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Michael Orr Orrmj
Project Manager, Transportation Systems - Rail and Transit Canada

WSP Canada Inc. Toronto, CA

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Rafael Perez Rufistofeles México

i code stuff.

The macOS Sequoia forest

Sabily Rusyda BillyAddlers
Vocational-graduated Illustrator and IT College Student. Likes to do some coding. Discord Tag: riichi_rusdiana

@jDevxyz East Java, Indonesia

Vitaliy Vostrikov Hecatoncheir
I'm a proactive and creative design-developer. I keep a close eye on development.
Caleb Wolf CalebOWolf
Awoooo! A 🏳️‍🌈🐺 on GitHub!

Wolf Howl US

Otávio Luque mecoxeco
Software engineering student, Passionate about programming and games, I put here repositories of some projects that I'm working on!

Maringá - PR

Ayan Acharya AveAng02

Seeking employment opportunities India

GreenYoshi (Wang Han) 2659170494
I come from Fujian Economic School and am currently a Grade 22 e-commerce major. Like programming, music and other activities.

Fujian Economic School China,Fujian

Adam TermNCR
A rather bored DayZ player, enforce ftw


Gourav Kadu gouravmpk
.Net Full Stack Dev currently working at UST

UST Pune

Thielis Barroso Ferreira thielis
A Technology enthusiast in search of constant professional improvement in Information Technologies and Engineering.


Ruben Lima De Oliveira RubRLO
Sou amante de tecnologia e de novidades. Estou no mundo hacintosh a algum tempo, mas ainda estou aprendendo muito.

Limas Brothers Boa Vista Roraima

Trương Tuấn truongvantuan
Lập trình viên Java Web, yêu thích Linux và các dự án nguồn mở.

Hà Nội

TDI Théo tditheo
Hi, I'm just a French guy who try different things. And it work. Or not.

Haute-Loire, France

Yipan Pan ypan1985
Studying VFX tech art, interested in GFX, Shader, particle system, and physical sim.


HUI thelatefuture
Tell a little about yourself
Cloverk1t Cloverk1t
程序🐒 | Web 🐶 | 业余 CTFer | 🥬 的想😭

Shanghai China

Amy ASentientBot
skipping down 32768th avenue

@moraea Ottawa