- Go to the app service in Azure portal.
- Under "Settings" on the left, select "Environment variables".
- Set the environment variable ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT to "Development".
- Save the environment variables which will restart the server if it is running.
- Go back to "Overview" on the left, and click on the "Logs" tab below the Essentials section.
- At the top, click "Start" if the service is currently Stopped.
- Click "Configure logs"
- Turn "Application logging (Filesystem)" on and click "Save".
- Go back to the Logs tab and click "View log stream". It should say "Connected!"
- Navigate to the site
- Go to the app service in Azure portal.
- On the left under "Development Tools", click on "Console". Note: steps 1-2 here seem to be equivalent to steps 1-3 in method 3.
- Type in: OrcanodeMonitor.exe
- Go to https://orcanodemonitor.scm.azurewebsites.net.
- Under the "Debug console" drop down menu, select "CMD".
- Cd to C:\home\site\wwwroot. Note: steps 1-3 here seem to be equivalent to steps 1-2 in method 2.
- Type in: dotnet OrcanodeMonitor.dll
- Launch Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio
- Connect to Server
- Server name: tcp:orcasound-server.database.windows.net,1433
- Authentication: Microsoft Entra Default
- User name: dthaler_messengeruser.com#EXT#@dthalermessengeruser.onmicrosoft.com
or to connect to the local database:
- Connect to Server
- Server name: (localdb)\mssqllocaldb
- Authentication: Windows Authentication