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Félix Déage fdeage
Software & stuff (photo credit: Ryan J. Lane, "Eighties computer genius portrait")

42 Marseille, France

ArreaDev arreadev
j’essaye de coder mais c’est compliqué


César de la Rosa cesardelarosa
Physics at UAM and coding at 42Madrid.

Madrid, Spain

Javier A. Rodriguez Jrodriguezncs
Analista de Sistemas. Profesor universitario. Programador en Python, HTML/CSS, JS, C++.

Tecnologías_Inteligentes Buenos Aires, Argentina

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Ethan etburnet
I'm ethan, i try to build project and mostly don't finish them. I love development and management...
Hussam Ra'id Alraggad EngHussam23
Enthusiast Front End Developer, and a passionate UX/UI Designer

Vighting Jordan

Theo Gerardin TheoGerardin
👋 Hi. My name is Theo I'm from France. Currently 42 student in Perpignan ! Strong interest about cybersecurity.

42 Perpignan France

Leonard Grellier lgrellie
Student @42paris since October 2019
Fábio Nicolau Domingos JsExpertCoder
Exploring the unlimited universe of technologies, always eager to learn, my passion drives me to push limits and grow with each challenge. Let’s code 🚀

@tecnologiasarnaldo Everywhere

jenibaud nin9rz
Currently student

42 Angoulême Angouleme, France

vduriez LePetitBob
LePetitBob - Justin Greedoux
Mert Özcan iammertozcan
Code Enthusiast!


rtissera raph2leretour
Developer student at 42 Paris.

@42Paris Paris

Anas 0x0584
Rational C programmer.


Vasco Castro vasco-castro
Currentrly FullStack Web Developer & Student at @42school

Lisboa, Portugal

Heitor Porto portoheitor
Future Software Engineer ☕️
Vivi ishixxx
42 has me by the throat ! 🥲🥲

@42Paris Paris

Soumeya SoumeyaMAADED
Developper Frontend apprentice

Lyon, France

Suliac Sul-iac
Musician at IMEP Paris College of Music who fell in love with programmation and development. Actually student at 42Perpignan since the August 2023 piscine

42Perpignan / Beurart