Note: Replace '0.10' in the examples below with the current version.
Switch to develop branch and update it with latest commits
Start release branch
modver=0.10 git flow release start $modver develop
Make any last-minute fixes
Run unit tests
minil test
Bump version number in lib/Crypt/
perl -i -pe "s{^our \$VERSION.+}{our \$VERSION = '$modver';};" lib/Crypt/ perl -i -pe "s{"version".+,}{"version" : "$modver",};" META.json git add lib/Crypt/ META.json git commit -m "bump version to $modver"
Finalize release (write the version number in the TAG_MSG)
git flow release finish "$modver" &&
git push origin develop master "$modver" -
Build tarball
minil dist
Upload tarball to
#minil release