diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/es.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/es.yml
index 6ede988c782a..0b3b58dd5aae 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/es.yml
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ es:
title: "Su lista de artículos está vacía"
- description: "Comience añadiendo elementos al campo personalizado de tipo jerarquía. Cada elemento puede utilizarse para crear una jerarquía debajo de él. Para navegar y crear subelementos dentro de una jerarquía haga clic en el elemento creado."
+ description: "Comience añadiendo elementos al campo personalizado de tipo jerarquía. Cada elemento puede utilizarse para crear una jerarquía debajo de él. Para navegar y crear subelementos dentro de una jerarquía, haga clic en el elemento creado."
remember_items_and_projects: "Recuerde configurar los artículos y proyectos en las pestañas respectivas para este campo personalizado."
text_add_new_custom_field: >
@@ -926,7 +926,7 @@ es:
blank: "es obligatorio. Por favor, seleccione un nombre."
not_unique: "ya está en uso. Por favor, seleccione otro nombre."
- error_conflict: "No se ha podido guardar porque la reunión ha sido actualizada por otra persona mientras tanto. Por favor, vuelva a cargar la página."
+ error_conflict: "No se ha podido guardar porque otra persona ha actualizado la reunión mientras tanto. Vuelva a cargar la página."
at_least_one_channel: "Debe especificarse al menos un canal para enviar notificaciones."
@@ -1808,8 +1808,8 @@ es:
progress_mode_changed_to_status_based: "Cálculo del progreso actualizado"
status_changed: "Estado «%{status_name}»"
system_update: "Actualización del sistema OpenProject:"
- total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: "El cálculo de los totales de % Completo ahora se pondera por Trabajo."
- total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: "El cálculo de los totales de % Completo se basa ahora en una media simple de sólo los valores de % Completo."
+ total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: "El cálculo de los totales de % completado ahora se pondera por Trabajo."
+ total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: "El cálculo de los totales de % completado se basa ahora en una media simple de solo los valores de % completado."
work_package_predecessor_changed_times: por cambios al %{link} predecesor
work_package_parent_changed_times: por cambios al %{link} principal
@@ -1840,7 +1840,7 @@ es:
total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: >-
Los paquetes de trabajo para niños sin Trabajo se ignoran.
total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: >-
- Se ignoran los valores de trabajo de los paquetes de trabajo hijos.
+ Se ignoran los valores de trabajo de los paquetes de trabajo secundarios.
configuration_guide: "Guía de configuración"
get_in_touch: "¿Tiene alguna pregunta? Póngase en contacto con nosotros."
@@ -1941,7 +1941,7 @@ es:
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: "Transiciones adicionales permitidas cuando el usuario es el autor"
label_administration: "Administración"
label_interface_colors: "Colores de la interfaz"
- label_interface_colors_description: "Estos colores controlan el aspecto de la aplicación. Si los modifica, el tema cambiará automáticamente a Tema personalizado, pero no podemos asegurar el cumplimiento de los mínimos de contraste de accesibilidad (WCAG 2.1)."
+ label_interface_colors_description: "Estos colores controlan el aspecto de la aplicación. Si los modifica, el tema cambiará automáticamente a Tema personalizado, pero no podemos asegurar el cumplimiento de los mínimos de contraste de accesibilidad (WCAG 2.1). "
label_age: "Edad"
label_ago: "días antes"
label_all: "todos"
@@ -3160,10 +3160,10 @@ es:
setting_work_package_done_ratio: "Modo de cálculo del progreso"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_field: "Basado en el trabajo"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_field_caption_html: >-
- % Completo puede fijarse libremente en cualquier valor. Si introduce opcionalmente un valor para Trabajo, se derivará automáticamente Trabajo restante.
+ % completado puede fijarse libremente en cualquier valor. Si introduce opcionalmente un valor para Trabajo, se derivará automáticamente Trabajo restante.
setting_work_package_done_ratio_status: "Basado en el estado"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_status_caption_html: >-
- Cada estado tiene asociado un valor de % Completo. El cambio de estado modificará el % Completo.
+ Cada estado tiene asociado un valor de % completado. El cambio de estado modificará el % completado.
setting_work_package_done_ratio_explanation_html: >
En el modo basado en trabajo, el % completado puede fijarse libremente en cualquier valor. Si introduce opcionalmente un valor para Trabajo, se derivará automáticamente Trabajo restante. En el modo basado en estados, cada estado tiene asociado un valor de % completado. Si cambia de estado, cambiará el % completado.
setting_work_package_properties: "Propiedades de paquete de trabajo"
@@ -3184,10 +3184,10 @@ es:
setting_password_min_length: "Longitud mínima"
setting_password_min_adhered_rules: "Numero mínimo de clases requeridas"
setting_per_page_options: "Objetos por página de opciones"
- setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed: "% Completo cuando el estado es cerrado"
+ setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed: "% completado cuando el estado es cerrado"
setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_no_change: "Sin cambios"
setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_no_change_caption_html: >-
- El valor de % Completo no cambiará aunque se cierre un paquete de trabajo.
+ El valor de % completado no cambiará aunque se cierre un paquete de trabajo.
setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_set_100p: "Ajustado automáticamente al 100 %"
setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_set_100p_caption: >-
Un paquete de trabajo cerrado se considera completo.
@@ -3215,13 +3215,13 @@ es:
setting_sys_api_enabled: "Habilitar el servicio web de administración de repositorios"
setting_sys_api_description: "El servicio web de administración de repositorios proporciona integración y autorización de usuario para acceder a los repositorios."
setting_time_format: "Hora"
- setting_total_percent_complete_mode: "Cálculo de los totales de la jerarquía % Completo"
+ setting_total_percent_complete_mode: "Cálculo de los totales de la jerarquía % completado"
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average: "Ponderado por trabajo"
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average_caption_html: >-
- El Total % Completo se ponderará con respecto al Trabajo de cada paquete de trabajo de la jerarquía. Los paquetes de trabajo sin Trabajo serán ignorados.
+ El % total completado se ponderará con respecto al Trabajo de cada paquete de trabajo de la jerarquía. Los paquetes de trabajo sin Trabajo se ignorarán.
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average: "Media simple"
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average_caption_html: >-
- Trabajo se ignora y el % Total Completo será una media simple de los valores de % Completo de los paquetes de trabajo de la jerarquía.
+ Trabajo se ignora y el % total completado será una media simple de los valores de % completado de los paquetes de trabajo de la jerarquía.
setting_accessibility_mode_for_anonymous: "Activar el modo de accesibilidad para usuarios anónimos"
setting_user_format: "Formato de nombre de usuarios"
setting_user_default_timezone: "Zona horaria por defecto de los usuarios"
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
index a42693b253fa..e2477c5f5e6e 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ fr:
color_theme: "Thème de couleur"
color_theme_custom: "(Personnalisé)"
tab_interface: "Interface"
- tab_branding: "Branding"
- tab_pdf_export_styles: "PDF export styles"
+ tab_branding: "Image de marque"
+ tab_pdf_export_styles: "Styles d'exportation PDF"
primary-button-color: "Bouton principal"
accent-color: "Couleur d'accentuation"
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ fr:
contact: "Contactez-nous pour une démo"
enterprise_info_html: "est un module de la version Enterprise."
upgrade_info: "Veuillez passer à un plan payant pour l'activer et commencer à l'utiliser dans votre équipe."
- jemalloc_allocator: Jemalloc memory allocator
+ jemalloc_allocator: Allocateur de mémoire Jemalloc
text: "Les actions individuelles d'un utilisateur (par ex. mis à jour un lot de travaux deux fois) sont agrégés en une seule action si leur différence d'âge est inférieure à la période spécifiée. Elles seront affichées en une seule action dans l'application. Cela retardera également les notifications du même temps réduisant donc le nombre d'e-mails envoyés et affectera également le délai %{webhook_link}."
@@ -209,14 +209,14 @@ fr:
- heading: For all projects
- description: This custom field is enabled in all projects since the "For all projects" option is checked. It cannot be deactivated for individual projects.
+ heading: Pour tous les projets
+ description: Ce champ personnalisé est activé dans tous les projets, car l'option « Pour tous les projets » est cochée. Il ne peut pas être désactivé pour les projets individuels.
- title: "Your list of items is empty"
- description: "Start by adding items to the custom field of type hierarchy. Each item can be used to create a hierarchy bellow it. To navigate and create sub-items inside a hierarchy click on the created item."
+ title: "Votre liste d'articles est vide"
+ description: "Commencez par ajouter des éléments au champ personnalisé de type hiérarchie. Chaque élément peut être utilisé pour créer une hiérarchie en dessous de lui. Pour naviguer et créer des sous-éléments à l'intérieur d'une hiérarchie, cliquez sur l'élément créé."
- remember_items_and_projects: "Remember to set items and projects in the respective tabs for this custom field."
+ remember_items_and_projects: "N'oubliez pas de définir les éléments et les projets dans les onglets respectifs de ce champ personnalisé."
text_add_new_custom_field: >
Pour ajouter de nouveaux champs personnalisés à un projet, vous devez d’abord les créer avant de pouvoir les ajouter à ce projet.
is_enabled_globally: "Est activé globalement"
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ fr:
could_not_be_saved: "Les lots de travaux suivants n'ont pas pu être sauvegardés :"
none_could_be_saved: "Aucun des %{total} lots de travaux n'a pu être mis à jour."
x_out_of_y_could_be_saved: "%{failing} lots de travaux sur les %{total} n'ont pas pu être mis à jour alors que %{success} l'ont été."
- selected_because_descendants: "While %{selected} work packages were selected, in total %{total} work packages are affected which includes descendants."
+ selected_because_descendants: "Bien que %{selected} lots de travaux aient été sélectionnés, un total de %{total} lots de travaux sont concernés, y compris les descendants."
descendant: "descendant de la sélection"
no_common_statuses_exists: "Il n’y a pas de statut disponible pour tous les lots de travaux sélectionnés. Ce statut ne peut pas être changé."
@@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ fr:
editable: "Modifiable"
field_format: "Format"
is_filter: "Utilisé comme filtre"
- is_for_all: "For all projects"
+ is_for_all: "Pour tous les projets"
is_required: "Obligatoire"
max_length: "Longueur maximale"
min_length: "Longueur minimale"
@@ -646,8 +646,8 @@ fr:
uid: "Id du client"
secret: "Clé secrète du client"
owner: "Propriétaire"
- builtin: "Builtin"
- enabled: "Active"
+ builtin: "Intégré"
+ enabled: "Actif"
redirect_uri: "URI de redirection"
client_credentials_user_id: "ID d'utilisateur d'informations d'identification client"
scopes: "Portées"
@@ -819,7 +819,7 @@ fr:
blank: "ne peut pas être vide."
blank_nested: "doit avoir la propriété « %{property} » définie."
cannot_delete_mapping: "est requis. Ne peut être supprimé."
- is_for_all_cannot_modify: "is for all. Cannot be modified."
+ is_for_all_cannot_modify: "est applicable à tous les projets. Ne peut pas être modifié."
cant_link_a_work_package_with_a_descendant: "Un lot de travaux ne peut pas être lié à l'une de ses sous-tâches."
circular_dependency: "Cette relation créerait une dépendance circulaire."
confirmation: "ne correspond pas à %{attribute}."
@@ -896,7 +896,7 @@ fr:
- blank: "Please select a project."
+ blank: "Veuillez sélectionner un projet."
only_one_allowed: "(%{name}) seule valeur est autorisée."
empty: "La zone (%{name}) ne peut pas être vide."
@@ -928,7 +928,7 @@ fr:
blank: "est obligatoire. Veuillez sélectionner un nom."
not_unique: "est déjà utilisé. Veuillez choisir un autre nom."
- error_conflict: "Unable to save because the meeting was updated by someone else in the meantime. Please reload the page."
+ error_conflict: "Impossible d'enregistrer, car la réunion a été mise à jour par quelqu'un d'autre entre-temps. Veuillez recharger la page."
at_least_one_channel: "Au moins un canal pour envoyer des notifications doit être spécifié."
@@ -1368,7 +1368,7 @@ fr:
button_expand_all: "Tout déplier"
button_favorite: "Ajouter aux favoris"
button_filter: "Filtrer"
- button_finish_setup: "Finish setup"
+ button_finish_setup: "Terminer la configuration"
button_generate: "Générer"
button_list: "Liste"
button_lock: "Verrouiller"
@@ -1421,8 +1421,8 @@ fr:
failure_message: Échec de l'accord, impossible de continuer.
title: Accord de l'utilisateur
decline_warning_message: Vous avez refusé l'accord et avez été déconnecté.
- user_has_consented: The user gave their consent to your [configured consent information text](consent_settings).
- not_yet_consented: The user has not yet given their consent to your [configured consent information text](consent_settings). They will be reminded the next time they log in.
+ user_has_consented: L'utilisateur a donné son consentement à votre [texte d'information sur le consentement configuré](consent_settings).
+ not_yet_consented: L'utilisateur n'a pas encore donné son consentement à votre [texte d'information sur le consentement configuré](consent_settings). Un rappel lui sera envoyé lors de sa prochaine connexion.
contact_mail_instructions: Définissez l'adresse mail à laquelle les utilisateurs peuvent joindre un contrôleur de données pour effectuer des modifications de données ou des demandes de suppression.
contact_your_administrator: Veuillez contacter votre administrateur si vous souhaitez que votre compte soit supprimé.
contact_this_mail_address: Veuillez contacter %{mail_address} si vous voulez que votre compte soit supprimé.
@@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@ fr:
error_menu_item_not_saved: L'élément de menu n'a pas pu être sauvegardé
error_wiki_root_menu_item_conflict: >
Impossible de renommer "%{old_name}" en "%{new_name}" en raison d’un conflit dans l’élément de menu résultant avec l’élément de menu existant "%{existing_caption}" (%{existing_identifier}).
- error_external_authentication_failed_message: "An error occurred during external authentication: %{message}"
+ error_external_authentication_failed_message: "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'authentification externe : %{message}"
error_attribute_not_highlightable: "Attribut(s) ne pouvant pas être mis en surbrillance: %{attributes}"
changeset: "Lot de modification édité"
@@ -1810,8 +1810,8 @@ fr:
progress_mode_changed_to_status_based: "Mise à jour du calcul de la progression"
status_changed: "Statut « %{status_name} »"
system_update: "Mise à jour du système OpenProject :"
- total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: "Calculation of % Complete totals now weighted by Work."
- total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: "Calculation of % Complete totals now based on a simple average of only % Complete values."
+ total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: "Le calcul des totaux de % d'achèvement est désormais pondéré par le travail."
+ total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: "Le calcul des totaux de % d'achèvement est désormais basé sur une simple moyenne des seules valeurs de % d'achèvement."
work_package_predecessor_changed_times: par changement vers le prédécesseur %{link}
work_package_parent_changed_times: par changement vers le parent %{link}
@@ -1829,7 +1829,7 @@ fr:
progress_mode_changed_to_status_based: Le calcul de la progression est désormais basé sur le statut
status_excluded_from_totals_set_to_false_message: désormais inclus dans les totaux de la hiérarchie
status_excluded_from_totals_set_to_true_message: désormais exclus des totaux de la hiérarchie
- status_percent_complete_changed: "% Complete changed from %{old_value}% to %{new_value}%"
+ status_percent_complete_changed: "Le % d'achèvement a changé de %{old_value} % à %{new_value} %"
file_links_journal: >
À partir de maintenant, l'activité liée aux liens de fichiers (fichiers stockés sur des supports externes) apparaîtra ici dans l'onglet Activité. Les activités suivantes concernent des liens déjà existants :
@@ -1840,9 +1840,9 @@ fr:
totals_removed_from_childless_work_packages: >-
Les totaux de travail et de progression sont automatiquement supprimés pour les lots de travaux non parents avec la mise à jour de la version. Il s'agit d'une tâche de maintenance qui peut être ignorée.
total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: >-
- Child work packages without Work are ignored.
+ Les lots de travaux enfants sans travail sont ignorés.
total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: >-
- Work values of child work packages are ignored.
+ Les valeurs de travail des lots de travaux enfants sont ignorées.
configuration_guide: "Guide de configuration"
get_in_touch: "Vous avez des questions ? Contactez-nous."
@@ -1942,8 +1942,8 @@ fr:
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_assignee: "Transitions supplémentaires autorisées lorsque l'utilisateur est l'assigné"
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: "Transitions supplémentaires autorisées lorsque l'utilisateur est l'auteur"
label_administration: "Administration"
- label_interface_colors: "Interface colors"
- label_interface_colors_description: "These colors control how the application looks. If you modify them the theme will automatically be changed to Custom theme, but we can’t assure the compliance of the accessibility contrast minimums (WCAG 2.1). "
+ label_interface_colors: "Couleurs de l'interface"
+ label_interface_colors_description: "Ces couleurs contrôlent l'apparence de l'application. Si vous les modifiez, le thème sera automatiquement remplacé par le thème personnalisé, mais nous ne pouvons pas garantir la conformité aux normes minimales d'accessibilité (WCAG 2.1). "
label_age: "Âge"
label_ago: "il y a"
label_all: "tous"
@@ -1976,7 +1976,7 @@ fr:
label_attribute_expand_text: "Le texte complet pour « %{attribute} »."
label_authentication: "Authentification"
label_authentication_settings: "Paramètres d'authentification"
- label_available_custom_fields_projects: "Available custom fields projects"
+ label_available_custom_fields_projects: "Projets de champs personnalisés disponibles"
label_available_global_roles: "Rôles globaux disponibles"
label_available_project_attributes: "Attributs de projet disponibles"
label_available_project_forums: "Forums disponibles"
@@ -2006,7 +2006,7 @@ fr:
label_calendars_and_dates: "Calendriers et dates"
label_calendar_show: "Afficher le calendrier"
label_category: "Catégorie"
- label_completed: Completed
+ label_completed: Terminé
label_consent_settings: "Accord de l'utilisateur"
label_wiki_menu_item: Élément de menu wiki
label_select_main_menu_item: Sélectionner nouvel élément de menu principal
@@ -2050,7 +2050,7 @@ fr:
label_copy_project: "Copier projet"
label_core_version: "Version du cœur"
label_core_build: "Construction de base"
- label_created_by: "Created by %{user}"
+ label_created_by: "Créé par %{user}"
label_current_status: "Statut actuel"
label_current_version: "Version actuelle"
label_custom_field_add_no_type: "Ajouter ce champ à un type de lot de travaux"
@@ -2058,7 +2058,7 @@ fr:
label_custom_field_plural: "Champs personnalisés"
label_custom_field_default_type: "Type défaut"
label_custom_style: "Apparence"
- label_custom_style_description: "Choose how OpenProject looks to you with themes, select your default colors to use in the app and how exports look like."
+ label_custom_style_description: "Choisissez l'apparence d'OpenProject avec des thèmes, sélectionnez les couleurs par défaut à utiliser dans l'application et l'apparence des exportations."
label_dashboard: "Tableau de bord"
label_database_version: "Version de PostgreSQL"
label_date: "Date"
@@ -2155,7 +2155,7 @@ fr:
label_here: ici
label_hide: "Masquer"
label_history: "Historique"
- label_hierarchy: "Hierarchy"
+ label_hierarchy: "Hiérarchie"
label_hierarchy_leaf: "Feuille de hiérarchie"
label_home: "Accueil"
label_subject_or_id: "Objet ou ID"
@@ -2167,7 +2167,7 @@ fr:
label_inactive: "Désactivé"
label_incoming_emails: "Courriels entrants"
label_includes: "comporte"
- label_incomplete: Incomplete
+ label_incomplete: Incomplet
label_include_sub_projects: Inclure les sous-projets
label_index_by_date: "Index par date"
label_index_by_title: "Index par titre"
@@ -2178,14 +2178,14 @@ fr:
label_internal: "Interne"
label_introduction_video: "Vidéo de présentation"
label_invite_user: "Inviter utilisateur"
- label_item: "Item"
- label_item_plural: "Items"
+ label_item: "Élément"
+ label_item_plural: "Éléments"
label_share: "Partager"
label_share_project_list: "Partager la liste des projets"
label_share_work_package: "Partager le lot de travaux"
label_show_all_registered_users: "Afficher tous les utilisateurs enregistrés"
- label_show_less: "Show less"
- label_show_more: "Show more"
+ label_show_less: "Afficher moins"
+ label_show_more: "Afficher plus"
label_journal: "Journal"
label_journal_diff: "Comparaison de description"
label_language: "Langue"
@@ -2256,7 +2256,7 @@ fr:
label_more: "Plus"
label_more_than_ago: "il y a plus de quelques jours"
label_move_work_package: "Déplacer le Lot de Travaux"
- label_my_account: "Account settings"
+ label_my_account: "Paramètres du compte"
label_my_activity: "Mon activité"
label_my_account_data: "Info sur mon compte"
label_my_avatar: "Mon avatar"
@@ -2283,7 +2283,7 @@ fr:
label_no_parent_page: "Aucune page parente"
label_nothing_display: "Rien à afficher"
label_nobody: "personne"
- label_not_configured: "Not configured"
+ label_not_configured: "Non configuré"
label_not_found: "non trouvé"
label_none: "aucune"
label_none_parentheses: "(none)"
@@ -2336,7 +2336,7 @@ fr:
label_product_version: "Version du produit"
label_profile: "Profil"
label_percent_complete: "% réalisé"
- label_progress_tracking: "Progress tracking"
+ label_progress_tracking: "Suivi des progrès"
label_project: "Projet"
label_project_activity: "Activité du projet"
label_project_attribute_plural: "Attributs du projet"
@@ -3160,13 +3160,13 @@ fr:
setting_hours_per_day_explanation: >-
Cela définit ce qui est considéré comme un « jour » lors de l'affichage de la durée en jours et en heures (par exemple, si un jour dure 8 heures, 32 heures représentent 4 jours).
setting_invitation_expiration_days: "L'émail d’activation expire après"
- setting_work_package_done_ratio: "Progress calculation mode"
+ setting_work_package_done_ratio: "Mode de calcul de l'avancement"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_field: "Basé sur le travail"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_field_caption_html: >-
- % Complete can be freely set to any value. If you optionally enter a value for Work, Remaining work will automatically be derived.
+ Le % d'achèvement peut être fixé librement sur n'importe quelle valeur. Si vous saisissez une valeur facultative pour le travail, le travail restant sera automatiquement dérivé.
setting_work_package_done_ratio_status: "Basé sur le statut"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_status_caption_html: >-
- Each status has a % Complete value associated with it. Changing status will change % Complete.
+ Chaque statut est associé à une valeur de % d'achèvement. Le changement de statut modifie le % d'achèvement.
setting_work_package_done_ratio_explanation_html: >
En mode Basé sur le travail, le % d'achèvement peut être librement défini sur n'importe quelle valeur. Si vous saisissez une valeur pour le travail, le travail restant sera automatiquement dérivé. En mode Basé sur le statut, chaque état a une valeur de % d'achèvement associée. Le changement de statut changera la valeur de % d'achèvement.
setting_work_package_properties: "Propriétés du Lot de Travaux"
@@ -3187,13 +3187,13 @@ fr:
setting_password_min_length: "Longueur minimale"
setting_password_min_adhered_rules: "Nombre minimale des classe de caractère requise"
setting_per_page_options: "Options des objets par page"
- setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed: "% Complete when status is closed"
- setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_no_change: "No change"
+ setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed: "% d'achèvement lorsque le statut est fermé"
+ setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_no_change: "Aucun changement"
setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_no_change_caption_html: >-
- The value of % Complete will not change even when a work package is closed.
- setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_set_100p: "Automatically set to 100%"
+ La valeur du % d'achèvement ne changera pas même si un lot de travaux est clôturé.
+ setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_set_100p: "Réglé automatiquement à 100 %"
setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_set_100p_caption: >-
- A closed work package is considered complete.
+ Un lot de travaux clôturé est considéré comme terminé.
setting_plain_text_mail: "Courriel au format texte (pas de HTML)"
setting_protocol: "Protocole"
setting_project_gantt_query: "Vue Gantt du portefeuille du projet"
@@ -3218,13 +3218,13 @@ fr:
setting_sys_api_enabled: "Activer le service web de gestion de dépôt"
setting_sys_api_description: "Le service web de gestion de dépôt fournit l'intégration et l'autorisation d'accès aux dépôts."
setting_time_format: "Heure"
- setting_total_percent_complete_mode: "Calculation of % Complete hierarchy totals"
- setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average: "Weighted by work"
+ setting_total_percent_complete_mode: "Calcul des totaux de la hiérarchie en % d'achèvement"
+ setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average: "Pondéré par le travail"
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average_caption_html: >-
- The total % Complete will be weighted against the Work of each work package in the hierarchy. Work packages without Work will be ignored.
- setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average: "Simple average"
+ Le % d'achèvement total sera pondéré en fonction du travail de chaque lot de travaux repris dans la hiérarchie. Les lots de travaux sans travail seront ignorés.
+ setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average: "Moyenne simple"
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average_caption_html: >-
- Work is ignored and the total % Complete will be a simple average of % Complete values of work packages in the hierarchy.
+ Le travail est ignoré et le % d'achèvement total sera une simple moyenne des valeurs de % d'achèvement des lots de travaux repris dans la hiérarchie.
setting_accessibility_mode_for_anonymous: "Activer le mode d'accessibilité pour les utilisateurs anonymes"
setting_user_format: "Format du nom d'utilisateur"
setting_user_default_timezone: "Fuseau horaire par défaut des utilisateurs"
@@ -3773,16 +3773,16 @@ fr:
close_warning: "Ignorer cet avertissement."
- builtin: Built-in instance application
- confidential: Confidential
+ builtin: Application d'instance intégrée
+ confidential: Confidentiel
singular: "Application OAuth"
plural: "Applications OAuth"
named: "Application OAuth '%{name}'"
new: "Nouvelle application Oauth"
- non_confidential: Non confidential
+ non_confidential: Non confidentiel
default_scopes: "(Portée par défaut)"
- enabled: "Enable this application, allowing users to perform authorization grants with it."
+ enabled: "Activez cette application et permettez aux utilisateurs de l'utiliser pour attribuer des autorisations."
name: "Le nom de votre application. Ceci sera affiché aux autres utilisateurs sur autorisation."
redirect_uri_html: >
Les URL autorisées où peuvent être redirigés les utilisateurs. Une entrée par ligne.
Si vous enregistrez une application de bureau, utilisez l'URL suivante.
@@ -3792,9 +3792,9 @@ fr:
register_intro: "Si vous développez une application client OAuth API pour OpenProject, vous pouvez l'enregistrer en utilisant ce formulaire pour qu’elle soit utilisée par tous les utilisateurs."
default_scopes: ""
- builtin_applications: Built-in OAuth applications
- other_applications: Other OAuth applications
- empty_application_lists: No OAuth applications have been registered.
+ builtin_applications: Applications OAuth intégrées
+ other_applications: Autres applications OAuth
+ empty_application_lists: Aucune application OAuth n'a été enregistrée.
client_id: "Id du client"
client_secret_notice: >
Il s’agit de la seule fois où nous pouvons imprimer le secret du client, veuillez en prendre note et le garder dans un lieu sûr. Il doit être traité comme un mot de passe et ne peut pas être récupéré par OpenProject ultérieurement.
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/js-es.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/js-es.yml
index 4a177b9fb9a5..6e301f7be396 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/js-es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/js-es.yml
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ es:
new_features_html: >
- La versión trae varias características y mejoras para usted, por ejemplo
- Benefíciese de informes de progreso más flexibles - gracias a los comentarios de los usuarios.
- Reciba una notificación de actualización con opción de recarga para las reuniones.
- Habilite un campo personalizado para varios proyectos a la vez.
- Utilice macros de atributos relativos del paquete de trabajo.
- Muestre las líneas vacías en el texto enriquecido guardado.
- Vea las reuniones anteriores incluidas en el número junto a la pestaña Reuniones.
+ La versión trae varias características y mejoras para usted, por ejemplo
- Benefíciese de informes de progreso más flexibles, gracias a los comentarios de los usuarios.
- Reciba una notificación de actualización con opción de recarga para las reuniones.
- Habilite un campo personalizado para varios proyectos a la vez.
- Utilice macros de atributos relativos del paquete de trabajo.
- Muestre las líneas vacías en el texto enriquecido guardado.
- Vea las reuniones anteriores incluidas en el número junto a la pestaña Reuniones.
title: "Suscribirse al calendario"
inital_setup_error_message: "Se ha producido un error al obtener los datos."
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/js-fr.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/js-fr.yml
index 9366df2f8818..4713b1edf71c 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/js-fr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/js-fr.yml
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ fr:
new_features_html: >
- The release brings various features and improvements for you, e.g.
- Benefit from more flexible progress reporting – thanks to user feedback.
- Receive an update notification with reload option for meetings.
- Enable a custom field for multiple projects at once.
- Use relative work package attribute macros.
- Show empty lines in saved rich text.
- See past meetings included in the number next to the Meetings tab.
+ Cette version apporte diverses fonctionnalités et améliorations, p. ex.,
- Bénéficiez de rapports de progression plus flexibles grâce aux commentaires des utilisateurs.
- Recevez une notification de mise à jour avec option de rechargement pour les réunions.
- Activez un champ personnalisé pour plusieurs projets à la fois.
- Utilisez des macros d'attributs relatifs pour les lots de travaux.
- Affichez les lignes vides dans le texte enrichi enregistré.
- Affichez les réunions passées incluses dans le nombre situé à côté de l'onglet Réunions.
title: "S'abonner au calendrier"
inital_setup_error_message: "Une erreur est survenue lors de la récupération des données."
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ fr:
assigned: "Personne assignée"
#The enum value is named 'responsible' in the database and that is what is transported through the API
#up to the frontend.
- responsible: "Accountable"
+ responsible: "Responsable"
created: "Créé"
scheduled: "Planifié"
commented: "Commenté"
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/js-ko.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/js-ko.yml
index 0d9429c2d545..5e4654ea1c14 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/js-ko.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/js-ko.yml
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ ko:
new_features_html: >
- The release brings various features and improvements for you, e.g.
- Benefit from more flexible progress reporting – thanks to user feedback.
- Receive an update notification with reload option for meetings.
- Enable a custom field for multiple projects at once.
- Use relative work package attribute macros.
- Show empty lines in saved rich text.
- See past meetings included in the number next to the Meetings tab.
+ 이 릴리스는 다음을 비롯한 다양한 기능과 개선 사항을 제공합니다.
- 사용자 피드백이 반영되여, 더욱 유연한 진행률 보고의 이점을 누립니다.
- 미팅에 대한 다시 로드 옵션이 포함된 업데이트 알림을 받습니다.
- 한 번에 여러 프로젝트에 대한 사용자 지정 필드를 활성화합니다.
- 상대적 작업 패키지 특성 매크로를 사용합니다.
- 저장된 서식 있는 텍스트로 빈 줄을 표시합니다.
- 미팅 탭 옆의 숫자에 포함된 이전 미팅을 확인합니다.
title: "캘린더 구독"
inital_setup_error_message: "데이터를 가져오는 중에 오류가 발생했습니다."
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ ko:
assigned: "담당자"
#The enum value is named 'responsible' in the database and that is what is transported through the API
#up to the frontend.
- responsible: "Accountable"
+ responsible: "담당"
created: "생성됨"
scheduled: "예약됨"
commented: "코멘트 작성됨"
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/js-pl.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/js-pl.yml
index ed54ebc4445f..5ce93da5a2fa 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/js-pl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/js-pl.yml
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ pl:
new_features_html: >
- Ta wersja zawiera różne funkcje i ulepszenia m.in.
- Korzystaj z bardziej elastycznej sprawozdawczości o postępach – dzięki opiniom użytkowników.
- Otrzymuj powiadomienia o aktualizacjach z opcją przeładowania spotkań.
- Włączaj pole niestandardowe dla wielu projektów jednocześnie.
- Używaj makr dla względnego atrybutu pakietu roboczego.
- Wyświetlaj puste linie w zapisanym formatowanym tekście.
- Oglądaj wcześniejsze spotkania znajdujące się w karcie Spotkania.
+ Ta wersja wprowadza różne funkcje i ulepszenia m.in.
- Korzystaj z bardziej elastycznej sprawozdawczości o postępach – dzięki opiniom użytkowników.
- Otrzymuj powiadomienia o aktualizacjach z opcją przeładowania spotkań.
- Włączaj pole niestandardowe dla wielu projektów jednocześnie.
- Używaj makr dla względnego atrybutu pakietu roboczego.
- Wyświetlaj puste linie w zapisanym formatowanym tekście.
- Oglądaj wcześniejsze spotkania znajdujące się na karcie Spotkania.
title: "Subskrybuj kalendarz"
inital_setup_error_message: "Podczas pobierania danych wystąpił błąd."
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/js-pt-PT.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/js-pt-PT.yml
index 9aaa555b4c7f..1ff770497a55 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/js-pt-PT.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/js-pt-PT.yml
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ pt-PT:
new_features_html: >
- The release brings various features and improvements for you, e.g.
- Benefit from more flexible progress reporting – thanks to user feedback.
- Receive an update notification with reload option for meetings.
- Enable a custom field for multiple projects at once.
- Use relative work package attribute macros.
- Show empty lines in saved rich text.
- See past meetings included in the number next to the Meetings tab.
+ A versão traz várias funcionalidades e melhorias para si, por exemplo,
- Beneficie de relatórios de progresso mais flexíveis – graças ao feedback dos utilizadores.
- Receba uma notificação de atualização com opção de recarregamento para as reuniões.
- Ative um campo personalizado para vários projetos de uma só vez.
- Utilize macros de atributos de pacotes de trabalho relativos.
- Mostre linhas vazias em rich text guardado.
- Veja as reuniões anteriores incluídas no número junto ao separador Reuniões.
title: "Subscrever o calendário"
inital_setup_error_message: "Ocorreu um erro ao recuperar os dados."
@@ -612,7 +612,7 @@ pt-PT:
assigned: "Pessoa atribuída"
#The enum value is named 'responsible' in the database and that is what is transported through the API
#up to the frontend.
- responsible: "Accountable"
+ responsible: "Responsável"
created: "Criado"
scheduled: "Agendado"
commented: "Comentado"
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/js-uk.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/js-uk.yml
index 64d10ef45058..2c1a5d69869f 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/js-uk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/js-uk.yml
@@ -359,7 +359,7 @@ uk:
new_features_html: >
- The release brings various features and improvements for you, e.g.
- Benefit from more flexible progress reporting – thanks to user feedback.
- Receive an update notification with reload option for meetings.
- Enable a custom field for multiple projects at once.
- Use relative work package attribute macros.
- Show empty lines in saved rich text.
- See past meetings included in the number next to the Meetings tab.
+ Цей випуск включає багато нових функцій і покращень.
- Використовуйте гнучкіші звіти про прогрес завдяки відгукам користувачів.
- Отримуйте сповіщення про оновлення з можливістю перезавантаження для нарад.
- Увімкніть користувацьке поле для кількох проектів одночасно.
- Використовуйте макроси атрибутів пов’язаних пакетів робіт.
- Відображайте порожні рядки в збереженому форматованому тексті.
- Переглядайте завершені наради, натиснувши число біля вкладки «Наради».
title: "Підписатися на календар"
inital_setup_error_message: "Під час отримання даних сталася помилка."
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/js-zh-CN.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/js-zh-CN.yml
index 67fb1a5cf7be..8d0ec26b0257 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/js-zh-CN.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/js-zh-CN.yml
@@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ zh-CN:
new_features_html: >
- 此版本为您带来了各种功能和改进,例如:
- 凭借用户反馈从更灵活的进度报告中受益。
- 接收带有会议重新加载选项的更新通知。
- 同时为多个项目启用自定义字段。
- 使用相对工作包属性宏。
- 在已保存的富文本中显示空行。
- 查看“会议”选项卡旁边的数字中包含的过往会议。
+ 此版本为您带来了各种功能和改进,例如:
- 得益于用户反馈,从更灵活的进度报告中受益。
- 接收带有会议重新加载选项的更新通知。
- 同时为多个项目启用自定义字段。
- 使用相对工作包属性宏。
- 在已保存的富文本中显示空行。
- 查看“会议”选项卡旁边的数字中包含的过往会议。
title: "订阅日历"
inital_setup_error_message: "获取数据时发生错误。"
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
index 45bcd173befe..dfa55c305f97 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
@@ -31,9 +31,9 @@ ko:
color_theme: "컬러 테마"
color_theme_custom: "(사용자 지정)"
- tab_interface: "Interface"
- tab_branding: "Branding"
- tab_pdf_export_styles: "PDF export styles"
+ tab_interface: "인터페이스"
+ tab_branding: "브랜딩"
+ tab_pdf_export_styles: "PDF 내보내기 스타일"
primary-button-color: "기본 버튼"
accent-color: "강조 색"
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ ko:
contact: "당사에 데모 요청하기"
enterprise_info_html: "- Enterprise 추가 기능입니다."
upgrade_info: "활성화하고 팀에서 사용하려면 유료 플랜으로 업그레이드하세요."
- jemalloc_allocator: Jemalloc memory allocator
+ jemalloc_allocator: Jemalloc 메모리 할당기
text: "사용자의 개별 작업(예: 작업 패키지를 두 번 업데이트)은 연령 차이가 지정된 기간 미만인 경우 단일 작업으로 집계됩니다. 애플리케이션 내에서 단일 작업으로 표시됩니다. 또한 이는 전송되는 이메일 수를 줄이는 동일한 시간만큼 알림을 지연시키고 %{webhook_link} 지연에도 영향을 미칩니다."
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ ko:
ldap_error: "LDAP 오류: %{error_message}"
ldap_auth_failed: "LDAP 서버에서 인증할 수 없습니다."
- sync_failed: "LDAP에서 동기화하지 못함: %{message}."
+ sync_failed: "LDAP에서 동기화하지 못했습니다: %{message}."
back_to_index: "연결 목록으로 돌아가려면 여기를 클릭하세요."
technical_warning_html: |
이 LDAP 양식을 사용하려면 LDAP / Active Directory 설정에 대한 기술 지식이 필요합니다.
@@ -209,14 +209,14 @@ ko:
- heading: For all projects
- description: This custom field is enabled in all projects since the "For all projects" option is checked. It cannot be deactivated for individual projects.
+ heading: 모든 프로젝트용
+ description: '"모든 프로젝트용" 옵션이 선택되었으므로 모든 프로젝트에서 이 사용자 지정 필드가 활성화되었습니다. 개별 프로젝트에 대해 비활성화할 수 없습니다.'
- title: "Your list of items is empty"
- description: "Start by adding items to the custom field of type hierarchy. Each item can be used to create a hierarchy bellow it. To navigate and create sub-items inside a hierarchy click on the created item."
+ title: "항목 목록이 비어 있습니다"
+ description: "먼저 유형 계층의 사용자 지정 필드에 항목을 추가하여 시작하세요. 각 항목을 사용하여 그 아래에 계층을 만들 수 있습니다. 계층 내에서 하위 항목을 탐색하고 만들려면 생성된 항목을 클릭하세요."
- remember_items_and_projects: "Remember to set items and projects in the respective tabs for this custom field."
+ remember_items_and_projects: "이 사용자 지정 필드의 각 탭에서 항목과 프로젝트를 설정해야 합니다."
text_add_new_custom_field: >
프로젝트에 새 사용자 지정 필드를 추가하려면 먼저 해당 필드를 만들어야 합니다. 그래야 이 프로젝트에 해당 필드를 추가할 수 있습니다.
is_enabled_globally: "는 세계적으로 사용 가능합니다."
@@ -534,7 +534,7 @@ ko:
could_not_be_saved: "다음 작업 패키지를 저장할 수 없습니다:"
none_could_be_saved: "%{total}개 작업 패키지 중 아무것도 업데이트할 수 없습니다."
x_out_of_y_could_be_saved: "%{failing}/%{total}개 작업 패키지를 업데이트할 수 없지만 %{success}개는 성공했습니다."
- selected_because_descendants: "While %{selected} work packages were selected, in total %{total} work packages are affected which includes descendants."
+ selected_because_descendants: "%{selected}개 작업 패키지가 선택되었지만, 하위 작업 패키지를 포함하여 총 %{total}개 작업 패키지가 영향을 받았습니다."
descendant: "선택한 항목의 하위 작업 패키지"
no_common_statuses_exists: "선택한 모든 작업 패키지에 사용 가능한 상태가 없습니다. 해당 상태를 변경할 수 없습니다."
@@ -624,7 +624,7 @@ ko:
editable: "편집 가능"
field_format: "형식"
is_filter: "필터사용"
- is_for_all: "For all projects"
+ is_for_all: "모든 프로젝트용"
is_required: "필수"
max_length: "최대 길이"
min_length: "최소 길이"
@@ -639,8 +639,8 @@ ko:
uid: "고객 ID"
secret: "클라이언트 비밀번호"
owner: "소유자"
- builtin: "Builtin"
- enabled: "Active"
+ builtin: "기본 제공"
+ enabled: "활성"
redirect_uri: "리디렉션 URI"
client_credentials_user_id: "클라이언트 자격 증명 사용자 ID"
scopes: "범위"
@@ -812,7 +812,7 @@ ko:
blank: "내용을 입력해주세요"
blank_nested: "- '%{property}' 속성이 설정되어 있어야 합니다."
cannot_delete_mapping: "- 필수입니다. 삭제할 수 없습니다."
- is_for_all_cannot_modify: "is for all. Cannot be modified."
+ is_for_all_cannot_modify: "- 모든 프로젝트용입니다. 수정할 수 없습니다."
cant_link_a_work_package_with_a_descendant: "작업 패키지는 하위 작업패키지들 중 하나에 연결 될 수 없습니다."
circular_dependency: "이 연계는 순환 종속관계를 만듭니다."
confirmation: "%{attribute} 속성에 부합하지 않습니다."
@@ -889,7 +889,7 @@ ko:
- blank: "Please select a project."
+ blank: "프로젝트를 선택하세요."
only_one_allowed: "(%{name}) 하나의 값만 허용됩니다."
empty: "(%{name}) 값은 비워둘 수 없습니다."
@@ -921,7 +921,7 @@ ko:
blank: "- 필수입니다. 이름을 선택하세요."
not_unique: "- 사용 중입니다. 다른 이름을 선택하세요."
- error_conflict: "Unable to save because the meeting was updated by someone else in the meantime. Please reload the page."
+ error_conflict: "그 사이에 다른 사람이 미팅을 업데이트했기 때문에 저장할 수 없습니다. 페이지를 다시 로드하세요."
at_least_one_channel: "알림을 보낼 채널을 하나 이상 지정해야 합니다."
@@ -1351,7 +1351,7 @@ ko:
button_expand_all: "모두 확장"
button_favorite: "즐겨찾기에 추가"
button_filter: "필터"
- button_finish_setup: "Finish setup"
+ button_finish_setup: "설정 완료"
button_generate: "생성"
button_list: "목록"
button_lock: "잠금"
@@ -1404,8 +1404,8 @@ ko:
failure_message: 동의에 실패했습니다. 계속할 수 없습니다.
title: 사용자 동의
decline_warning_message: 동의를 거부하고 로그아웃했습니다.
- user_has_consented: The user gave their consent to your [configured consent information text](consent_settings).
- not_yet_consented: The user has not yet given their consent to your [configured consent information text](consent_settings). They will be reminded the next time they log in.
+ user_has_consented: 사용자가 [구성된 동의 정보 텍스트](consent_settings)에 동의했습니다.
+ not_yet_consented: 사용자가 [구성된 동의 정보 텍스트](consent_settings)에 아직 동의하지 않았습니다. 다음에 로그인할 때 알림이 표시됩니다.
contact_mail_instructions: 사용자가 데이터 변경 또는 제거 요청을 수행하기 위해 데이터 컨트롤러에게 연락할 수 있는 메일 주소를 정의합니다.
contact_your_administrator: 계정을 삭제하려는 경우 관리자에 문의하세요.
contact_this_mail_address: 계정을 삭제하려는 경우 %{mail_address}에 문의하세요.
@@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ ko:
error_menu_item_not_saved: 메뉴 항목을 저장할 수 없습니다.
error_wiki_root_menu_item_conflict: >
결과 메뉴 항목에서 기존 메뉴 항목 "%{existing_caption}" (%{existing_identifier})과(와)의 충돌로 인해 "%{old_name}"을(를) "%{new_name}"(으)로 이름을 바꿀 수 없습니다.
- error_external_authentication_failed_message: "An error occurred during external authentication: %{message}"
+ error_external_authentication_failed_message: "외부 인증 중에 오류가 발생했습니다: %{message}"
error_attribute_not_highlightable: "강조 표시되지 않는 특성: %{attributes}"
changeset: "변경 집합 편집됨"
@@ -1775,8 +1775,8 @@ ko:
progress_mode_changed_to_status_based: "진행률 계산 업데이트됨"
status_changed: "상태 '%{status_name}'"
system_update: "OpenProject 시스템 업데이트:"
- total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: "Calculation of % Complete totals now weighted by Work."
- total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: "Calculation of % Complete totals now based on a simple average of only % Complete values."
+ total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: "이제 완료 % 합계 계산에는 작업별로 가중치가 적용됩니다."
+ total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: "이제 완료 % 합계 계산은 완료 % 값의 단순 평균만을 기반으로 합니다."
work_package_predecessor_changed_times: 이전 %{link}에 대한 변경 사항 기준
work_package_parent_changed_times: 부모 %{link}에 대한 변경 사항 기준
@@ -1794,7 +1794,7 @@ ko:
progress_mode_changed_to_status_based: 진행률 계산 모드가 상태 기반으로 설정되었습니다
status_excluded_from_totals_set_to_false_message: 이제 계층 합계에 포함됨
status_excluded_from_totals_set_to_true_message: 이제 계층 합계에서 제외됨
- status_percent_complete_changed: "% Complete changed from %{old_value}% to %{new_value}%"
+ status_percent_complete_changed: "완료 %가 %{old_value}%에서 %{new_value}%로 변경되었습니다"
file_links_journal: >
지금부터 파일 링크(외부 저장소에 저장된 파일)와 관련된 활동이 활동 탭에 표시됩니다. 다음은 이미 존재하는 링크와 관련된 활동을 나타냅니다.
@@ -1805,9 +1805,9 @@ ko:
totals_removed_from_childless_work_packages: >-
버전 업데이트를 통해 부모가 아닌 작업 패키지의 작업 및 진행률 합계가 자동으로 제거됩니다. 유지 관리 작업이므로 무시해도 됩니다.
total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: >-
- Child work packages without Work are ignored.
+ 작업이 없는 자식 작업 패키지는 무시됩니다.
total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: >-
- Work values of child work packages are ignored.
+ 자식 작업 패키지의 작업 값은 무시됩니다.
configuration_guide: "구성 가이드"
get_in_touch: "질문이 있으신가요? 문의해 주세요."
@@ -1907,8 +1907,8 @@ ko:
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_assignee: "사용자가 담당자일 때 허용되는 추가 전환"
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: "사용자가 작성자일 때 허용되는 추가 전환"
label_administration: "관리"
- label_interface_colors: "Interface colors"
- label_interface_colors_description: "These colors control how the application looks. If you modify them the theme will automatically be changed to Custom theme, but we can’t assure the compliance of the accessibility contrast minimums (WCAG 2.1). "
+ label_interface_colors: "인터페이스 색상"
+ label_interface_colors_description: "이러한 색상은 애플리케이션의 모양을 제어합니다. 색상을 수정하면 테마가 자동으로 사용자 지정 테마로 변경되지만, 접근성 대비 최소값(WCAG 2.1)을 준수하는지 확인할 수 없습니다. "
label_age: "기간"
label_ago: "일 전"
label_all: "모두"
@@ -1941,7 +1941,7 @@ ko:
label_attribute_expand_text: "'%{attribute}'의 전체 텍스트"
label_authentication: "인증"
label_authentication_settings: "인증 설정"
- label_available_custom_fields_projects: "Available custom fields projects"
+ label_available_custom_fields_projects: "사용 가능한 사용자 지정 필드 프로젝트"
label_available_global_roles: "사용 가능한 글로벌 역할"
label_available_project_attributes: "사용 가능한 프로젝트 특성"
label_available_project_forums: "사용 가능한 포럼"
@@ -1971,7 +1971,7 @@ ko:
label_calendars_and_dates: "캘린더와 날짜"
label_calendar_show: "달력 표시"
label_category: "카테고리"
- label_completed: Completed
+ label_completed: 완료
label_consent_settings: "사용자 동의"
label_wiki_menu_item: 위키 메뉴 항목
label_select_main_menu_item: 새 기본 메뉴 항목 선택
@@ -2015,7 +2015,7 @@ ko:
label_copy_project: "프로젝트 복사"
label_core_version: "코어 버전"
label_core_build: "코어 빌드"
- label_created_by: "Created by %{user}"
+ label_created_by: "작성자: %{user}"
label_current_status: "현재 상태"
label_current_version: "현재 버전"
label_custom_field_add_no_type: "작업 패키지 유형에 이 필드 추가"
@@ -2023,7 +2023,7 @@ ko:
label_custom_field_plural: "사용자 정의 필드"
label_custom_field_default_type: "빈 유형"
label_custom_style: "디자인"
- label_custom_style_description: "Choose how OpenProject looks to you with themes, select your default colors to use in the app and how exports look like."
+ label_custom_style_description: "테마를 사용하여 OpenProject의 모양을 선택하고, 앱에서 사용할 기본 색상 및 내보내기의 모양을 선택하세요."
label_dashboard: "대시보드"
label_database_version: "PostgreSQL 버전"
label_date: "날짜"
@@ -2120,7 +2120,7 @@ ko:
label_here: 여기
label_hide: "숨기기"
label_history: "기록"
- label_hierarchy: "Hierarchy"
+ label_hierarchy: "계층"
label_hierarchy_leaf: "계층 구조 리프"
label_home: "홈"
label_subject_or_id: "제목 또는 ID"
@@ -2132,7 +2132,7 @@ ko:
label_inactive: "비활성화"
label_incoming_emails: "들어오는 이메일"
label_includes: "포함"
- label_incomplete: Incomplete
+ label_incomplete: 미완료
label_include_sub_projects: 하위 프로젝트 포함
label_index_by_date: "날짜별 색인"
label_index_by_title: "제목별 색인"
@@ -2143,14 +2143,14 @@ ko:
label_internal: "내부"
label_introduction_video: "소개 동영상"
label_invite_user: "사용자 초대"
- label_item: "Item"
- label_item_plural: "Items"
+ label_item: "항목"
+ label_item_plural: "항목"
label_share: "공유"
label_share_project_list: "프로젝트 목록 공유"
label_share_work_package: "작업 패키지 공유"
label_show_all_registered_users: "등록된 사용자 모두 표시"
- label_show_less: "Show less"
- label_show_more: "Show more"
+ label_show_less: "간단히 표시"
+ label_show_more: "자세히 표시"
label_journal: "기록일지"
label_journal_diff: "설명 비교"
label_language: "언어"
@@ -2221,7 +2221,7 @@ ko:
label_more: "기타"
label_more_than_ago: "일 이상 전"
label_move_work_package: "작업 패키지 이동"
- label_my_account: "Account settings"
+ label_my_account: "계정 설정"
label_my_activity: "내 활동"
label_my_account_data: "내 계정 데이터"
label_my_avatar: "내 아바타"
@@ -2248,7 +2248,7 @@ ko:
label_no_parent_page: "부모 페이지 없음"
label_nothing_display: "표시할 것이 없음"
label_nobody: "아무도 없음"
- label_not_configured: "Not configured"
+ label_not_configured: "구성되지 않음"
label_not_found: "찾을 수 없음"
label_none: "없음"
label_none_parentheses: "(없음)"
@@ -2301,7 +2301,7 @@ ko:
label_product_version: "제품 버전"
label_profile: "프로필"
label_percent_complete: "완료 %"
- label_progress_tracking: "Progress tracking"
+ label_progress_tracking: "진행률 추적"
label_project: "프로젝트"
label_project_activity: "프로젝트 활동"
label_project_attribute_plural: "프로젝트 특성"
@@ -3120,13 +3120,13 @@ ko:
setting_hours_per_day_explanation: >-
일 및 시간으로 기간을 표시할 때 "하루"로 간주되는 시간을 정의합니다(예: 하루가 8시간이면 32시간은 4일이 됩니다).
setting_invitation_expiration_days: "활성화 이메일 만료 기간:"
- setting_work_package_done_ratio: "Progress calculation mode"
+ setting_work_package_done_ratio: "진행률 계산 모드"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_field: "작업 기반"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_field_caption_html: >-
- % Complete can be freely set to any value. If you optionally enter a value for Work, Remaining work will automatically be derived.
+ 완료 %는 원하는 값으로 자유롭게 설정할 수 있습니다. 선택적으로 작업에 대한 값을 입력하면 남은 작업이 자동으로 나옵니다.
setting_work_package_done_ratio_status: "상태 기반"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_status_caption_html: >-
- Each status has a % Complete value associated with it. Changing status will change % Complete.
+ 각 상태에는 완료 % 값이 연관되어 있습니다. 상태를 변경하면 완료 %가 변경됩니다.
setting_work_package_done_ratio_explanation_html: >
작업 기반 모드에서 완료 %는 어떤 값으로든 자유롭게 설정할 수 있습니다. 선택적으로 작업에 대한 값을 입력하면 남은 작업이 자동으로 파생됩니다. 상태 기반 모드에서는 각 상태에 완료 % 값이 연결되어 있습니다. 상태를 변경하면 완료 %도 변경됩니다.
setting_work_package_properties: "작업 패키지 속성"
@@ -3147,13 +3147,13 @@ ko:
setting_password_min_length: "최소 길이"
setting_password_min_adhered_rules: "최소 필수 클래스 수"
setting_per_page_options: "페이지당 개체 옵션"
- setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed: "% Complete when status is closed"
- setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_no_change: "No change"
+ setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed: "상태가 닫힘인 경우 완료 %"
+ setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_no_change: "변경 없음"
setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_no_change_caption_html: >-
- The value of % Complete will not change even when a work package is closed.
- setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_set_100p: "Automatically set to 100%"
+ 완료 % 값은 작업 패키지가 닫혀도 변경되지 않습니다.
+ setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_set_100p: "100%로 자동 설정"
setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_set_100p_caption: >-
- A closed work package is considered complete.
+ 닫힌 작업 패키지는 완료로 간주됩니다.
setting_plain_text_mail: "일반 텍스트 메일(HTML 없음)"
setting_protocol: "프로토콜"
setting_project_gantt_query: "프로젝트 포트폴리오 Gantt 보기"
@@ -3178,13 +3178,13 @@ ko:
setting_sys_api_enabled: "리포지토리 관리 웹 서비스 사용"
setting_sys_api_description: "리포지토리 관리 웹 서비스는 리포지토리에 액세스하기 위한 통합 및 사용자 인증을 제공합니다."
setting_time_format: "시간"
- setting_total_percent_complete_mode: "Calculation of % Complete hierarchy totals"
- setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average: "Weighted by work"
+ setting_total_percent_complete_mode: "완료 % 계층 합계 계산"
+ setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average: "작업별 가중치 적용됨"
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average_caption_html: >-
- The total % Complete will be weighted against the Work of each work package in the hierarchy. Work packages without Work will be ignored.
- setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average: "Simple average"
+ 총 완료 %는 계층에 있는 각 작업 패키지의 작업에 따라 가중치가 적용됩니다. 작업이 없는 작업 패키지는 무시됩니다.
+ setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average: "단순 평균"
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average_caption_html: >-
- Work is ignored and the total % Complete will be a simple average of % Complete values of work packages in the hierarchy.
+ 작업은 무시되며 총 완료 %는 계층에 있는 작업 패키지의 완료 % 값에 대한 단순 평균이 됩니다.
setting_accessibility_mode_for_anonymous: "익명 사용자에 대해 접근성 모드 사용"
setting_user_format: "사용자 이름 형식"
setting_user_default_timezone: "사용자의 기본 표준 시간대"
@@ -3733,16 +3733,16 @@ ko:
close_warning: "이 경고를 무시하십시오."
- builtin: Built-in instance application
- confidential: Confidential
+ builtin: 기본 제공 인스턴스 애플리케이션
+ confidential: 기밀
singular: "OAuth 애플리케이션"
plural: "OAuth 애플리케이션"
named: "OAuth 애플리케이션 '%{name}'"
new: "새로운 OAuth 애플리케이션"
- non_confidential: Non confidential
+ non_confidential: 기밀 아님
default_scopes: "(기본 범위)"
- enabled: "Enable this application, allowing users to perform authorization grants with it."
+ enabled: "이 애플리케이션을 활성화하여 사용자가 이 애플리케이션으로 권한 부여를 수행할 수 있도록 합니다."
name: "애플리케이션 이름입니다. 권한 부여 시 다른 사용자에게 표시됩니다."
redirect_uri_html: >
허용된 URL 인증 사용자로 리디렉션될 수 있습니다. 라인별로 하나의 항목이 있습니다.
데스크톱 애플리케이션을 등록하려면 다음 URL을 사용하세요.
@@ -3752,9 +3752,9 @@ ko:
register_intro: "OpenProject용 OAuth API 클라이언트 애플리케이션을 개발할 경우 이 양식을 사용하여 모든 사용자가 사용할 수 있도록 등록할 수 있습니다."
default_scopes: ""
- builtin_applications: Built-in OAuth applications
- other_applications: Other OAuth applications
- empty_application_lists: No OAuth applications have been registered.
+ builtin_applications: 기본 제공 OAuth 애플리케이션
+ other_applications: 기타 OAuth 애플리케이션
+ empty_application_lists: 등록된 OAuth 애플리케이션이 없습니다.
client_id: "고객 ID"
client_secret_notice: >
클라이언트 비밀번호를 인쇄할 수 있는 유일한 순간입니다. 이 비밀번호를 기록하고 안전하게 보관하십시오. 이 비밀번호는 암호로 취급해야 하며 나중에 OpenProject로 검색할 수 없습니다.
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/pl.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/pl.yml
index 83a13b572ccc..ffc4b7dc73f3 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/pl.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/pl.yml
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ pl:
color_theme_custom: "(Niestandardowe)"
tab_interface: "Interfejs"
tab_branding: "Branding"
- tab_pdf_export_styles: "Styl eksportu PDF"
+ tab_pdf_export_styles: "Style eksportu PDF"
primary-button-color: "Przycisk główny"
accent-color: "Akcent"
@@ -940,7 +940,7 @@ pl:
blank: "jest obowiązkowy. Wybierz nazwę."
not_unique: "jest już w użyciu. Wybierz inną nazwę."
- error_conflict: "Nie można zapisać, ponieważ w tym czasie spotkanie zostało zaktualizowane przez kogoś innego. Odśwież stronę."
+ error_conflict: "Nie można zapisać, ponieważ w tym czasie spotkanie zostało zaktualizowane przez inną osobę. Odśwież stronę."
at_least_one_channel: "Należy określić co najmniej jeden kanał dla wysyłania powiadomień."
@@ -1454,7 +1454,7 @@ pl:
title: Zgoda użytkownika
decline_warning_message: Odrzuciłeś zgodę i wylogowano Cię.
user_has_consented: Użytkownik wyraził zgodę na Twój [skonfigurowany tekst informacji o zgodzie](consent_settings).
- not_yet_consented: Użytkownik nie wyraził jeszcze zgody na Twój [skonfigurowany tekst informacji o zgodzie](consent_settings). Przypomni mu się o tym, gdy zaloguje się następnym razem.
+ not_yet_consented: Użytkownik nie wyraził jeszcze zgody na Twój [skonfigurowany tekst informacji o zgodzie](consent_settings). Otrzyma przypomnienie podczas kolejnego logowania.
contact_mail_instructions: Zdefiniuj adres e-mail, na który użytkownicy mogą skontaktować się z administratorem danych w celu wykonania żądań zmiany lub usunięcia danych.
contact_your_administrator: Jeśli chcesz usunąć swoje konto, skontaktuj się z administratorem.
contact_this_mail_address: Jeśli chcesz usunąć swoje konto, skontaktuj się z %{mail_address}.
@@ -1878,7 +1878,7 @@ pl:
progress_mode_changed_to_status_based: "Zaktualizowano obliczenie postępu"
status_changed: "Status „%{status_name}”"
system_update: "Aktualizacja systemu OpenProjekt:"
- total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: "Obliczenie % Ukończenia jest teraz ważone Pracą."
+ total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: "Obliczanie % Ukończenia jest teraz ważone parametrem Praca."
total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: "Obliczanie % Ukończenia opiera się teraz na średniej arytmetycznej % Ukończenia."
work_package_predecessor_changed_times: przez zmiany poprzednika %{link}
@@ -1908,9 +1908,9 @@ pl:
totals_removed_from_childless_work_packages: >-
Sumy pracy i postępu są automatycznie usuwane dla pakietów pracy innych niż nadrzędne wraz z aktualizacją wersji. Jest to zadanie konserwacyjne i można je bezpiecznie zignorować.
total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: >-
- Podrzędne pakiety robocze bez Pracy są ignorowane.
+ Podrzędne pakiety robocze bez parametru Praca są ignorowane.
total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: >-
- Wartości Pracy podrzędnych pakietów roboczych są ignorowane.
+ Wartości parametru Praca podrzędnych pakietów roboczych są ignorowane.
configuration_guide: "Przewodnik po konfiguracji"
get_in_touch: "Masz pytania? Skontaktuj się z nami."
@@ -2011,7 +2011,7 @@ pl:
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: "Dodatkowe przejścia dozwolone, gdy użytkownik jest autorem"
label_administration: "Administracja"
label_interface_colors: "Kolory interfejsu"
- label_interface_colors_description: "Te kolory definiują wygląd aplikacji. Jeśli je zmodyfikujesz, motyw zostanie automatycznie zmieniony na niestandardowy motyw, ale nie możemy zapewnić zgodności z minimalnymi wymaganiami w kwestii kontrastu (WCAG 2)."
+ label_interface_colors_description: "Te kolory definiują wygląd aplikacji. Jeśli je zmodyfikujesz, motyw zostanie automatycznie zmieniony na niestandardowy, ale nie możemy zapewnić zgodności z minimalnymi wymaganiami w kwestii kontrastu (WCAG 2)."
label_age: "Wiek"
label_ago: "dni temu"
label_all: "wszystkie"
@@ -2118,7 +2118,7 @@ pl:
label_copy_project: "Kopiuj projekt"
label_core_version: "Wersja bazowa"
label_core_build: "Kompilacja bazowa"
- label_created_by: "Utworzone przez %{user}"
+ label_created_by: "Autor: %{user}"
label_current_status: "Aktualny stan"
label_current_version: "Aktualna wersja"
label_custom_field_add_no_type: "Dodaj to pole do typu zadania"
@@ -2235,7 +2235,7 @@ pl:
label_inactive: "Nieaktywny"
label_incoming_emails: "Przychodzące e-maile"
label_includes: "obejmuje"
- label_incomplete: Niekompletny
+ label_incomplete: Nie ukończono
label_include_sub_projects: Uwzględnij podprojekty
label_index_by_date: "Indeks wg daty"
label_index_by_title: "Indeks tytułów"
@@ -3293,7 +3293,7 @@ pl:
Całkowity % Ukończenia będzie ważony względem parametru Praca każdego pakietu roboczego w hierarchii. Zadania bez parametru Praca zostaną zignorowane.
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average: "Średnia arytmetyczna"
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average_caption_html: >-
- Praca jest ignorowana, a całkowita wartość % Ukończenia będzie średnią arytmetyczną z % Ukończenia wartości pakietów roboczych w hierarchii.
+ Parametr Praca jest ignorowany, a całkowita wartość % Ukończenia będzie średnią arytmetyczną % Ukończenia wartości pakietów roboczych w hierarchii.
setting_accessibility_mode_for_anonymous: "Włącz tryb dostępu dla użytkowników anonimowych"
setting_user_format: "Format nazw użytkowników"
setting_user_default_timezone: "Domyślna strefa czasowa użytkowników"
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
index a546c1b057f2..c109f2373b92 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
@@ -32,8 +32,8 @@ pt-PT:
color_theme: "Cores do tema"
color_theme_custom: "(Personalizado)"
tab_interface: "Interface"
- tab_branding: "Branding"
- tab_pdf_export_styles: "PDF export styles"
+ tab_branding: "Marca"
+ tab_pdf_export_styles: "Estilos de exportação PDF"
primary-button-color: "Botão principal"
accent-color: "Destaque"
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ pt-PT:
contact: "Contacte-nos para obter uma demonstração"
enterprise_info_html: "é um complemento de Enterprise ."
upgrade_info: "Faça o upgrade para um plano pago para ativar e começar a usar na sua equipa."
- jemalloc_allocator: Jemalloc memory allocator
+ jemalloc_allocator: Alocador de memória Jemalloc
text: "As ações individuais de um utilizador (por exemplo, atualizar um pacote de trabalho duas vezes) são agregadas numa única ação se a sua diferença de idade for menor que o intervalo de tempo especificado. Serão mostradas como uma única ação dentro da aplicação. Também vai atrasar as notificações pelo mesmo período de tempo, o que reduz o número de e-mails enviados, e afeta ainda o atraso de %{webhook_link}."
@@ -207,14 +207,14 @@ pt-PT:
- heading: For all projects
- description: This custom field is enabled in all projects since the "For all projects" option is checked. It cannot be deactivated for individual projects.
+ heading: Para todos os projetos
+ description: Este campo personalizado é ativado em todos os projetos, uma vez que a opção "Para todos os projetos" está assinalada. Não pode ser desativado para projetos individuais.
- title: "Your list of items is empty"
- description: "Start by adding items to the custom field of type hierarchy. Each item can be used to create a hierarchy bellow it. To navigate and create sub-items inside a hierarchy click on the created item."
+ title: "A sua lista de itens está vazia"
+ description: "Comece por adicionar itens ao campo personalizado do tipo hierarquia. Cada item pode ser utilizado para criar uma hierarquia abaixo dele. Para navegar e criar subitens dentro de uma hierarquia, clique no item criado."
- remember_items_and_projects: "Remember to set items and projects in the respective tabs for this custom field."
+ remember_items_and_projects: "Lembre-se de definir itens e projetos nos respetivos separadores para este campo personalizado."
text_add_new_custom_field: >
Para adicionar novos campos personalizados a um projeto, primeiro precisa de criá-los para depois adicioná-los a este projeto.
is_enabled_globally: "Ativado a nível global"
@@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ pt-PT:
could_not_be_saved: "Os seguintes pacotes de trabalho não puderam ser guardados:"
none_could_be_saved: "Não foi possível atualizar nenhum dos %{total} pacotes de trabalho."
x_out_of_y_could_be_saved: "%{failing} dos %{total} pacotes de trabalho não puderam ser atualizados, e %{success} puderam."
- selected_because_descendants: "While %{selected} work packages were selected, in total %{total} work packages are affected which includes descendants."
+ selected_because_descendants: "Enquanto %{selected} pacotes de trabalho foram selecionados, %{total} pacotes de trabalho foram afetados, o que inclui descendentes."
descendant: "descendente de selecionados"
no_common_statuses_exists: "Não há nenhum status disponível para todos os pacotes de trabalho selecionados. O seu status não pode ser alterado."
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ pt-PT:
editable: "Editável"
field_format: "Formato"
is_filter: "Usado como filtro"
- is_for_all: "For all projects"
+ is_for_all: "Para todos os projetos"
is_required: "Obrigatório"
max_length: "Tamanho máximo"
min_length: "Tamanho mínimo"
@@ -645,8 +645,8 @@ pt-PT:
uid: "ID de cliente"
secret: "Segredo do cliente"
owner: "Proprietário"
- builtin: "Builtin"
- enabled: "Active"
+ builtin: "Incorporado"
+ enabled: "Ativo"
redirect_uri: "Redirecionar URI"
client_credentials_user_id: "ID de utilizador de Credenciais do Cliente"
scopes: "Âmbitos"
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ pt-PT:
blank: "não pode ficar em branco."
blank_nested: "precisa de ter a propriedade '%{property}' configurada."
cannot_delete_mapping: "é necessário. Não pode ser eliminado."
- is_for_all_cannot_modify: "is for all. Cannot be modified."
+ is_for_all_cannot_modify: "é para todos. Não pode ser modificado."
cant_link_a_work_package_with_a_descendant: "Um pacote de trabalho não pode ser ligado a uma das suas sub-tarefas."
circular_dependency: "Esta relação vai criar uma dependência circular."
confirmation: "não coincide %{attribute}."
@@ -895,7 +895,7 @@ pt-PT:
- blank: "Please select a project."
+ blank: "Selecione um projeto."
only_one_allowed: "(%{name}) só é permitido um valor."
empty: "(%{name}) valor não pode ficar vazio."
@@ -927,7 +927,7 @@ pt-PT:
blank: "é obrigatório. Selecione um nome."
not_unique: "já está a ser utilizado. Escolha outro nome."
- error_conflict: "Unable to save because the meeting was updated by someone else in the meantime. Please reload the page."
+ error_conflict: "Não foi possível guardar porque a reunião entretanto foi atualizada por outra pessoa. Recarregue a página."
at_least_one_channel: "É necessário especificar pelo menos um canal para o envio de notificações."
@@ -1367,7 +1367,7 @@ pt-PT:
button_expand_all: "Expandir Tudo"
button_favorite: "Adicionar aos favoritos"
button_filter: "Filtro"
- button_finish_setup: "Finish setup"
+ button_finish_setup: "Concluir configuração"
button_generate: "Gerar"
button_list: "Lista"
button_lock: "Bloquear"
@@ -1420,8 +1420,8 @@ pt-PT:
failure_message: Consentimento falhou, não pode continuar.
title: Consentimento do utilizador
decline_warning_message: Recusou consentir e foi desligado.
- user_has_consented: The user gave their consent to your [configured consent information text](consent_settings).
- not_yet_consented: The user has not yet given their consent to your [configured consent information text](consent_settings). They will be reminded the next time they log in.
+ user_has_consented: O utilizador deu o seu consentimento ao seu [texto de informação de consentimento configurado](consent_settings).
+ not_yet_consented: O utilizador ainda não deu o seu consentimento ao seu [texto de informação de consentimento configurado] (consent_settings). Ser-lhe-á recordado quando iniciar sessão pela próxima vez.
contact_mail_instructions: Defina o endereço de email que os utilizadores podem utilizar para contatar um controlador de dados a solicitar alteração ou remoção de dados.
contact_your_administrator: Entre em contato com o administrador caso pretenda apagar a sua conta.
contact_this_mail_address: Entre em contato com %{mail_address} caso pretenda apagar a sua conta.
@@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@ pt-PT:
error_menu_item_not_saved: Item de menu não pôde ser guardado
error_wiki_root_menu_item_conflict: >
Não é possível mudar o nome de"%{old_name}" para "%{new_name}" devido a um conflito no item de menu resultante com o item de menu existente "%{existing_caption}" (%{existing_identifier}).
- error_external_authentication_failed_message: "An error occurred during external authentication: %{message}"
+ error_external_authentication_failed_message: "Ocorreu um erro durante a autenticação externa: %{message}"
error_attribute_not_highlightable: "Atributos não destacáveis: %{attributes}"
changeset: "Changeset editado"
@@ -1809,8 +1809,8 @@ pt-PT:
progress_mode_changed_to_status_based: "Cálculo do progresso atualizado"
status_changed: "Estado \"%{status_name}\""
system_update: "Atualização do sistema OpenProject:"
- total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: "Calculation of % Complete totals now weighted by Work."
- total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: "Calculation of % Complete totals now based on a simple average of only % Complete values."
+ total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: "O cálculo dos totais da % de conclusão é agora ponderado pelo Trabalho."
+ total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: "O cálculo dos totais da % de conclusão baseia-se agora numa média simples de apenas os valores da % de conclusão."
work_package_predecessor_changed_times: por alterações no %{link} antecessor
work_package_parent_changed_times: por alterações no %{link} principal
@@ -1828,7 +1828,7 @@ pt-PT:
progress_mode_changed_to_status_based: Modo de cálculo do progresso definido como baseado no estado
status_excluded_from_totals_set_to_false_message: agora incluído nos totais da hierarquia
status_excluded_from_totals_set_to_true_message: agora excluído dos totais da hierarquia
- status_percent_complete_changed: "% Complete changed from %{old_value}% to %{new_value}%"
+ status_percent_complete_changed: "% de conclusão alterada de %{old_value}% para %{new_value}%"
file_links_journal: >
A partir de agora, a atividade relacionada a links de arquivos (arquivos armazenados em armazenamentos externos) aparecerá aqui na guia Atividade. O seguinte representa a atividade relacionada aos links que já existiam:
@@ -1839,9 +1839,9 @@ pt-PT:
totals_removed_from_childless_work_packages: >-
Os totais de trabalho e de progresso são automaticamente removidos dos pacotes de trabalho que não são principais com a atualização da versão. Esta é uma tarefa de manutenção e pode ser ignorada com segurança.
total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: >-
- Child work packages without Work are ignored.
+ Os pacotes de trabalho para crianças sem Trabalho são ignorados.
total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: >-
- Work values of child work packages are ignored.
+ Os valores de trabalho dos pacotes de trabalho para crianças são ignorados.
configuration_guide: "Guia de configuração"
get_in_touch: "Tem questões? Entre em contato conosco."
@@ -1941,8 +1941,8 @@ pt-PT:
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_assignee: "Transições adicionais permitidas quando a tarefa está atribuída ao utilizador"
label_additional_workflow_transitions_for_author: "Transições adicionais permitidas quando o utilizador é o autor da tarefa"
label_administration: "Administração"
- label_interface_colors: "Interface colors"
- label_interface_colors_description: "These colors control how the application looks. If you modify them the theme will automatically be changed to Custom theme, but we can’t assure the compliance of the accessibility contrast minimums (WCAG 2.1). "
+ label_interface_colors: "Cores da interface"
+ label_interface_colors_description: "Estas cores controlam o aspeto da aplicação. Se as modificar, o tema será automaticamente alterado para Tema personalizado, mas não podemos garantir a conformidade com os mínimos de contraste de acessibilidade (WCAG 2.1). "
label_age: "Idade"
label_ago: "dias atrás"
label_all: "todos"
@@ -1975,7 +1975,7 @@ pt-PT:
label_attribute_expand_text: "O texto completo para \"%{attribute}\""
label_authentication: "Autenticação"
label_authentication_settings: "Definições da autenticação"
- label_available_custom_fields_projects: "Available custom fields projects"
+ label_available_custom_fields_projects: "Projetos de campos personalizados disponíveis"
label_available_global_roles: "Papéis globais disponíveis"
label_available_project_attributes: "Atributos do projeto disponíveis"
label_available_project_forums: "Fóruns disponíveis"
@@ -2005,7 +2005,7 @@ pt-PT:
label_calendars_and_dates: "Calendários e datas"
label_calendar_show: "Mostrar calendário"
label_category: "Categoria"
- label_completed: Completed
+ label_completed: Concluído
label_consent_settings: "Consentimento do utilizador"
label_wiki_menu_item: Item do menu wiki
label_select_main_menu_item: Seleccione novo item do menu principal
@@ -2049,7 +2049,7 @@ pt-PT:
label_copy_project: "Copiar projeto"
label_core_version: "Versão do núcleo"
label_core_build: "Construção principal"
- label_created_by: "Created by %{user}"
+ label_created_by: "Criado por %{user}"
label_current_status: "Estado atual"
label_current_version: "Versão atual"
label_custom_field_add_no_type: "Adicionar este campo a um tipo de pacote de trabalho"
@@ -2057,7 +2057,7 @@ pt-PT:
label_custom_field_plural: "Campos personalizados"
label_custom_field_default_type: "Tipo de vazio"
label_custom_style: "Design"
- label_custom_style_description: "Choose how OpenProject looks to you with themes, select your default colors to use in the app and how exports look like."
+ label_custom_style_description: "Escolha o aspeto do OpenProject com temas, selecione as cores predefinidas a utilizar na aplicação e o aspeto das exportações."
label_dashboard: "Painel"
label_database_version: "versão PostgreSQL"
label_date: "Data"
@@ -2154,7 +2154,7 @@ pt-PT:
label_here: aqui
label_hide: "Ocultar"
label_history: "Histórico"
- label_hierarchy: "Hierarchy"
+ label_hierarchy: "Hierarquia"
label_hierarchy_leaf: "Folha da hierarquia"
label_home: "Início"
label_subject_or_id: "ID ou Assunto"
@@ -2166,7 +2166,7 @@ pt-PT:
label_inactive: "Inativo"
label_incoming_emails: "E-mails recebidos"
label_includes: "inclui"
- label_incomplete: Incomplete
+ label_incomplete: Incompleto
label_include_sub_projects: Incluir subprojetos
label_index_by_date: "Índice por data"
label_index_by_title: "Índice por título"
@@ -2178,13 +2178,13 @@ pt-PT:
label_introduction_video: "Vídeo introdutório"
label_invite_user: "Convidar utilizador"
label_item: "Item"
- label_item_plural: "Items"
+ label_item_plural: "Itens"
label_share: "Partilhar"
label_share_project_list: "Partilhar lista de projetos"
label_share_work_package: "Partilhar pacote de trabalho"
label_show_all_registered_users: "Mostrar todos utilizadores registrados"
- label_show_less: "Show less"
- label_show_more: "Show more"
+ label_show_less: "Mostrar menos"
+ label_show_more: "Mostrar mais"
label_journal: "Diário"
label_journal_diff: "Comparação de descrição"
label_language: "Idioma"
@@ -2255,7 +2255,7 @@ pt-PT:
label_more: "Mais"
label_more_than_ago: "mais do que dias atrás"
label_move_work_package: "Mover tarefa"
- label_my_account: "Account settings"
+ label_my_account: "Definições da conta"
label_my_activity: "A minha atividade"
label_my_account_data: "Dados da minha conta"
label_my_avatar: "O meu avatar"
@@ -2282,7 +2282,7 @@ pt-PT:
label_no_parent_page: "Sem página pai"
label_nothing_display: "Nada para exibir"
label_nobody: "ninguém"
- label_not_configured: "Not configured"
+ label_not_configured: "Não configurado"
label_not_found: "não encontrado"
label_none: "nenhum"
label_none_parentheses: "(nenhum)"
@@ -2335,7 +2335,7 @@ pt-PT:
label_product_version: "Versão do produto"
label_profile: "Perfil"
label_percent_complete: "% de conclusão"
- label_progress_tracking: "Progress tracking"
+ label_progress_tracking: "Acompanhamento do progresso"
label_project: "Projeto"
label_project_activity: "Atividade do projeto"
label_project_attribute_plural: "Atributos do projeto"
@@ -3156,13 +3156,13 @@ pt-PT:
setting_hours_per_day_explanation: >-
Isto define o que é considerado um "dia" ao apresentar a duração em dias e horas (por exemplo, se um dia tiver 8 horas, 32 horas seriam 4 dias).
setting_invitation_expiration_days: "O email de ativação expira após"
- setting_work_package_done_ratio: "Progress calculation mode"
+ setting_work_package_done_ratio: "Modo do cálculo do progresso"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_field: "Baseado no trabalho"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_field_caption_html: >-
- % Complete can be freely set to any value. If you optionally enter a value for Work, Remaining work will automatically be derived.
+ A % de conclusão pode ser definida livremente para qualquer valor. Se, opcionalmente, introduzir um valor para Trabalho, o Trabalho restante será automaticamente derivado.
setting_work_package_done_ratio_status: "Baseado no estado"
setting_work_package_done_ratio_status_caption_html: >-
- Each status has a % Complete value associated with it. Changing status will change % Complete.
+ Cada estado tem um valor de % de conclusão associado. A alteração do estado altera a % de conclusão.
setting_work_package_done_ratio_explanation_html: >
No modo baseado no trabalho, a % de conclusão pode ser definida livremente para qualquer valor. Se, opcionalmente, introduzir um valor para Trabalho, o Trabalho restante será automaticamente derivado. No modo baseado no estado, cada estado tem um valor de % de conclusão associado. A alteração do estado altera a % de conclusão.
setting_work_package_properties: "Propriedades das tarefas"
@@ -3183,13 +3183,13 @@ pt-PT:
setting_password_min_length: "Tamanho mínimo"
setting_password_min_adhered_rules: "Número mínimo de classes obrigatórias"
setting_per_page_options: "Opções de objetos por página"
- setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed: "% Complete when status is closed"
- setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_no_change: "No change"
+ setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed: "% de conclusão quando o estado é encerrado"
+ setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_no_change: "Sem alterações"
setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_no_change_caption_html: >-
- The value of % Complete will not change even when a work package is closed.
- setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_set_100p: "Automatically set to 100%"
+ O valor da % de conclusão não se altera mesmo quando um pacote de trabalho é encerrado.
+ setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_set_100p: "Definido automaticamente para 100%"
setting_percent_complete_on_status_closed_set_100p_caption: >-
- A closed work package is considered complete.
+ Um pacote de trabalho fechado é considerado completo.
setting_plain_text_mail: "Mensagens de texto simples (sem HTML)"
setting_protocol: "Protocolo"
setting_project_gantt_query: "Visualização de portfólio Gantt do projeto"
@@ -3214,13 +3214,13 @@ pt-PT:
setting_sys_api_enabled: "Habilitar o serviço web de gestão do repositório"
setting_sys_api_description: "O serviço de web de gestão de repositório fornece integração e autorização ao utilizador para aceder a repositórios."
setting_time_format: "Tempo"
- setting_total_percent_complete_mode: "Calculation of % Complete hierarchy totals"
- setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average: "Weighted by work"
+ setting_total_percent_complete_mode: "Cálculo dos totais da hierarquia da % de conclusão"
+ setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average: "Ponderado pelo trabalho"
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average_caption_html: >-
- The total % Complete will be weighted against the Work of each work package in the hierarchy. Work packages without Work will be ignored.
- setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average: "Simple average"
+ A % de conclusão total será ponderada em função do Trabalho de cada pacote de trabalho na hierarquia. Os pacotes de trabalho sem Trabalho serão ignorados.
+ setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average: "Média simples"
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average_caption_html: >-
- Work is ignored and the total % Complete will be a simple average of % Complete values of work packages in the hierarchy.
+ O Trabalho é ignorado e a % de conclusão total será uma média simples dos valores da % de conclusão dos pacotes de trabalho na hierarquia.
setting_accessibility_mode_for_anonymous: "Ativar modo de acessibilidade para utilizadores anónimos"
setting_user_format: "Formato de nomes de utilizador"
setting_user_default_timezone: "Fuso horário padrão dos utilizadores"
@@ -3770,16 +3770,16 @@ pt-PT:
close_warning: "Ignore este aviso."
- builtin: Built-in instance application
- confidential: Confidential
+ builtin: Aplicação de instância incorporada
+ confidential: Confidencial
singular: "Aplicação OAuth"
plural: "Aplicações OAuth"
named: "Aplicação OAuth '%{name}'"
new: "Nova aplicação OAuth"
- non_confidential: Non confidential
+ non_confidential: Não confidencial
default_scopes: "(Âmbitos predefinidos)"
- enabled: "Enable this application, allowing users to perform authorization grants with it."
+ enabled: "Ative esta aplicação, permitindo que os utilizadores efetuem concessões de autorização com ela."
name: "O nome da sua aplicação. Isto será exibido aos outros utilizadores após a autorização."
redirect_uri_html: >
Os utilizadores autorizados com URLs podem ser redirecionados para. Uma entrada por linha.
Se estiver a registar uma aplicação de desktop, use a seguinte URL.
@@ -3789,9 +3789,9 @@ pt-PT:
register_intro: "Se está a desenvolver uma aplicação de cliente OAuth API para OpenProject, pode registá-la através deste formulário para que todos os utilizadores a possam usar."
default_scopes: ""
- builtin_applications: Built-in OAuth applications
- other_applications: Other OAuth applications
- empty_application_lists: No OAuth applications have been registered.
+ builtin_applications: Aplicações OAuth incorporadas
+ other_applications: Outras aplicações OAuth
+ empty_application_lists: Não foram registadas aplicações OAuth.
client_id: "ID de cliente"
client_secret_notice: >
Esta é a única vez que podemos imprimir o segredo do cliente, por favor anote-o e mantenha-o seguro. Deve ser tratado como uma palavra-passe e não pode ser recuperado mais tarde pelo OpenProject.
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/tr.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/tr.yml
index 76a52639957e..d62cce68c1b3 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/tr.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/tr.yml
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ tr:
color_theme: "Renk teması"
color_theme_custom: "(Özel)"
- tab_interface: "Interface"
- tab_branding: "Branding"
+ tab_interface: "Arayüz"
+ tab_branding: "Markalama"
tab_pdf_export_styles: "PDF export styles"
primary-button-color: "Primary button"
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ tr:
add_token: "Bir Enterprise sürümü destek belirteci yükleyin"
text: "Kullanılan geçerli Enterprise sürümü belirtecini kaldırmak istediğinizden emin misiniz?"
- title: "Belirteci sil"
+ title: "Anahtarı sil"
replace_token: "Geçerli destek anahtarını değiştirin"
order: "Enterprise on-premises edition sipariş edin"
paste: "Enterprise sürümü destek belirtecinizi yapıştırın"
@@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ tr:
description: This custom field is enabled in all projects since the "For all projects" option is checked. It cannot be deactivated for individual projects.
- title: "Your list of items is empty"
+ title: "Öğeler listeniz boş"
description: "Start by adding items to the custom field of type hierarchy. Each item can be used to create a hierarchy bellow it. To navigate and create sub-items inside a hierarchy click on the created item."
remember_items_and_projects: "Remember to set items and projects in the respective tabs for this custom field."
@@ -316,11 +316,11 @@ tr:
label_enable_single: "Active in this project, click to disable"
label_disable_single: "Inactive in this project, click to enable"
remove_from_project: "Remove from project"
- label_enable_all: "Enable all"
- label_disable_all: "Disable all"
+ label_enable_all: "Tümünü etkinleştir"
+ label_disable_all: "Tümünü devre dışı bırak"
- heading: Required in all projects
- description: This project attribute is activated in all projects since the "Required in all projects" option is checked. It cannot be deactivated for individual projects.
+ heading: Tüm projelerde zorunludur
+ description: '"Tüm projelerde zorunlu" seçeneği işaretli olduğu için bu proje niteliği tüm projelerde etkindir. Projeler için bağımsız olarak devre dışı bırakılamaz.'
no_results_title_text: Şu anda hiçbir tip mevcut değil.
@@ -335,13 +335,13 @@ tr:
success: "The modified list has been saved as a new list"
failure: "The modified list cannot be saved: %{errors}"
- success: "The modified list has been saved"
+ success: "Değiştirilen liste kaydedildi"
failure: "The modified list cannot be saved: %{errors}"
- success: "The list has been made public"
+ success: "Liste herkese açık hale getirildi"
failure: "The list cannot be made public: %{errors}"
- success: "The list has been made private"
+ success: "Liste gizli hale getirildi"
failure: "The list cannot be made private: %{errors}"
can_be_saved: "List modified:"
can_be_saved_as: "The modifications can only be saved in a new list:"
@@ -372,8 +372,8 @@ tr:
one: "However, %{shared_work_packages_link} has also been shared with this group."
other: "However, %{shared_work_packages_link} have also been shared with this group."
- remove_work_packages_shared_with_user_too: "A user that has been removed as member can still access shared work packages. Would you like to remove the shares too?"
- remove_work_packages_shared_with_group_too: "A group that has been removed as member can still access shared work packages. Would you like to remove the shares too?"
+ remove_work_packages_shared_with_user_too: "Üyelikten kaldırılan bir kullanıcı paylaşılan iş paketlerine erişmeye devam edebilir. Paylaşımları da kaldırmak ister misiniz?"
+ remove_work_packages_shared_with_group_too: "Üyelikten kaldırılan bir grup paylaşılan iş paketlerine erişmeye devam edebilir. Paylaşımları da kaldırmak ister misiniz?"
will_not_affect_inherited_shares: "(This will not affect work packages shared with their group)."
can_remove_direct_but_not_shared_roles: "You can remove this user as a direct project member but a group they are in is also a member of this project, so they will continue being a member via the group."
@@ -410,11 +410,11 @@ tr:
header: The %{type} token has been generated
warning: Note that this is the only time you will see this token, make sure to copy it now.
- token_name_blank: "Please provide an API token name"
- token_name_in_use: "This API token name is already in use, please select a different one"
- new_access_token_dialog_title: "Create new API token"
- new_access_token_dialog_show_button_text: "API token"
- new_access_token_dialog_text_field_placeholder_text: "My API token"
+ token_name_blank: "Lütfen API anahtarı için bir ad girin"
+ token_name_in_use: "Bu API anahtarı adı kullanılmaktadır, lütfen başka bir tane seçin"
+ new_access_token_dialog_title: "Yeni bir API anahtarı oluştur"
+ new_access_token_dialog_show_button_text: "API anahtarı"
+ new_access_token_dialog_text_field_placeholder_text: "API anahtarım"
new_access_token_dialog_text_field_label: "İsim"
new_access_token_dialog_submit_button_text: "Oluştur"
new_access_token_dialog_text: "This token will allow third-party applications to communicate with your instance. To differentiate the new API token, please give it a name."
@@ -1191,8 +1191,8 @@ tr:
other: "Yetkiler"
status: "İş paketi durumu"
- one: Access token
- other: Access tokens
+ one: Erişim anahtarı
+ other: Erişim anahtarları
type: "Tür"
user: "Kullanıcı"
version: "Sürüm"
diff --git a/config/locales/crowdin/uk.yml b/config/locales/crowdin/uk.yml
index 4855728b0754..9d418b348e00 100644
--- a/config/locales/crowdin/uk.yml
+++ b/config/locales/crowdin/uk.yml
@@ -1450,8 +1450,8 @@ uk:
failure_message: Згода не отримана, продовження неможливе.
title: Згода користувача
decline_warning_message: Ви відхилили згоду і вийшли з системи.
- user_has_consented: Користувач надав свою згоду на [налаштований текст інформації про згоду](consent_settings).
- not_yet_consented: Користувач ще не надав свою згоду на [налаштований текст інформації про згоду] (налаштування_згоди). Він отримає нагадування під час наступного входу.
+ user_has_consented: Користувач надав згоду на [налаштований текст інформації про згоду](consent_settings).
+ not_yet_consented: Користувач ще не надав згоду на [налаштований текст інформації про згоду] (consent_settings). Він отримає нагадування під час наступного входу.
contact_mail_instructions: Визначте адресу електронної пошти, на яку користувачі можуть звертатися, для запитів на зміну або видалення даних.
contact_your_administrator: Зверніться до свого адміністратора, якщо ви хочете, щоб ваш обліковий запис був видалений.
contact_this_mail_address: Будь ласка зв'яжіться %{mail_address} якщо ви бажаєте, щоб ваш обліковий запис був видалений.
@@ -1875,8 +1875,8 @@ uk:
progress_mode_changed_to_status_based: "Обчислення прогресу оновлено"
status_changed: "Статус «%{status_name}»"
system_update: "Оновлення системи OpenProject"
- total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: "Під час обчислення підсумків атрибута «% виконання» тепер враховується значення атрибута «Робота»."
- total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: "Під час обчислення підсумків атрибута «% виконання» тепер ґрунтується на середньому арифметичному значень лише атрибута «% виконання»."
+ total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_work_weighted_average: "Під час обчислення підсумків атрибута «% завершення» тепер враховується значення атрибута «Робота»."
+ total_percent_complete_mode_changed_to_simple_average: "Обчислення підсумків атрибута «% завершення» тепер ґрунтується на середньому арифметичному значень лише атрибута «% завершення»."
work_package_predecessor_changed_times: внесенням змін у попередній елемент %{link}
work_package_parent_changed_times: внесенням змін у батькіський елемент %{link}
@@ -3284,13 +3284,13 @@ uk:
setting_sys_api_enabled: "Увімкнути веб-службу керування сховищем"
setting_sys_api_description: "Веб-сервіс управління сховищем забезпечує інтеграцію та авторизацію користувача для доступу до сховищ."
setting_time_format: "Час"
- setting_total_percent_complete_mode: "Обчислення підсумків ієрархів «% виконання»"
- setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average: "Weighted by work"
+ setting_total_percent_complete_mode: "Обчислення підсумків ієрархів «% завершення»"
+ setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average: "Зважено за роботою"
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_work_weighted_average_caption_html: >-
- The total % Complete will be weighted against the Work of each work package in the hierarchy. Work packages without Work will be ignored.
+ Атрибут Загальний % завершення буде зважено за атрибутом Робота кожного пакета робіт в ієрархії. Пакети робіт без атрибута Робота ігноруватимуться.
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average: "Середнє арифметичне"
setting_total_percent_complete_mode_simple_average_caption_html: >-
- Work is ignored and the total % Complete will be a simple average of % Complete values of work packages in the hierarchy.
+ Атрибут Робота ігнорується, а Загальний % завершення дорівнюватиме середньому арифметичному значень атрибута % завершення пакетів робіт в ієрархії.
setting_accessibility_mode_for_anonymous: "Увімкніть режим доступності для анонімних користувачів"
setting_user_format: "Формат імені користувача"
setting_user_default_timezone: "Часовий пояс користувача за замовчуванням"
diff --git a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/es.yml b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/es.yml
index b7541dd04d3e..911e6ff31a4a 100644
--- a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/es.yml
+++ b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/es.yml
@@ -6,15 +6,15 @@ es:
identifier: Identificador
secret: Secreto
scope: Ámbito
- assertion_consumer_service_url: ACS (Servicio de consumidor de aserciones) URL
+ assertion_consumer_service_url: URL de ACS (Assertion consumer service)
limit_self_registration: Limitar autorregistro
sp_entity_id: ID de la entidad de servicio
metadata_url: URL de metadatos del proveedor de identidad
name_identifier_format: Formato del identificador del nombre
- idp_sso_service_url: Punto final de inicio de sesión del proveedor de identidad
- idp_slo_service_url: Punto final de cierre de sesión del proveedor de identidad
+ idp_sso_service_url: Terminal de inicio de sesión del proveedor de identidad
+ idp_slo_service_url: Terminal de cierre de sesión del proveedor de identidad
idp_cert: Certificado público del proveedor de identidad
- authn_requests_signed: Firmar SAML AuthnRequests
+ authn_requests_signed: Firmar solicitudes de autenticación SAML
want_assertions_signed: Exigir respuestas firmadas
want_assertions_encrypted: Exigir respuestas cifradas
certificate: Certificado utilizado por OpenProject para las solicitudes SAML
@@ -43,18 +43,18 @@ es:
error: "Error al recuperar los metadatos del proveedor de identidad: %{error}"
label_empty_title: "Aún no hay proveedores SAML configurados."
- label_empty_description: "Añada un proveedor para verlos aquí."
+ label_empty_description: "Añada un proveedor para verlo aquí."
label_automatic_configuration: Configuración automática
label_metadata: Metadatos
- label_metadata_endpoint: Punto final de metadatos de OpenProject
+ label_metadata_endpoint: Terminal de metadatos de OpenProject
label_openproject_information: Información sobre OpenProject
- label_configuration_details: "Puntos finales y certificados del proveedor de identidad"
+ label_configuration_details: "Terminales y certificados del proveedor de identidad"
label_configuration_encryption: "Firmas y cifrado"
label_add_new: Nuevo proveedor de identidad SAML
label_edit: Editar proveedor de identidad SAML %{name}
label_uid: ID de usuario interno
label_mapping: Asignación
- label_mapping_for: "Elige un idioma de partida. El idioma seleccionado en este momento es:\ninglés\nMapping for: %{attribute}\n\n\n\n\n\n\nElige un idioma de llegada. El idioma seleccionado en este momento es:\nespañol\n\nOpciones\n\n\n\n\nHaz clic en una palabra para buscarla en el diccionario o ver traducciones alternativas.\nHas iniciado sesión y tienes una cuenta DeepL Pro. Tu contenido está seguro. \n\n\n\n\n"
+ label_mapping_for: "Asignación para: %{attribute}"
label_requested_attribute_for: "Atributo solicitado para: %{attribute}"
no_results_table: Aún no se han definido proveedores de identidad SAML.
plural: Proveedores de identidad SAML
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ es:
attribute_mapping_text: >
Los siguientes campos controlan qué atributos proporcionados por el proveedor de identidad SAML se utilizan para proporcionar atributos de usuario en OpenProject
- dialog: "Esta es la URL donde están disponibles los metadatos SAML de OpenProject. Opcionalmente utilícela para configurar su proveedor de identidad:"
+ dialog: "Esta es la URL donde están disponibles los metadatos SAML de OpenProject. Puede usarla para configurar su proveedor de identidad:"
description: Conectar OpenProject a un proveedor de identidad SAML
@@ -72,33 +72,33 @@ es:
legend: >
Estos atributos se añaden a los metadatos SAML XML para indicar al proveedor de identidad qué atributos requiere OpenProject. Es posible que aún tenga que configurar explícitamente su proveedor de identidad para enviar estos atributos. Consulte la documentación de su proveedor de identidad.
name: 'Clave de atributo solicitada'
- format: 'Formato de los atributos'
+ format: 'Formato de atributo'
configuration: "Configuración primaria"
attributes: "Atributos"
display_name: "Configure el nombre para mostrar del proveedor SAML."
metadata: "Rellene previamente la configuración mediante una URL de metadatos o pegando el XML de metadatos"
- metadata_form: "Si su proveedor de identidad tiene un punto final de metadatos o una descarga XML, añádalo a continuación para rellenar previamente la configuración."
- metadata_form_banner: "La edición de los metadatos puede anular los valores existentes en otras secciones."
- configuration: "Configure las direcciones URL del punto final para el proveedor de identidad, los certificados y otras opciones SAML."
+ metadata_form: "Si su proveedor de identidad tiene un terminal de metadatos o una descarga XML, añádalo a continuación para rellenar previamente la configuración."
+ metadata_form_banner: "La edición de los metadatos puede reemplazar los valores existentes en otras secciones."
+ configuration: "Configure las direcciones URL del terminal para el proveedor de identidad, los certificados y otras opciones SAML."
configuration_metadata: "Esta información se ha rellenado previamente utilizando los metadatos suministrados. En la mayoría de los casos, no requieren edición."
encryption: "Configure las firmas de aserción y el cifrado para las solicitudes y respuestas SAML."
encryption_form: "Si lo desea, puede cifrar la respuesta de la aserción o hacer que se firmen las solicitudes de OpenProject."
- mapping: "Ajuste manualmente el mapeo entre la respuesta SAML y los atributos de usuario en OpenProject."
+ mapping: "Ajuste manualmente la asignación entre la respuesta SAML y los atributos de usuario en OpenProject."
requested_attributes: "Defina el conjunto de atributos que se solicitarán en la petición SAML enviada a su proveedor de identidades."
seeded_from_env: "Este proveedor fue sembrado desde la configuración del entorno. No puede editarse."
metadata_none: "No tengo metadatos"
metadata_url: "URL de metadatos"
- metadata_xml: "Metadatos XML"
+ metadata_xml: "XML de metadatos"
documentation_link: >
Consulte nuestra [documentación sobre la configuración de proveedores SAML](docs_url) para obtener más información sobre estas opciones de configuración.
display_name: >
El nombre del proveedor. Aparecerá como botón de inicio de sesión y en la lista de proveedores.
metadata_none: >
- Su proveedor de identidad no dispone de un punto final de metadatos ni de una opción de descarga XML. Puede la configuración manualmente.
+ Su proveedor de identidad no dispone de un terminal de metadatos ni de una opción de descarga XML. Puede ajustar la configuración manualmente.
metadata_url: >
Su proveedor de identidad proporciona una URL de metadatos.
metadata_xml: >
@@ -106,19 +106,19 @@ es:
limit_self_registration: >
Si está habilitado, los usuarios solo pueden registrarse usando este proveedor si la configuración de autorregistro lo permite.
sp_entity_id: >
- El identificador de entidad del proveedor de servicios (SP). A veces también se denomina Audiencia. Es el identificador único de cliente de la instancia OpenProject.
+ El identificador de entidad del proveedor de servicios (SP). A veces también se denomina Público. Es el identificador único de cliente de la instancia OpenProject.
idp_sso_service_url: >
- La URL del punto final de inicio de sesión del proveedor de identidad.
+ La URL del terminal de inicio de sesión del proveedor de identidad.
idp_slo_service_url: >
- La URL del punto final de inicio de sesión del proveedor de identidad.
+ La URL del terminal de inicio de sesión del proveedor de identidad.
idp_cert: >
Introduzca el certificado público con formato X509 PEM del proveedor de identidad. Puede introducir varios certificados separándolos con una nueva línea.
name_identifier_format: >
Establezca el formato del identificador de nombre que se utilizará para la aserción SAML.
sp_metadata_endpoint: >
- Esta es la URL donde están disponibles los metadatos SAML de OpenProject. Opcionalmente utilícela para configurar su proveedor de identidad.
+ Esta es la URL donde están disponibles los metadatos SAML de OpenProject. Puede usarla para configurar su proveedor de identidad.
mapping: >
- Configure el mapeo entre la respuesta SAML y los atributos de usuario en OpenProject. Puede configurar varios nombres de atributos para buscar. OpenProject elegirá el primer atributo disponible de la respuesta SAML.
+ Configure la asignación entre la respuesta SAML y los atributos de usuario en OpenProject. Puede configurar varios nombres de atributos para buscar. OpenProject elegirá el primer atributo disponible de la respuesta SAML.
mapping_login: >
Atributos SAML de la respuesta utilizada para el inicio de sesión.
mapping_mail: >
@@ -134,9 +134,9 @@ es:
requested_attributes: >
Estos atributos se añaden al XML de solicitud SAML para comunicar al proveedor de identidad qué atributos requiere OpenProject.
requested_format: >
- El formato del atributo solicitado. Se utiliza para especificar el formato del atributo en la solicitud SAML. Consulte [documentación sobre la configuración de atributos solicitados](docs_url) para obtener más información.
+ El formato del atributo solicitado. Se utiliza para especificar el formato del atributo en la solicitud SAML. Consulte la [documentación sobre la configuración de atributos solicitados](docs_url) para obtener más información.
authn_requests_signed: >
- Si está marcada, OpenProject firmará la SAML AuthnRequest. Tendrá que proporcionar un certificado de firma y una clave privada utilizando los campos siguientes.
+ Si está marcada, OpenProject firmará la solicitud de autenticación SAML. Tendrá que proporcionar un certificado de firma y una clave privada utilizando los campos siguientes.
want_assertions_signed: >
Si está marcada, OpenProject requerirá respuestas firmadas del proveedor de identidad utilizando su propio par de claves de certificado. OpenProject verificará la firma contra el certificado de la sección de configuración básica.
want_assertions_encrypted: >
@@ -146,10 +146,10 @@ es:
private_key: >
Introduzca la clave privada con formato X509 PEM para el certificado anterior. Tiene que ser una clave privada RSA.
signature_method: >
- Seleccione el algoritmo de firma que se utilizará para la firma de la solicitud SAML realizada por OpenProject (Predeterminado: %{default_option}).
+ Seleccione el algoritmo de firma que se utilizará para la firma de la solicitud SAML realizada por OpenProject (Por defecto: %{default_option}).
digest_method: >
- Seleccione el algoritmo de compendio a utilizar para la firma de la solicitud SAML realizada por OpenProject (Predeterminado: %{default_option}).
+ Seleccione el algoritmo de resumen que se usará para la firma de la solicitud SAML realizada por OpenProject (Por defecto: %{default_option}).
icon: >
Opcionalmente, proporcione una URL pública a un gráfico de icono que se mostrará junto al nombre del proveedor.
metadata_for_idp: >
- Esta información podría ser solicitada por su proveedor de identidad SAML.
+ Esta información podría solicitarla su proveedor de identidad SAML.
diff --git a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
index c8ad0516c33d..d657623df049 100644
--- a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
+++ b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
@@ -2,154 +2,154 @@ fr:
- display_name: Name
- identifier: Identifier
+ display_name: Nom
+ identifier: Identifiant
secret: Secret
- scope: Scope
- assertion_consumer_service_url: ACS (Assertion consumer service) URL
- limit_self_registration: Limit self registration
- sp_entity_id: Service entity ID
- metadata_url: Identity provider metadata URL
- name_identifier_format: Name identifier format
- idp_sso_service_url: Identity provider login endpoint
- idp_slo_service_url: Identity provider logout endpoint
- idp_cert: Public certificate of identity provider
- authn_requests_signed: Sign SAML AuthnRequests
- want_assertions_signed: Require signed responses
- want_assertions_encrypted: Require encrypted responses
- certificate: Certificate used by OpenProject for SAML requests
- private_key: Corresponding private key for OpenProject SAML requests
- signature_method: Signature algorithm
- digest_method: Digest algorithm
+ scope: Portée
+ assertion_consumer_service_url: URL ACS (Assertion Consumer Service)
+ limit_self_registration: Limiter l'inscription automatique
+ sp_entity_id: ID de l'entité de service
+ metadata_url: URL des métadonnées du fournisseur d'identité
+ name_identifier_format: Format de l'identifiant du nom
+ idp_sso_service_url: Point de terminaison de connexion du fournisseur d'identité
+ idp_slo_service_url: Point de terminaison de déconnexion du fournisseur d'identité
+ idp_cert: Certificat public du fournisseur d'identité
+ authn_requests_signed: Signer les requêtes AuthnRequests SAML
+ want_assertions_signed: Exiger des réponses signées
+ want_assertions_encrypted: Exiger des réponses chiffrées
+ certificate: Certificat utilisé par OpenProject pour les requêtes SAML
+ private_key: Clé privée correspondante pour les requêtes SAML d'OpenProject
+ signature_method: Algorithme de signature
+ digest_method: Algorithme de chiffrement
format: "Format"
- icon: "Custom icon"
+ icon: "Icône personnalisée"
- invalid_certificate: "is not a valid PEM-formatted certificate: %{additional_message}"
- invalid_private_key: "is not a valid PEM-formatted private key: %{additional_message}"
- certificate_expired: "is expired and can no longer be used."
- unmatched_private_key: "does not belong to the given certificate"
+ invalid_certificate: "n'est pas un certificat valide au format PEM : %{additional_message}"
+ invalid_private_key: "n'est pas une clé privée valide au format PEM : %{additional_message}"
+ certificate_expired: "a expiré et ne peut plus être utilisé."
+ unmatched_private_key: "n'appartient pas au certificat donné"
- menu_title: SAML providers
+ menu_title: Fournisseurs SAML
- title: "SAML Protocol Configuration Parameters"
+ title: "Paramètres de configuration du protocole SAML"
description: >
- Use these parameters to configure your identity provider connection to OpenProject.
+ Utilisez ces paramètres pour configurer la connexion de votre fournisseur d'identité à OpenProject.
- success: "Successfully updated the configuration using the identity provider metadata."
- invalid_url: "Provided metadata URL is invalid. Provide a HTTP(s) URL."
- error: "Failed to retrieve the identity provider metadata: %{error}"
+ success: "Mise à jour réussie de la configuration à l'aide des métadonnées du fournisseur d'identité."
+ invalid_url: "L'URL des métadonnées fournie n'est pas valide. Fournissez une URL HTTP(s)."
+ error: "Échec de la récupération des métadonnées du fournisseur d'identité : %{error}"
- label_empty_title: "No SAML providers configured yet."
- label_empty_description: "Add a provider to see them here."
- label_automatic_configuration: Automatic configuration
- label_metadata: Metadata
- label_metadata_endpoint: OpenProject metadata endpoint
- label_openproject_information: OpenProject information
- label_configuration_details: "Identity provider endpoints and certificates"
- label_configuration_encryption: "Signatures and Encryption"
- label_add_new: New SAML identity provider
- label_edit: Edit SAML identity provider %{name}
- label_uid: Internal user id
- label_mapping: Mapping
- label_mapping_for: "Mapping for: %{attribute}"
- label_requested_attribute_for: "Requested attribute for: %{attribute}"
- no_results_table: No SAML identity providers have been defined yet.
- plural: SAML identity providers
- singular: SAML identity provider
- requested_attributes: Requested attributes
- attribute_mapping: Attribute mapping
+ label_empty_title: "Aucun fournisseur SAML n'est encore configuré."
+ label_empty_description: "Ajoutez un fournisseur pour le voir ici."
+ label_automatic_configuration: Configuration automatique
+ label_metadata: Métadonnées
+ label_metadata_endpoint: Point de terminaison des métadonnées OpenProject
+ label_openproject_information: Informations d'OpenProject
+ label_configuration_details: "Points de terminaison et certificats du fournisseur d'identité"
+ label_configuration_encryption: "Signatures et chiffrement"
+ label_add_new: Nouveau fournisseur d'identité SAML
+ label_edit: Modifier le fournisseur d'identité SAML %{name}
+ label_uid: Identifiant de l'utilisateur interne
+ label_mapping: Mappage
+ label_mapping_for: "Mappage pour : %{attribute}"
+ label_requested_attribute_for: "Attribut demandé pour : %{attribute}"
+ no_results_table: Aucun fournisseur d'identité SAML n'a encore été défini.
+ plural: Fournisseurs d'identité SAML
+ singular: Fournisseur d'identité SAML
+ requested_attributes: Attributs demandés
+ attribute_mapping: Mappage des attributs
attribute_mapping_text: >
- The following fields control which attributes provided by the SAML identity provider are used to provide user attributes in OpenProject
+ Les champs suivants contrôlent quels attributs fournis par le fournisseur d'identité SAML sont utilisés pour fournir des attributs d'utilisateur dans OpenProject
- dialog: "This is the URL where the OpenProject SAML metadata is available. Optionally use it to configure your identity provider:"
+ dialog: "Il s'agit de l'URL où les métadonnées SAML d'OpenProject sont disponibles. Vous pouvez également l'utiliser pour configurer votre fournisseur d'identité :"
- description: Connect OpenProject to a SAML identity provider
+ description: Connecter OpenProject à un fournisseur d'identité SAML
- title: 'Requested attributes'
+ title: 'Attributs demandés'
legend: >
- These attributes are added to the SAML XML metadata to signify to the identify provider which attributes OpenProject requires. You may still need to explicitly configure your identity provider to send these attributes. Please refer to your IdP's documentation.
- name: 'Requested attribute key'
- format: 'Attribute format'
+ Ces attributs sont ajoutés aux métadonnées XML SAML pour indiquer au fournisseur d'identité les attributs dont OpenProject a besoin. Il se peut que vous deviez configurer explicitement votre fournisseur d'identité pour qu'il envoie ces attributs. Veuillez vous référer à la documentation de votre fournisseur d'identité.
+ name: 'Clé d''attribut demandée'
+ format: 'Format des attributs'
- configuration: "Primary configuration"
- attributes: "Attributes"
+ configuration: "Configuration principale"
+ attributes: "Attributs"
- display_name: "Configure the display name of the SAML provider."
- metadata: "Pre-fill configuration using a metadata URL or by pasting metadata XML"
- metadata_form: "If your identity provider has a metadata endpoint or XML download, add it below to pre-fill the configuration."
- metadata_form_banner: "Editing the metadata may override existing values in other sections. "
- configuration: "Configure the endpoint URLs for the identity provider, certificates, and further SAML options."
- configuration_metadata: "This information has been pre-filled using the supplied metadata. In most cases, they do not require editing."
- encryption: "Configure assertion signatures and encryption for SAML requests and responses."
- encryption_form: "You may optionally want to encrypt the assertion response, or have requests from OpenProject signed."
- mapping: "Manually adjust the mapping between the SAML response and user attributes in OpenProject."
- requested_attributes: "Define the set of attributes to be requested in the SAML request sent to your identity provider."
- seeded_from_env: "This provider was seeded from the environment configuration. It cannot be edited."
+ display_name: "Configurez le nom d'affichage du fournisseur SAML."
+ metadata: "Préremplir la configuration à l'aide d'une URL de métadonnées ou en collant des métadonnées XML"
+ metadata_form: "Si votre fournisseur d'identité dispose d'un point de terminaison de métadonnées ou d'un téléchargement XML, ajoutez-le ci-dessous pour préremplir la configuration."
+ metadata_form_banner: "La modification des métadonnées peut remplacer des valeurs existantes dans d'autres sections. "
+ configuration: "Configurez les URL des points de terminaison pour le fournisseur d'identité, les certificats et les autres options SAML."
+ configuration_metadata: "Ces informations ont été préremplies à l'aide des métadonnées fournies. Dans la plupart des cas, elles n'ont pas besoin d'être modifiées."
+ encryption: "Configurez les signatures d'assertion et le chiffrement des requêtes et des réponses SAML."
+ encryption_form: "Vous pouvez éventuellement vouloir chiffrer la réponse à l'assertion ou faire signer les requêtes d'OpenProject."
+ mapping: "Ajustez manuellement la correspondance entre la réponse SAML et les attributs de l'utilisateur dans OpenProject."
+ requested_attributes: "Définissez l'ensemble des attributs à demander dans la requête SAML envoyée à votre fournisseur d'identité."
+ seeded_from_env: "Ce fournisseur a été ajouté à partir de la configuration de l'environnement. Il ne peut pas être modifié."
- metadata_none: "I don't have metadata"
- metadata_url: "Metadata URL"
- metadata_xml: "Metadata XML"
+ metadata_none: "Je n'ai pas de métadonnées"
+ metadata_url: "URL de métadonnées"
+ metadata_xml: "XML de métadonnées"
documentation_link: >
- Please refer to our [documentation on configuring SAML providers](docs_url) for more information on these configuration options.
+ Veuillez consulter notre [documentation sur la configuration des fournisseurs SAML](docs_url) pour obtenir plus d'informations sur ces options de configuration.
display_name: >
- The name of the provider. This will be displayed as the login button and in the list of providers.
+ Le nom du fournisseur. Il sera affiché comme bouton de connexion et dans la liste des fournisseurs.
metadata_none: >
- Your identity provider does not have a metadata endpoint or XML download option. You can the configuration manually.
+ Votre fournisseur d'identité n'a pas de point de terminaison des métadonnées ou d'option de téléchargement XML. Vous pouvez effectuer la configuration manuellement.
metadata_url: >
- Your identity provider provides a metadata URL.
+ Votre fournisseur d'identité fournit une URL de métadonnées.
metadata_xml: >
- Your identity provider provides a metadata XML download.
+ Votre fournisseur d'identité fournit un téléchargement de métadonnées XML.
limit_self_registration: >
- If enabled users can only register using this provider if the self registration setting allows for it.
+ Si cette option est activée, les utilisateurs ne peuvent s'inscrire en utilisant ce fournisseur que si le paramètre d'inscription automatique le permet.
sp_entity_id: >
- The entity ID of the service provider (SP). Sometimes also referred to as Audience. This is the unique client identifier of the OpenProject instance.
+ L'identifiant de l'entité du fournisseur de services (SP). Parfois également appelé Audience. Il s'agit de l'identifiant client unique de l'instance OpenProject.
idp_sso_service_url: >
- The URL of the identity provider login endpoint.
+ L'URL du point de connexion du fournisseur d'identité.
idp_slo_service_url: >
- The URL of the identity provider login endpoint.
+ L'URL du point de connexion du fournisseur d'identité.
idp_cert: >
- Enter the X509 PEM-formatted public certificate of the identity provider. You can enter multiple certificates by separating them with a newline.
+ Saisissez le certificat public au format X509 PEM du fournisseur d'identité. Vous pouvez saisir plusieurs certificats en les séparant par une nouvelle ligne.
name_identifier_format: >
- Set the name identifier format to be used for the SAML assertion.
+ Définissez le format de l'identifiant de nom à utiliser pour l'assertion SAML.
sp_metadata_endpoint: >
- This is the URL where the OpenProject SAML metadata is available. Optionally use it to configure your identity provider.
+ Il s'agit de l'URL où les métadonnées SAML d'OpenProject sont disponibles. Vous pouvez également l'utiliser pour configurer votre fournisseur d'identité.
mapping: >
- Configure the mapping between the SAML response and user attributes in OpenProject. You can configure multiple attribute names to look for. OpenProject will choose the first available attribute from the SAML response.
+ Configurez la correspondance entre la réponse SAML et les attributs de l'utilisateur dans OpenProject. Vous pouvez configurer plusieurs noms d'attributs à rechercher. OpenProject choisira le premier attribut disponible dans la réponse SAML.
mapping_login: >
- SAML attributes from the response used for the login.
+ Attributs SAML de la réponse utilisée pour la connexion.
mapping_mail: >
- SAML attributes from the response used for the email of the user.
+ Attributs SAML de la réponse utilisée pour l'adresse e-mail de l'utilisateur.
mapping_firstname: >
- SAML attributes from the response used for the given name.
+ Attributs SAML de la réponse utilisée pour le prénom.
mapping_lastname: >
- SAML attributes from the response used for the last name.
+ Attributs SAML de la réponse utilisés pour le nom de famille.
mapping_uid: >
- SAML attribute to use for the internal user ID. Leave empty to use the name_id attribute instead
+ Attribut SAML à utiliser pour l'identifiant interne de l'utilisateur. Laissez l'espace vide pour utiliser l'attribut name_id à la place
request_uid: >
- SAML attribute to request for the internal user ID. By default, the name_id will be used for this field.
+ Attribut SAML à demander pour l'identifiant interne de l'utilisateur. Par défaut, l'attribut name_id sera utilisé pour ce champ.
requested_attributes: >
- These attributes are added to the SAML request XML to communicate to the identity provider which attributes OpenProject requires.
+ Ces attributs sont ajoutés à la requête SAML XML pour communiquer au fournisseur d'identité les attributs dont OpenProject a besoin.
requested_format: >
- The format of the requested attribute. This is used to specify the format of the attribute in the SAML request. Please see [documentation on configuring requested attributes](docs_url) for more information.
+ Le format de l'attribut demandé. Il est utilisé pour spécifier le format de l'attribut dans la requête SAML. Veuillez consulter la [documentation sur la configuration des attributs demandés](docs_url) pour obtenir plus d'informations.
authn_requests_signed: >
- If checked, OpenProject will sign the SAML AuthnRequest. You will have to provide a signing certificate and private key using the fields below.
+ Si cette option est cochée, OpenProject signera la requête SAML AuthnRequest. Vous devrez fournir un certificat de signature et une clé privée en utilisant les champs ci-dessous.
want_assertions_signed: >
- If checked, OpenProject will required signed responses from the identity provider using it's own certificate keypair. OpenProject will verify the signature against the certificate from the basic configuration section.
+ Si cette case est cochée, OpenProject exigera des réponses signées du fournisseur d'identité en utilisant sa propre paire de clés de certificat. OpenProject vérifiera la signature par rapport au certificat de la section de configuration de base.
want_assertions_encrypted: >
- If enabled, require the identity provider to encrypt the assertion response using the certificate pair that you provide.
+ Si cette option est activée, le fournisseur d'identité doit chiffrer la réponse d'assertion à l'aide de la paire de certificats que vous lui fournissez.
certificate: >
- Enter the X509 PEM-formatted certificate used by OpenProject for signing SAML requests.
+ Saisissez le certificat X509 au format PEM utilisé par OpenProject pour signer les requêtes SAML.
private_key: >
- Enter the X509 PEM-formatted private key for the above certificate. This needs to be an RSA private key.
+ Saisissez la clé privée X509 au format PEM pour le certificat ci-dessus. Il doit s'agir d'une clé privée RSA.
signature_method: >
- Select the signature algorithm to use for the SAML request signature performed by OpenProject (Default: %{default_option}).
+ Sélectionnez l'algorithme de signature à utiliser pour la signature de la requête SAML effectuée par OpenProject (par défaut : %{default_option}).
digest_method: >
- Select the digest algorithm to use for the SAML request signature performed by OpenProject (Default: %{default_option}).
+ Sélectionnez l'algorithme de chiffrement à utiliser pour la signature de la requête SAML effectuée par OpenProject (par défaut : %{default_option}).
icon: >
- Optionally provide a public URL to an icon graphic that will be displayed next to the provider name.
+ Vous pouvez également fournir une URL publique vers une icône graphique qui sera affichée à côté du nom du fournisseur.
metadata_for_idp: >
- This information might be requested by your SAML identity provider.
+ Ces informations peuvent être demandées par votre fournisseur d'identité SAML.
diff --git a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
index eb1593cb948c..845f9437c79a 100644
--- a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
+++ b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
@@ -2,123 +2,123 @@ ko:
- display_name: Name
- identifier: Identifier
- secret: Secret
- scope: Scope
- assertion_consumer_service_url: ACS (Assertion consumer service) URL
- limit_self_registration: Limit self registration
- sp_entity_id: Service entity ID
- metadata_url: Identity provider metadata URL
- name_identifier_format: Name identifier format
- idp_sso_service_url: Identity provider login endpoint
- idp_slo_service_url: Identity provider logout endpoint
- idp_cert: Public certificate of identity provider
- authn_requests_signed: Sign SAML AuthnRequests
- want_assertions_signed: Require signed responses
- want_assertions_encrypted: Require encrypted responses
- certificate: Certificate used by OpenProject for SAML requests
- private_key: Corresponding private key for OpenProject SAML requests
- signature_method: Signature algorithm
- digest_method: Digest algorithm
- format: "Format"
- icon: "Custom icon"
+ display_name: 이름
+ identifier: 식별자
+ secret: 비밀번호
+ scope: 범위
+ assertion_consumer_service_url: ACS(Assertion Consumer Service) URL
+ limit_self_registration: 자체 등록 제한
+ sp_entity_id: 서비스 엔티티 ID
+ metadata_url: ID 공급자 메타데이터 URL
+ name_identifier_format: 이름 식별자 형식
+ idp_sso_service_url: ID 공급자 로그인 엔드포인트
+ idp_slo_service_url: ID 공급자 로그아웃 엔드포인트
+ idp_cert: ID 공급자의 공개 인증서
+ authn_requests_signed: SAML AuthnRequests 서명
+ want_assertions_signed: 서명된 응답 필요
+ want_assertions_encrypted: 암호화된 응답 필요
+ certificate: OpenProject에서 SAML 요청에 사용하는 인증서
+ private_key: OpenProject SAML 요청에 해당하는 비공개 키
+ signature_method: 서명 알고리즘
+ digest_method: 다이제스트 알고리즘
+ format: "형식"
+ icon: "사용자 지정 아이콘"
- invalid_certificate: "is not a valid PEM-formatted certificate: %{additional_message}"
- invalid_private_key: "is not a valid PEM-formatted private key: %{additional_message}"
- certificate_expired: "is expired and can no longer be used."
- unmatched_private_key: "does not belong to the given certificate"
+ invalid_certificate: "- 유효한 PEM 형식 인증서가 아닙니다: %{additional_message}"
+ invalid_private_key: "- 유효한 PEM 형식 비공개 키가 아닙니다: %{additional_message}"
+ certificate_expired: "- 만료되어 더 이상 사용할 수 없습니다."
+ unmatched_private_key: "- 지정된 인증서에 속하지 않습니다."
- menu_title: SAML providers
+ menu_title: SAML 공급자
- title: "SAML Protocol Configuration Parameters"
+ title: "SAML 프로토콜 구성 매개 변수"
description: >
- Use these parameters to configure your identity provider connection to OpenProject.
+ 이러한 매개 변수를 사용하여 OpenProject에 대한 ID 공급자 연결을 구성합니다.
- success: "Successfully updated the configuration using the identity provider metadata."
- invalid_url: "Provided metadata URL is invalid. Provide a HTTP(s) URL."
- error: "Failed to retrieve the identity provider metadata: %{error}"
+ success: "ID 공급자 메타데이터를 사용하여 구성을 업데이트했습니다."
+ invalid_url: "제공한 메타데이터 URL이 유효하지 않습니다. HTTP(s) URL을 입력하세요."
+ error: "ID 공급자 메타데이터를 검색하지 못했습니다: %{error}"
- label_empty_title: "No SAML providers configured yet."
- label_empty_description: "Add a provider to see them here."
- label_automatic_configuration: Automatic configuration
- label_metadata: Metadata
- label_metadata_endpoint: OpenProject metadata endpoint
- label_openproject_information: OpenProject information
- label_configuration_details: "Identity provider endpoints and certificates"
- label_configuration_encryption: "Signatures and Encryption"
- label_add_new: New SAML identity provider
- label_edit: Edit SAML identity provider %{name}
- label_uid: Internal user id
- label_mapping: Mapping
- label_mapping_for: "Mapping for: %{attribute}"
- label_requested_attribute_for: "Requested attribute for: %{attribute}"
- no_results_table: No SAML identity providers have been defined yet.
- plural: SAML identity providers
- singular: SAML identity provider
- requested_attributes: Requested attributes
- attribute_mapping: Attribute mapping
+ label_empty_title: "아직 구성된 SAML 공급자가 없습니다."
+ label_empty_description: "여기에서 보려면 공급자를 추가합니다."
+ label_automatic_configuration: 자동 구성
+ label_metadata: 메타데이터
+ label_metadata_endpoint: OpenProject 메타데이터 엔드포인트
+ label_openproject_information: OpenProject 정보
+ label_configuration_details: "ID 공급자 엔드포인트 및 인증서"
+ label_configuration_encryption: "서명 및 암호화"
+ label_add_new: 새로운 SAML ID 공급자
+ label_edit: SAML ID 공급자 %{name} 편집
+ label_uid: 내부 사용자 ID
+ label_mapping: 매핑
+ label_mapping_for: "매핑 대상: %{attribute}"
+ label_requested_attribute_for: "요청된 특성 대상: %{attribute}"
+ no_results_table: 아직 정의된 SAML ID 공급자가 없습니다.
+ plural: SAML ID 공급자
+ singular: SAML ID 공급자
+ requested_attributes: 요청된 특성
+ attribute_mapping: 특성 매핑
attribute_mapping_text: >
- The following fields control which attributes provided by the SAML identity provider are used to provide user attributes in OpenProject
+ 다음 필드는 OpenProject에 사용자 특성을 제공하는 데 사용되는 SAML ID 공급자 제공 특성을 제어합니다.
- dialog: "This is the URL where the OpenProject SAML metadata is available. Optionally use it to configure your identity provider:"
+ dialog: "OpenProject SAML 메타데이터를 사용할 수 있는 URL입니다. 선택적으로 이 URL을 사용하여 ID 공급자를 구성합니다:"
- description: Connect OpenProject to a SAML identity provider
+ description: SAML ID 공급자에 OpenProject 연결
- title: 'Requested attributes'
+ title: '요청된 특성'
legend: >
- These attributes are added to the SAML XML metadata to signify to the identify provider which attributes OpenProject requires. You may still need to explicitly configure your identity provider to send these attributes. Please refer to your IdP's documentation.
- name: 'Requested attribute key'
- format: 'Attribute format'
+ 이러한 특성은 SAML XML 메타데이터에 추가되어 OpenProject에 필요한 특성이 무엇인지 ID 공급자에게 나타냅니다. 이러한 특성을 보내려면 ID 공급자를 명시적으로 구성해야 할 수도 있습니다. 해당 ID 공급자의 설명서를 참조하세요.
+ name: '요청된 특성 키'
+ format: '특성 형식'
- configuration: "Primary configuration"
- attributes: "Attributes"
+ configuration: "기본 구성"
+ attributes: "특성"
- display_name: "Configure the display name of the SAML provider."
- metadata: "Pre-fill configuration using a metadata URL or by pasting metadata XML"
- metadata_form: "If your identity provider has a metadata endpoint or XML download, add it below to pre-fill the configuration."
- metadata_form_banner: "Editing the metadata may override existing values in other sections. "
- configuration: "Configure the endpoint URLs for the identity provider, certificates, and further SAML options."
- configuration_metadata: "This information has been pre-filled using the supplied metadata. In most cases, they do not require editing."
- encryption: "Configure assertion signatures and encryption for SAML requests and responses."
- encryption_form: "You may optionally want to encrypt the assertion response, or have requests from OpenProject signed."
- mapping: "Manually adjust the mapping between the SAML response and user attributes in OpenProject."
- requested_attributes: "Define the set of attributes to be requested in the SAML request sent to your identity provider."
- seeded_from_env: "This provider was seeded from the environment configuration. It cannot be edited."
+ display_name: "SAML 공급자의 표시 이름을 구성합니다."
+ metadata: "메타데이터 URL을 사용하거나 메타데이터 XML을 붙여넣어 구성 미리 채우기"
+ metadata_form: "ID 공급자에게 메타데이터 엔드포인트 또는 XML 다운로드가 있는 경우 아래에 추가하여 구성을 미리 채웁니다."
+ metadata_form_banner: "메타데이터를 편집하면 다른 섹션의 기존 값이 재정의될 수 있습니다. "
+ configuration: "ID 공급자, 인증서 및 추가 SAML 옵션에 대한 엔드포인트 URL을 구성합니다."
+ configuration_metadata: "이 정보는 제공된 메타데이터를 사용하여 미리 채워졌습니다. 대부분의 경우 편집할 필요가 없습니다."
+ encryption: "SAML 요청 및 응답에 대한 어설션 서명 및 암호화를 구성합니다."
+ encryption_form: "선택적으로 어설션 응답을 암호화하거나 OpenProject의 요청에 서명할 수 있습니다."
+ mapping: "OpenProject에서 SAML 응답과 사용자 특성 간 매핑을 수동으로 조정합니다."
+ requested_attributes: "ID 공급자에게 보내는 SAML 요청에서 요청할 특성 집합을 정의합니다."
+ seeded_from_env: "이 공급자는 환경 구성에서 시드되었으며, 편집할 수 없습니다."
- metadata_none: "I don't have metadata"
- metadata_url: "Metadata URL"
- metadata_xml: "Metadata XML"
+ metadata_none: "메타데이터가 없습니다"
+ metadata_url: "메타데이터 URL"
+ metadata_xml: "메타데이터 XML"
documentation_link: >
- Please refer to our [documentation on configuring SAML providers](docs_url) for more information on these configuration options.
+ 이러한 구성 옵션에 대한 자세한 내용은 [SAML 공급자 구성에 대한 문서](docs_url)를 참조하세요.
display_name: >
- The name of the provider. This will be displayed as the login button and in the list of providers.
+ 공급자 이름입니다. 로그인 버튼으로 표시되며 공급자 목록에 표시됩니다.
metadata_none: >
- Your identity provider does not have a metadata endpoint or XML download option. You can the configuration manually.
+ ID 공급자에 메타데이터 엔드포인트 또는 XML 다운로드 옵션이 없습니다. 수동으로 구성할 수 있습니다.
metadata_url: >
- Your identity provider provides a metadata URL.
+ ID 공급자가 메타데이터 URL을 제공합니다.
metadata_xml: >
- Your identity provider provides a metadata XML download.
+ ID 공급자가 메타데이터 XML 다운로드를 제공합니다.
limit_self_registration: >
- If enabled users can only register using this provider if the self registration setting allows for it.
+ 활성화되면, 사용자는 자체 등록 설정에서 허용하는 경우에만 이 공급자를 사용하여 등록할 수 있습니다.
sp_entity_id: >
- The entity ID of the service provider (SP). Sometimes also referred to as Audience. This is the unique client identifier of the OpenProject instance.
+ 서비스 공급자(SP)의 엔티티 ID입니다. 오디언스라고 하는 경우도 있습니다. OpenProject 인스턴스의 고유한 클라이언트 ID입니다.
idp_sso_service_url: >
- The URL of the identity provider login endpoint.
+ ID 공급자 로그인 엔드포인트의 URL입니다.
idp_slo_service_url: >
- The URL of the identity provider login endpoint.
+ ID 공급자 로그인 엔드포인트의 URL입니다.
idp_cert: >
- Enter the X509 PEM-formatted public certificate of the identity provider. You can enter multiple certificates by separating them with a newline.
+ ID 공급자의 X509 PEM 형식 공개 인증서를 입력합니다. 여러 인증서를 새 줄로 구분하여 입력할 수 있습니다.
name_identifier_format: >
- Set the name identifier format to be used for the SAML assertion.
+ SAML 어설션에 사용할 이름 식별자 형식을 설정합니다.
sp_metadata_endpoint: >
- This is the URL where the OpenProject SAML metadata is available. Optionally use it to configure your identity provider.
+ OpenProject SAML 메타데이터를 사용할 수 있는 URL입니다. 선택적으로 이 URL을 사용하여 ID 공급자를 구성합니다.
mapping: >
- Configure the mapping between the SAML response and user attributes in OpenProject. You can configure multiple attribute names to look for. OpenProject will choose the first available attribute from the SAML response.
+ OpenProject에서 SAML 응답과 사용자 특성 간 매핑을 구성합니다. 찾을 특성 이름을 여러 개 구성할 수 있습니다. OpenProject는 SAML 응답에서 사용 가능한 첫 번째 특성을 선택합니다.
mapping_login: >
SAML attributes from the response used for the login.
mapping_mail: >
@@ -152,4 +152,4 @@ ko:
icon: >
Optionally provide a public URL to an icon graphic that will be displayed next to the provider name.
metadata_for_idp: >
- This information might be requested by your SAML identity provider.
+ 이 정보는 SAML ID 공급자가 요청할 수 있습니다.
diff --git a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/pl.yml b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/pl.yml
index 6191f95ce6de..63f1f48f637e 100644
--- a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/pl.yml
+++ b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/pl.yml
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ pl:
description: >
Użyj tych parametrów, aby skonfigurować połączenie dostawcy tożsamości z OpenProject.
- success: "Pomyślnie zaktualizowano konfigurację używając metadanych dostawcy tożsamości."
+ success: "Pomyślnie zaktualizowano konfigurację, używając metadanych dostawcy tożsamości."
invalid_url: "Podany adres URL metadanych jest nieprawidłowy. Podaj adres URL HTTP(s)."
error: "Nie udało się pobrać metadanych dostawcy identyfikacji: %{error}"
@@ -70,16 +70,16 @@ pl:
title: 'Wymagane atrybuty'
legend: >
- Te atrybuty są dodawane do metadanych SAML XML, aby oznaczyć dostawcę tożsamości, którego atrybutów wymaga OpenProject. Nadal może być konieczne jednoznaczne skonfigurowanie dostawcy tożsamości do wysyłania tych atrybutów. Zapoznaj się z dokumentacją dostawcy tożsamości.
+ Te atrybuty są dodawane do metadanych SAML XML, aby pokazać dostawcy tożsamości, które atrybuty są wymagane przez OpenProject. Nadal może być konieczne jednoznaczne skonfigurowanie dostawcy tożsamości do wysyłania tych atrybutów. Zapoznaj się z dokumentacją swojego dostawcy tożsamości.
name: 'Wymagany klucz atrybutu'
format: 'Format atrybutu'
- configuration: "Podstawowa fkonfiguracja"
+ configuration: "Podstawowa konfiguracja"
attributes: "Atrybuty"
display_name: "Skonfiguruj wyświetlaną nazwę dostawcy SAML."
metadata: "Wstępnie wypełnij konfigurację, używając adresu URL metadanych lub wklej metadane XML"
- metadata_form: "Jeśli Twój dostawca tożsamości ma punkt końcowy metadanych lub pobranie XML, dodaj go poniżej, aby wstępnie wypełnić konfigurację."
+ metadata_form: "Jeśli Twój dostawca tożsamości ma punkt końcowy metadanych lub możliwość pobrania XML, dodaj go poniżej, aby wstępnie wypełnić konfigurację."
metadata_form_banner: "Edycja metadanych może zastąpić istniejące wartości w innych sekcjach. "
configuration: "Skonfiguruj adresy URL punktu końcowego dla dostawcy tożsamości, certyfikatów i dalszych opcji SAML."
configuration_metadata: "Te informacje zostały wypełnione przy użyciu dostarczonych metadanych. W większości przypadków nie wymagają one edycji."
@@ -136,11 +136,11 @@ pl:
requested_format: >
Format żądanego atrybutu. Jest używany do określenia formatu atrybutu w żądaniu SAML. Zobacz [dokumentację dotyczącą konfiguracji żądanych atrybutów](docs_url), aby uzyskać więcej informacji.
authn_requests_signed: >
- Jeśli zaznaczone, OpenProject podpisze SAML AuthnRequest. Będzie trzeba podać certyfikat podpisu i klucz prywatny, używając poniższych pól.
+ Jeśli zaznaczone, OpenProject podpisze SAML AuthnRequest. Wymagane będzie podanie certyfikatu podpisu i klucza prywatnego, wykorzystując poniższe pola.
want_assertions_signed: >
Jeśli zaznaczone, OpenProject będzie wymagał podpisanych odpowiedzi od dostawcy tożsamości, używając własnego klucza certyfikatu. OpenProject zweryfikuje podpis z certyfikatu z sekcji podstawowej konfiguracji.
want_assertions_encrypted: >
- Jeśli opcja jest włączona, wymaga od dostawcy tożsamości zaszyfrowania jego odpowiedzi za pomocą pary certyfikatów, którą podasz.
+ Jeśli opcja jest włączona, wymaga od dostawcy tożsamości zaszyfrowania jego odpowiedzi za pomocą podanej przez Ciebie pary certyfikatów.
certificate: >
Wprowadź certyfikat w formacie X509 PEM używany przez OpenProject do podpisywania żądań SAML.
private_key: >
diff --git a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
index 86d76468ff37..45e84a00d54e 100644
--- a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
+++ b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
@@ -3,153 +3,153 @@ pt-PT:
display_name: Nome
- identifier: Identifier
- secret: Secret
- scope: Scope
- assertion_consumer_service_url: ACS (Assertion consumer service) URL
- limit_self_registration: Limit self registration
- sp_entity_id: Service entity ID
- metadata_url: Identity provider metadata URL
- name_identifier_format: Name identifier format
- idp_sso_service_url: Identity provider login endpoint
- idp_slo_service_url: Identity provider logout endpoint
- idp_cert: Public certificate of identity provider
- authn_requests_signed: Sign SAML AuthnRequests
- want_assertions_signed: Require signed responses
- want_assertions_encrypted: Require encrypted responses
- certificate: Certificate used by OpenProject for SAML requests
- private_key: Corresponding private key for OpenProject SAML requests
- signature_method: Signature algorithm
- digest_method: Digest algorithm
- format: "Format"
- icon: "Custom icon"
+ identifier: Identificador
+ secret: Segredo
+ scope: Âmbito
+ assertion_consumer_service_url: URL do ACS (Assertion consumer service)
+ limit_self_registration: Limitar auto-registo
+ sp_entity_id: ID da entidade de serviço
+ metadata_url: URL dos metadados do fornecedor de identidade
+ name_identifier_format: Formato do identificador do nome
+ idp_sso_service_url: Ponto final do início de sessão do fornecedor de identidade
+ idp_slo_service_url: Ponto final do fim de sessão do fornecedor de identidade
+ idp_cert: Certificado público do fornecedor de identidade
+ authn_requests_signed: Assinar SAML AuthnRequests
+ want_assertions_signed: Exigir respostas assinadas
+ want_assertions_encrypted: Exigir respostas encriptadas
+ certificate: Certificado utilizado pelo OpenProject para pedidos SAML
+ private_key: Chave privada correspondente para pedidos SAML do OpenProject
+ signature_method: Algoritmo de assinatura
+ digest_method: Algoritmo de resumo
+ format: "Formato"
+ icon: "Ícone personalizado"
- invalid_certificate: "is not a valid PEM-formatted certificate: %{additional_message}"
- invalid_private_key: "is not a valid PEM-formatted private key: %{additional_message}"
- certificate_expired: "is expired and can no longer be used."
- unmatched_private_key: "does not belong to the given certificate"
+ invalid_certificate: "não é um certificado válido em formato PEM: %{additional_message}"
+ invalid_private_key: "não é uma chave privada válida em formato PEM: %{additional_message}"
+ certificate_expired: "expirou e já não pode ser utilizado."
+ unmatched_private_key: "não pertence ao certificado fornecido"
- menu_title: SAML providers
+ menu_title: Fornecedores SAML
- title: "SAML Protocol Configuration Parameters"
+ title: "Parâmetros de configuração do protocolo SAML"
description: >
- Use these parameters to configure your identity provider connection to OpenProject.
+ Utilize estes parâmetros para configurar a ligação do seu fornecedor de identidade ao OpenProject.
- success: "Successfully updated the configuration using the identity provider metadata."
- invalid_url: "Provided metadata URL is invalid. Provide a HTTP(s) URL."
- error: "Failed to retrieve the identity provider metadata: %{error}"
+ success: "Atualizou a configuração utilizando os metadados do fornecedor de identidade com êxito."
+ invalid_url: "O URL de metadados fornecido é inválido. Forneça um URL HTTP(s)."
+ error: "Falha ao recuperar os metadados do fornecedor de identidade: %{error}"
- label_empty_title: "No SAML providers configured yet."
- label_empty_description: "Add a provider to see them here."
- label_automatic_configuration: Automatic configuration
- label_metadata: Metadata
- label_metadata_endpoint: OpenProject metadata endpoint
- label_openproject_information: OpenProject information
- label_configuration_details: "Identity provider endpoints and certificates"
- label_configuration_encryption: "Signatures and Encryption"
- label_add_new: New SAML identity provider
- label_edit: Edit SAML identity provider %{name}
- label_uid: Internal user id
- label_mapping: Mapping
- label_mapping_for: "Mapping for: %{attribute}"
- label_requested_attribute_for: "Requested attribute for: %{attribute}"
- no_results_table: No SAML identity providers have been defined yet.
- plural: SAML identity providers
- singular: SAML identity provider
- requested_attributes: Requested attributes
- attribute_mapping: Attribute mapping
+ label_empty_title: "Ainda não existem fornecedores SAML configurados."
+ label_empty_description: "Adicione um fornecedor para vê-lo aqui."
+ label_automatic_configuration: Configuração automática
+ label_metadata: Metadados
+ label_metadata_endpoint: Ponto final de metadados do OpenProject
+ label_openproject_information: Informações sobre o OpenProject
+ label_configuration_details: "Pontos finais e certificados do fornecedor de identidade"
+ label_configuration_encryption: "Assinaturas e encriptação"
+ label_add_new: Novo fornecedor de identidade SAML
+ label_edit: Edite o fornecedor de identidade SAML %{name}
+ label_uid: ID do utilizador interno
+ label_mapping: Mapeamento
+ label_mapping_for: "Mapeamento para: %{attribute}"
+ label_requested_attribute_for: "Atributo solicitado para: %{attribute}"
+ no_results_table: Ainda não foram definidos fornecedores de identidade SAML.
+ plural: Fornecedores de identidade SAML
+ singular: Fornecedor de identidade SAML
+ requested_attributes: Atributos solicitados
+ attribute_mapping: Mapeamento de atributos
attribute_mapping_text: >
- The following fields control which attributes provided by the SAML identity provider are used to provide user attributes in OpenProject
+ Os seguintes campos controlam os atributos fornecidos pelo fornecedor de identidade SAML que são utilizados para fornecer atributos de utilizador no OpenProject
- dialog: "This is the URL where the OpenProject SAML metadata is available. Optionally use it to configure your identity provider:"
+ dialog: "Este é o URL onde os metadados SAML do OpenProject estão disponíveis. Opcionalmente, utilize-o para configurar o seu fornecedor de identidade:"
- description: Connect OpenProject to a SAML identity provider
+ description: Associar o OpenProject a um fornecedor de identidade SAML
- title: 'Requested attributes'
+ title: 'Atributos solicitados'
legend: >
- These attributes are added to the SAML XML metadata to signify to the identify provider which attributes OpenProject requires. You may still need to explicitly configure your identity provider to send these attributes. Please refer to your IdP's documentation.
- name: 'Requested attribute key'
- format: 'Attribute format'
+ Estes atributos são adicionados aos metadados SAML XML para indicar ao fornecedor de identidade quais são os atributos exigidos pelo OpenProject. Poderá ainda ter de configurar explicitamente o seu fornecedor de identidade para enviar estes atributos. Consulte a documentação do seu IdP.
+ name: 'Chave de atributo solicitada'
+ format: 'Formato do atributo'
- configuration: "Primary configuration"
- attributes: "Attributes"
+ configuration: "Configuração primária"
+ attributes: "Atributos"
- display_name: "Configure the display name of the SAML provider."
- metadata: "Pre-fill configuration using a metadata URL or by pasting metadata XML"
- metadata_form: "If your identity provider has a metadata endpoint or XML download, add it below to pre-fill the configuration."
- metadata_form_banner: "Editing the metadata may override existing values in other sections. "
- configuration: "Configure the endpoint URLs for the identity provider, certificates, and further SAML options."
- configuration_metadata: "This information has been pre-filled using the supplied metadata. In most cases, they do not require editing."
- encryption: "Configure assertion signatures and encryption for SAML requests and responses."
- encryption_form: "You may optionally want to encrypt the assertion response, or have requests from OpenProject signed."
- mapping: "Manually adjust the mapping between the SAML response and user attributes in OpenProject."
- requested_attributes: "Define the set of attributes to be requested in the SAML request sent to your identity provider."
- seeded_from_env: "This provider was seeded from the environment configuration. It cannot be edited."
+ display_name: "Configure o nome de apresentação do fornecedor SAML."
+ metadata: "Preencha previamente a configuração ao utilizar um URL de metadados ou ao colar XML de metadados"
+ metadata_form: "Se o seu fornecedor de identidade tiver um ponto final de metadados ou uma transferência XML, adicione-o abaixo para preencher previamente a configuração."
+ metadata_form_banner: "A edição dos metadados pode sobrepor-se aos valores existentes noutras secções. "
+ configuration: "Configure os URL do ponto final para o fornecedor de identidade, certificados e outras opções SAML."
+ configuration_metadata: "Estas informações foram pré-preenchidas utilizando os metadados fornecidos. Na maioria dos casos, não necessitam de edição."
+ encryption: "Configure assinaturas de afirmação e encriptação para pedidos e respostas SAML."
+ encryption_form: "Opcionalmente, pode querer encriptar a resposta da asserção ou ter pedidos do OpenProject assinados."
+ mapping: "Ajuste manualmente o mapeamento entre a resposta SAML e os atributos do utilizador no OpenProject."
+ requested_attributes: "Defina o conjunto de atributos a solicitar no pedido SAML enviado para o seu fornecedor de identidade."
+ seeded_from_env: "Este fornecedor foi semeado a partir da configuração do ambiente. Não pode ser editado."
- metadata_none: "I don't have metadata"
- metadata_url: "Metadata URL"
- metadata_xml: "Metadata XML"
+ metadata_none: "Não tenho metadados"
+ metadata_url: "URL de metadados"
+ metadata_xml: "XML de metadados"
documentation_link: >
- Please refer to our [documentation on configuring SAML providers](docs_url) for more information on these configuration options.
+ Consulte a nossa [documentação sobre a configuração de fornecedores SAML] (docs_url) para obter mais informações sobre estas opções de configuração.
display_name: >
- The name of the provider. This will be displayed as the login button and in the list of providers.
+ O nome do fornecedor. Este nome será apresentado no botão de início de sessão e na lista de fornecedores.
metadata_none: >
- Your identity provider does not have a metadata endpoint or XML download option. You can the configuration manually.
+ O seu fornecedor de identidade não tem um ponto final de metadados ou uma opção de transferência de XML. Pode efetuar a configuração manualmente.
metadata_url: >
- Your identity provider provides a metadata URL.
+ O seu fornecedor de identidade fornece um URL de metadados.
metadata_xml: >
- Your identity provider provides a metadata XML download.
+ O seu fornecedor de identidade fornece uma transferência XML de metadados.
limit_self_registration: >
- If enabled users can only register using this provider if the self registration setting allows for it.
+ Se estiver ativado, os utilizadores apenas podem registar-se utilizando este fornecedor se a definição de auto-registo o permitir.
sp_entity_id: >
- The entity ID of the service provider (SP). Sometimes also referred to as Audience. This is the unique client identifier of the OpenProject instance.
+ O ID da entidade do fornecedor de serviços (SP). Por vezes também referido como Audiência. Este é o identificador de cliente único da instância do OpenProject.
idp_sso_service_url: >
- The URL of the identity provider login endpoint.
+ O URL do ponto final de início de sessão do fornecedor de identidade.
idp_slo_service_url: >
- The URL of the identity provider login endpoint.
+ O URL do ponto final de início de sessão do fornecedor de identidade.
idp_cert: >
- Enter the X509 PEM-formatted public certificate of the identity provider. You can enter multiple certificates by separating them with a newline.
+ Introduza o certificado público com formato X509 PEM do fornecedor de identidade. Pode introduzir vários certificados, separando-os com uma nova linha.
name_identifier_format: >
- Set the name identifier format to be used for the SAML assertion.
+ Defina o formato do identificador de nome a ser utilizado para a afirmação SAML.
sp_metadata_endpoint: >
- This is the URL where the OpenProject SAML metadata is available. Optionally use it to configure your identity provider.
+ Este é o URL onde os metadados SAML do OpenProject estão disponíveis. Opcionalmente, utilize-o para configurar o seu fornecedor de identidade.
mapping: >
- Configure the mapping between the SAML response and user attributes in OpenProject. You can configure multiple attribute names to look for. OpenProject will choose the first available attribute from the SAML response.
+ Configure o mapeamento entre a resposta SAML e os atributos do utilizador no OpenProject. Pode configurar vários nomes de atributos para procurar. O OpenProject irá escolher o primeiro atributo disponível na resposta SAML.
mapping_login: >
- SAML attributes from the response used for the login.
+ Atributos SAML da resposta utilizados para o início de sessão.
mapping_mail: >
- SAML attributes from the response used for the email of the user.
+ Atributos SAML da resposta utilizados para o e-mail do utilizador.
mapping_firstname: >
- SAML attributes from the response used for the given name.
+ Atributos SAML da resposta utilizados para o nome indicado.
mapping_lastname: >
- SAML attributes from the response used for the last name.
+ Atributos SAML da resposta utilizados para o sobrenome.
mapping_uid: >
- SAML attribute to use for the internal user ID. Leave empty to use the name_id attribute instead
+ Atributo SAML a utilizar para o ID de utilizador interno. Deixe em branco para utilizar o atributo name_id
request_uid: >
- SAML attribute to request for the internal user ID. By default, the name_id will be used for this field.
+ Atributo SAML a solicitar para o ID de utilizador interno. Por predefinição, será utilizado o name_id para este campo.
requested_attributes: >
- These attributes are added to the SAML request XML to communicate to the identity provider which attributes OpenProject requires.
+ Estes atributos são adicionados ao XML do pedido SAML para comunicar ao fornecedor de identidade quais os atributos exigidos pelo OpenProject.
requested_format: >
- The format of the requested attribute. This is used to specify the format of the attribute in the SAML request. Please see [documentation on configuring requested attributes](docs_url) for more information.
+ O formato do atributo solicitado. Isto é utilizado para especificar o formato do atributo no pedido SAML. Consulte [documentação sobre a configuração de atributos solicitados](docs_url) para obter mais informações.
authn_requests_signed: >
- If checked, OpenProject will sign the SAML AuthnRequest. You will have to provide a signing certificate and private key using the fields below.
+ Se estiver selecionado, o OpenProject irá assinar o SAML AuthnRequest. Terá de fornecer um certificado de assinatura e uma chave privada utilizando os campos abaixo.
want_assertions_signed: >
- If checked, OpenProject will required signed responses from the identity provider using it's own certificate keypair. OpenProject will verify the signature against the certificate from the basic configuration section.
+ Se estiver selecionado, o OpenProject irá exigir respostas assinadas do fornecedor de identidade utilizando o seu próprio par de chaves de certificado. O OpenProject irá verificar a assinatura em relação ao certificado da secção de configuração básica.
want_assertions_encrypted: >
- If enabled, require the identity provider to encrypt the assertion response using the certificate pair that you provide.
+ Se estiver ativado, exija que o fornecedor de identidade encripte a resposta de afirmação utilizando o par de certificados que forneceu.
certificate: >
- Enter the X509 PEM-formatted certificate used by OpenProject for signing SAML requests.
+ Insira o certificado X509 PEM formatado usado pelo OpenProject para assinar solicitações SAML.
private_key: >
- Enter the X509 PEM-formatted private key for the above certificate. This needs to be an RSA private key.
+ Introduza a chave privada X509 PEM formatada para o certificado acima. Esta tem de ser uma chave privada RSA.
signature_method: >
- Select the signature algorithm to use for the SAML request signature performed by OpenProject (Default: %{default_option}).
+ Selecione o algoritmo de assinatura a utilizar para a assinatura do pedido SAML efetuada pelo OpenProject (Predefinição: %{default_option}).
digest_method: >
- Select the digest algorithm to use for the SAML request signature performed by OpenProject (Default: %{default_option}).
+ Selecione o algoritmo de resumo a utilizar para a assinatura do pedido SAML efetuada pelo OpenProject (Predefinição: %{default_option}).
icon: >
- Optionally provide a public URL to an icon graphic that will be displayed next to the provider name.
+ Opcionalmente, forneça um URL público para um ícone gráfico que será apresentado junto ao nome do fornecedor.
metadata_for_idp: >
- This information might be requested by your SAML identity provider.
+ Estas informações podem ser solicitadas pelo seu fornecedor de identidade SAML.
diff --git a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/uk.yml b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/uk.yml
index b064196cddba..b3f398da1801 100644
--- a/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/uk.yml
+++ b/modules/auth_saml/config/locales/crowdin/uk.yml
@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@ uk:
- display_name: Назва
+ display_name: Ім’я
identifier: Ідентифікатор
- secret: Секретний ключ
- scope: Область застосування
+ secret: Секрет
+ scope: Область
assertion_consumer_service_url: URL-адреса ACS (Служба підтримки споживачів)
limit_self_registration: Обмежити самостійну реєстрацію
sp_entity_id: ID сервісної організації
@@ -14,77 +14,77 @@ uk:
idp_sso_service_url: Кінцева точка входу постачальника ідентифікаційних даних
idp_slo_service_url: Кінцева точка виходу постачальника ідентифікаційних даних
idp_cert: Загальнодоступний сертифікат постачальника ідентифікаційних даних
- authn_requests_signed: Підписувати запити автентифікації SAML
+ authn_requests_signed: Підписувати запити SAML AuthnRequest
want_assertions_signed: Вимагати підписані відповіді
want_assertions_encrypted: Вимагати зашифровані відповіді
certificate: Сертифікат, який OpenProject використовує для запитів SAML
- private_key: Відповідний приватний ключ для запитів SAML в OpenProject
+ private_key: Відповідний закритий ключ для запитів SAML OpenProject
signature_method: Алгоритм підпису
- digest_method: Digest algorithm
+ digest_method: Алгоритм зведення
format: "Формат"
icon: "Користувацький значок"
- invalid_certificate: "is not a valid PEM-formatted certificate: %{additional_message}"
- invalid_private_key: "is not a valid PEM-formatted private key: %{additional_message}"
- certificate_expired: "is expired and can no longer be used."
- unmatched_private_key: "does not belong to the given certificate"
+ invalid_certificate: "не є дійсним сертифікатом у форматі PEM: %{additional_message}"
+ invalid_private_key: "не є дійсним закритим ключем у форматі PEM: %{additional_message}"
+ certificate_expired: "більше не діє і не може використовуватися."
+ unmatched_private_key: "не належить до даного сертифікату"
- menu_title: SAML providers
+ menu_title: Постачальники SAML
- title: "SAML Protocol Configuration Parameters"
+ title: "Параметри конфігурації протоколу SAML"
description: >
- Use these parameters to configure your identity provider connection to OpenProject.
+ Використовуйте ці параметри, щоб налаштувати підключення свого постачальника ідентифікаційних даних в OpenProject.
- success: "Successfully updated the configuration using the identity provider metadata."
- invalid_url: "Provided metadata URL is invalid. Provide a HTTP(s) URL."
- error: "Failed to retrieve the identity provider metadata: %{error}"
+ success: "Конфігурацію оновлено за допомогою метаданих постачальника ідентифікаційних даних."
+ invalid_url: "Надано неправильну URL-адресу метаданих. Укажіть URL-адресу HTTP(s)."
+ error: "Не вдалось отримати метадані постачальника ідентифікаційних даних: %{error}"
- label_empty_title: "No SAML providers configured yet."
- label_empty_description: "Add a provider to see them here."
- label_automatic_configuration: Automatic configuration
- label_metadata: Metadata
- label_metadata_endpoint: OpenProject metadata endpoint
- label_openproject_information: OpenProject information
- label_configuration_details: "Identity provider endpoints and certificates"
- label_configuration_encryption: "Signatures and Encryption"
- label_add_new: New SAML identity provider
- label_edit: Edit SAML identity provider %{name}
- label_uid: Internal user id
- label_mapping: Mapping
- label_mapping_for: "Mapping for: %{attribute}"
- label_requested_attribute_for: "Requested attribute for: %{attribute}"
- no_results_table: No SAML identity providers have been defined yet.
- plural: SAML identity providers
- singular: SAML identity provider
- requested_attributes: Requested attributes
- attribute_mapping: Attribute mapping
+ label_empty_title: "Поки не налаштовано жодного постачальника послуг SAML."
+ label_empty_description: "Додайте постачальника послуг, і він з’явиться тут."
+ label_automatic_configuration: Автоматична конфігурація
+ label_metadata: Метадані
+ label_metadata_endpoint: Кінцева точка метаданих OpenProject
+ label_openproject_information: Інформація OpenProject
+ label_configuration_details: "Кінцеві точки й сертифікати постачальника ідентифікаційних даних"
+ label_configuration_encryption: "Підписи й шифрування"
+ label_add_new: Додати постачальника ідентифікаційних даних SAML
+ label_edit: Редагувати постачальника ідентифікаційних даних SAML %{name}
+ label_uid: Внутрішній ID користувача
+ label_mapping: Зіставлення
+ label_mapping_for: "Зіставлення для: %{attribute}"
+ label_requested_attribute_for: "Запитаний атрибут для: %{attribute}"
+ no_results_table: Поки не визначеного жодного постачальника ідентифікаційних даних SAML.
+ plural: Постачальники ідентифікаційних даних SAML
+ singular: Постачальник ідентифікаційних даних SAML
+ requested_attributes: Запитувані атрибути
+ attribute_mapping: Зіставлення атрибутів
attribute_mapping_text: >
- The following fields control which attributes provided by the SAML identity provider are used to provide user attributes in OpenProject
+ Наведені нижче поля визначають, які атрибути, надані постачальником ідентифікаційних даних SAML, використовуються для надання атрибутів користувача в OpenProject
- dialog: "This is the URL where the OpenProject SAML metadata is available. Optionally use it to configure your identity provider:"
+ dialog: "Це URL-адреса, за якою доступні метадані SAML OpenProject. Ви можете використовувати її для налаштування свого постачальника ідентифікаційних даних:"
- description: Connect OpenProject to a SAML identity provider
+ description: Підключіть OpenProject до постачальника ідентифікаційних даних SAML
- title: 'Requested attributes'
+ title: 'Запитувані атрибути'
legend: >
- These attributes are added to the SAML XML metadata to signify to the identify provider which attributes OpenProject requires. You may still need to explicitly configure your identity provider to send these attributes. Please refer to your IdP's documentation.
- name: 'Requested attribute key'
- format: 'Attribute format'
+ Ці атрибути додаються до XML метаданих SAML. Таким чином постачальник ідентифікаційних даних може дізнатися, які атрибути потрібні OpenProject. Можливо, вам усе одно знадобиться явно налаштувати свого постачальника ідентифікаційних даних для надсилання цих атрибутів. Ознайомтеся з документацією постачальника ідентифікаційних даних.
+ name: 'Запитаний ключ атрибута'
+ format: 'Формат атрибута'
- configuration: "Primary configuration"
- attributes: "Attributes"
+ configuration: "Основна конфігурація"
+ attributes: "Атрибути"
- display_name: "Configure the display name of the SAML provider."
- metadata: "Pre-fill configuration using a metadata URL or by pasting metadata XML"
- metadata_form: "If your identity provider has a metadata endpoint or XML download, add it below to pre-fill the configuration."
- metadata_form_banner: "Editing the metadata may override existing values in other sections. "
- configuration: "Configure the endpoint URLs for the identity provider, certificates, and further SAML options."
- configuration_metadata: "This information has been pre-filled using the supplied metadata. In most cases, they do not require editing."
- encryption: "Configure assertion signatures and encryption for SAML requests and responses."
- encryption_form: "За бажанням ви можете зашифрувати відповідь підтвердження. Або ж отримуйте підписані запити з OpenProject."
+ display_name: "Налаштуйте коротке ім’я постачальника послуг SAML."
+ metadata: "Попередньо заповніть конфігурацію, використовуючи URL-адресу метаданих або вставивши XML метаданих"
+ metadata_form: "Якщо в постачальника ідентифікаційних даних є кінцева точка метаданих або він надає можливість завантажити XML, додайте його нижче, щоб заповнити конфігурацію."
+ metadata_form_banner: "Редагування метаданих може замінити наявні значення в інших розділах. "
+ configuration: "Налаштуйте URL-адреси кінцевих точок для постачальника ідентифікаційних даних, сертифікатів і інших параметрів SAML."
+ configuration_metadata: "Цю інформацію отримано з наданих метаданих. Здебільшого вона не потребує редагування."
+ encryption: "Налаштуйте підписи тверджень і шифрування для запитів SAML і відповідей."
+ encryption_form: "За бажанням ви можете зашифрувати відповідь твердження. Або ж використовуйте підписані запити з OpenProject."
mapping: "Вручну налаштуйте зіставлення відповіді SAML і атрибутів користувача в OpenProject."
requested_attributes: "Визначте набір атрибутів, які передаватимуться в запиті SAML, що надсилається вашому постачальнику ідентифікаційних даних."
seeded_from_env: "Цього постачальника додано з конфігурації середовища. Його не можна змінити."
@@ -94,62 +94,62 @@ uk:
metadata_xml: "XML метаданих"
documentation_link: >
- Please refer to our [documentation on configuring SAML providers](docs_url) for more information on these configuration options.
+ Щоб дізнатися більше про ці варіанти конфігурації, ознайомтеся з нашою [документацією щодо налаштування постачальників SAML](docs_url).
display_name: >
- The name of the provider. This will be displayed as the login button and in the list of providers.
+ Ім’я постачальника послуг. Відображатиметься як кнопка входу й пункт у списку постачальників послуг.
metadata_none: >
- Your identity provider does not have a metadata endpoint or XML download option. You can the configuration manually.
+ Ваш постачальник ідентифікаційних даних не має кінцевої точки метаданих або не надає можливість завантаження XML. Ви можете налаштувати конфігурацію вручну.
metadata_url: >
- Your identity provider provides a metadata URL.
+ Ваш постачальник ідентифікаційних надає URL-адресу метаданих.
metadata_xml: >
- Your identity provider provides a metadata XML download.
+ Ваш постачальник ідентифікаційних надає можливість завантаження XML метаданих.
limit_self_registration: >
- If enabled users can only register using this provider if the self registration setting allows for it.
+ Якщо ввімкнено, користувачі можуть зареєструватися лише через цього постачальника послуг, коли це дозволено параметром самостійної реєстрації.
sp_entity_id: >
- The entity ID of the service provider (SP). Sometimes also referred to as Audience. This is the unique client identifier of the OpenProject instance.
+ ID об’єкта постачальника послуг (SP), або «Аудиторія». Це унікальний ідентифікатор клієнта екземпляра OpenProject.
idp_sso_service_url: >
- The URL of the identity provider login endpoint.
+ URL-адреса кінцевої точки входу постачальника ідентифікаційних даних.
idp_slo_service_url: >
- The URL of the identity provider login endpoint.
+ URL-адреса кінцевої точки входу постачальника ідентифікаційних даних.
idp_cert: >
- Enter the X509 PEM-formatted public certificate of the identity provider. You can enter multiple certificates by separating them with a newline.
+ Введіть загальнодоступний сертифікат постачальника ідентифікаційних даних у форматі X509 PEM. Ви можете ввести кілька сертифікатів по одному в рядку.
name_identifier_format: >
- Set the name identifier format to be used for the SAML assertion.
+ Задайте формат ідентифікатора імені для твердження SAML.
sp_metadata_endpoint: >
- This is the URL where the OpenProject SAML metadata is available. Optionally use it to configure your identity provider.
+ Це URL-адреса, за якою доступні метадані SAML OpenProject. Ви можете використовувати її для налаштування свого постачальника ідентифікаційних даних.
mapping: >
- Configure the mapping between the SAML response and user attributes in OpenProject. You can configure multiple attribute names to look for. OpenProject will choose the first available attribute from the SAML response.
+ Налаштуйте зіставлення між відповіддю SAML і атрибутами користувача в OpenProject. Ви можете вказати кілька імен атрибутів для пошуку. OpenProject вибере перший доступний атрибут із відповіді SAML.
mapping_login: >
- SAML attributes from the response used for the login.
+ Атрибути SAML із відповіді, використані для облікових даних.
mapping_mail: >
- SAML attributes from the response used for the email of the user.
+ Атрибути SAML із відповіді, використані для електронної адреси користувача.
mapping_firstname: >
- SAML attributes from the response used for the given name.
+ Атрибути SAML із відповіді, використані для імені.
mapping_lastname: >
- SAML attributes from the response used for the last name.
+ Атрибути SAML із відповіді, використані для прізвища.
mapping_uid: >
- SAML attribute to use for the internal user ID. Leave empty to use the name_id attribute instead
+ Атрибути SAML для внутрішнього ідентифікатора користувача. Не вказуйте, щоб використовувати натомість атрибут name_id
request_uid: >
- SAML attribute to request for the internal user ID. By default, the name_id will be used for this field.
+ Атрибути SAML для запиту внутрішнього ідентифікатора користувача. За замовчуванням у цьому полі використовуватиметься атрибут name_id.
requested_attributes: >
- These attributes are added to the SAML request XML to communicate to the identity provider which attributes OpenProject requires.
+ Ці атрибути додано до XML запиту SAML. Так постачальник ідентифікаційних даних знатиме, які атрибути потрібні OpenProject.
requested_format: >
- The format of the requested attribute. This is used to specify the format of the attribute in the SAML request. Please see [documentation on configuring requested attributes](docs_url) for more information.
+ Формат запитуваного атрибута. Визначає формат атрибута в запиті SAML. Щоб дізнатися більше, ознайомтеся з [документацією щодо налаштування запитуваних атрибутів](docs_url).
authn_requests_signed: >
- If checked, OpenProject will sign the SAML AuthnRequest. You will have to provide a signing certificate and private key using the fields below.
+ Якщо вибрано, OpenProject підписуватиме запити SAML AuthnRequest. Вам потрібно буде надати сертифікат підпису й закритий ключ за допомогою полів нижче.
want_assertions_signed: >
- If checked, OpenProject will required signed responses from the identity provider using it's own certificate keypair. OpenProject will verify the signature against the certificate from the basic configuration section.
+ Якщо вибрано, OpenProject вимагатиме підписані відповіді від постачальника ідентифікаційних даних за допомогою власної пари сертифікатів. OpenProject перевірить підпис за сертифікатом із розділу базової конфігурації.
want_assertions_encrypted: >
- If enabled, require the identity provider to encrypt the assertion response using the certificate pair that you provide.
+ Якщо ввімкнено, постачальник ідентифікаційних зобов’язаний зашифрувати відповідь твердження за допомогою наданої вами пари сертифікатів.
certificate: >
- Enter the X509 PEM-formatted certificate used by OpenProject for signing SAML requests.
+ Введіть сертифікат X509 у форматі PEM, за допомогою якого OpenProject підписує запити SAML.
private_key: >
- Enter the X509 PEM-formatted private key for the above certificate. This needs to be an RSA private key.
+ Введіть закритий ключ X509 у форматі PEM для зазначеного вище сертифіката. Це має бути закритий ключ RSA.
signature_method: >
- Select the signature algorithm to use for the SAML request signature performed by OpenProject (Default: %{default_option}).
+ Виберіть алгоритм підпису, який використовуватиметься для підпису запиту X509, що виконується в OpenProject (за замовчуванням: %{default_option}).
digest_method: >
- Select the digest algorithm to use for the SAML request signature performed by OpenProject (Default: %{default_option}).
+ Виберіть алгоритм зведення, який використовуватиметься для підпису запиту X509, що виконується в OpenProject (за замовчуванням: %{default_option}).
icon: >
- Optionally provide a public URL to an icon graphic that will be displayed next to the provider name.
+ За бажанням надайте загальнодоступну URL-адресу для значка, який відображатиметься біля імені постачальника послуг.
metadata_for_idp: >
- This information might be requested by your SAML identity provider.
+ Цю інформацію може запитати ваш постачальник ідентифікаційних даних SAML.
diff --git a/modules/backlogs/config/locales/crowdin/tr.yml b/modules/backlogs/config/locales/crowdin/tr.yml
index 791ee9005f5a..32da621a8f83 100644
--- a/modules/backlogs/config/locales/crowdin/tr.yml
+++ b/modules/backlogs/config/locales/crowdin/tr.yml
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ tr:
points_resolved: "puanlar çözüldü"
points_to_accept: "puan kabul edilmedi"
points_to_resolve: "puan çözülmedi"
- project_module_backlogs: "İş listeleri"
+ project_module_backlogs: "Bekleyen İşler"
rb_label_copy_tasks: "İş paketlerini kopyala"
rb_label_copy_tasks_all: "Hepsi"
rb_label_copy_tasks_none: "Hiçbiri"
diff --git a/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml b/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
index 08d1409d858d..e761c7e72601 100644
--- a/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
+++ b/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ fr:
label_rate: "Tarif"
label_rate_plural: "Tarifs"
label_status_finished: "Terminé"
- label_show: "Show"
+ label_show: "Afficher"
label_units: "Unités de coût"
label_user: "Utilisateur"
label_until: "jusque"
diff --git a/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml b/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
index dfb12a5be5c3..0b091b0d2586 100644
--- a/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
+++ b/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ ko:
label_rate: "요금"
label_rate_plural: "요금"
label_status_finished: "마침"
- label_show: "Show"
+ label_show: "표시"
label_units: "단위 비용"
label_user: "사용자"
label_until: "다음까지:"
diff --git a/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml b/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
index d164c9eeb446..ec400acdc328 100644
--- a/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
+++ b/modules/costs/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ pt-PT:
label_rate: "Taxa"
label_rate_plural: "Taxas"
label_status_finished: "Terminado"
- label_show: "Show"
+ label_show: "Mostrar"
label_units: "Custos unitários"
label_user: "Utilizador"
label_until: "até"
diff --git a/modules/github_integration/config/locales/crowdin/js-fr.yml b/modules/github_integration/config/locales/crowdin/js-fr.yml
index ca8e9ba6fa6a..5feba158fe67 100644
--- a/modules/github_integration/config/locales/crowdin/js-fr.yml
+++ b/modules/github_integration/config/locales/crowdin/js-fr.yml
@@ -40,9 +40,9 @@ fr:
empty: 'Il n''y a pas encore de demandes de pull liées. Liez une PR existante en utilisant le code OP#%{wp_id}
dans la description de la PR ou créez une nouvelle PR.'
github_actions: Actions
- message: "La demande pull #%{pr_number} %{pr_link} pour %{repository_link} créée par %{github_user_link} a été %{pr_state}."
- merged_message: "La demande pull #%{pr_number} %{pr_link} pour %{repository_link} a été %{pr_state} par %{github_user_link}."
- referenced_message: "La demande pull #%{pr_number} %{pr_link} pour %{repository_link} créée par %{github_user_link} a référencé ce lot de travaux."
+ message: "La requête pull #%{pr_number} %{pr_link} pour %{repository_link} créée par %{github_user_link} a été %{pr_state}."
+ merged_message: "La requête pull #%{pr_number} %{pr_link} pour %{repository_link} a été %{pr_state} par %{github_user_link}."
+ referenced_message: "La requête pull #%{pr_number} %{pr_link} pour %{repository_link} créée par %{github_user_link} a référencé ce lot de travaux."
opened: 'ouverte'
closed: 'clôturé'
diff --git a/modules/meeting/config/locales/crowdin/tr.yml b/modules/meeting/config/locales/crowdin/tr.yml
index 18439c4c0c66..0004117eb6df 100644
--- a/modules/meeting/config/locales/crowdin/tr.yml
+++ b/modules/meeting/config/locales/crowdin/tr.yml
@@ -173,54 +173,54 @@ tr:
text_notificiation_invited: "Bu posta, aşağıdaki toplantı için bir ics girişi içermektedir:"
text_meeting_empty_heading: "Toplantınız boş"
text_meeting_empty_description_1: "Ajanda maddelerini aşağıya ekleyerek başlayın. Her bir madde sadece başlık içerecek kadar basit olabilir ama toplantı süresi ve notları gibi ek detaylar da ekleyebilirsiniz."
- text_meeting_empty_description_2: 'You can also add references to existing work packages. When you do, related notes will automatically be visible in the work package''s "Meetings" tab.'
+ text_meeting_empty_description_2: 'Ayrıca mevcut iş parçalarına referans ekleyebilirsiniz. Bu takdirde, ilişkili notlar iş parçacığının "Toplantılar" sekmesine eklenecektir.'
label_meeting_empty_action: "Gündem maddesi ekle"
label_meeting_actions: "Toplantı eylemleri"
label_meeting_edit_title: "Toplantı başlığını düzenle"
label_meeting_delete: "Toplantıyı sil"
label_meeting_created_by: "Oluşturan"
label_meeting_last_updated: "Son güncelleme"
- label_meeting_reload: "Reload"
+ label_meeting_reload: "Yeniden yükle"
label_agenda_items: "Gündem maddeleri"
label_agenda_items_reordered: "yeniden sıralandı"
- label_agenda_item_remove: "Remove from agenda"
- label_agenda_item_undisclosed_wp: "Work package #%{id} not visible"
- label_agenda_item_deleted_wp: "Deleted work package reference"
- label_agenda_item_actions: "Agenda items actions"
+ label_agenda_item_remove: "Ajandadan kaldır"
+ label_agenda_item_undisclosed_wp: "#%{id} numaralı iş parçası görünmez"
+ label_agenda_item_deleted_wp: "Silinmiş iş parçsına referans"
+ label_agenda_item_actions: "Ajanda maddeleri için eylemler"
label_agenda_item_move_to_top: "Yukarıya taşı"
label_agenda_item_move_to_bottom: "Aşağıya taşı"
label_agenda_item_move_up: "Yukarı taşı"
label_agenda_item_move_down: "Aşağı taşı"
label_agenda_item_add_notes: "Not eklemek"
- label_agenda_item_work_package: "Agenda item work package"
- text_agenda_item_title: 'Agenda item "%{title}"'
- text_agenda_work_package_deleted: 'Agenda item for deleted work package'
- text_deleted_agenda_item: 'Deleted agenda item'
+ label_agenda_item_work_package: "Ajanda maddesinin iş parçası"
+ text_agenda_item_title: 'Ajanda maddesi %{title}"'
+ text_agenda_work_package_deleted: 'Silinen iş parçası için ajanda maddesi'
+ text_deleted_agenda_item: 'Silinen ajanda maddesi'
label_initial_meeting_details: "Toplantı"
- label_meeting_details: "Meeting details"
- label_meeting_details_edit: "Edit meeting details"
- label_meeting_state: "Meeting status"
+ label_meeting_details: "Toplantı detayları"
+ label_meeting_details_edit: "Toplantı detaylarını düzenle"
+ label_meeting_state: "Toplantı durumu"
label_meeting_state_open: "Aç"
- label_meeting_state_open_html: "Open"
+ label_meeting_state_open_html: "Açık"
label_meeting_state_closed: "Kapalı"
- label_meeting_state_closed_html: "Closed"
- label_meeting_reopen_action: "Reopen meeting"
- label_meeting_close_action: "Close meeting"
- text_meeting_open_description: "This meeting is open. You can add/remove agenda items and edit them as you please. After the meeting is over, close it to lock it."
- text_meeting_closed_description: "This meeting is closed. You cannot add/remove agenda items anymore."
- label_meeting_manage_participants: "Manage participants"
- label_meeting_no_participants: "No participants"
- label_meeting_show_hide_participants: "Show/hide %{count} more"
+ label_meeting_state_closed_html: "Kapalı"
+ label_meeting_reopen_action: "Toplantıyı tekrar aç"
+ label_meeting_close_action: "Toplantıyı kapat"
+ text_meeting_open_description: "Bu toplantı açık. Gündem maddesi ekleyip çıkartabilir ve bu maddeleri düzenleyebilirsiniz. Toplantı bittikten sonra kilitlemek için toplantıyı kapatın."
+ text_meeting_closed_description: "Toplantı kapatılmış. Artık gündem maddesi ekleyip çıkartamazsınız."
+ label_meeting_manage_participants: "Katılımcıları yönet"
+ label_meeting_no_participants: "Katılımcı yok"
+ label_meeting_show_hide_participants: "%{count} kişi daha göster/sakla"
label_meeting_show_all_participants: "Tümünü göster"
- label_meeting_add_participants: "Add participants"
- text_meeting_not_editable_anymore: "This meeting is not editable anymore."
- text_meeting_not_present_anymore: "This meeting was deleted. Please select another meeting."
- label_add_work_package_to_meeting_dialog_title: "Add work package to meeting"
- label_add_work_package_to_meeting_dialog_button: "Add to meeting"
+ label_meeting_add_participants: "Katılımcı ekle"
+ text_meeting_not_editable_anymore: "Bu toplantıyı artık düzenleyemezsiniz."
+ text_meeting_not_present_anymore: "Toplantı silinmiş. Başka bir toplantı seçin lütfen."
+ label_add_work_package_to_meeting_dialog_title: "Toplantıya iş parçası ekleyin"
+ label_add_work_package_to_meeting_dialog_button: "Toplantıya ekle"
label_meeting_selection_caption: "It's only possible to add this work package to upcoming or ongoing open meetings."
- text_add_work_package_to_meeting_description: "A work package can be added to one or multiple meetings for discussion. Any notes concerning it are also visible here."
- text_agenda_item_no_notes: "No notes provided"
- text_agenda_item_not_editable_anymore: "This agenda item is not editable anymore."
- text_work_package_has_no_upcoming_meeting_agenda_items: "This work package is not scheduled in an upcoming meeting agenda yet."
- text_work_package_add_to_meeting_hint: 'Use the "Add to meeting" button to add this work package to an upcoming meeting.'
- text_work_package_has_no_past_meeting_agenda_items: "This work package was not mentioned in a past meeting."
+ text_add_work_package_to_meeting_description: "Bir iş paketi tartışılmak üzere bir veya birden fazla toplantıya eklenebilir. Bununla ilgili tüm notlar da burada görülebilir."
+ text_agenda_item_no_notes: "Not verilmemiştir"
+ text_agenda_item_not_editable_anymore: "Bu takvim maddesi artık düzenlenemez."
+ text_work_package_has_no_upcoming_meeting_agenda_items: "Bu iş paketi henüz yaklaşan bir toplantı gündemine alınmamıştır."
+ text_work_package_add_to_meeting_hint: 'Bu iş paketini yaklaşan bir toplantıya eklemek için "Toplantıya ekle" düğmesini kullanın.'
+ text_work_package_has_no_past_meeting_agenda_items: "Bu iş paketinden daha önceki bir toplantıda bahsedilmemişti."
diff --git a/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml b/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
index ce06066d9c18..056f59b49830 100644
--- a/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
+++ b/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ fr:
name: "Rapports OpenProject"
description: "Ce plugin permet de créer des rapports de coûts personnalisés avec filtrage et regroupement."
- button_save_report_as: "Save report as..."
+ button_save_report_as: "Enregistrer le rapport sous..."
comments: "Commentaire"
cost_reports_title: "Temps et coûts"
label_cost_report: "Rapport de coût"
diff --git a/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml b/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
index 9fafe2f8877b..ab4a55fcc858 100644
--- a/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
+++ b/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ ko:
name: "OpenProject 보고"
description: "이 플러그인을 사용하면 OpenProject 시간 및 비용 플러그인에서 생성된 필터링 및 그룹화를 사용하여 사용자 지정 비용 보고서를 생성할 수 있습니다."
- button_save_report_as: "Save report as..."
+ button_save_report_as: "다른 이름으로 보고서로 저장..."
comments: "코멘트"
cost_reports_title: "시간 및 비용"
label_cost_report: "비용 보고서"
diff --git a/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml b/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
index 859cb59a4c71..eb8aa480d16f 100644
--- a/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
+++ b/modules/reporting/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ pt-PT:
name: "Relatórios do OpenProject"
description: "Este plugin permite criar relatórios de custos personalizados com filtragem e agrupamento criados pelo plugin OpenProject Time e custos."
- button_save_report_as: "Save report as..."
+ button_save_report_as: "Guardar relatório como..."
comments: "Comentário"
cost_reports_title: "Tempo e custos"
label_cost_report: "Relatório de custo"
diff --git a/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/es.yml b/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/es.yml
index ff4c0d2c1875..7d60ebdc339c 100644
--- a/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/es.yml
+++ b/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/es.yml
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ es:
error: Se ha producido un error inesperado. Compruebe los registros de OpenProject para obtener más información o póngase en contacto con un administrador
- unauthorized: OpenProject no pudo autenticarse con el proveedor de almacenamiento. Por favor, asegúrese de que tiene acceso al mismo.
+ unauthorized: OpenProject no pudo autenticarse con el proveedor de almacenamiento. Asegúrese de que tiene acceso al mismo.
conflict: La carpeta %{destination_path} ya existe. Interrumpiendo el proceso para evitar sobreescrituras.
@@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ es:
subtitle: Validación de conexión
tenant_id_wrong: El id de directorio (tenant) configurado no es válido. Por favor, compruebe la configuración.
- nextcloud: Contenido inesperado encontrado en la carpeta del grupo gestionado.
+ nextcloud: Se ha encontrado contenido inesperado en la carpeta del grupo gestionado.
one_drive: Contenido inesperado encontrado dentro la unidad.
unknown_error: No se ha podido validar la conexión. Se ha producido un error desconocido. Compruebe los registros del servidor para obtener más información.
userless_access_denied: La contraseña configurada de la aplicación no es válida.
diff --git a/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml b/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
index ace9e4dd9553..0d11d78a66ce 100644
--- a/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
+++ b/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/fr.yml
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ fr:
rename_project_folder: 'Renommer le dossier du projet géré :'
- error: An unexpected error occurred. Please check OpenProject logs for more information or contact an administrator
- unauthorized: OpenProject could not authenticate with the Storage Provider. Please ensure that you have access to it.
+ error: Une erreur inattendue s'est produite. Veuillez consulter les journaux d'OpenProject pour obtenir plus d'informations ou contactez un administrateur
+ unauthorized: OpenProject n'a pas pu s'authentifier auprès du fournisseur de stockage. Veuillez vous assurer que vous y avez accès.
conflict: Le dossier %{destination_path} existe déjà. Interruption du processus pour éviter les écrasements.
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ fr:
unauthorized: OpenProject n'a pas pu se synchroniser avec OneDrive. Veuillez vérifier votre espace de stockage et la configuration de l'application Azure.
user_does_not_exist: "%{user} n'existe pas dans Nextcloud."
- not_found: The destination folder %{folder} could not be found on %{storage_name}.
+ not_found: Le dossier de destination %{folder} n'a pas été trouvé sur %{storage_name}.
complete_without_setup: Compléter sans
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ fr:
client_id_wrong: L'identifiant du client OAuth 2 configuré n'est pas valide. Veuillez vérifier la configuration.
client_secret_wrong: Le secret client OAuth 2 configuré n'est pas valide. Veuillez vérifier la configuration.
drive_id_wrong: L'identifiant du lecteur configuré est introuvable. Veuillez vérifier la configuration.
- group_folder_not_found: The group folder could not be found.
+ group_folder_not_found: Le dossier du groupe est introuvable.
group_folder_version_mismatch: La version du dossier de groupe n'est pas prise en charge. Veuillez mettre à jour votre serveur Nextcloud.
host_not_found: Aucun serveur Nextcloud n'a été trouvé à l'adresse configurée. Veuillez vérifier la configuration.
missing_dependencies: 'Une dépendance requise est manquante dans l''espace de stockage de fichiers. Veuillez ajouter la dépendance suivante : %{dependency}.'
@@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ fr:
subtitle: Validation de la connexion
tenant_id_wrong: L'identifiant du répertoire (locataire) configuré n'est pas valide. Veuillez vérifier la configuration.
- nextcloud: Unexpected content found in the managed group folder.
- one_drive: Unexpected content found in the drive.
+ nextcloud: Contenu inattendu trouvé dans le dossier du groupe géré.
+ one_drive: Contenu inattendu trouvé dans le lecteur.
unknown_error: La connexion n'a pas pu être validée. Une erreur inconnue s'est produite. Veuillez consulter les journaux du serveur pour en savoir plus.
- userless_access_denied: The configured app password is invalid.
+ userless_access_denied: Le mot de passe de l'application configurée n'est pas valide.
label_error: Erreur
label_healthy: Sain
label_pending: En attente
diff --git a/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml b/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
index 90afb04c26b2..95833da9938e 100644
--- a/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
+++ b/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/ko.yml
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ ko:
rename_project_folder: '관리되는 프로젝트 폴더의 이름 바꾸기:'
- error: An unexpected error occurred. Please check OpenProject logs for more information or contact an administrator
- unauthorized: OpenProject could not authenticate with the Storage Provider. Please ensure that you have access to it.
+ error: 예기치 않은 오류가 발생했습니다. OpenProject 로그에서 자세한 내용을 확인하거나 관리자에게 문의하세요
+ unauthorized: OpenProject가 저장소 공급자를 인증할 수 없습니다. 액세스 권한이 있는지 확인하세요.
conflict: '%{destination_path} 폴더가 이미 존재합니다. 덮어쓰기를 방지하기 위해 프로세스가 중단됩니다.'
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ ko:
unauthorized: OpenProject가 OneDrive와 동기화할 수 없습니다. 저장소 및 Azure 애플리케이션 구성을 확인하세요.
user_does_not_exist: "%{user}이(가) Nextcloud에 없습니다."
- not_found: The destination folder %{folder} could not be found on %{storage_name}.
+ not_found: '%{storage_name}에서 대상 폴더 %{folder}을(를) 찾을 수 없습니다.'
complete_without_setup: 이것 없이 완료
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ ko:
client_id_wrong: 구성된 OAuth 2 클라이언트 ID가 잘못되었습니다. 구성을 확인하세요.
client_secret_wrong: 구성된 OAuth 2 클라이언트 비밀번호가 잘못되었습니다. 구성을 확인하세요.
drive_id_wrong: 구성된 Drive ID를 찾을 수 없습니다. 구성을 확인하세요.
- group_folder_not_found: The group folder could not be found.
+ group_folder_not_found: 그룹 폴더를 찾을 수 없습니다.
group_folder_version_mismatch: 그룹 폴더 버전은 지원되지 않습니다. Nextcloud 서버를 업데이트하세요.
host_not_found: 구성된 호스트 URL에서 Nextcloud 서버를 찾을 수 없습니다. 구성을 확인하세요.
missing_dependencies: '파일 저장소에 필수 종속성이 누락되었습니다. 다음 종속성을 추가하세요: %{dependency}.'
@@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ ko:
subtitle: 연결 유효성 검사
tenant_id_wrong: 구성된 디렉터리(테넌트) ID가 잘못되었습니다. 구성을 확인하세요.
- nextcloud: Unexpected content found in the managed group folder.
- one_drive: Unexpected content found in the drive.
+ nextcloud: 관리되는 그룹 폴더에서 예기치 않은 콘텐츠가 발견되었습니다.
+ one_drive: 드라이브에서 예기치 않은 콘텐츠가 발견되었습니다.
unknown_error: 연결에 대한 유효성 검사를 할 수 없습니다. 알 수 없는 오류가 발생했습니다. 자세한 내용은 서버 로그를 확인하세요.
- userless_access_denied: The configured app password is invalid.
+ userless_access_denied: 구성된 앱 암호가 잘못되었습니다.
label_error: 오류
label_healthy: 정상
label_pending: 대기 중
diff --git a/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/pl.yml b/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/pl.yml
index 6779ff456c06..068cfbc52aa3 100644
--- a/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/pl.yml
+++ b/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/pl.yml
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ pl:
unauthorized: OpenProject nie może zsynchronizować się z OneDrive. Sprawdź konfigurację magazynu i aplikacji Azure.
user_does_not_exist: "Użytkownik %{user} nie istnieje w Nextcloud."
- not_found: Folder docelowy %{folder} nie został znaleziony na magazynie %{storage_name}.
+ not_found: Folder docelowy %{folder} nie został znaleziony w magazynie %{storage_name}.
complete_without_setup: Ukończ bez tego
diff --git a/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml b/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
index 638e03e98ead..17f67978fe75 100644
--- a/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
+++ b/modules/storages/config/locales/crowdin/pt-PT.yml
@@ -91,8 +91,8 @@ pt-PT:
rename_project_folder: 'Renomear pasta do projeto gerido:'
- error: An unexpected error occurred. Please check OpenProject logs for more information or contact an administrator
- unauthorized: OpenProject could not authenticate with the Storage Provider. Please ensure that you have access to it.
+ error: Ocorreu um erro inesperado. Verifique os registos do OpenProject para obter mais informações ou contacte um administrador
+ unauthorized: Não foi possível autenticar o OpenProject com o fornecedor de armazenamento. Certifique-se de que tem acesso ao mesmo.
conflict: A pasta %{destination_path} já existe. Interrompa o processo para evitar substituições.
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ pt-PT:
unauthorized: Não foi possível sincronizar o OpenProject com o OneDrive. Verifique o seu armazenamento e a configuração da aplicação do Azure.
user_does_not_exist: "%{user} não existe no Nextcloud."
- not_found: The destination folder %{folder} could not be found on %{storage_name}.
+ not_found: Não foi possível encontrar a pasta de destino %{folder} em %{storage_name}.
complete_without_setup: Concluir sem isso
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ pt-PT:
client_id_wrong: O ID de cliente OAuth 2 configurado é inválido. Verifique a configuração.
client_secret_wrong: O segredo do cliente OAuth 2 configurado é inválido. Verifique a configuração.
drive_id_wrong: Não foi possível encontrar o Drive ID configurado. Verifique a configuração.
- group_folder_not_found: The group folder could not be found.
+ group_folder_not_found: Não foi possível encontrar a pasta do grupo.
group_folder_version_mismatch: A versão da pasta de grupo não é suportada. Atualize o seu servidor do Nextcloud.
host_not_found: Não foi encontrado nenhum servidor do Nextcloud no URL do anfitrião configurado. Verifique a configuração.
missing_dependencies: 'Está em falta uma dependência necessária no armazenamento de ficheiros. Adicione a seguinte dependência: %{dependency}.'
@@ -223,10 +223,10 @@ pt-PT:
subtitle: Validação da ligação
tenant_id_wrong: O ID do diretório (inquilino) configurado é inválido. Verifique a configuração.
- nextcloud: Unexpected content found in the managed group folder.
- one_drive: Unexpected content found in the drive.
+ nextcloud: Conteúdo inesperado encontrado na pasta do grupo gerido.
+ one_drive: Conteúdo inesperado encontrado na unidade.
unknown_error: Não foi possível validar a ligação. Ocorreu um erro desconhecido. Consulte os registos do servidor para obter mais informações.
- userless_access_denied: The configured app password is invalid.
+ userless_access_denied: A palavra-passe da aplicação configurada é inválida.
label_error: Erro
label_healthy: Bom estado
label_pending: Pendente
diff --git a/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-fr.yml b/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-fr.yml
index f912c2d4b1b8..b0450fae0c82 100644
--- a/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-fr.yml
+++ b/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-fr.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ fr:
create_title: 'Créer un nouveau planificateur d''équipe'
unsaved_title: 'Planificateur d''équipe sans nom'
no_data: 'Ajoutez des personnes pour configurer votre planificateur d''équipe.'
- add_assignee: 'Assignee'
+ add_assignee: 'Attributaire'
remove_assignee: 'Retirer l''assigné'
two_weeks: '2 semaines'
one_week: '1 semaine'
diff --git a/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-ko.yml b/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-ko.yml
index 784a6fcfa3a3..976bddc5f403 100644
--- a/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-ko.yml
+++ b/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-ko.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ ko:
create_title: '새로운 팀 플래너 만들기'
unsaved_title: '이름 없는 팀 플래너'
no_data: '담당자를 추가하여 팀 플래너를 설정하세요.'
- add_assignee: 'Assignee'
+ add_assignee: '담당자'
remove_assignee: '담당자 제거'
two_weeks: '2주'
one_week: '1주'
diff --git a/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-pl.yml b/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-pl.yml
index 75d757d2ddb4..c09e759ff2df 100644
--- a/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-pl.yml
+++ b/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-pl.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ pl:
create_title: 'Utwórz nowego planistę zespołu'
unsaved_title: 'Planista zespołu bez nazwy'
no_data: 'Aby skonfigurować planistę zespołu, dodaj przypisane osoby.'
- add_assignee: 'Odpowiedzialny'
+ add_assignee: 'Osoba przydzielona'
remove_assignee: 'Usuń osobę przypisaną'
two_weeks: '2 tygodnie'
one_week: '1 tydzień'
diff --git a/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-pt-PT.yml b/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-pt-PT.yml
index 0b8e1a2d2905..4f7740c4bfb4 100644
--- a/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-pt-PT.yml
+++ b/modules/team_planner/config/locales/crowdin/js-pt-PT.yml
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ pt-PT:
create_title: 'Criar novo planeador de equipa'
unsaved_title: 'Planeador de equipa sem nome'
no_data: 'Adicione responsáveis para configurar o planeador da sua equipa.'
- add_assignee: 'Assignee'
+ add_assignee: 'Pessoa atribuída'
remove_assignee: 'Remover responsável'
two_weeks: '2 semanas'
one_week: '1 semana'