- Orbbec SDK Python Wrapper Documentation
This document mainly introduces the functions of Orbbec SDK Python Wrapper, which is designed and encapsulated based on Orbbec SDK, mainly achieving data stream reception and device command control.
- Windows: Windows 10 (x64)
- Linux: 18.04/20.04/22.04 (x64)
- Arm32: 18.04/20.04/22.04
- Arm64: Ubuntu18.04/20.04/22.04
- Windows: Visual Studio 2017 and above
- Linux: gcc 5.4.0 and above
- cmake: 3.15.0 and above
- pybind11 2.10.3 and above
- Python 3.6.9 and above
git clone https://github.com/orbbec/pyorbbecsdk.git
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Here, it is assumed that you have installed Python 3 correctly. If you have not installed Python 3, you can refer to the Python official website and choose your Python 3 version for installation.
- Open Cmake, set the source code path, and set the "build" folder as the path for generating binary files, as shown in the following figure.
- Click "Configure" and select the corresponding Visual Studio version and platform version. Then click "Finish", as shown below:
Here, it is assumed that you have installed Cmake correctly. If you have not installed Cmake, you can refer to the Cmake official website for installation.
- Click "Generate", as shown below:
- You can open the Python SDK project in two ways:
Method 1: Use Cmake, click the "Open Project" button, and open the Visual Studio project.
Method 2: Use the file explorer to directly start the Visual Studio project in the build directory, as shown in the following figure:
Right-click "INSTALL", as shown below: The compiled files will be copied to the install/lib directory, as shown below:
Copy the files in the install/lib directory to the examples directory, as shown below:
In the examples directory, execute test examples such as python ColorViewer.py
, as shown below:
git clone https://github.com/orbbec/pyorbbecsdk.git
sudo apt-get install python3-dev python3-venv python3-pip python3-opencv
cd pyorbbecsdk
# Strongly recommended create virtual environment.
python3 -m venv ./venv
source venv/bin/activate # activate virtual environment
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -Dpybind11_DIR=`pybind11-config --cmakedir` ..
make -j4
make install
cd pyorbbecsdk
# set PYTHONPATH environment variable to include the lib directory in the install directory
export PYTHONPATH=$PYTHONPATH:$(pwd)/install/lib/
# install udev rules
sudo bash ./scripts/install_udev_rules.sh
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo udevadm trigger
# run examples
python3 examples/depth_viewer.py
First we need to create a Pipeline, which makes it easy to open and close multiple types of streams and fetch a set of frames.
from pyorbbecsdk import *
config = Config()
pipeline = Pipeline()
Get all the stream configurations for the Depth camera, find the profile corresponding to the resolution, format and frame rate
profile_list = pipeline.get_stream_profile_list(OBSensorType.DEPTH_SENSOR)
depth_profile = profile_list.get_video_stream_profile(640, 0, OBFormat.Y16, 30)
Turn on video streaming by creating a Config, here the Depth stream will be enabled
Wait for a frame of data in a blocking fashion, which is a composite frame containing the frame data of all the streams enabled in the configuration, and set the frame wait timeout to 100ms
frames = pipeline.wait_for_frames(100)
depth_frame = frames.get_depth_frame()
Stopping Pipeline will no longer produce frame data
from pyorbbecsdk import *
self.context = Context()
device_list = self.context.query_devices()
from pyorbbecsdk import *
# ...
device = device_list[0]
sensor_list = device.get_sensor_list()
from pyorbbecsdk import *
# ...
device_info = device.get_device_info()
device_name = device_info.get_name()
device_pid = device_info.get_pid()
serial_number = device_info.get_serial_number()
# ...
from pyorbbecsdk import *
# ...
auto_exposure = True
device.set_bool_property(OBPropertyID.OB_PROP_COLOR_AUTO_EXPOSURE_BOOL, auto_exposure)
from pyorbbecsdk import *
# ...
device.set_bool_property(OBPropertyID.OB_PROP_COLOR_AUTO_EXPOSURE_BOOL, False)
curr_color_exposure = device.get_int_property(OBPropertyID.OB_PROP_COLOR_EXPOSURE_INT)
color_exposure = curr_color_exposure + 1
device.set_int_property(OBPropertyID.OB_PROP_COLOR_EXPOSURE_INT, color_exposure)
# ...
from pyorbbecsdk import *
# ...
device.set_bool_property(OBPropertyID.OB_PROP_COLOR_AUTO_EXPOSURE_BOOL, False)
curr_color_gain = device.get_int_property(OBPropertyID.OB_PROP_COLOR_GAIN_INT)
color_gain = curr_color_gain + 1
device.set_int_property(OBPropertyID.OB_PROP_COLOR_GAIN_INT, color_gain)
# ...
from pyorbbecsdk import *
# ...
mirror = True
device.set_bool_property(OBPropertyID.OB_PROP_COLOR_MIRROR_BOOL, mirror)
# ...
from pyorbbecsdk import *
# ...
laser = True
device.set_bool_property(OBPropertyID.OB_PROP_LASER_BOOL, laser)
# ...
from pyorbbecsdk import *
# ...
ldp = True
device.set_bool_property(OBPropertyID.OB_PROP_LDP_BOOL, ldp)
# ...
from pyorbbecsdk import *
# ...
soft_filter = True
device.set_bool_property(OBPropertyID.OB_PROP_DEPTH_SOFT_FILTER_BOOL, soft_filter)
# ...
from pyorbbecsdk import *
# ...
Please refer to the examples in the examples
directory of the source package and the test cases in the tests
Q: Why do I get the following error when running python3 examples/depth_viewer.py
on Jetson Nano?
illegal instruction (core dumped)
A: Check your OpenCV installation. If you encounter the same error when running
import cv2
export OPENBLAS_CORETYPE=ARMV8 (or whatever the actual hardware is) before launching python should hopefully get around this. For example:
If you would like to make this export permanent, you should open your .bashrc file by typing on the terminal:
nano ~/.bashrc
and add the following line at the end of the file:
Refer to this post
for more information on how to resolve the issue.
Q: Why do I get the following error when running python3 examples/depth_viewer.py
msg:failed to open usb device! error: OB_USB_STATUS_ACCESS
- type:St13runtime_error
[2023-07-04 17:09:19.891859][warning][117523][EnumeratorLibusb.cpp:342] failed to create usb device at index: 1, url:2-1.4.1-6
[2023-07-04 17:09:20.391989][error][117523][DeviceLibusb.cpp:109] failed to open usb device! error: OB_USB_STATUS_ACCESS
[2023-07-04 17:09:20.392032][warning][117523][EnumeratorLibusb.cpp:342] Execute failure! A std::exception has occurred!
- where:342#createUsbDevice
- msg:failed to open usb device! error: OB_USB_STATUS_ACCESS
- type:St13runtime_error
[2023-07-04 17:09:20.392057][warning][117523][EnumeratorLibusb.cpp:342] failed to create usb device at index: 1, url:2-1.4.1-6
[2023-07-04 17:09:20.392072][warning][117523][ObException.hpp:40] usbEnumerator createUsbDevice failed!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "depth_viewer.py", line 73, in <module>
File "depth_viewer.py", line 34, in main
device: Device = device_list.get_device_by_index(0)
pyorbbecsdk.OBError: usbEnumerator createUsbDevice failed!
[2023-07-04 17:09:20.403747][info][117523][Context.cpp:81] Context destroyed
A: The current device does not have permission to access the device, check the PID of the current device
lsusb | grep 2bc5
Your output should look like this
Bus 002 Device 007: ID 2bc5:your_pid_here
,add the following line
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idProduct}=="your_pid_here", ATTR{idVendor}=="2bc5", MODE:="0666", OWNER:="root" GROUP:="video", SYMLINK+="you_device_name_here"
is the name of the device you want to create, for example Astra
Then restart the udev service
sudo udevadm control --reload-rules && sudo service udev restart && sudo udevadm trigger