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Juan Carlos Miranda juancarlosmiranda
Computer Engineer | Computer Science | Agricultural and Food Science and Technology. I try to keep learning every day.

Universidad Nacional de Itapúa Encarnación - Paraguay

Jakub Gregorek jakubgregorek
PhD student at Technical University of Denmark.

Technical University of Denmark (DTU) Copenhagen, Denmark

Filip Roszkowski roszekF
MSc student in Autonomous Systems at Technical University of Denmark
Wang Qingyu wangqingyu985
A fifth-year Ph.D. Candidate in Zhejiang University.

ZJU & UHH Zhengzhou, HENAN province

Patrick Schmidt the-patpat
I'm a PhD Student at the Technical University of Denmark, affiliated to the Perception for Autonomous Systems Group (PAS).


Lazaros Nalpantidis lanalpa

DTU - Technical University of Denmark

Ronja Güldenring RGring

PhD Student @ Technical University Denmark (DTU) Copenhagen, Denmark