Releases: opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions
Releases · opentelekomcloud/python-otcextensions
0.30.0 DWS SDK & CLI Modules
What's Changed
- DWS SDK and CLI Modules added by @vineet-pruthi in #324
- DWS CLIs @vineet-pruthi in #324
dws cluster create
dws cluster delete
dws cluster extend
dws cluster list
dws cluster password reset
dws cluster restart
dws cluster show
dws flavor list
dws snapshot create
dws snapshot delete
dws snapshot list
dws snapshot restore
dws snapshot show
Full Changelog: 0.29.2...0.30.0
0.29.2: vpc bandwidth and tox fix
What's Changed
- [TESTS] removed unecessary constraints from tox.ini by @tischrei in #331
- [VPC] bandwidth small ref by @Polina-Gubina in #326
Full Changelog: 0.29.1...0.29.2
0.29.1: vpc bandwidth additional functions
What's Changed
- [VPC] update_bandwidth and find_bandwidth by @Polina-Gubina in #326
Full Changelog: 0.29...0.29.1
0.29: vpc bandwidth and other fixes
What's Changed
- [VPC] bandwidth resource by @Polina-Gubina in #326
- [ELB] removed _make_proxy override in by @vineet-pruthi in #325
- [CBR] vault change type of parameter 'bind_rules' from 'BindRules' to dict by @Polina-Gubina in #323
- [TESTS] update tox by @gtema in #322
- [GENERAL] update requirements by @tischrei in #321
- [TESTS] stestr deprecated blacklist in favor of exclude @gtema in #320
- [CSS] cli new parameters by @vineet-pruthi in #316
- [OBS] cli added name prefix in args by @iglikoxha in #315
- [TESTS] switch to new functest jobs by @gtema in #311
Full Changelog: 0.28.2...0.29
What's Changed
- Replace method _get_microversion_for_list with _get_microversion by @YustinaKvr in #309
- Rework autoscaling tests by @Polina-Gubina and @anton-sidelnikov in #306
Full Changelog: 0.28.1...0.28.2
0.28.0 Dcaas CLI, MRS SDK and CLI, SDK dcaas direct connection endpoint group, bug fixes
What's Changed
- [CBR] [CLI] Fix 'associate' operation for vault by @Polina-Gubina (#302)
- [CBR] [SDK] fix Mappings parameter in restore backup by @Polina-Gubina (#297)
- [DCAAS] [CLI] Virtual gateway, endpoint group and connection by @irina-pereiaslavskaia ( #296)
- [DCAAS] [SDK] Direct connection endpoint group by @irina-pereiaslavskaia ( #295 )
- [DCAAS] [CLI] Virtual gateway by @irina-pereiaslavskaia (#294)
- [MRS] Implementation of sdk and cli part 1 by @anton-sidelnikov ( #293 )
- [DCAAS] [CLI] Connection by @irina-pereiaslavskaia (#291)
- [CTS] functional tests by @anton-sidelnikov (#194)
Full Changelog: 0.27.0...0.28.0
0.27.0 CRB Members, OBS Large files and upstream fixes
What's Changed
- [SDK] allow_get removal from resources by @anton-sidelnikov in (#292)
- [CBR] [CLI] Member by @Polina-Gubina in (#290)
- [OBS] Upload large files and bunch of bugfixes by @anton-sidelnikov in (#288)
Full Changelog: 0.26.3...0.27.0
0.26.3 SDRS, CBR and fixes
What's Changed
- fix smn message publishing by @kucerakk in #286
- [CLI] SDRS: Active domain and job implementation by @artem-lifshits in #283
- Cbr backup cli by @Polina-Gubina in #280
Full Changelog: 0.26.2...0.26.3
0.26.2 OBS fix and CCE turbo cluster
What's Changed
- obs headers fix by @anton-sidelnikov in #281
- [CCE] support ENI network for CCE turbo cluster by @vladimirvshivkov in #287
Full Changelog: 0.26.1...0.26.2