diff --git a/app/controllers/sys_controller.rb b/app/controllers/sys_controller.rb
index c2d0bd085e7d..b12087027fee 100644
--- a/app/controllers/sys_controller.rb
+++ b/app/controllers/sys_controller.rb
@@ -33,46 +33,6 @@ class SysController < ActionController::Base
before_action :check_enabled
before_action :require_basic_auth, only: [:repo_auth]
- before_action :find_project, only: [:update_required_storage]
- before_action :find_repository_with_storage, only: [:update_required_storage]
- def projects
- p = Project.active.has_module(:repository)
- .includes(:repository)
- .references(:repositories)
- .order(Arel.sql("identifier"))
- respond_to do |format|
- format.json do
- render json: p.to_json(include: :repository)
- end
- format.any(:html, :xml) do
- render xml: p.to_xml(include: :repository), content_type: Mime[:xml]
- end
- end
- end
- def update_required_storage
- result = update_storage_information(@repository, params[:force] == "1")
- render plain: "Updated: #{result}", status: :ok
- end
- def fetch_changesets
- projects = []
- if params[:id]
- projects << Project.active.has_module(:repository).find_by!(identifier: params[:id])
- else
- projects = Project.active.has_module(:repository)
- .includes(:repository).references(:repositories)
- end
- projects.each do |project|
- if project.repository
- project.repository.fetch_changesets
- end
- end
- head :ok
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- head :not_found
- end
def repo_auth
project = Project.find_by(identifier: params[:repository])
@@ -104,38 +64,9 @@ def check_enabled
- def update_storage_information(repository, force = false)
- if force
- ::SCM::StorageUpdaterJob.perform_later(repository)
- true
- else
- repository.update_required_storage
- end
- end
- def find_project
- @project = Project.find(params[:id])
- rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
- render plain: "Could not find project ##{params[:id]}.", status: :not_found
- end
- def find_repository_with_storage
- @repository = @project.repository
- if @repository.nil?
- render plain: "Project ##{@project.id} does not have a repository.", status: :not_found
- else
- return true if @repository.scm.storage_available?
- render plain: "repositories.storage.not_available", status: :bad_request
- end
- false
- end
def require_basic_auth
authenticate_with_http_basic do |username, password|
- @authenticated_user = cached_user_login(username, password)
+ @authenticated_user = user_login(username, password)
return true if @authenticated_user
@@ -147,21 +78,4 @@ def require_basic_auth
def user_login(username, password)
User.try_to_login(username, password)
- def cached_user_login(username, password)
- unless Setting.repository_authentication_caching_enabled?
- return user_login(username, password)
- end
- user = nil
- user_id = Rails.cache.fetch(OpenProject::RepositoryAuthentication::CACHE_PREFIX + Digest::SHA1.hexdigest("#{username}#{password}"),
- expires_in: OpenProject::RepositoryAuthentication::CACHE_EXPIRES_AFTER) do
- user = user_login(username, password)
- user ? user.id.to_s : "-1"
- end
- return nil if user_id.blank? or user_id == "-1"
- user || User.find_by(id: user_id.to_i)
- end
diff --git a/app/views/admin/settings/repositories_settings/show.html.erb b/app/views/admin/settings/repositories_settings/show.html.erb
index 316be6b0bdd6..b6880007ae69 100644
--- a/app/views/admin/settings/repositories_settings/show.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/admin/settings/repositories_settings/show.html.erb
@@ -101,7 +101,6 @@ See COPYRIGHT and LICENSE files for more details.
<%= setting_text_field :repository_log_display_limit, size: 6, container_class: '-xslim' %>
<%= setting_text_field :repository_truncate_at, size: 6, container_class: '-xslim' %>
- <%= setting_check_box :repository_authentication_caching_enabled %>
<%= render partial: 'repositories_checkout' %>