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File metadata and controls

258 lines (195 loc) · 10.2 KB


Artifacts produced using the whirlpool-replayer

Archived Historical Data

  • state: Snapshot of Whirlpool program owned accounts at the end of the day
  • transaction: All whirlpool related successful transactions (Whirlpool instructions only)
  • token: Decimals of tokens used in at least one whirlpool at the end of the day
  • event: Converted transaction, easy to use with some important account state (old & new)
  • ohlcv-daily: OHLCV data for all whirlpools (daily, sqrtPrice and decimalPrice)
  • ohlcv-minutely: OHLCV data for all whirlpools (daily + minutely, sqrtPrice and decimalPrice)

Data Streaming

Using whirlpool stream, you can track & detect EVERYTHING on Whirlpool program without decoding and replay difficulty:

  • track trades (including tickIndex and sqrtPrice)
  • track pool price
  • track liquidity operations (deposit & withdraw)
  • detect new whirlpool
  • detect new reward emission
  • track all whirlpool account state (delta data transfer)

The beauty of this is that you can start at any point in the past three days. In the event of a disconnection, it can be resumed without loss of data.

Motivation & Core Concept

Replaying the entire Solana would require a lot of resources, but for Whirlpool state alone, replay is possible with a snapshot of the account and all successful transactions associated with Whirlpool program.

Replay realize easy reproduction of the state at all points in time in the past.

whirlpool-replayer library does not require a large amount of resources and is intended to be able to run even on a simple laptop.

This library will give developers free access to Whirlpool history since its genesis until yesterday.


Implementation Architecture

  • replay-engine
    • manage slot state (slot, blockHeight, blockTime)
    • manage account state
    • manage program data state
    • execute instruction with bank
  • whirlpool-replayer
    • fetch required state and transaction from data storage
    • initialize replay-engine
    • execute replaying with callback


Data storage

  • Data is clearly divided into states and transactions.
  • Data is treated as one unit for one day based on blockTime.
  • Whirlpool Program data is also included in the states to handle program upgrade.
  • The relation between states and transactions is as follows:




  • Rust (cargo + rustc)


  • some GB for rust compiler
  • whirlpool-replayer will download required data from cloud storage dynamically, so it can run without disk space.
    • But you can cache the data on the local disk to improve the performance and reduce the network traffic.
    • If you cache all data, the size will be upto 35 GB (at Dec'23).


  • 1 ~ 2 GB depending on the number of accounts and daily transaction realated to Whirlpool program
  • When memory is scarce, using RocksDB to store accounts can limit memory usage to a few hundred megabytes.

Use whirlpool-replayer

You can use whirlpool-replayer library by importing it from GitHub repo directly.

whirlpool-replayer = { git = "", package = "whirlpool-replayer" }

Demo of whirilpool-replayer

This repository contains whirlpool-replay command implementation, and so you can try it as follows.

  • Of course this command implementation depends on whirlpool-replayer library.
  • The following command will just replay all whirlpool instruction at 2022/04/07.
  • It outputs all instruction replayed and the details of swap instruction.
  • data/sample_local_storage contains only data for 2022/04/07 and 2022/04/08.
  • With -m, we store all accounts data in memory (faster).
$ cargo run --release -p whirlpool-replay -- -m data/sample_local_storage 20220407

processing slot: 128703624 (block_height=116654348 block_time=1649375977) ...
processing slot: 128703625 (block_height=116654349 block_time=1649375977) ...
  replayed instruction: swap
    tx signature: 4VXiFMADVXYWqp33sZRFr1n5Jq8MM9y9GAtTTvqzXCLLRLK8YjvWmGqEmT86oMX77kZnphWDowFu5WcAodiZSiyC
    pool: 65shmpuYmxx5p7ggNCZbyrGLCXVqbBR1ZD5aAocRBUNG (ts=128, fee_rate=2500)
      direction: A to B
      in/out: in=2000000000 out=236884278
      sqrt_price: pre=6356607777186099091 post=6356343655694204870
processing slot: 128703626 (block_height=116654350 block_time=1649375978) ...
processing slot: 128703627 (block_height=116654351 block_time=1649375979) ...
processing slot: 128703628 (block_height=116654352 block_time=1649375979) ...
processing slot: 128703657 (block_height=116654381 block_time=1649375997) ...
  replayed instruction: openPositionWithMetadata
  replayed instruction: increaseLiquidity
processing slot: 128703658 (block_height=116654382 block_time=1649375997) ...
  replayed instruction: setRewardEmissions
processing slot: 128703659 (block_height=116654383 block_time=1649375998) ...

If you know the remote storage endpoint, the following will work well, too.

$ cargo run --release -p whirlpool-replay <REMOTE STORAGE ENDPOINT> <YYYYMMDD>

Public Remote Storage Endpoint

Browser access

Program access

Manual download of state and transaction files

If you will use whirlpool-replayer heavily, to avoid duplicated data download, please download files and put them locally.


  • state: <REMOTE STORAGE ENDPOINT>/<YYYY>/<MMDD>/whirlpool-state-<YYYYMMDD>.json.gz
  • transaction: <REMOTE STORAGE ENDPOINT>/<YYYY>/<MMDD>/whirlpool-transaction-<YYYYMMDD>.jsonl.gz


  • From: The genesis of Whirlpool Program (20220309)
  • To: Yesterday (TODAY is not covered)


curl -OL
curl -OL


Replace GZip by ZStandard

  • We can reduce >30% storage
  • It is so fast
  • works well even in streaming mode

Add test cases for each instruction replay handler

Error handling

  • eliminate unwrap (panic)
  • eliminate anyhow

More performance tuning

  • ConfirmedTransactionWithStatusMeta::encode in execute_transaction is the next hotspot
  • Delete unused features such as token balance snapshots
  • 1.17.22 may be slower than 1.16.18
  • find next hot spot

Validation at instruction level

By performing the following verification before and after each instruction is executed, abnormal situations may be detected at an early stage.

  • Accounts that should not exist do not exist
  • Accounts that should exist do exist
  • Token volume consistent with the transaction log has been transferred

More callback

  • slot_begin_callback (implemented as slot_pre_callback)
  • slot_end_callback (implemented as slot_post_callback)
  • transaction_begin_callback (no need for now)
  • transaction_end_callback (no need for now)

WASM build for client use / direct use from Node.js (Typescript) similar to Bankrun

For now, I think it is NOT needed to support other language. We should support them by providing data stream.

Handling new deployment release

We know when whirlpool program have been updated in the past exactly. But we cannot know which slot and which tx index in the block the next version will be released.

Performance tuning

Now I believe that it can process 50 slots per seconds in average, and it is x20 faster than real validators. But there is obvious hot spot and it is whirlpool program compilation everytime to execute transaction.

After eliminating program loading, replayer can process 2 days worth slots in 40 minutes. It is approx x70 replay performance! 🔥

Set Compute Budget

Allow instruction to use more compute budget.

Use 1.16.18

Now patch for solana-storage-proto can be removed.

Support all instruction

The following instructions do not yet implement replay. They are only rarely executed, and they are not technically difficult.

  • InitializeConfig
  • InitializeFeeTier
  • SetCollectProtocolFeesAuthority
  • SetDefaultFeeRate
  • SetDefaultProtocolFeeRate
  • SetFeeAuthority
  • SetFeeRate
  • SetProtocolFeeRate
  • SetRewardAuthority
  • SetRewardAuthorityBySuperAuthority
  • SetRewardEmissionsSuperAuthority
  • AdminIncreaseLiquidity

Switching program version dynamically based on a txid

We need to switch whirlpool program in src/programs/whirlpool.

Separate core and use crate

Using disk to hold state (reduce memory usage)

  • introduce AccountDataStore
  • AccountDataStore on memory
  • AccountDataStore on disk (RocksDB)

Fnmut callback, async callback

Using Fn, but we can collect info via Rc & RefCell.

Support V2 instructions (TokenExtensions)

Related works


input-snapshot and target-snapshot are extracted jito's snapshots using solana-snapshot-gpa.


The transaction DB used above is output of this project.


sedimentology uses this package to extract whirlpool instructions from transactions.


ReplayEnvironment is a modification of poc-framework's LocalEnvironment. Because there were some points that were not suitable for replay, LocalEnvironment was copied and reworked into ReplayEnvironment.


This program stub Metaplex Token Metadata Program like /dev/null in Linux.