diff --git a/config.php b/config.php
index a1556f35ff..9683cbac66 100644
--- a/config.php
+++ b/config.php
@@ -108,6 +108,7 @@
'account_premium_days' => 0, // default premium days on new account
'account_premium_coins' => 0, // default coins on new account
'account_welcome_mail' => false, // send welcome email when user registers
+ 'account_welcome_mail_show_pass' => false, // send password in welcome email
'account_mail_change' => 2, // how many days user need to change email to account - block hackers
'account_country' => true, // user will be able to set country of origin when registering account, this information will be viewable in others places aswell
'account_country_recognize' => true, // should country of user be automatically recognized by his IP? This makes an external API call to http://ipinfo.io
diff --git a/system/pages/createaccount.php b/system/pages/createaccount.php
index 7da3ce0688..cd75940195 100644
--- a/system/pages/createaccount.php
+++ b/system/pages/createaccount.php
@@ -12,359 +12,355 @@
defined('MYAAC') or die('Direct access not allowed!');
$title = 'Create Account';
- require SYSTEM . 'countries.conf.php';
- if($logged)
- {
- ?>
Please logout before attempting to create a new account.
- Please logout before attempting to create a new account. |
- |
- |
Please logout before attempting to create a new account.
+ Please logout before attempting to create a new account. |
+ |
+ |
+ success)
- $errors['verification'] = "Please confirm that you're not a robot.";
- }
- else
- $errors['verification'] = "Please confirm that you're not a robot.";
- }
- // password
- if(empty($password)) {
- $errors['password'] = 'Please enter the password for your new account.';
- }
- elseif($password != $password2) {
- $errors['password'] = 'Passwords are not the same.';
- }
- else if(!Validator::password($password)) {
- $errors['password'] = Validator::getLastError();
- }
- // check if account name is not equal to password
- if(USE_ACCOUNT_NAME && strtoupper($account_name) == strtoupper($password)) {
- $errors['password'] = 'Password may not be the same as account name.';
- }
- if($config['account_mail_unique'])
- {
- $test_email_account = new OTS_Account();
- $test_email_account->findByEMail($email);
- if($test_email_account->isLoaded())
- $errors['email'] = 'Account with this e-mail address already exist.';
- }
- $account_db = new OTS_Account();
- $account_db->find($account_name);
- else
- $account_db->load($account_id);
- if($account_db->isLoaded()) {
- $errors['account'] = 'Account with this name already exist.';
- else
- $errors['account'] = 'Account with this id already exist.';
- }
- if(!isset($_POST['accept_rules']) || $_POST['accept_rules'] !== 'true')
- $errors['accept_rules'] = 'You have to agree to the ' . $config['lua']['serverName'] . ' Rules in order to create an account!';
- $params = array(
- 'account' => $account_db,
- 'email' => $email,
- 'country' => $country,
- 'password' => $password,
- 'password2' => $password2,
- 'accept_rules' => isset($_POST['accept_rules']) ? $_POST['accept_rules'] === 'true' : false,
- );
- $params['account_name'] = $_POST['account'];
- }
- else {
- $params['account_id'] = $_POST['account'];
- }
- $hooks->trigger(HOOK_ACCOUNT_CREATE_AFTER_SUBMIT, $params);
- if(config('account_create_character_create')) {
- $character_name = isset($_POST['name']) ? stripslashes(ucwords(strtolower($_POST['name']))) : null;
- $character_sex = isset($_POST['sex']) ? (int)$_POST['sex'] : null;
- $character_vocation = isset($_POST['vocation']) ? (int)$_POST['vocation'] : null;
- $character_town = isset($_POST['town']) ? (int)$_POST['town'] : null;
- $createCharacter->check($character_name, $character_sex, $character_vocation, $character_town, $errors);
- }
- if(empty($errors))
- {
- $new_account = new OTS_Account();
- $new_account->create($account_name);
- else
- $new_account->create(NULL, $account_id);
- $config_salt_enabled = $db->hasColumn('accounts', 'salt');
- if($config_salt_enabled)
- {
- $salt = generateRandomString(10, false, true, true);
- $password = $salt . $password;
- }
- $new_account->setPassword(encrypt($password));
- $new_account->setEMail($email);
- $new_account->save();
- if($config_salt_enabled)
- $new_account->setCustomField('salt', $salt);
- $new_account->setCustomField('created', time());
- $new_account->logAction('Account created.');
- if($config['account_country']) {
- $new_account->setCustomField('country', $country);
- }
- if($config['account_premium_days'] && $config['account_premium_days'] > 0) {
- if($db->hasColumn('accounts', 'premend')) { // othire
- $new_account->setCustomField('premend', time() + $config['account_premium_days'] * 86400);
- } else { // rest
+if ($save) {
+ $account_name = $_POST['account'];
+ } else {
+ $account_id = $_POST['account'];
+ }
+ $email = $_POST['email'];
+ $password = $_POST['password'];
+ $password2 = $_POST['password2'];
+ // account
+ if (isset($account_id)) {
+ if (!Validator::accountId($account_id))
+ $errors['account'] = Validator::getLastError();
+ } else if (!Validator::accountName($account_name))
+ $errors['account'] = Validator::getLastError();
+ // email
+ if (!Validator::email($email))
+ $errors['email'] = Validator::getLastError();
+ // country
+ $country = '';
+ if ($config['account_country']) {
+ $country = $_POST['country'];
+ if (!isset($country))
+ $errors['country'] = 'Country is not set.';
+ elseif (!isset($config['countries'][$country]))
+ $errors['country'] = 'Country is invalid.';
+ }
+ if ($config['recaptcha_enabled']) {
+ if (isset($_POST['g-recaptcha-response']) && !empty($_POST['g-recaptcha-response'])) {
+ $verifyResponse = file_get_contents('https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify?secret=' . $config['recaptcha_secret_key'] . '&response=' . $_POST['g-recaptcha-response']);
+ $responseData = json_decode($verifyResponse);
+ if (!$responseData->success)
+ $errors['verification'] = "Please confirm that you're not a robot.";
+ } else
+ $errors['verification'] = "Please confirm that you're not a robot.";
+ }
+ // password
+ if (empty($password)) {
+ $errors['password'] = 'Please enter the password for your new account.';
+ } elseif ($password != $password2) {
+ $errors['password'] = 'Passwords are not the same.';
+ } else if (!Validator::password($password)) {
+ $errors['password'] = Validator::getLastError();
+ }
+ // check if account name is not equal to password
+ if (USE_ACCOUNT_NAME && strtoupper($account_name) == strtoupper($password)) {
+ $errors['password'] = 'Password may not be the same as account name.';
+ }
+ if ($config['account_mail_unique']) {
+ $test_email_account = new OTS_Account();
+ $test_email_account->findByEMail($email);
+ if ($test_email_account->isLoaded())
+ $errors['email'] = 'Account with this e-mail address already exist.';
+ }
+ $account_db = new OTS_Account();
+ $account_db->find($account_name);
+ else
+ $account_db->load($account_id);
+ if ($account_db->isLoaded()) {
+ $errors['account'] = USE_ACCOUNT_NAME ? 'Account with this name already exist.' : 'Account with this id already exist.';
+ }
+ if (!isset($_POST['accept_rules']) || $_POST['accept_rules'] !== 'true')
+ $errors['accept_rules'] = 'You have to agree to the ' . $config['lua']['serverName'] . ' Rules in order to create an account!';
+ $params = array(
+ 'account' => $account_db,
+ 'email' => $email,
+ 'country' => $country,
+ 'password' => $password,
+ 'password2' => $password2,
+ 'accept_rules' => isset($_POST['accept_rules']) && $_POST['accept_rules'] === 'true',
+ );
+ $params['account_name'] = $_POST['account'];
+ } else {
+ $params['account_id'] = $_POST['account'];
+ }
+ $hooks->trigger(HOOK_ACCOUNT_CREATE_AFTER_SUBMIT, $params);
+ if (config('account_create_character_create')) {
+ $character_name = isset($_POST['name']) ? stripslashes(ucwords(strtolower($_POST['name']))) : null;
+ $character_sex = isset($_POST['sex']) ? (int)$_POST['sex'] : null;
+ $character_vocation = isset($_POST['vocation']) ? (int)$_POST['vocation'] : null;
+ $character_town = isset($_POST['town']) ? (int)$_POST['town'] : null;
+ $createCharacter->check($character_name, $character_sex, $character_vocation, $character_town, $errors);
+ }
+ if (empty($errors)) {
+ $new_account = new OTS_Account();
+ $new_account->create($account_name);
+ else
+ $new_account->create(NULL, $account_id);
+ $config_salt_enabled = $db->hasColumn('accounts', 'salt');
+ if ($config_salt_enabled) {
+ $salt = generateRandomString(10, false, true, true);
+ $password = $salt . $password;
+ }
+ $new_account->setPassword(encrypt($password));
+ $new_account->setEMail($email);
+ $new_account->save();
+ if ($config_salt_enabled)
+ $new_account->setCustomField('salt', $salt);
+ $new_account->setCustomField('created', time());
+ $new_account->logAction('Account created.');
+ if ($config['account_country']) {
+ $new_account->setCustomField('country', $country);
+ }
+ if ($config['account_premium_days'] && $config['account_premium_days'] > 0) {
+ if ($db->hasColumn('accounts', 'premend')) { // othire
+ $new_account->setCustomField('premend', time() + $config['account_premium_days'] * 86400);
+ } else { // rest
$premdays = $config['account_premium_days'];
$new_account->setCustomField('premdays', $premdays);
$lastDay = ($premdays > 0 && $premdays < OTS_Account::GRATIS_PREMIUM_DAYS) ? time() + ($premdays * 86400) : 0;
$new_account->setCustomField('lastday', $lastDay);
- }
- if($config['account_premium_coins']) {
- $new_account->setCustomField('coins', $config['account_premium_coins']);
- }
- $tmp_account = (USE_ACCOUNT_NAME ? $account_name : $account_id);
- if($config['mail_enabled'] && $config['account_mail_verify'])
- {
- $hash = md5(generateRandomString(16, true, true) . $email);
- $new_account->setCustomField('email_hash', $hash);
- $verify_url = getLink('account/confirm_email/' . $hash);
- $body_html = $twig->render('mail.account.verify.html.twig', array(
- 'account' => $tmp_account,
- 'verify_url' => generateLink($verify_url, $verify_url, true)
- ));
- if(_mail($email, 'New account on ' . $config['lua']['serverName'], $body_html))
- {
- echo 'Your account has been created.
- $twig->display('success.html.twig', array(
- 'title' => 'Account Created',
- 'description' => 'Your account ' . $account_type . ' is ' . $tmp_account . '
You will need the account ' . $account_type . ' and your password to play on ' . configLua('serverName') . '.
+ }
+ if ($config['account_premium_coins']) {
+ $new_account->setCustomField('coins', $config['account_premium_coins']);
+ }
+ $tmp_account = (USE_ACCOUNT_NAME ? $account_name : $account_id);
+ if ($config['mail_enabled'] && $config['account_mail_verify']) {
+ $hash = md5(generateRandomString(16, true, true) . $email);
+ $new_account->setCustomField('email_hash', $hash);
+ $verify_url = getLink('account/confirm_email/' . $hash);
+ $body_html = $twig->render('mail.account.verify.html.twig', array(
+ 'account' => $tmp_account,
+ 'verify_url' => generateLink($verify_url, $verify_url, true)
+ ));
+ if (_mail($email, 'New account on ' . $config['lua']['serverName'], $body_html)) {
+ echo 'Your account has been created.
+ $twig->display('success.html.twig', array(
+ 'title' => 'Account Created',
+ 'description' => 'Your account ' . $account_type . ' is ' . $tmp_account . '
You will need the account ' . $account_type . ' and your password to play on ' . configLua('serverName') . '.
Please keep your account ' . $account_type . ' and password in a safe place and
never give your account ' . $account_type . ' or password to anybody.',
- 'custom_buttons' => config('account_create_character_create') ? '' : null
- ));
- }
- else
- {
- error('An error occurred while sending email! Account not created. Try again. For Admin: More info can be found in system/logs/mailer-error.log');
- $new_account->delete();
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(config('account_create_character_create')) {
- // character creation
- $character_created = $createCharacter->doCreate($character_name, $character_sex, $character_vocation, $character_town, $new_account, $errors);
- if (!$character_created) {
- error('There was an error creating your character. Please create your character later in account management page.');
+ 'custom_buttons' => config('account_create_character_create') ? '' : null
+ ));
+ } else {
+ error('An error occurred while sending email! Account not created. Try again. For Admin: More info can be found in system/logs/mailer-error.log');
+ $new_account->delete();
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (config('account_create_character_create')) {
+ // character creation
+ $character_created = $createCharacter->doCreate($character_name, $character_sex, $character_vocation, $character_town, $new_account, $errors);
+ if (!$character_created) {
+ error('There was an error creating your character. Please create your character later in account management page.');
error(implode(' ', $errors));
- }
- }
- if($config['account_create_auto_login']) {
- $_POST['account_login'] = USE_ACCOUNT_NAME ? $account_name : $account_id;
- $_POST['password_login'] = $password2;
- require SYSTEM . 'login.php';
- header('Location: ' . getLink('account/manage'));
- }
- echo 'Your account';
- if(config('account_create_character_create')) {
- echo ' and character have';
- }
- else {
- echo ' has';
- }
- echo ' been created.';
- if(!config('account_create_character_create')) {
- echo ' Now you can login and create your first character.';
- }
- echo ' See you in Tibia!
- $twig->display('success.html.twig', array(
- 'title' => 'Account Created',
- 'description' => 'Your account ' . $account_type . ' is ' . $tmp_account . '
You will need the account ' . $account_type . ' and your password to play on ' . configLua('serverName') . '.
+ }
+ }
+ if ($config['account_create_auto_login']) {
+ $_POST['account_login'] = USE_ACCOUNT_NAME ? $account_name : $account_id;
+ $_POST['password_login'] = $password2;
+ require SYSTEM . 'login.php';
+ header('Location: ' . getLink('account/manage'));
+ }
+ echo 'Your account';
+ if (config('account_create_character_create')) {
+ echo ' and character have';
+ } else {
+ echo ' has';
+ }
+ echo ' been created.';
+ if (!config('account_create_character_create')) {
+ echo ' Now you can login and create your first character.';
+ }
+ echo ' See you in Tibia!
+ $twig->display('success.html.twig', array(
+ 'title' => 'Account Created',
+ 'description' => 'Your account ' . $account_type . ' is ' . $tmp_account . '
You will need the account ' . $account_type . ' and your password to play on ' . configLua('serverName') . '.
Please keep your account ' . $account_type . ' and password in a safe place and
never give your account ' . $account_type . ' or password to anybody.',
- 'custom_buttons' => config('account_create_character_create') ? '' : null
- ));
- if($config['mail_enabled'] && $config['account_welcome_mail'])
- {
- $mailBody = $twig->render('account.welcome_mail.html.twig', array(
- 'account' => $tmp_account
- ));
- if(_mail($email, 'Your account on ' . $config['lua']['serverName'], $mailBody))
- echo '
These informations were send on email address ' . $email . '.';
- else {
- error('An error occurred while sending email. For Admin: More info can be found in system/logs/mailer-error.log');
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
+ 'custom_buttons' => config('account_create_character_create') ? '' : null
+ ));
+ if ($config['mail_enabled'] && $config['account_welcome_mail']) {
+ $mailBody = $twig->render('account.welcome_mail.html.twig', array(
+ 'account' => $tmp_account,
+ 'password' => $password ?? null
+ ));
+ if (_mail($email, 'Your account on ' . $config['lua']['serverName'], $mailBody))
+ echo '
These informations were send on email address ' . $email . '.';
+ else {
+ error('An error occurred while sending email. For Admin: More info can be found in system/logs/mailer-error.log');
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
$country_recognized = null;
-if($config['account_country_recognize']) {
- $country_session = getSession('country');
- if($country_session !== false) { // get from session
- $country_recognized = $country_session;
- }
- else {
- $info = json_decode(@file_get_contents('http://ipinfo.io/' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '/geo'), true);
- if(isset($info['country'])) {
- $country_recognized = strtolower($info['country']);
- setSession('country', $country_recognized);
- }
- }
+if ($config['account_country_recognize']) {
+ $country_session = getSession('country');
+ if ($country_session !== false) { // get from session
+ $country_recognized = $country_session;
+ } else {
+ $info = json_decode(@file_get_contents('http://ipinfo.io/' . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . '/geo'), true);
+ if (isset($info['country'])) {
+ $country_recognized = strtolower($info['country']);
+ setSession('country', $country_recognized);
+ }
+ }
- $twig->display('error_box.html.twig', array('errors' => $errors));
+if (!empty($errors))
+ $twig->display('error_box.html.twig', array('errors' => $errors));
-if($config['account_country']) {
- $countries = array();
- foreach (array('pl', 'se', 'br', 'us', 'gb') as $c)
- $countries[$c] = $config['countries'][$c];
+if ($config['account_country']) {
+ $countries = array();
+ foreach (array('pl', 'se', 'br', 'us', 'gb') as $c)
+ $countries[$c] = $config['countries'][$c];
- $countries['--'] = '----------';
- foreach ($config['countries'] as $code => $c)
- $countries[$code] = $c;
+ $countries['--'] = '----------';
+ foreach ($config['countries'] as $code => $c)
+ $countries[$code] = $c;
$params = array(
- 'account' => isset($_POST['account']) ? $_POST['account'] : '',
- 'email' => isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '',
- 'countries' => isset($countries) ? $countries : null,
- 'accept_rules' => isset($_POST['accept_rules']) ? $_POST['accept_rules'] : false,
- 'country_recognized' => $country_recognized,
- 'country' => isset($country) ? $country : null,
- 'errors' => $errors,
- 'save' => $save
+ 'account' => isset($_POST['account']) ? $_POST['account'] : '',
+ 'email' => isset($_POST['email']) ? $_POST['email'] : '',
+ 'countries' => isset($countries) ? $countries : null,
+ 'accept_rules' => isset($_POST['accept_rules']) ? $_POST['accept_rules'] : false,
+ 'country_recognized' => $country_recognized,
+ 'country' => isset($country) ? $country : null,
+ 'errors' => $errors,
+ 'save' => $save
-if($save && config('account_create_character_create')) {
- $params = array_merge($params, array(
- 'name' => $character_name,
- 'sex' => $character_sex,
- 'vocation' => $character_vocation,
- 'town' => $character_town
- ));
+if ($save && config('account_create_character_create')) {
+ $params = array_merge($params, array(
+ 'name' => $character_name,
+ 'sex' => $character_sex,
+ 'vocation' => $character_vocation,
+ 'town' => $character_town
+ ));
$twig->display('account.create.html.twig', $params);
diff --git a/system/templates/account.welcome_mail.html.twig b/system/templates/account.welcome_mail.html.twig
index 209cd1d212..d0daaf24a5 100644
--- a/system/templates/account.welcome_mail.html.twig
+++ b/system/templates/account.welcome_mail.html.twig
@@ -3,5 +3,7 @@
Your login details:
Account {% if constant('USE_ACCOUNT_NAME') %}name{% else %}number{% endif %}: {{ account }}
-Password: ************ (hidden for security reasons)
-Kind Regards,
\ No newline at end of file
+Password: {% if config.account_welcome_mail_show_pass %}{{ password }}
+ {% else %}************ (hidden for security reasons){% endif %}
+Kind Regards,