Reducing is a general operation that can be performed on an array with the purpose of reducing or folding it into a single value (often a number but not always).
Reduce ( val0 arr len fun -- val )
Reduce takes an initial value val0
, a pointer to an array and its length and a pointer to a function definition which takes two arguments and returns a single value.
It returns a single value.
\f! \\ val0 arr len \f:fun
( \\ val arr
$%@ \\ arr val arr[]
\f@ \G $ \\ val' arr where val' = f(val,arr[])
2+ \\ val' arr+2
' \\ val
Count the numbers in an array.
> 0 [1 4 3 6 2] ?C R
:G %%> \(')($ ') ;
Find the maximum number in an array.
> 0 [1 4 3 6 2] ?M R
:L %%< \(')($ ') ;
Find the minimum number in an array.
> 1 [1 4 3 6 2] ?L R
Sum of the numbers in an array.
> 0 [1 4 3 6 2] ?S R
Hash of the numbers in an array.
> 0 [1 4 3 6 2] ?H R