishi za kifua kikuu na VVU katika jamii
+ 5. Huduma za kuzuia kuenea magonjwa ya ngono katika jamii
6. Huduma kwa makundi maalumu
+ 7. Huduma za kuzuia ukatili wa kijinsia na ukatili dhidi ya watoto
+ katika jamii
8. Huduma za kisaikolojia katika jamii
9. Elimu ya tohara katika jamii
+ 10. Huduma za uzazi wa mpango na ugawaji kondomu
+ 11. Huduma ya ugawaji wa vitendanishi vya JIPIME
+ Idadi ya wateja waliowahi kuandikishwa kwenye huduma za VVU na
+ UKIMWI katika jamii (1a + 2a)
+ Idadi ya wateja wapya na wanao endelea kupata huduma mwezi huu ( 1b
+ + 2a)
+ Idadi ya wateja ambao hawapatiwi tena huduma mwezi huu
+ Wamehamishiwa kwenye kituo kingine cha huduma za tiba na matunzo
Amefuzu huduma
Msaada wa kisheria
Vikundi vya kusaidiana
Rufaa kwenda huduma zingine
+ Idadi ya wateja waliopewa rufaa kwenda kwenye huduma nyingine
+ Idadi ya rufaa za wateja zilizofanikiwa
waliopata mafunzo kulingana na miongozo ya kitaifa
+ Hawakupata mafunzo kulingana na miongozo ya kitaifa
+ Idadi ya watoa Huduma za VVU na UKIMWI ngazi ya jamii wanaotoa huduma mwezi huu
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/cdp_reports/condom-distribution-issuing-report-at-the-facility.html b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/cdp_reports/condom-distribution-issuing-report-at-the-facility.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50eb1e4c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/cdp_reports/condom-distribution-issuing-report-at-the-facility.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ Issuing Report
Report for male and female issued at the facility
Condom Issued [MWEZI/MWAKA]:
Male Condoms
Female Condoms
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/cdp_reports/condom-distribution-issuing-report-from-the-facility.html b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/cdp_reports/condom-distribution-issuing-report-from-the-facility.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ce1a29f51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/cdp_reports/condom-distribution-issuing-report-from-the-facility.html
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ Issuing Report
Report for male and female issued from the facility
Condom Issued [MWEZI/MWAKA]:
Male Condoms
Female Condoms
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/cdp_reports/condom-distribution-receiving-report.html b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/cdp_reports/condom-distribution-receiving-report.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58689d008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/cdp_reports/condom-distribution-receiving-report.html
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ Report of male and female condoms Received at health facility
Report of male and female condoms Received at health facility
Condom Receiving Report [MWEZI/MWAKA]:
Male Condom Brand
Female Condom Brand
Number of Male Condom
Number of Female Condom
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/kvp-report.html b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/kvp-report.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7d90eefa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/kvp-report.html
@@ -0,0 +1,4943 @@
Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini
+ kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga
Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya)
Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa
Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu
+ mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6
Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion)
+ wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya waliofikiwa na huduma za upimaji na walioanzishiwa dawa za ARV katika kipindi cha ripoti
Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu
Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya
Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo
Wapya walioanzishiwa ART
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti
Watumiaji wa njia nyingine za dawa za kulevya
Watumiaji wa njia nyingine za dawa za kulevya
Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini
+ kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga
Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya)
Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa
Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu
+ mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6
Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion)
+ wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya waliofikiwa na huduma za upimaji na walioanzishiwa dawa za ARV katika kipindi cha ripoti
Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu
Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya
Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo
Wapya walioanzishiwa ART
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti
Wanawake wanaofanya biashara ya ngono
Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini
+ kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga
Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya)
Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa
Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu
+ mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6
Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion)
+ wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya waliofikiwa na huduma za upimaji na walioanzishiwa dawa za ARV katika kipindi cha ripoti
Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu
Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya
Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo
Wapya walioanzishiwa ART
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti
Wasichana rika balehe wanawake vijana
Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini
+ kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga
Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya)
Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa
Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu
+ mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6
Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion)
+ wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya waliofikiwa na huduma za upimaji na walioanzishiwa dawa za ARV katika kipindi cha ripoti
Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu
Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya
Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo
Wapya walioanzishiwa ART
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti
Wanaume wanaofanya ngono na wanaume wenzao
Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini
+ kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga
Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya)
Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa
Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu
+ mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6
Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion)
+ wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya waliofikiwa na huduma za upimaji na walioanzishiwa dawa za ARV katika kipindi cha ripoti
Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu
Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya
Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo
Wapya walioanzishiwa ART
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti
Makundi ya watu wanaohamahama
Makundi ya watu wanaohamahama
Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini
+ kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga
Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya)
Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa
Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu
+ mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6
Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion)
+ wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya waliofikiwa na huduma za upimaji na walioanzishiwa dawa za ARV katika kipindi cha ripoti
Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu
Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya
Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo
Wapya walioanzishiwa ART
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti
Wenza wenye majibu kinzani
Wenza wenye majibu kinzani
Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini
+ kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga
Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya)
Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa
Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu
+ mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6
Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion)
+ wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya waliofikiwa na huduma za upimaji na walioanzishiwa dawa za ARV katika kipindi cha ripoti
Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu
Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya
Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo
Wapya walioanzishiwa ART
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti
Makundi maalumu mengine
Makundi maalumu mengine
Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini
+ kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga
Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya)
Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa
Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu
+ mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6
Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion)
+ wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya waliofikiwa na huduma za upimaji na walioanzishiwa dawa za ARV katika kipindi cha ripoti
Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu
Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya
Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo
Wapya walioanzishiwa ART
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti
Jumla kuu makundi yote
Jumla Kuu
Idadi wa wateja wapya waliosajiliwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wa makundi maalum waliofikiwa na huduma za kinga kufuatana na kiwango cha chini
+ kinachotakiwa (minimum standards) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za ukatili wa kijinsia katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya magonjwa ya ngono katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis B) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa maambukizi ya homa ya ini (Hepatitis C) katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliotathiminiwa kutumia huduma za dawa kinga
Idadi ya wateja wanaostahili kuanza dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya ambao wameanza kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wanaoendelea kutumia dawa kinga katika kipindi cha ripoti (Isipokuwa wateja Wapya)
Idadi ya wateja waliokuja kuchukua dawa kinga mwezi mmoja baada ya kuanzishiwa
Idadi ya wateja waliondelea kutumia dawa kinga miezi mitatu
+ mfululizo baada ya kuanzishiwa katika kipindi cha miezi 6
Idadi ya wateja walioacha dawa kinga kwa sababu yoyote ile katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliokuwa wakitumia dawa kinga na wamegundulika na VVU (New seroconversion)
+ wakati wa mahudhurio katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za uzazi wa mpango katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya wateja wapya waliofikiwa na huduma za upimaji na walioanzishiwa dawa za ARV katika kipindi cha ripoti
Wapya waliopimwa na kupokea majibu
Wapya wenye majibu ya VVU chanya
Wapya waliosajiliwa huduma ya Tiba na Matunzo
Wapya walioanzishiwa ART
Idadi ya wateja waliochunguzwa kifua kikuu katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kike(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya kondomu za kiume(pcs) zilizogawiwa katika kipindi cha ripoti
Idadi ya vipeperushi vya Elimu ya Afya vilivyotolewa
Idadi ya wateja waliopata huduma za MAT katika kipindi cha ripoti
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/labour-delivery-taarifa-ya-mwezi.html b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/labour-delivery-taarifa-ya-mwezi.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7e6ff672d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/opensrp-chw-hf/src/main/assets/reports/labour-delivery-taarifa-ya-mwezi.html
@@ -0,0 +1,1190 @@
+ Taarifa ya mwezi Wodi ya wazazi
Taarifa ya Mwezi Kutoka wodi ya wazazi
Miaka 10 -14
Miaka 15 - 19
Miaka 20 - 24
Miaka 25 - 29
Miaka 30 - 34
Miaka 35 na zaidi
+ Waliotarajiwa kujifungua katika eneo la huduma
Taarifa ya Wanaojifungua
+ Waliojifungua katika kituo cha kutolea huduma za afya
Waliojifungua kabla ya kufika kituoni(BBA)
Waliozalishwa na wakunga wa jadi(TBA)
+ Waliojifungua nyumbani (H) bila msaada wa TBA
Jumla ya waliojifungua(2a+2b+2c+2d)
Waliozalishwa na watoa huduma wenye ujuzi
+ Asilimia ya waliojifungulia katika vituo vya kutolea huduma za afya
+ (2a/1)x100
Taarifa kuhusu uchungu
+ Waliojifungua baada ya saa 12 toka uchungu kuanza
Taarifa ya njia za kujifungua
Kawaida (SVD)
Vacuum (VM)
Breech delivery (BR)
Caesarian Section (CS)
Jumla (4a+4b+4c+4d)
Matatizo kabla ya kujifungua
Pre-mature Rupture of Membrane (PROM)
High BP
HIV + Stage III au IV
+ Jumla wenye matatizo kabla ya kujifungua (5a+5b+5c+5d+5e+5f+5g+5h)
Waliokekektwa (FGM)
+ Matatizo wakati na baada ya kujifungua
Pre eclampsia
Obstructed Labour
Retained Placenta
Third degree tear
Ruptured uterus
+ Jumla wenye matatizo baada ya kujifungua (6a+6b+6c+6d+6e+6f+6g+6h)
Amepewa Antibiotic
Amepewa Uterotonic
Amepewa Magnesium Sulphate
Ameondolewa kwa mkono kondo la nyuma
Amefanyiwa MVA/D&C
Ameongezewa damu
+ Wanawake waliosaidiwa kutolewa kondo la nyuma kwa kuvutwa kitovu
+ pole pole
+ Wanawake waliosaidiwa kwa kukandwa kandwa nyumba ya uzazi.
+ Wanawake waliopata Oxytocin baada ya kujifungua (10 IU)
+ Wanawake waliopata Egometrine baada ya kujifungua (0.5mg)
+ Wanawake waliopata Misoprostol baada ya kujifungua
Jumla waliopimwa VVU ANC
Waliogundulika Positive kutoka ANC
+ Jumla waliopimwa VVU wakati na baada ya kujifungua
+ Waliogundulika Positive wakati na baada ya kujifungua
Jumla walio na VVU (9b+9d)
+ Waliochagua kunyonyesha maziwa ya mama pekee (EBF)
+ Waliochagua ulishaji wa maziwa mbadala (RF)
+ Waliopewa ARV Prophylaxis (tail) wakati wa kuruhusiwa
+ Waliopata rufaa kwenda kliniki ya huduma na matibabu
Watoto Waliozaliwa mmoja
Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai
Waliozaliwa hai Uzito < 2.5kg
Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg
Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)
Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)
Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU
Waliopewa dawa za ARV
+ Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa (hai na wafu) (10a+10d+10e)
+ Watoto wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5
Watoto Waliozaliwa mapacha
Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa hai
Waliozaliwa hai Uzito < 2.5kg
Waliozaliwa hai Uzito =>2.5kg
Waliozaliwa wafu Macerated (MSB)
Waliozaliwa wafu Fresh (FSB)
Waliozaliwa na mama wenye VVU
Waliopewa dawa za ARV
+ Jumla ya watoto waliozaliwa (hai na wafu) (11a+11d+11e)
+ Watoto wenye APGAR Score chini ya 7 katika dakika 5
Watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua
+ Idadi ya watoto Waliosaidiwa kupumua - Suction
+ Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- stimulation
+ Idadi ya watoto waliosaidiwa kupumua- bag and mask
Huduma nyinginezo
+ Idadi ya watoto walionyonyeshwa ndani ya saa moja baada ya kuzaliwa