diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
index ec2fa8fe4238..f85f26bf1aad 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
@@ -28,18 +28,18 @@ cs:
no_results_title_text: No activity to display
no_results_description_text: "Choose \"Show everything\" to show all activity and comments"
- label_activity_show_all: "Show everything"
- label_activity_show_only_comments: "Show comments only"
- label_activity_show_only_changes: "Show changes only"
- label_sort_asc: "Newest at the bottom"
- label_sort_desc: "Newest on top"
- label_type_to_comment: "Type here to comment"
- label_submit_comment: "Submit comment"
- changed_on: "changed on"
+ label_activity_show_all: "Zobrazit vše"
+ label_activity_show_only_comments: "Zobrazit pouze komentáře"
+ label_activity_show_only_changes: "Zobrazit pouze změny"
+ label_sort_asc: "Nejnovější v dolní části"
+ label_sort_desc: "Nejnovější nahoře"
+ label_type_to_comment: "Pro komentování pište zde"
+ label_submit_comment: "Odeslat komentář"
+ changed_on: "změněno dne"
created_on: "created this on"
- changed: "changed"
- created: "created"
- commented: "commented"
+ changed: "změněno"
+ created: "vytvořeno"
+ commented: "komentováno"
no_results_title_text: V současné době nejsou nainstalovány žádné pluginy.
@@ -47,9 +47,9 @@ cs:
color_theme: "Barevné téma"
color_theme_custom: "Vlastní"
- tab_interface: "Interface"
- tab_branding: "Branding"
- tab_pdf_export_styles: "PDF export styles"
+ tab_interface: "Rozhraní"
+ tab_branding: "Značka"
+ tab_pdf_export_styles: "Styly exportu do PDF"
primary-button-color: "Primární tlačítko"
accent-color: "Odstín"
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ cs:
contact: "Kontaktujte nás pro demo"
enterprise_info_html: "je doplněk Enterprise edice ."
upgrade_info: "Přejděte na placenou verzi a začněte ji používat ve vašem týmu."
- jemalloc_allocator: Jemalloc memory allocator
+ jemalloc_allocator: Jemalloc alokátor paměti
text: "Individuální akce/úpravy uživatele (např. dvojnásobná aktualizace pracovního balíčku se sečtou do jediné akce, pokud je jejich časový rozdíl menší než stanovený čas. Budou zobrazeny jako jedna akce v rámci aplikace. Toto také zpozdí oznámení o stejný čas a sníží tak počet zasílaných e-mailů a ovlivní se také zpoždění na adrese %{webhook_link}."
@@ -218,23 +218,23 @@ cs:
- heading: For all projects
- description: This custom field is enabled in all projects since the "For all projects" option is checked. It cannot be deactivated for individual projects.
+ heading: Pro všechny projekty
+ description: Toto vlastní pole je povoleno ve všech projektech, protože je zaškrtnuta možnost "Pro všechny projekty". U jednotlivých projektů jej nelze deaktivovat.
- actions: "Item actions"
+ actions: "Akce položky"
- title: "Your list of items is empty"
+ title: "Váš seznam položek je prázdný"
description: "Start by adding items to the custom field of type hierarchy. Each item can be used to create a hierarchy bellow it. To navigate and create sub-items inside a hierarchy click on the created item."
- label: "Item label"
+ label: "Štítek položky"
short: "Krátký název"
remember_items_and_projects: "Remember to set items and projects in the respective tabs for this custom field."
- zero: no sub-items
- one: 1 sub-item
- other: "%{count} sub-items"
+ zero: žádné dílčí položky
+ one: 1 dílčí položka
+ other: "%{count} dílčí položky"
text_add_new_custom_field: >
Chcete-li přidat nová vlastní pole do projektu, musíte je nejprve vytvořit, než je budete moci přidat do tohoto projektu.
is_enabled_globally: "Globálně povoleno"
@@ -513,16 +513,16 @@ cs:
Klikněte na přiřadit nebo změnit barvu této priority.
lze použít ke zvýraznění pracovních balíčků v tabulce.
- action_title: "React"
- add_reaction: "Add reaction"
- react_with: "React with %{reaction}"
- and_user: "and %{user}"
+ action_title: "Reagovat"
+ add_reaction: "Přidat reakci"
+ react_with: "Reagujte pomocí %{reaction}"
+ and_user: "a %{user}"
one: and 1 other
few: and %{count} others
many: and %{count} others
other: and %{count} others
- reaction_by: "%{reaction} by"
+ reaction_by: "%{reaction} od"
no_results_title_text: V současné době nejsou žádné zprávy o stavu.
@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ cs:
Klikněte na přiřadit nebo změnit barvu této priority.
lze použít ke zvýraznění pracovních balíčků v tabulce.
status_default_text: |-
- New work packages are by default set to this type. They cannot be read-only.
+ Nové pracovní balíčky jsou ve výchozím nastavení nastaveny na tento typ. Nemohou být určeny pouze pro čtení.
status_excluded_from_totals_text: |-
Check this option to exclude work packages with this status from totals of Work,
Remaining work, and % Complete in a hierarchy.
@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ cs:
is_readonly: "Pouze pro čtení"
excluded_from_totals: "Vyloučeno z celkových hodnot"
- dark: "Dark"
+ dark: "Tmavé"
light: "Světlý"
light_high_contrast: "Světlý kontrast"
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ cs:
editable: "Upravitelné"
field_format: "Formát"
is_filter: "Používá jako filtr"
- is_for_all: "For all projects"
+ is_for_all: "Pro všechny projekty"
is_required: "Požadováno"
max_length: "Maximální délka"
min_length: "Minimální délka"
@@ -705,8 +705,8 @@ cs:
uid: "ID klienta"
secret: "Tajný klíč klienta"
owner: "Vlastník"
- builtin: "Builtin"
- enabled: "Active"
+ builtin: "Vestavěný"
+ enabled: "Aktivní"
redirect_uri: "Přesměrovací URI"
client_credentials_user_id: "Uživatelské ID klienta"
scopes: "Rozsah"
@@ -908,17 +908,17 @@ cs:
not_available: "není k dispozici kvůli konfiguraci systému."
not_deletable: "nelze odstranit"
not_current_user: "není aktuální uživatel."
- not_found: "not found."
+ not_found: "nenalezeno."
not_a_date: "není platné datum."
not_a_datetime: "není platný čas."
not_a_number: "není číslo."
not_allowed: "je neplatný z důvodu chybějících oprávnění."
- not_json: "is not a valid JSON object."
+ not_json: "není platný objekt JSON."
not_an_integer: "není celé číslo."
not_an_iso_date: "není platné datum. Požadovaný formát: RRRR-MM-DD."
not_same_project: "nepatří do stejného projektu."
odd: "musí být liché."
- regex_match_failed: "does not match the regular expression %{expression}."
+ regex_match_failed: "neodpovídá regulárnímu výrazu %{expression}."
regex_invalid: "nelze ověřit s přidruženým regulárním výrazem."
smaller_than_or_equal_to_max_length: "musí být menší než nebo rovno maximální délce."
taken: "je již použito."
@@ -956,7 +956,7 @@ cs:
- blank: "Please select a project."
+ blank: "Vyberte projekt."
only_one_allowed: "(%{name}) je povolena pouze jedna hodnota."
empty: "(%{name}) hodnota nemůže být prázdná."
@@ -988,7 +988,7 @@ cs:
blank: "je povinné. Zvolte prosím název."
not_unique: " už bylo použito. Prosím vyberte jiný název."
- error_conflict: "Unable to save because the meeting was updated by someone else in the meantime. Please reload the page."
+ error_conflict: "Nelze uložit, protože schůzku mezitím aktualizoval někdo jiný. Znovu načtěte stránku."
at_least_one_channel: "Alespoň jeden kanál pro odesílání oznámení musí být specifikován."
@@ -1157,12 +1157,12 @@ cs:
does_not_exist: "Zadaná kategorie neexistuje."
not_a_number: "není platná doba trvání."
- cant_be_inferior_to_remaining_work: "cannot be lower than Remaining work."
+ cant_be_inferior_to_remaining_work: "nemůže být nižší než Zbývající práce."
must_be_set_when_remaining_work_and_percent_complete_are_set: "required when Remaining work and % Complete are set."
not_a_number: "není platná doba trvání."
- cant_exceed_work: "cannot be higher than Work."
- must_be_set_when_work_is_set: "required when Work is set."
+ cant_exceed_work: "nemůže být vyšší než Práce."
+ must_be_set_when_work_is_set: "vyžadováno, když je nastavena Práce."
must_be_set_when_work_and_percent_complete_are_set: "required when Work and % Complete are set."
must_be_set_to_zero_hours_when_work_is_set_and_percent_complete_is_100p: >-
must be 0h when Work is set and % Complete is 100%.
@@ -1448,7 +1448,7 @@ cs:
button_expand_all: "Rozbalit vše"
button_favorite: "Přidat k oblíbeným"
button_filter: "Filtr"
- button_finish_setup: "Finish setup"
+ button_finish_setup: "Dokončit nastavení"
button_generate: "Generovat"
button_list: "Seznam"
button_lock: "Zámek"
@@ -1853,8 +1853,8 @@ cs:
label: "Zahrnout popisy"
caption: "This option will add a description column in raw format."
your_work_packages_export: "Work packages are being exported"
- succeeded: "Export completed"
- failed: "An error has occurred while trying to export the work packages: %{message}"
+ succeeded: "Export dokončen"
+ failed: "Při pokusu o export pracovních balíčků došlo k chybě: %{message}"
atom: "Atom"
csv: "CSV"
@@ -1868,7 +1868,7 @@ cs:
error: "Makro chyba, %{message}"
attribute_not_found: "atribut nenalezen: %{attribute}"
- model_not_found: "invalid attribute model: %{model}"
+ model_not_found: "neplatný atributový model: %{model}"
resource_not_found: "resource not found: %{resource}"
rich_text_unsupported: "Vložení Rich textu v současné době není při exportu podporováno"
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/de.seeders.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/de.seeders.yml
index 42a18155870d..fb9a79295154 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/de.seeders.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/de.seeders.yml
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ de:
name: Mitarbeiter und Projektmanager
- name: Standard global role
+ name: Globale Standardrolle
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/de.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/de.yml
index 0bc2293b191b..0e8e51dc127c 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/de.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/de.yml
@@ -26,20 +26,20 @@ de:
no_results_title_text: Innerhalb dieses Zeitraums haben keine Aktivitäten in dem Projekt stattgefunden.
- no_results_title_text: No activity to display
- no_results_description_text: "Choose \"Show everything\" to show all activity and comments"
- label_activity_show_all: "Show everything"
- label_activity_show_only_comments: "Show comments only"
- label_activity_show_only_changes: "Show changes only"
- label_sort_asc: "Newest at the bottom"
- label_sort_desc: "Newest on top"
- label_type_to_comment: "Type here to comment"
- label_submit_comment: "Submit comment"
- changed_on: "changed on"
- created_on: "created this on"
- changed: "changed"
- created: "created"
- commented: "commented"
+ no_results_title_text: Keine Aktivität anzuzeigen
+ no_results_description_text: "Wählen Sie \"Alles anzeigen\", um alle Aktivitäten und Kommentare anzuzeigen."
+ label_activity_show_all: "Alles anzeigen"
+ label_activity_show_only_comments: "Nur Kommentare anzeigen"
+ label_activity_show_only_changes: "Nur Änderungen anzeigen"
+ label_sort_asc: "Neueste unten"
+ label_sort_desc: "Neueste oben"
+ label_type_to_comment: "Tippen Sie hier, um zu kommentieren"
+ label_submit_comment: "Kommentar absenden"
+ changed_on: "geändert am"
+ created_on: "erstellte dies am"
+ changed: "geändert"
+ created: "erstellt"
+ commented: "kommentiert"
no_results_title_text: Es sind derzeit keine Plugins installiert.
@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@ de:
filled?: "must be filled"
not_unique: "must be unique within the same hierarchy level"
- label: "Label"
+ label: "Bezeichnung"
placeholder: "Suche in %{app_title}"
@@ -497,14 +497,14 @@ de:
priority_color_text: |
Klicken zum Zuweisen einer Farbe für diesen Prioritätswert. Diese wird für die Hervorhebung von Arbeitspaketen in Tabellen verwendet.
- action_title: "React"
- add_reaction: "Add reaction"
- react_with: "React with %{reaction}"
- and_user: "and %{user}"
+ action_title: "Reagieren"
+ add_reaction: "Reaktion hinzufügen"
+ react_with: "Mit %{reaction} reagieren"
+ and_user: "und %{user}"
- one: and 1 other
- other: and %{count} others
- reaction_by: "%{reaction} by"
+ one: und ein weiterer
+ other: und %{count} weitere
+ reaction_by: "%{reaction} von"
no_results_title_text: Derzeit gibt es keine Statusberichte.
@@ -514,13 +514,12 @@ de:
status_color_text: |
Klicken zum Zuweisen einer Farbe für diesen Status. Diese wird für die Hervorhebung von Arbeitspaketen in Tabellen verwendet.
status_default_text: |-
- New work packages are by default set to this type. They cannot be read-only.
+ Neue Arbeitspakete werden standardmäßig auf diesen Typ gesetzt. Er kann nicht schreibgeschützt sein.
status_excluded_from_totals_text: |-
Aktivieren Sie diese Option, um Arbeitspakete mit diesem Status aus den Summen von Aufwand, Verbleibender Aufwand und % Abgeschlossen in Hierarchien auszuschließen.
status_percent_complete_text: |-
- In status-based progress calculation mode, the % Complete of a work
- package is automatically set to this value when this status is selected.
- Ignored in work-based mode.
+ Im statusbasierten Fortschrittsberechnungsmodus wird der % abgeschlossen Wert eines Arbeitspakets automatisch auf diesen Wert gesetzt, wenn dieser Status ausgewählt wird.
+ Im aufwandsbezogenem Modus hat dieser Wert keine Relevanz.
status_readonly_html: |
Wählen Sie diese Option um Bearbeitung von Arbeitspaketen in diesem Status zu sperren.
Außer dem Status selbst können dann keine Attribute verändert werden.
@@ -535,7 +534,7 @@ de:
is_readonly: "Schreibgeschützt"
excluded_from_totals: "Von Gesamtsumme auschließen"
- dark: "Dark"
+ dark: "Dunkel"
light: "Hell"
light_high_contrast: "Hell (hoher Kontrast)"
@@ -855,7 +854,7 @@ de:
blank: "muss ausgefüllt werden."
blank_nested: "muss die Eigenschaft '%{property}' gesetzt haben."
cannot_delete_mapping: "ist erforderlich. Kann nicht gelöscht werden."
- is_for_all_cannot_modify: "is for all projects and can therefore not be modified."
+ is_for_all_cannot_modify: "gilt für alle Projekte und kann daher nicht geändert werden."
cant_link_a_work_package_with_a_descendant: "Ein Arbeitspaket kann nicht mit einer seiner Unteraufgaben verlinkt werden."
circular_dependency: "Diese Beziehung würde eine zyklische Abhängigkeit erzeugen."
confirmation: "stimmt nicht mit %{attribute} überein."
@@ -886,12 +885,12 @@ de:
not_available: "ist aufgrund einer Systemkonfiguration nicht verfügbar."
not_deletable: "kann nicht entfernt werden."
not_current_user: "ist nicht der aktuelle Benutzer."
- not_found: "not found."
+ not_found: "nicht gefunden."
not_a_date: "ist kein gültiges Datum."
not_a_datetime: "ist kein gültiges Datum."
not_a_number: "ist keine Zahl."
not_allowed: "ist ungültig aufgrund fehlender Berechtigungen."
- not_json: "is not a valid JSON object."
+ not_json: "ist kein gültiges JSON-Objekt."
not_an_integer: "ist keine ganzzahlige Zahl."
not_an_iso_date: "ist kein gültiges Datum - Erwartetes Format: YYY-MM-DD."
not_same_project: "gehört nicht zum selben Projekt."
@@ -1848,7 +1847,7 @@ de:
progress_mode_changed_to_status_based: "Fortschrittsberechnung aktualisiert"
status_changed: "Status '%{status_name}'"
system_update: "OpenProject-Systemaktualisierung:"
- work_package_duplicate_closed: "Duplicate work package updated:"
+ work_package_duplicate_closed: "Dupliziertes Arbeitspaket aktualisiert:"
total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: "Die Berechnung der Gesamtwerte für % abgeschlossen wird jetzt nach Aufwand gewichtet."
total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: "Die Berechnung der Gesamtwerte für % abgeschlossen basiert jetzt auf dem einfachen Durchschnitt der % abgeschlossen-Werte."
@@ -1856,7 +1855,7 @@ de:
work_package_parent_changed_times: durch Änderungen am übergeordneten Arbeitspaket %{link}
work_package_children_changed_times: durch Änderungen an Kind-Arbeitspaket %{link}
work_package_related_changed_times: durch Änderungen an verwandtem Arbeitspaket %{link}
- work_package_duplicate_closed: The status was automatically updated by the duplicated work package %{link}
+ work_package_duplicate_closed: Der Status wurde automatisch durch das als Duplikat markierte Arbeitspaket %{link} aktualisiert
unaccessable_work_package_changed: nach Änderungen an einem zugehörigen Arbeitspaket
changed: "Durch Änderungen an Werktagen (%{changes})"
@@ -2002,7 +2001,7 @@ de:
label_ical_access_key_generation_hint: "Wird automatisch generiert, wenn ein Kalender abonniert wird."
label_ical_access_key_latest: "neueste"
label_ical_access_key_revoke: "Widerrufen"
- label_add_column: "Add column"
+ label_add_column: "Spalte hinzufügen"
label_applied_status: "Zugewiesener Status"
label_archive_project: "Projekt archivieren"
label_ascending: "Aufsteigend"
@@ -2029,7 +2028,7 @@ de:
label_api_doc: "API-Dokumentation"
label_backup: "Backup"
label_backup_code: "Backupcode"
- label_basic_details: "Basic details"
+ label_basic_details: "Allgemeine Informationen"
label_between: "zwischen"
label_blocked_by: "Blockiert durch"
label_blocks: "Blockiert"
@@ -2174,7 +2173,7 @@ de:
label_file_plural: "Dateien"
label_filter: "Filter"
label_filter_add: "Filter hinzufügen"
- label_filter_by: "Filter by"
+ label_filter_by: "Filtern nach"
label_filter_plural: "Filter"
label_filters_toggle: "Filter ein-/ausblenden"
label_float: "Gleitkommazahl"
@@ -2263,7 +2262,7 @@ de:
label_custom_favicon: "Benutzerdefiniertes Favicon"
label_custom_touch_icon: "Benutzerdefiniertes Touch-Icon"
label_logout: "Abmelden"
- label_mapping_for: "Mapping for: %{attribute}"
+ label_mapping_for: "Zuordnung für: %{attribute}"
label_main_menu: "Nebenmenü"
label_manage: "Verwalten"
label_manage_groups: "Gruppen verwalten"
@@ -2298,8 +2297,8 @@ de:
label_months_from: "Monate ab"
label_more: "Mehr"
label_more_than_ago: "vor mehr als (Tage)"
- label_move_column_left: "Move column left"
- label_move_column_right: "Move column right"
+ label_move_column_left: "Spalte nach links"
+ label_move_column_right: "Spalte nach rechts"
label_move_work_package: "Arbeitspaket verschieben"
label_my_account: "Kontoeinstellungen"
label_my_activity: "Meine Aktivität"
@@ -2391,7 +2390,7 @@ de:
label_project_latest: "Neueste Projekte"
label_project_default_type: "Erlaube leere Typen"
label_project_hierarchy: "Projekthierarchie"
- label_project_mappings: "Projects"
+ label_project_mappings: "Projekte"
label_project_new: "Neues Projekt"
label_project_plural: "Projekte"
label_project_list_plural: "Projektlisten"
@@ -2422,7 +2421,7 @@ de:
label_relation_new: "Neue Beziehung"
label_release_notes: "Release Notes"
label_remaining_work: "Verbleibender Aufwand"
- label_remove_column: "Remove column"
+ label_remove_column: "Spalte entfernen"
label_remove_columns: "Ausgewählte Spalten entfernen"
label_renamed: "umbenannt"
label_reply_plural: "Antworten"
@@ -2463,10 +2462,10 @@ de:
label_show_completed_versions: "Abgeschlossene Versionen anzeigen"
label_columns: "Spalten"
label_sort: "Sortierung"
- label_sort_ascending: "Sort ascending"
+ label_sort_ascending: "Sortiere aufsteigend"
label_sort_by: "Sortiere nach %{value}"
label_sorted_by: "sortiert nach %{value}"
- label_sort_descending: "Sort descending"
+ label_sort_descending: "Sortiere absteigend"
label_sort_higher: "Eins höher"
label_sort_highest: "An den Anfang"
label_sort_lower: "Eins tiefer"
@@ -2954,7 +2953,7 @@ de:
permission_view_shared_work_packages: "Arbeitspaket-Freigaben sehen"
permission_view_time_entries: "Gebuchte Aufwände ansehen"
permission_view_timelines: "Zeitplan-Reporte anzeigen"
- permission_view_user_email: "View users' mail addresses"
+ permission_view_user_email: "E-Mail-Adressen der Benutzer anzeigen"
permission_view_wiki_edits: "Wiki-Versionsgeschichte ansehen"
permission_view_wiki_pages: "Wiki ansehen"
permission_work_package_assigned: "Zugewiesener/Verantwortlicher werden"
@@ -3185,9 +3184,9 @@ de:
setting_default_language: "Standard-Sprache"
setting_default_projects_modules: "Standardmäßig aktivierte Module für neue Projekte"
setting_default_projects_public: "Neue Projekte sind standardmäßig öffentlich"
- setting_disable_password_login: "Disable password authentication"
+ setting_disable_password_login: "Passwort-Authentifizierung deaktivieren"
setting_diff_max_lines_displayed: "Maximale Anzahl anzuzeigender Diff-Zeilen"
- setting_omniauth_direct_login_provider: "Direct login SSO provider"
+ setting_omniauth_direct_login_provider: "SSO-Anbieter für direkte Anmeldung"
setting_display_subprojects_work_packages: "Arbeitspakete von Unterprojekten im Hauptprojekt anzeigen"
setting_duration_format: "Anzeige der Dauer"
setting_duration_format_hours_only: "Nur Stunden"
@@ -3284,9 +3283,9 @@ de:
setting_working_days: "Arbeitstage"
- single_sign_on: "Single Sign-On"
+ single_sign_on: "Single-Sign-On"
omniauth_direct_login_hint_html: >
- If this option is active, login requests will redirect to the configured omniauth provider. The login dropdown and sign-in page will be disabled.
Note: Unless you also disable password logins, with this option enabled, users can still log in internally by visiting the %{internal_path}
login page.
+ Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, werden die Anmeldeanfragen an den konfigurierten SSO-Anbieter weitergeleitet. Das Login-Dropdown und die Anmeldeseite sind dann deaktiviert.
Hinweis: Sofern Sie nicht auch die Passwortanmeldung deaktivieren, können sich Benutzer bei aktivierter Option immer noch intern anmelden, indem sie die interne Anmeldeseite %{internal_path}
whitelist_text_html: >
Legen Sie eine Liste gültiger Dateierweiterungen und/oder Mime-Typen für hochgeladene Dateien fest.
Dateierweiterungen (z. B. %{ext_example}
) oder Mime-Typen (z. ., %{mime_example}
Lassen Sie diese Liste leer, um das Hochladen beliebiger Dateitypen zu erlauben. Mehrere Werte erlaubt (eine Zeile pro Wert).
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/js-ro.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/js-ro.yml
index 7576a624002e..482171fbbef1 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/js-ro.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/js-ro.yml
@@ -491,7 +491,7 @@ ro:
label_remove_row: "Elimina rand"
label_report: "Raportare"
label_repository_plural: "Repo-uri"
- label_save_as: "Salvare ca"
+ label_save_as: "Salvează ca"
label_search_columns: "Search a column"
label_select_project: "Selectează un proiect"
label_select_watcher: "Selectaţi un observator..."
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ ro:
label_remove_file: "Ştergere %{fileName}"
label_remove_watcher: "Eliminare observator %{name}"
label_remove_all_files: Șterge toate fișierele
- label_add_description: "Adăugați o descriere pentru %{file}"
+ label_add_description: "Adaugă o descriere pentru %{file}"
label_upload_notification: "Se încarcă fișierele..."
label_work_package_upload_notification: "Fişierele pentru pachetul de lucru #%{id}: %{subject} sunt în curs de încărcare"
label_wp_id_added_by: "#%{id} adaugat de %{author}"
@@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ ro:
toggler: "Acum să ne uităm la secțiunea Pachet de lucru, care vă oferă o vizualizare mai detaliată a activității dumneavoastră."
list: "Acest pachet de lucru oferă o listă a tuturor activităților din proiectul tău, cum ar fi sarcini, jaloane, faze și altele.
Pachetele de lucru pot fi create și editate direct din acest punct de vedere. Pentru a accesa detaliile unui anumit pachet de lucru, faceți dublu clic pe rând."
- full_view: "Vizualizarea pentru detaliile pachetului de lucru furnizează toate informațiile relevante referitoare la un anumit pachet de lucru, cum ar fi descrierea, statutul, prioritatea, activităţile, dependenţele şi comentariile."
+ full_view: "Vizualizarea pentru detaliile pachetului de lucru furnizează toate informațiile relevante referitoare la un anumit pachet de lucru, cum ar fi descrierea, starea, prioritatea, activitățile, dependențele si comentariile."
back_button: "Utilizați săgeata de întoarcere din colțul din stânga sus pentru a ieși și pentru a reveni la lista pachetelor de lucru."
create_button: "Butonul Create (Creare ) va adăuga un nou pachet de lucru la proiectul dumneavoastră."
gantt_menu: "Create project schedules and timelines effortlessly using the Gantt chart module."
@@ -711,8 +711,8 @@ ro:
default: "-"
subject: "Introduceţi subiectul aici"
selection: "Vă rugăm să selectaţi"
- description: "Descriere: Fă clic pentru a edita..."
- relation_description: "Click pentru a adauga o descriere pentru această relaţie"
+ description: "Descriere: Clic pentru a edita..."
+ relation_description: "Clic pentru a adăuga o descriere pentru această relație"
required_outside_context: >
Vă rugăm să alegeți un proiect în care să creați pachetul de lucru pentru a vedea toate atributele. Puteți selecta numai proiectele care au tipul de mai sus activat.
@@ -830,7 +830,7 @@ ro:
add_new_relation: "Crează o nouă relație"
add_existing_relation: "Adăugarea unei relații existente"
update_description: "Setează sau actualizează descrierea acestei relații"
- toggle_description: "Activați/Dezactivați descrierea legăturilor"
+ toggle_description: "Comută descrierea relației"
update_relation: "Fă click pentru a schimba tipul de legătură"
add_follower: "Adaugă urmăritor"
show_relations: "Arată relațiile"
@@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ ro:
placeholder: "Tastează pentru a căuta"
parent_placeholder: "Alegeți un nou părinte sau apăsați Escape pentru a anula."
- placeholder: "Tastează pentru a cauta"
+ placeholder: "Tastează pentru a căuta"
notFoundText: "Niciun articol găsit"
placeholder: "Select project"
@@ -946,7 +946,7 @@ ro:
header: "Nou %{type}"
header_no_type: "Nou pachet de lucru (Tipul incă nu a fost stabilit)"
header_with_parent: "Nou %{type} (copilul %{parent_type} #%{id})"
- button: "Creare"
+ button: "Creează"
title: "Copiază pachet de lucru"
@@ -986,7 +986,7 @@ ro:
remainingWork: "Remaining work"
remainingWorkAlternative: "Ore"
responsible: "Responsabil"
- startDate: "Data de început"
+ startDate: "Dată început"
status: "Stare"
subject: "Subiect"
subproject: "Subproiect"
@@ -1006,7 +1006,7 @@ ro:
recently_created: "Creat de"
all_open: "Toate deschise"
overdue: "Restanțe"
- summary: "Descriere"
+ summary: "Rezumat"
shared_with_users: "Partajate cu utilizatorii"
shared_with_me: "Partajate cu mine"
@@ -1023,12 +1023,12 @@ ro:
group: "Grupare după"
group_by_disabled_by_hierarchy: "Gruparea este dezactivată deoarece modul ierarhic este activ."
hierarchy_disabled_by_group_by: "Modul ierarhic este dezactivat deoarece rezultatele sunt grupate în %{column}."
- sort_ascending: "Ordonare ascendentă"
- sort_descending: "Ordonare descendentă"
- move_column_left: "Mutați coloana la stânga"
- move_column_right: "Mutați coloana la dreapta"
- hide_column: "Ascundere coloana"
- insert_columns: "Inserare coloane"
+ sort_ascending: "Ordonează ascendent"
+ sort_descending: "Ordonează descendent"
+ move_column_left: "Mută coloana la stânga"
+ move_column_right: "Mută coloana la dreapta"
+ hide_column: "Ascunde coloana"
+ insert_columns: "Inserează coloane"
filters: "Filtre"
display_sums: "Afişare totaluri"
confirm_edit_cancel: "Sunteți sigur că doriți să anulați editarea numelui acestei vizualizări? Titlul va fi setat la valoarea anterioară."
@@ -1110,8 +1110,8 @@ ro:
display_hierarchy: "Afișați ierarhia"
hide_hierarchy: "Ascundeți ierarhia"
hide_sums: "Ascundere totaluri"
- save: "Salvare"
- save_as: "Salvare ca"
+ save: "Salvează"
+ save_as: "Salvează ca"
export: "Exportare"
visibility_settings: "Setări vizibilitate"
share_calendar: "Subscribe to calendar"
@@ -1123,8 +1123,8 @@ ro:
label_name: "Nume"
label_delete_page: "Șterge pagina curentă"
- button_apply: "Salvare"
- button_save: "Salvare"
+ button_apply: "Aplică"
+ button_save: "Salvează"
button_submit: "Trimitere"
button_cancel: "Anulare"
button_delete: "Șterge"
@@ -1152,9 +1152,9 @@ ro:
remove: Eliminare relaţie
button_edit: "%{attribute}: Editare"
- button_save: "%{attribute}: Salvare"
+ button_save: "%{attribute}: Salvează"
button_cancel: "%{attribute}: Anulare"
- button_save_all: "Salvare"
+ button_save_all: "Salvează"
button_cancel_all: "Anulare"
link_formatting_help: "Ajutor pentru formatarea textului"
btn_preview_enable: "Previzualizare"
@@ -1285,24 +1285,24 @@ ro:
no_results: "You have no favorite projects"
no_results_subtext: "Add one or multiple projects as favorite through their overview or in a project list."
- toggle_title: "Includeți proiecte"
+ toggle_title: "Include proiecte"
title: "Proiecte"
clear_selection: "Anulați selecția"
- apply: "Salvare"
+ apply: "Aplică"
all: "Toate Proiectele"
selected: "Numai selecția"
search_placeholder: "Caută proiect..."
- include_subprojects: "Includeți toate subproiectele"
+ include_subprojects: "Include toate subproiectele"
- include_all_selected: "Proiectul este deja inclus, deoarece opțiunea Includeți toate subproiectele este activată."
+ include_all_selected: "Proiectul este deja inclus, deoarece opțiunea Include toate subproiectele este activată."
current_project: "Acesta este proiectul curent în care vă aflați."
does_not_match_search: "Proiectul nu corespunde criteriilor de căutare."
no_results: "Niciun proiect nu corespunde criteriilor de căutare."
toggle_title: "Baseline"
clear: "Inițializare"
- apply: "Salvare"
+ apply: "Aplică"
header_description: "Highlight changes made to this list since any point in the past."
enterprise_header_description: "Highlight changes made to this list since any point in the past with Enterprise edition."
show_changes_since: "Show changes since"
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml
index a325c34da69d..4c4fc4938eea 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml
@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ ro:
Allow the custom field to be used in a filter in work package views. Note that only with 'For all projects' selected, the custom field will show up in global views.
no_results_title_text: În acest moment nu există câmpuri personalizate.
- no_results_content_text: Creare câmp personalizat nou
+ no_results_content_text: Creează câmp personalizat nou
single: "sau"
@@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ ro:
no_results_title_text: În acest moment nu există grupuri.
- no_results_content_text: Creare grup nou
+ no_results_content_text: Creează grup nou
no_results_title_text: În acest moment nu există utilizatori care să facă parte din acest grup.
@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ ro:
no_results_content_text: Creați un nou forum
no_results_title_text: În acest moment nu există categorii de pachete de lucru.
- no_results_content_text: Creare categorie de pachete de lucru nouă
+ no_results_content_text: Creează categorie de pachete de lucru nouă
no_results_title_text: În acest moment nu există câmpuri personalizate disponibile.
@@ -354,7 +354,7 @@ ro:
enable_type_in_project: 'Activare tip %{type}'
no_results_title_text: În acest moment nu există versiuni pentru acest proiect.
- no_results_content_text: Creare versiune nouă
+ no_results_content_text: Creează versiune nouă
no_results_title_text: Acest proiect nu consumă spațiu suplimentar pe disc înregistrat.
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ ro:
new_access_token_dialog_show_button_text: "API token"
new_access_token_dialog_text_field_placeholder_text: "My API token"
new_access_token_dialog_text_field_label: "Nume"
- new_access_token_dialog_submit_button_text: "Creare"
+ new_access_token_dialog_submit_button_text: "Creează"
new_access_token_dialog_text: "This token will allow third-party applications to communicate with your instance. To differentiate the new API token, please give it a name."
new_access_token_dialog_attention_text: "Treat API tokens like passwords. Anyone with this link will have access to information from this instance, share it only with trusted users."
failed_to_reset_token: "Resetarea tokenului de acces nu a reușit: %{error}"
@@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ ro:
no_results_title_text: În acest moment nu există tipuri.
- no_results_content_text: Creare tip nou
+ no_results_content_text: Creează tip nou
settings: "Setări"
form_configuration: "Configurare formular"
@@ -826,7 +826,7 @@ ro:
parent_title: "Pagină părinte"
redirect_existing_links: "Redirectare link-uri existente"
- begin_insertion: "Început de inserare"
+ begin_insertion: "Începutul inserării"
begin_deletion: "Început de ștergere"
children: "Subelemente"
derived_done_ratio: "Total % finalizat"
@@ -834,7 +834,7 @@ ro:
derived_remaining_time: "Total remaining work"
done_ratio: "% finalizat"
duration: "Durată"
- end_insertion: "Sfârșit de inserare"
+ end_insertion: "Sfârșitul inserării"
end_deletion: "Sfârșit de ștergere"
ignore_non_working_days: "Ignoră zilele nelucrătoare"
@@ -889,8 +889,8 @@ ro:
format_nested: "nu se potrivește cu formatul preconizat '%{expected}' la calea '%{path}'."
greater_than: "trebuie să fie mai mare de %{count}."
greater_than_or_equal_to: "trebuie să fie mai mare sau egal cu %{count}."
- greater_than_or_equal_to_start_date: "trebuie să fie după sau la fel cu data de începere."
- greater_than_start_date: "trebuie să fie după data de începere."
+ greater_than_or_equal_to_start_date: "trebuie să fie mai mare sau egală cu dată început."
+ greater_than_start_date: "trebuie să fie mai mare decât dată început"
inclusion: "nu este setată la una din valorile permise."
inclusion_nested: "nu este setată la una dintre valorile permise la calea '%{path}'."
invalid: "este invalid."
@@ -1217,7 +1217,7 @@ ro:
one: "O eroare a împiedicat salvarea acestui %{model}"
few: "%{count} erori au împiedicat salvarea acestui %{model}"
- other: "%{count} erori au împiedicat salvarea acestui %{model}"
+ other: "%{count} de erori au împiedicat salvarea acestui %{model}"
attachment: "Fișier"
attribute_help_text: "Text de ajutor pentru atribute"
@@ -1326,7 +1326,7 @@ ro:
date: "Data"
default_columns: "Coloane implicite"
description: "Descriere"
- derived_due_date: "Data finală derivată"
+ derived_due_date: "Dată finală derivată"
derived_estimated_hours: "Total work"
derived_start_date: "Dată început derivată"
display_sums: "Afişare totaluri"
@@ -1353,10 +1353,10 @@ ro:
responsible: "Responsabil"
role: "Rol"
roles: "Roluri"
- start_date: "Data de început"
+ start_date: "Dată început"
status: "Stare"
subject: "Subiect"
- summary: "Descriere"
+ summary: "Rezumat"
title: "Titlu"
type: "Tip"
updated_at: "Actualizat pe"
@@ -1400,7 +1400,7 @@ ro:
button_add_member: Adăugare participant
button_add_watcher: "Adăugare observator"
button_annotate: "Adnotare"
- button_apply: "Salvare"
+ button_apply: "Aplică"
button_archive: "Arhivează"
button_back: "Înapoi"
button_cancel: "Anulare"
@@ -1418,8 +1418,8 @@ ro:
button_copy_to_clipboard: "Copiază în clipboard"
button_copy_link_to_clipboard: "Copy link to clipboard"
button_copy_and_follow: "Copiere și continuare"
- button_create: "Creare"
- button_create_and_continue: "Creare și continuare"
+ button_create: "Creează"
+ button_create_and_continue: "Creează și continuă"
button_delete: "Șterge"
button_decline: "Refuză"
button_delete_watcher: "Ștergere observator %{name}"
@@ -1446,10 +1446,10 @@ ro:
button_reply: "Răspuns"
button_reset: "Resetare"
button_rollback: "Revenire la această versiune"
- button_save: "Salvare"
+ button_save: "Salvează"
button_save_as: "Salvează ca"
button_apply_changes: "Aplică modificările"
- button_save_back: "Salvare și înapoi"
+ button_save_back: "Salvează și înapoi"
button_show: "Afişare"
button_sort: "Sortare"
button_submit: "Trimitere"
@@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ ro:
description_compare_from: "Comparați de la"
description_compare_to: "compară cu"
description_current_position: "Sunteți aici: "
- description_date_from: "Introduceţi data de început"
+ description_date_from: "Introdu dată început"
description_date_to: "Introduceţi data de sfârşit"
description_enter_number: "Introduceţi numărul"
description_enter_text: "Introduceţi textul"
@@ -1994,7 +1994,7 @@ ro:
all_title: "Afișare toate"
by_project: "Necitite după proiect"
- by_reason: "Descriere"
+ by_reason: "Motiv"
inbox: "Inbox"
send_notifications: "Trimite notificări pentru această acțiune"
@@ -2365,8 +2365,8 @@ ro:
label_next_week: "Săptămâna viitoare"
label_no_change_option: "(Fără modificări)"
label_no_data: "Nu există date de afișat"
- label_no_due_date: "no finish date"
- label_no_start_date: "no start date"
+ label_no_due_date: "fără dată finalizare"
+ label_no_start_date: "fără dată început"
label_no_parent_page: "Pagină părinte:"
label_nothing_display: "Nimic de afișat"
label_nobody: "nimeni"
@@ -2451,7 +2451,7 @@ ro:
label_query_new: "Interogare nouă"
label_query_plural: "Interogări personalizate"
label_read: "Citeşte..."
- label_register: "Creare cont nou"
+ label_register: "Creează cont nou"
label_register_with_developer: "Înregistrare ca programator"
label_registered_on: "Înregistrat pe"
label_registration_activation_by_email: "activare cont prin email"
@@ -2527,7 +2527,7 @@ ro:
label_subproject_new: "Subproiect nou"
label_subproject_plural: "Subproiecte"
label_subtask_plural: "Sub-activități"
- label_summary: "Descriere"
+ label_summary: "Rezumat"
label_system: "Sistem"
label_system_storage: "Informații privind stocarea"
label_table_of_contents: "Cuprins"
@@ -2599,7 +2599,7 @@ ro:
label_wiki_page_plural: "Pagini wiki"
label_wiki_show_index_page_link: "Afișare submeniu 'Cuprins'"
label_wiki_show_menu_item: "Afișare ca meniu în navigarea proiectului"
- label_wiki_show_new_page_link: "Afișare submeniu 'Creare pagină copil'"
+ label_wiki_show_new_page_link: "Afișează submeniu 'Creează pagină copil'"
label_wiki_show_submenu_item: "Afișare ca submeniu pentru "
label_wiki_start: "Pagina de start"
label_work: "Muncă"
@@ -2620,7 +2620,7 @@ ro:
label_workflow: "Flux de lucru"
label_workflow_copy: "Copiază fluxul de lucru"
label_workflow_plural: "Fluxuri de lucru"
- label_workflow_summary: "Descriere"
+ label_workflow_summary: "Rezumat"
label_working_days_and_hours: "Working days and hours"
one: "unul închis"
@@ -2708,7 +2708,7 @@ ro:
shared: "Partajat"
subscribed: "toate"
prefix: "Primită din cauza setării de notificare: %{reason}"
- date_alert_start_date: "Alertă de dată"
+ date_alert_start_date: "Alertă dată"
date_alert_due_date: "Alertă de dată"
see_all: "Vezi tot"
updated_at: "Actualizat la %{timestamp} de %{user}"
@@ -2924,7 +2924,7 @@ ro:
permission_create_user: "Create users"
permission_manage_user: "Editează utilizatori"
permission_manage_placeholder_user: "Creați, editați și ștergeți utilizatori de tip placeholder"
- permission_add_subprojects: "Creare subproiecte"
+ permission_add_subprojects: "Creează subproiecte"
permission_add_work_package_watchers: "Adăugare observatori"
permission_assign_versions: "Atribuiți versiuni"
permission_browse_repository: "Acces doar citire la repo (vizualizare și descărcare)"
@@ -3129,10 +3129,10 @@ ro:
path_encoding: "Codificare cale"
go_to_revision: "Deplasare la revizia"
managed_remote: "Repo-urile gestionate pentru acest furnizor sunt controlate de la distanță."
- managed_remote_note: "Informații privind URL-ul și calea acestui repo nu sunt disponibile înainte de crearea sa."
+ managed_remote_note: "Informații privind URL-ul și calea acestui repo nu sunt disponibile înainte de crearea lui."
managed_url: "URL gestionat"
- automatic_managed_repos_disabled: "Dezactivare creare automată"
+ automatic_managed_repos_disabled: "Dezactivează creare automată"
automatic_managed_repos: "Crearea automată a repo-urilor gestionate"
automatic_managed_repos_text: "Prin setarea unui furnizor aici, proiectele nou create vor primi automat un repo gestionat al acestui vendor."
scm_vendor: "Sistem de management al controlului codului sursă"
@@ -3140,7 +3140,7 @@ ro:
local: "Link la repo local"
existing: "Link la repo existent"
- managed: "Creare repo nou în OpenProject"
+ managed: "Creează repo nou în OpenProject"
not_available: "Consumul de spațiu de stocare nu este disponibil pentru acest repo."
update_timeout: "Păstraţi informaţia referitoare la spaţiul de stocare necesar pentru un repo timp de N minute. \nDeoarece măsurarea spațiului necesar pentru un repo poate fi costisitoare, creșteți această valoare pentru a reduce impactul în performanță."
@@ -3812,7 +3812,7 @@ ro:
unsupported_context: "Resursa furnizată nu este suportată ca și context."
context_object_not_found: "Resursa furnizată ca și contet nu poate fi identificată."
- due_date: "Data finalizare nu poate fi stabilită pentru pachetele de lucru părinte."
+ due_date: "Dată finalizare nu poate fi stabilită pentru pachetele de lucru părinte."
invalid_user_assigned_to_work_package: "Utilizatorul selectat nu poate fi '%{property}' pentru acest pachet de lucru."
start_date: "Nu se poate seta data start pe pachetele de lucru părinte."
diff --git a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/de.yml b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/de.yml
index cab727579c09..d3d09920d92f 100644
--- a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/de.yml
+++ b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/de.yml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ de:
unmatched_private_key: "gehört nicht zum angegebenen Zertifikat"
menu_title: SAML-Anbieter
- delete_title: Delete SAML provider
+ delete_title: SAML-Anbieter löschen
title: "Konfigurationsparameter für das SAML-Protokoll"
description: >
diff --git a/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml b/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
index 8e1f2ab154c8..b6fadbf03329 100644
--- a/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
+++ b/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ cs:
label_rate: "Sazba"
label_rate_plural: "Kurzy"
label_status_finished: "Ukončeno"
- label_show: "Show"
+ label_show: "Zobrazit"
label_units: "Jednotky nákladu"
label_user: "Uživatel"
label_until: "do"
diff --git a/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml b/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml
index 0362c277668f..1c1af4103c6a 100644
--- a/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml
+++ b/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ ro:
caption_save_rate: "Salvează tarif"
caption_set_rate: "Setează tarif curent"
caption_show_locked: "Afișați tipurile blocate"
- description_date_for_new_rate: "Data pentru noul tarif"
+ description_date_for_new_rate: "Dată pentru noul tarif"
group_by_others: "nici într-un grup"
label_between: "între"
label_cost_filter_add: "Adaugă un filtru de intrare a costurilor"
diff --git a/modules/github_integration/config/locales/crowdin/js-ro.yml b/modules/github_integration/config/locales/crowdin/js-ro.yml
index 4e8f287a4b16..09280f7195bf 100644
--- a/modules/github_integration/config/locales/crowdin/js-ro.yml
+++ b/modules/github_integration/config/locales/crowdin/js-ro.yml
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ ro:
copy_success: Copiat
copy_error: Copiere eşuată
- empty: 'Nu există încă nicio cerere de extragere legată. Conectați un PR existent folosind codul OP#%{wp_id}
în descrierea PR sau creați un nou PR.'
+ empty: 'Nu există încă nicio cerere de tragere legată. Conectează un PR existent folosind codul OP#%{wp_id}
în descrierea PR sau creează un nou PR.'
github_actions: Acțiuni
message: "Pull request #%{pr_number} %{pr_link} for %{repository_link} authored by %{github_user_link} has been %{pr_state}."
diff --git a/modules/grids/config/locales/crowdin/js-ro.yml b/modules/grids/config/locales/crowdin/js-ro.yml
index 0b59de014a4c..79b759e40073 100644
--- a/modules/grids/config/locales/crowdin/js-ro.yml
+++ b/modules/grids/config/locales/crowdin/js-ro.yml
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ ro:
at: 'la'
no_results: 'Nimic nou de raportat.'
- title: 'Descrierea proiectului'
- no_results: "Nu a fost scrisă încă nicio descriere. Aceasta poate fi furnizată în \"Setări proiect\"."
+ title: 'Descriere proiect'
+ no_results: "Nu a fost scrisă încă nicio descriere. Aceasta poate fi adăugată în \"Setări proiect\"."
title: 'Stare proiect'
not_started: 'Neînceput'
diff --git a/modules/meeting/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml b/modules/meeting/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml
index 8254a00e7c47..afe45f003ad8 100644
--- a/modules/meeting/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml
+++ b/modules/meeting/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ ro:
participants_attended: "Participanți"
participants_invited: "Invitaţi"
project: "Proiect"
- start_date: "Data"
+ start_date: "Dată"
start_time: "Start time"
start_time_hour: "Start time"
diff --git a/modules/openid_connect/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml b/modules/openid_connect/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
index a3d1989bee28..f97d13fba1a4 100644
--- a/modules/openid_connect/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
+++ b/modules/openid_connect/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
@@ -20,12 +20,12 @@ cs:
end_session_endpoint: End session endpoint
post_logout_redirect_uri: Post logout redirect URI
jwks_uri: JWKS URI
- issuer: Issuer
+ issuer: Emitent
tenant: Tenant
- metadata_url: Metadata URL
- icon: Custom icon
- claims: Claims
- acr_values: ACR values
+ metadata_url: URL metadat
+ icon: Vlastní ikona
+ claims: Nároky
+ acr_values: ACR hodnoty
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ cs:
format: "Discovery endpoint URL %{message}"
response_is_not_successful: " responds with %{status}."
- response_is_not_json: " does not return JSON body."
+ response_is_not_json: " nevrací JSON obsah."
response_misses_required_attributes: " does not return required attributes. Missing attributes are: %{missing_attributes}."
@@ -49,11 +49,11 @@ cs:
delete_result_direct: This provider is marked as a direct login provider. The setting will be removed and users will no longer be redirected to the provider for login.
menu_title: Poskytovatelé OpenID
- delete_title: "Delete OpenID Connect provider"
+ delete_title: "Odstranit OpenID Connect poskytovatele"
endpoint_url: The endpoint URL given to you by the OpenID Connect provider
- metadata_none: I don't have this information
- metadata_url: I have a discovery endpoint URL
+ metadata_none: Tyto informace nemám
+ metadata_url: Mám adresu URL koncového bodu zjišťování
client_id: This is the client ID given to you by your OpenID Connect provider
client_secret: This is the client secret given to you by your OpenID Connect provider
limit_self_registration: If enabled, users can only register using this provider if configuration on the prvoder's end allows it.
@@ -93,12 +93,12 @@ cs:
label_empty_title: No OpenID providers configured yet.
label_empty_description: Add a provider to see them here.
label_metadata: OpenID Connect Discovery Endpoint
- label_automatic_configuration: Automatic configuration
- label_optional_configuration: Optional configuration
- label_advanced_configuration: Advanced configuration
+ label_automatic_configuration: Automatická konfigurace
+ label_optional_configuration: Volitelná konfigurace
+ label_advanced_configuration: Pokročilá konfigurace
label_configuration_details: Metadata
- label_client_details: Client details
- label_attribute_mapping: Attribute mapping
+ label_client_details: Detaily klienta
+ label_attribute_mapping: Mapování atributů
client_details_description: Configuration details of OpenProject as an OIDC client
no_results_table: Zatím nebyli definováni žádní poskytovatelé.
plural: Poskytovatelé OpenID
diff --git a/modules/openid_connect/config/locales/crowdin/de.yml b/modules/openid_connect/config/locales/crowdin/de.yml
index f472b7343f5b..1de3699bb13b 100644
--- a/modules/openid_connect/config/locales/crowdin/de.yml
+++ b/modules/openid_connect/config/locales/crowdin/de.yml
@@ -9,110 +9,110 @@ de:
name: Name
display_name: Angezeigter Name
- client_id: Client ID
- client_secret: Client secret
+ client_id: Client-ID
+ client_secret: Clientschlüssel
secret: Secret
scope: Geltungsbereich
limit_self_registration: Selbstregistrierung begrenzen
- authorization_endpoint: Authorization endpoint
- userinfo_endpoint: User information endpoint
- token_endpoint: Token endpoint
- end_session_endpoint: End session endpoint
- post_logout_redirect_uri: Post logout redirect URI
+ authorization_endpoint: Autorisierungsendpunkt
+ userinfo_endpoint: Endpunkt für Benutzerinformationen
+ token_endpoint: Token-Endpunkt
+ end_session_endpoint: Endpunkt für Sitzungsende
+ post_logout_redirect_uri: Post-Logout Weiterleitungs-URI
jwks_uri: JWKS URI
- issuer: Issuer
- tenant: Tenant
- metadata_url: Metadata URL
- icon: Custom icon
+ issuer: Aussteller
+ tenant: Mandant
+ metadata_url: Metadaten-URL
+ icon: Benutzerdefiniertes Symbol
claims: Claims
- acr_values: ACR values
+ acr_values: ACR-Werte
- format: "Discovery endpoint URL %{message}"
- response_is_not_successful: " responds with %{status}."
- response_is_not_json: " does not return JSON body."
- response_misses_required_attributes: " does not return required attributes. Missing attributes are: %{missing_attributes}."
+ format: "Discovery-Endpunkt URL %{message}"
+ response_is_not_successful: " antwortet mit %{status}."
+ response_is_not_json: " gibt kein gültiges JSON zurück."
+ response_misses_required_attributes: " gibt die erforderlichen Attribute nicht zurück. Fehlende Attribute sind: %{missing_attributes}."
- input_delete_confirmation: Enter the provider name %{name} to confirm deletion.
- irreversible_notice: Deleting an SSO provider is an irreversible action.
- provider: 'Are you sure you want to delete the SSO provider %{name}? To confirm this action please enter the name of the provider in the field below, this will:'
- delete_result_1: Remove the provider from the list of available providers.
+ input_delete_confirmation: Geben Sie den Namen des SSO-Anbieters %{name} ein, um die Löschung zu bestätigen.
+ irreversible_notice: Das Löschen eines SSO-Anbieters ist eine unwiderrufliche Aktion.
+ provider: 'Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie den SSO-Anbieter %{name} löschen möchten? Um diese Aktion zu bestätigen, geben Sie bitte den Namen des Anbieters in das untenstehende Feld ein. Das hat folgendende Effekte:'
+ delete_result_1: Entfernt diese SSO-Anmeldemöglichkeit aus der Liste der verfügbaren Anbieter.
- zero: No users are currently using this provider. No further action is required.
- one: "One user is currently still using this provider. They will need to be re-invited or logging in with another provider."
- other: "%{count} users are currently still using this provider. They will need to be re-invited or logging in with another provider."
- delete_result_direct: This provider is marked as a direct login provider. The setting will be removed and users will no longer be redirected to the provider for login.
+ zero: Derzeit verwenden keine Benutzer diesen SSO-Anbieter. Es sind keine weiteren Maßnahmen erforderlich.
+ one: "Ein Benutzer verwendet derzeit noch diesen Anbieter. Er muss erneut eingeladen werden oder sich bei einem anderen Anbieter anmelden."
+ other: "%{count} Benutzer verwenden derzeit noch diesen Anbieter. Diese müssen erneut eingeladen werden oder sich bei einem anderen Anbieter anmelden."
+ delete_result_direct: Dieser SSO-Anbieter wird für den direkten Login verwendet. Die Einstellung wird entfernt und die Benutzer werden nicht mehr automatisch zur Anmeldung an diesen Anbieter weitergeleitet.
menu_title: OpenID-Anbieter
- delete_title: "Delete OpenID Connect provider"
+ delete_title: "OpenID Connect Anbieter löschen"
- endpoint_url: The endpoint URL given to you by the OpenID Connect provider
- metadata_none: I don't have this information
- metadata_url: I have a discovery endpoint URL
- client_id: This is the client ID given to you by your OpenID Connect provider
- client_secret: This is the client secret given to you by your OpenID Connect provider
- limit_self_registration: If enabled, users can only register using this provider if configuration on the prvoder's end allows it.
- display_name: Then name of the provider. This will be displayed as the login button and in the list of providers.
- tenant: 'Please replace the default tenant with your own if applicable. See this.'
- post_logout_redirect_uri: The URL the OpenID Connect provider should redirect to after a logout request.
+ endpoint_url: Die Endpunkt-URL, die Sie vom OpenID Connect-Anbieter erhalten haben
+ metadata_none: Ich habe diese Informationen nicht
+ metadata_url: Ich habe eine Discovery-Endpunkt-URL
+ client_id: Dies ist die Client-ID, die Sie von Ihrem OpenID Connect-Anbieter erhalten haben
+ client_secret: Dies ist das Client-Secret, die Sie von Ihrem OpenID Connect-Anbieter erhalten haben
+ limit_self_registration: Wenn diese Option aktiviert ist, können sich Benutzer nur dann über diesen Anbieter registrieren, wenn die Konfiguration in OpenProject es erlaubt.
+ display_name: Der Name des SSO-Anbieters. Dieser wird in der Login-Schaltfläche angezeigt.
+ tenant: 'Bitte ersetzen Sie den vorgegebenen Mandanten durch Ihren eigenen, falls zutreffend. Siehe diese Dokumentation von Microsoft Entra.'
+ post_logout_redirect_uri: Die URL, an die der OpenID Connect-Anbieter nach einer erfolgreichen Abmeldung weiterleiten soll.
claims: >
- You can request additional claims for the userinfo and id token endpoints. Please see [our OpenID connect documentation](docs_url) for more information.
+ Sie können zusätzliche Ansprüche (Claims) für die Endpunkte userinfo und id token anfordern. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in [unserer OpenID Connect Dokumentation](docs_url).
acr_values: >
- Request non-essential claims in an easier format. See [our documentation on acr_values](docs_url) for more information.
+ Fordern Sie optionale Ansprüche (Claims) in einem einfacheren Format an. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in [unserer Dokumentation zu acr_values](docs_url).
mapping_login: >
- Provide a custom mapping in the userinfo response to be used for the login attribute.
+ Benutzerdefinierte Zuordnung in der Antwort des Userinfo-Endpunkts für das Login-Attribut.
mapping_email: >
- Provide a custom mapping in the userinfo response to be used for the email attribute.
+ Benutzerdefinierte Zuordnung in der Antwort des Userinfo-Endpunkts für das E-Mail-Attribut.
mapping_first_name: >
- Provide a custom mapping in the userinfo response to be used for the first name.
+ Benutzerdefinierte Zuordnung in der Antwort des Userinfo-Endpunkts für den Vornamen eines Benutzers.
mapping_last_name: >
- Provide a custom mapping in the userinfo response to be used for the last name.
+ Benutzerdefinierte Zuordnung in der Antwort des Userinfo-Endpunkts für den Nachnamen eines Benutzers.
mapping_admin: >
- Provide a custom mapping in the userinfo response to be used for the admin status. It expects a boolean attribute to be returned.
+ Benutzerdefinierte Zuordnung in der Antwort des Userinfo-Endpunkts für den Admin-Status eines Benutzers. Ein boolesches Attribut wird erwartet.
- metadata_none: I don't have this information
- metadata_url: I have a discovery endpoint URL
- endpoint_url: Endpoint URL
+ metadata_none: Ich habe diese Informationen nicht
+ metadata_url: Ich habe eine Discovery-Endpunkt-URL
+ endpoint_url: Endpunkt-URL
- seeded_from_env: "This provider was seeded from the environment configuration. It cannot be edited."
+ seeded_from_env: "Dieser Anbieter wurde über Umgebungsvariablen konfiguriert. Er kann nicht in der Oberfläche bearbeitet werden."
name: Google
name: Microsoft Entra
- name: Custom
+ name: Benutzerdefiniert
- description: Connect OpenProject to an OpenID connect identity provider
+ description: OpenProject mit einem OpenID Connect SSO-Anbieter verbinden
label_add_new: Neuen OpenID-Anbieter hinzufügen
label_edit: OpenID-Provider %{name} bearbeiten
- label_empty_title: No OpenID providers configured yet.
- label_empty_description: Add a provider to see them here.
- label_metadata: OpenID Connect Discovery Endpoint
- label_automatic_configuration: Automatic configuration
- label_optional_configuration: Optional configuration
- label_advanced_configuration: Advanced configuration
- label_configuration_details: Metadata
- label_client_details: Client details
- label_attribute_mapping: Attribute mapping
- client_details_description: Configuration details of OpenProject as an OIDC client
+ label_empty_title: Noch keine OpenID Connect-Anbieter konfiguriert.
+ label_empty_description: Fügen Sie einen Anbieter hinzu, um sie hier zu sehen.
+ label_metadata: OpenID Connect Discovery Endpunkt
+ label_automatic_configuration: Automatische Konfiguration
+ label_optional_configuration: Optionale Konfiguration
+ label_advanced_configuration: Erweiterte Konfiguration
+ label_configuration_details: Metadaten
+ label_client_details: Details der Anwendung
+ label_attribute_mapping: Attributzuordnung
+ client_details_description: Konfigurationsdetails von OpenProject als OIDC-Client
no_results_table: Noch keine Anbieter definiert.
plural: OpenID-Anbieter
singular: OpenID-Anbieter
- metadata: Pre-fill configuration using an OpenID Connect discovery endpoint URL
- metadata_form_banner: Editing the discovery endpoint may override existing pre-filled metadata values.
- metadata_form_title: OpenID Connect Discovery endpoint
- metadata_form_description: If your identity provider has a discovery endpoint URL. Use it below to pre-fill configuration.
- configuration_metadata: The information has been pre-filled using the supplied discovery endpoint. In most cases, they do not require editing.
- configuration: Configuration details of the OpenID Connect provider
- display_name: The display name visible to users.
- attribute_mapping: Configure the mapping of attributes between OpenProject and the OpenID Connect provider.
- claims: Request additional claims for the ID token or userinfo response.
+ metadata: Konfiguration unter Verwendung einer OpenID Connect Discovery Endpunkt-URL vorausfüllen
+ metadata_form_banner: Durch die Bearbeitung des Discovery-Endpunkts werden möglicherweise vorhandene Konfigurationswerte überschrieben.
+ metadata_form_title: OpenID Connect Discovery Endpunkt
+ metadata_form_description: Wenn Ihr OpenID Connect-Anbieter über einen Metadaten-Endpunkt verfügt, fügen Sie ihn unten hinzu, um bekannte Konfigurationswerte daraus automatisch auszulesen.
+ configuration_metadata: Diese Informationen wurden bereits mit den mitgelieferten Metadaten ausgefüllt. In den meisten Fällen müssen sie nicht bearbeitet werden.
+ configuration: Konfigurationsdetails des OpenID Connect-Anbieters
+ display_name: Für alle Benutzer von OpenProject sichtbare Anzeigename.
+ attribute_mapping: Konfigurieren Sie die Zuweisung der Attribute zwischen OpenProject und dem OpenID Connect-Anbieter.
+ claims: Fordern Sie zusätzliche Ansprüche (Claims) für das ID-Token oder die Userinfo-Antwort an.
limit_self_registration: >
Wenn aktiviert, können sich Benutzer nur dann mit diesem Anbieter registrieren, wenn die Einstellung zur Selbstregistrierung dies zulässt.
diff --git a/modules/recaptcha/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml b/modules/recaptcha/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
index f73054855b0c..b3eac69d1375 100644
--- a/modules/recaptcha/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
+++ b/modules/recaptcha/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ cs:
verify_account: "Ověřte svůj účet"
error_captcha: "Váš účet nemohl být ověřen. Kontaktujte prosím administrátora."
- website_key: 'Website key (May also be called "Site key")'
+ website_key: 'Klíč webových stránek (může se nazývat také "klíč webu")'
response_limit: 'Limit odpovědi pro HCaptcha'
response_limit_text: 'Maximální počet znaků, které chcete považovat HCaptcha za platný.'
website_key_text: 'Zadejte webový klíč vytvořený v reCAPTCHA admin konzoli pro tuto doménu.'
diff --git a/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml b/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
index 963c1e9bfbc2..0324c1791dfb 100644
--- a/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
+++ b/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/cs.yml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ cs:
name: "Reportování OpenProject"
description: "Tento modul umožňuje vytvářet vlastní přehledy nákladů s filtrováním a seskupením vytvořených OpenProject plugin čas & náklady ."
- button_save_report_as: "Save report as..."
+ button_save_report_as: "Uložit report jako..."
comments: "Komentář"
cost_reports_title: "Čas a náklady"
label_cost_report: "Výkaz nákladů"
diff --git a/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml b/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml
index b1286a7c475d..4ee5531a5b98 100644
--- a/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml
+++ b/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/ro.yml
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ ro:
label_public_report_plural: "Rapoarte de cost publice"
label_really_delete_question: "Sunteți sigur că doriți să ștergeți acest raport?"
label_rows: "Rânduri"
- label_saving: "Salvare în curs..."
+ label_saving: "Salvează în curs..."
label_spent_on_reporting: "Data (consumată)"
label_sum: "Sumă"
label_units: "Unități"
@@ -77,8 +77,8 @@ ro:
label_report: "Raportare"
label_yes: "Da"
load_query_question: "Raportul va avea %{size} de celule şi e posibil ca generarea să dureze un timp. Sunteți sigur că doriți generarea?"
- permission_save_cost_reports: "Salvare rapoarte de cost publice"
- permission_save_private_cost_reports: "Salvare rapoarte de cost private"
+ permission_save_cost_reports: "Salvează rapoarte de cost publice"
+ permission_save_private_cost_reports: "Salvează rapoarte de cost private"
project_module_reporting_module: "Rapoarte de cost"
text_costs_are_rounded_note: "Valorile afișate sunt rotunjite. Toate calculele sunt bazate pe valorile nerotunjite."
toggle_multiselect: "activare/dezactivare selecție multiplă"