This document describes how to build and install OF-CONFIG server. The steps described in this guide were tested on Scientific Linux 6.6 (Carbon).
Installation is divided into following sections: OF-CONFIG Build Requirements, Open vSwitch Installation, OF-CONFIG Installation.
The list of OF-CONFIG dependencies:
- autoconf
- automake
- gcc
- libnetconf
- libtool
- libxml2
- libxml2-devel
- m4
- make
- openssl
- openssl-devel
- pkgconfig
The OF-CONFIG server communicates with OF-CONFIG agents via DBUS by default, however, it can be disabled by configure script. Therefore, optional but recommended OF-CONFIG dependencies:
- dbus
- dbus-devel
It is also needed to have packages:
- openvswitch-2.3.1 - LTS package (
- pyang-1.4.1 (
Optionally, it is useful to install NETCONF client:
- Netopeer-cli (contained in
- Netopeer-GUI ( installation is out of scope of this guide)
Note: for the sake of simplicity of this guide, we assume all packages are downloaded in /root/ and we are logged-in as root. In practice, only make install should be run as root to install into system directories.
Open vSwitch and libnetconf require some additional dependencies:
- kernel-devel
- kernel-headers
- libssh2
- libssh2-devel
- libxslt
- libxslt-devel
At first, unpack archive with Open vSwitch source codes:
tar -xf openvswitch-2.3.1.tar.gz
Then configure Open vSwitch using:
./configure --prefix=/ --datarootdir=/usr/share --with-linux=/lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build
Note: we discovered bad symbolic link 'build' in /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/ in Scientific Linux 6.6, therefore, we temporary fixed it by creating new symbolic link manually. For our case it was:
ln -s /usr/src/kernels/2.6.32-504.8.1.el6.x86_64/ /lib/modules/2.6.32-504.el6.x86_64/build
After successful configuration of Open vSwitch, run standard commands:
make && make install
When Open vSwitch is installed, it can be started:
/usr/local/share/openvswitch/scripts/ovs-ctl start
To start Open vSwitch after boot:
sed 's,/usr/share/,/usr/local/share/,' rhel/etc_init.d_openvswitch > /etc/init.d/openvswitch
chkconfig --add openvswitch
chkconfig openvswitch on
Note: sed(1) is used to rewrite path to Open vSwitch scripts that is statically defined in openvswitch script.
[~]$ tar -xf pyang-1.4.1.tar.gz && cd pyang-1.4.1 && python install
To convert configuration data model into different format, use:
pyang -f <output format> <model>
where 'output format' can be e.g. 'yang', 'yin' or 'tree'.
libnetconf can be installed simply by:
[~]$ git clone
[~]$ cd libnetconf
[libnetconf]$ ./configure && make
[libnetconf]# make install
libnetconf is shipped with lnctool utility that can be used to generate validation schemas for configuration data model. To create validation schemas use:
lnctool --model <model> validation
During the build from git repository of OF-CONFIG, it is required to run the script. This script executes autoreconf to generate some needed files such as configure script.
Finally, build and compilation of OF-CONFIG server is done as follows.
To configure OF-CONFIG, it is needed to set path to Open vSwitch source codes package. The following steps are based on previous guide.
After successful configuration and build of Open vSwitch package, OF-CONFIG can be configured. Path to configured OVS directory must be passed:
[of-config]$ ./configure --with-ovs-srcdir=/root/openvswitch-2.3.1 PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/
Note: libnetconf was installed with default prefix (/usr/local/). That means the .pc file is located in /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig/. On some distros, pkg-config ignores .pc files in this location so setting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH is a way to make pkg-config search for .pc files there.
By default, the server uses D-Bus internal communication. Therefore, the access rights configuration settings can be found at /etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.opennetworking.ofc.conf file. If you need to avoid D-Bus usage, use the configure's --disable-dbus option. In such a case, the server is going to use UNIX sockets for the internal communication. While D-Bus allows you to limit users and groups allowed to connect to ofc-server, there is no such configuration when the sockets are used for internal communication.
After successful configuration of OF-CONFIG, it can be build and installed using standard steps:
[of-config]$ make
[of-config]# make install
OF-CONFIG server can be started by: ofc-server
By default, ofc-server starts in daemon mode. To avoid daemon mode, pass -f parameter.
ofc-server supports some parameters that can be found in help: ofc-server -h
Useful parameter is -v that specifies level of verbose output.
[of-config]# ofc-server -v 3 -f
Since ofc-server is supposed to communicate with OVSDB, ofc-server has to run with the sufficient privileges to access OVSDB interfaces (sockets). Usually, it means running ofc-server with the root privileges.
In case /usr/local/bin is not included in standard PATHs, there are some possibilities:
- export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin"
- running ofc-server by absolute or relative path
- setting PATH in .bashrc
When linker does not search in /usr/local/lib/, problem with missing libraries can be solved:
create of configuration file for ld(1):
echo "/usr/local/lib/" > /etc/; ldconfig
before start of ofc-server:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib