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Reese Kneeland reesekneeland
Ph.D. student at the University of Minnesota researching Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Computational Neuroscience.


Reshi Adavan ReshiAdavan
4B Computer Engineering @ UWaterloo

Toronto, Ontario

Max Emanuel Feucht MaxFeucht
ML Engineer @ Kaiko

@Kaiko-ai Amsterdam, Netherlands

Kenson Hui kensonhui
4rd year cs/bba @ uwaterloo & wlu

Toronto, Ontario

Prajwal Singh prajwalsingh
Computer Vision and Deep Learning

Varanasi , Uttar Pradesh ( India )

Deepak Deepak-Mewada
Deep Learning for BrainComputer Interfaces | Few-shot Learning | Meta-learning | DL4Neuroscience | AI4SocialGood | Climate | Passionate4BetteringEducationSystem

Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur

Bru bruAristimunha
Computer Science and Neuroscience. Brazil and France.
