Arithmetic, logic, and comparison operations are fundamental in Tacit. These operations, applied to scalars and arrays, form the building blocks for mathematical and logical computations. This chapter covers their syntax, usage, and examples.
Tacit supports standard arithmetic operations for both scalars and arrays. All arithmetic verbs are dyadic unless explicitly made monadic with the @
Verb | Description | Example Usage |
+ |
Addition | [1 2 3] [4 5 6] + → [5 7 9] |
- |
Subtraction | [5 6 7] [1 2 3] - → [4 4 4] |
* |
Multiplication | [2 3 4] [5 6 7] * → [10 18 28] |
/ |
Division | [8 9 10] [2 3 5] / → [4 3 2] |
% |
Modulus (Remainder) | [8 9 10] [3 4 5] % → [2 1 0] |
Verb | Description | Example Usage |
- |
Negation | [1 -2 3] @ - → [-1 2 -3] |
% |
Reciprocal | [2 4] @ % → [0.5 0.25] |
%% |
Square root | [4 16] @ %% → [2 4] |
%/ |
Logarithm | [1 10] @ %/ → [0 1] |
! |
Factorial | [3 4] @ ! → [6 24] |
Logical operations in Tacit are dyadic and operate element-wise on arrays of equal shape.
Verb | Description | Example Usage |
& |
Logical AND | [1 0 1] [0 1 1] & → [0 0 1] |
` | ` | Logical OR |
Comparison verbs evaluate pairs of elements from two arrays of the same shape, returning a Boolean array.
Verb | Description | Example Usage |
< |
Less than | [1 2 3] [2 2 2] < → [1 0 0] |
<= |
Less than or equal | [1 2 3] [2 2 2] <= → [1 1 0] |
> |
Greater than | [1 2 3] [2 2 2] > → [0 0 1] |
>= |
Greater than or equal | [1 2 3] [2 2 2] >= → [0 1 1] |
= |
Equal to | [1 2 3] [1 0 3] = → [1 0 1] |
<> |
Not equal to | [1 2 3] [1 0 3] <> → [0 1 0] |
Tacit automatically applies operations element-wise when working with arrays of the same shape.
[1 2 3] 2 +
[3 4 5] // Adds 2 to each element
[1 2 3] [4 5 6] +
[5 7 9] // Adds corresponding elements
[1 0 1] [0 1 1] &
[0 0 1] // Logical AND
In this chapter, we explored:
- Arithmetic operations with scalars and arrays.
- Logical operations like AND and OR.
- Comparison operations such as
, and=
These foundational operations are the building blocks for more advanced computations in Tacit. In the next chapter, we will dive into array manipulation, including reshaping and slicing arrays.