helm-wrapper is a helm3 HTTP wrapper with helm Go SDK. With helm-wrapper, you can use HTTP RESTFul API do something like helm commondline (install/uninstall/upgrade/get/list/rollback...).
- If there are some APIs (
related) need to support multiple clusters,you can use the parameters below
Params | Description |
kube_context | Support distinguish multiple clusters by thekube_context |
kube_config | Support distinguish multiple clusters by thekube_config |
- helm install
POST Body:
"dry_run": false, // `--dry-run`
"disable_hooks": false, // `--no-hooks`
"wait": false, // `--wait`
"timeout": "5m0s", // `--timeout`
"devel": false, // `--false`
"description": "", // `--description`
"atomic": false, // `--atomic`
"skip_crds": false, // `--skip-crds`
"sub_notes": false, // `--render-subchart-notes`
"create_namespace": false, // `--create-namespace`
"dependency_update": false, // `--dependency-update`
"values": "", // `--values`
"set": [], // `--set`
"set_string": [], // `--set-string`
"ca_file": "", // `--ca-file`
"cert_file": "", // `--cert-file`
"key_file": "", // `--key-file`
"insecure_skip_verify": false, // `--insecure-skip-verify`
"keyring": "", // `--keyring`
"password": "", // `--password`
"repo": "", // `--repo`
"username": "", // `--username`
"verify": false, // `--verify`
"version": "" // `--version`
-> helm install--values
- helm uninstall
Delete Body:
"dry_run": false, // `--dry-run`
"disable_hooks": false, // `--no-hooks`
"wait": false, // `--wait`
"timeout": "5m0s", // `--timeout`
"description": "", // `--description`
"ignore_not_found": false, // `--ignore-not-found`
- helm upgrade
PUT Body:
"dry_run": false, // `--dry-run`
"disable_hooks": false, // `--no-hooks`
"wait": false, // `--wait`
"timeout": "5m0s", // `--timeout`
"devel": false, // `--false`
"description": "", // `--description`
"atomic": false, // `--atomic`
"skip_crds": false, // `--skip-crds`
"sub_notes": false, // `--render-subchart-notes`
"force": false, // `--force`
"install": false, // `--install`
"recreate": false, // `--recreate`
"reuse_values": false, // `--reuse-values`
"cleanup_on_fail": false, // `--cleanup-on-fail`
"values": "", // `--values`
"set": [], // `--set`
"set_string": [], // `--set-string`
"ca_file": "", // `--ca-file`
"cert_file": "", // `--cert-file`
"key_file": "", // `--key-file`
"insecure_skip_verify": false, // `--insecure-skip-verify`
"keyring": "", // `--keyring`
"password": "", // `--password`
"repo": "", // `--repo`
"username": "", // `--username`
"verify": false, // `--verify`
"version": "" // `--version`
-> helm install--values
- helm rollback
PUT Body (optional):
"dry_run": false, // `--dry-run`
"disable_hooks": false, // `--no-hooks`
"wait": false, // `--wait`
"timeout": "5m0s", // `--timeout`
"force": false, // `--force`
"recreate": false, // `--recreate`
"cleanup_on_fail": false, // `--cleanup-on-fail`
"history_max": // `--history-max` int
- helm list
"all": false, // `--all`
"all_namespaces": false, // `--all-namespaces`
"by_date": false, // `--date`
"sort_reverse": false, // `--reverse`
"limit": , // `--max`
"offset": , // `--offset`
"filter": "", // `--filter`
"uninstalled": false, // `--uninstalled`
"uninstalling": false, // `--uninstalling`
"superseded": false, // `--superseded`
"failed": false, // `--failed`
"deployed": false, // `--deployed`
"pending": false // `--pending`
- helm get
Params | Description |
info | support hooks/manifest/notes/values, default values |
output | get values output format (only info==values), support json/yaml, default json |
helm release history
helm show
Params | Description |
chart | chart name, required |
info | support all/readme/values/chart, default all |
version | --version |
- helm search repo
Params | Description |
keyword | search keyword,required |
version | chart version |
versions | if "true", all versions |
helm repo list
helm repo update
helm env
upload chart
Params | Description |
chart | upload chart file, with suffix .tgz |
- list local charts
Notes: helm-wrapper is Alpha status, no more test
type respBody struct {
Code int `json:"code"` // 0 or 1, 0 is ok, 1 is error
Data interface{} `json:"data,omitempty"`
Error string `json:"error,omitempty"`
make build
make build-linux // build helm-wrapper Linux binary
make build-docker // build docker image with helm-wrapper
$ helm-wrapper -h
Usage of helm-wrapper:
--addr string server listen addr (default "")
--alsologtostderr log to standard error as well as files
--config string helm wrapper config (default "config.yaml")
--debug enable verbose output
--kube-context string name of the kubeconfig context to use
--kubeconfig string path to the kubeconfig file
--log_backtrace_at traceLocation when logging hits line file:N, emit a stack trace (default :0)
--log_dir string If non-empty, write log files in this directory
--logtostderr log to standard error instead of files (default true)
-n, --namespace string namespace scope for this request
--port string server listen port (default "8080")
--registry-config string path to the registry config file (default "/root/.config/helm/registry.json")
--repository-cache string path to the file containing cached repository indexes (default "/root/.cache/helm/repository")
--repository-config string path to the file containing repository names and URLs (default "/root/.config/helm/repositories.yaml")
--stderrthreshold severity logs at or above this threshold go to stderr (default 2)
-v, --v Level log level for V logs
--vmodule moduleSpec comma-separated list of pattern=N settings for file-filtered logging
pflag: help requested
helm-wrapper configuration:
$ cat config-example.yaml
uploadPath: /tmp/charts
- name: bitnami
url: https://charts.bitnami.com/bitnami
default kubeconfig path is~/.kube/config
, you can see Configure Access to Multiple Clusters.
$ ./helm-wrapper --config </path/to/config.yaml> --kubeconfig </path/to/kubeconfig>
replace deployment/deployment.yaml with helm-wrapper image, then:
kubectl create -f ./deployment
Noets: with deployment/rbac.yaml, you not need
For helm install, upgrade, and upgrade-install, replace the chart
parameter with the OCI registry URL for the chart.
There are three ways to authenticate to an OCI registry: request body, config.yaml, and helm settings registry config file. You only need to use one of these methods, but it also shouldn't cause any issues if you provide all three (not that it is advisable to do so).
You can include a username
and password
in the request body.
Similar to how you can add a helm repo under the helmRepos
key in config.yaml
, you can add a registry under the helmRegistries
key. The domain must match the chart registry URL in the upgrade or install request. For example:
- name: registry_name
url: oci://registry.com
username: username
password: password
Both of the previous methods will also create/update the registry config file (the same as the helm CLI). However, you can also put this file in the container and helm-wrapper will use that to authenticate. By default, this file is located at /home/helm/.config/helm/registry/config.json
. Again, the domain must match the chart registry URL in the upgrade or install request. Refer to helm documentation on how to configure this. You can also use one of the other authentication methods and then look at the file that is created in the container.