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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Dina Kazakevich dinakazakevich
I don't break things, I find things that were already broken.

Tbilisi, Georgia

eg canering

Tampa, FL

Amber Lewis Ambi93

Port Macquarie, NSW Australia

ksia kkk-a11yy
🤞爱好众多的一个人 🧛‍♂️进阶编程的一个人(就说是初步到。。。阶段) 📬欢迎靠谱人士contect 📐技术交流👍 🌝组队解决问题!🤜
Lucas F Aguiar isfttr
PhD Student in Chemistry, works with IP, advanced materials, statistical languages, and some homelabing.

Universidade de Brasília Brazil

Ris Adams risadams
I have been developing software since 1996, and have been developing for the web professionally since 2004.

General Dynamics Mission Systems Pittsburgh

Lisa Hefele lhefele
Postdoctoral research fellow in infectious disease epidemiology

Luxembourg Institute of Health

Vados web-architector
Full-stack developer, passionate about React and Python ecosystem.


Cam Yuji Stark camyujistark
Web developer in base in Melbourne Austraila

@PortableStudios Collingwood

Kerek Plummer kerekplummer
Curious by nature. Analyst by training. A problem-solver, a storyteller, and a lifelong learner.
Ceci Vasoff cvasoff
Ph.D. student in education at the University of Toronto.

Ontario, Canada

Benjamin Garcés CharlesDexterW
Biochemistry Engineer

None really Ecuador